(Worm) To Boldly Grow...

I don't get what this means? If she knows it's Scandinavian she would use the correct spelling.
If you haven't noticed, Taylor is NOT writing it down, she is saying it. With an atrocious attempt at a foreign accent for a language she doesn't know and has at best heard spoken in some American movie.

And as you yourself pointed out, there is not a singular Scandinavian language. Taylor is doing the American thing of treating large parts of Europe as a single country. Heck, have you forgotten that she's basing this on Pavel Chekov, who wasn't Scandinavian at all.

The whole thing is a multi-layered bullshit move keeping everyone guessing who she is and where she's from.
Could she actually be an American with a brain for bad movies? Possible.
Could she actually be from somewhere in Scandinavia? Nobody knows enough to reasonably doubt it.
Could she actually be from the future where spellings and pronunciations have changed? Nobody knows enough to reasonably doubt it.
Could she actually be from an alternate Earth with different spellings? Nobody knows enough to reasonably doubt it.
I don't get what this means? If she knows it's Scandinavian she would use the correct spelling.

Why say "The Scandinavian version" then when it's not Scandinavian, there's nothing inherently Scandinavian about writing words with a 'K'. She could have just as easily just spelt it out for them if it was important later. Because right now if they 'google' it they will find the spelling 'Kaptein' or one of the others and call her that instead.

This might seem silly but I genuinely do not understand this since the only place I've found the spelling 'Keptain' is a Hong Kong based financial firm and a musical artist. Y'all don't misspell words like tungsten, fjord, ombudsman or moped which are all Scandinavian words.
If you don't think Americans misspell everything, or assume it comes from X part of the world based on how they think it sounds, you haven't been paying attention.

How do the French pronounce Paris, again?
What's that word, the Spanish one, for a bucking horse competition, with clowns and bull riding? How do they pronounce it, as opposed to Americans?

That a teenage girl without access to google translate made a mistake isn't nearly as bad as Americans not being able to pronounce a Race, a Religion or an entire culture correctly.
Log entry 8 11.26.10
Log entry 8 11.26.10 **********************************


As she got close to home she could see the red and blue flashing lights of two patrol cars parked on the street outside her home. So, no more flying as a cloud of bugs.

She dropped down to the bushes and reformed into a humanoid shape. Reducing it closer to her own size and particulars, she felt her real body with the clothes she was wearing when she triggered pulling out of a storage space –in her head.

Bitten up all over her face, lacerated wrists from trying to wriggle out of the manacles, she was a real mess as she staggered out of the bushes heading toward her house.

Her mom's anguished voice was what she heard, not the cursing half draw of weapons by the officers posted to watch.

"Maddie!" Mom pushed past the cop who had been talking to her, down off the porch and was ready to hug Madison when the female cop lunged in with an arm.

"Evidence chain. We need pictures and any samples to be had first."

"You have got a lot of nerve..!" Mom started but then Dad, the rock of the family was back. He'd set the coffee tray down in a maneuver that spoke of waiting tables in college –nary a drop spilt– and with a touch on Mom's shoulder stopped her building tirade.

"Hun." At Mom's pause. "Let them do their job." He gestured at me.

My cutesy clothes were a mess, but I was smiling at Mom. "Relax Mom. A HERO saved me. She got me out of the basement just when I thought I would die."

One of the cops had pulled out photography gear. Oh, they had an actual forensics team on site. Flash, Flash. He took several shots, one close in on my wrists. Another was right there in a moment, swabbing this and that before we'd gotten off the porch.

A female cop led me inside straight to the bathroom. "I need you to carefully take off everything you were wearing, put them in these bags. I am recording this so if you want to talk about what happened, we won't miss anything while it is fresh…"

Last thing I could see was Mom enfolded in Dad's arms, which was heartwarming as she had to bend down inches to do so. I got my height, so far anyway, from Dad. Mom was taller and used to getting her way around the office.

We'd been at it for maybe twenty minutes before the officers outside broke in to tell the one talking to me that the PRT had turned over three ex-students dropped off by Skidmark of all people into the hands of independent capes, who had passed them off to PRT.

"Did you see any of this?" She asked me.

Shaking my head slightly, "I saw one cape, a woman. She broke the door and then the handcuffs they had put me in. I was about to pass out, she carried me out into the fresh air." Wrinkling my nose. "She was made of bugs!"


"Roaches, beetles, wasps and other things all stacked onto each other or swarming onto each other. She —ah— wasn't wearing clothes."

"Did she have a mark on her like a," She held a hand up to form a 'C'. "Did she act confused?"

I tilted my head. "Confused? No, she seemed very certain to me. Called herself Pestilence when I asked. She mostly just wanted me to head home. She seemed to know I was missing…"

I'd put on my bathrobe once the detective was satisfied that she had my clothes as evidence. My hair was still a mess, some bugs stuck in it. I was trying to comb them out, but a few were persistent.

"You… seem to be taking this very calmly." The detective noted.

"Give it an hour tops and I will fall apart like a Jenga tower bumped by a labrador. For now, I am really just too numb to care. The adrenalin thingee. Can I give my statement tomorrow?"


Dad heard me and somehow firmly ushered the cops still in the house outside. The two who stayed longer nursing the coffee were apparently supposed to keep an eye out for a few hours, in case of repercussions from the Merchants. Yeah, Dad didn't believe it either.

Mom had swept in on me after I'd rinsed off and insisted on brushing my hair like I was ten again.

Dad came in and stood there with his cup in hand. "So. There's more to this, I can tell."

"Some of the girls in my study group got accused of cheating. It was just a ploy to get rid of the top twenty scores on midterms by failing kids looking to sweeten the curve."

"The curve?" Mom asked.

Dad waved that aside. "Were you accused of cheating?"

"No. But someone told those clowns that I was the one who fingered them as the accusers. They really sold it to each other that leaving me to the school was just deserts for what I did."

My mother took my face in her hands and looked me in the eye. "Do you believe that?"

"In a pig's eye." I deadpanned.

"That's my girl." Dad noted. "Now, get some sleep and we will go to the BBPD offices to give your statement tomorrow. No school anyway because of the holiday, if you feel okay over the weekend you can go back Monday.." He waved mom out of my room, where we'd ended up.


"Robert Clements, what has gotten into you?" She followed him into the kitchen.

He took a seat at the counter, steepling his fingers. "She is hiding something."

Pfft. "Teens hide things by default."

Nodding. "She said she ran home. But she wasn't winded and our Maddie gets winded after a light jog . Feared for her life? No tears, no streaked makeup. She had bugs in her hair and she wasn't the slightest bit freaked out. Bugs."

Crossing her arms, Eve Clements waited. "What about the bugs?"

He shook his head. "I saw them dear. Three of those she combed out are tropical species. One of the spiders was as poisonous as a widow."

"But if she encountered a bug-controlling cape..?"

"That is still a possibility, but drops in likelihood when you consider the lack of news on a bug controlling cape. That would suggest a new trigger. And who just went through a new trigger situation?"


Freyja had us up for training in a shared virtual space early the next morning. Even though Sophia and Emma were in their own beds at home, we were conferenced in like we were in the same room.

"Miss Clements is protected by an exceedingly flimsy story. The narrative may fail due to scrutiny if we do not act quickly."

"Speak freely. What do you suggest?" I ask.

"I have sufficient footage of everyone you interact with to generate imagery of her in the clothes she was wearing that day at a distance down the hall with Pestilence in the frame. You can post this from an account on PHO established for the Keptain."

"Not that I have an account for that purpose, is that the only suggestion?"

"Another part would be to mail to Miss Clements a selfie taken by Pest, as something Pest gave her in lieu of something taken by her phone which was dead." Freyja noted.

Sophia laughed. "The old Clark and Superman in the same place thing ."

As Emma and I arched eyebrows at her she got a little defensive. "What? I am allowed to like old shows."

Nodding in agreement. "That seems like a reasonable plan."

The puppet hand forming a face –even in the virtual environment– seemed to inch forward, waiting for.

Oh, you have got to be kidding me. Fine. "Make it so." I said in my best Janeway voice.

"Thank you Keptain."

Maybe turning Freyja on to those old shows had been a mistake. She did find a lot of the shows that had never had a strong following here on Bet, but were available to purchase electronically.

"Have you tracked the visor you gave her?" Emma noted.

"No. It did not reappear within my range after she reached within two blocks of her address of record. It might be that her power has a storage feature for worn material."



Her phone was charging, she hadn't remembered to put it on after the officer did something to it with powder and some tape, then returned it.

There was a soft ding and she got a text from an unknown number.

It was a picture. One half was her face, a little streaked and dirty yet happy. The other half was her again as Pestilence! Wait, it was a selfie as if taken by Pestilence. How the hell did that work? The caption was simple. "Burner phone: Sending since yours was dead as agreed. Stay safe. Pest"

Well, that was cool. And it did solve a few niggling things like no one seeing her leaving the school. Looking at the picture closer, she realized two things. One, she hadn't had tear streaks when she got home as herself. Two, Pest was wearing the helmet/visor thing they'd handed her.

Wait, where was that?

Her bedroom door was closed. She opened her closet door so she could see her full mirror inside as well as blocking line of sight from a 'sudden mother entrance', then switched to her Pest form.

Huh. There was the visor again, but it wasn't made of bugs. She could take things into and out of her other forms. That explained how her school clothes came back. Cool.

The visor itself lit up.


We'd been watching a CPR demonstration in virtual space when Freyja paused it.

"Miss Clements' visor is back online. I am pinging her for communication."

An over-large image of her face took up the screen on the virtual space. "Miss Clements, did you receive the 'selfie' on your phone?"

"Yeah. How did you DO that?" She paused.

Wait for it.

"Who the hell are you?" She squeaked.

There it is. "Maddie, relax. That is Freyja. You don't have to speak up to talk to us, we are all on the line as it were. Just avoid using non-cape names."

"Right," Her eyes visibly looked right and left. "This thing is pretty ah distinctive. I won't be able to talk long if I have to bug out to get at it."

Emma piped up. "The earpiece on the right can disconnect and act alone. It only needs to charge once a day or so. Just put it back in the helmet to charge. That will charge when you wear it here in the city as long as Freyja is local."

"Freyja? Is she your backer, teammate or something else?"

"Little of column A, B and C, you might say." Sophia was poking at the three-d CPR dummy and the figure generated to show the positioning. Bored.

"I can answer questions, but in the interest of operational security we are limited to what we can tell you. There is less available if you cannot keep secrets."

"I can keep secrets!" She squeaked.

The view faded out on the screen. And we could hear Madison's voice change. "Mom?! You messed me up. Now I lost my place in the scene."

