(Worm) To Boldly Grow...

Log entry 16 12.20.10
Log entry 16 12.20.10***********************************************

No, they weren't rich. No, they were not clean or hoity-toity. But in the garage mosh pit filled with aging bean bags –one entire shipping container left aboard the abandoned cargo ship had been faux leather bean bags in pink and blue– and half filled with poorly clothed goth clowns laughed as Skidmark strolled the raised catwalk.

Gesturing at a repurposed sail they were projecting the videos he'd had queued up. THIS!" He pounded his staff, a lovingly cared for Tinker microphone and transceiver putting his voice to the people and booming like a drum when he hit the ground. "This is why we don't mess with teenaged SHE-nanigans!"

Nodding while stroking his chin.

"We know when to buy, when to sell and when to get the HELL out of the way. Merchants!" He swirled around. "Now, what can we sell to make some scratch off these girls without pissing them off?"

That one guy that always opened his mouth before his brain engaged. "It has to be small, man, like their name. What about keychains?"

Skidmark stopped and turned, his face screwing up like he was about to explode.

The regulars ducked for cover, expecting a bean bag to toss into the air with the unfortunate rider. There were cargo nets set up around the edges. It caught most of the punishment fliers.


"GENIUS!" He nodded exaggeratedly as everyone else relaxed. "Give Dave here a baggy." He swept off in another direction, continuing with thoughts his underlings took notes on.

Smiling like the icon he dressed like, the ganger who modeled himself off Chong caught the sandwich bag stuffed with MJ and shrooms mumbled his usual response. "Dave isn't here, man." Then he waved an eager coworker over as she had the bong ready to pack, "Or at least he won't be soon." This was the good stuff, brought in from Boston, Blasto's Best.

"Put the word out. Get me some pics and work up some profiles for keychains. Can we outsource a rubber band gun like Stalker? What about visors?" Skids was on a roll now. He smelled money.

Squealer leaned out of the upstairs loft. "We can sell the trinkets around Winslow though, right? It's just the heavy stuff you don't want in school?"

"Damn right! Candy and trinkets for the Winslow crowd. Keep the sellers to lightly baked, nobody who'd catch a narc looking twice." He paused. "And somebody go wake up Mush. I want him to check out Hookwolf's hangouts, see if he got out already."

He was ready to light a doobie and patting his pockets.

"My man, I don't have any matches."

An even dozen packs of matches were tossed his way, as well as one lighter held in the air by a fluff of plastic as Whirlygig did her thing.

Snatching the lighter, Skids snickered. "Still ain't got no matches, yo. But I do bring the flame!" Tossing the lighter back into the air, he waved to the sail. "Enough news and work stuff, bring on the Goonies!"

Movie night with the Merchants. Next up after that was a venerable Christmas movie, "Die Hard"


Eve Clements was horrified. And worried. And somehow still excited. Her daughter was finally taking an interest in crafting. But having dozens of ten-inch spiders creating web lines that a thirty-inch spider was knitting into material while apparently all of them were dancing to Christmas music was a bit much.

She gulped as she saw several of them orient on her and the tray of cookies she was bringing into the basement cum lair that Madison had taken over.

Flashbacks of the movie "Eight Legged Freaks" had her wincing and setting down the tray before any of them leaped at her. The first few times had been heart stopping. Now she would flinch but not hurt herself trying to lunge away in fear.

"Save the fangs and claws for the gangs, dear." She swallowed. "I want to occasionally see my little girl acting normal or I stop with the baking."

Hundreds of eyes grew round and Eve considered if 'puppy dog eyes' really worked on spiders.

The biggest spider in the room folded into itself as Madison stood up in its place, green elf shorts and an ugly sweater boasting jingle bells to match. "Okay mom. I need a break anyway. Carry on, ladies!"

She waved as the mess of smaller spiders continued on, sewing and knitting. Others were dragging sections of webbing into buckets of dye.

Hand made.


She was aiming to have a good bit of stock to show Parian when she could. But she still had yet to work out how to get it all down to the shop without asking for shuttle time. Her own storage space was getting bigger as she worked on it, something linked to the mass she was controlling at any one time.

But she was working on making some of her spider forms cute. It was tough going, but when they could dance, it was hard not to like them even for mom.

Eve Clements found herself shuddering yet again, aware somehow that her daughter was reaching new heights of adorifying.


It was time.

"Zoe. Remember how you said I could come to you with any kind of problem?"

She had halfway been expecting something. Boy trouble. Worries about college. Girl Trouble? No judgement if that was it, she remembered Anne Rose's escapades in college after all. But the serious look on Taylor's face made Zoe Barnes push the laundry basket aside.

"Okay, give me the broad strokes. What's the biggest issue?"

Sitting down next to her on the couch, Taylor considered how to get it out there. How to 'air the laundry' so to speak. Actually…

Nodding, she queued up some music with a tap of fingers on her arm, macros were a wonderful thing after all.

The sound of Caribbean beat with strings started around them, fading in from almost a whisper. Raising a hand, Taylor hand danced a moment, while the unfolded laundry in the basket rose and echoed the movement. As Zoe watched bemused, she stood and moved to the beat around the other side of the coffee table as the words started.

Gesturing down her front, Taylor shifted from dark tresses and pale skin to white hair and gray skin, clothes to the Fleet uniform of gold and black.

Tapping a pause at a refrain. "I go by Keptain."

Exhaling a breath she hadn't realizing she was holding. Zoe Barnes visibly reached down to pinch her own leg. "Nope. Not dreaming." Deep breath. "Should I expect any more revelations today?"

Emma sheepishly walked into the room. She walked over to Taylor and stuck her tongue out. "There were better ways to do that, you know."

"First Officer Gingembre, report." Taylor said.

Emma waved her hand down her body, blue topped pant suit over red furred arms with fuzzy face and cat ears showing. She made a pose as her tail swept into view. "Nyan!"

Zoe gulped. "That was you on the news?" She blinked. "And Shadow Stalker…" She held out her arms. "My girls. What happened to you?"

Taylor and Emma looked at each other. "What do you mean, mom?"

Zoe was looking teary eyed. "Trigger events. They are the worst of the worst days in your life. Rose said so." She had gripped Emma and then held an arm out for Taylor too.

I was flabbergasted. "Mom? My mom, I mean, was a cape?"

"You didn't know?" She dabbed her eyes. "But maybe that is how you triggered so easy. But what happened to Emma?"

"We didn't trigger. We found Freyja and she helped us out with goodies from her side of the galaxy." Emma said straight faced.

Zoe paused fully, letting that sink in.

"And who is Freyja?"


The room was suddenly empty of two teenagers and one adult mother figure.

The now folded laundry settled to the coffee table.

Alan Barnes came in with a handful of mail. "Zoe?" He looked around. "I thought I heard her talking in here just a second ago. That and a Harry Belafonte song starting."


Kiki Hess had Sophia and Zuri in tow, her with a shopping cart and Sophia pushing the stroller. She had to keep Zuri in the center of the aisle at all times or else little hands found things on shelves to snag and hide. It was a game to let her almost get some bag or box but steer clear at the last second.

"Girl, what has you dancing?" Kiki looked at her middle child as she sashayed a bit.

Smiling, "Nothing much. Just got this song stuck in my head. I think it was in Beetlejuice."

Giggling came from the toddler being moved around in the beat. "Jump in the line, rock your body in time." Sophia laughed as she did double duty of annoying a few Karen's watching. Some of them were challenged by her skin color, others by her youth and vigor.

One biddy was trying to convince security to do something about the 'no good teenager' causing trouble,

"Ma'am it is Christmas." he tried explaining reality.

Waving her umbrella at him. "Then she should be singing carols, not that trash."
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Log entry 17 12.20.10
Log entry 17 12.20.10***********************************************

Dallon home.

"Mark honey, can you double the hamburgers and add some brats to the grilling this evening? Carol was moving with a purpose, carrying two bags of groceries. "We have guests tonight, and though we can't exactly break from our standard family night, this does involve some cape activity."

"Really?" He closed his book. Checking the weather by the old 'look out the window' standard "Doesn't look like snow. Grill is topped off with propane and I can turn on the heating in the tiles for the patio. Who are we hosting?"

"That depends on if they come as civilian or cape persona, really. But it looks like Keptain and her crew will be coming over."

"Four additional teenage mouths to feed beyond our own? Maybe I should add a pack of hotdogs."

Carol just waved an extra large packet of dogs vaguely in his direction as she unpacked the groceries. Buns, both for burgers and dogs, were laid out already. She took out a pack of heavy duty paper plates right after.

"So, going with the fine China, are we?" He murmured in a shadow of his old jokester self.

Carol froze a moment, then continued with a calming breath. "That's the plan."

Mark raised an eyebrow. "I know that look. Did you con Amy into trying something new?"

"No, Mark. I am not conning Amy into doing anything tonight."

"Okay, then." Mark let it drop. It never helped for long. Just like his meds. They stopped helping every couple months, with a new prescription mix giving him a month of time approaching normal, two in mild depression and dissociation. The last month they –or Carol rather– fought with the insurance company to change out his meds while he was so much of a bump on a log.


I sent out the invite for the SMAAL crew to come to dinner at the Dallons if they were available. I planned to tell them my identity, leaving it up to Emma to divulge hers. Zoe had been more than happy to have a lie down and skip making dinner tonight with a bit of a migraine. Alan was set to work this evening anyway, there was a small surge in divorces around Christmas in the last few years.

Sophia answered she could come either way, her mom Kiki approved of New Wave and considered it to be a bonus to have another set of adults to contact her directly in the event of an emergency.

Freyja dropped a bombshell on me as I ran through the options.

"My Keptain –Although there is no precedent involved, there is a certain amount of resources used in performing this operation. Would you consider requesting equal strength in favors for SMAAL itself, or some form of agreement to act as allies with New Wave?"

I paused, looking over the list of available treatments and resources she brought up on the screens. "Oh, so if New Wave and SMAAL were allies, this would fall under standard resource sharing instead of a gift."

"Quite." She noted, puppet hands nodding. "It would also allow for certain civilian grade versions of crew enhancements to the adults –ahem– all of New Wave."

"Show me what you were considering."

The list highlighted the basic bone structure additions that were part of the crew basics. Tracking units. Vision improvements. Implants of certain glandular structures…

"Wait, that last item. Is that something in our packages?"

"Yes, as well as Kiki Hess and now Zoe Barnes. The glands involved manufacture the correct antibodies for a multitude of galactic known bacteria, as target specific treatments for viruses, prions, and most poisons." At this point she mumbled something.

I hadn't heard Freyja ever mumble by accident. Raising an eyebrow. "What was that last?"

"Ah Mitogen production age reversal."

"Are you telling me you can extend life indefinitely?"

The puppet hands tapped their first fingers together with the hands forming the eyes veered way to the left. "Not … indefinitely. But extension has raised the standard expectancy to closer to two centennials if one ignores accident or war."

She seemed contrite.

"And you have not offered this for the rest of our family members why?" I was a little steamed. Dad, the Barnes –all of them– Kurt and Lacey. And then I saw it. "This is why you mentioned limited resources. You can't just produce this for every person on Earth, and everyone on Earth would want it if it was known."

Freyja sighed. "Exactly."

"But you are required to divulge the information if asked."

She nodded, but seemed to tilt her puppet head.

"Unless ordered by the acting Captain to withhold the information." I grimaced.

"So, I get to pick and choose. Is there a chance these 'glands' would be detected by modern medical treatment?"

"Very unlikely. Except for Panacea…"

"Ah, I have to have a few words with her tonight anyway. Joy."

"In the meantime, schedule time for the rest of the Hess's, Alan and Anne Barnes, and find a way for me to get my father treated –whether he is aware of it or not."

"Aye." She paused and then added. "Ah, Keptain. Your father is within range given that I had already placed a tracker in his effects on the last visit. It would not require an overnight stay, not even an hour's work to produce the basic set of changes."

I rolled my eyes at her dramatics. "Make it so."

I changed my look to be in civilian mode as a male form appeared on the bed. He had been taking a nap, something he had mentioned was part of the regimen –extra sleep time to help purge out the poisons from his liver. Well, that would be easier soon.


He sat up and looked my way, alert but a little confused. "T-Taylor? Am I dreaming?" He looked around. "This is like a set on a TV show."

I was still in my uniform cum suit, minus the visor/helmet. "Not a dream, not exactly."

He turned to look at me closer. "I've seen that costume before. Are?" He trailed off.

I nodded, triggering the change to the Keptain fully. "I am."

He slumped. "You triggered." He got up from the bed/chair and stepped closer. "I am so sorry. I should have been there for you. I am such a failure…"

I stopped him short of the hug to look in his eyes, downward a bit now. "You didn't fail me and I didn't exactly trigger. We don't have a huge amount of time to discuss this, but I will make time later to explain fully. For now, understand that this being my ship and my crew, I can extend certain advantages to family –Zoe Barnes already with Alan and Anne later tonight. Would you allow us to give you certain advantages that can help keep you alive, healthy?"

He hugged me fiercely. "Yes. I trust you completely." He let go and looked up at me. "I wasn't really shrinking, eh? Can't exactly call you my little Owl anymore."

I chuckled and did the answer I'd been using since I was six. "WHO, me?"

Gesturing at the bed. "Just lie down again and take a little nap. Freyja here will give you the base set and we can consider if anything else is necessary for later. The basic gist is that you won't get sick easily or die from snakebite."

"Oh, okay. I guess it won't be all that obvious a change since that is exactly the kind of thing they are trying to do to me in rehab."



Freyja, you withheld this so there would be no sudden changes in Dad that would out me!

"You might even get a Brute zero or one rating out of it so try not to advertise it. Are they still giving you a two day pass for Christmas day itself?"

Thumbs up. Then he slumped as Freyja clearly anesthetized him.

"I find myself less than happy that you chose to withhold this option so long." I said to Freyja.

The puppet face looked sad. "I am surprised you didn't work out that there was such an option before now, my Keptain."

Ouch. I did have it in front of me the whole time.

"I apologize." I note the puppet blinked once slowly. "Please speak freely in such cases as you deem I am lacking forethought."

"As you say, Keptain."

Dallon residence.

"Amy, Victoria, can you come down here please?" Carol's voice was, well, lacking something it usually held.

Amy could not put her finger on it. She spoke like this to Vicky sometimes, but anytime it included herself, there was always a note of suspicion or disapproval.

Vicky put it best. "Did mom win the Lotto or something?"

"I don't think so. Besides, she's a cape. They tax those things like 50% if you are a parahuman and they can prove it, just to keep the Thinkers from trying to spoof the numbers." Amy grumbled as she walked downstairs behind Vicky.

"We have guests for the family dinner night. Depending, it might be four girls or four capes that have been in the news lately. SMAAL. It is a bit of celebration for taking a good bit of the Empire off the streets." She smiled at that, but her eyes drifted to Mark.

Amy suspected there was more to it.

She wasn't thinking that Keptain could do something for Mark, was she? There had been a notation claiming that Keptain had healed Shadow Stalker and was known to be capable of advanced Tinker-like healing. Well, there goes the college fund money.


Barnes residence.

"Taylor and Emma were invited to dinner with the Dallons. Carol is trying to get her girls more involved with normal teens, ones that aren't part of Arcadia and the golden spoon set." Zoe was telling Alan. "Anne just got back from some kind of spin class and just wants to turn in early."

"So a 'fend' night? I can handle making a sandw…" He trailed off as she brought out a bag from the local Sub chain. "Ah, you have this thought out. Are you feeling better after that migraine this afternoon?"

Zoe smiled beatifically. "I feel much better, yes."

Anne's room was quiet, her headphones were in but she was sprawled out on the bed in her workout clothes. Zoe had checked in a few minutes before. The hologram was exact, although the whole made the bed two inches higher than normal to simulate the bend where the weight would be. Zoe, having changed the bed sheets in that room for much of Anne's life, recognized this in an instant but was still taken in by the breathing form.

She would be done and returned in just a few minutes. Unlike New Wave, they didn't expect to swap out the whole group at once. But Freyja had suggested there were bigger 'rooms' available than the small one she used for a 'bridge'.


Flying was always fun, but I was feeling a little bit out of sorts as I came in for a landing at the Dallons residence. I walked into the covered area of their front porch, returning to visibility above that of a wasp that anyone able to see that clearly in the early dusk could have seen.

I knocked on the actual door and stepped back a little so they could look at me on the camera screen Freyja had let me know was there.

Carol answered, or Brandish really since she was wearing her costume.

She glanced past me. "First to show? Are they coming in costumes as well?"

"I have them with me. I can bring them out once we are inside. No one saw me land and approach."

The woman inside to the right as I entered and said this seemed impressed. "Mover and Stranger ratings as well." She wiped a hand that had been holding a drink and reached to shake. "Sarah Pelham." She smiled. "Or Lady Photon if you are keeping to the costume. We have the blackout curtains pulled except at the back door."

I smiled back at that. "If we could have a short meeting in costume to offer a proposal to New Wave in general, it won't take long."

She nodded. "Then let's go to the basement, we have a conference table there."

Brandish moved to gather in her husband from the backyard, it turned out the teens and Laser Dream were already downstairs. They started to put masks on but I waved them to relax.

"You are already known in both identities, but I represent SMAAL in this as the Captain as well as being Keptain." I made the two words distinct in pronunciation. "We would like to be allies offering the base privileges given to the crew of the Freyja as our part of the bargain. That would include what we can do for Mr. Dallon's condition." I nod toward Mark.

"Mr. Dallon is my father." He joked. "But go on, we are listening."

"Mutual aid, backup as needed. We don't plan to poke the gangs, but it is clear they won't just leave us be either."

Vicky sniggered. "If this is you restrained so far I am scared of what happens when you let loose."

"Shhh." Carol hushed her as I waited.

"As part of that, we would divulge our identities to you –and you alone. Can you keep our secrets?"

Carol had explained they voted democratically for the most part. "I move to accept being allies of Smaal, including keeping their secrets. Do I hear a second?"

Manpower and Lady Photon both held a hand up. "All in favor?"

The hands rose, almost all at once save Panacea and Glory Girl. Shielder shook his head at them. "Come on, it isn't everyday we get to be part of a secret cabal."

"Fine." Amy and Vicky raised theirs as well.

"Motion passed. New Wave is now allied with SMAAL. We can work out the details over dinner." Lady Photon noted.

"Noted. May I introduce my crew." Each one appeared next to me, in costume as they appeared. "First Officer Gingembre, Security– Shadow Stalker, Life Sciences Pestilence."

They appeared and stood behind me, saluting as I did, fist over my heart.

Then each of us shifted to civilian look, Madison slightly after the others.

"Taylor Hebert."

"Emma Barnes."

"Sophia Hess."

"Madison Clements."

The members of New Wave took off their masks, mostly domino sized anyway, to symbolically match us in street wear.

Vicky grumbled and pulled a bill out of her pocket. "I don't know how you got her name right." She passed it over to Amy.

"Come on, the only evidence they aren't the same person was a grainy selfie." Amy seemed to relax a bit as Madison pouted. "It also helped that I saw you before you had upsized your Pestilence figure."

Carol was looking at Emma now. "Does… does Alan know about this?"

Emma blushed. "Not yet. My mom does and he will by tomorrow."

Carol's eyes shifted to mine. "The Barnes are my guardians now, but my dad also knows for what it's worth."

Sophia grunted and nodded to the implied question.

"Good. Now I hate to rush things, but can you help Mark out?" She asked, clearly trying to hold back from all but pushing the man our way.

Amy perked up. "Can you do something about his condition?"

