(Worm) To Boldly Grow...

Well, that's not correct German…

That's bad accent German, and not sure if tun the correct word choice is.
Well, despite the connections to a German Nazi organization, I could see Kaiser intentionally mangling his German to: 1) seem to fit better with his rank and file, who likely only know German from watching Hollywood interpretations of the language, and, 2) deliberately annoy Kreig.
Well, despite the connections to a German Nazi organization, I could see Kaiser intentionally mangling his German to: 1) seem to fit better with his rank and file, who likely only know German from watching Hollywood interpretations of the language, and, 2) deliberately annoy Kreig.
Remember, he's not a true believer, merely using the ideology to get more power. I can easily see him half assing his lessons, because hey, why worry about it?

Or, he could simply be an arse, who mangles the language because he can, and thumbs his nose at all the people that can speak German properly.
Oh and Carol has, being a lawyer, a bodycam in use so Brad's brag was caught on tape. There will be repercussions.

"My sister-in-law's death was not the result of a random mugging gone tragic, but a targeted assassination by Kaiser and the Empire 88 against a parahuman in her civilian identity. So give me one good reason why we shouldn't take out that Nazi blight that been hanging over our city for too long."

"Because Kaiser, Maximillian Anders, is the largest employer in Brockton Bay."

Log entry 15 12.15.10
Log entry 15 12.15.10***********************************************

Stalker and I were escorting Brandish back to the law offices, she had left her car parked nearby and needed it. The fact that only I flew out of the PRT garage entrance, and even then "I" was a projection while all three of us were inside Freyja.

Brad Meadows raped Fleur.

It is totally not my fault that he was carrying his wallet with his civilian id that was scanned as part of the process of beaming him on and off the ship.

As we entered the garage by flying through the window slits –designed to keep jumpers in– Freyja perked up.

"Records search indicates that there is a two thousand ten GMC Sierra registered to one Brad Meadows. Location … there." Freyja highlights a vehicle visible from where we are, parked across a handicap spot.

"How did you locate it?" I ask.

The smug look given by the puppet hand formed face seems to widen. "His keyfob was with his wallet." She turns to apparently look at the screen. Brandish is off to the side, looking around owlishly at the medical table, the controls.

On the screen, I note a slight flicker and the truck is gone.

"Acquisition of materials from fallen enemies is a common practice among those who strive for the warrior ethos. Besides, we have yet to create transport for your team."

"Most of us can fly at this point." I note.

Two of the hands go palms up and wiggle up and down in a balance. "One does not know what is needful until it is needed."

I turned to find Brandish marching over to me. "All this, it looks like Star Trek in here. Is that a medical station?"

I nod, knowing that Freyja translated the readouts to English for Pestilence's benefit.

"Can it cure inoperable cancers?" The hope building is palpable.

Freyja's voice cuts in. "It cannot." Brandish slumps visibly, hope draining. "However, that would require there to be a condition that is inoperable. You understand that the transporter technology that brought you aboard breaks the body down at a submolecular level and reassembles the energy pattern in a new location. With a minor tweak to targeting parameters, it does not have to reassemble in the exact same pattern."

Firming up, Brandish asked me something I was hardly expecting. "Can you fix my husband?"

I frowned. "There is something Panacea can't heal?"

"She can't fix brains. Or she isn't confident that doing so isn't going to result in losing him with a living body left behind." She blinked. "You, ah, haven't said no yet."

Freyja nodded. "An examination must be made. There is the possibility that an unknown factor relating to parahuman powers would prevent treatment. Consider it a maybe."

"In that case, would you consider coming over for dinner?" Brandish offered. "It is a family night, and Mark still manages to grill a mean burger."


"Hon, Taylor just called. She and Sophia got invited to dinner with the Dallons." Alan noted to Zoe. "Something about Carol wanting her daughters to hang out with normal teenagers."

Zoe raised an eyebrow at his attitude, "You do remember that Henry Fenway took an interest in all three girls."

Waving his hands in defeat. "Oh I know that, but does she?"