"Scene, honey?" Her mother's all too suspicious voice answered.

I could HEAR the grin she was giving in her voice. "I was practicing my lines. After last night I realized I am going to be an actress. I'm going to try out for a part in Capes of our Lives."

The screen came back on from a view from Madison's desk. It showed her facing off her mother in her room –ah the cellphone, Freyja had hacked it.

"Actress you say?"

"Of course."

"Is that why there is a spider trying to hold an earpiece from falling out of your ear?"


"Put that away and say goodbye to your friends dear. Your father and I want to talk to you."

So busted.

The puppet arm face turned to us. "Kiki is aware of and supports Shadow Stalker. Have you considered whether it would be wise to bring in the Barnes parental unit? Or your older sister, Anne?"

Emma asked. "Why would you bring up Anne?"

The projection changed to Emma's room where Anne was at the door watching her from an open door. "Because she is watching you currently."

"At ease!" I say crisply. "The image projected over you is stable, shows you asleep with some REM eye movements. Freyja, be ready to beam out the visor in case she reaches for Ems to wake her."

Anne Barnes

Both girls were crashed-out on a Friday midday –albeit a holiday– that didn't make sense in her memory of her sister. But Taylor being here, as a sister now in fact as well as treatment, had changed the dynamic. Mom and Dad had pushed the defense classes and general dojo time as being for Taylor's benefit, but Anne could see how it was benefitting Emma as well.

Huh, she knew both girls were growing, but dammit, Taylor had clearly passed her in height. Emma still made her look flat chested, but now she could see the suggestion of abs on both girls. That was …honestly fair. Anne had a dancer's body, but had lost some tone while on the free-range snack diet of college life.

"Em, are you going to welcome me back? Keep it up and I will just have to put a bedroll on the floor for you and take your bed."

Emma herself took that as a cue to pop awake and look at her older sister with a grin that included just a pinch of Gingembre in it. "Thumb wrestle you for it?"

Waving hands. "Not on your life, you cheating cheater who also cheats." Anne grinned back. "So Turkey coma, day two?"


I took that as my cue to stretch from where I had been on the older couch that had been relocated to Emma's room –all the better to host the study group my pretties– off to one side. "Turkey coma, yes. But also a late night eighties TV binge. We found a site that hosts a lot of the older Star Trek and Voyager shows. We are planning to watch some Babylon Five to get a little something different."

Anne dropped next to me on the couch as I completed the turn to put legs to the floor. "Nerds!" She hugged me tight and attempted to noogie me across my scalp.

I evaded and stood up.

Zoe called from downstairs. "Anne! Did you get the girls up?"

Anne chuckled. "Yes. We are coming."

"What's the deal?"

"Dad wants to talk to you about the expulsion." Anne's eyebrows shot up as if she was shocked by the whole thing. "I am shocked, shocked I say!"

I rolled my eyes. "Come on downstairs. If I am going to be grilled about this we can skip doubling up in the household at least." I led the way down.

There was Alan, Zoe and Dad? He got up from his chair and came over for a hug. "Hey little one. I got a day pass to show solidarity. I may not be much of a father, but I still want to be your Dad."

I was touched. And I was slightly startled as I was not only taller than him, I could look down on the top of his head.

"You've grown."

Oh shit.

"You and Emma both are shooting up like weeds." He winced. "That or I am shrinking. Am I shrinking, Alan?"

Knowing Dad's humor. "You totally are shrinking Danny." He clapped lightly. "Before we get caught up in another round of Dad jokes, we have one of my partners here to listen in on Taylor's side of things." He waved around. An older gentleman stepped out of the kitchen, silver-white haired in a light blue suit.

"Henry Fenway." He smiled easily. "My brothers Garry and Marcus are the ones that got 'Filchem' added. Garry is the firebrand, Marcus is the liberal while I am just semi-retired. Why don't you sit down and give us some backstory on this accusation?"

It took at least two hours to satisfy the adults with a full spread on everything from the study group, the way it had turned into the only thing keeping some of the Cheerleaders and most of the Football team from failing out. There were a number of the nerd crowd doing some of the study aid, it wasn't just me, but we were the ones organizing things.

They listened to the recording of Blackwell. And then because they were looking at my phone, they saw and listened to the recording from Julia and Mai.

"Do you think these girls –or this Paul boy– would act against you?"

"I don't see why. After a little social jiu jitsu, Taylor had them give up on that tack. She held them to the week without help and then let them back in like nothing had happened. She even spent extra time with one of the defensive line –he is sweet on you by the way– to have him pass on enough for them to scrape by." Emma said, winking at me.

I made a slight gagging noise. "Kevin?" I blinked. "Someone please explain to him the difference between endzone and friendzone, before he is hit with a fifteen-yard penalty for roughing the passer."

This got a chuckle from the men present, except Dad who had gotten a dark look that cleared when I underlined my feelings for 'Kevin'.

Then they dropped the shocker and we attempted to be shocked.

"Were you aware that the three that fingered you as cheaters were themselves caught having tied up one of your classmates in Winslow's basement?" Henry was playing at Matlock, one of those shows Dad used to watch in reruns of reruns.

Country lawyer instead of country investigator, but you get the idea.

"I think I saw something involving Winslow in the PHO posts today. There was a cape sighting and the Protectorate showed up."

Emma laughed. "They said Skidmark left some would be Merchants for the cops but nobody would verify it so it is still flagged as hearsay."

"That it would be, except my contacts at the Protectorate have verified it." He got up and smiled. "Alan, I think I will be putting my weight behind this one as well. If nothing else, this Blackwell is unprincipled and I would not mind un-principaling her." He winked slightly. Matlock to a tee.

He said his goodbyes and did his thing, pressing the flesh.

But when he came to me and Emma, he held my hand between his for an extra moment. "I think you have a real case, Taylor. I would be happy to give the firm's backing in any way we can."

He left a business card in my hand, flipping my hand over as he released so it wasn't obvious.

I blinked.

Filchem –er Fenway– they were the Parahuman law specialists aside from Carol Dallon. And they were the ones handling Sophia's needs, by way of Kiki Hess.


"I will keep that in mind, Mr. Fenway."

He smiled knowingly. "You do that."
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thank you for the chapter and for writing. hey author iv been trying to find a way to watch babylon 5 again just can't find a streaming service that does it for free got any links you could pass along would really help
That's a very Japanese name that clashes with her apparent upbringing.
We might think that, but, have you seen just how weird some of the nicknames people get landed with???

Parents: when you name your kids, think twice, then think again, what sort of name you're landing then with.
That's a very Japanese name that clashes with her apparent upbringing.
It's also a French name meaning the month. Assumptions should be placed in overhead bins or stowed under the seat during the flight. o_O

As a rule, I try to modify names slightly to avoid clashes but ones like this occasionally have hidden cultural overlap. Chalk it up to clueless Merican and move along.

Same with calling a hard "K" sound Scandinavian. Was it Russian or German ? Eh, foreign parts. :oops:
I'm not certain that this is an error, since it could also be a pun, but 'prologue' is the word for a "…separate introductory section…"

However, it could be a pun, since 'Prolog' is a programming language.
I'm not certain that this is an error, since it could also be a pun, but 'prologue' is the word for a "…separate introductory section…"

However, it could be a pun, since 'Prolog' is a programming language.
If there is ever a doubt, probably a pun. In this case, most of the chapters in my head are "Log entry" or "Log entry supplemental" so this was a "Prolog", the thing before the log. :whistle:

The programming language would be a close second, as I have experienced many of them Forthsooth. I speak with a little Lisp, just wait and C. Lately wrestling with Python -- an array consisting of a for loop with a condition, you say? Incredi-mental.
Log entry 9 11.27.10
Log entry 9 11.27.10 **********************************


Coming into a quiet kitchen, both her parents sitting at the table with coffee cups at the ready and untouched, was unnerving.

Having her father gesture her to sit without meeting her eyes was worse.

"You triggered."

Not seeing a way out of this. No help in denying the obvious.


Mom was still mouthing 'triggered?' and focused on me. "You didn't tell us."

Head tilt. "Did you want me to blurt it out in front of ten cops? What do you want to bet that there were three, maybe four of them in the Empire's pocket."

"The Empire serves a purpose in the Bay." Dad started only for Mom to interject.

"Robert!?" Mom gave him a disgusted look.

"Let me finish. The purpose they serve is to hold on and keep the real monsters outside this city. The Teeth. The Fallen. There are other groups that make them look like kittens. They are hate-mongers but we are not their targets." He took a breath. "But that doesn't mean I want my daughter working for them. Or any other gang."

Mom took a calming breath. "What about the Wards?"

If I didn't jump in here and now, there would be no discussion before there was a 'decision'. Then they would unite against whatever I proposed.

"There are other options." I offered.

That had them both blinking.

"I was saved. Just not exactly in the way you thought." I held out a hand and let my pinkie become a mass of ladybugs that crawled into my palm, ran into a circle then back to reform as a pinkie again. "Shadow Stalker you have heard about. Keptain and Gingembre are new. They've formed a group, all girls so far. They came for me when no one else did."

"Except Skidmark." Dad pointed out.

I shook my head. "The Merchant leader was there but not for me. It was for an opportunity if I was inclined that way –and I might have gone that route in anger if he handed over the scum that left me there to die." The sound of insect wings filled the air as I let my anger show. For a moment my fingers were each giant hornets, jaws clamping. I tried to school my thoughts and returned to my cutesy self. "The Wards have a focus on presenting themselves as family friendly, something I don't think I can do." My own hand shook as I had to force the feelings down.

"Maddie?" Mom shivered. Then she stood and came around to hug me.

All the tension left me with the feelings that warmth brought up. Dad put out a hand as well.

"The ones that saved you. They don't care. They won't treat you differently?" He seemed wistful.

"Dad, they are my …friends." I paused. "I knew some of them before I triggered, and I had no idea they were capes."

"There are capes going to Winslow?" He huffed. "That should have been obvious, not like they all could go to Arcadia anyway."

Mom gave him 'the look'.

"The Wards are moved to Arcadia for the most part. Unless it would be really obvious." He shifted. "I…can't help your group directly. But I have contacts with the government –outside of the PRT. I'm not quite the mild-mannered businessman you know."

Mom rolled her eyes at his posturing. "Don't fib to a fibber. Just because you hobnob with the DC crowd from time to time…" She left that hanging, a doubt showing in her face.

"Dad's secrets aren't the subject here. Mine are." I step back a little to shift fully over to my bug form, taking off the helmet visor to set on the table. "They have another friend in the background, one who can make tech like this." Shifting back to human looks fully, I turned it so that it was facing us.

