Why couldn't it have been Star Wars?

Should I read?

My favorite genre is kingdom building but I generally don't like PA's, the overwhelming roflstomp, some have multicross with half of fictions I don't know(including the PA game).
The one I liked is comedic Iron Blooded Commander where MC is not in some giant robot.
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Should I read?

My favorite genre is kingdom building but I genereally don't like PA's, the overwhelming roflstomp, some have multicross with half of fictions I've don't know(including the PA game).
The one I liked is comedic Iron Blooded Commander where MC is not in some giant robot.
Why you asking this in here though?

No seriously, this isn't the correct place to do that.

This kind of discussion fits more on a Discord Server or a General Discussions/Chat.
It is a question related to the story, general spaces are more wrong for the question.
I do not think this story is for you. This story follows a shonenmanga power curve. Enemies appears, kicks the heroes around, Hero escapes has a training arc and/or stops sandbagging, Hero wins, bigger villain appears… rinse and repeat.
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Chapter 46 - Battle of the Old and New
Chapter 46 – Battle of the Old and New

He was glad he had gone all-out on this champion body. If he hadn't, Canorak would have deconstructed him with the first swing of his staff.

As it was, Rex leaned back and let the crackling weapon pass through the air above him at supersonic speeds. Had he not built a shield generator to cover the arena floor, the audience might have gotten buffeted by the movement.

He replied, his sword striking forwards like a serpent, only for it to be pushed aside by the return of the staff. As his arm bent, he activated the phase ability of the blade and swung. It passed through Canorak's guard and moved towards the necron's neck.

The Phaeron ducked and weaved underneath his strike, his own staff already moving to take Rex across the side. Rex brought his blade back and took the blow head on with one of his own, yet he was still pushed back.

Rex took a step back, just outside the reach of the staff, and collected himself.

Less than a second. That was how long their entire exchange had lasted thus far. Their bodies were moving at speeds far higher than an ordinary or even greatly enhanced organic body could endure. He wondered if this was what anime characters felt when they fought. Was anime real? The existence of one seemingly fictional universe could mean others were also around. Did they have chaos gods of their own?

His accelerated thinking allowed him to think these entirely unimportant thoughts while viewing his and his opponent's movements as though they were moving while underwater. It was just that the body he possessed was not able to move nearly as quickly.

From that one engagement, Rex felt that he and Canorak's bodies were roughly on par with one another. If he was being generous, his Champion had the edge in terms of speed.

However, Canorak was a warrior who had fought in far more battles than Rex. If he were to compare the amount of melee experience the Phaeron likely had to his own, even with his many bodies Rex was his inferior. Further, the necron had training that, while Rex did possess copies of the methods and techniques, he simply didn't have any experience with.

Additionally, it was likely that Canorak had accelerated thinking of a similar degree to Rex's own. At the very least, it allowed him to keep up with the fight.

Rex took the initiative and leapt forwards, his sword flashing in an obvious cut towards the necron's neck. It was easily blocked by the top half of the Phaeron's staff and the bottom swung upwards, seeking the underside of his head.

At that moment, Rex fully halted his forward momentum, an act that would have caused a mortal to lose consciousness from the sudden movement, and shoved himself backwards just as the staff passed through the space where his head had been a millisecond prior. Then, he reversed his movement again and struck forwards as the staff continued on, out of position to strike him.

Or, it would have been, for a lesser opponent.

The Phareon stopped his upward swing in a moment and brought it back down in the next, faster than his previous attacks.

When Canorak had first dodged or blocked his attacks rather than simply phase-shifting, Rex had wanted to mirror that. He did not have the talent, experience, or instinct for combat that the Phaeron did. Still, he could show the same respect to this Phaeron that he had been shown, so he dodged as well, rolling to the side before coming up in a fighting stance.

