Wormverse ideas, recs, and fic discussion thread 1

Yes, i know i'm looking at them now. So what kind of camp/ slum would have hero presence, but minimal, that is not part of a city?
I believe most refugee camps are fairly separated from any towns/cities nearby if not fully independent. Also, refugees aren't allowed to travel freely so that obviously increases the perceived distance if not the geographical one. Of course, the rules are likely different for camps set up for people whose city got smashed but are still in their home country.

Anyway, I imagine that any refugee camp in Worm would have some heroic presence, if not from the Protectorate or equivalent agencies than from independents. I do think it would only be a minor one though; I don't think there's anything in a refugee camp that'd draw in a major gang or villain so there would only be small time street level crimes to worry about.

Edit to prevent double posting:
Now, how bad would conditions be? Or, to put it basically, i want a shithole that heroes only patrol nominally. And where there's barely any water, food, or medicine.
If that's what you want then that's what there is.
If you wanted to you could have all the refugees live in trees like ewoks and receive rations of 7-Up and canned chicken alfredo via hastily modified tunnel boring machines. That's the fun of making stuff up.
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I believe most refugee camps are fairly separated from any towns/cities nearby if not fully independent. Also, refugees aren't allowed to travel freely so that obviously increases the perceived distance if not the geographical one. Of course, the rules are likely different for camps set up for people whose city got smashed but are still in their home country.

Anyway, I imagine that any refugee camp in Worm would have some heroic presence, if not from the Protectorate or equivalent agencies than from independents. I do think it would only be a minor one though; I don't think there's anything in a refugee camp that'd draw in a major gang or villain so there would only be small time street level crimes to worry about.

Edit to prevent double posting:

If that's what you want then that's what there is.
If you wanted to you could have all the refugees live in trees like ewoks and receive rations of 7-Up and canned chicken alfredo via hastily modified tunnel boring machines. That's the fun of making stuff up.
Yes, but i want a camp thats both plausible, and full of problems for my protag to solve
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Yes, but i want a camp thats both plausible, and full of problems for my protag to solve
Well then, I think it's totally believable for a refugee camp in Worm to be a pretty awful place. They're not known for being nice places IRL and we haven't had unstoppable monsters stomping around for the last twenty some odd years.
Well then, I think it's totally believable for a refugee camp in Worm to be a pretty awful place. They're not known for being nice places IRL and we haven't had unstoppable monsters stomping around for the last twenty some odd years.
And, if you want to get into that angle, Cauldron might consider them likely sources of Triggers, which arguably makes them something you want. And by 'you' I mean Cauldron.
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And, if you want to get into that angle, Cauldron might consider them likely sources of Triggers, which arguably makes them something you want. And by 'you' I mean Cauldron.

I'm not sure if Cauldron wants to increase the number of natural triggers. Everyone says they don't, although I don't know any references for it, even though Contessa is trying to make an army.
I'm not sure if Cauldron wants to increase the number of natural triggers. Everyone says they don't, although I don't know any references for it, even though Contessa is trying to make an army.
It's one of the logics that I wanna say a WOG gives but definitely people do in relation to 'why allow the S9 to exist', and in any event that doesn't mean a story can't run with that angle. Unless you have a canon quote for 'actually, they want reduced triggers and actively work towards that', it's greyzone stuff at worst.
It's one of the logics that I wanna say a WOG gives but definitely people do in relation to 'why allow the S9 to exist', and in any event that doesn't mean a story can't run with that angle. Unless you have a canon quote for 'actually, they want reduced triggers and actively work towards that', it's greyzone stuff at worst.

They allow the S9 to exist in order to drive people to the Protectorate, not to create natural triggers.
I must have missed the original post, but if we're talking about post-levi relief centers, there should be tons of anecdotes from recent events to draw upon, for what the shelters (and more importantly, the post-shelter recovery process) would be like
I must have missed the original post, but if we're talking about post-levi relief centers, there should be tons of anecdotes from recent events to draw upon, for what the shelters (and more importantly, the post-shelter recovery process) would be like
True, but i don't want my story anywhere near taylor.

I swear, if i hear the words "queen of escalation" again.....
Okay, here's the fic I was hoping to make.

There were..... gunshots....

Why is Mother bleeding? I thought we were safe behind the wall?

I'm afraid I can't help you. It hit too many arteries. And I have no tools. If only I had some medicine and bandages.....

Why can't you help me? Why couldn't the government help us? Why did we have to live like this? Why did Leviathan destroy Japan? Why couldn't the heroes stop them it? Why couldn't they give us new homes?

I'm sorry, kid. Its just that.. we're not all powerful. We have limits.


I awoke.

It was that same dream again. The day I got my powers. The day i got the strength to change the world. Sitting up from my bed, I walked over to the other side of the shack, which was my home. My mother lay there, sleeping. The gunshot wound had healed over, with the bullet removed. Her clothes were still stained red with blood, but underneath the bandages, there was no bleeding. I watched her for awhile, marveling that she was still alive, listening to her breathing steadily. Then I walked out of the shack, preparing for a new day.

The town, or if I was honest, the refugee camp or slum, was a mess. Populated by people who had their homes destroyed by Leviathan, it was populated by Japanese. When Leviathan sank Japan, many people fled their homes, journeying to America in hopes of finding a better life.

They did not.

America itself was falling apart, torn apart by civil unrest and villains. There was no money, no space, no help for Japanese refugees who could find no work, not speak the language, and had nothing with them other than the clothes on their backs. They had no place for them in cities, either. So the refugees were given tents and other equipment, and then told to wait. They pitched their tents, dug wells, and waited for an opportunity. Or for help. Or something that would save them from destitution.

