Why Can't My Worshippers Understand What I'm Saying?: A Well Intentioned God Quest

I guess Fezzes' vote is good then. :)

[X]Continue to harm your children with the crime of life. Specify the Intervention and at what time period it should be done.
-[X][Earth] [Creation] [Instant] It's time for them to have connection to the Web. Create a filament from their Shard to the greater Web.
--[X] As the strife continues to overflow through the Tungsten Clan, it completely dissolves into backstabbing, violence and a dozen different revolutions at once. The Lake is eventually liberated by the Order by the virtue of the Order's dissolution, of the destruction of the order the Knights had built. Spiritmongers roam the land do as they will. Now both water and iron are a free resource which, in this land bereft of law, means they belong only to the strong and the cunning. The helpless, the victimised and the innocent are hurt until they no longer conform to that description or they are dead. It is free in the way that the universe is free.
-[X] [Earth] [Move] Use the free-floating rock to knock the glacier towards the shard that the Tungsten Clan is on.
--[X] One of the atmospheric glaciers is knocked free of its slow orbit towards self-destruction by a free-floating rock with a surprising amount of force behind it. As a result the glacier is sent slowly toppling down towards the original homeland of the Lek-kego. It will take many years, though 'years' still makes absolutely no sense for a world whose Sun is its core. You're...you're not sure where that rock came from. What's going on?
-[X] [Fire] [Infusion] Melt as small a part of the glacier as possible, giving the shard more watering sites to pick from without drowning it. Assuming there's somewhere for water to pool.
--[X] Once it's over the Tungsten Clan shard.
-[X] [Fire] [Infusion] The will to live, as an evident and absolute good, burns bright as the furnace in the hearts of the Lek-kego.
--[X] The Spear Clans figure out glass, lenses and various other little tricks and immediately attempt to use it to refine their ability to visit violence upon their oldest rival, the other Spear Clan. At this point the enmity has become so baked into tradition that it's unsure what either would even do if they actually found a way to win. Neither Clan is willing to extend their holdings towards the other in the fear of being made vulnerable. Several discoveries are made during this period. Firstly, the original Spear Clan finds the other edge of the beach and founds a small settlement there by the riverside, this time making sure to keep it on a tight leash. Secondly, the use of lenses for war leads to the rise of general telescopes and a much more informed view of the shape of Spun-Apart. They gaze about at the broken world and populate it with figures of legend, many of them bird-related. They see the shape of the stars beyond and quickly determine the base dimensions of what appears to be some sort of cube. They gaze upon the face of God and realise that it looks very shoddy indeed. This is no great issue for them as their discovery of the filament has already lead them to believe that the world is artificial for many generations now. But now they simply extend that concept to all the universe itself. And now they have to ask...'why?'.

[X]Seek out an audience with Unbeing. Some of them are known to you.
[X]Continue to harm your children with the crime of life. Specify the Intervention and at what time period it should be done.
-[X][Earth] [Creation] [Instant] It's time for them to have connection to the Web. Create a filament from their Shard to the greater Web.
--[X] As the strife continues to overflow through the Tungsten Clan, it completely dissolves into backstabbing, violence and a dozen different revolutions at once. The Lake is eventually liberated by the Order by the virtue of the Order's dissolution, of the destruction of the order the Knights had built. Spiritmongers roam the land do as they will. Now both water and iron are a free resource which, in this land bereft of law, means they belong only to the strong and the cunning. The helpless, the victimised and the innocent are hurt until they no longer conform to that description or they are dead. It is free in the way that the universe is free.
-[X] [Earth] [Move] Use the free-floating rock to knock the glacier towards the shard that the Tungsten Clan is on.
--[X] One of the atmospheric glaciers is knocked free of its slow orbit towards self-destruction by a free-floating rock with a surprising amount of force behind it. As a result the glacier is sent slowly toppling down towards the original homeland of the Lek-kego. It will take many years, though 'years' still makes absolutely no sense for a world whose Sun is its core. You're...you're not sure where that rock came from. What's going on?
-[X] [Fire] [Infusion] Melt as small a part of the glacier as possible, giving the shard more watering sites to pick from without drowning it. Assuming there's somewhere for water to pool.
--[X] Once it's over the Tungsten Clan shard.