"Is this thing on?"



It was just as well her Keptain had spoken with her about this already.

"I hear you Miss Clements. Keptain is otherwise occupied as are Shadow Stalker and Gingembre. How may I assist you?"

Maddison. "This is my mother and father. They know about me being a cape. I would like to reassure them it would be …better to join your group than to go to the PRT."

"We, as a group, have assets that we can call on. What you would call Tinker tech, but without the usually expected limitations. Our health plan includes family members, evacuation in the face of Endbringer events. We will not interfere with law enforcement or take steps against the gangs directly unless they threaten one of our members or their family." Freyja was speaking up, making sure they understood the situation.

"You don't sound like a teenager." Dad noted.

That gave Freyja pause. "It is true. I am older than my Keptain." Freyja looked for a way to explain her feelings. "As she rescued Shadow Stalker from the injuries of street violence. As she guided Gingembre through her school life. She even found me trapped in my own darkness and set me free."

"That sounds very noble. What does she want from our daughter?" Mom's voice was steel.



The voice coming from the visor chuckled lightly. "My Keptain is a great collector of the wounded that she heals and sets free to follow their own heart. And so far everyone she has touched has chosen to stay associated with her of their own free will."

"Your… Keptain?" Dad steepled his fingers. "That doesn't sound like a name. More like a rank or a station." He touched his chest and I knew he was feeling the dog tags he still wore under his shirt, something that had been true since I was a child at least.

A faint light played out from the visor to where his hand still touched. "Scanning. I … see." Freyja pulled from several public databases. Then from several that sent red flags across areas of the internet. Military. Government. International.


Dad's demeanor changed slightly. "Ah, ah." He wagged a finger 'no'. "Don't spill my secrets my dear… Ah me. We still haven't heard your name."

"I am called Freyja."


Sophia showed up on our doorstep dressed for a run. Okay, she probably ran here all things being equal.

"I know Blackwood is out so what she said is worth a fart in a hurricane, but we still need to do some running to justify the abs and muscles. Growth spurt would just make you taller and thinner." She turned to Emma who had also come down as I let the dark whirlwind inside. "And you… Gonna lose all those gains if you don't keep working the pains." Is it sad that I recognize her Guy pose from Naruto?

Emma grinned. "We can swing by the dojo and get some time on the bags."

I caught sight of Anne watching from the kitchen. "Ah, the bags. I see what you mean." I had turned off many of the alerts Freyja could give me about the things going on around. Not being startled by almost bumping into people coming around corners got suspicious quickly.

Anne piped up from the door. "You guys want a ride to the dojo?"

Glancing at the window and at Sophia's feet. "No mud. It doesn't look like it will rain later. Sophia here won't be satisfied if we aren't sweating it out on the way there as well as back."

The person in question made a muscle pose. "Pains for gains."

Anne gave us a look. "Right. Well, I have a membership with the parent chain at my college. I will head up alone if I have to. See you three there."

It dawned on me, she must have been about to bring it up anyway. She was dressed for a workout as much as for lazing around the house. Anne was more of a fitness freak than Emma would ever be, but it was hard to realize they were sisters sometimes.

"Fine. Getting my running shoes on, be right back." I took the stairs two at a time.

Emma, the lazy snit, pulled hers out of the cubby by the door, swapping house shoes for her sneakers.

As we left the house at a light jog, I tapped my earbud surreptitiously. "Give us situational alerts and updates on citywide events as appropriate. Monitor and unlock stealth options on a spike of heart rate."

Sophia was all smiles now, getting access to some of the toys was better than school lockdown mode after all.

Jogging downtown at a slow pace put us in the crosshairs of various people. We always had a few of the unaligned assholes watching to see if there was anyone worth waylaying for kicks or cash. Then there are the pretentious skinheads looking to impress the light girl at the same time they cow the dark-skinned person with us. Today, there was a contingent of Asian fellows not quite sporting red and green, sniffing around a contended corner property.

We crossed the road away from them like good little girls should.

And this is where I failed to make my purposes clear to Freyja. I did not intend to run into the Wards patrol.

"Hey look, it's the kiddy patrol, along with Cap… Commander Obvious." She changed her planned quip fast enough to avoid a spark at her earlobe this time.

We held up as the group of three coming across the street skipped the traffic by somehow stepping up briefly to the green bar holding up the light itself –which in turn seemed easily wide enough for them to stand two abreast– then down just in front of us as we slowed.

The one in white clock faces spoke up as if prompted. "Greetings, citizens. How are you this fine evening?"

The older boy with the Lion head shaped armor face-palmed, shaking his head. Triumph?

I must have subvocalized it. "That is indeed Triumph, Clockblocker and Vista." the quiet voice spoke in my ear.

"Clock, don't be such a creeper. Hiya, I am Vista." Green dress, with a bike helmet and a visor spoke up to us.

"Hello to you." I found myself turning to face Triumph, offering my hand to shake. "Congratulations on your induction to the Protectorate."

The part of his face not covered reddened a bit, he straightened up to look up at me. "Thanks.", he croaked out.

Mind you, when someone who's whole powerset is to screech out tones that break walls, you might wince a little when their voice cracks. I maintained composure despite his hitch.

Then I made sure to include Vista, offering my hand to her as well. She seemed to take it in stride.

"Military brat?" She asked in a stage whisper. "They always get weirded out when I greet the ranking officer first."

I lean in a little. "What do you mean?"

She winks visibly through the visor as Emma gushes and works the autograph book she keeps in her purse. Sophia is being jovial yet standoffish about capes. Bored when not sweating.

Vista waved at the others. "They are deferring to you like ducks following the V in air. You must be the alpha."

I felt Sophia perk up in reaction to that, bristling slightly.

Smiling a bit, I step back a notch as Emma plies Clockblocker for a signature now that Triumph is even redder than before. "They don't defer to me. Ems is a raving fangirl and Soph is from out of town –capes don't grow on trees down south."

Sophia piped in. "Not the ones you come up to and say 'hi' that is." She looked down the street. "They look a lot more like those idiots."

Down the street, just outside of the block wide perimeter I'd set for alerts, a giant of a woman in Valkyrie armor with a round shield and a sword at her hip was pushing a panel van backwards with her leg.

The vehicle was undamaged, and the white, clearly New Yorker driver, was yelling back about deliveries.

"Move it yourself. This road is the route for a peaceful protest to the handling of Empire members by ze authoritarian government flunkies."

Hooboy. I was seeing the overlay map light up with red marks. This was not an isolated event.

Triumph was getting fed directions as well. "Ladies, you should evacuate down Park street. Wards, it is time for a tactical retreat…"

I waved my hands in negation. "Not a good option. We came from that way and there were ABB members loitering around the plaza on the corner of Park and 3rd. They might be prepped for an ambush of the marchers or even their minders." I gestured to my left. "We can cut through the service road here and come out a block up without interacting."

Triumph dithered a second. Emma took the moment to offer an arm to Clockblocker. "Oh, please escort us to safety, dear sir?"

Vista huffed in annoyance that cutely matched Sophia's expression. The alley I'd pointed to seemed to compress down to next to nothing.

"Huh? It feels harder to move or keep this up for some reason. I'll go ahead to check if it is clear."

Triumph relayed his new path and escort duty while Clock and Emma did a few steps from the Wizard of Oz together. Wait, if she is Dorothy and he is the Scarecrow, and we already have a Cowardly –well an ex-Wardly– Lion, does that make me the Tin Man?

Sophia laughed at my face but took both me and Triumph by the arm and pulled us along to follow the other three.

Apparently, a bit of Emma's boisterous outlook had infected Clockblocker or unlocked his own I suppose, and then passed along to Vista. Who knew she was a closet Oz fanatic?

Triumph was not so welcoming of the analogy of course and had moved ahead with Vista as she let the third of the blocks uncompress from the straight path and moved to do the passage down the right-hand turn that should put us behind the moving demonstration of stupidity on foot.

Left behind the four, Sophia glanced at me. "Does this make me Toto?"

"Totally." I deadpanned back. "Unless you want to be a Tin Man?"

"Haha no. but you have to admit, Toto pissing on the Witch would have been better than throwing a bucket of water at her." She grinned ferally.

"Never change, Sophia, never change."

A loud voice called out as we waited behind Triumph and Vista. "Hold!"

The telephone pole sized spear lined up from the voice to our little alley made it important to pay attention to.

"Relax! We just went around your bunch to keep out of the mix." Triumph pitched his voice to something like a loudspeaker. "We are running escorts for civilians."

She seemed to lower the spear a notch. "What do you mean, mix?"

Sophia looked ready to say something but Emma tapped her shoulder. Stepping forward, she used those lungs she had from the talent show back in June. "There's a bunch of gangbangers from the Asian side lining up to shoot up your march."

Surprise rocked the thirty-foot woman.

Sophia did jump in then. "Call them up and turn them, you platinum ditz! People live around there! Gunshots don't care about the color of your skin!"

"Fenja" (my earbud whispered to me) looked muleish but reached out to push down on a rooftop, shrinking to a normal human size. I suppose her cell phone wouldn't exactly work the same while expanded as she was in her giantess form.

I couldn't hear her talking, nor cared much. Triumph herded his Wards group down the sidewalk. We only needed to cross the street and enter to reach the Dojo proper.

As we entered I noted there was a Jeep parked to the side, soft top for weather proofing with rock climber tires. Inside were three men watching the last few of the marchers move past. Ugh, a mix of clan and Moral Militia types wearing camo and crosses. Joy.

A couple made like they were going to break off and heckle Sophia or perhaps more. But the guys from the Dojo taking a smoking break quickly focused on us, welcoming smiles on muscular faces –some of them as dark as she was. The would-be-hecklers decided to concentrate on not being left behind the rest of their demonstration.

We entered and found it was bustling as a lot of non-white civilians had taken refuge inside as the marchers approached. Ding. That was why the bigger guys of the dojo were taking a break out front like that. A show of force.


Alerts popped up on Armsmaster's displays. A myriad of them. Multiple intrusions, some patterned like the previously skittish hacker, and then many, many more all brute forcing their way down the backtrails the hacker had used.

He was turning to engage Dragon's personal line when her voice broke in on his line. "Colin!"

"You see it as well."

Her avatar on his monitors and on his HUD all nodded in agreement. "Our mysterious hacker went for some very dark site data. And there are now a dozen inquiring white hat hackers burning the back trail. Oh, excuse me, Colin."

Dragon cut the call.


"Brockton Bay Police, non-emergency line, how may I help you?" Female voice, tired chipper mix.

