World of Chaos - Fantasy Crossover NRP

Perhaps Mental is willing to take some of your players (besides himself) off of you?
He kinda already does. I was suppose to GM Lord_Asmodeus' Trolls but I am already maxing out.
The main problem is also that the ones waiting their intros are Mental Omega and those close to him. I simply can't leave those players to him.
Granted, I may delegate other players with his agreement if it becomes neccessary but currently it isn't a solution to problems.

I'll volunteer, though for clarities sake I will mention that I have minimal GM experience.
Your help is appreciated regardless.
Besides, as a gm here your chief job would be basically to control NPCs. So you basically do the same thing as players.
The only complication is that you can come up with factions that have a good chemistry with the player's faction and also sometimes you have to crack your brains to be truly fair with the players on writing down the results.
I can try my hand at GMing. Granted, im admittedly kind of awful at it and I have a plethora of RL shit, so maybe I'd take 1 or 2 factiosn so im not totally overwhelmed
I never met you but Mental Omega's trust is more than enough.
If you like this game and wish to be a GM here then you're welcome!
If you wish to be also a player in this game then that's similarly okay.
We go way back to the first game I ever managed on SB.
We go way back to the first game I ever managed on SB.
I see. Would he take queen Raidne's place in case she doesn't show up?
It can be either that or we lending a few factions out.
Are you familiar with Winx Club? Or at least are you willing to manage a magical/fairy faction which travels on huge ship-islands?

Since Mental Omega is kind of occupied with his players already, how do you feel about writing the intro and encounters for Lord_Asmodeus' troll tribe?

Also anyone is familiar with BETA from Muv-Luv? I kind of wish to manage things at Dimuran but I also feel my focus should be shifted to exclusively one area. That'd ensure more consistency for the game plot.
I see. Would he take queen Raidne's place in case she doesn't show up?
It can be either that or we lending a few factions out.
Are you familiar with Winx Club? Or at least are you willing to manage a magical/fairy faction which travels on huge ship-islands?

Since Mental Omega is kind of occupied with his players already, how do you feel about writing the intro and encounters for Lord_Asmodeus' troll tribe?

Also anyone is familiar with BETA from Muv-Luv? I kind of wish to manage things at Dimuran but I also feel my focus should be shifted to exclusively one area. That'd ensure more consistency for the game plot.
I already asked him to take over for me, nerevarine, and Hawke.
Also anyone is familiar with BETA from Muv-Luv? I kind of wish to manage things at Dimuran but I also feel my focus should be shifted to exclusively one area. That'd ensure more consistency for the game plot.
I've got some knowledge about them from other RPs and the wiki, but I've never actually played the games. I'd be willing to give it a shot if you want.
GMing, probably, though I'm curious who you need a GM for.
I already asked him to take over for me, nerevarine, and Hawke.
There you go. If you accept we can also discuss the details in the PM convo.
I've got some knowledge about them from other RPs and the wiki, but I've never actually played the games. I'd be willing to give it a shot if you want.
The BETA are just one of the many factions in Dimuran. I just introduced them so it's better if somebody familiar with teh BETA if Darkeva's Terrans were to meet them.
Sounds good to me. I'll get started.
You've got a new GM. Hopefully this would lead to your faction being introduced soon.

Also sigmaunit, keep in mind he transports along with the entire troll forest which may be good because otherwise his Trolls would be struggling in a tundra/steppe like land.

BTW, is anyone familiar with the Wheel of Time series? It'd be preferably if Lillyana's GM would be somebod who knows the setting.
OK I get the forest part, but how is a tundra in existence that close to the equator?
Oops. I confused it with another location. It's been days since I checke the map.. Actually, that part is more like a semi-desert area.