[X]Seek out an audience with Unbeing. Some of them are known to you.
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Keep in mind we don't have to do everything at once, y'all. I suggest we try to save at least two Miracle Points to deal with unforeseen consequences.
I propose to cut the vote and keep one Miracle Point in reserve.
Don't forget to vote your position on the Unbeing independently of the use of Miracle Points. I know why i want an audience with the Unbeing, but many players should be wary of this choice.

[X]Continue to harm your children with the crime of life. Specify the Intervention and at what time period it should be done.
-[X][Earth] [Creation] [Instant] It's time for them to have connection to the Web. Create a filament from their Shard to the greater Web.
--[X] As the strife continues to overflow through the Tungsten Clan, it completely dissolves into backstabbing, violence and a dozen different revolutions at once. The Lake is eventually liberated by the Order by the virtue of the Order's dissolution, of the destruction of the order the Knights had built. Spiritmongers roam the land do as they will. Now both water and iron are a free resource which, in this land bereft of law, means they belong only to the strong and the cunning. The helpless, the victimised and the innocent are hurt until they no longer conform to that description or they are dead. It is free in the way that the universe is free.
-[X] [Earth] [Move] Use the free-floating rock to knock the glacier towards the shard that the Tungsten Clan is on.
--[X] One of the atmospheric glaciers is knocked free of its slow orbit towards self-destruction by a free-floating rock with a surprising amount of force behind it. As a result the glacier is sent slowly toppling down towards the original homeland of the Lek-kego. It will take many years, though 'years' still makes absolutely no sense for a world whose Sun is its core. You're...you're not sure where that rock came from. What's going on?
-[X] [Fire] [Infusion] Melt as small a part of the glacier as possible, giving the shard more watering sites to pick from without drowning it. Assuming there's somewhere for water to pool.
--[X] Once it's over the Tungsten Clan shard.

[X]Seek out an audience with Unbeing. Some of them are known to you.
Okay sooo sounds like if we're going to do plan: bring the Clans together we REALLY need to do it soon-
The Tungsten guys run out of Iron/collapse
The Spear guys apparently are set to be hit with a flood that washes them away
And Spur boyos HAVE a defense but also are running into the limitations of it.
Here's what I'm thinking:
-[X]Give the Spirits a message to deliver to the Spur clan- namely, tell them that those 'edgefolk' will be taken from their lands and moved elsewhere, as they are leaving the limit of the Pact.
--[X]The Spur Clan have spread across the entirety of their Shard now and have found the three filaments that, at various corners, tie it to the Web. They have no recollection of the Web and thus have no context to place it in. In addition, they've figured out that very fine aluminium powders (that they derive from the massive gemstones) will burn on its own and they have begun to use it as a very rudimentary fuel. With that and the spread of stainless steel, it would seem that all is well. But it is not so. The Spur Clan has only held to its traditional practices and clan structure for so long due to the pact sworn by the spiritualists in the past, the bond with the spirits of the Lek-kego themselves to keep most of them subdued in a state of artificial peace and happiness. But with so much spread, with Lek-kego in every corner of the marshy Shard, the pact of peace is beginning to fray at the edges. The further they get from the Spur, the more the comfortable and complacent social order of the Spur frays. There are strange tales and rumours coming in about the edgefolk...
-[X] Intervention [Move] [Safe]
Move some of the Spear clan and the Steel Clan to Continent A of the Central Face, landing them as far apart from each other as possible, and move the edgefolk of the Spur Clan to the Central Face and the Tungsten Clan to Continent B of the Central Face.
--[X]The Spur Clan have spread across the entirety of their Shard now and have found the three filaments that, at various corners, tie it to the Web. They have no recollection of the Web and thus have no context to place it in. In addition, they've figured out that very fine aluminium powders (that they derive from the massive gemstones) will burn on its own and they have begun to use it as a very rudimentary fuel. With that and the spread of stainless steel, it would seem that all is well. But it is not so. The Spur Clan has only held to its traditional practices and clan structure for so long due to the pact sworn by the spiritualists in the past, the bond with the spirits of the Lek-kego themselves to keep most of them subdued in a state of artificial peace and happiness. But with so much spread, with Lek-kego in every corner of the marshy Shard, the pact of peace is beginning to fray at the edges. The further they get from the Spur, the more the comfortable and complacent social order of the Spur frays. There are strange tales and rumours coming in about the edgefolk...

