WildSpace - A Riot! Quest

[X] Try to contact the Xenos (write in how)
-[X] Attach a communicator to one of our mules and set it up for two-way communications.
-[X] Send the mule out and try to talk to the Xenos through said communicator.

[X] Explore (Combat+Espionage)

"I ain' agains' talkin' with our new neighbours, bu' are you comple'ly barmy? Ain' no one expendable on this rock, mate."

(By the way, imagine that Jack talks with a very broad Cockney accent; I just can't bring myself to maul the text enough to properly phoneticize it)
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"Pah! As if you guys are the ones to talk. It takes a bunch of barmies to want to start a colony in the middle of nowhere instead of living in the peace and quiet of the metropoly."

"Also takes a barmy to wander off exploring before the xeno business is settled. Or do you perhaps not want to be here when we fail and the whole place gets leveled, eh?"

[X] Try to contact the Xenos (write in how)
-[X] Attach a communicator to one of our mules and set it up for two-way communications.
-[X] Send the mule out and try to talk to the Xenos through said communicator.

[x] Set up a building
-[X] Basic Radar
[X] Try to contact the Xenos (write in how)
-[X] Attach a communicator to one of our mules and set it up for two-way communications.
-[X] Send the mule out and try to talk to the Xenos through said communicator.

[X] Standard Common Resource Spread
-[X] Finish a building: Distillery - 2x Operations Bot, 3x ZB
-[X] Produce an item: Smith & Cristoffen Gauss Rifle: 3x ZB
-[X] Research Technologies: Medical Adaptation - 3x ZB, 1x R&D Specialist, 2 Exotics (not consumed)

[X] Research technologies
-[X] Medical Adaptation

I want to unlock fusion power... as I really don't want us to possibly have a nuclear material leak in the middle of our colony... Also, fusion should be scalable for most of our needs such as aircraft and vehicles... the larger ones at least...
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"Pah! As if you guys are the ones to talk. It takes a bunch of barmies to want to start a colony in the middle of nowhere instead of living in the peace and quiet of the metropoly."

"Also takes a barmy to wander off exploring before the xeno business is settled. Or do you perhaps not want to be here when we fail and the whole place gets leveled, eh?"
"Tha's no' how y'use 'barmy,' ya berk; 's an adjec'ive, no' a noun. Bu' fine, I'll stick 'round."

[X] Try to contact the Xenos (write in how)
-[X] Attach a communicator to one of our mules and set it up for two-way communications.
-[X] Send the mule out and try to talk to the Xenos through said communicator.

[X] Train for Combat
Things have...not gone according to plan. While there is a concentrated effort to set up a radar system, there is otherwise a distinct lack of interest in establishing defenses. I find this to be unfortunate, if not somewhat disturbing.

I could attempt to build the Town Hall by myself, though I do not believe that such a course of action would be wise. Odds are that with a project of that size, I'd probably succeed in doing little more than wasting valuable resources, if not outright kill myself. I may be brilliant, but I am still only one man - and I'm certainly smart enough to recognize my own physical realities.

I'll have to consider how to proceed.

Practical productivity appears to be low this week. Efforts to build the radar have been complicated. I've found myself providing assorted input into the process, alongside at least half a dozen other assorted tasks I've found myself providing various assistance with. From what I can see, however, I think most of the advice and notes I've been attempting to provide them with have either fallen upon deaf ears or ignored.

Efforts to get the distillery up and running have also hit a snag. While the distillery isn't broken, mistakes were made, and as I speak clean-up efforts are underway. Expectations are that a full examination of what went wrong will follow to ensure that it can be done right this time and avoid wasting our kit.

Most of my time, however, has been providing setup assistance to a research team that Mr. Cristoffen is leading, conducting research into new munitions options. While I can appreciate the intent, I cannot avoid questioning the necessity of this research when our present defensive situation remains at a highly vulnerable level.* My actual involvement in the research itself, however, has remained rather limited. Admittedly, not the best use of my brain and my talents, but sometimes you make yourself useful where you can.

Not that I've expressed this out loud. Much. I may have brought up the point once or twice within a proper context, but by and large I've tried to avoid raising a noticeable fuss over the matter.

Good news for the week - it appears our resource problems are solved for the foreseeable future. Ms. Futhark* ran an extensive survey of our current mining operation, to great success. That's one matter taken care of for the immediate future.

(See Entry W6-2 for previous notes on Ms. Kayla Futhark)

Ms. Futhark remains a mystery to me, yet I believe that my ability to investigate this mystery may be exhausted at this point in time. Her physical form - both aesthetically and practically - is about as close as is humanly possible to being perfect, almost artificially so. Likewise, her practical knowledge as an individual, is at an uncanny level, and yet, she operates as a 'blank slate' in some strange way I cannot explain.

