Winter is Coming: House Stark Quest

@Charcolt You've marked the previous chapter as the fourth, when it should be the fifth and sixth chapter as the fifth.
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Hah, we actually survived. Now I am sad that Robb won't be "DAKINGINDANORF". Ned would shut down that shit so fast.

Also, as far as nicknames go, how about the "Red Wolf" ? It would be a play on words hinting at the rivers of blood his enemies bled and also at his red Tully hair. :ogles:
So we smashed the entire Lannister army, won trial of combat for Eddard, and Joffrey is going to lose all influence?

What's going to happen next?
So we smashed the entire Lannister army, won trial of combat for Eddard, and Joffrey is going to lose all influence?

What's going to happen next?
Now that Joffrey's complete lack of Baratheon blood is common knowledge, we'll likely see competing claims for the Iron Throne from the Baratheon brothers.

Oh, also, Littlefinger has got to be panicking even more than Cersei right now.
I just started reading ADOTN, and if we get the moniker Biting Wind, we need to call our sword Frostbite. Heck, we should do that regardless of what we're called.
I understand that if any more words come pouring out your cunt mouth, I'm gonna have to eat every fucking chicken in this room.
Also, Jon was the one that told Arya that every good sword has a name. And he's right. Ice, Oathkeeper, Needle, Andúril, Sting, Glamdring, Orcrist, Trollsbane, Longclaw. Even hammers need names: Sheepsmasher. Seeing a pattern here? Name one great sword that didn't have a name.
"Have no fear, sers, your king is safe... no thanks to you. Even now, I could cut through the five of you as easy as a dagger cuts cheese. "

Then he proceeds to kill the best of them, outside of the Hound, with a f*cking stick. Barristan Selmy does not make idle threats.
Oh, the nickname thing is still on? If so, after the scene of Jaime's mutilation, I keep thinking Dire Robb. That silly enough? ...And then there's Jon "The Rock" Umber. Now I cannot resist the image of the North as an army of manic pro wrestlers.
You turned to Lord Tywin's daughter, the lioness who had done more to drain your friend of life than Rhaegar Targaryen himself. "Cersei of House Lannister. I name you adulteress, blasphemer, mother of bastards. Before all gods I demand a Trial by Combat."

Barristan the goddamn Bold has just proved to the crowd that the King, who is currently publicly bawling his eyes out and pissing himself, is so inbred he might as well be a sandwich by divine mandate.

Lysa Tully would have been screwed if she broke the rules of the Trial by Combat, and she was safe in her keep trying someone pretty much everyone in the room hated.

If Joffrey stops embarrassing himself long enough to try any funny business, there will be blood.