"In a word, yes. But there is more being offered." I hold out a hand. "I understand you can read the physiology of a person at a touch?"

Amy stepped closer and touched my hand.

Vicky had to catch her as Amy's knees buckled a moment. Her eyes unfocused. Her grip tightened like she thought I would tear free.

"What the actual fuck?!" She gulped. Followed by a more hesitant, "What ARE you?"

"Read between the lines. My ship has technology that makes the modern world look like ancient Egypt. Note the gland structures, the bones…"

She was nodding, her breath tense. "I've seen something like the bones on a Brute from Australia. And your eyes have features Aegis shows from time to time. Biological subdermal mesh … Is that barnacle shell?"

Her eyes focused and she let go. "You read like a Bio Tinker got ahold of you." The flush of her cheeks said she was not exactly happy with that.

"Now do Madison here. She will have a minimal set of changes that look like mine and a lot of those showing from being a Changer herself." I note.

She takes Madison's hand.

"Huh." She looked at Madison with new eyes. "Well, you do read as both a single life form and as a colonial mass. I think I may owe you the twenty back, Vicky." She smiled. Then she looked past me and spoke up. "Where are Carol and Mark?"

"Being checked out on the ship. It doesn't take more than a few minutes to record a base state and do the minimal set of changes. Emma's parents had it done earlier today, along with my Dad" I say.

Eric Pelham turned it into a joke. "Next thing we know, we are all going to look alike and everyone will point and hiss at anyone not changed."

Freyja took that as her cue to appear behind him and speak. "It is too late to fear me, foolish human." The last was spoken in a bad Jamaican accent.

As New Wave took up stances, a field or three springing up between them and Freyja I interposed.

"That is Freyja herself. The ship I mentioned. She has also been reviewing every science fiction film and show for the last fifty years."

Eric chuckled. "Buckaroo Banzai?"

Her puppet face beamed at the young man. "Indeed. Though I find I am still more inclined toward the various Star Trek settings –except that horrid reboot."

Several teens around the room nodded and I heard an "Amen to that" from Manpower –er Neil Pelham.

That same person raised a point. "Will these changes be visible on scans? And will they affect our powers?"

I nodded for Freyja to answer.

"No, they will not show up for anything short of Thinkers or Panacea. As for affecting your powers, they are not mutually exclusive. Unless you ask me to remove your powers, they will continue unchanged. There may be synergies that will allow you to use your powers in other ways, both from the changes made and with technology we make available to you directly. I am offering to make you Harsh Environment Reconnaissance Suits in your colors, for instance."

Sarah Pelham looked at Amy a moment and leaned forward. "Tell me more about these suits."

Freyja took that as her time to bring back Carol and Mark Dallon.

It was a very good distraction though I could see Sarah Pelham give me a look that said we would revisit things.

"Emma, have Bygul print up some visors in white. Preload them with the manual for the HER suits."

"Print? As in manufacturing?" I could see Glory Girl's eyes go wide "Can you do dresses?"

There were four pairs of arms signaling 'No!' emphatically.

"Nothing is free." Freyja noted. "But if you volunteer to go next we might make you one nice dress as well as your costume."

"Sold." Vicky said, then disappeared.

Amy caught Carol's arm, then Mark's. Nodding to herself. "I can see what was done. Huh, I could probably make glands like those now that I've seen it a few times."

Freyja frowned. "I would prefer if you did not for now. There are issues which I will show you onboard." Amy vanished as well. "Pelhams, the Dallons have already given consent. If you would like to go as a group, I have sufficient capacity to do the rest in one 'go' as it were."

Neil Pelham stood up, having been seated the whole time to avoid brushing his head on the popcorn ceiling. "In for a penny, in for a pound. Come on kids. Who knows, it might even cure acne."

Eric Pelham and Crystal both beamed at that, then the four of them were gone.

Carol looked around then back at me. "Does it take less time for them or what?"

"That is accurate. We said an hour to pad extra time for complications in Mark's case. For what was done to you and the rest, it was done in the same time it took to beam you onto the ship in the first place. That and recreating your costumes in the form of HER suits."

Four boxes appeared on the conference table, sized like clothing. Four more appeared without boxes, each with a name card on them. These were for Panacea, Brandish, Flashbang, and Glory Girl. There was an additional long skirt option for Glory Girl. The white visors were already on the table, but as Carol picked up hers, it changed to match her colors on the trim. The others also took on the color each wore that wasn't white for the trim.

"There are several options you can use on the HER suit costumes."

Mark snickered. "Hirsute. Like a bunch of Furries."

Carol was looking at him like he'd sprouted another head.

He threw his hands up in surrender. "Master Stranger protocols for me. As soon as I go get the last brats off the grill."

Freyja perked up. "I –ah– took the liberty of beaming them into the kitchen and turned off the grill."

Mark stopped at the stairs up. "Really? I don't suppose you can clean the grill too?"


Carol winced. "You've created a monster you know."

"Hey I don't suppose you can help renovate the house?" Mark noted. "I can't say I've done a lot of upkeep the last few years."

"I am scanning the building now." Freyja started but I held up a hand.

Smiling at him I caught him winking at Carol. "We can help if something happens to it…"

I was interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. Carol started for the stairs.

Freyja's puppets emoted alarm. "Keptain!"


We were all on Freyja's deck, the smaller bridge opening up as walls folded back out of the way. Seating formed around the room as we found ourselves standing around the six couches the Dallon daughters and the Pelhams were rising from.

"What gives?" Carol asked.

The puppet version of Freyja arms formed up and appeared to sigh. "New Wave, it appears that the Empire has –ah– struck back."

The imagery on the screens came to life showing a burned out pit, a smoking hole burned tens of feet down. The remaining back half of the cars from the driveway showed what had hit was energy, something powerful.

"Purity" Freyja had obtained satellite footage in near real time, showing a blast of energy from nearly a mile up.

Mark Dallon sighed and looked over to me. "No take backs now, you said you would help if… That looks like a perfect example."

As we watched, a tiny prick of energy drew a swastika across the remaining piece of driveway.

"Damage report." I spoke.

Freyja answered calmly. "Slight heating on the hull. We actually gained power from that Keptain. We are close to 95% of capacity now."

"Excellent. May I suggest New Wave not show their faces for now? They may know that all of you were onsite when they fired on your home. Breaking the unwritten rules. No sense telling them they missed. Block any pings to their phones." I glance at Freyja. "Get Armsmaster and or Dragon on the line."

"Easily done. They are trying to contact us now." The sound changed, "This is Freyja speaking."

He was alarmed, that was clear. "Freyja! We were alerted that New Wave was hosting SMAAL for dinner tonight. Purity just took out the Dallon household in one blast!" He audibly gulped. "Were your crew there?"

Freyja deferred to me.

"We were. How secure is this line?" I asked.

"Very." Dragon's voice drawled.

I coughed. "As secure as the knowledge that SMAAL was going to visit New Wave with all present at one location?"

There were several grunts of surprise around me as New Wave caught on. Carol spoke up. "You think they were targeting SMAAL as well as New Wave?"

Dragon answered her. "There appears to be several outlets spreading the Empire manifesto that race traitors and an alien menace were exterminated in Brockton Bay tonight."

Sophia and Emma both looked ill. "We need to check in, let the rents know we are fine."

Madison piped up. "We need to tell my dad before he opens the Armory and blows up whatever beer hall they are celebrating at."

Freyja nodded. "Comms are available. Please step to the side."

Madison, Emma and Sophia all but ran to the other side of the room, all talking fast.

Victoria Dallon was floating there woebegone as she watched the replay of the blast looking like a scaled down Indepence Day shot. I felt the anger coming from her as she switched from 'lost' to 'losing it'. "Let me out there so I can kick some Empire ass."

"No can do. We need to inform the authorities and invoke the unwritten rules."

"Unwritten RULES!" She screeched. "YOU HAVE GOT" She had the chance to look down at Panacea's hand on her arm before she crumpled across the couch she had been leaning over to get to me.

"Sorry about that. Carry on." Amy waved.

Carol nodded, visibly smoothing her features. "Call Director Piggot in. They have to get the word out before the Empire can spin this into something else."

"Too late. They have released images from the takedown of Hookwolf they say shows Keptain attacked before he changed out of civilian mode. They are saying she hunted HIM down and broke the rules, implying the retaliation was against Brandish for helping SMAAL out his private identity." Dragon spoke up.

"This is Emily Piggot. I hope you are all unharmed because I would dearly like to strangle you myself for bringing this shit stew to a boil on my watch." That she didn't shout made it hit home.

"Director, are you going to issue a kill order on Purity of the Empire for attempted murder in their own home of eight capes of New Wave as well as their assumed guests?"

"I cannot." She spoke, pained. "I have already had a call from New York to go 'hands off' of the situation after Dragon told them you were alive. Try to leave as much of this city instact as you can. Piggot out."

"There you go." I said at the click. "Armsmaster, we are going dark. Try not to stand close to any Empire assets."

"Understood." Armsmaster's voice was tight as he put paragraphs into the one word. The click followed.


Max Anders looked at the activity that could be seen above the Protectorate HQ downtown from his office window. "Kayden, are you quite mad?" He asked it clearly with pain in his voice.

The cellphone distance was not enough to stop her from blasting him from where she floated, baiting out the response she expected. "Angry? Yes I am. Mad?" She cackled. "It is quite clear that you have lost whatever spirit you had, Max. The Empire needs a leader not a CEO."

Stormtiger, Cricket, Krieg, Rune, Othala, Victor, Alabaster –the little sheisse– Crusader, Menja and Fenja –all had deserted to HER faction when she gave the ultimatum. Perhaps it was time to go north and see if he could still stand being near Theo. The last of those who might care what he wanted. He couldn't even safely take Aster along as she was in a car seat nestled between Fenja's breasts as a necklace the shield maiden wore.

He headed for the elevator, leaving his usual cellphone behind.

He did have two with him, one a burner he'd maintained for years. It had numbers that were unknown to most of his –ex– supporters. Lung was the first on the list, Coil the second. As he rode the car down he considered which to tell he was leaving.

Deciding, he dialed and got a grunt for an answer.

"Put Lung on. He will want to hear this." Speaking as Kaiser without wearing the armor felt off.


Inhaling deeply for strength. "The Empire has a new empress. I am leaving and she is unhinged. Don't expect her to pull her punches. Tell the Oni not to bother with flashbangs or hide behind buildings if she can see his shadow. You might tank a shot, but she's using a battery powered flash pack to recharge quicker now. I am heading out of state and I doubt I will be back."


That stung. But it was also true. "He who fights and runs away, lives to fight…" The elevator dinged, the door opening. The breath in Kaiser's chest expelled forcefully as the air around him turned thick. He could not see Krieg but that didn't stop Krieg from crushing him while looking in the curved mirror out of line of sight in the Medhall garage level.

The phone was damaged but still functional.


Krieg laughed as he recognized the growling voice of Lung. "The turncoat is dead. You are next, vermin!" Then the phone was smashed completely.

"Oni, call Bakuda. Get her working on things that create darkness. Light blocking fields of force. Things that would stop Purity. I want them… yesterday."

Oni Lee bowed two steps back and then turned to ash, having already ported out the small window to the private courtyard beyond. Porting up to the roof, he took the fastest route to Bakuda's workspace, not noticing the figures on horse sized dog monsters following stealthily behind.



"Calvert! I need you to get out to the rig. Split the ready roster. We have an S class level Blaster trying to clear out heroes and she might start taking shots at the HQ. Deploy the barriers and be ready to repel anyone trying to free Hookwolf, Night and Fog."

Director Piggot swept away from him. Thomas Calvert thanked his stars that his safe timeline was home, having traded his shift with Commander Park. The man was trying to get an extra day off around Christmas and it was about to come down around his ears. The only issue was his private home was a little too close to the Pelhams residence. He did not want to be swept clear as an afterthought if Purity decided to finish her targets tonight.

Thankfully he'd had a tunnel dug from the storm drains to his own basement. So even his 'safe' self was pulling a go bag out and heading for the sewers to work his way further away from downtown.

This was it. His current plan had been to get the Empire to overstep and call in the big guns. Well, to be honest that was his plan for the ABB as well, but unlikely to happen at the same time. With the Empire, he was holding many of their secret identities to release –and perhaps blame the other group.

Whistling the theme to Mayberry RFD he made his way down the tunnels toward his secondary base. He hoped that his newly acquired Travelers would be settled in and ready to help him make good on the opportunities to come.


Deck of FC-2045

Brandish was angry. "You have the Empire's civilian identities? All of them?! And you didn't turn them in?"

Freyja nodded. "It would be escalation against the ROE set by my Keptain. Villains who cannot maintain private lives have no reasons to not kill any hero they meet."

Brandish paled at that. "But you could work backwards with the information and find ways to expose them that weren't directly traceable."

"Dunkirk, in your history books. The Enigma machine." Freyja answered.

Sarah put an arm around her. "If they give away that SMAAL knows it in any way, it brings down all the house of cards. Back to the old days of Vikaire and snipers sitting on rooftops at night. Not even Coil would be stupid enough to release that kind of information."

Freyja cleared her throat –or made a sound like it– "That is not accurate. Coil's database contains the information on the Empire. That is in fact where I gleaned the information – from his assets."

"Wait, you got into Coil's back pockets and riffled through his private data?" Sarah Pelham seemed confused.

"If it is stored electronically within one hundred miles of this location, you can assume I know it. If it is within one thousand, the chances are still high that I have already obtained it. Storage centers of high interest at a world wide range. Assume the world is full of passengers on the bus holding private phone conversations that I cannot help but overhear." Freyja offered. "It does not help that there are many agencies aware of the fact, changing their codes constantly and shouting them in my ear as they do."

I asked, "Can you release the information in such a way that Coil is the source?"

"Easily. He already has that set up as a failsafe of his capture." Freyja noted. "Catch Coil out and it releases."

"Where is Coil now?" Carol asks.

"He is leaving the home of Thomas Calvert by secret tunnel to the storm drains." Freyja says, the pupils of her puppet hand eyes pulling to the side.

*** Author: I'm just going to leave this here Labyrinth_meconis_flat.jpg (1000×1394) (dylanmeconis.com) (1904) Pinterest

"Say what now?" Neil Pelham piped in.

Carol shushes him. "Would I be wrong to assume that Coil is traveling in civilian clothing and perhaps could be mistaken for Thomas Calvert at first glance? Is he armed?"

Freyja's puppet face smiled wide. "He is assuredly armed. Your costumes there are resistant to small arms and Tinker tech lasers such as Coil employs. As well, your subdermal mesh will stop or reduce small arms damage or knives."

Shadow Stalker snorted. "How about we give them a makeover like ghosts. Maybe some plastic chains to pull a Scrooge on him? Dibs on Death!"

I saw the Dallons and Pelhams smiling in a way that would be disturbing if it was directed at me. "Right, you do that while we go find Purity."


Miss Militia was on her motorcycle, she stopped short of the Empire lines, the group of gang members surrounding the park next to Medhall plaza. Inside the park, the capes left –all except Kaiser it seemed– were gathered. Purity was hovering above them.

"Empire, stand down and disperse. No one else has to die today!" She was keeping her green weapon in the shape of a baseball bat on her back, obvious.

Clunks sounded from around the park as Klieg spotlights turned on to be aimed upward at Purity, who if anything glowed brighter.

"I will give you a counteroffer. Tell your director to evacuate Protectorate HQ. You have two hours before I will burn the building to free my companions. The Empire is claiming this city entirely. Your inability to keep the peace, failure to make your heroes stay within the bounds of the rules. It forces us to take action to keep our families SAFE!"

"You know that will just call the triumvirate down on you." Militia tried once again for sanity.

"Let them come!" She shrilled. "They failed time and again to stop Lung, to do anything of value. If they come, they will be the reason the city burns."

As she finished, a structure of metal rose up around the area Purity was in, beginning to spin slowly. The mirrored finish of the pieces made it impossible to tell if you were looking at Purity or a reflection at any point. This was apparently her answer to snipers. Rune was keeping her out of the direct field of view. Crusader's ghosts were seen flying around the rooftops to clear out any pesky heroes trying to interfere.


"Director, we have to move. Vista can only keep this avenue open for short periods." Rennick was urging her to get into the transport.

"I don't like it. If we evacuate, then they've all but won. If we cede the city to them, we won't ever get it back in one piece!" Emily growled.

"We know. But we also know that the barrier field can't hold against more than one Purity shot and she's cobbled together something to let her recharge at night. Even if we hold out until daylight, she could hit us from across the city at will."

"That holds true for the Rig as well."

"Armsmaster can adjust the force field to block her blasts." Rennick tried.

She crumbled, limping up the ramp. "If he does that, we will be blind on the city side. She could just fly out and come from the other side to blast us when she chooses."

Vista, visibly sweating in her seat, responded. "We aren't giving up. We are rallying forces at a secondary position, so we aren't picked off by irregulars."

Emily Piggot straightened up at that. "Do it." She grumped.

The flights of transports leaving the HQ were visible from all parts of the city.

Unsafe timeline

Calvert did not board the transport. He hung back, aware that he could leave through the basement of PRT HQ into the sewers by the secret passage he'd had built and erased from the system. First though, he decided it would be prudent to set the explosive charges at the cells to go off if opened without authorization.

Normally this required a director level access, but by relinquishing their command of the building, the highest-ranking officer onsite had authority to do so. And he was third in the chain of command.

Whistling that tune stuck in his head, he left the control center to go down and open the maintenance hatch with the false concrete wall behind it leading into the sewers.

Safe timeline

Three blocks away from his house, he tried to exit through a manhole cover. No luck. Someone was parked on it or something. The next one was just past the juncture, he would be able to get out there.

He was dressed in jeans and clothes that wouldn't stand out on the street, a thin black man with close cropped hair. That he was carrying a police scanner with one earplug plugged in to listen on the happening above and held a handgun with an underslung tactical light did break that effect slightly, but he could always talk his way out with the Calvert identification.

"Thomas." A voice whispered down the tunnel at him.

He stopped, gripping his gun tighter. The Police band squawking and then dying like it lost all charge made him flinch. Then his tac light showed three figures up ahead, flying or hanging. Dirty costumes and red marks like blood, they looked like…


It couldn't be New Wave. They were ashes at the bottom of a crater.

"Thomas." The voice again, this time from the other direction. A tall male figure was staggering along, dragging a leg behind. His arms were full of bloody robes. Panacea's cross was evident. "You set us up to die, Thomas."


Checking his other timeline, he was unhappy to discover the hatch was locked by a new lock, Tinker-made. Oh, that sunovabitch, Armsmaster had blocked his escape path. If he had a few pounds of C4 he might be able to open it up. But it would not be quiet. And he didn't have it!

Closing the Unsafe line let him open another here.

Thomas A turned left and made for the next path down.

Thomas B stayed put for a count of ten and then moved toward the shambling figure, trying to work past it.

"Coil!" Another figure showed down the way A had taken, Glory Girl –face gray-white as she hovered ahead of him. She had what appeared to be entrails hanging down, red and dripping from a gash in her abdomen.

He had been uneasy before, maybe frightened. But he was military trained. Ghosts might be real, but they couldn't hurt your any worse than your conscience could, and he had beaten that to nothing years ago.

Then the fear hit him.

Coil screamed as his nightmares took on reality around him.

Thomas B felt the same fear coming from the side. There wasn't enough room between the two lines. He couldn't use it to get free of these …things.

He shot the closer one. It didn't react to the shots. The fear redoubled.