It could arguably be compared to as if you were to take the consciousness of a newborn child and install it in the body of a physically 'perfect' adult, and then downloaded all the practical knowledge that such an adult might need to perform a given set of tasks. It should be stressed that I can not question Ms. Futhark's contributions to First Impact, nor do I want or intend to. Yet it is this 'blank-slate' nature of hers, combined with her uncanny physical perfection, that leaves me with a feeling of unease about her in spite of the obvious.

It could be argued that it is instead in part due to the obvious.

I've checked the ships records about as extensively as I'm able to, at least without risking problems, and they have also failed to yield any clues to unlocking Ms. Futhark's mystery. While I've managed to form suspicions and theories as to nature, they are nothing more than that. For the immediate future, I think that the mystery of Ms. Futhark will likely have to remain just that - a mystery.

I have been spending a significant amount of time with Sgt. DuClare as of late. In a strictly professional manner, of course.* We a put a great amount of time in to followup work on the explosively successful work that Mr. Cristoffen's research team has been doing this week. I may not agree with their use of time, but I can not argue with their results.

Admittedly, it's not for a complete lack of trying.**,***

That said, I myself probably would have missed said trying if I wasn't fully aware of my own behavior.
Now that I think about it, I can't help but notice that there's distinct lack of options by which to spend dedicated casual time within First Impact. Completely understandable, yet I find myself considering the fact that even if my trying were noticeable and wasn't for naught, anything resembling traditional options beyond that point would be highly limited.****

Of course, on the other hand, traditional options would be boring anyway. I'm inclined to want to think that Roselia is more than capable of appreciating the ability to find ways of creating casual entertainment where it might not normally be found or out of otherwise normal activities. Though I'd rather not assume as much; all that does is cause problems.*****

I find myself having probably a bit too much fun creating sub-notes. It's the little things, at they say.******

See? Sub-Notes for days.*******

I really ought to be more ashamed of myself than I am right now.

Professionally speaking? This whole sub-note thing is incredibly immature and unbecoming of a professional scientist such as myself.********
On the other hand? I'm having too much fun to care!

Anyway, during our time working together outfitting the Machine Shop to allow First Impact to take advantage of our new weapons options, the topic was raised of an exploration team going to finally investigate the mystery door that was discovered earlier - and a point was made that it would, in fact, be explicitly heading towards the door. It seems that, after the debacle with the cave search, extra effort was made to avoid a repeat of this confusion.

I have ultimately decided to accompany this exploration team to investigate the door, especially in light of a failure to organize an effort to build any defensive structures beyond the radar.* Or, for that matter, an effort to increase our armory. It may not be the wisest course of action, but... well, ":redface::redface::redface::redface: it", as they say. Might as well take the opportunity to have an excuse to take some time outside the colony and avoid missing out on arguably the most interesting find on this planet to date.

Admittedly, part of the reason for my decision did involve the fact that Roselia was planning on going with the team herself.

I - and the rest of the door exploration team - have returned safely from our first expedition to the door. I've included on-site notes taken during the exploration in the attached companion file labeled "Mizzet A-X Door Exploration 1, FIW-8".

The situation is, ultimately, complicated. And that is putting it lightly. In hindsight, I wonder if our exploration of the doors contents was poorly thought out.

It seems that, in our absence, a genuine force of aliens - 'Xenos' - made their presence known. They have, as of this entry, established a camp outside of First Impact. It is impossible to tell if they are friendly, hostile, or somewhere in between. There is an overlying theory, however, that a solid connection exists between the Xenos camped outside of First Impact and the door we found. While we have no way of knowing if the camp Xenos live in the door, there is a very high likelihood that if they don't, then the door aliens and the camp aliens are closely related somehow.

Further complicating matters is the fact that our exploration team effectively raided the armory we found. While their weapons will no doubt prove highly useful for future research, their is the problem that, if the Xenos are theoretically friendly, that they may well take offense to their weapons being so blatantly stolen, let alone the mess we left behind clearing it out.

In the meantime, a stalemate exists, and we are forced to try to prepare ourselves in case that changes for the worse.

On that note, special mention must be made of a "Mr. Jerry" who is, believe or not, a former magician of all things. With his leadership, First Impact successfully managed to put together a surprisingly effective illusion of being far better prepared to defend itself than it actually is with what is being referred to as a 'Ghost Army'. While certainly not a long-term solution, it's a surprisingly impressive set up, and both Jerry and the citizens of First Impact are to be commended for their efforts.

<=Week 7
I am shocked - and yet both pleased and amused - that that idea actually worked.

[X] Try to contact the Xenos (write in how)
-[X] Attach a communicator to one of our mules and set it up for two-way communications.
-[X] Send the mule out and try to talk to the Xenos through said communicator.

Going lone wolf on the Nuclear Power Plant is probably a bad idea, we want to make sure we have multiple people doing that to make sure that we don't accidentally blow it up in the process.

Would you be up for trying to produce some Barricades so we can get started on our much-needed static defenses?

