Wrathful Times

[X] Jane's elemental wants to fight - so we go with that.
-[X] Go use one of those practice summoning rings and have her elemental fight our summons. If she's directing it to do something it WANTS to do, it will be easier.
-[X] Help her to learn CONTROL. Hopeful Path might have some advice there (she is an elemental, and good at teaching).
[X] Jane's elemental wants to fight - so we go with that.
-[X] Go use one of those practice summoning rings and have her elemental fight our summons. If she's directing it to do something it WANTS to do, it will be easier.
-[X] Help her to learn CONTROL. Hopeful Path might have some advice there (she is an elemental, and good at teaching).

The next day dawns bright and early. Clear and crisp with the hint of cold that signals that winter is coming. You and Jane are already at the summoning circle to get things going. Though you force her to do a bit of meditation to get her mind clear, and wake her up. She's out of the previous stimulant she was taking, and apparently isn't adapting well. You aren't letting her get more.

That done, she summons the serpent in the summoning circle. It thrashes against the place almost immediately, and you can see Jane wince a bit as the thing starts to push back.

You respond this time instead, by summoning your two girls. The strain is palpable, but you've grown since you last tried this, and are able to handle it. It takes the serpent a long moment to notice them.

When it does though, you are caught off guard. One moment it's glaring at Jane, and the next it's lunging at Lady Four Rocks. Fast. Bubbles trail off it, and you see divots being carved into stone as it moves.

Hopeful Path is there to intercept it. A flash, and the serpent rears back in pain.

Lady Four Rocks takes a few steps back, and you see two shadow goblins form behind her. All of them back away as bubble start flying everywhere. The serpent either can't or wont direct them, so it's less threatening than it could be, but you see a few burst against the circle barrier explosively.

Hopeful Path growls as the serpent recovers and it responds by lunging at the wolf with mouth opened wide. It bites down, and your summon's growl turns into a snarl. You see steam as the serpent starts to shake it's head in an attempt to rip apart Hopeful.

Your goblin's shadows attack at this point. The pickaxes hit the scales of the thing and bite just enough to make the snake let up on it's bite.

Hopeful takes the opening and you see a flash as fire is everywhere. There is hissing and steam. Enough to make things nearly impossible to see. You don't know what happens next, but another flash of fire explodes out, and the steam is blown away.

The serpent has been driven back. It's maw is smoking, and you see more than a few places cracked and dry. As you watch water starts to flow over it, but you can just make out the cracks still there. The serpent hisses and coils in on itself.

Hopeful stands opposed, Lady Four Rocks behind her. The Wolf has had better days though. A chunk of her shoulder has been ripped out, and molten rock drips from it. The red patterns on her body are red hot and glowing, and you hear a soft growl. There are no more shadows either, though Lady Four Rocks seems fairly intact.

Jane's concentrating hard on her serpent, and you focus on yours as well. Trying to get a good feel of the damage.

Then the serpent starts to bubble and you see it shimmer in some indefinable way. You flash your eyes into the magical sight, and gulp just a bit. The links between it and Jane are resonating like nothing you have ever seen. The serpent starts to radiate magic, and you see bubbles flow out from it like a waterfall.

In desperation you try to replicate the same with Hopeful. She has to do it.

Two pure white wings of fire radiate from her shoulders, and you stagger under the strain. Hopeful Path laughs like a bell, and then the bubbles drop like a tsunami onto her.

The resultant steam explosion is impressive in a way that you've never seen before, and hope not to see again. You can't see anything but water steam and fire for a very long moment, and then there is an almost gentle impact against your hand.

The steam clears and you see the serpent slowly slithering across the battlefield. No more bubbles on the field, but the ground is absolutely soaked. Lady Four Rocks stands opposed, but Hopeful is nowhere to be seen.

"Enough." Jane states, and the serpent hisses again. "Enough!" She shouts, and then the serpent stops just above Lady Four Rocks.

Then it disappears as her summoner pulls it back.

After that, Jane's presentation is almost anticlimactic. The Serpent is still very willful, but appears to be at least willing to work with her. Jane told you that after the battle she managed to bribe it with almost a whole cow. From what she's said, the battle had wiped out the thing, so the food was a very good bribe.

Hopeful is injured enough that you won't be able to summon her for awhile unfortunately. Probably by the end of the next quarter she will be fully recovered. Fortunately Lady Four Rocks is still available, and your report goes smoothly.

You in the dead middle of the pack now. Several of the lower scorers have dropped out as well. Your class is notably smaller now.