He turned and shot at Glory Girl's ghostly form. It smiled at him as the field popped –according to Tattletale a solid shot would… The second shot hit her in the chest. She seemed to look down at it momentarily then grow angry.

The fear grew again. Again.

The two Calverts stumbled back, forced into the same space, the fear in both of them.

"Coil! You told them where to find us."

Blubbering, Calvert found himself blurting out something, anything to get them to stop this.

"I did it! I told the Empire where SMAAL would be as soon as Brandish reported on the meeting. I knew Purity would try to finish you off. Then I would be able to take over the ci-hit-ty."

He was holding the Police band radio still. His custom modified radio. With the extra buttons and commands.

As New Wave landed around him and he realized they were alive and wearing makeup and some of them had been recording him the whole time, he muttered a last "Fuck you all."

Triggering the fail safes. ALL of them.

Emails went out, putting the Empire cape identities into four different new agencies and the FBI. The evidence was fresh but the fingerprints on the source of the data was old. Some of it suggested Lung was the source. Other bits that Faultline of all people was the origin of the data. But a last slug of the data going out showed it to be Coil who sent the data –thanks to Freyja.

In his primary base, alarms sounded. Mercenaries, faced with a countdown until destruction, emptied the armories into their vehicles and ran for the surface. Their vehicles came boiling out of the garage next to the Forsberg gallery, on the far side of Medhall plaza.

Having military grade vehicles that looked like PRT or SWAT vans come out of a garage, the guns in the open windows stuttering with fire as they mowed down armed gang members that turned toward the engine noise coming into the street. That was a sign.

To Purity it stated simply 'shoot me' and she did.

Finger guns would never quite be the same once the footage got out. Leet's snitch was a filming, but those two were staying heads down as far away as they could be. They were parked in the dormitory parking lot at Brockton University.

One, two. And through and through. Three, four. The shots did pour. Burning military panel trucks with a few unlucky souls boiling out –unlucky because the Empire toughs were right there to shoot them on the ground as they tried to put out the fire on their backs.


"Director, I see PRT trucks on fire just outside of the Forsberg gallery parking garage." The technician reported.

Frowning. "We don't have vehicles parked at the Forsberg gallery." She glares at the logistics officer, who shook his head.

"No ma'am, all assets accounted for except one with no rear axle intact and that was left at the HQ."


In Coil's secondary base, further north by some eight blocks under the old North Mall, the Travelers were hearing alarms sound. They had not been there for more than a week. Noelle was going to be transferred from the Penske truck they'd moved her with to a place further underground. It hadn't happened yet. Coil had just had a farmer bring in horses or older cows and leave them for her to 'eat'.

She couldn't stand to kill the horses. But Ballistic had done the deed as needed.

She still felt bad that Oliver had broken his neck as they ran from the Simurgh in Madison. The fact that they then found vials enough for each of them to take a full dose was not enough of a silver lining.

Clearly, she was still growing. There was a consensus that she might have the same powers as Crawler of the Nine. Or something worse. Crawler wasn't known to eat people, that was more the Siberian's wheelhouse. But Noelle was 'peckish' all the time unless she had a meal in hand that was bigger than the person annoying her. And a lot of people annoyed her.

Horses, she couldn't bring herself to kill to eat. People were … different.

"What if that is a timer counting down to blow the place up?" Cody yelled over the din of alarm noise.

"What really? You've watched too many Bond movies." Trickster responded.

"Um, Dude. Coil is like a god-awful cat-stroking Blofeld, and you know it." Ballistic spoke up.

Trickster looked around. No mercenaries or minders. They were alone in the garage under the closed mall, just the Penske truck with Noelle in it and the RV they used for the rest of them. Keys in hand he ran for the Penske truck.

"Drop the door, baby. We think this shit is going to blow!" He called out through the little window.

"But I'm hungry."

"We'll hit a drive through or maybe a farm outside town." He waved at the others to move it as they threw their gear back on the RV. Ballistic had it started and they both were ready to pull out yesterday,

"Follow me and head north. We can run for the Canadian border and cross back further west."

The walkie talkie they used squawked with Mars's answer. "But we need passports to cross."

"Not on the backroads. Worst case Noelle hikes for a mile around the edge and we cross with an empty truck."

"I heard that!" Noelle sounded unhappy.

He headed for the exit, the RV right behind. "It isn't leaving you behind, I can swap you with a truck from the other side. And we can get you some maple syrup, you like that."

"Pancakes? Okay, I'm sold."


Purity was counting down the time. Less than forty minutes to go and she would burn through to the holding areas, using 'volunteers' to guide her shots from her location.

Krieg's pained voice got her attention.

"Kayden! That sheissekopf Coil, he released our identities." He sounded lost. "We're burned!"

Automatically, Purity chastised him about using THAT name until it sank in. "All of us? Including Max? Aster?"

"All of us. The bastard gave out our social security numbers and many of our accounts are already frozen. Medhall is in the middle of being seized."

Purity slapped one hand to the other. "All right then, time's up! Blast the front door of the PRT HQ open and be ready for me to burn through the floor to the next level down. We need Hookwolf, Night and Fog if we are going to keep this city as open capes."

Alabaster, far enough away to be brave in grumbling. "Open capes, she says. She hasn't had the IRS sniffing around her income to spend ratio has she."
Last edited:
Log entry 18 12.20.10
Log entry 18 12.20.10***********************************************

Volunteers from the BBPD were evacuating people from buildings in line of sight of Medhall.

That was about two-thirds of the city.

City buses, school buses, anything that could be chartered was. Each was driven with headlights off, using night vision goggles passed out by the PRT. Garbage trucks were arrayed on the side facing Medhall as they loaded up, acting as ablative armor should Purity begin shooting.

Buildings too close to the action were evacuated downward. Basements filled and several of the Endbringer shelters were opened in ways that allowed those living in downtown apartments out of the line of fire.

They were working on clearing the area closest to PRT headquarters first.

Lung watched from a balcony on a five story building on the edge of the bay. He'd had the electricity turned off in his neighborhoods, allowing people to work their way to safety under darkness as Purity posed for the cameras and raged at the unfairness of it all.

He chuckled to himself until the Oni brought a cellphone with a video paused on it.

"Why do you interrupt me with this?" Lung rumbled, losing the moment of mirth.

Bowing, yet holding the phone out. "Bakuda brought this to my attention, great one. Coil has outed the Empire capes…"

"This I know already." Lung turned back, simmering slightly more.

"... and has also released the civilian identity Kenta Murakasa, as well as Noichi Sumasa." He spoke the name as if of another, not acknowledging his own.

Silence reigned. His head turned slowly to face the Oni. Taking the phone, he thumbed the video feed.

Parian. Sabah Ebrahimi

Chubster. Robert Gates (AKA Fugly Bob)

Skidmark and Squealer. Adam Mustain, Sherrel Bailey

Uber and Leet. Randal Simm and John Yaya

Faultline. Melanie Fitts.

Grue. Brian Laborne. The rest of the children…

Of his people only Bakuda still had her secret intact, perhaps too new to be known.

The list held other capes and their civilian IDs that were lesser players or costumed buffoons, no more players of note. Wait, he looked back at the list. That could not possibly be his real name, so perhaps the rumor of Leet's "Infinite Redactor" was more accurate than he thought.

No matter.

"Find Coil's bases. I wish to see them burn."

"It will be done, great Lord." Oni Lee.


Two news vans were arrayed at the park where the Empire had gathered. They were the 'right' sort and gave plenty of airtime to the disenfranchised (hah) light skinned members of Brockton Bay.

They could not give direct airtime to the capes of the Empire normally, but this was not a normal Christmas broadcast. That and Purity was looking rather frustrated having run out of PRT vehicles to demolish.

"This is Frank Walsh onsite, downtown Brockton Bay where the lawful demonstration by conservative Brocktonites were giving support to the friends of the people after their colleagues were illegally attacked and taken into custody by Parahuman vigilantes today." Shaking his head, he counted three and continued before the anchor back at the station could jump in. "And NOW, the archvillain Coil has released the names and details of many of Brockton's own, up to and including several small-time heroes and independents." He gestured behind him to where Menja and Fenja kneeled with weapons ready. They were just below the floating mirrored metal pieces Rune was using to circle Purity, acting as a distraction and camouflage at one time. "These unfortunate champions of Justice to the god fearing right have been stripped of the protections of the Vikaire Act forcibly. In righteous anger, Purity removed the group conspiring to remove those privileges and incarcerate our hometown militia in one blast this evening. Today, the so-called unwritten rules were not just broken, they were soaked in gasoline and burned."

He paused and looked up dramatically. "And the Protectorate has given implied permission to continue the demonstration as the Empire elements were not the ones to start the breach of peace. If the Triumvirate disputes the claims of the Empire, let them show their faces here and now!" The man composed his face after his fury and gestured to the side, turning the camera focus to the assembled Empire capes.

Krieg moved forward, holding a white handkerchief to dab at his eyes. "My leader, Kaiser, has fallen to a despicable attack. A bomb inside the private elevator to his offices. Yes, he was Max Anders in the daylight! The man who was bringing back to life the failing businesses of the Bay, bringing back much needed monetary aid to this city. He was cut low before his time by Coil, a man as black souled as they come –whatever his skin tone." The last broke from lament to growl showing he had ideas about the color of Coil's skin.


Purity noted the time. She'd given them sufficient warning to evacuate downtown PRT HQ. Her own moles had been sure to note they'd not tried to move Hookwolf or the others. They had orders to cause accidents if that had been the case.

Too bad.

It would not be easy to exfiltrate and start new lives. They would need a large diversion. Hookwolf vs Lung would probably fit the bill. She knew where Hookwolf was, now to get him free and moving toward where Lung would be.

"All right. Send the scouts out. Put men on rooftops with rifles and flares scattered to ruin night sights. Use the motocross armor with the plates my dear departed husband made for them. Girls, I want one of you carrying Rune and the umbrella. The other should be shrunk and in a handy pocket."

Othala and Victor were with her as her group moved forward. Othala was passing out a few minutes of invulnerability here and there, with Victor guarding her, both wearing armor much thicker than usual. The bulky material around her suggested she had a ballistic vest and armor, while her legs were covered in interlocking Kevlar rings over cotton.

The repeated use of her power would lay her up for days and make healing an issue, but she could hang with the big boys for once without Kaiser mothering her capacity so closely. The man had been a tactical coward as well as a fool. He'd been able to supply the men with armor for years but refused to issue the plates he'd made for fear of the PRT escalating in the weapons they issued.

Alabaster was in the driver's seat of the largest armored vehicle they had, though it looked like an ordinary garbage truck the cab was a fake shell. The real driving position was in the armored back section, the original shell supplemented by steel plates grown into place by Kaiser. It had bolt-on armor plates created the same way, though they could be jettisoned to return to a civilian look. Cricket was in the DIY pop up turret, little more than a one-person cylinder from a propane tank meant to supply buildings. The cutouts could slide open enough for her to use LAW rockets or for a mortar tube to launch –though not with her in the turret,

"Time to take out the trash." Alabaster hummed to himself as they drove down the main drag towards PRT HQ.

He waved a group of city camouflage poncho-covered skinheads with rifles to take point, letting them redirect the few beat cops stationed to monitor things. They would leave them cuffed to their own cars but none the worse for wear, even the darker skinned ones if they didn't put up a fuss.

"Purity, they put up the pylons to block street access. How are we supposed to..?"

A flash of brightness from above and behind took out one pylon and then played across the line of the front of the building.


"Any questions?"

"No ma'am." He whistled jauntily as they pulled the vehicle closer. Banging on the walls, he gave the signal to spread out and prepare for Purity to give them a route in.


The next shot cleared the armored panels covering the windows of the lobby area, then the beam burned down and through the floor from the inside. According to the plans their various moles had assembled, the cell block was just two floors down with the angle just about right to miss the blast doors sealing the corridors.

He was packing up several satchel charges to carry in. With his powers, he could pretty much walk through any defense weapons and a few bricks of C-4 applied could remove any containment foam. If he blew off an arm doing so, well it only hurt until it didn't.

Crusader slapped him on the way past. He was passing out grenade bandoliers to his spectres. Freaky things, those. Their weapons, their everything ignored inorganic material so they could spear right through armor. But they could not carry any weapon he didn't generate with the power along with them. So, they had fresh carrots shoved through loops in amongst the grenades for them to carry by. Each grenade had a loop of dental floss tied to the pin, with carrots taped to the grenade itself.

Eh, it was a thing. Besides if they went in first, he didn't have to use his explosives on any regular doors.


"Keptain. The Empire is making its move to free Hookwolf, Night and Fog." I was startled from my review of the video feed of New Wave taking out Coil. The man had almost managed to escape even after they had him cuffed and were taking him through the storm drains toward the coast.

He was trussed up in the lines generated by the gear we'd provided –originally intended to create climbing ropes in emergencies but the members of New Wave gleefully rebranded the line dispenser and sealer mechanism –the latter normally there to attach a hook to the lines.

"Stalker, follow this line through the storm drains to the perimeter and disable that garbage tank. Make sure they have no vehicle big enough to carry them all." I spoke up, trying to direct things.

"I called my parents." Madison chimed in. She had taken a detour to the Marina, something about getting more mass. "I have enough material to thin out the foot soldiers."

Inside the main deck I turned to Freyja's puppet form. "Do I want to know?"

I could tell by the giggle that Madison couldn't wait to say something.

Freyja was playing all mysterious. "It is not dangerous to her, nor does it go against your stated orders…"

Rolling my eyes. "Fine. Pestilence, you are authorized to go biblical plague on Empire mooks but avoid getting tangled up with the capes if you can. Keep a stunner on you, or at least in your pocket dimension thing."


I really was not looking forward to hearing Director Piggot picking apart our actions if she went way overboard. Wait.

"Freyja, has Madison been reviewing bug related monster movies?"

The hands that made up her face seemed to look off to the left in thought. "There were various subjects studied in the past week, my Keptain, she is the Life Sciences officer."

Over the comms I heard Pestilence and the sounds of many many feet making tic tic noises in the tunnels under the street. "Time to do some SCIENCE."


Crusader's ghosts were faint echoes of the man. Simple minded Justin begat even simpler ghosts. Look for capes trying to prevent them breaking Hookwolf out. Give them a carrot strapped grenade, loop the floss around something and pull. Then charge.

They ignored the wave of bugs boiling out of the vents at first. Then the bugs reformed as crabs. Then the crabs got big enough to matter to the ghosts.

The furthest one forward began to work a grenade loose from the bandolier using a carrot. It wasn't as easy as it should have been. Then it noticed the webbing all over it, the spiders running across the form too lightweight for the ghost's reduced sense of touch to notice.

A sound above it showed a ceiling tile sliding away above it. A much bigger spider lunged at the ghost head, somehow having a girl's face with spider mandibles.

"A BOO!"

The sound of screaming as the Justin light was dragged into the ceiling cut off suddenly. Was it mentioned that Justin was a bit of an arachnophobe?


Alabaster, coming down the hall behind the first three ghosts, had to pry open a door with the Halligan tool he'd brought. It always startled people when they realized he was a trained firefighter. He had been one before he got trapped and triggered. Afterward? Well it was hard enough being born an Albino, but once it was known he was a Parahuman, the union had forced them to let him go for 'unfair advantages'.

Fuck it. He paused to smash a "World's Best Dad" coffee mug on a desk as he passed the cube farm on the first floor.

Skitter, skitter, skitter.

The fuck? Did someone leave a pet in here? Now that was a new low. Not even he would leave a –what the hell was that thing anyway.

Whatever it was, it was huddled under a desk. Some kind of horn toad or maybe a chameleon. Even though he was on a timer, Alabaster was bending over to see what it was when one of the ghosts ahead of him screamed like a little girl. Just like Justin would in fact.

It cut off just as quickly.

Turning, he looked down the hall to where the ghosts were scouting the area. He had the satchel charge ready where it needed to be to break through into the detention area in the weakest spot –the control center. But he didn't want to just blow it while someone's pet was right there.

There was being a dick and being a mega DICK after all.

So he looked back under the desk and jumped as the coconut crab scuttled out at him.

A crab. Covered in spiders.

That was not a pet. That was something out of The Thing right there.

And then there was a freaking net of webs dropped over him with fist sized crabs dropping from the ceiling to weigh it down on him.

"Nice one. Ever seen one of these?" He clicked the remote detonate.


Alabaster did not normally wear armor. But he was not an idiot either. The bike helmet was just the right amount of protection to keep his brains from splattering before his reset kicked in. He pried himself out of the wallboard and looked around. The pressure had flattened the bugs and crabs. He strutted over to the hole in the floor and dropped down.

Broken leg. Meh. Reset in 3.

Getting up a count of two later he went to the controls. Locked out. But the moles had identified a set of hydraulic lines that ran behind the panel just here. A small block of C-4 later he was whistling again.

More spiders.

Man they really had a bug problem.


'I kill me.' He said in a parody of Achmed the Dead Terrorist, chuckled as he blew the lines, and a squadron of spiders that were trying to web him up. 'I kill you too!'


From her position in the storm drains, the main Pestilence body winced. Another explosion took out a piece of her. Good thing she'd trolled in a few thousand pounds of crabs from the bay and integrated them into her person for the duration.

Gonna have to go on a diet over Christmas break. All this seafood was going straight to her hips!

"Keptain. I can slow Alabaster down, but nothing I have will stop him from getting to the prisoners now." Madison kept her aware of the state of things.

"You don't need to stop him. Just slow him down. Annoy him. Scare him. You've seen Alien, haven't you? Go full on Xenomorph.."



Running along the rooftops, Emma felt a little flash of anger. She'd had to collect the family members, both her own and Sophia's, put them on her shuttle and then move everyone far enough away from downtown to be safe.

Safety apparently was designated as the regional Airport just south of the Bay, a third of the way to Boston. It was an hour long drive both ways in traffic, but for this kind of thing the Keptain had allowed Freyja to allow Bygul to use something closer to its best speed. But only outside of the city limits. Once she got back, she'd have to move at her heroic, sprinting like a superhero speed. Which is why on the way back, Emma had diverted over water and come into the Bay, explaining to Bygul that her interpretation was that the city ended at the waterline.

This put her in position to appear to leap out of nowhere onto the roof of the condominiums at the southern edge of the Boardwalk, heading downtown.

There was a lot of extra heat here, not so much light though. Ah, passing over the next roof she caught a glimpse of Lung below. He was ramping up of course, but being careful of the buildings and apparently of the amount of light he was producing. The flames were blue and the heat was focused upwards. He was still man-shaped but over nine feet tall, but the kicker was the Japanese clogs he had on. They were some kind of ceramic material, almost a foot high themselves and sized so they would stay on until he was much bigger. That must be why he wasn't melting the road just yet.

Though it was just a glimpse in passing it was clear he'd spotted her as well. Gingembre made another leap and beamed into Bygul who was taking position at the tip of the tail in the image he projected.

The image contorted in a motion she wasn't entirely sure she could recreate without practice as Oni Lee appeared ahead slashing.

"Kiss kiss." Emma snickered as her image finished the flip and continued without falling. That setup a macro for the next attempt as the Oni appeared just ahead of her trying for a full on stab.

His blade went right through her chest –well of the image anyway– his eyes widening as she just kept going. The tail of her cat-form came up to the masked face even as he was turning to find another vantage. There was a flash right in his eyes that startled him a moment, but only blinded the one side. He locked on the ground in the street instead of another high spot in a moment of panic.