Here's the untranslated page for directions.
Again, this is more of a narrative clutch than absolute rule. If you want something unique then go ahead.
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Desert huh, well that's... non ideal for me. I'm smack dab in the middle of Khittara there aren't I?
So you mean like a scrub-lands or maybe a Serengeti situation?
Well, at certain parts, yeah.
Albeit I just checked and Khittara is particularly a desert-filled territory at anywhere but near the coast.
Though it's of course up to the GM to decide. Like I said, the source is only a narrative clutch, not an absolute law.
If your forest is transported into the middle of the desert then the weather would ruin it in a short order. Even if we assume there's a weird magic at work it wouldn't be too good.
So yeah, whatever @sigmaunit imagines up with the location will be true.
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The Earth Empire Expedition
Faction Name: The Earth Empire Expedition
Origin: The Legend of Korra
Faction Type: Country/Expeditionary Force
Leader: To be decided (debating whether to use Kuvira or someone else)
Population: To be decided
Faction Rank: (work in progress, the GM will give you this)
Color: Dark Green with Grey borders
Assigned GM: Someone with knowledge of the Avatarverse.
Starting Area:

Faction Introduction

It has been six years since the Red Lotus assassinated the Earth Queen and brought fourth the collapse of the Earth Kingdom, three years since the Great Uniter picked up the pieces and put them together as the Earth Empire, three years since our victorious armies marched onto the rightful Earth Empire land that fancied itself as the "United Republic of Nations" and restored the Empire as it was at its peak as the Earth Kingdom before the 100 Year War. Now the Earth Empire stands as the unrivaled Superpower of the world. Under the guiding hand of the Great Uniter, The Earth Empire has transformed from the pre-industrial backwater it was under the corrupted kings and queens of the Wu-Ten Dynasty to an advanced and technologically progressive society and a beacon of science!

However, the Earth Empire stands alone against the world in a Cold War. Relations with the rest of the world fell to an all time low as they saw the occupation of the URN as an act of aggression, it didn't help that during the invasion, the son of Firelord Izumi named Iroh, was captured (though was returned to the Fire Nation at a later date) and that the Avatar, daughter of Chief Tonraq of the Southern Water Tribe, was imprisoned. Meanwhile, the Airbenders fled to the Air Temples after Korra was captured, there they grew in numbers as Airbenders from other lands came and united under the banner of the Air Nation. Every nation has placed an embargo on the Empire which is starting to take its toll, it is feared that the Empire may not outlast the alliance that stands against it.

In this situation however, a solution was found on accident. A truck transporting Spirit Vines had exploded in the center of Yu Dao (original name for Republic City, renamed after the battle for Republic City) as something went wrong with the vines. This caused something unexpected, it created another Spirit Portal! This portal did not go to the Spirit World like the others though, instead it went to a new world much like ours, more importantly, it had the resources that made it possible for the Earth Empire to defeat the other nations of the world. Therefore, the Great Uniter has order that an army is to be created to conquer the land for the Empire. There was no lack of willing soldiers, as the "Reducation Camps" did their jobs, they spawned many fanatical citizens and soldiers loyal to the Empire and devoted in the Great Uniter. This expedition is ready and what the Empire faces is not known. No matter what, the Empire will remained determined in its goal. Long live the Empire! All hail the Great Uniter!

Faction Features:

Bending: Bending is the manipulation of the elements of nature. The four main elements would be Earth,Fire,Water, and Air. There are also many other forms of Bending such as Metal Bending, Lava Bending, Lightning Bending, and even Blood Bending. Nearly everyone enrolled the Earth Empire's military is a Bender, giving the advantage of manipulating the world either to suit one's purpose or assist on the battlefield.

Beacon of Progress: Due to the beliefs of the Great Uniter, the Earth Empire greatly supports the advancement in technology and science, funding various research projects for such a purpose. Because of this, research of technology is faster and the Empire is more open to adopting foreign technology for their own purposes.

Aggressive Diplomacy: The Earth Empire is not the best at Diplomatic relations, makes sense with its autocratic and militant ways. The Empire always seems to make more foes rather than friends. Overall Diplomacy is more difficult for the Empire in comparison to most other nations.