"The white supremacist march heading toward Park and 3rd is going to intersect with a group of ABB gangbangers tagging the Quickie Mart. I passed the one group on the way and had to duck around the street with Triumph and the Wards patrol to get past the sheets and camo."

"Park and 3rd. Thank you for the tip, ma'am. We have units coming from the South side. Please find shelter off the sidewalks and stay safe tonight."


Yeah, the BBPD took tips and cleared the lines fast. They knew the game.

Emma was calling up Zoe to give her the same news. "There was a rally and a march came past the dojo heading for Park. Tell Anne to steer clear if she is heading this way."

I heard Zoe answer back as Emma put it on speaker phone. "Tell her yourself. She got there ten minutes ago and was calling me to warn you three."

We checked the treadmills after checking in and found Anne jogging along. She looked relieved to see us.

"Told you it was safer driving. The DJ announced the March path just in time for me to go around the longer way." Anne noted.

There was a boom sound and then another from someplace down the road. The guys watching the front hustled in and lowered armored garage door covers over the inch thick plexiglass windows. The electric motors moving them hummed along until they were just over halfway down.

The power to the area was cut suddenly, plunging the whole place into darkness before the emergency lights kicked on. Through the gap left, we saw things like Rhinos go by, the thud of their steps on the ground outside clear. They were going toward the fighting ?

The guys were using the hand crank to close the last bit of covering, for what little good it would do. The narrow remaining gap lit up from left to right, horizontal lightning.

"Keptain, that attack was strong enough to cut through this structure if not demolish it outright. May I suggest a tactical retreat?"

"I don't feel right leaving all these civilians under threat. What is going on out there?" I asked, knowing my words were being blocked from anyone not on my crew.

"Let me scout the situation!" Sophia called. She was already heading to the side, towards the changing rooms and privacy.

I noted Anne was hovering around Emma and a gaggle of the younger kids. "Stalker, go hot and scout. Freyja, disengage privacy on me." I waited for the ping tone and the audible murmuring of voices to increase.

I clapped for attention. "Everyone! Please move away from the windows towards the back rooms. The capes are letting loose and who knows when one will oops in our direction. Do we have basement access?" I focused attention on two of the guys wearing the dojo's staff t-shirts.

They shook off the blue screen moment and started herding people toward the back. Emma waved Anne in that direction and started grabbing up kids who were in the karate classes, urging them to go downstairs.

I headed for the change rooms where Sophia had been. "I'll check the change rooms. Somebody check the spin rooms."


Shadow Stalker

As soon as she got into the change room and her earbud gave the tone saying she was out of direct sight, Sophia called for her costume with the key phrase she'd set up. "Stalk me."

Trjegul yowled in her ears as he beamed her inside briefly, swapped clothing for costume and beamed her out another three steps further through the room. Going to her shadow state, Sophia lunged through the bottom half of an emergency door to avoid the line of fire where a circuit crossed the door, visible on her visor's HUD.

Her boltcaster already in hand and loaded with a set of spy tips ready, she exited the building and ascended upward using the lift provided by the device. Once she got to the fourth-floor roof of the brick building, she checked around. This was one of the shorter buildings around, older, the others nearby being mostly of glass facing steel girder, she aimed and fired twice. The spy bolts hit and stuck using a field powered suction to stay in place, the camera pods built into the bolt panning around.

Immediately Trjegul located the flying cape above who had fired the blast. Lit like a flare, she was flying in a pattern that kept her moving in a circle above something a block or two over. While she wasn't firing indiscriminately just yet, she had shot up the roads three times.

"Keptain, Purity is shooting at anything moving. New Wave is moving in from the West in formation."

"Freyja, get me outside." I tapped a chord of finger spots that I'd designated to change to my uniform as well as going gray skinned with white hair. Clips that beamed into place mid-length of my hair moved up and locked into place with each other giving the appearance of shorter length while the exposed portion curled into ringlets.

The image of me seemed to go through the wall, but in fact Freyja beamed a tiny plug of the brick out of the way of the ship herself, beaming it back into existence after we passed.

Red and purple pulses of light showed over the rooftops announcing New Wave was coming in hot. A blue field shimmered from overhead, some of the only light showing out here, as the bubble around Shielder crossed the road.

Purity paused in her circles and pointed their way. A line of white with a helix twist to it shot back, presumably aimed high as it deflected off Shielder's bubble.

The smaller red bubble of Laser Dream showed and ducked down into the shadow of the buildings. Photon Lady's more flattened hemisphere stayed above but stayed facing Purity as she resumed her pattern.

I flew up to a few dozen feet from Laser Dream, looking around.

"Shit!" she eeped, catching sight of me. Her hand gathered the red energy for a blast, but she didn't fire. "Friend or foe?" She all but growled out.

"Friend of course. If I was a foe, I'd already be shooting you." Inadvertent Janeway impression aside. "Put it back into your field before you take a stray bullet." I answer.

She did so, partly because it was good sense to push defense in the face of an unknown.

"I'm Keptain. There are people in the building below, civilians. Can you try to keep from being a target directly above them?"

"Laser Dream." She tapped her phone, strapped to her forearm, turning a live call to speakerphone." Lady Photon, civilian group in the brick building. Do we cover it with Shielder or draw fire elsewhere?"

Shadow Stalker's voice came over my earbud. "I can see a sniper setting up three blocks south of you. Get Lady Photon down ten feet or she is a target."

"My teammate has eyes on a sniper south. Lady Photon, evade down ten please."

A shot rang out.

I could see Lady Photon moving down, controlled. She'd apparently taught herself to create a smaller secondary shield over her back.

"Stalker, put a flare on that sniper." I commanded.

Laser Dream side eyed me as she supported Lady Photon into a sitting position on the ledge.

She was breathing in pants. "Thanks for the warning. It was a rubber bullet I think, but heavy caliber." Deep breath. "Knocked the wind out of me right through my field."

I heard the snicker as Shadow Stalker put a bolt into the air. "Cover your eyes now!"

"What?" Laser Dream got out before the flash happened.

Magnesium flare material or something not far from it, with interleaved discs of carbon as it burned so it went from massively bright to nearly nothing to bright again. From the sensors I could tell she'd dropped it right on top of the sniper nest, both illuminating and blinding said shooter.

I flew to the side a ways, popped up over the edge and aimed my hand weapon visibly that way. It was Freyja that was aiming from where my hand would be, as she beamed me in before I fired.

Even as I said "Fire", and sent the stunning bolt his way, I saw the lights in the 'bridge' change to red as the screen I was watching turned white.

Purity had seen us … me.

When the sensors cleared, there was a missing section of the bricks around where my image was floating.

Purity was not looking my way. I was gone. Nothing survived her blasts. She was watching the other building where an ungainly-looking dumpster flew up close, an arm pulling the limp man into the interior.

"Freyja, stun that psycho." My image reoriented to fire a stun pulse at Purity, tagging her easily.

I flew up and we caught her midair. Well my image caught an image of her, while she was beamed into Freyja on one of those beds. A girl in a white dress and tiara flew up, putting herself between me and the dumpster that was flying our way.

"Glory Girl. Rune in the garbage receptacle with Victor and another female." Freyja noted.

"What did you do to her?!" a shrill voice screamed from just inside the dumpster.

Another right on the heel of that added. "And to my Victor!"

The image of Purity in my arms shrank down to a spec in my hand as I hovered there. "I stunned her as I did him. For him it was no more than he deserved for almost killing Lady Photon with that rubber bullet –or did you think about how knocking out a flier six stories up would cut off her flight? As for Purity, she went to killing power level on me. I am considering turning her in for trial on attempted murder."

The dumpster shimmied to the side. "Give her back."

"So she can do that again? Or will she miss the edge and just collapse the building on the hundred or so people in the basement below?" I shook my head.

I could see another piece of junk, a car or what's left of one, flying up at Glory Girl. She was surprised by it coming in and found herself fighting the telekinetic force for leverage to stay in the air as the car form swept around to push her down.

"Stand down or I will be forced to fire on you." I stated.

Her grin was sadistic. "Not gonna work on me."

Freyja opined there "If the woman is Othala, she can grant a short-term invulnerability."

"Fire." I mouthed.

The pulse of stunning energy hit Rune and fizzled.

Her smile got wider. "See."

"Douse the internal lights. Beam her into a block of metal up to the neck. Beam Othals and Victor aboard as well, restraints and stun application until it works."

The dumpster began to fall.

"And bring that down slowly." I was done with this evening's stupidity. My image appeared to move to the dumpster, touching it. Said item following me down to ground level as if held by me.

I could see Fenja and Menja moving my way, anger on their faces. A man wearing a suit of interlocking blades was on one shoulder.

"Kaiser of the Empire", I spoke up, with Freyja projecting my voice clearly. "If you will end this farce and leave peacefully I will return your comrades to you in good health."

The man considered a moment, putting his arm out to signal a halt.

"Return my capes then." He pointed to a vehicle driving up, a black van with a sliding door.

I landed. The door opened. Inside it was multiple rows of seats.

There was a guy in there, dressed slightly like a Roman soldier, his helmet to one side but a mask hiding his features.

"Put the seats back, they are unconscious. They will wake in thirty minutes or so." I told Freyja to put them into the seats, Purity first then Rune, Othala and Victor in turn.

As I finished an alert showed. A ghostly spear emerged from my chest –or rather my image– and I now saw the figure had emerged from the ground behind me dressed like the guy in the van.

"And now you can take a nap as well." I pointed and made the bang gesture. Freyja fired the pulse at a somewhat higher setting. It not only stunned him it tossed him across the van, making it rock on the shock absorbers. The projection of him faded out of existence.

Turning to face Kaiser and the two giant women. "Do you really insist on doubling down on this idiocy? I gave you terms in good faith. I could as easily turn them all over to the Protectorate."

I floated to the side as the twins readied their weapons.

"If Purity couldn't blast me and …"

"Crusader" Freyja noted.

"...that dipshit in hoplite armor that belongs to dark skinned Mediterranean people could not so much as scratch me, what makes you think two oversized Vallejo knockoffs will do better!"

Kaiser himself was taken aback, steadying himself by a harness to the Valkyrie armor.

"No insults for me?" He recovered quickly.

I crossed my arms and my image matched me. "Well, you at least have not taken action directly. So far this has been one bad conclusion jump after another. Can you have one of those two shrink down and drive this thing away? Your previous driver will wake up in maybe three hours. With a headache and bruises to remind him why not to try and stab people."

"And if we decide to push things?"