This time Canorak came at him, raining a flurry of blows onto him with his staff that Rex was able to block. The necron then shifted his hands further up his staff and brought the bottom half upwards in a vertical slice that, while not possessing any crackling blades on that side, had enough force to entirely bisect him. Rex threw himself to the side, but one arm wasn't able to move fast enough out of the way and was cut off at the forearm, sending it flying at high enough speeds that it would have impaled an unfortunate eldar in the stands if not for the shield generator.

Rather than capitalize on the weakness, Canorak drew back and reset his hands upon the staff. In turn, Rex made a duelist's salute, one that he had seen in the prequel movies of Star Wars. Count Dooku's makashi stance.

While he had never exactly bothered to learn any lightsaber combat forms, he could at least try and use his memories of them to give his inevitable destruction a bit more grace.

Canorak returned Rex's gesture with one of his own, a simple warrior's salute with his staff.

Rex lowered his stance, blade held in his one remaining hand before him. When he moved, he pushed the servos of his body to their max along with his accelerated thinking. His arm struck forwards a dozen times in as many milliseconds, each strike guided for a weakpoint in the Phaeron's armor. Canorak seemed surprised by the sudden onslaught and several of his strikes managed to partially get through his guard, striking off chips and pieces of the Necron.

Yet, that momentary surprise was not enough for him to carry the day. Canorak's staff moved with crackling might in a sweep that Rex could see in watch in slow motion yet do nothing about. His blade was knocked out of his hand with the force of a bullet train, sent flying, fortunately into the wall as it pierced his shield and buried itself to the hilt in the necrodermis arena.

Canorak spun with his swing and brought the top of his staff towards Rex's body in a thrust that shot straight through his chest, instantly destroying the power generator he had placed in the same spot as a necron's was supposed to be. He could have just powered it through his energy web, but this had felt right.

The crackling staff activated and his body exploded in a hail of disassembled atoms. He wondered if that was the same attack that had shattered Yggra'nya.

In the end, all that was left of his champion was a sword and a severed arm.

Phaeron Canorak stood in the middle of his arena and lifted his staff high above him in victory.

His units raised their fists and slammed them upon their chests a single time with enough force to shake the stands and make more than a few audience members flinch from the sudden noise. A moment later, the Necron immortals mirrored the action, something Rex knew could only mean Canorak had commanded them to.
Should I read?

My favorite genre is kingdom building but I genereally don't like PA's, the overwhelming roflstomp, some have multicross with half of fictions I've don't know(including the PA game).
The one I liked is comedic Iron Blooded Commander where MC is not in some giant robot.

I get what you mean. While I don't think I've written it mostly to be always a one-sided fight in favor of the Commander, I'll admit there is at least a lot of references to other fanfictions besides the crossover, usually in the form of unit and ship designs.

(Also, I totally agree on the kingdom building thing, I also love that genre, I might do one in the future)

So, yeah, if you don't really enjoy reading this kind of thing, no worries. That said, I would recommend another story to you called Tree of Aeons on RoyalRoad.com
It has a lot of kingdom building in it and has nearly 250 chapters at this point and is ongoing. Its one of my favorites in the genre.
Yeah, this is the expected outcome, honestly Rex put up a better showing then I expected. His skill is an order of magnitude lesser, and his technology level is only par now, unless Rex pulled some shenanigans he was going to lose, and that would have him lose in terms of respect and pride.
The bets were the staff and a question.
And now he will ask for the last number of pi and catches Rex in endless calculations.
Time for the question.

The Cultist will realize that Necrons are greater than they know, but it's hard to say what, if anything, Chaos will learn from this.
Necrons thing is nothing new.

While I think the Chaos Cultist think this can be an opportunity for an attack or to challenge Rex while he is "down" so to speak.

But that's just my theory.
Chapter 47 - Talks
Chapter 47 – Talks

Rex sent out another body into the arena, though this one was an Arc Leader. He had expected to lose badly, so he was alright with the results of this match. If the eldar or chaos worshippers who had seen him get demolished thought that meant they had a chance at beating him, then he'd soon correct their foolishness.

