got to admit this is probably the best ending you could end up for a commander fic in warhammer. Looking forward to see if you pull of the starwars fic, lots of intresting things to use.
Ya, but the thing is, Dark Eldar are lazy fucks. They want pain and fear and despair and they want it NOW. To the point that, in a recent book, more than half of an Archon's forces peaced the fuck out during an ork incursion because the green fucks only feel pain and that ain't enough juice for them to bother.
Under all the arrogance, these are scared and desperate people who are scrabbling for the quickest buck they can make so as to stave off the erosion of their souls. An unfeeling machine army is the last thing they'd bother with.
It is fair that the SI isn't aware of this since he's sort of panicking and doesn't seem to have super deep knowledge of 40k, tho.
Also, because some people forget how SV differs from SB: There are no anti-necro rules and I'm giving actual discussion besides, so keep your pitchforks in the shed.