It's s shame to hear that this game is seen as something of a dud. I did not and do not have any plans to buy this game, but I'm worried it'll give ammunition to the "female protagonists don't sell" crowd.

It will just give ammunition to "bad games don't sell" crowd. On the other hand, I was trying to find a recent game with female protagonist that sold well, but couldn't think of anything, I don't follow much the news recently.
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It will just give ammunition to "bad games don't sell" crowd. On the other hand, I was trying to find a recent game with female protagonist that sold well, but couldn't think of anything, I don't follow much the news recently.

The issue is more that there aren't a lot of female leads in gaming in general.
It will just give ammunition to "bad games don't sell" crowd. On the other hand, I was trying to find a recent game with female protagonist that sold well, but couldn't think of anything, I don't follow much the news recently.

Well there is AC: Odyssey which was heavily marketed with a female lead character though admittedly as I gather the majority still ended up playing the male variant and my next best bet would be Resident Evil 2 remake which is both somewhat older and also features both male and female leads. So yeah, not exactly a lot of big female lead games coming to my mind either (Horizon Zero Dawn fits the criteria but is also over two years old now)
Well there is AC: Odyssey which was heavily marketed with a female lead character though admittedly as I gather the majority still ended up playing the male variant and my next best bet would be Resident Evil 2 remake which is both somewhat older and also features both male and female leads. So yeah, not exactly a lot of big female lead games coming to my mind either (Horizon Zero Dawn fits the criteria but is also over two years old now)
Don't forget Bayonetta
... I really never had an issue dropping any Nazis, regardless of level. The Kugelgewehr or whatever the shotty is called is simply too much of a mulcher even against heavily armored enemies, and Crush is a fucking god-tier ability. Heavily incentivized sprinting in close, knocking a bitch over, headshot, move on.

Except the last fucking General. Like, ffs.

And Jess is a sweetheart.
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Tomb Raider springs to mind for a famous and big selling female lead.
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Everything I saw about this game from the lack of marketing to the fucking ludicrous microtransaction shit makes me think that the game got a second fiddle level of support in development and if that were so then of course the game would be rougher around the edges.

This would be of not inherently the fault of the developers because developers are only as good as the resources, time, and support they're given and the constraints they're working under. But some gamers wants to astroturf YOUNGBLOOD BAD for the sake of white knighting Nazis so that gets ignored.

I mean that was pretty clear from the price point and the collaboration with Arkane (which is seen in the map design IIRC). Youngblood was always supposed to be a budget spinoff title, the same way The Old Blood was one for The New Order. I don't think that makes it just a cash-in, but it wasn't budgeted around giving you a wide-ranging AAA experience.
I mean that was pretty clear from the price point and the collaboration with Arkane (which is seen in the map design IIRC). Youngblood was always supposed to be a budget spinoff title, the same way The Old Blood was one for The New Order. I don't think that makes it just a cash-in, but it wasn't budgeted around giving you a wide-ranging AAA experience.

In the same way that 76 was a spinoff title and not a cash grab, yes?

Because I'm just saying. I feel like Bethseda has decided to start going all 'squeeze the blood from a stone' on IP's recently.
This is on console and PC gamepass, so I'm finally playing it. Did not realize it had weapon attachments that provide set bonuses. This game might be dangerous for me.