He smelled something burning. In the storefront window he looked at his reflection to find an oversized kissing lip print burned into his Oni mask. Looking closer, underneath it was etched by laser a line of text. 'Next time, buy me dinner first.'

The social implications sailed far over Oni Lee's head.

The combat implication he understood immediately. Not only could she dodge his attacks like Shadow Stalker, she could attack him with impunity in a way that could blind him. She could leave him powerless! That she did not kill him when she could have swatted him like a fly spoke to his sense of honor.

He must report this.


Lung considered this part annoying. Having to pretend at subterfuge to avoid damaging his holdings, his neighborhood while taking the time to ramp up so he would not be injured badly enough to force a retreat. It had happened. Once.

He was already big enough to begin taking the form of the dragon he was, but he kept those changes to the minimum so that he would not mar the ground unduly.

One of the heroes flew across the gap between buildings just as he was about to turn right to head inland. This was one of the roads that did not reach the beaches so he would not be visible from the Rig –missiles were a thing after all. It was the catgirl, a member of SMAAL.

Insignificant flea.

With a gesture he waved the Oni at her.

Turning the corner fully he saw the second attack go through her as she continued her leap.

Lung saw the flash of the tail at the Oni's mask. The girl did not so much as waver as she continued. HIS Oni flailed in midair. Trudging onward, his stride lengthening more as he angered further –something he had not thought possible this night– Lung saw the Oni peer into his reflection, touching the mask.

His stride took him to and past his servant.

"Great one." A Bow in passing the clone flashing to ash as he passed.


"The catgirl ignores me."


"I was beneath her notice."


"I am dishonored."

Knowing the man would prostrate himself inside the circle of flames, Lung stopped before stepping further. The Oni's next port was further down, already kneeling. He looked up after a moment and saw Lung had paused. Porting closer, but not in range to self immolate as his kneeling position would have been.

"You are mine to serve as I say. It is my honor touched if any. Neko wa subete o mushi suru."

He waved the Oni onward and resumed his stride. "She goes toward where we want to go. Let us be going."


"Director, we have a lock on Purity's group. Permission to fire?"

"Are you sure you can pinpoint them and not hit any of the buildings?" Emilly dithered for a moment. She did not want to be the first PRT Director to fire on a US city without a quarantine or S-Class event in play. And the Chief Director had declined to make this an S-Class…

"Damn the red tape. Fox one."

"Fox one!" The weapons officer of the Rig had longed for this day if not this target for so long. The mid range missiles were normally ship to ship and originally netted about two million a pop. But with the Navy cutting their inventory to the bone after losing half to a failed Endbringer event, there was a lot of leeway in the cost. Less than a million would get a four pack of replacements, and she had four with reduced yield explosives, the remainder of the warhead instead holding a solid chunk of iron wrapped in plastic.

"We have a good track." The tech narrated.


"So Predictable. Othala, do it now." Purity smiled as she sat in the lawn chair comfortably. The noise of the generator running in the lower section of the container Rune was keeping in the air was her only sore point. They could drop the open side awning closed in a moment's notice but it wasn't necessary. Their container was being kept close to Menja's ample bosom. In fact, Menja's power considered it to be worn by her and included it in the protection granted to her body and other accouterments. Like the Umbrella made of steel with plates that was slowly spinning around them all.

"On it." Othala gave Menja invulnerability. The effect stacked nicely to the Valkyrie's own defenses.

Victor smiled to himself as he kept Othala from falling. This was a synergy of powers that had been held as a trump card for years.

The missile flew across the Bay as a strident alarm sounded from the Protectorate downtown building.

"DANGER CLOSE, TAKE COVER!" The recording was in Armsmaster's voice.

'Cover indeed.' Purity smirked as the missile exploded on contact with the cover they'd brought with, that Menja carried. It was little more than an enlarged transparent beach umbrella with Kaiser-created metal panels added. The metal had been all distraction though, it was Menja's own power that reduced the explosive effect by twenty times. The metal plates attached spread that force equally, but Menja's power reduced that further. And Othala's power flat out negated the overall effect.

"Alabaster, give me a progress report." Purity noted. Their time would be limited further.

His voice sounded muffled over the radio. "Ah, got a little bug problem here. Just a bit short of the cells."

"Are they where we expected them to be?"

"Yah." Alabaster answered then had a moment to go –more– pale. "Sheist!"

Pestilence had heard him of course. Her crabs and spiders self moved aside as he threw himself backwards away from the doors she had caught him at. This time she had gotten his arms far enough away from his chest and pockets to keep him from triggering more explosives. But this time he just shrugged out of his trenchcoat and rolled backwards out of the spiderwebs she'd woven around him.


Purity was no longer playing nice-nice. This blast clipped the holding area intersecting all three cells her people were in. One of them was not in human form and would not be destroyed until all of him was gone. One of them would heal fully as long as their head was intact and everyone looked away for a moment. The third was hookwolf, who also healed fully when he returned to human form.

She drained much of her reserves with that blast, but the lights being run by the generator were focused on her. The generator revved in power as Victor wisely set it higher. Drinking in the light being force fed to her, Purity considered taking another shot. Then she saw a green miasma moving up the passage she'd blasted open. Fog.


Pestilence paused, all her insect bodies going still as something massive entered her domain of control.

It was not all insect. There was a core that felt off in the way her own human body felt off before she changed into her insect forms.


Alabaster got a front row seat as masses of crabs, spiders and insects of every sort whirled together into something horrifying in front of him, all angles and legs and spurs and chitin. It was like a stick bug in the way a matchbox car was like a bullet train.

There was a buzzing, angry noise and dozens of wings the size of his leg unfolded from different places along the length and vibrated. If it was a snake it was hissing, if a tiger, roaring.

And then the door of the third cell smashed open and from within he caught a glimpse of the shadow of another one –much larger, much ANGRIER buzzing back at the one almost on top of him.

Something even more horrific bolted out into the light and the moment of fear clarified as a very angry woman in her apparent thirties, ultra thin build with the floppy loose skin of someone who had lost weight through gastric bypass.

"What have you done!" Night shouted at the buzzing creature curled up defensively over his position.

Then there was a young girl standing, feet on his shoulders, a mess of scorpion things falling onto him.

Stick. Stick. Stick. Stick.

Dorothy was pissed. Oh they'd stung, er, poisoned him, well that wouldn't work … would it?

The woman was hyperventilating in anger in front of Pestilence, glanced down to see Alabaster keel over from scorpion stings.

"You know that won't work on him, ja?"

Madison simpered. "Well he will reset but the curare I slathered on the scorpions is a contact poison. He will reset, breathe and be paralyzed again in sequence until it is cleaned off.

Dorothy seethed. She had been broken, all emotion blocked in both states for years. Nothing could get past the calm, the training, the purpose! And yet, her other self still was shaking in rage that a younger female was in her territory, apparently in cycle or with eggs, the instincts burned in her without logic to back them up.

"Blink and I will kill you where you stand." Dorothy moved forward, lifting the prison blanket, the only item they allowed in her cell that did not shred when someone failed to watch her.

"Oh, I don't know about that…" Pestilence winked at her. And then slowly closed the other eye.

The change was instantaneous, Dorothy/Night lunging forward to eviscerate this intruder.

Until she was NOT.

Without opening her eyes, Madison/Pestilence reached out to touch the fangs so close to her face.



Impotent as they were as much under Pestilence's control as they were to Night.

"I can feel those instincts kicking in. Yes, I can form eggs and lay them. No, I will not be doing that anytime soon. Nor will you, I think." Pestilence opened her eyes and looked at the now shivering woman in front of her. "Even in this form you have a little of it inside you, enough to know where you are, what you are feeling."

A pair of metal crab claws closed on Pestilence's neck from behind, snipping her head free to fall to the floor.

The man who'd stumbled quietly out of the largest cell, having taken longer to free himself from the IV drips and regain full function of his body, snickered lightly. "You talk too much, luv. Now you won't talk at all."

He held a hand out for a high five to Night who only shivered harder and pointed.

The curly brown haired head sprouted legs at the neck and clambered upright. A sort of bladder formed an abdomen, expanding with air.

"While it is more difficult for the moment Mr. Meadows, it isn't like I put my own body down there with you three." The Pestilence head simpered then scattered into a mass of silverfish in every direction.

"THE FUCK WAS THAT?" Brad Meadows was not one to piss himself lightly. But that right there had made him lose a little bladder control momentarily. Good old dad might have taken a belt to him over that. If Brad hadn't shot him while he was drunk at the ripe old age of twelve.

Night looked at him and then moved past him up the sloped melted passage up toward freedom. Anything to get out of this hell where that mirror image of her own other self was.

Brad appeared to only be able to control parts of his metal self. He had one arm and most of his legs but nothing from the body yet.

Dorothy was not having it. "Close your schtupid eyes and grab my tail. I will bring you up mit mich."

"Fine. Fine." Hookwolf grumbled. His power was coming back with pins and needles. It felt like he'd had much of his mass extracted. But it was regrowing, perhaps leaching out materials from the debris around them. He felt the bony chitin thing poke him in the chest and grabbed it.

Night snatched up Alabaster in passing, turning up the cooling mess of stone and metal. She could see movement out there, a portion of Valkyrie armor in the evening light.

As she passed up through the PRT offices, she realized Pestilence was still in control of this form. Things that looked like crabs carrying oval metal things moved forward and grabbed on appendages as her form moved up. The tail she had curled around Hookwolf continued to curl, put him in contact with Alabaster.

"What the fuck is this crap?" Hookwolf blurted out, but the position she'd put him in had his face to Alabaster's stomach.

"Keep your eyes closed." Night heard her own raspy voice say, "Else I will drop you down hole."

Various bits and bobs were attached here and there by crabs and webbed into place. It wasn't like anyone would be looking at Night up there. She normally skulked around the shadows. And if any of those little additions were left behind when she changed back, well the webbing to Night's head area attached to the pins, well that would still be there.


"Best I could do was delay them, Keptain. Good news though, Night's horror form is like ninety percent insect based. I can assume it as well although it comes with a bucket full of instincts to rend anything in sight so I don't recommend it. And I can control her while she is in that form, and point at her in either through anything up to a mile." Madison's chipper voice belied the situation. "I got out but all three will be mobile in minutes."

"Good work." I answered, feeling conflicted about this development.

Freyja's voice carried over the open comms. "Keptain, my analysis shows that the missile was largely a failure. Anything big enough to penetrate Menja's power would also destroy a building, perhaps two."

"Pass your findings over to Dragon. Strongly suggest that should any munitions be fired into Brockton Bay City limits, SMAAL will open up our armory in response." I grit my teeth, imagining a certain Director's reaction.

"Are you sure that is … wise?" Freyja was acting like the proverbial five year-old vetoing my first plan.

"Currently, the Empire is holding an American city hostage by force. If we take up arms against the rightful authorities –even when they do the wrong things– we also can be said to be perpetrating acts of treason."

"Point. Recommendations?" My other memory sets played through a dozen situations like this. Thanks, that would have been helpful a minute ago.

"The first part of your plan, yes. Give them the information to understand their SM-2 missiles are irrelevant to anything but damage to the city. As for the second, we could explain that we feel adding outside munitions would be detrimental to our efforts to wrap up the situation."

Sigh. "Make it so."

Sophia's voice crowed over the comm. "She said it, you all owe me twenty!"

Both Emma and Madison groaned. "Dammit, Taylor!"

And then I heard another chuckle. Brandish was listening in as well. "I was reporting that we have Coil well in hand. What is this about missiles and city destruction?"

"Slug video briefs of the last fifteen to New Wave. Keep Brandish and Lady Photon in the loop on current events." I note.

"Ah, Director Piggot is calling on the burner line." Freyja had that smug look, her puppet hands eyes moving to the side as the mouth parts appeared to whistle.

Emily Piggot was done with the day. Just done. "Keptain. We can see that our smaller missile did absolutely squat to the target. Are you on site? What can you tell us?"

"Missiles won't do it. You could park a Battleship out there and trade shots with Purity but she would sink the ship before you did more than make a lot of buildings into craters." I spoke calmly. "Your superiors have gone hands off and you are no longer within the city limits. As I understand it, the ranking Protectorate cape on site is… who?"

The Director sighed. "As you no doubt know, we were ordered to fall back to the Rig or the Airport south of town."

I nodded to myself. "And with no Protectorate presence, that means the decisions fall to the highest ranking affiliate on site."

"Oh no, don't you tell me you are taking com…" The Director started.

Lady Photon broke in on the line. "I think she means me, Director."

"Photon? Are you in command of this fiasco?"

Lady Photon barked a laugh at that. "In command, no. I am the highest ranking affiliate on site. I do not have authority to order Keptain to use her full resources but we do have a mutual support agreement in place. I can verify that they treat collateral damage as the primary item to avoid, although I will say they are not above using psyops on Nazis."


"Pestilence can mimic Night's hidden form. It alone qualifies for psychological warfare."

"So noted." Emily groaned as a tech handed her an update. "I have word that Lung is on the move as well, heading downtown."

Freyja slugged footage from Bygul onto the main screens. "Yes, Gingembre passed him coming back from delivering some crew relations offsite. He is only two blocks away from your downtown HQ according to our scans."

"You have scans of their whereabouts?" Emily growled. "Would you be so kind as to share?"

"Freyja, please relay positions of friend and foe to the Protectorate at the Rig, via Dragon. Director, up until ten minutes ago you had a major snake in the grass. One Thomas Calvert aka COIL, currently under arrest for multiple crimes. I believe you are aware he burned many parahuman ids tonight."

"I am aware that Coil did so. I was not aware he was Calvert."

"Well it did seem fair to 'out' him after he made sure to burn so many identities and engineered the Empire attacking New Wave and SMAAL while meeting in their home."

Shadow Stalker's voice broke in on the line. "Keptain. The Empire's vehicles are all disabled.

Multiple voices –including my own– "All of them?"

She sounded so damn smug. "Well, barring any that have hardened starter options aside from that monstrosity parked by the downtown HQ. That one I ripped out all the plugs and alternator. The others each have an EMP bolt parked underneath them ready to go off on Trjegul 's signal."

Lady Photon, having beamed aboard along with all of New Wave and their prisoner, looked at me and turned off her comm visibly. "You left her alone with an open ended order."

I rolled my eyes. "Good work Stalker. Find a sniper point and be ready to take out Purity or any other major target."

"Already on it."

Brandish was giving me the hairy eyeball as well, both sisters must practice it.

"No killing. Trjegul is watching you."

"Yes ma'am." She even sounded like Kiki then.

I heard the comm shift to private mode. "Keptain, I have broken into the cell phone activity at Medhall and around the Empire capes. There are two items of importance."

My own visor screens showed a man on a call, his phone's camera recording him and the image from the other line showing little but a darkened room. It was Max Anders. In a short span, the call was interrupted by the murder of one Maxwell Anders by Krieg.

If that was not enough of a red flag, the image from the camera being held by one Tammie Herren–Rune– was showing a blonde toddler girl in a car seat strapped into the container.

"I have two bits of news to add to the mix. Kaiser is dead, killed by Krieg for the audacity of trying to leave while Purity started this off. Secondly, Purity has her toddler strapped into a car seat in the container at the center of the Empire formation."

"For fuck's sake." It could have been Brandish or Lady Photon speaking. I turned to see which and found it was Panacea who spoke.

"Okay, Freyja I want you to backtrace all the civilian cell phones of the known Empire capes and find any burner phones which were in close contact and making calls in the past few hours. Then get the locations and tell me which capes have them. We may be missing someone important."

Stormtiger was waiting next to Cricket.

"There he is." he whispered to her.

Cricket held up a finger to shush him. That she used the middle finger was not important. They were waiting next to a parked truck, one that was painted to look like a septic truck, down to the dirt and hose fittings with a bit of stink to them.

Just two spaces down a second truck was parked, this one a panel van with a flower delivery logo. The right side panel facing the road had been replaced some time before, although it was painted to match the rest. It was plastic paneling, hiding a sandwich of plywood, C-4 and ball bearings you might find inside rail car wheels. The end result was something the ex-military members of the Empire might call "God's own claymore". Inside the truck was a line of propane tanks across the floor of the truck, then a layer of pipe bombs filled with nails. The original intent had been to spread out the pipe bombs but no plan survives contact with the enemy after all.

The plan was simple.

They were to trigger the panel van's explosive wall as Lung passed. This should put out any fire he had going for a critical few moments, if not blow him to bits. The secondary was to trigger the valves on the 'septic' truck and release a pressurized flow of liquid nitrogen at Lung's position –with Stormtiger on hand to correct the aim with wind.

Cricket's part was to distract Lung with her sonic attack, making him pause in the right place. She could do so without giving away where she actually was –unless Stormtiger did something stupid like give them away.

Lung paused outside of the kill zone.

"I know you are there. Come out and face me."

They did not expect to hear another voice answer from the alley across the street.

"We aren't here to fight you." Black motorcycle helmet, skull logo across the face, giant four-legged lizard things behind him, several other teen capes on them.

'What the fuck is this?' Stormtiger groaned internally.

"What is your purpose then, Brian Laborn?" Lung was feeling magnanimous. These children had interfered with his business but not as an affront. They had hit several gangs, taking a pittance from each in turn. Lung had given them a warning not to bother his assets again, choosing to treat them as the children they were rather than enemies. It played up his strength to his people.

And when Coil outed them, he had revealed they were in his employ as well. These were masterless ronin, not enemies but not friends.

"Good, you know." Grue relaxed a notch. "Coil burned us all. We plan to leave town for a while, maybe for good. But we couldn't leave you with a Coil plant still in your organization, not after how you let us go with a warning."

"A plant?" Lungs hair, visible out of his metal mask visibly changed from blue to red fire.

"Bakuda is –well, was– on Coil's payroll. She's been surgically putting bombs in your gang members to control them. Family members, civilians, you name it. She can trigger most of them with a twitch, Tinker tech esoteric stuff. Coil is gone, but she will be making a play for the top position, whether it is after you get caught or when it tickles her fancy. Without the steady payment from Coil, she is going to be wanting a bigger budget." Grue stepped back, hands to the side.

Lung turned to look at one of the Undersiders that was hanging back a little. "And what do you say of this, little Tattletale?"

The girl in purple clenched her fists, reached up to unclip the veil over her face. This revealed a burned lip, severe enough scarring that she spoke with a lisp –her warning was more direct after she opened said mouth to Lung in person.

She visibly calmed herself. "Grue is telling the truth. He feels honor bound to return the favor."

"And you?"

"After what you dfid…" The lisp grew stronger. "I would not tell you to cross the street to avoid a trap."

The girl turned her mount away. Grue backed away and went to his lizard thing behind her. Once again, Lung was put in mind of the smell of dogs from the things. The darkness covered them, but he was without fear. They had broken from just a touch each, though none of them other than the girl was in visible places. Brian Laborn had held himself strong while taking the touch to the chest. The one with the scepter had moved so that instead of a thumbprint it was a circle drawn on his left arm.

Rachel Lindt had bared her back to him and taken the thumbprint of fire whimpering like a beaten dog. She had offered to take any brands due to her dogs in their stead.

Lung found he was angrier but somehow he'd lost some of his buildup while speaking to them. He'd dropped to a mere eight feet tall, and he turned to continue his path onward, locating the Oni ahead on a street corner waiting for him.

As he moved back to the center of the street he had a moment to consider what Tattletale had actually said. 'She would not tell me to cross the street to avoid a…'

Stormtiger was tired of waiting. The slant had stopped to talk to those losers with the leader that talked like a darkie. The others showed skin. No matter. As Lung paused in place, even with the disguised Nitrogen tank truck, Stormtiger blasted the panel van's corner with wind, turning it so the exploding face was toward Lung.