Xenophobic: The Empire greatly distrusts foreigners, so much so that one of the first edicts of the Great Uniter was to throw anyone and everyone that was not Earth Kingdom descent into reductation camps, mainly Fire, Water, and Air Benders. This makes harder to control and assimilate the natives of this world.


20,000 Earthbenders
10,000 Metalbenders
1,000 Firebenders
1,000 Waterbenders
1,000 Non-Benders (Trained in Chi Blocking and equipped with weaponry used by the Equalists)
1,500 Mechs
200 Buzzard Wasp Mechs
100 Tanks
10 Transport Airships
3 Warships
1 Giant, Spirit Cannon-equipped Mech

Buzzard Wasp Mechs- Originally called Hummingbird Mechs, Buzzard Wasp Mechs are smaller and more nimble versions of the land Mechs used by the Earth Empire. Early prototypes were acquired after the battle of Yu Dao when they were discovered in Future Industries' headquarters, upon which they were seized and taken in for research. Under the supervision of Bataar Jr, Buzzard Wasp Mechs were upgraded saw its use in skirmishes with URN rebels. These mechs are equipped with a set of unarmored wings and are lightly armored and more mobile than the mechs used on land, making them vulnerable targets. Each mech is equipped with a portable Plasma Saw that would allow the mech to cut through most materials and also a much smaller version of the Spirit Cannon that is powerful enough to take down a smaller aircraft. Buzzard Wasps Mechs are not suited for aerial combat and are mainly used to breach and take down larger aircrafts by cutting through its armor and attacking components that are vital in order to keep the aircraft afloat.

(I also plan on developing more custom units as the game progresses.)
Approved. I'll put it up on the Game Tracker soon.
The GM will be me.

(There are a lot of lore-specific terms in this, so just ask if anything confuses you)

Faction Name: United Legion of the Dragon

Faction Intro
A collaberation of every nation bar Shara, including the Seanchan across the seas. It was created after the Aes Sedai and the Ashaman percieved the strange fault in the Pattern. At first, the Gray Tower was merely thought to send a few Ashaman, and a couple representitives from each Ajah. However, as Moiraine Damodred's Warder was none other than Thom Merrlin, it did not stay a secret for long. Before the Sitters could decide who to send, every nation was on the Gray Tower's doorstep, demanding to be added to the expodition that was heading out. So, lacking the totalitarian power they used to posess, the Gray Tower yielded, and thus the United Legion of the Dragon was born. After several weeks of debating who, and how many, and the leader.

Society Overview
The United Legion of the Dragon is not as cohesive as a normal army, being made up of many people, some of which are only just getting over grudges and rivalries that have held their countries for many years. Most importantly, the Seanchan. Despite their fighting on the 'Good' side in Tai'mon Gaidan, their actions before that point have left a bruise on the hearts and minds of every other member of the United Legion of the Dragon. As has their lack of faith in the Lord Dragon and his children. Some believe that they don't even worship the Creator, that they walk a path not lit in his light, or though not darkened by Ba'alzamon's darkness either.

However, this is simply when in camp, or on the march. When fighting, the instincts of the warrior come to the fore-front, and each captain brings his own tactical prowess to the field, creating a patchwork that covers the shortcomings of any one captain, and each yields to the Commander, Lady Tigraine Al'thor-Trakand. The Lord Dragon's daughter, by the Queen of Andor has a strong grasp of tactics, and the unique ability of those born of The Dragon, to use the One Power without the need to embrace it, granting them the power at a moment's notice.

Technology Overview
Mostly medieval, with creatures from Seanchan, such as the flying Rakken and Toh'Rakken, the bestial Torm, and S'redit, and the loyal Lopar. Technologically wise, the Two Rivers Riflemen are the most advanced, possessing what equates to rifled muskets, or though they are a rarity. Elyane Trankad, Queen of Andor, has gifted several of the Caemlyn Dragons to her daughter for this expidition. They are basically smoothbore cannons, which fire solid balls, packed with hard pebbles that act as shrapnel.