[X] Set up a building: Impedance Modular Barricade*2
--[X] Then paint "Welcome to First Impact! (Unless you mean us harm. Then go away!)" On each of them.
-[X] If no one else helps to build the Barricades, instead Produce Item: DuClare FGM-200 Pilum Fire-and-Forget missile launcher
--[X] The paint "From First Impact with Love" on the side.

@Shadows - the Missile Launcher is a reloadable launcher that can be carried and fired by an individual, correct? Or is it a one-time use weapon or used by a vehicle?

Reloadable, man-portable, though it can also be mounted to a vehicle.
[X] Try to contact the Xenos (write in how)
-[X] Attach a communicator to one of our mules and set it up for two-way communications.
-[X] Send the mule out and try to talk to the Xenos through said communicator.

[x] Set up a building
-[X] Basic Radar
@Shadows You haven't updated the front page yet... or at least, you haven't updated the mineral count...

That said, how risky is doing the Advanced Nuclear Power research? Is it all theoretical and simulation work or do we actually mess around with radioactives?

Having said that, is it possible to make a project to use my characters 'perfected' genetic structure to create a more advanced version of the gene modification serums the normal person from a civilized world has probably been treated with to fix genetic defects, and if so, how far along the medical research tree would we have to go?
@Shadows You haven't updated the front page yet... or at least, you haven't updated the mineral count...

That said, how risky is doing the Advanced Nuclear Power research? Is it all theoretical and simulation work or do we actually mess around with radioactives?

Having said that, is it possible to make a project to use my characters 'perfected' genetic structure to create a more advanced version of the gene modification serums the normal person from a civilized world has probably been treated with to fix genetic defects, and if so, how far along the medical research tree would we have to go?

I updated the mineral count the same time I made the update. Maybe.
I updated the mineral count the same time I made the update. Maybe.

Colony Mineral Deposits
The Colony has several large deposits of bauxite and iron nearby, with trace amounts of gold, silver, tin, copper, uranium and platinum available.

Total mineral count (estimated): 440/~100 extracted

[New Codex Entry: Near Colony Minerals: 1650/~150 extracted]

Not according to this... Might be missing something though?
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Either way, gonna leave this open til I go on watch in the morning, then tis time to write.
Okay... so you had updated the Mineral Count... You just hadn't updated the Mineral Field...

My bad...
Can I get a tally?
Vote Tally : Original - WildSpace - A Riot! Quest | Page 23 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4

[X] Continue the Deception
No. of Votes: 8

[X] Try to contact the Xenos (write in how)
-[X] Attach a communicator to one of our mules and set it up for two-way communications.
-[X] Send the mule out and try to talk to the Xenos through said communicator.
No. of Votes: 6

1. [x] Set up a building
-[X] Basic Radar
No. of Votes: 5

2. [X] Train for Combat
No. of Votes: 3

3. [X] Explore (Combat+Espionage)
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Standard Common Resource Spread
4. -[X] Finish a building: Distillery - 2x Operations Bot, 3x ZB
5. -[X] Produce an item: Smith & Cristoffen Gauss Rifle: 3x ZB
6. -[X] Research Technologies: Medical Adaptation - 3x ZB, 1x R&D Specialist, 2 Exotics (not consumed)
No. of Votes: 2

5. [X] Produce an item: Smith & Cristoffen Gauss Rifle
No. of Votes: 1

6. [X] Research technologies
-[X] Medical Adaptation
No. of Votes: 1

7. [X] Set up a building: Impedance Modular Barricade*2
No. of Votes: 1

7. [X] Set up a building: Impedance Modular Barricade*2
--[X] Then paint "Welcome to First Impact! (Unless you mean us harm. Then go away!)" On each of them.
-[X] If no one else helps to build the Barricades, instead Produce Item: DuClare FGM-200 Pilum Fire-and-Forget missile launcher
--[X] The paint "From First Impact with Love" on the side.
No. of Votes: 1

6. [X] Research technologies
-[X] Medical Adaptation (adds Hospital; unlocks Medical production for Laboratory)
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 15
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[X] Standard Common Resource Spread
-[X] Finish a building: Distillery - 2x Operations Bot, 3x ZB
-[X] Produce an item
-[X] Research Technologies
No. of Votes: 2
This part of the vote appears to have been messed up and is missing resource allocations for the next two slots.
Yup. Fixed.

Numbers (without rolls) for those who are interested.

  Comments SKL ITM SET GM Roll Total
Task 1 Build RADAR 32   -     32
Task 2 Training 22   -     22
Task 3 Explore 19   -     19
Task 4 Finish Distillery     15     15
Task 5 Produce Gauss Rifle 8   9     17
Task 6 Research Medical Adaptation 16   17 2   35
Task 7 Build Modular Barricade 10   -     10
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For what it's worth, the fact that nobody else is helping to build the Barricades means that I'll almost certainly be building a rocket launcher rather than those this week on account of the conditional vote setup I used.