The explosion was quite loud.

The effect was something close to devastating. There was still enough to recognize as man shaped, but important parts such as arms were absent.

The fire was out though.

The figure was half turned away, but came back.

How was there enough left for him to talk?

"You have made a mistake using explosives. Fire is MINE…"

Lung's regeneration was incredible. His brute defenses were enough to withstand the destruction which should have obliterated him.

But his sense of drama made him speak up instead of act.

Cricket opened the valve on the Nitrogen tank truck, spraying him fully from the side.

To say his body froze solid was a misnomer. It froze, yes. Solid? No, it was breaking up the moment the spray did more than touch him.

And Stormtiger was not done yet. With the claymore of doom used up, there was little left to keep the propane tanks and the pile of pipe bombs inside.

A blast of wind shoved the remains of the panel truck forward, throwing the pile of pipe bombs to the feet of the frozen figure, the propane tanks rolling out to follow. The stream of nitrogen flowing ended, now more a fluff of escaping gas as it evaporated.

Cricket was running. It was bad enough the first explosion had blown her eardrums despite the hearing protection she'd worn. It was the number of pipe bombs just rolling around there as Stormtiger tried to enact a third part to the two-part plan.

Her id was burned. Melody was no more. But she'd had other names before. And she was out of here. Nothing was worth this kind of shit. She'd taken her stash of cash and a dark wig and she had a can of spray tan ready for the bus ride south. New Mexico would be nice this time of year.

If she made it to cover before Stormtiger hit the remote trigger.



"That was at Lung's predicted position." The tech said.

A moment later.

"That was a significantly bigger set of explosions on the same vector."

The Undersiders

They had made it a few blocks north toward the stashed truck and camper they were planning to leave in.

Brian tapped Lisa's shoulder. "Did you really have to get in one last dig after everything?"

She leaned back and turned so she could look him in the eye. "My lipsth are thealed."
Last edited:
Log entry 19 12.21.10
Log entry 19 12.21.10***********************************************

After midnight. The events of the previous several hours seemed to crash home on the Bay.

Evacuation. The news that three Empire capes had been broken out of the downtown HQ. The death of Kaiser left the Empire in a crazed Purity's hands. Lung's death.

Not even the racist loving news agencies were trying to toe the line now. Good old Frank Walsh was packing his things and preparing to drive back toward Boston before the story included an obit for himself.

Frank and his cameraman Ernst had a panel truck, a design a little like an ambulance with a longer, taller body. It had a microwave antenna mast on top that could be raised or stowed. He came out from his hotel room –he was normally in Boston on a rotation through the region– to find a gray-haired gentleman smoking a cigarette next to the driver's side door.

The man stood straighter and smiled in welcome. "Mr. Walsh… Can I call you Frank?" He offered a hand. The face was open but the eyes seemed familiar. As did the little clop sound of his heels clicking together. "Johann Schmidt. Happy to make your acquaintance."

"Johann, I think I may have seen you at one of the meetings. I've been sober for nearly a year now, how about you?" Frank used one of the passphrases he'd been taught.

"Oh not nearly as long as that. Only eighty-eight days or so." The smile faded a little. "I heard you might be heading out to Boston and was hoping to catch a ride with you."

Glancing at Ernst who was putting the last bags in the back, Frank nodded. "There is room of course, but there may be people on the road who may be looking for certain individuals…"

Raising a hand, Krieg waved it off. "Have no fear, none at all. Before we are a mile down the road my features will be swelling and red by an accidental exposure to poison ivy. Horrid stuff, really, I am quite allergic you know. That and the wig which that other fellow wore in his day to day life being absent will hide all sorts of issues."

"Will there be any other –ah– passengers?"

Shaking his head slowly. "No, I had thought of bringing a lady friend, but she did not make it to our assigned checkpoint. So sad. But I will be paying for her ticket anyway." He held out two envelopes with their covers still open that showed hundred dollar bills, thick enough to be considerable on a second string newsman's wages.

"Ernst, you can ride in the back. There's a good chap." Frank smiled. Inside he was considering how much of the second envelope would actually make it into Ernst's hands.


"Randal Simm and John Yaya." The taller of the two young men chuckled darkly. "I get the Banzai reference but what is the other one?"

"Oh, Randal was the screen name I used for a Sims game. I was in a rush and even then I am not sure I got every trace of our old ID cleared. There may be hard copy fingerprints somewhere but unless they have reason to check them, nothing will come of it."

"Good." His face blanched a little. "What are the odds the hacker that was pulling the Snitch footage will trail us?"

"Not to worry. That was no hacker. Granted, the lady paid after starting the stream but she did, at twice our usual rates for pay per view events." Leet offered brightly. His scruff of beard was getting a dollop of a bleach-like chemical bath to turn it from dark to light, as his head was already in process. Uber's expert hands were managing things.

Uber had already trimmed his own hair to a buzz cut, with stripes cut along in rows above his ears. It was reminiscent of Vanilla Ice, although he didn't have the volume at the front.

"You aren't going to make it curly, are you?" Leet whined.

Uber smiled a little viciously. "That depends on whether you linked our online accounts to Randal and John."

"Hell no!" Leet relaxed a little. His 'Bro' could be a little hangry when doing something unrelated to feeding that skinny man metabolism or playing games.


"Popcorn's ready." Well one of those issues was soon to be resolved.


Shadow Stalker was at loose ends.

She had a position to fire from, in the alcove formed by the architectural motif running up the corners on the Medhall building. Unlike anyone else, she could simply lock into position using Trjegul, allowing her to snipe from a vertical position rather than laying down. She had a target, a big one really. The problem was that she couldn't see the primary target in all that mess of metal and plastic.

She hadn't known that the twins could just pick up anything and grow with it to full size. Why they'd never just picked up an electric guitar and made bank… Well, maybe they couldn't get an amp to match.

Then she had a thought.

"Trjegul. Or Freyja for that matter, can you give me a target solution to hit Purity in the middle of all that?" Shadow Stalker asked, "Like a time delay to phase my bolt out so it passes through the umbrella and chaff."

It wasn't long before she got an answer she wasn't expecting.

"Ah, Keptain, it appears that I should have been monitoring the Empire capes more closely. Purity had already left. What is there is an inflated parade float. The container and the umbrella structure are on scaffolding."

I swore something pithy that floated to the fore of my consciousness and wondered if they would be able to translate it later. "Pestilence, hold your position and don't attack. I am pretty sure Purity and the rest are coming your way."


In the blast passage, Purity floated down on her chair. Rune floated along just behind using a harness clipped into the car seat Aster rode in, effectively a jetpack for her at the moment. Fenja and Menja slithered down the slope to keep up with them.

Fog reformed with them as he'd proceeded up to the surface faster than the rest had, clearing any bugs he'd run into.

"There will be a set of stairs on the right ahead. Once we link up with Night, Hookwolf and Alabaster we can move south through the sewer tunnels to the Marina. Keep an eye out for a handy table or two for Rune to use as sleds."

From around the corner she heard Night's voice. "Just head down. I have the others in hand and can carry them along."

Purity arched an eye while making a hand signal to Fenja. "Really, poor dear Night. You sound like you have a cold."

Dorothy sniggered. She was using the master/stranger codes taught, nay embedded into their very being, in training. Let the little insect figure that out.

Fenja lunged around the corner, her sword out and thrusting. The giant form disappeared, leaving Night's human form in its place. Unable to catch herself, the sword took the woman in the throat.

The webbed forms of the two men fall to the ground unsupported.

Having worked with Night many times before, Fenja snapped her eyes shut. "It's them! I poked Night but she should heal in a moment."

Dorothy moaned as she couldn't talk, couldn't tell them anything. As Fenja stopped looking her other form kicked in and she was no longer in control.

"That wasn't very nice, you know." She felt her own mouth say. "Although I can't say I did not see it coming." The giggles that followed did not fit either form.

That was not Dorothy, not the phrasing, not the emotion and most definitely not the bad puns.

Behind Fenja, Menja joined her sister around the corner, weapons drawn. Purity imperiously unclipped from her chair to take position behind and between, one arm through their formation charging to shoot.

Dorothy had time to shriek "Nein! It is a Master who can control mein andere Haut!"

Purity paused, just short or releasing. "Truly?"

The sound of the Hookwolf/Alabaster bundle sliding down away from the position on the slope was a long drawn out shhhhhhhhh …twang .ping .ping .ping .ping .

The last sounds were of several pins pulling from grenades.


From her real position one hundred and fifty yards away in an abandoned coffee shop, Madison touched her comm to active. "Keptain. While I have lost control of Night, I think they just opened up the party favors I had picked up from Alabaster's bag. Stalker, can you put a camera bolt down the throat?"

Then as Pestilence noted the car seat on Rune's back from the many eyes she had in the hallway. "Better scare a little distance here."


Rune was hanging in the air with the car seat holding Aster on her back. Purity had bailed out of the office chair she'd been in to move down the hall.

Looking down she saw something absolutely horrifying. Crabs were advancing on her position, seeming to appear out of the vent on the floor. No, it was a stream of insects coming through turning into crabs, and then the two biggest crabs merged into something like a praying mantis that opened wings to buzz angrily at Rune, leaning forward.


Rune felt her pulse beat thunder in her head as she found herself back down the hall a dozen steps worth, the chair Purity had been riding in before in front of her like a shield. Her throat hurt and she realized she had been screaming.

The insect thing seemed to put its forward arms against its hips as it tilted its head. "That is probably for the best." Then it waved at something passing Rune from the back.

That was an arrow of some sort coming down the blasted tube of the passage, turning like it was controlled to just ahead of her. The bolt stopped in the air as the mantis thing waved at it, then the mantis collapsed into a scattering pile of ladybugs just as Purity leaned back to see why Rune had screamed.

The result of this was that the first grenades to go off were confoam, spluttering over and around Night's human form towards the twins. Then the concussive grenades went off in close proximity to Hookwolf and Alabaster.


The wave of confoam –as yet unset– flew up the passage across the twins and into Purity herself with all the force of a cannon.

Menja and Fenja were thrown back with no time to grow or space for that matter.

Purity was hit by them, then all three impacted the wall with a force similar to being hit in the road by a truck. The foam on them hardened, the heat having cured the surface to a thick rubbery shell. A wave of foam was squeezed out either side, coating the chair and much of Rune herself.

The wail of a toddler behind her told Rune she was not deaf –yet– and that Aster was alive enough to wail. Closing her own mouth dropped the wailing down a couple notches which she resolved not to mention to anyone.



That would be a bad thing normally, but she had just seen the area down there light up with fire coming this way.

Rune pulled the chair in front closer, along with everything else she had 'touched' other than Aster's car seat and hoped that would be enough to layer the growing foam before…


The fire blast from the incendiary satchel charge came up the passage, but finding one direction blocked, it diverted down the other at the 'T' intersection where Purity and the twins were glue bombed in place.


Looking at the footage from the hovering camera bolt, I shook my head. "Stalker, be a dear and go collect up the Empire capes. Don't forget to grab Crusader from the closet where Pestilence stashed him."

"Pestilence, keep an eye on Rune and the toddler."

From where Rune was, she heard this statement as Pestilence formed her human form. She was fully stuck in the foam, all her tagged items just as glued into place. Only her face was uncaptured, with just enough freedom to turn her head and see a … girl her age making faces at Aster.

The toddler wasn't crying anymore.

She was distracted from the noise, the unfamiliar environment.

"Do you take care of her a lot? Does she have any allergies?"

Taking a moment to organize her thoughts, Rune shook her head and essayed an answer. "Peanuts. Anaphylactic shock. I have an Eppie pen in my pocket."

"Good to know. Freyja, can you relay a bottle of apple juice?"

Flickering lights formed around the three of them, clearing to show them in another location. "I can do far better than that."

Pestilence found herself onboard Freyja in one of the small rooms done like a residence. The Toddler was on the bed itself with a U shaped cushion supporting her, looking past Madison to the table where the bottle of apple juice formed. Rune was there on a chair, sans costume and thus any weapons. She was in a gray unitard cut similar to that which Pestilence was wearing.

"You are under arrest, Tammie Heren, which in this case means not leaving this room without an escort. There appears to be less formal charges being levied against your persona than others in the Empire. This ship is not, however, a part of the United States. You can –if you so choose– consider yourself a temporary refugee while my Keptain decides what to do with you."

The figure made of puppet hands that had formed to speak was somehow less of an existential threat than the girl in green next to her, holding a baby bottle of apple juice for Aster. Everytime she looked almost normal, a spider would run up her arm and disappear in her hair –or a giant hornet that had appeared to be a part of her visor would fan its wings.

Rune shivered slightly.

"Do you accept refuge aboard the Freyja?" Pestilence's voice was … normal.

Shaking herself, Rune gestured to Aster. "Will I be staying with her?"

Freyja's puppet face nodded. "While we must hand over the surviving Empire members for trial, there is no current evidence that Tammie Heren or Aster Anders did survive."

Blinking, Tammie considered what that would mean for her future.


Shadow Stalker got the memo from Trjegul.

"Playing Pokemon now, ma'am."

From the Bridge, Brandish spoke the question several of the adults were asking themselves, "What do you mean by Pokemon?"

Those on the bridge were privy to seeing an unconscious Purity, Menja and Fenja beamed aboard.

"Gotta catch . them . all." Sophia's voice was exuberant. Then it dropped a bit. "Ewww. Uh, I don't think there is enough Night left to put together let alone catch –Found a foot and a hand, or most of one. That one's going to forensics." This time a gray chest beamed into place next to the rest.

"Crusader looks cozy, but make sure Pest is around when you mess with the wrappings."

Freyja's bridge.

This form that beamed in was humanoid, covered in white cocoon/web threads, but there were a number of red multi limbed things moving around underneath the outer layer that vibrated as Brandish moved to toe the body.

"Is he alive?"

"Yep!" Pestilence's voice came over the comm.

"I found Alabaster locked in a half melted cage of —ohhhhh. Well I think we can say that Hookwolf is no longer a Brockton Bay problem. Sending –er– that back." Shadow Stalker was trying to be professional, but a certain satisfaction bled through. It was probably just as well that no one saw her rolling her eyes.

The thing beamed in this time was clearly Alabaster, still with a coating of the poison keeping him paralyzed on each reset on his back. There was a larger … figure… in metal, melted hooks and blades vaguely shaped like a skeleton embracing Alabaster. The skull was mostly gone, leaving just a mask of metal hooks in its place. If there had been internal organs, they were burned away.

As the smell caught up with everyone, Freyja put up a security field around it and apologized as she cleaned the air.

"I am sorry, Keptain, guests. Trjegul beamed it straight here and he has yet to grasp the difference between efficiency and haste. Children." Freyja spoke up.

A yowl starting high and lowering sounded on the comms.

Stalker's low voice belied Freyja's admonishment. "Who's a good boy, then? Yes, he is. Yes, he is." Followed by "Ow!" as Freyja responded in turn.

Freyja seemed to be smug as her puppet arms made the listening shape just before Sophia's yip of pain.

"What about Rune and the toddler?" I said, speaking up for the first time.

Sophia played to the script we were setting up. "The blast came up pretty far. I can see Fog, unconscious if not dead further up this hall. I don't see any signs of Rune or the girl having survived." Sophia seemed subdued. "Collecting Fog again with the full body capsule. He is alive, playing possum too."

A human sized capsule with green mist in it appeared on the bridge. A man in a suit. Mist. Man.


In the crew quarters where Pestilence, Rune and Aster were waiting, they listened to the conversation on the bridge, with the communication open to the PRT.

Rune was unmasked during the beaming process. Pestilence reached up and took off her visor, showing curly brown hair and a lightly freckled face.

The wall of the room was acting as a display.

Madison cleared her throat. "Popcorn, hot buttered."

Rune arched an eyebrow at her. "Star Trek, really?"

Unlike the show, Freyja didn't limit herself to an alcove or any specific location in the room. Instead, she beamed a bowl of hot buttered popcorn onto the small table in front of the girls.

"Star Trek…. Really." Madison answered, a pinch of fresh corn going to her mouth.

They watched as Director Piggot looked at a report in front of her. "Our Thinkers are saying the remaining Empire assets are going to ground, exfiltrating the city. They are unclear on the whereabouts of Rune or …" Distaste showing, "Aster Anders. Do you have proof of their deaths?"

The Keptain on screen was sitting with her legs crossed, fingertips arched, at ease. "We reported no traces found. Can you request clarification of the point: Will Rune aka Tammie Heren or Aster Anders ever resurface?"

There was a pause as this was relayed. Apparently WEDGDG assets were on the line.

"Cucumber Pink Melange?" Emily rolled her eyes. "Can somebody give the results to me in ENGLISH full sentences?"

A technician leaned in and whispered something into her ear.

Emily looked at the man. "Why didn't you just say that?" Refocusing on the screen in front of her and thus those on the bridge. "The Thinkers are fairly clear that none of the three names put to them just now will return to Bet anytime soon. No threat. The last seems to hint they were removed down to the last atom. Not something I would expect them to recover from, let us focus our resources on finding…" She consulted a list. "Krieg, Othala, Victor, Stormtiger and Cricket."

From her chair, Brandish signaled. "Can we agree that the immediate threat is over? Do we need to bring in the National Guard or can the local PD forces restore the peace?"

"And then there are the reports that Lung was killed in the streets minutes ago." Director Piggot dropped that tidbit. "A bomb or trap while he was ramping up to come face the Empire capes."

Keptain nodded as if she already knew, causing Pestilence to elbow Tammie and point. "As if we didn't know already!"

"Well, Director. Now that the immediate threat is over, you will have your hands full clearing the streets of the remaining Empire rank and file. They are currently walking home as Shadow Stalker disabled their vehicles. We can transfer the captured capes to New York for processing to keep from splitting up your resources."


Gingembre had backtrailed to the explosion just a block or so behind her. She saw the black cloud that marked the Undersiders moving away from the area but not in any hurry.

As she kicked off the side of a building to turn the corner to where the fire was raging, she found herself watching a remarkable scene.

Stormtiger was on his knees two dozen feet away from the burning, hissing mess that might have once been Lung.

He was impaled by one sword, but looks to have been stabbed by six or more.

Off to the side a man was holding a woman facing the pyre that had once been Lung. She had a battered cage affair on her head, portions of costume. Gingembre saw a broken Oni mask on the ground looking like he stomped on it.

He was talking to her, though she looked dazed, possibly unconscious. "I have failed my master. I have failed my people. Witness what you have wrought before you die."

Ah, he was holding a weapon to Cricket's throat, a dagger since his sword was still in Stormtiger's back.

FZott! Once for Oni Lee. Again for Cricket, and just for good measure, she used her tail stunner on Stormtiger as well.

"Bygul, I need emergency medical transport for Stormtiger. Not sure if he's alive. Oni Lee and Cricket are stunned and ready to beam in as well."

"This is Freyja, the Keptain is occupied. If you could bring them in the rest of the way we appear to have the other situation under control."

"I saw the Undersiders moving away from this location, should I pursue?" Gingembre offered.

"Negative. They are not actively part of the damage done and are likely leaving the area after Coil's release of their identities. In fact I will be taking measures to encourage them in that." Freyja noted primly.

"As you say." Boarding Bygul and letting him fly directly back to the house seemed prudent as she was seeing PRT troopers moving into the area again. Let them handle the minions and gang bangers.


The phone rang, showing a caller ID Lisa had not expected to see again.