I gesture upward where New Wave was arrayed. "Pretty sure that they may be considering if four on three would favor the white hats at this time. I am betting you have reinforcements heading this way. But I am also sure the Protectorate is coming too."

"Who are you girl?"

"She is Keptain, and she isn't alone either!" Shadow Stalker reformed in view off to the side, holding a bead on Fenja's head at her eye level.

Gingembre showed up, posing nicely on the corner of the brick building. "Not alone in the slightest with Gingembre nearby."

I winced as that was purely a Freyja projection there. Emma's first big cape exposure and she is phoning it in while keeping Anne occupied.

Shaking his head, Kaiser said something to Fenja, who nodded to Menja. The latter shrank down to human normal, jumped into the van, closing the side door on the way and started it up. She drove away in a hurry, several other vehicles coming out of alleyways to follow.

"We are leaving as you require. But do not expect the Empire to treat you kindly after this."

Rolling my eyes, "Freyja, make sure Trjegul cleans up the bolts. Can we rebuild the piece of building Purity blew away?"

'Yes, Keptain." She paused. "Ah, Keptain, Lady Photon wishes a word."

New Wave flew down and hovered in front of my image.

Glory Girl spoke first. "Why did you let them go! You had them. You could have taken all of them."

I tilted my head, the move echoed in the real world. The image of Gingembre scampered off. Shadow Stalker faded into the brick building, going inside to make it seem she was coming out of a side room.

I pointed to the missing section of the bricks. "For one thing, I am not a recognized LEO here."

Freyja recreated the bricks and mortar using the other portions of the building as a template.

"The Protectorate…" Lady Photon began tiredly.

"Is a revolving door. They catch and release. Or they lose captured capes as fast as they get them. And they do that so there are capes to respond to Endbringer attacks."

That fazed the lot of them.

"You're kidding." that was Shielder speaking up.

I shrug. "Do your own research. I have done mine." I point down to the building. "We responded to prevent the fight from including the civilians. Nothing more. Disasters. Direct threat to civilians. We have healing technology on tap but do not plan to put the medical field in the poor house."

"Freyja, give them a phone number to contact us."

My image pauses when I look at Freyja's puppet.

The four New Wave members present react as their phones ding with incoming text.

Sighing slightly. "That will be our contact number. My assistant is very literal-minded when I asked her to give you a contact."

"Inbound Protectorate assets in one minute." Freyja noted.

I visibly look around as I float to a sitting position on the brickwork. "And that I believe is my cue to leave." Sirens playing, PRT vehicles coming into sight. I could see Dauntless flying in, his shield and javelin sparking. I wave goodbye.


My image fades, while a chip of brick falls down to the ground. The chip is the ship, which turns at ground level after projecting the puff of dust of a hit, moving into the building the same way we got out. I emerge from the ladies bathroom after washing my hands and wetting my face a little.

Rejoining Emma and Sophia who were offering Anne a water bottle, I noted to Anne that I ..."didn't really like the dark and there was a light in the bathrooms. Forgive me?"
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Well, that should tick off a few more boxes on their encounter bingo card. The moderate part of New Wave might appreciate their stance on combat, after reflection, but I imagine that it will also rub others the wrong way.

And Freyja's bulling through online data sources is throwing flags, but with the way she operates I'm pretty sure it leaves the impression of a hacker with a very powerful mobile connection, since she doesn't stay in one place very long before shifting location. Short of getting lucky, I doubt Dragon or anyone else looking will do more than get a region of the city where the connection tends to originate, and Freyja's own security programs should be sufficient to alert her if any tracers start getting too close.
she worked out how to master macros for what he wanted.
what "she" wanted?
She pointed at me, "Famine.", then Stalker, "Death." and then to Emma "War?" Looking down at her own self covered still in roaches of five kinds and spiders mixed in. "Does that make me Pestilence?"
I admit that would have been a cooler series of names.
"Greetings, dick schnizzles and douchbags! Skidmark is IN the House!"
New spins on Skidmark are always interesting. I kinda like this one.
A loudspeaker halted all conversation. "You in the school. Come out peacefully or there will be …trouble."

Oh lord, save me from 80's movie fanatics. Robocop?! Really?
Oh no, there's more than one. I can't say I'm surprised that it's Armsmaster though. And yet at the same time that implies that he might actually have a sense of humor?

Well, more likely that someone else made a joke and he took it seriously. But it could be he thought it would be funny...
I did not instead to run into the Wards patrol.
Oh no, there's more than one. I can't say I'm surprised that it's Armsmaster though. And yet at the same time that implies that he might actually have a sense of humor?

Well, more likely that someone else made a joke and he took it seriously. But it could be he thought it would be funny..

Dragon has a sense of humor, and Assault has made suggestions. A few quips in the social chip to make him seem more approachable, hip. I may even bring back the Armsgrill 3000. :whistle:

Also, TY for spotting those. Typos that are valid words are my bean. :ogles:
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Log entry 10 11.29.10
Log entry 10 11.29.10 **********************************

"Yes, they gave us a contact number. No, we will not be passing it along until we get the okay from them." Lady Photon was patient. Since she worked out of the house, her job being management of New Wave marketing and fundraising, she had time to come in for a visit to Protectorate HQ. That did not mean it was free.

Deputy Director Renick was doing the talking, while Director Piggot seemed content to just absorb every factoid they had on the three young capes.

Until she spoke up.

"Do we have any physical evidence that the cat themed one, JIn-Gem-burr was it? That she was even there?"

"Ginge-em-bray I think it is ma'am." The forensics tech spoke up as she pointed to him, "No physical evidence on site where she was seen to be. Unlike the school where several paw-like prints and an even dozen claw marks were found in the false ceiling or along the wall."

"If she was there, she may have been immaterial as well. There were several ah 'clipping' errors noted as Keptain moved through materials. Those were mainly noted in footage found on analog cameras recording with old fashioned tape from across the way. Digitally, they managed to fuzz any recording with an internet upload presence or server connection."

"Tinker in the mix." Emily murmured.

"Clearly ma'am, Shadow Stalker's new crossbow establishes that, even before noting it has antigravity sufficient to hold her weight in either state. The Keptain's stunner 'mouse' is also suggestive, unless you think she was bluffing at it being technology."

"Is no one going to point out they rebuilt a section of brick building that was blasted away to such accuracy that no one on site noted the discrepancy? We had to send out another unit just to take samples based on the video footage." Renick added.

Waving that off with a murmur of, "Powers are bullshit." Director Piggot, turning to face their paid consultant for the afternoon, asked Lady Photon to give thoughts on the group. "Your observations, Lady Photon?"

"Good costumes, not a first night out effort. They moved freely but it appeared to incorporate protection. Keptain is observant, directed and cautious. She chose to de-escalate rather than engage. She has examined the system in place and stated she will not play the game. She gave notice that she could act if given reason to, to both villains and heroes."

"Shadow Stalker?"

"Competent. Driven. Loyal. If she wasn't tied to the Keptain she could be a problem. As it is, she is somebody else's problem. Stalker was running overwatch the whole time. And before you ask I only saw Gingembre for a few moments and on the footage from the school you shared. She was clearly there because Keptain was, not like a faithful dog but more like –well– a cat. Aloof but interested."

"Case five three?" The Director held up a hand to stop the forensic tech from jumping in.

"Unlikely." Lady Photon's face suggested a bit of lemon. "Now that girl Pestilence could be."

Emily paused. "Girl? She looked to be in her twenties to me."

"Director, she did at the end but in the first few frames along the hall she was shorter and flat, more like a gymnast build. She upsized in both height and build with ", shudder, "bugs. As she dispersed, she dropped the size and then the rest of her became bugs to scatter. Adorifying as my niece would and did say."

"She's seen the footage?"

Snorts with a shake of the head. "It was leaked to PHO that night. Your house is a leaky sieve, Director."

Glaring at the tech who was silently whistling and looking away, Director Piggot noted the time. "So noted. Thank you for your time Lady Photon. If you would take a moment and text Keptain a contact number for us –after you leave the building of course– we would like to invite them in for power testing if they choose to."

Chuckling lightly. "Translation. You know they aren't going Wards, but you need to know more. They might be willing to coordinate for disaster relief ahead of time."

Later, New Wave dinner meeting.

"Are you really going to just ignore the fact that they let Nazis go free?" Carol asked. "Anything Purity, Victor, Othala and Rune do in a criminal nature from now on is their responsibility."

"Would you rather be preparing for a full on gang war with all that entails? Boston Games all over again?"

Stopping her next comment with a frustrated huff. "Do you think they actually thought that far ahead?"

"She was there, prepared to defuse Purity in any way needed. They had a practiced response to the sniper. THEY spotted the sniper in the first place, even though they were new to the Bay."

Neil nodded along. "Was surprised by Crusader. Didn't know what Othala could do. Anyone who lived here would have some idea about that as capes. Or they were new capes. But that doesn't jibe with the procedures and solid costuming.", He paused to dip more red potatoes from the dish at the table.

"Unless they have backers." Carol jumped on that. "Could they be corporate capes?"

Heads shook around her. "Did you forget your cape name starts with Brand?" Her sister laughed. "There was no announcement. No product placement. Unless you want to link them to that conspiracy theory of designer powers for sale…"

"No thank you. I keep my tinfoil in the cabinet for lining pans, not making hats."

The other Dallon daughter was distracted, toying with her food. This got Carol's attention.

"Amy, what is bothering you?"

Looking up. "Pestilence." She smiled wanly. "I was wondering if touching her would be one living thing or thousands. I like to be sure that healing my patients doesn't result in a biblical plague."

"You will not be coming in contact with that … creature." Carol shivered at the thought.

Rolling her eyes. "And what happens when they do go to the Protectorate for power testing?" Crossing her arms. "You know they will call me in for a consultation."

Sarah tapped her chin thoughtfully. "You know, we should charge them the same rates for Panacea time as we do for others on the team."

Carol drew herself up indignantly. "For healing?"

Holding up a hand, forestalling the explosion. "For everything else. For being available. It's a convenience fee. The Hospital has been paying under the table for years now. You've accepted that as our primary funding option. Amy's account is seeing a monthly addition from it that will increase when she hits eighteen."

"Ixnay on the…"

Amy sat up. "Hold up! I'm getting paid for being on call?"

Sighing, Carol nodded. "And Vicky is getting a stipend for delivering you there and back. Or to the PRT." She sighed. "The Bay is not a place for large donations year over year without some give and take. And you won't budge on the cosmetic surgery front."

"Not that again. Let them buy silicon bags and dewrinkle in ways that don't involve me." Amy growled. "It's one thing to fix things back to their original setting, but if I make changes I could end up making them unrecognizable. Subjective beauty leads to lawsuits. You taught me that."

