Winter is Coming: House Stark Quest

Bronn is useful but has no honor and giving him a keep in the north is just going to cause problem.
Doesn't even have to be in the north. Our uncle is the Lord Paramount of the Riverlands, and we're on track to completely smashing the Westerlands. We have plenty of keeps to choose from.
Wow, wait does this mean Stannis may take Kings Landing? Still at this point with both Jamie and Twyin in chains.

Plus Umber taking down the mountain with a rock is amusing to me. Just have to avoid the King in the North for now. Hmmm, do you think Jofferey will still off Ned with both his 'Uncle' and Grandfather in chains?
I could easily see it, but Cersei will be far more desperate to stop Joffrey this time, and if Kevan makes it back to King's Landing he might actually be enough to control Joffrey. Kevan was a reasonably decent hand before Varys had him assassinated for being too competent.
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@McLuvin So your logic is that Daenerys, who sees no difference between Starks and Lannisters (she will want us dead because our family dared to rebel againist her Father, after half of them where kidnapped and/or killed), who can't continue her family line (continuation of the family line is important in a monarchy) and doesn't know a thing about leadership is a better choice for Ruler than Stannis who is a solid leader of men, and actually knows how to rule (after all he spend all of Robert's reign helping Jon Arryn run Westeros)

[X] Have this Bronn let go. He might just prove useful to you in the future.
tl;dr wtf how did the Northern cavalry roll in the 90s (or the equivalent) literally every time, now I have to make them into an elite force called the Dawnguard or something silly. Best nickname for Robb Stark after this gets a Good Boy Point. I am not accepting Robb the Ruin because it's even sillier than my attempts at battle scenes.

"The Red Wolf" or "The Blood-Red Wolf" or something to that effect? Personally I like "The Red Wolf" best. Nice, simple, and ominous to everyone who's not on his side.
[x] You have won a great victory, and a single sellsword will not make a difference

I won't be too upset if we free him, but if we do, we NEED to remember his loyalty is nonexistent.

The Bloody Wolf.
The Lion Hunter
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@McLuvin So your logic is that Daenerys, who sees no difference between Starks and Lannisters (she will want us dead because our family dared to rebel againist her Father, after half of them where kidnapped and/or killed), who can't continue her family line (continuation of the family line is important in a monarchy) and doesn't know a thing about leadership is a better choice for Ruler than Stannis who is a solid leader of men, and actually knows how to rule (after all he spend all of Robert's reign helping Jon Arryn run Westeros)
No. My logic, if you had bothered to read it, was that Dany likely has Dragons, which is an insta win, no rebellions, button. Stannis is extremely unpopular and would have to off Renly, thus he would also be a Kingslayer and a Kinslayer. Aka a recipe for rebellions, ones we would have to put down as his main supporters. That's not even including the fact we would get wrecked once Dany comes back as we've basically tied ourselves to Stannis, who never negotiates.

So yeah, that's my reasoning, not the words you're trying to put in my mouth.

Also who else thinks we should try and diplomance the Vale now?
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[X] Have this Bronn let go. He might just prove useful to you in the future.

How about Robb the Liontamer? I mean that's exactly what he did to the Lannisters here. And I mean that in both ways.
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I personally like Lionsbane as a name.

How about Robb the Liontamer? I mean that's exactly what he did to the Lannisters here.
Personally I'd like to stick to names that don't involve the Lannisters. Odds are they're not the only ones we'll end up fighting. We need names that glorify Robb as a Stark, not as who he happened to beat.
[x] You have won a great victory, and a single sellsword will not make a difference

Might be one of Tyrion tricks, not risking that

I'm not sure how it could be a trick by Tyrion. Tyrion would be captured, and not have enough time to hatch some intricate plot with Bronn. Hell, Bronn has no reason to support Tyrion at this point - he's a cutthroat sellsword, and no matter how much he likes someone personally he's always going to put his own interests first. There's no profit in backing Tyrion now. Tyrion, Tywin, and all the Lannister prisoners are going to be under heavy guard, and he's not to risk rescuing them for some possible payoff even if it would be big. Bronn will take reasonable risks when he thinks he can win, but he's not stupid - see his refusal to take on the Mountain in trial by combat for Tyrion's sake in canon.

And hell, Tyrion has had even less time in this AU to get his hooks into Bronn.

Bronn is useful but has no honor and giving him a keep in the north is just going to cause problem.

He's not likely to be able to cause much trouble with a Northern keep. The main point is to give him a stable source of income that makes risking his neck for someone other than his liege lord an unattractive prospect. Just put him somewhere where his keep isn't too strategically important, but provides him with a good living, and he'll at least be more invested in our success. It's not true loyalty, but it's better than coin alone. Also, as mentioned it doesn't strictly need to be a northern keep.

After dealing with Renly, my understanding is he attempted to take Kings Landing but failed when Lannister reinforcements arrived. Except now we took out the Lannister forces with only Kevan really able to rally fresh forces.

Renly may not die here, since Melisandre isn't with Stannis because there are no Others right now and thus no need to seek out Azor Ahai.
So how about them ironborn who will probably try to attack us soon...
We can't really do much without a fleet.

The best we can do is send back those Northern Lords who have lands on the coast so that they can defend against incursions. That has the downside of leaving us with a smaller force, but with the Riverlands we can basically keep our troop numbers up, however that's why I want to bring the Vale in so bad, we need more men to make this a sure thing.
So how about them ironborn who will probably try to attack us soon...
First thing first, no sending Theon to the Iron Islands, and no trusting Theon away from our side.
The best we can do is send back those Northern Lords who have lands on the coast so that they can defend against incursions. That has the downside of leaving us with a smaller force, but with the Riverlands we can basically keep our troop numbers up, however that's why I want to bring the Vale in so bad, we need more men to make this a sure thing.
Honestly sending back part of our forces to garrison Moat Cailin will be enough to rebuff the initial assault. I'm a lot more worried about Ramsay pulling his shit in the absence of most of the Northern lords.
No. My logic, if you had bothered to read it, was that Dany likely has Dragons, which is an insta win, no rebellions, button. Stannis is extremely unpopular and would have to off Renly, thus he would also be a Kingslayer and a Kinslayer. Aka a recipe for rebellions, ones we would have to put down as his main supporters. That's not even including the fact we would get wrecked once Dany comes back as we've basically tied ourselves to Stannis, who never negotiates.

I wasn't putting words in your mouth, I was simply pointing out Dany's many flaws as a ruler. In addition all of your assumptions are predicated on Dany getting her Dragons, which is not guaranteed in the slightest.

Is it really Kingslaying, if they are not a true King? Is it really Kin-slaying, if it is in Self-defence? Remember there is no Melisandre in play, so if it comes to battle between Stannis and Renly and Renly is killed is not really kin-slaying.
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There's no point negotiating with Balon, he's operating off of pure spite against House Stark. Any "negotiation" must come at the pointy end of a sword.