Now Zoe rolled her eyes. "I hope Emma is having fun at the fashion show. Anne left to catch the end of it and drive her home."


Emma grimaced as the villainous duo posed in front of the entire lineup of models, both sporting green things over their heads. Well, all of them had glowing green diamond things floating above their heads. It was something Uber and Leet had insisted on, streaming the giggles.

"Now everyone, walk the walk. If you manage the full path without a misstep to the beat, your Plumbob will stay green. Every point lost will take your color from green to red." Uber's suave delivery into the microphone was washed away by Leet's next remark.

"And if you fail!" His strident voice took on an Urkel tone –wait was he wearing suspenders? He was dressed as a Caucasian Urkel Sim– "If you fail, Patty here will get to chomp on you." He pointed over his shoulder to a box that stood six feet tall.

The box walls split open and fell to the sides showing a potted plant that lifted up in a very not plant like way. It had a cow head, and TEETH!

"MOO!" The thing slavered as it loomed forward.

Thud. Thud. Crack.

It was shuffling closer with hops. The pot broke, losing dirt as it moved, tentacle roots showing as it moved.

"Ladies, hop to it!" Uber pressed play on the music. As each girl took up their position in line, one of the minions with blue Plumbob's passed them an egg and a spoon.

Leet laughed uproariously as the cow plant licked its lips suggestively.

"You can get positive points for shaking it without breaking it." He made a smooch face. "And a fifty point bonus for kissing one of us!"

Trista and Janice were conferring briefly. Emma heard them arguing over getting the bonus points, whether it was worth it overall.

Janice was one of the heavier girls they brought into the show to model for the 'large' crowd, and she would be nice if she didn't try to chum up with the bitchy ones.

I was considering doing something when I heard them say, "All we have to do is stall them for a while for the Protectorate, hell, even the Wards would work."

"So get a quick fifty points and then do badly while keeping them busy." Trista sneered. Turning to me. "Are you in?"

I nodded.

The line was moving, I was near the end so I took a moment to size up the cow plant. It was focused on the girls moving down the catwalk, snorting at one who fumbled and almost dropped an egg.

"I said SHAKE IT!" Uber's suave voice broke suddenly as he watched Trista move up.

I guess he didn't like that she kissed Leet and not him.

Well, that made me the last one to move into position. But I had my wits and Freyja's training. No way were a couple of nerds gonna make me shake –unless I want to. I knew this place as well as anyplace. I let my hand slip down to the edge of the stairs, finding gum stuck there in passing. Not just one, but many layers of pieces.

Ah, a fresh one. I scraped a pinch off and used it to stick my egg to the spoon. And then, because I could hold my spoon more casually, I did a bit of strutting in front of Uber.

"Hey boys, which one of you is the better gamer, anyway?" I winked.

Both turned red, immediately pointing at themselves.

"I AM!"

"No you aren't. HEY!"

They crowded their way onto the catwalk, pushing each other as they followed me. I was putting on the swaying walk that would be more normally seen near the Boardwalk. The dress I had been wearing for the Fashion Show was shorter than I'd normally wear. So I made sure to give them a reason to follow along.

And then Janice stumbled ahead of me. She fell to one knee, almost falling to the side of the walk.

Thud. Thud.

The cow plant was heading her way, passing up Uber and Leet and me. Oddly, the other girls seem to have gotten out through the service door.

Ah. I see. In the dim lighting of where the audience would be –when did the audience leave?-- a group of three capes were kneeling, ready to pounce. Vista in green, Clockblocker in white, and Aegis I think in red.

Uber and Leet had started a slapping fight, ignoring me as I moved ahead in a quick jog to grab Janice. The cow plant oriented on me –or the … egg.

Janice had lost hers.

I could see a bit of yolk on the cow plant's fanged mouth parts. Raising the spoon up like a wand I waved it right and left to get the plant's attention further up. Janice scrabbled on all fours away with a mumbled thanks.

There was a blurring effect and then Janice was gone.