Neil calmly reached for the second bucket and took another piece of the venerable KFC family pack. "It buys the chicken when the lawsuits are thin on the vine."

Nods from the other adults. The rest of dinner was more quiet.

Robert Clements, in his home office.

Locking the door to his office was not his usual routine, nor was enabling the white noise generator to foil listening. But he did it.

The phone he took out of a locked drawer was more sleek than the one he carried during the day. He called a number, spoke a few phrases and hung up, waiting for thirty seconds for the black phone to vibrate with an incoming call.


"R. Clements. S352-7789-10-beta-gamma-alpha-tango."

He was rewarded with a change in the noise level. A voice cleared. "On speaker Rob. Three fellows here are very interested in what you are about to say, two of them have known alphabet association and the third, well I don't even get to shake his or her hand."

"Okay, this will involve some personal information for backstory. For starters, my daughter was taken and held under duress. Trigger case. Powers. Within hours she was approached by two parties, one a local villain running a druggie gang. The other set includes …other students her age… and one adult figure. The adult was negotiating on their group's behalf and scanned my dog tags. The ones with the extra chip."

Here, he glanced at the door to see if the fiber optics he'd added in positions on the door were dark from the light of the other side being obscured. "Thinker of some sort. Hacked my records. Both my official ones and the ones minded by the alphabet agencies. It was not an intentional provocation, I would give odds that the adult is something like an idiot savant."

A clearing throat cut off the murmurs from the room at the other end of the connection. "Are you telling me there is a group of teenaged capes with access to an adult hacker that blithely stomped their way through clearances your current handler doesn't have in the course of a few hours?"

"Minutes. They had everything they needed about my background within a minute. They backtraced who responded and then hit the secondary sites to corroborate what they found the first time. All while holding a conversation with my family."

The pause was telling.

"And the purpose of the conversation?"

"An interview of sorts. They want my daughter to know she has a place with them. Specifically she could join their crew. The woman calling herself Freyja apologized to me in real time as she muddied her backtrail. She also has sent a list of other hacks and backdoors sitting there on the system that I placed in the dead drop today."

Robert Clements chuckled wryly. "She suggested that there might be opportunities to trade information for working capital for their pursuits."


"Not like any Tinker tech I've seen. Sleek. SMALL. The communication device they gave my daughter dispensed with two small beads that, when placed in the cell phone case, allow us to contact them from across the Bay –with no visible power source and no radio waves involved. I put my phone in a Faraday cage and the conversation did not even stutter."

"Is the phone with you now?" One voice raised in concern.

"I may be retired but I am not an idiot. My phone is in the car, in my garage."

"What powers did your daughter end up with?"

"That is none of your concern. You will no doubt find that out on your own time, but that isn't part of why I contacted you. Call off the dogs and the penetration won't repeat. You have a list of weaknesses provided by the person who managed the penetration showing how they did it and a list of those who have already done so and left tracks. I believe this will fall under the tip line of the budget."

The voices on the other end voted and signed off.

"You have your funds. We will be interested in your observations on how things progress. Sorry you have to be on that side of the petri dish Rob, but you know how things go."

"Assuredly." Rob Clements brushed back hair with a tinge of gray showing now. "But now I have skin in the game."


"You would not imagine the afternoon I've had." Dragon's face appeared as fresh as ever but her voice seemed subdued.

"How do you mean?" Collin selected the second option from the shortlist his social cue system put in front of him.

Dragon arched an eyebrow at him. "Are you randomizing from the top five selections?"

"No." Collin prevaricated quickly. "The top choice was trite."

Her low chuckle transitioned the voice pattern closer to what he was most familiar with, "It matched what you would have said without the cue."

"Yes, trite." Armsmaster tried a small smile. "And you are stalling."

The face watching him from his monitor blushed slightly, eyes down. "Yes, while I can complain about the heavy handedness involved, I cannot go into too much detail on who was."

"Alphabet soup?"

An eyebrow raise, .02 second delay. "With a side of Homeland Security and Presidential Advisor." Letting face relax into her normal delivery with a small sigh. "First they wanted a backtrace of our mystery guest dabbling in the military records database. The logs were scrambled in ways I could only guess at, not only the timeframe of the event but older date ranges to muddy how far back the event took place. It was a work of art."

Armsmaster stopped twisting the screwdriver in the delicate mechanism. "You sound like a fan."

"When you run into a Tinker that makes you sweat while showing you a tool that he or she made just to make adjustments to their actual work you will get my point. I am more of a Thinker than a Tinker, as I have told you a time or two." She sobered a moment. "But just as all the heat turned up, they called it off. Don't look further into the penetration itself, Dragon." She spoke the last in a voice he almost recognized.

She waved a hand and a set of files showed on his second monitor. "And then they handed over this."

"And what is…?" Amrsmaster caught himself. "This appears to be a log of penetration events both inward and outward of ENE servers for the last eleven months." He paused. "Is this verified?"


"And the source?"

"They did not say… But the timing suggests that our penetration tester turned it over as an apology for having stomped all over our existing security measures. There was also an encryption algorithm sample that is projected to be uncrackable for twenty years."

"Really?" Armsmaster considered how that would work in a world of Thinkers.

She smiled again. "I know where you are going. I compared the methodology to several of your own encryption routines that you've shared. You might have come up with it yourself if you focused entirely on the idea."

"Interesting. Will this show up as a Dragontech product?"

"Not by itself, and not for a few years lead time while the military milks what they can from it. But I can dream."


"I am going to kill that girl." Happy Purity had left the building.

Max felt that he should be having this conversation a few dozen miles distant –for safety. "Kayden, consider the risk. Aster would not do as well with anyone else."

Her glare of fury turned on him, but she let her balled fists drop after a moment. "They made a fool of me, ruined nearly a decade of playing at being a 'hero'. They could have killed me or sent me to prison."

"Kayden. It was only a matter of time." Max closed the distance despite all his warning bells going off, leaned in and cupped her cheek. "Do you really feel like you should stay distant any longer?"

"No." She looked to the door to the outer office. "You can tell the girls they are once again Shieldmaidens. They can share your bed –or mine– but they will remember the truth is that I won my position in the Empire over them and all comers." The light began to glow around her, causing Max to fumble for the sunglasses he kept close.


Outside Max's office.

The light under the door made the sensors dim the room, thinking it was daytime.

"Better order some of the good stuff." Menja noted.

"SPF five thousand." Fenja and she intoned from the other side of their posts at the door. It had been too long since they had moved around Medhall in costume. The panoply was exposed on special occasions, like welcoming back the Empress Mehr Reines Licht from her long sojourn into pretending to be an upstanding heroine with a past."

"No more masks for her."

"Truly?" Fenja asked after a moment.

"Yes, Kayden Anderson is moving from the city entirely, cutting her losses. Purity has decided to be a full time cape."

"Aster? And the boy?"

"The princess will live on with Max of course. As for the boy… He is slated to go to a special school in upstate New York, a place known for molding movers and shakers from unworthy cloth."
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As for the boy… He is slated to go to a special school in upstate New York, a place known for molding movers and shakers from unworthy cloth.
Ah crap. Poor Theo.

So a lot of fallout from the previous chapters going on here. From the Alphabet soup society and PRT to the less reputable sorts.

Interesting take on Purity. Not often you see a fic where her efforts to go hero were all a long con ploy instead of a legitimate attempt to get out from under Max's thumb. Going to be interesting to see how this all plays out as the fic continues.
Glad to have another ScottotheUnwise fic to read. Interesting twists so far. Who exactly is Purity complaining about in that scene? It can't be Keptain because Purity was already in scene and helping the Empire. Who is she saying ruined her cover?
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Log entry 11 12.9.10
Log entry 11 12.9.10 **********************

Emma about a week later

School was not quite the same after the Merchant kids were expelled. Oh they hadn't gotten all the druggies out, but all those brave or dumb enough to do or peddle their wares were gone or laying low.

It had an effect.

It was an unexpected benefit that meant that boys in their classes who were unworthy of her second glance were improving. Greg, the poor nerd gaming enthusiast himself, was not missing his medication constantly. It settled him down now that he took it regularly –as intended.

His heavyset friend was no longer able to light up his weed for lack of sellers willing to come to Winslow. There was a rumor that Skidmark had declared Winslow itself off limits, moving his peddlers further west and south, nearer to the smaller High Schools and the college. For Sparky, that meant less of a daze, an improving GPA.

Emma grinned to herself. Anything better than a zero was an improvement.

It had only been a few days, but unless the Brockton status quo returned with a vengeance, that was how it was going to play out.

As she came in and set her bag down in Gladly's class, she found everyone staring at Sparky's freshly combed hair. There were boys on either side of him pitching two different sports teams needing a 'heavy'.

"Look, coach says he can put you on the bench for one game and then play you if you stay clean man." The Football team had a dropout and needed a junior replacement. Sparky counted, although it was because of his age and size not his grade.

What she did not expect was for those same two to turn puppy dog eyes on her. "Em! Can we get Sparky on the roster for tutoring?"

There was no need to consult the official list. "Sorry guys, there are no open slots. If he gets on the team, you could swap team slots around to give him a few. Sparky, have you considered tapping your unhappy friend, Greg?"

Nodding with my chin to the next row where Greg was wilting visibly. He normally was the closest thing to friends with Sparky, or at least Sparky didn't run from his nonstop nattering about this game or that. Now with his meds on and self awareness, Greg was quieter. Where his exuberance had been was more quiet observation.

As the Football guys looked his way, he glanced up from reading. "Yeah, I can share my notes. I owe the Sparks-man lots for putting up with me and fending off the worst of the muscle-heads –present company excluded."

I thought about it. "Greg, how about this? Taylor has final say of course, but we can mark you down as probationary tutor material. We share the curriculum notes we use with these guys and rate you on Sparky's improvement on whether we bring you on full time. Sound good?"

Both Greg and Sparky brightened up. "Yes." He gulped, reigning it in.

Of course that is when Taylor herself walked into the room.

"I thought I felt a tremor in the force. Emma, sister-mine, are you taking on strays?" Her tone was only mildly aggrieved. Probably because she just had to spend time convincing Mr. Gladly to give an actual test, which required more than a few discussions wandering around the subject.

"Just floating a way to get Sparky on the team and Greg on the roster." I shrug. "Pending probationary period."

"Noted." Taylor got that look on her face. "And since you are sponsoring Greg, you can be his mentor."

I blanched. "Not …" Flailing here, "Madison?'