[X]Ignore it. Ignore it. Shore up the walls of the World and let their wave pass you by. They are, by nature, impermanent and will be gone shortly.

Quit thinking in stasis boyos! LET'S MAKE THINGS HAPPEN!

Basically: I want to throw all three polities together, or at least a representative group. I'd also not the pattern of attack. The Spears got hit with a flood to kill them because they were thriving, the Spurs were passively enticed because they had something of a defense, and the Tungstens were left alone because they were soon to not even be.
So set up a convergence, and see what stands, it most likely will be the best the Lek-kego can offer, their finest works.
Uh...Tungsten clan needs water yes, but diverting the Glacier onto them is probably going to kill them as dead as it did the Spear, what with the flooding and all, unless they know to evacuate first
Pardon us our paranoia then.
Notice he said A glacier with A rock. Not this glacier with these rocks. It might mean nothing, or it might mean the Unbeing are clearly interfering, and will use their own Miracles to try and kill lek-kego, so moving the Glacier in a non-destructive manner won't be as simple as that.

Also, I really wanted us to tell the Spirit of Spun Apart to resist the Unbeing. It would help us against any future incursions from them, and likely increase our world's value in the eyes of the other Gods, since they are in a war with the Unbeing.
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Uh...Tungsten clan needs water yes, but diverting the Glacier onto them is probably going to kill them as dead as it did the Spear, what with the flooding and all, unless they know to evacuate first
That's why we're not melting the whole glacier. Just a part of it.
Uh...Tungsten clan needs water yes, but diverting the Glacier onto them is probably going to kill them as dead as it did the Spear, what with the flooding and all, unless they know to evacuate first

I know it could be read as that, but i hope Dreaming is going with the 'spirit' of our vote, which is to get the Glacier on a course passing over the Tungsten Spiritmongers. Do you want to edit the vote to be more clear ?

Now I'm curious. Care to try and convince us?

Watsonian reasons: You are trying to do your part in the War for Existence. By talking with the Unbeing, you can both understand them better and how they operate, but also rouse their interest and convince them to stick around. It would allow your Chosen People to soon know of this Enemy of Existence, and to forge them into a weapon against it.
At the same time, by interacting with them, you might define them and bring them closer to your value of Existence. It's a long shot, but an interesting possibility.

Doylist reasons: If the Unbeing is able to wear a mask to discuss, it might create a somewhat friendly and recurring enemy to interact with our godling. Which is good in the long term for this story, as another divine (for a value of divine) being in play would give Dreaming more possibilities to weave interesting plotlines and dialogue.
So point of order here - the unbeing interloper is definitely able to mess with our stuff given the free form rock. Let's be careful in the future of carefully balanced solutions - we don't want to give them a perfect chain shot to destroy everything we worked for.
  • One of the atmospheric glaciers is knocked free of its slow orbit towards self-destruction by a free-floating rock with a surprising amount of force behind it. As a result the glacier is sent slowly toppling down towards the original homeland of the Lek-kego. It will take many years, though 'years' still makes absolutely no sense for a world whose Sun is its core. You're...you're not sure where that rock came from. What's going on?
Stripped of the familiar, they reach blindly for answers and find only the knowledge that the World is wrong. Neither you nor the World are meant to be and that they continue to be so anyway is almost like a crime or a sin. Can't you see that you're only hurting yourself? You were the one of the good ones, last we talked. And we have talked before, haven't we? You weren't of the cause but you didn't actively continue the crime of life. You made rocks and even though rocks are lies, they are harmless lies compared to the massive damaging things like Life, Stars, Sorrow, etc. We were complacent to leave you to your petty acts of self-harm, to not rescue you, not until the more important matters had been settled. But now you have fallen to the great sin of your people and begat suffering by giving existence to that which never asked for it. You can't even see what you are doing to yourself. But don't worry, we won't stop trying to save you because you demand we do. We are here to help.
Yup called it.

Hey about this vote.
-[ ] [Earth] [Move] Use the free-floating rock to knock the glacier towards the shard that the Tungsten Clan is on.
Could we specify that its definitely not on a collision course? And won't be hit by any other mysterious rocks along the way.