The arguing ground to halt as they noticed the room was cleared of everyone but me.

"What did you do?" Leet asked, pointing at me.

I waved my spoon back and forth, up and down, mesmerizing more than just the cow plant as I passed it in front of my chest. Clockblocker and Aegis were almost in position to grab them but they too froze.

Too much of a good thing I suppose. I took a deep breath, coming closer to their stun faced position. "I … did … THIS!" I smashed the egg right into Leet's face. Then, recalling the time at the dojo I sent him back with a front kick, pushing him back into Uber's arms and both of them right off the catwalk into the waiting cow plant's mouth.

It swallowed them up to their waist, trying to gulp them further down but failing.

I snapped my fingers. "And that is that."

Clapping noises.

Aegis, Clockblocker and Vista were right there behind me, clapping.

"Allow me to congratulate the winner, Miss?" Clockblocker was in the lead here.

"Emma. Emma Barnes." I smile. I can't see his face, but I can tell where his eyes are.

Aegis cleared his voice, "Clock, hit them with a ribbon so we can freeze and foam them. Who knows when the … thing… will decide to chomp down."

Muffled cursing.

The cow plant tilted its head back to point to the ceiling.

The cursing grew more high pitched, a note of fear coming through.

The white costumed teen flicked his hand forward, a roll of ribbon shooting out to wrap the roots. He let the extra fall to the ground and knelt so that when he froze it there wasn't any just hanging in the air.

"Time!" He called out. The color drained from the ribbon up to the cowplant, the thing stopping as it too became white. Uber and Leet began to turn white as well.

Then they were… gone.

"Blast it. We took too long and they triggered a return teleport." Aegis looked around. "We got a couple of minions in custody outside, all the hostages freed. I think we are about done here. Do you want us to tell anyone your part in this, Miss Barnes?'

I must've looked confused.

Vista piped up. "If we play up your part in it, then Uber and Leet might come looking for payback."

Aegis flew up and swung at something that escaped his grasp. The golden thing buzzed around a circle and then zoomed out the doorway, just missing being caught by Vista shrinking the passage down to doggy door size.

"Dangit, there's a potted plant in the way!" She groaned.

Chuckling, "Well, there's no way to keep you out of the limelight now. They have the footage and they got away… again." He held out a hand. "Time to meet the press."


Madison had a quiet day of study. She was working her way through the training schedule that Freyja had set to make sure she could act like an officer. As well there were 'breaks' thrown in where she could see the fauna of other worlds in action, expanding her repertoire of insects and arthropods immensely. There were even humanoid races with insect origin here.

Freyja was a task mistress at the classes,

"I will remind you, the Keptain has ordered you not to use alien insects except under her command." Freyja noted. "That said, she did not disallow you to take the form of Federation member races."

Best teacher ever.

Ooh. This one could jump like a grasshopper!

"Pay attention now. These are diagnostic devices, something like a tricorder in your Star Trek. Unlike those, they can seal wounds with the application of materials produced as a paste…"

Madison wondered when Freyja would consider her 'ready' to act as a crewmember without one of the others with her.


Back at HQ, the Wards were writing up their after action reports.

"Something is bothering me though." Missy scratched her nose. "Didn't that girl, Emma whats-her-face, seem familiar to you?"

She was looking at Dennis so she didn't see Carlos behind her waving his hands in a 'NO' pattern at the other boy.

Dennis frowned and looked back at her seriously. "Yeah, she totally kicked ass. You don't think she is Shadow Stalker out of costume, do you?"

Missy nearly spewed soda, fooled by his tone into thinking she was safe. "Not even as a joke!" She laughed. "But we know Stalker is ah, darker skinned, from her initial costume efforts. She didn't bother to cover her neck and arms fully in the first few months out."

Aegis nearly groaned. Dennis could have given it all away. Or did he not notice that Emma Barnes was Gingembre? I mean, she wore the same perfume, and had the same poise. Of course she didn't speak with the faux French accent, but that was part of the cape stuff, like him being taught to talk with a deep voice as Aegis.

