"With my Hope, I walk Eternal" An Evangelion/Deus Ex Ck2 Quest

The plot requires Yui to live, but we can get rid of her...tell me do you ever wonder how in 3.33 how Shinji got into space in the first place.

didn't watch that part...only some bits of the original and the second one...

edit: though I know how both shows end...that producer needs some help because holy shit that is near Warhammer levels of mind-fuckery.
or into the sun...that sounds good. because fuck Yui's plan, fuck gendo's plan, fuck Seele's plan...were making our own mad scientist plan to begin fixing this damn world!!!
We require Yui to fix the world, getting her into space prevents Gendo and SEELE from useing her for their plans. Think of what I'm sugjesting as insurence.

Plus Man, wouldn't it be nice to conquor Mars, (Shinji is a Bebop fan, he wants to make Tharsis city a reality.)
A Good Man goes to war Finale: A new home in a shady city.
A Good Man goes to war Finale: A new home in a shady city.

(Shinji POV)

The ceiling was getting boring to look at.

You looked to the right bedside table and saw the note, and what appeared to be some sort of hilt paper weight.

If that was all you get, a thank you card and a paper weight for throwing yourself into danger, you were going to rethink this whole piloting thing and leave after that girl recovered.

You looked at your limbs to see if everything was present. It would suck for dad to cripple you out of spite, but the man did have the temperment for it so screw them.

You picked up the paper weight and noted a botton on it. Pointing it away from your face, you pushed it revealing a shimmering blade.

It was mesmerising and you no idea that NERV had lightsabers, maybe this job will work out.

You turned it off and looked at the note next to it. Sighing you picked it up, fine print and freshly printed.

Shinji Ikari,

Well done on your endevor and first fight against the angels, and for dealing with it in such a way that has prevented any lasting damage. I know that this is rather short notice but I request that you try to stay out of trouble, for a multitude of reasons.

Things are accelerating beyond there apointed time and as a consequence the many enamies you made are getting bolder and bolder with each passing day. Trying to capitalize on the Chaos you and your assosiates are causing.

The blade is a gift for you, but it was made to be used by the child you protect.

A Dragon Tooth Nano blade, easily concealable, light and above all else deadly, Page Industry lost a lot of people when they lost it so try not to lose it and have it recaptured by them okay.

It's yours now, use it well.

From An old friend.
Also please continue screwing with my son, just none of that breaking into NERV Buissness, unless you capitalize on it.

"Your staying with me." Misato said as you began to put on your coat. She said she'd give your magnum back once they got home.

"And why is that...becuase Dad wants you to kill me the moment I step out of line." You snarked as Makot seemed to have passed out on the coach.

Misato was not amused. "Listen Shinji...I have a bunch of empty rooms in my apartment, so instead of spending your time looking for a cheap rental I thought I would help you out."

You'd take it, it was far away from your dad and walking distance from school. So it was a good deal.

The best deal you seemed to be getting out of this whole situation.

Still it was going to be nice to have someone else to talk to.

Reward: Dragon Tooth Nanoblade: One of the deadliest weapons on the planet, this blade of nanotech and refinement can cut through damn near anything. (+20 to offence rolls, +2 M, +3 Diplomacy)

The Angels are afreid of you. Yui is imprssed with your combat skill, enough to not actively sabatoge you while you fight.

Disaster roll lowered by 30 for one turn due to the dead angel.

AN: Enjoy.
Turn 5
Turn 5

Tokyo-3...Man kinds greatest fortress, it was an eyesore. The Wifi sucked, and the trains barely had any space on them for someone like you, Cyborgs were frowned upon and the ass of a father was your new boss.

A knocking broke your concentration. You opened it and you saw your freinds waiting.

Felix, Sergi and John looked like they had ran all the way from the airport.

"Hey...can we come in."

Alright lets make a bad situation a little better.

Diplomacy: Sergi politically strong armed your father into being here.
(Choose 2)

[]Talk to Rei: Misato wants to give her a new ID card and wants you to play errand boy. Cost:0, Rolls Needed:75% Reward: You meet Rei officially.

[]Stuborn Hope: Sergi needs to get his hands on some documents, now that the enamy was a the gate, he needed to be sure of things. Rolls needed: 45% Reward: You learn the EVA duty roster and those on it.

[]Last call to Zion Actual:You grandfather is looking to talk to you before he goes underground. Its a bitter time to say goodbye. Rolls Needed:25% Reward: You talk to your grandfather before the war picks up in earnest.

Martial:You knew it would only get harder from here.
(Chose 2)

[]An uncut blade: The sword is nice and all, but you have no idea how to use it. Fix that. Cost:0 Rolls Needed:45% Reward: You figure out some way to use the sword effectively.

[]Silent Strike: You had a look at the US's plan for dealing with NERV, its good, really good but needs some tweeking for maximum effectiveness. Rolls Needed:15%, Reward: US Operation Fading sun is "Improved".

[]Advice from Sword of Man: Misato is still rather reckless in her command, her planning needs something to moderate the impulses. Maybe Jack can talk something into her. Rolls Needed:??? Reward:???

Stewardship: You are running low on funds.
(Chose 1)

[] Find some cash: You need money badly. Rolls Needed: Various Reward:You commit some economic fraud for cash.

[] Find a Steward: You need someone capible of handeling cash. Cost:20 Rolls Needed:80% Reward: You get a new advisor.

Intrigue: You hate this city.
(Choose 2)

[]Catch the Rainbow: Makoto wants to know her DNA for her real parents, and find out who they are. Lets do this. Rolls Needed: 25% Reward: Makoto is given closure on this part of her life.