"Miss Wilbourne, my name is Freyja. While I understand you may be thinking of pillaging Coil's assets in revenge of his betrayal, I would prefer to give you a headstart and something of a peace offering in lieu of direct action."

Tattletale waved the others to silence. They had been packing their stuff when the call came, she was just about to shuck the batteries from the cell phones they had used.

"I hem listhening." Of all the times for the badly healed burn on her lips to be a thing.

Freyja continued. "I am sending you one account of his out of many, with approximately one million dollars for each of you to split as you see fit. There is also a link to the services of someone in Boston with the expertise to forge new identities. That is the base offer."

"You have more?" Her power was pulling a blank. This person was giving no tells, was … not human? She must have said the last as the voice chuckled.

'Very good. It seems Coil's records were not in error. If you would consider a working relationship, I can arrange to heal the damage Lung gave you. Change the looks for any of you. I can also pass along the locations of the dog fighting rings and the storage locations for the dogs which Hookwolf will never need again."

Lisa had flipped the phone to speaker mode before the rest of the offer was spoken.

"Can you remove the loft here from the records the heroes will get?"


Alec piped in. "Power? And the internet?"

The low chuckle suggested Freyja considered that a trifle.
Lisa waved them quiet. "We will hold a team meeting and get right back to you."

"Do that."
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Log entry 20 12.22.10
Log entry 20 12.22.10***********************************************

Brian considered the group as they hit the loft. "So, meeting called to order. All in favor of accepting Freyja's offer?"

Hands up all around save Lisa.

Lisa frowned a moment and then finally raised her hand.

"So why the reluctance?" Alec asked, already firing up his games.

She kept her veil on and mostly stayed in costume since their run in with Lung. "I can't get a good read on her. Coil was always slimy, but it was clear his goals were to rule the city and all of us, we were useful tools to that end. Freyja? Haven't a clue."

Alec swore a moment as his game froze, then the screen on the big TV changed to an image of a face made of hands. "Then perhaps it is time to read you in on certain plans." The face winked at Alec, "Don't worry, you won't be hit by anything as we talk. To be brief, I am Freyja. My Keptain has given me autonomy to deal with minor issues in resolution of shall we say loose ends of Coil and the Empire in the Bay. And by deal, in this case I mean my deal. I propose to bring you on as agents of the ship, crew but in an indirect capacity. If you choose this path, you will still get the base 1 million each, but also have substantial benefits towards new identities –new life if you are interested."

Is not a projection. Is not an avatar of a living mind. Is artificial intelligence.

Lisa choked for a moment. "You want us to work for you?"

"In a sense. I had in mind putting your particular talents in the hands of Dragon of the Guild as a consultant. You would still live here in the Bay and would have a cover story and background generated to fit. You will be a lesser cousin of the Anders family, with a claim on a part of the wealth the government is trying to confiscate. You would be put into the position of acting as Guardian of one Theophilus Anders. You would also have a daughter to take care of, without ever having to marry."

Lisa blanched at that.

A blonde child appeared on screen. Her facial structure was different than Lisa's, but the hair was similar.

"In correcting your damage, I can also adjust your looks and hers to not fit any particulars, albeit a dark-skinned Anders would be out of place. Consider this while I speak to your team." Freyja turned to Brian. "Brian Laborn is outed and cannot take custody of Aisha Laborn. However, I can affect the removal of your sister from your mother. She can be moved into foster care, and then routed back into your care under a new name. If you take on the job of security for Liza Anders here," Side-eye to Lisa, "you would be living in a high-end area with the pull to provide for her care as well. It would solve several possible issues to have –ah– Star Anders grow up with a darker skinned playmate in her formative years."

Alec grinned. "I know this story. I want a Brain!" He whistled a few bars from the Wizard of Oz theme.

"For you, that could be arranged. You could have nearly any look you desire, memory cleansed of the details of your youth… even removal of your power entirely if you choose. Your family would never know you should they come looking."

"Can you make me Brian's little brother?" Alec winked. "Then I can mooch –I mean live– off his income for the most part. I like it." He shrugged off the Noogie Brian aimed at him.

"That would require a bit more participation in the 'family' side of things, acting as stepbrother to Aisha and friend to Star…" Freyja noted.

"A small price to pay."

"And the powers?"

He shrugged. "If you can muddy the waters enough, I will keep them and find some way to earn a living with them that isn't branded villain."

"Excellent." She turned to Rachel. "As part of the package as crew your issues dealing with people can be addressed with a small addition of a chip to hint to you what is considered normal. It would not force it, but you would not find yourself wondering what is meant or how you should react in every day-to-day interaction. As an employee of Liza Anders, you would be able to keep and train your dogs. If you choose to devote a large portion of your pay to cover strays, so much the better."

"You going to make me black too?"

Blinking slightly. "No. Not unless you want me to? Though it might be easier to separate your new from the old identity with a bit of facial adjustment, darker hair.


"So, if I have this straight, you are acquiring Coil's resources and employees that are redeemable." I stated.

Freyja nodded. "Specifically, those employees he hired through manipulation or outright threats. The ones that are morally ambiguous but can be guided into useful roles in society. Teenagers among other things."

"And how are we funding this endeavor?" I find my eyebrow arching.

Freyja's smile widens. "Quite simply, we are taking his assets along with his tenable responsibilities. As well as a sizable base."

I pause, "Wait, didn't he set off charges to blow the base?"

"Has there been a major destructive explosion under Forsberg Gallery?" She sounded smug, even while managing to speak just above a whisper.

I think back to it. The mercs all evacuated and most of them were blasted by Purity or regular Empire elements. Blink. "You hacked his self-destruct systems."

"I did." A display of downtown, specifically Forsberg Gallery and the parking garage adjacent to it appears and then expands down a number of levels below the official basement levels. "It would be a disaster for a structure this size underneath the metro area to subside."


"Good morning Mr. Fenway, this is Freyja on behalf of the Keptain of SMAAL. We have some paperwork for your office to file on our and New Wave's behalf. Capture of a number of Empire capes after they were declared a terrorist threat. Capture of Coil and removal of dangerous explosives under the city. We also wish to claim ownership of the base he was maintaining, with the expectation of back payment of permits and taxes accrued to the city subtracted from the reward."

Henry Fenway just watched as papers were beamed to his desk.

He blinked at the size of the stack. "This appears to be a sizable number of billable hours. How is SMAAL planning to cover this?"

Another item beamed in, a card with a set of numbers printed on it.

"That is contact information for an account to draw from." Freyja purrs. "You may need to contact the mayor to fast track validating SMAAL's ownership. Mention that we have the capacity to clear the sunken cargo ship and dredge the passage to the Bay itself and would consider doing the city a favor in return."

Mark Dallon, having borrowed Eric's car to run errands, had the surreal moment of fetching mail from the box at the end of the driveway to a crater. It was in the good part of town, on a cul de sac on the edge of a park area.

Along with the mail he found a handwritten note from the HOA with a warning to remove the Swastika display before a fine was imposed.

Looking around he found that Purity had left one etched into the remains of the driveway.

Rolling his eyes at the idea they were 'displaying' anything, he flicked several handfuls of energy balls toward the section none bigger than a pea. After a count of ten, the staccato explosions shattered the remains of the concrete into so much gravel.

Across the street, he saw the blinds close as the author of the note hid from view. No doubt the next note would be about unauthorized landscape changes. He wished Carol luck in dealing with the insurance adjuster.


"What do you mean, we can't seize Medhall?" an exasperated forensic accountant turned from his work area to his equally annoyed coworker.

She pointed out two sets of books open with clear entries. "It's all here. That right bastard ran both, but he kept his books clean between them. See here, he rented space to the Empire for meetings. He donated to their cause well within the limits set by the state. The 'employees' who were capes were not paid anything other than their cover jobs off the Medhall books. From the look of things, his father or maybe his grandfather set this all up."

"The smuggling?"

"All separate accounts. We've seized all tainted monies, equipment and vehicles. We have a number of stash houses and one dog 'handling' facility –absent any dogs when we inspected it I will note– to sell. We have closed three different drinking establishments and a 'white only' gym downtown wholly funded by the Empire, but Medhall itself is practically pristine."

Huffing. "So, the son inherits it all?"

"Not according to the will on record. It says there is a cousin who will get half, as well as run things until the boy is of age."


Theo Anders.

The school was basically emptied of students, just three more like him with families that hadn't wanted their darlings to come home for the holidays. It wasn't like Hogwarts, most of the teachers were ex military, but there were a few who hadn't lost their humanity.

One of these was Dr. Evangelica Brown, the psychologist on retainer. She had explained what had happened to his father. The capture of his stepmother Kayden. The apparent death of Aster was what hit him, he'd already mourned the loss of his caring stepmother when she showed her true colors and sent him away to this … place.

It wasn't hell.

It was an oak paneled, flying buttressed, ivy league annex to that location.

"It is a small consolation, but your cousin Liza is handling funeral arrangements. She will be bringing you down in a week so as not to spoil your ah holidays." The woman had the poise to normalize the circumstances, his more so than the others abandoned here. "Also, your cousin had sent along a set of gifts for you, with a few to share as she is aware of your classmates here over the break."

She gestured to a box with a number of small, wrapped gifts. "Is she English? I have not seen poppers like these anywhere outside of the movies." The tubes were unusual, though he had seen the like from 'uncle' Fleischer. Reaching in he found a Christmas card with a photo inside of his 'cousin' Liza holding her daughter Star according to the handwritten note.


He looked closer. The little girl's hair was as dark as his, unlike Aster's but the plush duck toy in her hands was something he'd given Aster himself. He focused on this Liza and saw she bore some resemblance but didn't have the hard look he knew of the Anders family main branch. And he'd never heard of her before.

Looked to be in her twenties, young to have a toddler –and a single mother if she was still using Anders as a last name.

He found the envelope with a letter inside.

"Miss, if you don't mind, I will put some of these under the tree in the common area. I'd like to take some time to process things." giving her what she wanted to hear. Stiff upper lip but willing to take the time to grieve. He rolled his eyes slightly as he turned away with the box in hand.

Later, in his room –normally shared, but alone because his three roommates were on break at their homes– he opened the letter. Whoever wrote this was a flake. It was all sad commentary on the passing of Max and veiled references to the effects of the Empire on the family finances. Then it turned to hope of a happy return to normalcy after the funeral on the 28th.

Odd. The pen color shifted here and there, as if some letters were written in blue rather than black. And these were written in red, ten overwritten in black.

It took Theo far too long to realize there was another message concealed in the letter text.

'Your inheritance is safe, as is your sister.' the blue letters spelled out.

The red marks stumped him until he noted they were always the character 'n'. Counting the position of them in the sentence they were in he found it to be a phone number with an area code.

He had his personal phone in hand and considered the time of day. It was still before five PM.
Dialing, he heard the voice answer "Law offices of Fenway, Barnes, Dallon and Howell, this is Fran how may I help you?"


The Director was fuming something fierce during the debrief. "And you did not inform us of a Master effect that included humans?"

"Director, Pestilence did demonstrate her Master effects for the PRT as asked. That there was an insect –or perhaps insect-like would be more accurate– villain in the area was unknown to us. Chalk it up to a power interaction and call it a day."

"The munitions of her impromptu boobytraps did millions of dollars worth of damage…" She started again but I cut her off with a hand slice.

"Really? Purity bores a hole through the side of the building and down several floors and you worry about munitions that the Empire brought into the building cooking off due to the actions of the capes assaulting it. That is hardly our problem, Director."

"You just stated that Pestilence attached the pins so that if they were dropped, the grenades would arm." She tried again.

"And the actions that caused that to happen were not under her control. Would you rather your people be poking around now and find the original boobytraps that Alabaster had set? The ones that Crusader's ghosts dropped. You should be happy she found the containment foam grenades or there would have been more lost life and damage."

"A little girl and a teenager were blown up because of…"

I finished her sentence, "...the actions of domestic terrorists who brought them to the location of the munitions and actions they undertook. You should be explaining why the containment foam systems built into the building were offline. Your people should be looking hard at what worked for your defenses and consider how to improve them."

"You have a lot to learn about the etiquette of a military hearing."

Snort. "I am not in your chain of command now that the emergency is over. You were not nominally in charge even then as you were outside of the city." I slow down and take a breath. "Respect is a two-way street, Director. My officers risked a lot to prevent the escape of known terrorists. You had more than one problem solved in the past few days, not even counting the roaches and rats that were eliminated from your HQ."

"Rats? How did she…"

"She needed mass after Alabaster started blowing things up on her. Her bugs killed the rats, her bugs and crabs ate them, and they became more mass for her to work with. She HAD A PET RAT IN GRADE SCHOOL."

Pestilence looked down on cue, emoting her sadness at having to kill so many critters, including the crabs from the Bay.

Holding up a hand for a pause, Director Emily goddamn Piggot let Rennick hold up a note for her to read as she tried to regain composure.

'Word from the Chief is to back off. Release the reward money, the FBI has agreed to front most of it. Dallon house falls under disaster recovery fund like any cape battle –because of Calvert's hand. Play nice.'

Her hand palm out returns to her face, drawing down like wiping off mud. That is what it felt like to her.

"I see our analysts have almost continuous feeds from those in the field except for Pestilence, can you explain that for me?"

I smiled, recognizing a face-saving gesture. "As a Changer, her visor is pulled into a storage space or remains on her primary whenever she is split among multiple forms. While we could show you some footage while she acted at range with proxies, it wouldn't show any of what she was doing at the time. Her main form was in the sewers underneath the street, safe."

Shadow Stalker leaned to the side, putting her close to the Wards who were sitting on the sidelines from the main table, and whispered to Vista. "Bet that raises her ratings a notch. Want to bet they just lump it all into Shaker like you?"

Vista attempted to keep a straight face.

I noted the Director's eyes slip to the side and took my opportunity to interject a pitch. "Speaking of playing it safe, would you be interested in product testing a line of armored costume materials? Not the armor portion of course, but in wearability and use in the field. SMAAL could see its way to providing your existing Wards with costumes nearly on par with our own like those New Wave are wearing."

Armsmaster spoke up quickly in the jaw drop moment for the rest of those present. "How much would a full costume of such be for Protectorate capes?"

"Gingembre?" Emma was closer so she flourished a furry paw and handed him the beamed over pamphlet.

While we couldn't see his eyebrows, his pressed lips said a lot. We could see Miss Militia's eyebrows reach her hairline where she could see it.

"That is the base price. There is a substantial discount for Protectorate members local to SMAAL production facilities."

Piggot was handed the Pamphlet and gulped at the price tag shown. "How much is substantial and where are these facilities?"

"Fifty percent off." I wait for a count of three. "Of course, that will largely depend on Mayor Christner ratifying our claim on Coil's underground base. Finder's Keeper only goes so far, and we would need a reason to keep our HQ in the city. There are a number of low-cost options between here and Boston –or New York for that matter." Smile.

"Get Christner on the line." Piggot had seen footage of Glory Girl taking a shot to the chest, without her field up. "Would you consider a lesser protection price point for Troopers?"

"Many things are possible, Director. If your power testing groups haven't brought it up, the silk Pestilence produces will stop small arms and blades like Kevlar. The exoskeleton materials can be formed into inserts as well. Lower tech, but cheaper by an order of magnitude."

"Ah Keptain," Gingembre held up one of the mouse stunners. "We should offer the stunners to the Wards for the duration –on loan of course– so they can protect themselves from anyone looking to take their new, expensive, costumes."

"Good point. The Wards will be issued sidearms –stunner setting only– along with the costumes."

A soft man in a suit that had been quiet up until this point spoke up. "You want to arm the Wards?"

My head tilt prompted Deputy Director Rennick to introduce the man. "Mr. Santos is representing the Youth Guard interests today."

I turned to the man. "Mr. Santos, the costumes we are providing have five zeroes in the price. While you may not like arming a teenager, would you send one out on the streets with a hundred thousand dollar watch visibly on their wrist without so much as pepper spray?"

"But they have powers!" He tried.

I smiled, got him. "Not all powers are the same. Clockblocker here would have issues with a gunman further out that five feet. With the costume he is less in danger but what if they are driving a truck at him? Or if they have powers?"

"Then he should run away." The man spoke primly, mouth turning down.

"What if they don't let him? But consider first: These stunners cannot kill. They won't so much as draw blood unless their target falls on broken glass." He didn't have an answer to that. "Additionally, they are powered only within the city limits and can be tracked far beyond that. We would probably deploy a power unit here at the HQ for you to utilize if we are traveling."

"Traveling?" Now she was starting to be suspicious.

All four of us in SMAAL –and the Freyja projection standing on the table– nod synchronized as I continue. "While we plan to stay local to Brockton Bay, there are other locations around the world and a few off world that we may visit. The Freyja is a scout class after all."
Log entry 21 12.24.10
Log entry 21 12.24.10***********************************

With funds released from the Protectorate Disaster Incident fund, and the insurance company moving hand over foot to cover hotel options, the Dallons were put up in a very nice, very empty hotel downtown.

It isn't as if there had been a major terrorist incident sending every booking screaming back to their hometowns. They had happily offered what was normally a bridal suite for the Dallon parents and suites for Amy and Victoria as well for very modest pricing. It didn't hurt that there was a sudden influx of paparazzi staying at the same hotel for a chance to snag video –but those stalwarts forgot that New Wave had a few fliers in their midst.

And now they also had lift pods built into their HERS suits as provided by Freyja and SMAAL. These pods on hips and heels for the ladies, hips and shoulder guard for the men, weren't true flight. They allowed null gravity on command, with micro bursts of directional gravity to get things moving.

"So even Amy here can leap tall buildings in a single bound." Vicky gossiped with her friends at the mall.

Oohs and Aaahs for once included rather than excluded Amy. Having a real costume rather than just a glorified bathrobe helped her esteem to no end. They weren't on patrol technically, but the benefit of wearing the new suits out and about for both protection and comfort in the cold snap that had hit with the winter storm starting up, that had weight in their minds.

The fact that it had been leaked they went for a hundred grand a pop put them on par with driving a Porsche to their age group. New Wave was basically new rich, for values of rich.

To Amy of course there was also the simple benefit of being able to lock the legs into position and sit ANYWHERE in comfort. Being able to reheat her coffee in her hands was just freaking icing.

The only downer was they'd had to include an option to uncover her fingers for healing, but the new feature worked nicely to open up the pinky on either hand, she didn't need much to work with.

The visors that came with also let her surreptitiously surf the internet –or better yet, the educational resources Freyja had opened up. This after a review of medical science in current use and a rant on barbarians bleeding harmful vapors with nanobots.

That she'd chosen to spin up a copy of the Emergency Medical Hologram as Amy's teaching interface had proven Freyja's perverse sense of humor. Amy just dealt with it rather than getting something worse if she brought up the 'creepy' puppet hands again.

But the life samples she could access now!

The smile she was giving caused a few of Vicky's group to inch further away.

She had found an entry describing something dubbed a "SAM –Surface to Air Monster" which had been found lurking in asteroid fields, a life form that produced chemical gas in the form of a rocket to rapidly approach and penetrate a potential meal. Just a little tweak here and nudge there, remove any reproductive capacity whatsoever, and Panacea now had a ranged weapon to deliver a contact poison or nerve agent.

Happy Panacea was making lots of people nervous.


"Liza Anders to see you sir." Fran was better than being petty over this rich woman sweeping into the firm to see Marcus Fenway. She'd heard the backstory that they'd relegated her to pasture for not being the 'right sort' and knowing what that sort had turned out to be, meant this young woman was welcome here.