Browbeat came in and distracted things further. "Did you guys hear? Brandish took down Hookwolf! And the Keptain and Shadow Stalker brought in Night and Fog at the same time."

"Really?" Missy crowed. "I knew they were cool but –wait, was Gingembre there?"

"No." Browbeat looked confused.

"Aww, I was hoping there was footage of her in action!"

Dennis and Aegis exchanged looks behind her, then shrugged.

"Oh, there will be some footage of Uber and Leet getting their ass handed to them by a mere teenaged girl, a model if you can believe it."

"Hey, I remember now, she was with the brunette who was there when the Empire was making a fuss. No wonder she could kick like that, they were members of that dojo." Missy trailed off a little. "I wonder if I could take some classes there as a civilian. Then the Youth Guard couldn't say 'no' to it like they have to any other special training…"
"Hey, I remember now, she was with the brunette who was there when the Empire was making a fuss. No wonder she could kick like that, they were members of that dojo." Missy trailed off a little. "I wonder if I could take some classes there as a civilian. Then the Youth Guard couldn't say 'no' to it like they have to any other special training…"
You are an evil author, aren't you? :)

Are Dennis and Aegis going to face-slap, and refuse to explain why?
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"Because Kaiser, Maximillian Anders, is the largest employer in Brockton Bay."

Just to note, Medhall is the largest employer of nazi in Brockton Bay. It's unclear just how much of the company is not staffed by E88 members. But considering to my knowledge Medhall was founded by Allfather, and Allfather was to my knowledge a True Believer, I'd guess it's probably not much.
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Just to note, Medhall is the largest employer of nazi in Brockton Bay. It's unclear just how much of the company is not staffed by E88 members. But considering to my knowledge Medhall was founded by Allfather, and Allfather was to my knowledge a True Believer, I'd guess it's probably not much.
Well, it's still possible, if you include not only Medhall but subsidiaries and the businesses their presence brings in.
Are you also including businesses their presence chases off and/or murders? Such as any business not ran by a white person who's either a member or willing to pay "protection" fees?
I depends how smart Allfather was...

If he didn't want the businesses in the more wealthy parts of the city to have to directly pay protection (as long as they weren't run by non-whites, and as long as they weren't too 'communist'?) he might have left those alone, to avoid the wrong sort of attention to Medhall. Kaiser would be smart enough to continue this.

Implying that E88 kept the wealthy parts of the city gang-free is one thing, actually obviously being the gang there is asking for Federal attention? How long has the 'Feudal BB' project been running, and does E88's rise of power in the Bay precede that? So, E88 would start in poorer parts of BB, and extend tentacles into middle-class areas once it seemed they could get away with it?

BTW, 'communist' equals liberal, or any other grouping Nazis don't approve of.


For extra 'fun', what if E88 are sophisticated enough they're using something like 'EncroChat', and exchanging text messages (and the odd image) confident that no one but the 'right people' can read them?

Of course, Freyja would have barely a speed-bump in reading all this...
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Log entry 16 12.20.10
Log entry 16 12.20.10***********************************************

No, they weren't rich. No, they were not clean or hoity-toity. But in the garage mosh pit filled with aging bean bags –one entire shipping container left aboard the abandoned cargo ship had been faux leather bean bags in pink and blue– and half filled with poorly clothed goth clowns laughed as Skidmark strolled the raised catwalk.

Gesturing at a repurposed sail they were projecting the videos he'd had queued up. THIS!" He pounded his staff, a lovingly cared for Tinker microphone and transceiver putting his voice to the people and booming like a drum when he hit the ground. "This is why we don't mess with teenaged SHE-nanigans!"

Nodding while stroking his chin.

"We know when to buy, when to sell and when to get the HELL out of the way. Merchants!" He swirled around. "Now, what can we sell to make some scratch off these girls without pissing them off?"

That one guy that always opened his mouth before his brain engaged. "It has to be small, man, like their name. What about keychains?"

Skidmark stopped and turned, his face screwing up like he was about to explode.

