Wrathful Times

Eh, honestly I am entirely cold to the third and fourth trait - they are honestly pretty useless to us as a controller/support since they do not buff our allies but rather just us.

First and second on the other hand helps keep us alive and gives us a ranged attack.
It's a fighting style - it's going to be focused on effects that help US.

Unless we can find a fighting style based on supporting others (though I've never heard of such a thing IRL, except possibly Phalanx fighting), that's the best we can hope for from a fighting style.
Unless we can find a fighting style based on supporting others (though I've never heard of such a thing IRL
I don't remember styles of support fighting... but there are variations of many styles that specialize in team fighting. Even more so in old weapon ones, it's just they are not fit for sport or dueling or being macho so they mostly died out now.
Most of the heaven knight styles are assuming you are using other skills to suppliment the teamwork portion. For instance, between you and your summons, you can work together flawlessly, and Wrath is trained to support someone who's getting up close and personal. He's mostly 'ranged artillery' for the most part.
Mother Bear seems great, and if we aren't interested in the benefits of later advances, we don't have to take them. It works well with Advanced Magical Projection and Feral Change.
Personally wings is the higher priority, we have other ways to do things for the rest, the wings gives us a whole new dimension to use.
[X] First, visit the forges. We'll have time for shopping later.

Forges first. You can shop later. Following the signs, you head down the large looming hallways, and though a pair of massive stone doors. Onto what appears to be a balcony. Or rather a second level with a very large ramp down the side. A railing separates you from the rest of the forge, and you walk up to it.

The Forge itself is a massive place. Larger even than the hallway portions, you see molten red metal flowing in streams into several large crucibles. People run too and fro in organized work. Hundreds. Perhaps thousands. All of them working towards similar goals. You see metal and sparks everywhere. Hammers and flaring magic.

You've never seen the like.

"Impressive isn't it?" A voice makes you turn.

It's a very, very large man. Taller than you, and broad enough that you think he could pick you up with one hand. His skin is blue and rocky, and he's bald. He smiles warmly at you.

"Yes, it is!" You look back at the work.

"Could watch that for hours. The name's Stone. I'm one of the guides for visitors." You look back at him and look him up and down.

"Really?" You raise an eyebrow.

"Work the forges when I'm not." He hefts a large arm and flexes it. You are pretty certain it's larger than your head.

"I see." You say noncommittally.

"Most summoners go to the markets first. Want to pick up a ring." Stone directs your attention to a smaller area to the side.

The molten metal isn't pushed that way. Instead you see one or two workers carefully placing something into a centerpoint. Then there is a flash of red. And they take them away.

"Good rings are made with some fairly complicated runic arrays. That flash is quick, but it's the end process of a good day's worth of work." Stone nods at the work being done. "Simple rings just need a few carvings, and can be done by your people. But you want something really good you come to us."

"Sounds interesting. I was curious myself." You watch as the place where the ring was placed starts to spark with magic into the visible spectrum. Switching to magic sight nearly blinds you, so you turn that off quickly.

"Well, market should have a few. Though most students can't afford one." Stone shrugs.

You sigh. "I was hoping for something really."

Stone gives another shrug. "If you really want a ring, you might be able to trade something. But the good ones are fairly expensive."

"Something to note. Can I go down and see another being made?" You point towards the array.

"Nope. Forges are off limits to non-smiths. You really don't want to take a wrong step. Plus the heat is hellish." Stone shakes his head. "Even with the runes we have mitigating that, it's still unpleasant. You can watch from here though. There is even a cafe over that way."

You look in the direction indicated. Opposite the ramp, it's a small thing that has quite a few seats. A few of the tables are even arranged to look out at the areas.

"What if I would want other things?" You ask curiously. "Like a dagger, or something else?"

"Rings are the most expensive. But a simple dagger is probably in your budget." Stone purses his lips in thought. "The good stuff can get pricey too. Though it's not as expensive as the rings. Those are high demand, and I don't know how you summoners do it, but they can apparently melt occasionally."

"Huh?" You blink and turn at him fully. "How does that happen?"

"I have no idea. Just that we get certain repeat customers routinely with rings more slag than anything else." Smith chuckles. "Not as if I'm complaining, I just think it's weird."

You can't think of anything that would do that yourself.

[] Any other questions or things to talk about?

Erg, might have to put this one on hold. My inspiration for it is shot lately.
[x]One of my summons has some smithing ability, is it alright if I let her watch too?
[X]One of my summons has some smithing ability, is it alright if I let her watch too?
Good one. That would probably be something she'd like
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[X]One of my summons has some smithing ability, is it alright if I let her watch too?
[X] One of my summons has some smithing ability, is it alright if I let her watch too?
-[X] And we'd be very interested in hearing about what exactly it is the smiths do. Do they have their own type of magic? Is it difficult to learn?
[X]One of my summons has some smithing ability, is it alright if I let her watch too?
[X] If it is not, could he give us/our summon some tips for smithing? Maybe point us in the right direction on how to help our summon develop her smithing abilities?
[X]What is the price range for a good Weaopon and what options are there?

Damn, when inspiration is getting low the best way is to stop and get back later. Or can we try to inspire you with some omakes?
[X]One of my summons has some smithing ability, is it alright if I let her watch too?
[X] If it is not, could he give us/our summon some tips for smithing? Maybe point us in the right direction on how to help our summon develop her smithing abilities?
[X]What is the price range for a good Weaopon and what options are there?
[X]One of my summons has some smithing ability, is it alright if I let her watch too?
[X] If it is not, could he give us/our summon some tips for smithing? Maybe point us in the right direction on how to help our summon develop her smithing abilities?
[X]One of my summons has some smithing ability, is it alright if I let her watch too?
[X] If it is not, could he give us/our summon some tips for smithing? Maybe point us in the right direction on how to help our summon develop her smithing abilities?
[X]One of my summons has some smithing ability, is it alright if I let her watch too?
[X] If it is not, could he give us/our summon some tips for smithing? Maybe point us in the right direction on how to help our summon develop her smithing abilities?
Just caught up, watching your other quest, the Warcraft one, but this one's awesome too.

Is this guy named Wayland?

[X]One of my summons has some smithing ability, is it alright if I let her watch too?
Did our Goblin Lady want anything specific? Or just a bunch of raw steel - I'm assuming that she might want to work it herself - because this is likely the best place to get that. And it's going to be a lot cheaper if she doesn't need it crafted into anything before hand.