Next quarter is Sojourn Accompaniment taught by High Summoner Garen. Taught bright and early in the morning, it's by all accounts a brutally hard class.


Skill learned: Alignment - Cost 2 (4) - Allows a summoner to forcefully bend a summons to her will, and boosts their abilities in the process. Cheaper if the summons is willing, and non-intrusive.

Summoning +
Specialty Goblin Knowledge
Communion +
Time has passed, Reserve +

Classes next quarter
Morning: Sojourn Accompaniment
[] Afternoon:
[] Evening:
[] Night:

[] Field trip:
Morning: Sojourn Accompaniment
[X] Afternoon: Summoning
[X] Evening: Magical Projection
[X] Night: Communion

[X] Field trip: Echoing Halls
Edit: Updated vote

So, here's what I'm thinking. As a summoner, we are essentially a support mage - we summon, and use our summons as our primary actors. But we want to also act as a force multiplier for our summons. We currently have one ability specifically that's ideal for that: Magical Projection. This power gives us Healing, Magic item creation, and enchantment like effects - all of the staple powers of the support/utility mage. So our next step is mastering that, on top of mastering summoning.

Add Communion as a natural extension of that (communication is key in battle, and the higher levels make it obvious that it's the communication magic), and we've got the things we're learning.

Echoing Halls is the place where they make magic items, and that's the next thing we want to learn about, so we go there (also, the only field-trip destination we haven't been to yet).
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Echoing Halls is the place where they make magic items, and that's the next thing we want to learn about, so we go there (also, the only field-trip destination we haven't been to yet).
While it isn't the only destination we haven't been, I do agree with the logic given the description of the place:

The third place is the Echoing Halls. A massive underground area near the south pole. A lot of wonders are forged there, and it's one of the best place for magical items. Though those are expensive, and beyond your budget. The people there are also very, very good sailors, and there is an underground port there?
These are the current descriptions for the magical projection branch.

Intermediate: Healing Touch (Minor wounds), opens up aural effects, opens up touch attacks
Advanced: Item attenuation (Allows you to shape and personally power items.)
Expert: Healing Touch upgrade, Touch attack upgrade
Mastered: Item recreation

We are currently at the intermediate upgrade. If we are going to go to the premier place for magical items, ones that are expensive and that we won't be able to afford, we might as well go the whole way skills wise and get "Item Recreation". The value under the circumstances are hard to understate. And thus:

Morning: Sojourn Accompaniment
[X] Afternoon: Magical Projection
[X] Evening: Magical Projection
[X] Night: Magical Projection

[X] Field trip: Echoing Halls

@Lost Star - Were the front page stats updated?
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The communion skill was level one before this turn, so it should be two now. I'm not sure if the summoning skill is right from memory, so you could have updated it or not. It's meant to be either 9 or 10 as the main motivation for upgrading it was to get it to expert level, I'm not sure how close we were though.
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We might want to train summoning, cause doing so will push us over the edge to expert level. Also it would be nice to catch up a bit. Do we know what our worst school subject is? Or our best?

Do we know what Jane's plans are for the field trip? I kinda want to keep an eye on her.
You are actually pretty good scholastically. That report was a big section of your grade though, so it pushed you down a fair amount, and you are tested on the basics of summoning, which you are relatively high in.
Hm, okay. Still, always room for improvement.

Morning: Sojourn Accompaniment
[X] Afternoon: Sojourn to where Hopeful Path is and ask if we can help her heal in any way.
-[X] Perhaps try using the healing touch we've learned from Magical Projection.
-[X] If Hopeful Path feels up to it maybe she could teach us how to help her?
-[X] Ask the teacher what we should be doing for an injured summon.
[X] Evening: Summoning
-[X] Make a study group with your friends (Jane in particular)
--[X] Also ask Jane what caught her eye about her snake. Why she decided to try for it in particular and not any other powerful summons
[X] Night: Magical Projection

[X] Field trip: Echoing Halls

I'm cramming a lot in there. If it's too much, tell me and I'll adjust it.
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That's fine. I can't say it will all be done, but if you want to you can. I try to keep it simple just cause that's easier for new people to get in IMO. Long complex votes make it hard for people to discuss sometimes.
[X] Afternoon: Sojourn to where Hopeful Path is and ask if we can help her heal in any way.
-[X] Use the healing touch we've learned from Magical Projection.
-[X] If Hopeful Path feels up to it maybe she could teach us how to help her?
-[X] Ask the teacher what we should be doing for an injured summon.
[X] Evening: Summoning
-[X] Make a study group with your friends (Jane in particular)
--[X] Also ask Jane what caught her eye about her snake. Why she decided to try for it in particular and not any other powerful summons
[X] Night: Communion