It was a good match, Canorak transmitted to him. They were speaking purely electronically with the benefits of accelerated thinking, even as he approached the Phaeron.

You kicked my ass.

Ha! A crass term, but fair under the circumstances.

It seems you get to keep your staff.

Indeed. I must admit, I am glad to know you will abide by our agreement.

Of course, you're probably the only polite person I've met in this galaxy. If it was anyone else, I'd have robbed them blind the moment they tried to backstab or exploit me.

That is… unfortunate. In the old days, even the cursed Old Ones had some level of honor. As did the Krorks and the Aeldari. It saddens me to see foes once worthy of respect fall so far.

I'll have to take your word for it. Now, I believe I owe you an answer?

Indeed. My question is this: What are you?

Rex was quiet for a while, long enough that his body had come to a stop a meter away from Canorak.

That is… difficult to answer. No, more that it is hard to understand.

I have slain gods with the weapon I hold in my hand. My people have unlocked the secrets of this realm. I have seen you create weapons the like of which have not been seen since the days of the God War. I will understand.

I'm not from this universe. I think.

You… think?

Well, I'm not certain. The thing I am, its called a Commander, isn't from this universe, or this galaxy at least. The memories and personality I have of another life may be from this galaxy or they may not be.

You were… placed in this mechanical form? You once had flesh?


… My condolences. I know more than most of what it is like to have your life stripped away and replaced by metal and wire.

I… try not to think about it too much.

That is all you can do.

They went silent for another moment, considering their words, considering what they wanted to say and what they had said already. Canorak was right, there were few outside the necrons who understood just how much Rex had lost when he'd been placed in this form or his memories had or whatever it was that had made him as he was now. He could distract himself with his work, create false bodies that mimicked sensations lost to him, but the knowledge that he was forever something other than what he once had been was… difficult to process in ways that did not permit him to just cheat with accelerated thinking.

Would you like to work with me?

Genuine surprise came from Canorak's response. Did we not just end our battle?

I don't get your point. We're not fighting anymore and I don't think you hate me and I don't hate you. Why not?

I do not intend to serve anyone.

I'm not asking you to. I'm asking for you to give me advice on how to rule and handle various situations.

Rule? Just what do you intend to do?

Save the galaxy from itself.

Canorak went quiet at that, tilting his head in astonishment.

… And people claim we are arrogant.

It's only arrogance if you don't have the power to back it up,
Rex replied and he sent a data package containing a record of how quickly he'd built the Arkship. I do.

… Very well. Even if I defeated your champion, that is only a single battle. I know my Dynasty lost the war and this recording proves we stand no chance. We shall become your allies, Commander Rex, though not your servants.

Thank you, Phaeron Canorak. And you can call me Rex.

Then call me Canorak. Be proud that you may address me so informally.

Thank you, Canorak.

So, what do you need advice on?

Well, you know our beloved audience members?

Humans tainted by Empyrean predators and Aeldari who have lost their way. I was going to mention the unusual nature of your choices for the witnesses to our battle.

Yes, well, I need your advice on the eldar. Fallen though they might be, I want to at least hear out what they have to say.

Be wary of their tricks and lies. It is likely they wish to cause you harm in the long term by seemingly helping you now.

So, his biases towards eldar weren't entirely unfounded, even if the necrons likely were more than a bit biased themselves.

So, basically don't trust them?

I knew some who were honorable, who I would even consider the greatest among my foes, but they are long gone now. In particular, beware of those who speak of visions. They may claim certainty in such matters, but they are often blinded to reality by them and the Empyrean is
never clear about these things.


What do you plan to do for the tainted humans?

Oh, I'm gonna see how easy it is to piss them off.

I shall enjoy watching that, I think.

Abbadon stared down at the tiny machine. They had moved into a separate room in the arena for their conversation. He took some pleasure in knowing that he would speak before the eldar. If this went well, he could convince the machine to slaughter the xenos before they could do anything else.

