Mister Doge
Not today you tackily dressed and unfashionable pleb!
Not today you tackily dressed and unfashionable pleb!
No no no, Ned, it goes like this: "cash me outside, how 'bout that?"
Damn straight!
It coube be a nice day for sipping margeritas by the beach on Hardholme, too
Now that Joffrey's complete lack of Baratheon blood is common knowledge, we'll likely see competing claims for the Iron Throne from the Baratheon brothers.So we smashed the entire Lannister army, won trial of combat for Eddard, and Joffrey is going to lose all influence?
What's going to happen next?
Also, Jon was the one that told Arya that every good sword has a name. And he's right. Ice, Oathkeeper, Needle, Andúril, Sting, Glamdring, Orcrist, Trollsbane, Longclaw. Even hammers need names: Sheepsmasher. Seeing a pattern here? Name one great sword that didn't have a name.I understand that if any more words come pouring out your cunt mouth, I'm gonna have to eat every fucking chicken in this room.
I know...?It's just a quote from the show man. Go YouTube Arya Stark and the Hound Revenge Kill.
We need to forge a valyrian steel chakram so we can call it our beautiful and unique Snowflake.If we do name our sword, it should match our new nickname. So I suggest Icicle of Justice.
Yeah. Then we can double wield it like Miyamoto Musashi!When we kill Baelish, we should take the VS dagger and name it Icicle, to be held by the heirs of House Stark, like the Lord wields Ice.
You turned to Lord Tywin's daughter, the lioness who had done more to drain your friend of life than Rhaegar Targaryen himself. "Cersei of House Lannister. I name you adulteress, blasphemer, mother of bastards. Before all gods I demand a Trial by Combat."