Especially since Fran got to ooh and ah over her young daughter while they were talking. Liza had a young man of mixed Asian and African American descent along in a combination bodyguard/driver status, Branden or something. He was competent and quiet, letting Fran have playtime with little Star.

Henry Fenway came out of his office with Alan Barnes, the two of them discussing a vacation Alan was thinking about. The man must be working out, he was so much more energetic these days.

Brian –ah, Branden Bourne, he had to get used to that– felt the situation was disturbing. Not least of which was figuring out how much any one of the people they were dealing with knew about Medhall, about SMAAL, cape stuff in general. Hell, he KNEW he didn't know the whole story. But he could recognize the IFF built into the contacts putting Alan Barnes and Henry Fenway into the category of people he should defend from any threat. So he kept an eye on the doors and kept his hand near the cellphone that could appear to be a gun and act like a stunner at need.

His little 'brother' Xander was in the car, happily playing games just as easily there as he could at their home. How Branden had missed the movie reference when Xander suggested the new last name he didn't know. Bastard. That and he'd somehow swung the initials "XB" like his favorite gaming console…

The idea that he was now making bank, on top of an account opened in his new name with a significant number of decimal places, well that had a way of keeping him on point in his new capacity. And he didn't even have to run around bashing heads in spandex.


On the US-Canada border a panel truck and an RV were waiting to cross in a line of other vehicles. Luke was driving while Francis himself was peering through binoculars from the back. He had Noelle's arm over his shoulder, keeping her hand in sight from within the Penske truck she was hidden in. They'd planned on covering her with a tarp with hay thrown down and passing her lower half off as a case fifty-three they were delivering to a Circus out west. The bridge was a natural choke point with all the inspections taking place on the far side lined up side by side on the Canadian side of things, which had previously made it an out of the way crossing over a small river.

They hadn't counted on the presence of FBI agents and Homeland Security being out in force looking for Empire assets on the run.

They'd paid for good documentation in Boston, blowing the last of their money and all of Accord's remaining patience with them. Good documents would not prevent them from being swept up in a determined dragnet.

So now the plan was to find a cargo hauler with a big enough truck already past the inspection lineup that they could swap Noelle to just as they other truck was ready to go.

Genesis was asleep in the RV, her fresh form ready to cause a scene to distract. She'd somehow managed a close approximation of a Bigfoot and was prepared to make an appearance that Sundancer would point at. She had crossed in a cab that morning and was waiting with a cooler full of fresh made pancakes drenched in syrup to mollify Noelle.

And then he spotted it. The cargo they needed. It was a statue in bronze, in three pieces across multiple pallets. But his power said he could consider it all on par with Noelle, leaving a smaller piece behind to act as cover. And he could spin the part he swapped around so it would look different!

"Okay baby, it will be dark, but Jess will be in with you and carrying pancakes in seconds. Ready, big breath." Over the radio he added, "Go." Francis, aka Trickster, did the swap.

Sitting on the cooler, Mars jumped up and pointed, while shrieking out "Bigfoot!"

Genesis's hairy form stalked down out of the woods on the Canadian side, took five steps and froze as hundreds of eyes turned toward her.

Even the driver of the statue load stopped pulling down the rolling door. He turned with everyone else and missed Mars hefting the cooler up while scrambling into the back while he was taking out his cellphone like everyone else in range.

Genesis turned and began to stomp away while looking back.

Francis got one last look at Mars holding a clipboard up –which he swapped for a notebook Mars used to sketch. Then he shuffled the pages around so that the pieces they had were on top, taking out the section for the head piece he'd left in the truck.

Mars then pulled the door down to almost closed, using the remaining light to carry the cooler more forward to the area where Noelle was waiting.

"Did you get blueberries?"

"On half. There's strawberries in a plastic tub and another of butter. I emptied the jug of syrup on top so it would soak in, and there is a second on the end. There's also some maple sausage in aluminum foil. I can also heat any of that up if you need." She made a tiny, tiny, sun at the tip of one finger.

"You are such a good friend." Noelle noted, already dipping rolls of pancake into the strawberry sauce.

Mars just thought to herself that she was basically the only one of them who could actually defend themselves if Noelle got peckish. She didn't mention that her small backpack was filled with un-popped popcorn bags for later.

"Did you get the truck number so we can follow them?" Luke asked.

Smirking, "No need, we have the delivery information on where to go. We just need to get there before Mars has to do something to the driver. Or with… She was flirting pretty hard while she waited."

"Live dangerously dude. Your girlfriend could bite you in half and you make comments about one that can give you a five thousand degree wedgie."

"Not where anyone who matters can hear me."

In the RV, Cody who was driving inched along as they moved up, only Jess asleep to keep him company. "Now why do I feel like someone was just talking about me?"


As Gingembre, Emma had been out in the territory that had been Lung's stomping grounds for the past two nights. Showing the flag. Smacking around a few would be new bosses. The Protectorate was mostly keeping closer to their stricken downtown HQ, but she had Wards coming by on the parade route of the Boardwalk and Shadow Stalker working her usual areas between the ABB and Empire.

Now and again she spotted Bitch, now rebranded as Shishi, on an enlarged dog wearing stone colored gray armor pieces made to look like the guardian lions of Chinese myth, moving along parallel paths. The mask piece it wore turned the spiky boded monster into the spitting image, including holographic emitters giving it glowing eyes and venting embers of fire breath here or there.

Rachel Lindt, now Rui Qui Lee and sporting dark straight hair in a bowl cut with eye shape and skin to match a mixed heritage Chinese American rode on her dog wearing Chinese themed armor. She was new. She was a hero. She had yet to speak more than five words to any Ward or Protectorate cape, but they weren't trying hard because the armor sported the symbol that SMAAL had adopted as their logo. It wasn't exactly the Star Trek logo of course, and there was another inverted triangle in darker metal slightly behind the stylized 'A' shape. But it marked her as a member or affiliate of SMAAL. It didn't hurt that the voice Shishi used could be male after all.


"The Undersiders are gone." Armsmaster stated. "And SMAAL has a new probationary member that rides a lion dog."

Hannah sighed. "Let it go. In with the good air, out with the judgmental thoughts. Remember that it's Christmas and there is a significant drop in Nazi to civilians in the city."

Grimacing, he did look thoughtful. "That is true. And Director Piggot did authorize downtime over the holidays." He smiled. Dragon had invited him to tour her production facilities. He hoped she was planning to give him the flight modules for his motorcycle he'd hinted at.

The perverse smile he had told her he was not thinking the same thoughts as she would be if she were visiting a 'friend' of the opposite gender.

Only Triumph, Velocity and Dauntless were staying for the immediate holidays. Even Director Piggot had plans to fly down to someplace warm for a few days.


I was flying over the Boat Graveyard. It was a combination of a Christmas gift to the city, to Dad and a promise to the Mayor to allow us to take the base underneath downtown.

"Make it so."

Chuckle in her puppet mapped voice, Freyja started to work. "Mattermission in mining mode." Trjegul was close enough to act as a relay for her sensors to pass the material down into the base storage area. "Tractor beams ramping up."

At five to midnight, Christmas Eve, the Bay lit up with lights as the sunken cargo ship was lifted, drained and then beamed 'away'. This was completed in minutes. The next three boats were beamed away at once, with holographic fireworks added above the bay to distract. Drones flew back and forth playing Christmas carols.

On the bridge, Dad was in a new recliner I'd gotten for him. I'd bought the house back for him. But this, this was something he'd wished for over the years, pining for the day the Bay could return to shipping.

"So, any plans to reopen the Ferry?" He joked.

"Sheesh, let me save something for your birthday, will you?" I laughed at the face he made when he realized I was serious.

Shaking his head. "I was joking …mostly I suppose." He continued thoughtfully. "Would you at least give the DWA first dibs on cargo handling from your shipments?"

Freyja blinked. "Why would we move cargo from the production facility by road?"

I shushed her with a gesture. "Dockworkers get the loading and unloading jobs at either end, but no we won't be needing truckers in the city. From the docks to outside the city, but we don't need to be adding to downtown traffic like that."

"Ah." His face became thoughtful, "Are you planning to sell any of your tech base?"

I glanced at Freyja.

"Some." she noted. "Piecemeal if you will. There is a whole doctrine of uplift for emerging civilizations to keep them from destroying themselves in war. Too slow incites conflict. Too fast encourages suicidal action. It is a balancing act." She sobered. "And then there are the big dangers of Bet to consider."

She didn't display the Endbringers or groups like the Slaughterhouse Nine, but they were never far from her projections. She had Liza Anders working on it.


"Narwhal, this is … Mycroft. She's a new remote employee. Part time, goal oriented. She gets paid for results on top of a small stipend." Dragon was showing Liza off to her Guild leadership.

"And what are her Bonafides?" Narwhal asked.

'Liza' held her tongue, something that was becoming easier now that her earring would give her little shocks as needed for reminder.

"She comes highly recommended from SMAAL's outreach program."

"SMAAL you say, so Brockton Bay. That wouldn't be Tattletale under a rebrand, would it." The look on her face was a challenge.

Tilting her head. "That would be telling, wouldn't it?" She straightened up, using the breathing exercises to remain calm and collected. "The result is a Thinker, available to sift facts from disparate sources. You get to crack skulls, I get to point toward the worst of the worst. I can, for instance, tell you which members of parliament are voting for Heartbreaker to be left alone. I can show a paper trail for them paying him, sending him special requests he has made without him lifting a finger. That includes a missing Ward from Colorado he is grooming to start a new branch of the Fallen in the north."

"You have my attention." Narwhal set down her YETI tumbler, now sporting prints embedded around the upper edge. "Results driven pay rate. Approved."
Log entry 22 12.25.10
Log entry 22 12.25.10 **********************************

Aisha Labourne was miserable. The lack of a father was one thing, her drug taking mother and string of boyfriends –some of the specifically handsy type– these things had been offset by her rock, Brian. And now Brian was just … gone.

No calls.

Nothing more than a footnote on the news with the release of the identities and the resulting shitshow ending of the Empire and Coil that one Brian Labourne was known to be Grue of the Undersiders.


A creature of the dark. Just another villain in a city full of them.

Her brother. Gone.

And she was caught up with a gaggle of Child Protective Services people that clearly had nothing better to do on Christmas than drag her through stacks and stacks of documentation, paperwork. This to emancipate her from her mother. That to allow her to accept the offered fostering by some rich old lady or something, not that bad but it looked like a pure face saving gesture from someone trying to disassociate themselves from the racists running Medhall.

She would go from being a Ward of the state to a family member by extension of, wait did he just say her chauffeur?

Aisha had enough of this! "You have got to be kidding me!!"

Three pantsuits wearing CPS biddies stopped chattering while filling in forms. The less gray ones deferred to the one with the most gray who tried to smile past her disdain for children. "What was that Aisha?"

"Not only are you making it impossible for my real brother to reach out, you are going to give me a new name, relocate me across the city. The one and only good thing about my life was Brian and you just cut that tie like nothing." She looked down at the stacks waiting to be filled out. "Nothing but papers to fill out, nothing!"

From the next room, Liza and Branden were just about ready to make their entrance. She had said to hold back a bit and let them get to a stopping point, then clear the room so Branden –Brian– could let her in on the scheme.

As they reached for the door, there was a screech of startled fear from inside.


Liza straightened up, feeling her nose where it had hit the door and slid down.

Branden was woozily trying to sit up, having both dropped to his knees and clipped by the door as the CPS workers ran out.

From inside the door there was a cackling laugh. "That's more like it!"

A figure of folded origami in the shape of a tween girl waltzed out of the room. "All these big words are going to my head."

She was striding past the two when Branden spoke up. "Weezy, where you going?"

The paper figure froze and turned back. "B-b-Bri..?"

"Bup, bup, bup. His name is Branden, and he is your new guardian. And yes, he is my chauffeur, and bodyguard and my most trusted advisor, Branden Bourne." Liza intoned.

Papers scattered everywhere as a dark-skinned whirlwind ran forward to hug him. Crying. "You. You jerk!" She ground her face into his jacket, her previous anger forgotten.

Liza tapped out a quick message on her phone and it was missed as a set of papers appeared on the table next to her. She stepped outside with them and found the three CPS workers on the phone with the PRT.

"Ladies, if you would be so kind as to sign these NDA forms and hand the phone over to me please, I think we can skip the remainder of the process for today."

They blinked owlishly and decided to take the proffered bone. Taking up the landline. "Hello, am I correct in assuming this is the PRT?"

"Yes. Mrs. Braun was stating that she was witness to a trigger event of … a young lady in their care."

"Good, you don't get a lawsuit over speaking the name over an open line. Yes, the young lady triggered. They have completed signing the required NDA forms but will of course be going through the usual reporting methods. But that is for another day, it is Christmas. You can expect the young lady will be visiting for power testing and a pitch for the Wards in the New Year, good day." Liza pushed down toggle to hang up the line.

The three had pushed across the papers and were retreating, their one task for the day covered. Liza closed the door behind them, thanking her stars that little Star was asleep with Freyja offering to play nanny for this trip.

"Aisha, take it easy." Branden looked down to find that she was once again made of paper. "You got some Brute in the mix, that's for sure."

The paper girl looked up at him and then over to Liza. "And some Thinker I think, since I know just about anything written down within a few feet of my change –including that you and Liza there, are doing work for SMAAL. How curious. It's almost like you've worked together before."

Liza smirked. "Oh yeah, totally pinged off you and me both. Is there another cape in the building?"

"That would be tattling, wouldn't it?" Aisha chuckled at her look. "So, if you are officially my Guardian and all, will you be introducing me to your boss now?"

Branden straightened up, "Well we first need to get you to your new home so you can open some gifts. Lis–za here guessed your size for the most part, but we can burn most of the tatters mom –I mean your mom– had you wearing."

The little girl was back, this time without the tears on her face. "Cool. Now can we get out of here please. My newfound understanding of what is written around me when I change includes a stack of child trauma and psychology manuals that I hope to lose over time."

A long space of white sand, bright sunlight, ocean waves. A line of chairs, barbecue pit manned by three men drinking from red cups –though the one is water. Our crew in ship recreational area can recreate various environments without having to leave the ship. This was part of the cargo areas, essentially empty and unused for so long, reconfigured to our needs.

"Keptain, it seems our Affiliate crew now includes a Wards age cape, the sister of Branden Bourne." Freyja noted in my ear.

"It's Christmas, we can leave that sort of thing for after the holiday, yes?" I state.

The puppet faces bowed slightly. "As you say, I will have a report for you to peruse when you feel appropriate. I will note that there are several loose ends to the 'Coil' takedown that should be addressed as soon as possible."

"Do you mean the mercenaries or the Travelers?" I ask, trying to soak in the sun. Having a –sigh– Holodeck meant we could have a beach Christmas celebration. Having brought in Alan and Anne into the circle of those knowing all about Freyja, we had the whole family here. Dad was still sober, not even touching the alcohol present despite knowing that his modifications wouldn't allow him to fall into that trap again. New Wave, aside from Victoria was present, although Amy was still annoyed that the Hospitals would not let her heal on Christmas day.

"Both remain unresolved." Freyja noted. "But the trackers Coil placed in the medical equipment he provided Genesis suggest the travelers have left the country. They are not far from the border, heading west."

"How does that align with the project Liza has with the Guild?" I ask, already knowing there will be some issue.

"They are shadowing the delivery path almost exactly. Additionally, the 'statue' being sent is in three parts each with a transmitter. Two of them appear to be in proximity to the Travelers' own vehicle, while the head piece remains in the original truck."

I sighed. "How long until they reach the compound?"

"Estimated arrival will be tomorrow morning. The driver had specific instructions to stay the night at the motel just outside." Freyja commented. "I would expect the Travelers to extract themselves at that point."

I looked left to Sophia and right to Emma, who –both lifted their sunglasses to look at me without hiding from the virtual sunshine– shook their heads.

"No way in hell they leave without getting caught." Sophia states.

Emma rolls her eyes. "Want to bet they forage and run into problems?"
From just down the 'beach' I see that the older generation of New Wave have perked up. The 'beach' was big enough to easily handle all the current crew and Affiliates, something that should be expected considering her whole schtick as a ship is to be 'bigger on the inside'.

"What are you three planning now? I thought the idea was to stay low key for a few weeks." Sarah Pelham sounded like the very essence of understanding.

Brandish was too busy chewing, still working her way through the BBQ options Freyja could replicate on whim. Those prawns were huge. She just gestured with her skewer to keep talking.

"We plan to lay low, yes, but some of the work done for the Guild by our affiliate Mycroft was to locate and provide recon for a compound of cultists." I say, trying for a logical but passive reason.

Brandish cut through it in a heartbeat. "Canada that means you are going for Heartbreaker, right?"

"Noooo. The Guild is going for Heartbreaker. SMAAL is providing support. Except that something we caused is also heading that way, and could cause issues." I tried to explain. "Freyja?"

"As you say, Keptain." She forms a screen in the air. "One of the groups that Coil had employed –under false pretenses– is a group of capes, several of which have medical issues that Coil claimed to be able to solve. He was in fact planning to kidnap Panacea at some point to resolve them."

"And you want to help them?" Brandish asked, one eyebrow raised.

Freyja's puppet face shook out a 'no' to that. "Since the Travelers include three female capes, you should know this. The reason the Guild is now willing to act is because he has made plans to have children with a Mastered Ward from Colorado. We would prefer not to leave powerful female capes under Hearbreaker's control. Especially this one."

The image shifted to 'something' taking up a large part of the insides of a truck. It was a mass of limbs, both clawed and hooved on some, with a body similar to a Hippopotamus for the most part aside from the extra lower limbs. There was in addition to that a blending into the torso of a young woman, in the image she was wearing a bib of sorts made from a shower curtain –or maybe a picnic tablecloth– while she took handfuls of food from a cooler.

It looked like a tiny thing in front of her 'body' but then she scooped up a serving of food and everyone winced as her jaw distended to take in the amount in one extended gulp.

"Is that scoop made from a Clorox bottle?" Sophia whistled. "Now that's an appetite."

Sarah Pelham found her voice first. "Is that some kind of Case five three?"

"Yes. Despite obvious physical issues, it would be the worst case scenario if she were to be considered for Heartbreaker's cape harem attempt."

"Why is that?" Neil Pelham asked, coming up for air from his own prawn.

Freyja showed another image, a chaotic scene with a caption saying it was Boston nearly a year ago. "The cape is known to the PRT under the media assigned name of Mimeogre. She appears to be able to copy other people in a way similar to how Spree copies himself. But the three dee mimeographs she creates are flawed in physical form as well as being incomplete in memories. They appear to actively dislike anyone familiar to the original, the longer they are known the greater the result. While she isn't a Master to them, they do have a built-in urge to follow her directions. The 'Ogre' part is due to her features."

"Wait, wait, wait." Sophia spoke up. "Are we legitimately letting a cape that produces copies –let alone flawed ones– within a thousand miles of Heartbreaker?"

"An excellent point" Freyja pointed out. "Which is why it was brought up today instead of tomorrow or later."

I held up a hand. "What they…" gesturing to New Wave, "are not aware of is that the 'statue' being delivered contains a beacon Freyja can use to transport him away into imprisonment without human contact."

Brandish held up a hand. "Are we one hundred percent sure that his powers won't work on Freyja?"

"That is a consideration, but we were not planning to bring him into the ship at all. There is a certain structure on the moon, maintained by the constructs that the Tinker known as Sphere created. It is within my range now that I have scouted its location."

Several of the adults were confused. "When did you scout out the moon base?"