[]Lets talk Life: Misato wants to show you the scary alien they have in the basement. Rolls Needed:100% Reward: Encouragement and ???

[] Remove the Bugs: Misato's house is filled with bugs, meant to spy on you get rid of them. Rolls Needed:95% Reward: The apartment is safe.

Learning: You have an Idea.
(Choose 2)

[]Flying Dreamer: "Tracer take a look at the Idea I made." Cost:0 Rolls Needed: 35% Reward: A really good idea.

[]Control Trace copy:Tracer is needed. And given that he is viable at everything. You need him here. Rolls Needed: 45% Reward: Tracer Tong is Recruited as a learning advisor.

[]Brainstorm: You need to think up an idea what to do. Rolls Needed: Various, Reward: An idea to resurch.

Personal action:
(Choose 1)

[]Learn to Drive:Being unable to drive at your age, is unaceptable. FIX it. Chance of sucsess:40%, Reward:You can drive now.

[]Spend Time with Makoto: You love her so much. Chance of Sucsess:100% Reward Makoto is loved.

[]Learn to Swim: Its a danger, maybe its possible to swim with augs, you never know unless you try. Chance of sucsess:50% Reward: You can swim.

AN: Plese vote in plan format.

Also Where do you want the Omake bonus to go @RandomDwarf I forgot to use it.

Edit:Had to fix something.
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hmmm give it to the lowest roll or the roll that's closest to a critical.

anyone got any plans? shit we only got 1 action besides diplomacy...this is going to suck.
[X] Plan Filling Competencies
-[X]Talk to Rei: Misato wants to give her a new ID card and wants you to play errand boy. Cost:0, Rolls Needed:75% Reward: You meet Rei officially.
-[X]Last call to Zion Actual:You grandfather is looking to talk to you before he goes underground. Its a bitter time to say goodbye. Rolls Needed:25% Reward: You talk to your grandfather before the war picks up in earnest.
-[X]An uncut blade: The sword is nice and all, but you have no idea how to use it. Fix that. Cost:0 Rolls Needed:45% Reward: You figure out some way to use the sword effectively.

-[X] Find a Steward: You need someone capible of handeling cash. Cost:20 Rolls Needed:80% Reward: You get a new advisor.

-[X] Remove the Bugs: Misato's house is filled with bugs, meant to spy on you get rid of them. Rolls Needed:95% Reward: The apartment is safe.

-[X]Control Trace copy:Tracer is needed. And given that he is viable at everything. You need him here. Rolls Needed: 45% Reward: Tracer Tong is Recruited as a learning advisor.
-[X]Learn to Swim: Its a danger, maybe its possible to swim with augs, you never know unless you try. Chance of sucsess:50% Reward: You can swim.
Plan: Secret Society Assemble

Diplomacy: Sergi politically strong armed your father into being here.
(Choose 2)

[X]Stuborn Hope: Sergi needs to get his hands on some documents, now that the enamy was a the gate, he needed to be sure of things. Rolls needed: 45% Reward: You learn the EVA duty roster and those on it.
I think that we don't need to meet Rei right now, after all we are just getting installed, I hope I'm not making a mistake.

[X]Last call to Zion Actual:You grandfather is looking to talk to you before he goes underground. Its a bitter time to say goodbye. Rolls Needed:25% Reward: You talk to your grandfather before the war picks up in earnest.
I wouldn't have choosen this one if it wasn't for the case we have only one shot at this.

Martial:You knew it would only get harder from here.

[X]Advice from Sword of Man: Misato is still rather reckless in her command, her planning needs something to moderate the impulses. Maybe Jack can talk something into her. Rolls Needed:??? Reward:???
It can go very well, or very wrong.

[X]An uncut blade: The sword is nice and all, but you have no idea how to use it. Fix that. Cost:0 Rolls Needed:45% Reward: You figure out some way to use the sword effectively.
I hope the Evangelion gets a sword

Stewardship: You are running low on funds.

[X] Find a Steward: You need someone capible of handeling cash. Cost:20 Rolls Needed:80% Reward: You get a new advisor.
Priority always get all the advisors.

Intrigue: You hate this city.
[X]Lets talk Life: Misato wants to show you the scary alien they have in the basement. Rolls Needed:100% Reward: Encouragement and ???

I would have taken the Makoto action if it wasn't for the fact that I want to be sure that there's not a single bug left.

[X] Remove the Bugs: Misato's house is filled with bugs, meant to spy on you get rid of them. Rolls Needed:95% Reward: The apartment is safe.
Before we do anything we got to take away all the bugs, even more before we do any Makoto action.

Learning: You have an Idea.

[X]Control Trace copy:Tracer is needed. And given that he is viable at everything. You need him here. Rolls Needed: 45% Reward: Tracer Tong is Recruited as a learning advisor.

[X]Brainstorm: You need to think up an idea what to do. Rolls Needed: Various, Reward: An idea to resurch.
No idea what is the difference between that and dreamer, I'm gonna take the other action next turn.

Once again you need all the advisors.

Personal action:

[X]Spend Time with Makoto: You love her so much. Chance of Sucsess:100% Reward Makoto is loved.

edit:Sorry I fixed it, still only a single action for personnal we're going to drown, I'm telling you, one part of me want to laugh at the idea of Shinji last hope of humanity dying because he can't swim, truly an end from a greek tragedy.
also grandpa sent us the sweet sword!!!

Plan: Secret Society Assemble

also Yui isn't going to sabotage us yet...for now...

best to leverage that shit hard until were nice and ready to screw over NERVE.

edit: also yeah need to learn how to swim soon...
[X] Plan Filling Competencies, Fixed version
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