The regulars ducked for cover, expecting a bean bag to toss into the air with the unfortunate rider. There were cargo nets set up around the edges. It caught most of the punishment fliers.


"GENIUS!" He nodded exaggeratedly as everyone else relaxed. "Give Dave here a baggy." He swept off in another direction, continuing with thoughts his underlings took notes on.

Smiling like the icon he dressed like, the ganger who modeled himself off Chong caught the sandwich bag stuffed with MJ and shrooms mumbled his usual response. "Dave isn't here, man." Then he waved an eager coworker over as she had the bong ready to pack, "Or at least he won't be soon." This was the good stuff, brought in from Boston, Blasto's Best.

"Put the word out. Get me some pics and work up some profiles for keychains. Can we outsource a rubber band gun like Stalker? What about visors?" Skids was on a roll now. He smelled money.

Squealer leaned out of the upstairs loft. "We can sell the trinkets around Winslow though, right? It's just the heavy stuff you don't want in school?"

"Damn right! Candy and trinkets for the Winslow crowd. Keep the sellers to lightly baked, nobody who'd catch a narc looking twice." He paused. "And somebody go wake up Mush. I want him to check out Hookwolf's hangouts, see if he got out already."

He was ready to light a doobie and patting his pockets.

"My man, I don't have any matches."

An even dozen packs of matches were tossed his way, as well as one lighter held in the air by a fluff of plastic as Whirlygig did her thing.

Snatching the lighter, Skids snickered. "Still ain't got no matches, yo. But I do bring the flame!" Tossing the lighter back into the air, he waved to the sail. "Enough news and work stuff, bring on the Goonies!"

Movie night with the Merchants. Next up after that was a venerable Christmas movie, "Die Hard"


Eve Clements was horrified. And worried. And somehow still excited. Her daughter was finally taking an interest in crafting. But having dozens of ten-inch spiders creating web lines that a thirty-inch spider was knitting into material while apparently all of them were dancing to Christmas music was a bit much.

She gulped as she saw several of them orient on her and the tray of cookies she was bringing into the basement cum lair that Madison had taken over.

Flashbacks of the movie "Eight Legged Freaks" had her wincing and setting down the tray before any of them leaped at her. The first few times had been heart stopping. Now she would flinch but not hurt herself trying to lunge away in fear.

"Save the fangs and claws for the gangs, dear." She swallowed. "I want to occasionally see my little girl acting normal or I stop with the baking."

Hundreds of eyes grew round and Eve considered if 'puppy dog eyes' really worked on spiders.

The biggest spider in the room folded into itself as Madison stood up in its place, green elf shorts and an ugly sweater boasting jingle bells to match. "Okay mom. I need a break anyway. Carry on, ladies!"

She waved as the mess of smaller spiders continued on, sewing and knitting. Others were dragging sections of webbing into buckets of dye.

Hand made.


She was aiming to have a good bit of stock to show Parian when she could. But she still had yet to work out how to get it all down to the shop without asking for shuttle time. Her own storage space was getting bigger as she worked on it, something linked to the mass she was controlling at any one time.

But she was working on making some of her spider forms cute. It was tough going, but when they could dance, it was hard not to like them even for mom.

Eve Clements found herself shuddering yet again, aware somehow that her daughter was reaching new heights of adorifying.


It was time.

"Zoe. Remember how you said I could come to you with any kind of problem?"

She had halfway been expecting something. Boy trouble. Worries about college. Girl Trouble? No judgement if that was it, she remembered Anne Rose's escapades in college after all. But the serious look on Taylor's face made Zoe Barnes push the laundry basket aside.

"Okay, give me the broad strokes. What's the biggest issue?"

Sitting down next to her on the couch, Taylor considered how to get it out there. How to 'air the laundry' so to speak. Actually…

Nodding, she queued up some music with a tap of fingers on her arm, macros were a wonderful thing after all.