[X] Field trip: Echoing Halls
[X] Afternoon: Sojourn to where Hopeful Path is and ask if we can help her heal in any way.
-[X] Use the healing touch we've learned from Magical Projection.
-[X] If Hopeful Path feels up to it maybe she could teach us how to help her?
-[X] Ask the teacher what we should be doing for an injured summon.
[X] Evening: Summoning
-[X] Make a study group with your friends (Jane in particular)
--[X] Also ask Jane what caught her eye about her snake. Why she decided to try for it in particular and not any other powerful summons
[X] Night: Communion

[X] Field trip: Echoing Halls
[X] Afternoon: Sojourn to where Hopeful Path is and ask if we can help her heal in any way.
-[X] Use the healing touch we've learned from Magical Projection.
-[X] If Hopeful Path feels up to it maybe she could teach us how to help her?
-[X] Ask the teacher what we should be doing for an injured summon.
[X] Evening: Summoning
-[X] Make a study group with your friends (Jane in particular)
--[X] Also ask Jane what caught her eye about her snake. Why she decided to try for it in particular and not any other powerful summons
[X] Night: Communion

[X] Field trip: Echoing Halls

The start of this quarter dawns with dark and stormy clouds. Cold is starting to sweep into the place, and you are not pleased with the constant wind. Fortunately it dies off when you get to the school, and you are ushered into a small open area nearby the tower. You notice the line of a large circle as you get up close, and that people have been directed to sit inside it.

After a long moment of nervous waiting the High Summoner finally appears. He's old. That much is obvious. Long flowing beard, almost pure white hair, and a stern expression that makes you lock up. This man suffers no fools, and his look at you all is just shy of condemning.

He walks in front of you all with large deliberate steps, and then stops dead center. He's carrying a staff, and the thing flares with power every now and again as you look at it.

"You have just passed the midpoint of your study." Gareth states plainly. "You can now all be conceivably considered summoners."

Here the man scoffs and slams his staff down. You all jump as power flares outward in visible waves. Electric blue and clinging, it hits the edges of the circle you stepped over and it flares with light.

"You have made but the first step." The man's voice is low and almost menacing. "You are all guppies."

Something massive moves in the distance, and your eyes glance over. You swallow slightly as you realize the world outside the circle has changed. You are deep underwater. Anything more than that is nearly impossible to tell. But you can see something large and horrifying the depths outside. Teeth and tentacles slowly wrap around the bounds of the circle, and you see a giant eye.

"This is what it means to be a High Summoner." Gareth's staff clicks across the stone as he walks to the boundary of the circle, and his hand reaches across the boundary.

There is a shriek, and the thing outside struggles for a long moment. Magic arcs every which way, and then the entire thing folds in on itself. Then it's pulled in, and a ring on the man's finger glints.

"That was a pure binding against an ancient elemental." Gareth waves his hand and the surroundings change back to your school. "Done with what I am teaching you next. Sojourn Accompaniment. I will be teaching you the circle pattern for it, as well as what is required concentration wise."

The High Summoner looks at you all as he continues. "This spell has a hefty requirement for power, and an even larger requirement for the circle to be absolutely perfect. You will not only learn how to do this, but you will learn how to draw the circle for yourself."

"You might be wondering why. You can just draw it once, and then use it routinely correct?" Gareth slams his staff down, and you all jump again.

"Wrong! This circle is integral to traveling to other places in the realms. Otherwise you are restricted to a portion around your initial drop point. So you will learn and have it done perfectly. This is a pass fail exersize. If you fail, you are done."

You hear more than a few gulps. You suppose it's a good thing that you can memorize it with one look.


Practicing Sojurn is an experience after your previous class actually. You are a bit raw, but using just the standard skill is almost relaxing afterwords. You aren't doing it to really get anything. Just to get a feeling of where you can go. It's almost relaxing, even if you get kicked back when something decides to hit you.

The Green and Leafy path is nice with the massive plants and other things. You catch a hit of some very large bugs, but don't catch sight of your mother.

The familiar path is to a rather empty dandelion field actually. You don't explore much more, but you get a hint of something in the distance in two directions.

The cold and clear place is actually a windswept area of ice and snow. You find a cave, but aren't able to explore it more without getting kicked back, and catch sight of some fairly monstrous looking things in the snow. None of them chase you though.