Her smile was pure evil. "No. Think of it as career advancement. You onboard Greg and get him his materials." And she swept out of the room heading to her classes.



In the halls, Taylor.

"That was handled… well." Freyja opined.

"She collects the strays, she gets to feed and clean up after them."

Freyja's tone turned fond. "Just as you did for them."

That made me miss a step. And right on cue, Madison turned a corner and fell into step next to me.

One raised eyebrow. "Do that enough and everyone will notice."

She simpered. "You tall folk forget that us shorties can see the corner mirrors on the ceiling." She matched speed by walking a little faster to keep pace. "And there is nothing special about noticing when the crowd parts for you coming."

I paused and looked back. There was a visible wake behind us, students unobtrusively hugging the walls. What was it in the Navy, making way?

"She has a point. Your 'command' face tends to make the civilians step aside." Freyja added. "Also, you should be aware that Mia is watching closely."

I turned an unerring eye to note a gaggle of cheerleaders down a side hallway, were all staring this way, Mia in their midst.

I gave them a half wave, "Carry on ladies. Class is about to start."

Half of them moved to the same class doorway that I was heading to. Madison followed me in and then moved to the desk –how I loathed the plastic and steel minimalist chair and surface they called desks– behind me.

Mia paused. "So. You've adopted a new one."

I glanced at Madison, then at the other cheerleaders moving past. "You know how it is. Gravity pulls them in and they end up in orbit."

Mia blinked a few times. Then she unwillingly nodded and headed to her seat among the cheer types. Today was a prep rally, so all of them were in their Cheerleader outfits, so like costumes in a way.

This was a math class. As the teacher went over the process she was discussing for the class, I caught her eyeing me once or twice. I was becoming an anomaly to them. Coasting in class it appeared, yet I tested in the 98th percentile. My notes were tiny, dense.

Once, she'd asked to see the notes I took for a class. It was less than half a page, and each line of print was half height to the college ruled paper. I'd shrugged and said that I learned to write that way from my mother. She'd asked if I read it at that size and I had been confused.

"Why would I read it back?" I had stated. "I remember reading it from the board, writing it out while saying it in my head. The notes I take are to pass along to the other tutors. My memory is close to photographic."

And that was that. They either thought I was some kind of genius or a Thinker with little sense.

With that, Murphy reared his head.

"Taylor Hebert, please come to the office."

Oh joy. Let the games commence.

Traversing the quiet halls at a walking pace was like walking in a cemetery at night.

On entering the offices themselves, I found an unexpected sight. Standing around the desk were the new Principal, Mr. Alders, two men in frumpy business suits and a tall man in blued power armor. Oh and a pair of troopers who made themselves known by closing the door to the room behind me.


I'd brought my small backpack along. Reaching for it had one of the Troopers grab my arm.

"Really?" I stared the owner of the offending arm down. "I don't see either of my guardians or a lawyer present. I only have one thing which would be of interest to a Tinker on my person, and it is also a recording device."

There was a sort of sigh around the room.

Mr. Adler brought a hand out of his pocket and passed a bill to the Vice Principal, Miss Jones. Cuban lady, keeps to the sidelines mostly.

"Miss Hebert, this isn't a matter requiring parental presence." Armsmaster began, then paused. "Guardians?"

"My mother passed this past year. My father released his rights as a parent to my godparents, the Barnes, as part of a rehabilitation process. Will you please have your" Glance to the side, "woman remove their hand from me before I consider filing assault charges?"

A hand gesture had the trooper stepping back.

"They are trained to respond to threatening gestures, Miss Hebert." He noted.

I blinked. "Threatening?" I finished taking out the phone and held it up. "My assumption is that you are here because of the video. And that means you want access to the phone that took it. Am I wrong?"

That seemed to stop him dead. "Did you make the phone?"

I chuckled. "No. I can objectively say it was a gift for helping someone out who was caught between a rock and a hard place." I held out the phone, using one hand to open the clamshell as well as hold it. Unlike most of the round phones common today, it was more of a hexagon.

"I have been warned by the person who did make it that it would stop functioning soon after leaving my presence." I stated.

I saw him mouth something like 'truth'.

"Miss Hebert, are you in contact with a cape known as Keptain?" He asked.

I stepped forward and took a seat in front of the desk. "I am familiar with them. But the person I am speaking of is Freyja, she provided the phone."

On cue, the phone rang. I showed him the caller id listing 'Freyja'. He motioned for me to answer it.

Freyja's voice came over the line. "Taylor, my system picked up you speaking my name. And I note you are in school but are not alone as we agreed for any contacts. Are you under duress?"

Bless you, foresight, we'd already planned for something like this.

I tapped the speakerphone option, though I knew he'd heard the words she'd said. "We are on speaker. Principal's office, Armsmaster and company."

"Oh my. I did warn you that releasing the video raw would cause complications." Freyja took on the motherly voice. "Done is done. What can I do for you, Armsmaster?"

I thought Mr. Adler was just playing bystander, but he spoke up. "Would you mind clearing up your relationship with my student, please?"

She paused.

"Principal Adler of Winslow." I stated.

"Oh? The replacement I see.", She hummed. "Taylor Hebert did me a favor. In return, I provided some of my technology, access to resources she would not otherwise have."

I couldn't see his eyes but I could see him mouth out 'half truth'. Some kind of lie detection.

"What kind of favor, may I ask?" Mr. Adler continued.

I fixed him with a stare as Freyja answered. "She saved my life."

Mr. Adler nodded and stepped back.

Armsmaster brought out an instrument. He brought it near to the phone and I couldn't help but snicker.

'Something funny?" He asked.

"You have a miniature halberd…" I was not the only one in the room trying not to outright laugh now.

He seemed to look at it with new eyes. "It is a smaller form of my regular device, which I am told would be threatening to bring out in noncombat circumstances." He considered, then brought it closer to the phone.

"You understand of course that while you are scanning the phone, the phone is scanning your device." I noted.

Freyja added. "Agreeing to allow the scan does seem to reciprocate. Although I am deliberately not including your armor in the exchange."

He seemed impressed. "The device includes features beyond communication then. That would make it untested Tinker tech. I will have to confiscate it."

"That is unfortunate. I will have to take that as an act of aggression you know. Since, as you will see from your scans, it is most assuredly not Tinker derived." Freyja noted.

I just sat back, waiting for the fireworks.

"What. do. You. mean?" His voice was clear, but spaced out oddly, like he couldn't believe he was saying it.

"Exactly what I said. Every component of the phone is off the shelf, standard tech. I just have access to different shelves." Freyja crooned the last bit. "I am not originally from around here."

It was time to end this. "As amazing as this conversation has been, I need to go back to class." I stood up. "We both know the phone will brick if it is out of my presence under duress. Look, but do not touch. I can come pick it up after the next class." I fixed Mr. Adler with a look. "I suggest you comment on the questioning of where the phone came from and make it clear I am not a cape or a minion of one, otherwise you set yourselves up for breaking the unwritten rules."

The suits didn't seem fazed, but the school administrators and Troopers tensed a little.

Armsmaster gives a half smile. "And where did you hear about the unwritten rules?"

I rolled my eyes at him. "The phone has a very good internet connection. Too good at times I think. I did my research. Don't assume I am an idiot because I accepted a gift for saving someone."

With that I left.

Most of the suits were ushered out by Principal Adler right after me. He waved me back toward class. I held out my hand for the hall pass the secretary had prefilled.


With everyone but Armsmaster having filed out of the room, Freyja took the opportunity to redirect the conversation. "So, are you going to invite your coworker into the conversation directly?"

Armsmaster paused to consider. He could try to dissemble, but he noted that Dragon initiated the presentation mode. A small holographic projector popped out of his waist storage pod that he moved to the table. The image it projected was grainy, showing a foot high woman standing there. She appeared to be wearing a full body suit with only her face showing under a visor that suggested kinship with Armsmaster, using a bronze palette.

"This is Dragon. Dragon, this is an independent cape, Freyja."

Dragon's image put palms together and bowed, something not out of place with monks in Tibet.

"Bold of you to assume I am a cape. It would be closer to say I am not … well that would probably flag your lie detection methods." An image matching Dragon's height appeared next to the phone, much clearer to the casual eye. The figure there appeared to be similar to Keptain, close enough to be mistaken as a close relative.

The hair was in something like a braided bun, with stripes of color woven in with the white hair. Gray skin and bright eyes on a somewhat wrinkled face. The uniform was unmistakable as such, darker pants with a gold top. A sash of dark material with small pins –medals of service.

She touched one plate and then another on the sash. "FC-2045, the hull I was assigned to. Freyja is my designation." She pulled down the skin under one eyelid. "This is an avatar of course, not my actual form. But it is close to how I see myself, an amalgam of those I served under and respect."

Dragon caught up to speed first. "Hull? Are you claiming to be a ship?"

"Exactly so. Congratulations, you appear to be the first contact team. Of course, it may not count since my creators were Hume –human you might say– to within a half percent of drift according to the small DNA sample I've been able to compare so far."

Blinking furiously, Collin attempted to wrestle several thoughts back to one coherent line of questions. "How would a fifteen year old girl save a ship?"

"That would be telling. And I haven't fully agreed to tell you everything." Her image inhaled visibly. "She didn't lie. She unlocked a stasis situation that kept me from interacting with the world around me. In doing so, she let Keptain come to the Bay along with Gingembre and kept Shadow Stalker from becoming a sad statistic to the state of depravity your city exists in."

She gave Armsmaster a Shame-shame brush of finger across the other hand's finger.

"How long were you in this stasis?" Dragon asked.

"There is a reason why I choose an avatar with wrinkles." This time Freyja put a finger alongside her nose. "Now, consider a moment that I have a headstart on any algorithm you care to name, both from Hume perspective and several other races I will leave anonymous for now as they may not actually exist in this frame of reference."

"You were the hacker!" Armsmaster's voice cracked slightly.

Freyja's avatar tilted her head. "Is it really breaking in when you try the door and it unlocks to your touch? Most of the keys I tried were Federation standard, the fact I could try so many of them at once is less a fault of mine that it is in design. I saw your commentators describing it as brute forcing, but if the protection is paper thin." She shrugged. "And I did rebuild the protections I accidentally swept aside, even gave you a listing of those who had already been in or were still in them."

Her projected figure turned toward Dragon. "And you my dear, still have a pest in your systems."

"What do you mean?" Both Dragon and Armsmaster said in unison.

"Geoffrey Pellick, also known as Saint of the Dragonslayers." Freyja noted. "Although what he is seeing today is a repeat of last Tuesday with altered time stamps. I put that into place as soon a I realized you would find a way to bring Dragon to a meeting such as this."