While the machine from earlier had been impressive in its battle against the cursed necron, moving fast enough that even the enhanced eyes of a chaos space marine would have difficulty keeping up with, this one looked far less powerful, although it was dressed more regally. When he'd realized the champion, this 'Rex', was a machine it was clear the Void was either in control of or simply was them. It explained much in his mind.

"I am Abbadon, the Archfiend, the Despoiler of Worlds, Warmaster of the Black Legion, Chosen of the Gods, Heir to the Legacy of Horus Lupercal." He listed his accolades proudly and looked down upon the tiny machine before him.

"And you wonder why people think you're evil."

Abbadon's eyes narrowed. Impertinent machine! Even the Daemon Primarchs would not show him such disrespect. Yet, he had to be patient. He had passed trials greater than what this machine could throw at him.

"I wear the titles placed upon me by the corpse-worshippers as badges of honor. If seeking to free the galaxy is a crime, then we are all guilty."

"How are you freeing the galaxy?"

Abbadon smiled a calming, reassuring smile that was neither sincere or anything but creepy.

"The Imperium controls and debilitates this galaxy, breeding weakness and complacency. You must know this yourself, yes?"

"I've seen some of the horrors that humans have inflicted upon themselves. Not all of those were done by 'corpse-worshippers' as you call them."

"The gods and their creatures are tools, nothing more. Means to an end. You provide an… alternate method to reclaim the Imperium."

He would never have said this aloud around anyone, particularly not worshippers of the gods, but they were alone and he doubted this Void would contact the gods about his 'heresy'.

"So, you want me to work with you to… what, exactly? Conquer the galaxy?"

Abbadon nodded. "Think of it. Working together, we could rid ourselves of the gods, the xenos, and the corpse-worshippers, raise humanity up into a people of strength! I have seen your architecture, heard how you speak. I know you are more human than you let on."

The Void went silent for a moment, quiet and considering.

"I agree with you on almost everything, actually."


"Except for the working together part."

A cold chill ran down his spine. I'm losing him.

"Oh, you never had me, Abby."

What? It had heard his thoughts?!?

He raised his claw, lightning crackling along the blades, but a light shown in the chest of the machine before him.

In a moment, he was gone.
honestly speaking? Abby might have been able to make a good case, if he talked more about what happens after, that the conquering was but step 1 of the plan, a means to the end.
Makes sense. Rex is approaching the point where nothing much can affect him. Though, it's also great that this might see an end.
Inside a giant anti warp field the sons of the emperor lose something they never knew they had… ridiculous amounts of plot armor and events conspiring to lead to epic one on one duels between commanders.

Thanks for the chapter.
Yeah, Abaddon is kinda an edgy name. Call yourself the Destroying Locust-Angel of the Abyss, and then wonder why people look at you strangely.

Honestly, I expected Rex to bring up his actual first name. Ezekyle is quite a bit less threatening.
I don't really care that much about the local chatting. I'd much rather see the Eldar as a whole freak out after having little to no idea what was happening.

Chatting with the local Eldar doesn't really cost him anything. He will do his massive galaxy-wide void net regardless of what they say.

He has shown that he can clean up Ork infestations. I can see him just cramming them all in the same maze.

Turning off/dampening the warp throughout the galaxy basically kills all known chaos gods and daemons. It might also kill off those psykers as well.

The only faction that might go unchanged would be the Admech. I can see factions of them worshipping Rex as the Omnissiah.

Do we have any info on threats outside of the galaxy? I'd heard that the Tyranids were being pushed towards the galaxy as they were fleeing some un-named greater threat.

The only thing that I could think of which would make them flee is some machine faction without the full PA Commander BS going on.

Then again they are also coming into the galaxy from most directions. If they aren't being pushed toward the galaxy, then all the nearby ones are filled with them and spawning those invasion fleets. He'd have a rather large project of cleaning all of that out. Maybe he could toss his pokeballed Ork hordes to them?