Trying to get into contact with Hopeful is less easy. From what you are informed, if the summon is damaged enough that they can't be summoned, then it's only time that will fix it. They will be able to manifest when they are capable of sustaining themselves in reality. Inside the ring they are more a formless energy. Apparently it's rather restful, so it's best just to leave her be. You could even take off the ring and the summons will just sleep.


Study, study, study. You, Jane and Kane work at getting better at the basics. This is a good time for it really. Aside form memorizing the summoning circle you don't have anything else scholastically this quarter. You work hard on getting this done.

You also get into a conversation on the first summons.

"It impressed me." Jane admits about hers. "Found it fighting a big plant creature for several days. I started stalking it, and when it won it was really weak. Probably not the best idea initially, but it's calmed down some, and is strong."

"Considering you near killed yourself." Kane mutters.

"Oh like you are one to talk, Mr I summoned a Lady." Jane sticks out her tongue.

"Fairy lady." Kane points out.

"You do know how those scale right?" Jane gives a little smirk, and Kane looks a bit embarrassed.

"Scale?" You blink at the term.

"Fairies at low level are the weakest of the Fay." Jane explains. "Ladies Fairies are middling of the noble classes though, and High Ladies are considered some of the most terrifying fey out there."

"More accurately Faeries have a fair amount of power in general, they just don't know how to apply it until they mature and raise in rank." Kane clarifies. "It's a bit different than your Goblin. They actually don't get much power, and their noble classes are some of the weakest of the bunch. They are dangerous in groups."

Jane snorts at that. "I hear tell of an entire court under called undermountain that has enough goblins to flood the world. That one's weird."

Kane inclines his head. "It's a rumor, but it's one that's repeated enough that I am fairly convinced it's real. If it is, the High Summoners are likely working on breaking it apart."

"Why?" Both you and Jane lean forward at this.

"They dislike fey getting together. Never really understood why, but the courts have examples of when they get too big. The High Summoners will knock them apart." Kane shrugs. "They don't mind really. If the High Summoners are strong enough to do it, then they have the right in the fey mind."

You have to shake your head at that.

-- Night

"So you are working on dragging people into other worlds now?" Wrath's voice is amused as he clarifies what you are doing.

You blink a few times. "I think I could actually. It's meant for summoning, but I think I could get drag you along too." You admit.

"Might be interesting." Your friend chuckles and stretches.

You cut off from staring as he does that. Why doesn't he wear a damned shirt?! Shaking off the heat, you continue. "It was pretty cool when he bound that sea monster in an instant though."

Wrath shudders. "Don't remind me please." Another shudder and he hunches in on himself.

"Huh?" This is the first time you've seen him uncomfortable.

"Sorry, we have tales of seamonsters and others. A favorite horror story is things coming out from the sea and eating people." Wrath gives another shudder. "Personally, I can't even get nearby a large body of water without getting fearful. The sea?" He just shakes his head.

"Well, good to know." You grimace. "Sorry to make you uncomfortable."

"It's fine." Wrath waves his hand. "Have you given any thought to becoming a heaven knight though?" He gives a small grin.

"I'm afraid I haven't." You admit.

[X] Well, you've been exploring lots of other non-summoner magics...whats one more?
- [X] "What does becoming a Heaven Knight involve? Would I be required to follow your laws?"
[X] Well, you've been exploring lots of other non-summoner magics...whats one more?
- [X] "What does becoming a Heaven Knight involve? Would I be required to follow your laws?"
[X] Well, you've been exploring lots of other non-summoner magics...whats one more?
- [X] "What does becoming a Heaven Knight involve? Would I be required to follow your laws?"
[X] Well, you've been exploring lots of other non-summoner magics...whats one more?
- [X] "What does becoming a Heaven Knight involve? Would I be required to follow your laws?"
[X] Well, you've been exploring lots of other non-summoner magics...whats one more?
- [X] "What does becoming a Heaven Knight involve? Would I be required to follow your laws?"
I smell plot thread. Obviously we much get our own Goblin Lady to mudstomp and conquer the Undermountain horde. Yes. We could flood the world! *cackles* I mean. If necessary.
[X] Well, you've been exploring lots of other non-summoner magics...whats one more?
- [X] "What does becoming a Heaven Knight involve? Would I be required to follow your laws?"
[X] Well, you've been exploring lots of other non-summoner magics...whats one more?
- [X] "What does becoming a Heaven Knight involve? Would I be required to follow your laws?"