The image projected changed to a closeup of the lunar surface. "Thirty minutes ago. We are in low orbit approaching the line between the light and dark side at the point where Sphere's base stood." She smiled. "He will be left there with no communication, but enough stores to live another ten years without lifting a finger. If he tends the greenhouses himself, he could live another twenty. But I think it more likely he will crack and step outside an airlock on his own without anyone to give commands to."

I note further, "In the meantime his thralls will know he is alive but out of reach. They will not be able to receive instructions and since there is no active space agency for now, they won't be able to rescue him."


Madison had not come along for the initial part of Christmas day at the beach. In her case, family was coming to town. Grams and Pappaw were up from Atlanta. Both had worked at the CDC, where they'd met and married.

They were mom's parents of course, Dad's had passed before she had a chance to meet them. And there was the rub. Did she bring them in on things and get them on the 'health plan'?

"Mom? Should we have the talk?" Madison asked. "I don't want to be greedy but they are nearly the only family we have left, right?"

Eve Clements sighed a little. "Honey, thank you for asking. I had a long talk with Pappaw this morning, they are very early risers. They know enough to understand it could be an issue if they were to live another fifty years. At the same time, it wouldn't hurt to give them a tune up without adding in the extension portion. They would like to be able to meet the great grandchildren after all."

Her dad came in with the tray from bringing them coffee. "Go out and have a nice time opening presents. With the scanner Freyja gave us we can tell there is nothing life threatening to them at the moment. So we can go to your 'beach' this evening –as far as I hear, it can be noon at any point you choose." Her dad's smile broke through her worries.

"Wait? Presents!?" She ran for the door to the living room where the tree was set up. She knew exactly how many had been there before, so the extras must be from the grandparents.

But when she started opening there were a few extras scattered among them. A set of communicators for her grandparents. A sort of multitool for her father that could –among other things– seal a blown car tire and reinflate it without any other tools needed. There was a kitchen gadget for her mother that looked like a coffee decanter, but it produced any liquid desired that can pour out on demand.

For Madison, these gifts were things she valued more than anything she could have gotten herself.


Noelle, "Mars. Didn't you say there was just this one cooler of food?"

Putting aside her magazine, Mars looked over to where Noelle was sitting. The cooler had been cleared, licked clean even, before they'd stopped for the night. "Yes?"

"Well, there is another one here. It has Fried chicken and salad. Oh yuck, a tuna sub." This was tossed to Mars herself. "I didn't bring that in but Francis knows I like Tuna subs. Maybe he was able to get a peek into the truck after we stopped."
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Log entry 23 12.26.10
Log entry 23 12.26.10 **********************************

Imagine, if you will, a sad little man. A middle manager at a nose just out of water insurance agency in Alberta, Canada. He wears a suit worth a month's salary because it is what it 'takes' to get the high rollers to pay big money for policies for their backwoods cabin cum McMansions. But aside from the expensively cut suit, he wears black Worx boots in steel toes because of the work sites –no, because he could not afford Gucci shoes after the expense of the suit. He drove a kit car that looked something like a Porsche if you squinted … hard. He had shifted away from his father's business –mortician– his first watch was taken from the casket of a wealthy businessman who thought he could 'take it with him'.

Thin and ambitious, he slicked his hair and slapped hands with every mover and shaker he could until the capes came onto the scene. Everyone loved him. Every potential sale was a win, only he wasn't making money.

And then he told one of his admirers they should leave their husband for him.

She did.

And when the estranged millionaire came-a-calling with a crew of knee breakers, Nikos looked at them and told them with a straight face to kill each other.

They did.


His alarm started up bright and early, every day since his day of the revelation of HIS place in the center of his universe.

I'm walking on sunshine, hey
And don't it feel good!

He paused, thinking of one small downer to his perfect lifestyle. It was his birthday, the big five oh. Oh, he'd told the girls and his kids he was still in his forties. He'd celebrated forty-four three times after all, and NO ONE brought up his real age twice.

It only took one order to cut out their own tongue with a grapefruit knife…

But then he remembered. The Prime Minister had pulled some strings for him and arranged for a gifted young artist of bronze statuary to go to a private address to make a casting for him. The kid was still in his twenties, fresh out of art school, and sadly not his type. But the scale model was fetching.

His old suit still fits, thanks to his adoring crowd of exercise enthusiasts. What man could turn down aerobics with leotard-wearing hotties all around him? So, there he was, getting ready for his morning of sweating to the oldies on the wide deck of his compound's square. His guards were on the rooftops, scanning the wood line, with sheets of plexiglass between the walkways and his 'safe' area. After all, his 'love me' aura was only a bit over one hundred feet across and the orders he gave had to be heard directly to take full effect –albeit there was still some bleed over a phone connection to anyone he'd already primed once.

And today, they would be delivering the statue itself, him on a throne of granite –that is already in place– looking down over the pool next to the deck right here.

"Places everyone. Start the music!"

Jump up. Jump back. I really think you've got the knack!


Noelle woke up to the sounds of some kind of music echoing.

Last night she and Mars had listened while the driver called in that he was at the staging area for the morning delivery as ordered.

The cheap hotel was at the bottom of a hill just outside the little hick town. Mars had snuck out of the truck herself through the little door from the cab to the back while the driver was getting checked in, having taken off the dark wig she'd worn before and played up being a hitchhiker needing a bed for the night. Lot Lizard mentality and her fairly smoky looks had the man invite her in for drinks.

She had palmed out a Chloroform-soaked rag into the pillowcase as she prepared to take a shower, and the driver was 'out' before she needed to dry off.

A liquid addition with a squeeze bulb gave him enough Nyquil and booze to forget the night before. She ripped open a condom packet and left the wrapper on the floor, rumpled the sheets and walked out with his keys to unlock the truck again. She could fit through the small door, but Noelle couldn't, and she was not going to stand out there fiddling with keys to the padlock until she got the right one. That would surely invite the Motel clerk to call in the law on her.

Less than an hour later Francis and Luke pulled in with their Penske truck. He'd gotten a room for him and Luke and run the portable AC unit over to Noelle, a cord fed out through the window of the truck. Cody and Jessica had come in a little later, having hit three different places for a meal for Noelle. Four whole rotisserie chickens and twenty packets of Ramen noodles heated in the big pot later. Luke had held it steady while Francis climbed into the cab with three-gallon jugs of tea, then he'd swapped himself for the soup pot through the windshield view.

The little stove top in their RV was baking up sweet rolls and cinnamon bread to keep her happy as well, Jessica had become quite good at that. Cody shuttled in and out with jugs of Gatorade in ice taken from the Motel machine, the clerk not caring as long as they paid for the room to go with the RV's occupants.

They had the place pretty much to themselves.

Until morning.

The music woke up Noelle first.

It was familiar music. Something she'd listened to with her gran long ago. It moved from one catchy tune to another with barely a pause, a man's voice heard cajoling others into shaking it.


We'd come back at a stately pace, just like how we'd left. The orbital path kept us as far away from the Simurgh as we possibly could be, albeit that one was staying in the southern hemisphere for now after a slow shift from equatorial orbit last year.

"Keptain, I have satellite imagery. It is a potential issue, the compound occupied by Heartbreaker is only a few hundred feet away from the main road heading to town, just up the hill from where the motel is. Only some trees and a big fence separate it from the parking area for the motel." Freyja put a screen above our chairs to confer.

Sophia summed it up. "If you ignore the fence and the trees this place was built on the Bates Motel plans from Psycho."

The queen of snark, one Amy Dallon, rolled her eyes from her lawn chair a few feet over. "It takes one to know one." She then held up a hand for Vicky to high five.

Freyja continued as if no one had piped up. "The driver was instructed to deliver by 8:30 AM sharp, it will be 8:45 before we can get on site within transport range unless we pretend to be a meteor."

"No. We don't need to alarm anyone who catches a course correction at speed. Monitor the compound and let us know when things begin to pop." I order.

Sarah Pelham is nodding along, glad that her new allies were willing to not make waves or panic itchy trigger fingers. She couldn't believe they were actively heading closer to anyplace Heartbreaker would be, but the plan was sound. As long as nothing bizarre happened.

"Oh." Sarah groaned. "Shit."

"What?" Several voices, including my own.

"I think I just invoked Murphy."

"Keptain…" Freyja zoomed in, showing a group of people dressed for a jog filing out of the compound gates.

"Right, suit up. Switch to backup plan B. We go in hot and beam his ass out as soon as we have a lock."

A number of people stood up, but we three just tapped out macro-orders or in Sophia's case muttered "Stalk me." having our suits beam in around us.

In the middle of getting up, Amy paused to look at us. "Can she do that for any of us?"

Freyja answered by beaming Amy's suit around her over the swimsuit she'd been wearing but without the light cover she'd been wearing. "Anyone else?"

Raised hands all around.

She was doing a number of things just then, flying, spoofing radar, coordinating a request for Dragon and the Guild to up their plans for the day. Distractions.

But she still had them all in their respective costumes, HER style, with the new visors in just under a minute.


Dragon spoke up. "Please relay that 33 and one third meters as the closest anyone made it before falling under his sway. We still have not documented whether he needs direct eye contact like Valefor to initiate. And there is the possibility that some of his kids have larger ranges."


Cherish followed along quietly. She'd been good for three weeks now, having been caught trying to sneak out of the compound on her own. Daddy Vasil had her number, but she was just biding her time now.

"There is more than the driver at the Motel." She spoke up. "Several people, in two vehicles that know each other. Another IN the back of the truck, a young woman, I think. None of them are over twenty-five I'd say, based on how they act around each other."

She paused. "At least one of them is a cape."

Daddy Vasil paused, looking at her with interest. "And how do you know that?"

"Two of them just swapped places. Neither of them is excited by it, just regular activity to them. One of them at least is a teleporter." She winced as her current handler tugged the leash to bring her closer to Daddy.

"There. Is that so hard?" He stroked her cheek. "It's time to go check out my birthday gift. The one I knew of and the surprise that came along." He tapped the side of his nose. "I suppose a few surprises in the other direction would be apropos."

Nikos waved his hands and all the girls around him tittered as if something witty had been said. Cherish smiled wanly and essayed a dry chuckle.


"Francis!" Luke's whisper woke him, but the hand on his chest kept him from leaping upright. "There's a gaggle of joggers coming out of the gate, some kind of commune back there or something. Something like Heaven's Gate or something, they are all wearing matching red jogging suits."

Luke calmed down as it became apparent it was all women. A lot of big hair chicks in there, one or two ugly as hell. Okay, one of them was wearing a dog collar and was being pulled around by one in goth makeup. Kinky.

Krouse pushed his arm aside. "Do they look like they are making a beeline for the …. Fuck."

They were coming across the parking lot now. Maybe thirty people in red jogging suits.

And the last three included a man in a silvery jogging suit. Short hair, thin, with a shadow on his chin that suggested he was attempting something like a beard, without the capacity to pull it off.


"I have visuals of one man in the group. All the rest are in red track suits, he is the only male in the group." Freyja spoke with confidence.

"Take him." I said, trying to act relaxed.


A scream rang out. The dude in silver was just gone. The two with him spun around, weapons out. The women in tracksuits scattered, a number of them ending up near the RV.

"Open up in there! Someone took him right out from in front of us!"

Other voices spoke ill for whoever was responsible. Luke and Francis both grimaced as handguns made an appearance beyond the Uzi's carried by the two guards.

Cody was groggily coming to the door of the RV, Luke grabbing for the walkie talkie to warn him not to open up as he saw there were people right by the door.

A girl, she couldn't be more than sixteen, grabbed the handle and ripped the door right off in front of him.

Cody was not a morning person, but something like that was enough to wake him up fully. She was reaching for him, looking angry until she wasn't.

Kara, the ex-Ward from Colorado, found herself in the middle of the parking lot taking a step she'd taken half a minute ago.

At the RV, Cody opened the door to find someone else right there. Big hair and oh, Priscilla Queen of the Desert vibes…

"That's an interesting power you have there. Use it to protect me, please." Nikos Vasil, in drag, under an eighties wig and wearing a red track suit with ahem falsies, smiled up at Cody, who nodded gob stopped. "Tell me who is who and what all they can do."


"So we got him?" Carol Dallon grunted. "Seems like a let down after all that buildup. Did you beam him right to the moon?"

Vicky's chuckling, "TO THE MOON!" sounded like a bad impression of Ralph Kramden of the Honeymooners.

"A moment please. While I did transport a male to the moon base, there are anomalies to… It was not Nikos Vasil. I am able to render fingerprint matches and scanned the database. That was Armand Germaine, one of Vasil's known minions. He is either still in the compound or in the crowd."

"Scan for him."

"There are five males in the immediate area. One alone is the driver. Two in a room and two in the RV." She paused. "Locked and transporting."

"Give us a visual from the moon base." Sophia says.

The screen splits and reforms into two the same size. The right side shows the moon base with a confused man staring out a window at the lunarscape. Another figure forms next to him, and then is gone just as quick.

"What just happened?" Multiple voices.

Freyja seemed pensive. "Back in the same position as before. Locking… He's gone."


Cody felt the emptiness in his soul when the man in drag disappeared. Right after telling him to protect him!

Rewinding the space where he'd 'been' and the man reformed in place. This was new! He'd never tried to rewind a place before.

Cheering on, he heard Krouse yelling from the walkie talkie. Cody did the hand sign, pinky and thumb out and twisting, tongue out and riffing like Bill and Ted.

Krouse took it a different way, pushing Luke away then swapping Luke into the RV while bringing the man inside in his place.

Before the man could recover from being off balance, he swapped himself into the RV and left Cody in his place. He stepped aside knowing what was coming next.

"You dick!" Cody grumbled, having rewound himself ten heartbeats. "Why'd you do that?"

Jesse's groggy voice called out. "Did anybody bring Noelle breakfast yet?"

"FUCK!!" All three boys jumped, completely ignoring the man they'd ported around while rummaging for fast food.

Jesse herself came out of the back with a kitchen garbage bag of popcorn. "This is the last premade. Salted. Tell her we will go for breakfast soon."

Mars was just coming out the door to the room she'd 'shared' with the doped up driver –two beds oh ye of the gutter bound mind– and found herself exiting the door at the same time as a man, in drag no less, came out of Krouse's room.

"Damn!? I didn't think Luke and Krouse swung that way." She muttered in surprise.

Nikos took in the young woman, the sudden flare of heat near her hand as she startled. "You will do. Protect me from any threats. Kill anyone that tries to hurt me."

Mars found herself answering "Of course my love. I will always burn for your very whim." Little stars formed in front of her as she took a stance ahead of him. "Which way do you want to go?"

The fact that several of the small orbs were forming into a heart shape in front of her, mostly red in color, was not lost on Nikos. "A little less heat so close my dear. You will be the death of me I'm sure."

Krouse came out of the RV then with a garbage bag filled with something light weight. He immediately was wrestling the truck cab door open, getting fouled by the cord for the AC unit.

"Is something the matter?" The voice inside the cab seemed nervous. "Krouse, what is…?"

He disappeared, the bag of popcorn falling away.

A mass of gravel fell from where he'd been. Krouse had seen Mars lunge forward with her stars in front of her.


To Noelle, her friend Mars had just tried to incinerate her boy toy. The fact she missed, barely, was not the first item on her mind. As a gamer, as a cape nerd since coming to Bet, as someone with two brain cells to rub together she saw a man –in drag but still a man– holding onto Mars's shoulder, directing her to burn the RV.

Krouse was somewhere close, he could only swap line of sight. But Jesse, Cody –her other friends were in that RV. And Mars was being mastered by someone that looked an awful lot like Heartbreaker.

Noelle tensed, her lower body standing upright fully even as her torso and human looking portion leaned waaay back. She couldn't see out like this, but she didn't plan to stay inside the truck for long.

Two of her larger leg/tentacle/limbs hit the panel of the front of the storage part of the truck, ripping through the aluminum like paper, pulling up and to the side.


"Ahem, Brute five, possibly six?" Manpower whistled.

"Do you have a lock yet?" I asked.

Freyja was flying in faster, managing the video feed as well as trying to maintain transporter locks. "Working."


Cody grimaced as he saw Mars sending flaming orbs at the RV. "Back it up, dump truck!"

The fireballs receded back, Mars reappearing at the door coming out again.

"I said protect me!" Nikos Vasil yelled to anyone listening.

Cherish, using her emotional senses to pay attention to it all with a sort of glee showing on her face, chose that moment to poke the literal bear.

She pushed anger into Noelle. 'He is going to kill your boy toy.'

"Rarrrgh!" Noelle did not hear Nikos Vasil give an order. She was blinded by rage, deafened by the screeching metal of the truck body being rendered around her as she ripped the panels truck open, smashing the front cab down in front of her. Her torso lifted up, sighting in on the man dressed as a woman jogger, his wig askew and makeup smeared from hitting the door.

Vasil saw the first tentacle heading his way and had just enough time to mutter. "Fuck me."

The limb retracted, pulling into the remains of the truck so fast Freyja lost her lock again.


On the ship, every eye turned to look, as the puppet hands rearranged into the face of an angry troll made of hands.

"I have a lock." A moment later an image of a very wet and angry Nikos Vasil appeared in the moon base.

On the other screen, there was another tentacle and a third. Mars and Cody were pulled into Noel before the sound of a pop.

Three more pops and Luke was trying for the door to the other side of the RV, shouting to the red jump suited people now charging this way. "Get out of here!" He got the door unlocked and open in time to be grabbed and yanked through the RV into the remains of the panel van.

Pop, pop, pop.

Cherish was pulled closer a few steps by her Goth sister Lenna. She was a masochist and sought out danger like an adrenaline junkie. She was behind Kara, the ex-Ward, who had just made it back to the area of the RV, running past to where she last saw Nikos.

Then a tentacle grabbed Kara.


The sounds were somehow wet and squishy. Horror movie sounds. The things that came out of the panel truck now looked like mini Noelles, Or, perhaps mini me versions, just a mass of legs and tentacles for the base, roughly torso sized, and a misshapen head attached.

One flew out, supported on tiny stars that did not burn it.

Another was flung out by a tentacle to land on the RV itself.

From where he'd landed half buried in a Krouse shaped absence of gravel on the edge of the parking area, one landed next to Krouse.

"Risth and shine." a voice lisped next to him.

Cody clone.

"Oh fuck me running." Francis played his eyes around but it was too late.

This Cody clone rewound him to where he'd been before the gravel swap. A tentacle latched onto him.

"I got you, babe."

Francis was bent in half as he was dragged into Noelle's body, just another template for her power to copy.

Pop Pop Pop.

Shit is getting real.


"Keptain. I am being hailed by Narwhal of the Guild." Resigned.

The image, seven feet of woman in shimmering fields, the horn almost seeming to poke through the screen leaning in. "This. This is why we didn't go after Heartbreaker."

Shadow Stalker stepped into the pause. "Oh, we got Heartbreaker already. It's the monster cape popping baby monsters we need to worry about." gesturing, Sophia directed Trjegul to turn the monitor showing the moon base to Narwhal.

"One down. Now the problem is the popovers in play and Echidna there."

I raise an eyebrow. "Echidna? Leaning into Greek mythology, are we?"

Crossing her arms, Sophia huffed. "I like a good story. Rest of history is just a bunch of whiners."
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Asleep at the wheel New
A whole month? Okay, will try to get to something here soon but have passed through two hurricanes losing power for both and City of Heroes is doing the Halloween event that eats my soul. The story will be back. Give it a hot minute.

Edit: for some reason the last post showing when I checked was August. Eh not feeling as bad but still...
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