WI: 2020 Pacific US + British Columbia ISOTed to 1968

Goldwater 2.0 electric boogaloo? :V
Hated the part of the Southern Strategy where the GOP embraced Evangelical voters and the Religious Right; openly spoke in the 1980s about how the way the Reagan GOP was combining religion and politics couldn't lead anywhere but disaster, specifically citing that it led to dangerously dogmatic thinking and inability to adjust to new inputs or the kind of compromise needed to turn ideas into laws. He'd be far worse than Rockefeller as a new standardbearer for the GOP, but still wouldn't do the southern strategy as we understand it given how integral the Religious Right was to said strategy
Hated the part of the Southern Strategy where the GOP embraced Evangelical voters and the Religious Right; openly spoke in the 1980s about how the way the Reagan GOP was combining religion and politics couldn't lead anywhere but disaster, specifically citing that it led to dangerously dogmatic thinking and inability to adjust to new inputs or the kind of compromise needed to turn ideas into laws. He'd be far worse than Rockefeller as a new standardbearer for the GOP, but still wouldn't do the southern strategy as we understand it given how integral the Religious Right was to said strategy

He'd probably be in coalition with those elements rather than straight up adopt their ideas I guess?

Potentially, you could get a southerner though.
Reagan yes, Nixon maybe not since he wasn't on the ballot in California. I'd need to research his whereabouts.
It's still a possibility since California was his home state. Plus, regardless that he hasn't done it yet, people hearing about what he would have done with the presidency [both the watergate scandal itself and generally being an unstable alcoholic who nearly got us into nuclear war] can't be good for his career regardless.
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It's still a possibility since California was his home state. Plus, regardless that he hasn't done it yet, people hearing about what he would have done with the presidency [both the watergate scandal itself and generally being an unstable alcoholic who nearly got us into nuclear war] can't be good for his career regardless.
Exactly. He was probably in Oregon on May 28th for that primary, and probably went to Illinois by June 11th for that one (given he put effort into it), but the question is if he stopped off at home for a few days inbetween.
It's still a possibility since California was his home state. Plus, regardless that he hasn't done it yet, people hearing about what he would have done with the presidency [both the watergate scandal itself and generally being an unstable alcoholic who nearly got us into nuclear war] can't be good for his career regardless.

Oh yeah no one is going to select Nixon knowing the crap he got up to.
Yeah, Nixon's career is just dead. He'll never be able to divorice himself from his future self's actions, and there was no fox news at the time to spin it in a way that benefits him - and the controlling interests that kept fox news doing that weren't brought along with the local stations that were.
Dealing with ongoing Cold War era skullduggery is going to seriously challenge any ideas of a speedy national unification. To wit, this is less than 3 years after the CIA helped orchestrate the Indonesian government's massacre of the political opposition, and the memory of interventions, coups and assassinations in the Congo, Brazil, South Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, the Dominican Republic and Lebanon (just to name events within 1960-1968) are fresh in everyones minds. Unlike in OTL these atrocities aren't going to be covered up until after the Cold War or rationalized away by laying all blame on non-Americans, that's not going to work when the CIA documents in question are already declassified and even admitted to. Any notion of American moral superiority or anti-imperialism in the Third World is basically gone, and there are going to be plenty of anti-colonial movements that try to avert their OTL fate of being purged by a US backed military dictator. This isn't even getting into the impact of basically every ongoing national security secret getting disclosed to the 1968 body politic.

On the domestic front COINTELPRO is ongoing and targeted squarely at the Civil Rights movement, MK ULTRA only ended 1 year prior, and the population of the uptime Pacific US is going to want no part in prolonging the Vietnam War or helping the 68' FBI murder Fred Hampton. Reunification isn't impossible but isn't happening anytime soon.
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