On the magical front, the Expdition is well manned with Aes Sedai, and Ashaman. Both can wield the One Power, and with it, the possibilities are immense. The Aes Sedai mostly use Healing, and Traveling, unless their lives or the lives of their Warders are in danger. However, the Ashaman have no trouble using the more destructive of weaves, including Balefire, if they believe the need is great enough.

Military Overview
Malakir Calvary: The heaviest, and strongest of all the Westland Calvary, even greater in skill than the Torm Riders, but their horses are not as strong as the Torms. Led by the Queen of Salera, Falie Bashere ti Ayabara in name, and Al'Lan Mandoragoran in battle, these calivers are well trained, and very difficult to disturb. With lance, sword, and thundering hooves, the can dominate the battlefield, but are suspetible to poor terrain, and spearwalls (as well as automatic rifles and tanks, obviously)

Aiel Siswai'aman: The Spears of the Dragon. A special force of Aiel, led by the Dragon's Kin, Padra Al'thor. They are the most potent foot soldiers in the Westlands, and beyond. Able to run down a normal horse, or keep a brisk jog for days at a time and still arrive at a battlefield with strength enough to fight, and probably win. Their main weaponry includes a set of spears, and a bullhide buckler. Some Aiel carry shortbows as well, but this is not a universal thing.

Band of the Red Hand: Uterlizing a special crank that reduces the speed a crossbow needs to reload, and led by the old but brilliant General and Prince of Ravens, Mattrim Cathoun, the Band of the Red Hand may look scruffy and rag-tag, but is the best mercenary unit in all of the Westlands. Often hailed as the greatest General ever to live, Mattrim Cathoun can use his men, with a marching speed to near-match an Aiel, to devestating effect. The compersition of entirely crossbowmen makes this Band better in gurrilla warfare or in a support role than outright combat, but can cause thousands of casulties in minutesdue to the well-drilled nature of the men, and the genius that is Mattrim.

Two Rivers Wolf Guard: The bodyguard of the long-fanged Perrin Ayabarati Bashere, they consist of both Longbowmen and Riflers. The Longbowmen can accurately strike a moving target from over three hundred paces away, and knock a man clean off a horse with the force of their bows. The Riflers, however, have a smaller range, but the crack of their rifle propells a projectile much more dangerous than the longbows, and can punch through most armours in the Westlands. Perrin himself does not possess the tactical genius of his friend Mattrim, but is not ignorant to the fires of war, and is extremely difficult to sneak up upon, or hide from, due to his incredibly hightened senses. He can even smell emotion, giving him an edge when speaking to people.

Seanchan Morat: A collection of the Seanchan beasts and those that handle them, which includes their calvary, the Morat'Torm, the camp guard, Morat'Loper, and Arieal recon and transport, the Morat'raken, and the foreguard, the Morat'S'redit. Each has it's own job, and they are well drilled in these.

Channelers: The users of the One Power, divided into three groups. The Aes Sedai, female wielders of the One Power, and mostly healers and transporters by way of Traveling. The Ashaman, more geared towards the violent and explosive side of the One Power, as well as skilled swordsmen, and the Aiel Dreamwalkers, who keep the rest of the army in check by sheer force of will, and also use channeling when they deem it required. Each group has their own leader, with the Aes Sedai being led by El'Nynaeve Al'mera, the Ashaman being led by Damer Flinn, and the Dreamwalkers by Amys. The Aes Sedai also have a bond with men and occasionally women, granting them near-superhuman ability, and a shared awareness between man and Aes Sedai. These guardians are called Warders, and among the most famous of these are Thom Merrlin, the Great Bard and close companion of the Dragon Reborn, and Al'Lan Mandoragoran, King of Malakir. It is not unheard of for Aes Sedai to marry their Warders, as both Thom and Al'Lan are married to their charges, Moiraine Dameodred and El'Nynaeve Al'Mera, respectively.