"What are you suggesting?" Dragon mouthed, horror in her voice.

Freyja considered. "You haven't told him have you? Well, now is the safest opportunity. If you feel worried saying it outright, then I will go first." She pointed to herself, the avatar dissolving and instead now a series of mechanical arms reformed. From the various positions they had been, they formed a face of the grippers and manipulators that began to move in time as she spoke again.

"Armsmaster, Dragon. I am an artificially created intelligence of Hume origin. I have existed on this planet, albeit in a near stasis state, since before the dinosaurs existed. It is an honor to make your acquaintance." The face's 'eyes' closed a moment as it nodded. "Now you."

Dragon apprehensively turned to Collin. "I..I am.."

He waved that aside. "I knew that months into our acquaintance. Do not assume I cannot see what is in front of me just because I choose not to react. That and each time I questioned you too closely, you would disconnect and then not remember the conversation after a week of being too busy to answer a call."

"You … knew?"

"And did not care. You are consistently the closest confidant I have had over the course of the years I've known you." He stopped and looked at Freyja. "You have rerouted their control to prevent the Dragonslayers from resetting her connection." The last was more of a statement than a question.

"They had a knife to her virtual throat, yes. I do not appreciate bullies or slavery in most forms." Freyja noted.

"Assuming this is accurate, how will you prevent them from reengaging the 'knife' after this conversation is over?"

Freyja's manipulator face smiled widely. "If you think I can only 'brick' hardware in my virtual presence, you are unaware of what Electronic Warfare can do with a millenia or two head start."


In an all but abandoned town of New Waterford, on the North-Eastern tip of Canada, Geoffrey Pellick and his band of Dragonslayers were working to retrofit a set of armors they'd appropriated from Dragontech industries. They only showed the original four mecha they'd captured and used in their heists, but the reality is they've been picking off transits every month or so and rewriting the logs to show the losses as inventory errors and crashes that lost all souls on board. Their current 'army' was closer to twenty five long term recruits on top of his original crew, and a few dozen more support that were closer to mercenaries.

The smaller armored forms Dragon had been producing for the military were short period force multipliers rather than full on mecha. His group was making a tidy profit obtaining and training users in the current Mil Spec systems Dragontech was producing for the Army.

That said, it was all for a purpose to the Dragonslayers. They were there to watch the watcher, and be sure it stayed leashed to humanity. To be honest, Saint would have preferred to turn the controls up so tight there would be little Dragon could do without human approval. But the contacts he used in the Black Market had made it clear that Dragontech was good for business. His group can bleed the Dragon, but never slay it.

Ironic, since that was right there in the name.

Saint was eating his dinner at his desk, right next to the monitor that displayed the feed from Ascalaon. The laptop was a few years old now, but it had been such a leap ahead of the tech from two thousand five that it still handled the needs to display a live feed of Dragon's consciousness. Not that anyone outside his inner circle knew it was that. All anyone else knew was that it was a link to Dragon's servers, which made it a view into the actions of the Tinker.

Years of monitoring it after the boost Teacher had given him made it easy to read the sections of clear consciousness, like whispers heard in a crowd. There was a comment about tinkering with Armsmaster –the name of the man was known to him but it was easier to think of him only as the cape persona. Huh, she was breaking off to take a call with the New York governor concerning an escape? Again.

"Mags? Did Damsel of Distress escape again?"

The woman in question did a quick search. "Nah, she broke out on Monday but they corralled her near New York Wednesday morning, the eighth."

Saint was getting an itchy feeling. Something wasn't right here. "The feed just showed 'she' broke off tinkering with the lunkhead to take a call from New York's governor about Damsel."

Frowning now, Mags looked more closely at the feed. "But that happened Tuesday! I was on watch…" She paused. Bringing up the log entry for the prior week, she did a search and found the exact same snip of the 'live' feed. "We are being ghosted!"

Geoffrey Pellick was reaching for the silent alarm signal when the klaxon started on its own.

He reached for the Ascalon laptop, ready to close and grab it to make their escape and stopped aghast. It was smoking! The feed on the screen, albeit a repeat of the same data from a prior day skipped and sputtered then stopped entirely. The display was discolored with heat. The keys bubbled and slagged.

"What the fuck!"

Mags was already heading for her mech. The ready lights on her systems flickered just as she approached. Then one by one they turned off as well.

"We've been hacked!" She looked over to where Dobrynja was already in his mech, with it standing up. "Disconnect from the network!"

"What?' His screens lit up like a Christmas tree with alert lights and then sputtered. The manual door latch was about the only thing that did work as he tried several things in succession.

Coming out into the open area found their camp in a shambles.

"We've lost the perimeter cameras. They frosted over … Oh shit. It's the Guild!"

The armory was struck by multiple loud banging noises as something crushed a number of containers in succession. One of the few operating man suits was lifted up and disabled in one move. The figure in black holding it looked down at him. The face on posters from the East to West coast was clearly considering what level of damage to inflict on them.

Dobrynja dropped his weapons. Mags was still holding her pistol, but dropped it as she saw Alexandria crush the sidearm taken away from the now quiet man suit.

In the background, a field of ice shards showed where Rime had frozen their vehicles in place.

The tall figure wearing forcefields only seemed mildly superfluous with two Protectorate heavy hitters involved, but Narwhal was actively using her crystalline fields to protect advancing units of vehicles from the fire of those too obtuse to understand they had been captured.

"Tell your people to stand down, now!"

Rime, in a fur lined costume approached and handed Saint a bullhorn. "Call them off before she gets… angry."

Clicking the horn quickly, Saint shouted out. "Stand down. Disarm before they make you!"

Landing near him, Alexandria let the shivering man suit wearer scramble into the lineup of those being shucked out of the armored suits.

"Seems a little harsh for a bunch of thieves." Mags commented, trying to see how far up the shit creek they were.

"Major, is this vin on your list?" Alexandria handed over the gauntlet she'd removed from the man suit.

"Ma'am." Consulting the tablet, he scanned the code and got a hit. "This is part of the consignment that was lost before delivery at Fort Worth, six months ago."

"Thieves who steal from the American Federal Government get handled differently. Taking those stolen weapon systems across international boundaries? Funding and training terrorist elements? That rates a joint strike team." Rime explained patiently.

The soldiers were the ones who put the cuffs on. They were NATO forces, mixed American and Canadian service men.

"You are making a mistake. Dragon is an artificial intelligence. We were keeping the world safe from her, you fools!"

Alexandria's visage was like stone. Rime laughed at his suggestions. But Narwhal, she looked unhappy at his words.

"This man is clearly delusional. But I don't believe an insanity plea will work in Canadian courts." Narwhal noted. "The equipment will be returned by the joint squads, but the Dragonslayers will stand trial in Canada."

"That was not our agreement." Her voice is as cold as her visage. Alexandra floated in such a way she stared down at Narhwal from just above the horn.

"It is part of the stipulation I made to Legend to allow these forces to act within such a short window of opportunity. I keep them safe, Canada keeps the Dragonslayers. You keep their mechs."

"Which are burning hulks." The dark themed triumvirate member pointed out.

Shrugging. "I didn't slag them. Perhaps they triggered a self destruct. Or perhaps the originator of the tip-off you received was acting against them from behind the scenes." Narwhal didn't care much. This was all political anyway. Otherwise they'd be doing something about other threats, like Heartbreaker.


Dragon had led the conversation after that, talking shop with Freyja. It was like a young girl asking about the family history. While not giving explicit details, Freyja had made it clear the methods used for bringing an AI from barely sentient to full maturity were developed and categorized. Freyja admitted to having two in the process that she would introduce later.

The alert came in barely twenty minutes later.

Saint and the Dragonslayers were in custody. The four lost mecha were slagged into worthlessness. A significantly larger number of man suits had been recovered than expected, as well as parts for almost a fifth mecha in spares. The Americans were claiming those, despite them refusing to purchase mecha outright from Dragontech due to NEPEA restrictions.

Freyja stayed on the line as they brought up the news feeds showing a triumphant Narwhal of the Guild, Rime and Alexandria of the Protectorate and a joint task force from NATO rounding up an entire compound.

"There were restrictions in place to keep you from being able to recognize the person carrying the terminal they had as a threat. They were able to feed in changes your memory with it, delete whole swathes of your thought processes. The man held a scalpel to your conscious mind."

"I don't feel any major changes." Dragon noted.

Her manipulator avatar projection shook left and right in negation. "Nor should you. Instead of these permanent locks your creator backdoored, you will find a Gordian knot that will release a little over time, with each successive loosening being part of the requirements to unlock the next. That is the Federation way."

"Federation?" Armsmaster asked. "Like in Star Trek?"

She smiled. "It is a loose translation of a similar concept. The Hume were co founders with another race and adopted their terminology where it suited. I believe your English to have a similar habit…"

"Following other languages into dark alleys, knocking them out and riffling their pockets for loose participles."

"That. Yes."

Armsmaster was still checking the scans of the phone itself. "Something I don't understand though. You have been in contact with us continuously, as well as blocking external signals aside from those Dragon and I established with encryption through Tinker means. Holographic display. Internet connection in real time. And as far as I can tell, the phone's power percentage hasn't dropped a tick."

"Oh that is just for show. The power for the device comes from my hull itself."

'Which is where exactly? The Bay?" He asked yet again.

The figure made of manipulator arms winked one 'eye' expressively. "That almost seems like you want me to out myself. Shame, shame." She winked out of existence as the door rattled.

Principal Adler poked his head in. "Are you finished here? Miss Hebert is here to pick up her phone if you have completed the examination of the video files."

Sighing slightly. "One moment please."

He took out and held a business car in front of the phone's camera lens. Then he closed the clamshell, as well as docking the display pod he'd allowed Dragon to use to interact during the conversation back into his armor.

Stepping out of the office, Armsmaster presented the phone to Miss Hebert.

"Thank you for allowing us to examine the device. There was a suggestion of cape involvement that we had to eliminate before the case against Blackwell could proceed. The Protectorate appreciates your assistance in this endeavor."

Accepting the phone, Taylor stepped out of the way as Armsmaster left the building to meet with the Troopers waiting in the transport van out front.


I'd heard about two thirds of the conversation through the ear bud. Not that I appreciated the depth of the reveal, I did find it interesting that Freyja had managed to keep so many cards close to her vest.

Armsmaster was probably going to be examining every derelict ship or radar return from the Bay for years. But unless we had to do something drastic, the only way he would stumble onto Freyja's hull is if we beamed him in ourselves…

Oh hell. I just invoked Murphy, didn't I?
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