Nothing came. There was no political will to help these strangers from across the sea. And most people didn't have the money or resources to start. So they stayed there, living off charity and food drops from other people. Without employment, unrest started. The situation became worse. The heroes barely patrolled here, and there were no police. No police, and gangs started to form. Currently, the camp was ruled by a parahuman, Push, who got the power to fire away blasts of telekinetic energy after recharging. He and his gang ruled the place, grabbing the food and forcing people to pay in things like cigars, beer, or.... other things.

Walking past a Doctor Beer's tent, I saw a long line of people, and couldn't help but smile. Doctor Beer was a friend of my mother's who had met her in the camp. He was a general doctor and a surgeon, and usually tried to help others using his medical expertise. Though he was often hamstrung by his lack of tools and medicines, he still had saved several people from cholera. And now the lines of people outside his tent were longer than ever. They must have realized, that he could now do far more than an ordinary doctor. Good for him. And good for me, too. Since they all think that its him that's the parahuman.

Walking several more hundred meters, I walked into the tent of another person. This was Kimura, a man who used to be a soldier. He had left the military before Leviathan came, and had come here in search for work. Sadly, he found none, and had been staying here with his brother. A brother who had been killed by Push's gang a week ago.

Opening the flap and walking inside, I looked up at the 2 meter tall sniper put on my best smile. Making myself sound as confident as possible, I asked. "How would you like to get the power to avenge your brother?"
Um... apolgies for the doublepost, but the above snip is the exalted/ worm crossover, where the oc gets a powergranter ability.
Better than your previous attempts, Accelerator, but you've still got that telling issue.
The reply ban was kind of more disruptive to this thread than the offending conversation...

Anyway. Question: in what ways are Cauldron shards 'dead'?

I know they're not being 'fed' energy from a parent entity, they don't bud, and they don't manipulate towards conflict unless that function was pre-baked into the shard. For all that, they're clearly still functional. What else is different?

Can dead shards still make friends with their hosts in the same way as Bonesaw & Jack? Do they have an active intelligence of their own like Miss Militia/Moord Nag? Can they be brought back to life?
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The reply ban was kind of more disruptive to this thread than the offending conversation...

Anyway. Question: in what ways are Cauldron shards 'dead'?

I know they're not being 'fed' energy from a parent entity, they don't bud, and they don't manipulate towards conflict unless that function was pre-baked into the shard. For all that, they're clearly still functional. What else is different?

Can dead shards still make friends with their hosts in the same way as Bonesaw & Jack? Do they have an active intelligence of their own like Miss Militia/Moord Nag? Can they be brought back to life?

They're basically braindead, from what I understand.
They don't have any deployed energy gathering apparatus. Hence Eidolon's problem. They are not braindead, witness Canary being fucked over by hers--but they are a bit more limited in how they mentally fuck their hosts.
Wait, how did Canary's shard have anything to do with her being screwed over? That was entirely an abusive bunch of glory-hounding political and juris-bureaucratic officials looking for a scalp to hold themselves up as champions.
Wait, how did Canary's shard have anything to do with her being screwed over? That was entirely an abusive bunch of glory-hounding political and juris-bureaucratic officials looking for a scalp to hold themselves up as champions.

Canary wasn't fighting. so Canary's shard went "WHEE CONFLICT!"
Canary wasn't fighting. so Canary's shard went "WHEE CONFLICT!"
Except... it didn't suddenly activate in an unexpected manner. She didn't pull a Lelouch and have it activate when she didn't mean to; she forgot/didn't realize he was still influenced by her power when she yelled at him.

At worst, you can argue that her forgetting to be cautious or her choosing those exact words were her shard influencing her decision-making, and even that's a big stretch considering that her reaction is rather reasonable (under normal circumstances) to the behavior of her so-called boyfriend. You wouldn't need a "whee conflict" impulse from an alien influence on your brain to get a LOT of women in Canary's position to respond EXACTLY the same way.

Canary's situation brings to mind something I saw somebody state a few days ago that I wanted to probe the crowd-sourced intellect of this forum over, though. Somebody commented that the Birdcage would be "hilariously unconstitutional" in the real-world USA, or that it could be considered such in wormverse unless there was a change to the Constitution (but that it was likely tolerated even if it did violate the Constitution). I'm trying to think of how the Birdcage itself violates the US Constitution, and coming up blank.

It is a life imprisonment sentence with no possibility of parole, but it's not really "cruel and unusual" unless you want to define "unusually inescapable prison" as "unusual," or "exposure to other criminals is cruelty" as "cruel." Given that it's not even a unique punishment, but rather merely a sufficiently-high-(but-standardized-)bar-as-to-be-rarely-applied one, it still doesn't seem to meet the intended bar for "cruel and unusual." (If it did, ANY novel new punishment, no matter how humane nor well-intentioned, would be unconstitutional for its unusual nature.)

Am I missing or forgetting something?

(Now, the violations of Due Process that are shown with Canary are unconstitutional, but that's another story.)

(...actually, that'd be an interesting divergence-point for an AU. Dragon is bound to obey any LAWFUL order she is given by a lawful authority. What if Canary had had a Constitution slipped to her in transit somewhere, and found the Due Process clause, and discussed that with Dragon as Dragon was transporting her. Dragon, if she interpreted the Due Process clause correctly, could rightly identify that the order to incarcerate Canary was unlawful.)