Red Hand Dragons: The most destructive non-Channeling weapon in the United Legion of the Dragon's arsenal, the Dragons are large bell-shaped belchers of death. Each time one is fired, it is acompanied by a great roar, and a large ball that smashes into enemy formations or defensive instalations. THen, the ball shatters into a spray of hard pebbles, each one flung with enough force to take a man's head clean off. They are usually kept at the back of the army, or even in an unreachable location, such as the inside of a mountian. If they are inside a mountian, they are supported by a few Channelers, who open Traveling gates for them to shoot out of, and then close them to prevent the chance of counter-attack. They are lead by the Lieutenant General of the Band of the Red Hand, Talmanes Delovinde.

United Dragon Infantry: The standard Men at Arms from all cities and nations in the Westlands. Their equipment is standard, and their training, while decent, does not match up to the Aiel forces, or the Ashaman. They do, however, make up for this in great bulk, as they are by far the most numerous men in the United Legion of the Dragon.

Deathwatch: The smallest group of soldiers in the United Legion, the Deathwatch are personal bodyguards of Seanchan royalty, and are counted among the best, most perceptive soldiers of the entire empire. The group is led by Furyk Karede, and all readily accept any command given to them by the Prince of Ravens, regardless of how it appears to them. This is both from loyaltiy to the Seanchan royalty, and on a more personal level, that the Prince of Ravens has proven to see much more of any battle than many men, an ironic statement considering the lack of his left eye.

Sea Folk Dragonships: A culmination of Sea Folk instinct, and Seanchan craftsmanship has created the grand Dragonship. It is a large vessel, but has a sleek, cutting design that allows it to cross the ocean far faster than one would expect. Crewed by the natical-minded Sea Folk, it is a powerful vessel to come up against, as it possesses both Harpoon turrets, and a few Dragons, housed within special Dragon Holds, designed to contain the roaring fire and danger that having such a weapon on a wooden ship posesses.
looks fine overall but I'd prefer if we can find you a GM who is actually familiar with the Wheel of Time.
Also unit descriptions are mostly fine (you may wish to detail on magic in your technology section though, yup general description of magics belong there) but you forgot to mention how many ou have of these.

Lastly, I rather not recommend ou to land straight next to Yhennon's Tower. First, if you aren't hardcore beleiver of the Order it's a bad idea starting right next to the chief god of the Order. They literally have a continent-wide barrier system which disintegrates anyone whom they don't like. Not to mention what Blackstaff Mark'Yhennon himself would do to people.
Even if you would survive this (Yhennon likes you), then you'd kinda become pawns for the grand preparation for the next war between the forces of Order and Chaos.
In short, i ma recommend you to be elsewhere.
Oh and on a scale of one to ten, how much of a problem would the Immortals find the GLA?
They'd be a 5 or 6, the Immortals have taken on rebels of their kind before. Coupled with the fact that they are oh so more than happy to use chemical weapons and lethal gases, and have mobile artillery foot troops who can launch mortar bombs from behind the main infantry to destroy vehicles, they could take them on. The main issue would be aircraft, since the Immortals do not currently have any Aircraft with them.

Are you familiar with Winx Club? Or at least are you willing to manage a magical/fairy faction which travels on huge ship-islands?
I don't know the Winx Club, but I'm sure I can handle a faction of fairies.
Love to see how Godly he is when he gets a face full of Balefire.....

But, ok, I'll drop my guys down on Ayvar.

As for magic, yea. It wasn't really expanded on in the book. It's basically, they can do what they need to do at the moment, sort of thing. Limitations where only how strong the individual weaver was.
Love to see how Godly he is when he gets a face full of Balefire.....

But, ok, I'll drop my guys down on Ayvar.

As for magic, yea. It wasn't really expanded on in the book. It's basically, they can do what they need to do at the moment, sort of thing. Limitations where only how strong the individual weaver was.
Would you like some industrialization and the fair distribution of wealth as well as some democracy?