The sound of Caribbean beat with strings started around them, fading in from almost a whisper. Raising a hand, Taylor hand danced a moment, while the unfolded laundry in the basket rose and echoed the movement. As Zoe watched bemused, she stood and moved to the beat around the other side of the coffee table as the words started.

Gesturing down her front, Taylor shifted from dark tresses and pale skin to white hair and gray skin, clothes to the Fleet uniform of gold and black.

Tapping a pause at a refrain. "I go by Keptain."

Exhaling a breath she hadn't realizing she was holding. Zoe Barnes visibly reached down to pinch her own leg. "Nope. Not dreaming." Deep breath. "Should I expect any more revelations today?"

Emma sheepishly walked into the room. She walked over to Taylor and stuck her tongue out. "There were better ways to do that, you know."

"First Officer Gingembre, report." Taylor said.

Emma waved her hand down her body, blue topped pant suit over red furred arms with fuzzy face and cat ears showing. She made a pose as her tail swept into view. "Nyan!"

Zoe gulped. "That was you on the news?" She blinked. "And Shadow Stalker…" She held out her arms. "My girls. What happened to you?"

Taylor and Emma looked at each other. "What do you mean, mom?"

Zoe was looking teary eyed. "Trigger events. They are the worst of the worst days in your life. Rose said so." She had gripped Emma and then held an arm out for Taylor too.

I was flabbergasted. "Mom? My mom, I mean, was a cape?"

"You didn't know?" She dabbed her eyes. "But maybe that is how you triggered so easy. But what happened to Emma?"

"We didn't trigger. We found Freyja and she helped us out with goodies from her side of the galaxy." Emma said straight faced.

Zoe paused fully, letting that sink in.

"And who is Freyja?"


The room was suddenly empty of two teenagers and one adult mother figure.

The now folded laundry settled to the coffee table.

Alan Barnes came in with a handful of mail. "Zoe?" He looked around. "I thought I heard her talking in here just a second ago. That and a Harry Belafonte song starting."


Kiki Hess had Sophia and Zuri in tow, her with a shopping cart and Sophia pushing the stroller. She had to keep Zuri in the center of the aisle at all times or else little hands found things on shelves to snag and hide. It was a game to let her almost get some bag or box but steer clear at the last second.

"Girl, what has you dancing?" Kiki looked at her middle child as she sashayed a bit.

Smiling, "Nothing much. Just got this song stuck in my head. I think it was in Beetlejuice."

Giggling came from the toddler being moved around in the beat. "Jump in the line, rock your body in time." Sophia laughed as she did double duty of annoying a few Karen's watching. Some of them were challenged by her skin color, others by her youth and vigor.

One biddy was trying to convince security to do something about the 'no good teenager' causing trouble,

"Ma'am it is Christmas." he tried explaining reality.

Waving her umbrella at him. "Then she should be singing carols, not that trash."
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It is a tradition to watch it around Christmas.

The original Grinch, Home Alone, Goonies, Gremlins.

Of those the original Animated How the Grinch Stole Christmas and Home Alone are the only ones I'd consider a "Christmas movie". And Home Alone barely meets the qualification. Goonies doesn't even take place on or around Christmas. It takes place in the summer. And I've never heard of Home Alone, Goonies, or Gremlins being "traditional to watch on Christmas". To be fair, I'd personally argue that Home Alone shouldn't be watched any time of the year. I also wish I'd never seen either Home Alone movie, but at the times I didn't have a choice in the matter.
Gremlins is, as it happens during the immediate post christmas period, (Gizmo was a christmas present)
Home Alone and Die Hard both happen during the Christmas season
Goonies i'll agree with you on though because we all love the original Grinch
Christmas might have been the reason for Gizmo arriving in the family, but Gremlins is no more a Christmas film then any other Christmas themed horror film. You know, such as Santa Claws, Santa's Slay, and the many many slasher films with titles like Silent Night, Deadly Night. Hell, with that logic you could try claiming the original Childs Play movie is a Christmas film, because as I recall the kid gets a Good Guy doll for Christmas, and it just happens to be possessed by the soul of a serial killer.