Superhero (Worm) To Boldly Grow...

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To Boldly Grow…

This is the tale of one Taylor Hebert, fresh to the command of a fleet Starship found in salvage.
Will there be analogs of Star Trek, probably. Will there be Wards or Undersiders prominent, that is not the base intent but the muse may wander off in that direction. Puns? Yes, but not as the focus. A different take on both Emma and Sophia from the get go, due largely to AU elements that may be explained or go the route of handwavium –like how the heck does Taylor get a starship and not immediately go to space.

Posting schedule, when the muse sneaks up and smacks me upside the head. (Approximately 1 per month unless I say otherwise.)

Audience: Worm might be a good thing, canon or fanon, with the understanding that this train is off the tracks before the first station is in sight. Star Trek knowledge is not a must as this story is approximating the genre and referring to the show of that name to make comparisons that highly amuse the people* involved.

*Yes one of them is an AI.