Why Can't My Worshippers Understand What I'm Saying?: A Well Intentioned God Quest

[X]Refuse. They can get their grubby hands off your people. As long as they are embedded here, they face slow accretion of context anyway.
[X]Agree. The more they become involved, the more poisoned they will become. And you believe that, with a little help from you, the Lek-kego have what it takes to overcome this 'seed' when they find it.

Making a thing hurts them. Watching and tracking the outcome of that creation hurts them more. We already have the Void Seeker tablet as an inoculation against Unbeing and can make more such things with our miracles. I think this is a good chance to test our first created race and see if they can live up to our hopes for them. If not we'll learn from our mistakes. Either way our enemy is getting weakened all the while.
Vote called.
Adhoc vote count started by Dreaming on May 4, 2019 at 8:05 PM, finished with 38 posts and 20 votes.

  • [X]Refuse. They can get their grubby hands off your people. As long as they are embedded here, they face slow accretion of context anyway.
    [X]Agree. The more they become involved, the more poisoned they will become. And you believe that, with a little help from you, the Lek-kego have what it takes to overcome this 'seed' when they find it.
    [X]Agree. The more they become involved, the more poisoned they will become. And you believe that, with a little help from you, the Lek-kego have what it takes to overcome this 'seed' when they find it.
    - [x] Waifu the Unbeing.
    [X]Agree. The more they become involved, the more poisoned they will become. And you believe that, with a little help from you, the Lek-kego have what it takes to overcome this 'seed' when they find it.
    - [x] Waifu the Unbeing.
    [X]Agree. The more they become involved, the more poisoned they will become. And you believe that, with a little help from you, the Lek-kego have what it takes to overcome this 'seed' when they find it.
    -[X] How about an additional condition. They must match your interventions. Whenever you make one, they get to make one of similar force, or save it up for later, and the same goes for the reverse Two saved interventions can be traded for the other party's cooperation on one intervention.
[X]Agree. The more they become involved, the more poisoned they will become. And you believe that, with a little help from you, the Lek-kego have what it takes to overcome this 'seed' when they find it.
[X]Refuse. They can get their grubby hands off your people. As long as they are embedded here, they face slow accretion of context anyway.
[X]Refuse. They can get their grubby hands off your people. As long as they are embedded here, they face slow accretion of context anyway.
[x]Refuse. They can get their grubby hands off your people. As long as they are embedded here, they face slow accretion of context anyway.

There's absolutely no reason to give the Unbeing like... anything, ever. This particular one is both civil and friendly and also very much believes that everyone could commit suicide, wouldn't it be better if you just died? And considering what happened with the Void Seekers, I'm not too comfortable about our people's current memetic resistance against such a thing, much less what a being on our tier thinks is solid proof of why everyone is better off dead.

Letting it in is letting a very polite wolf sweettalk its way into our household, where it plans to teach our children just why they should play in the middle of the road. I'd much prefer not having massive suicide cults spring up through our budding civilisations.
[X]Agree. The more they become involved, the more poisoned they will become. And you believe that, with a little help from you, the Lek-kego have what it takes to overcome this 'seed' when they find it.
- [x] Waifu the Unbeing.
[X]Agree. The more they become involved, the more poisoned they will become. And you believe that, with a little help from you, the Lek-kego have what it takes to overcome this 'seed' when they find it.
- [x] Waifu the Unbeing.

Gotta add some spice to season the dish.
[X]Agree. The more they become involved, the more poisoned they will become. And you believe that, with a little help from you, the Lek-kego have what it takes to overcome this 'seed' when they find it.
- [x] Waifu the Unbeing.

The presence of the Unbeing is great. I want to get a Yin-Yang thing going.
I just want to draw a little attention to the title of the latest chapter: "Lot and the Lord".

The analogy seems fairly straightforward to me: The Lek-kego are Lot, and we are the Lord, putting hedges of protection about them and blessing them with resources, etc., and here is our Satan to put trouble in their way. Now, the analogy falls apart fairly rapidly (Lot was blessed and righteous, while our little Lek-Kego have barely developed any kind of sense of morality let alone religion or forms of worship; Lot was a single outstanding instance of his species, while we care little to nothing for individual Lek-Kego and only for the tribes/ splinter-tribes, and so on), but I'd be cautious. Lot suffered greatly, and yet kept his faith, and the Lord won that wager - but we might not.

In fact, if Biblical analogies must be made, I should accrete matter and form around this unwanted guest and curse them to crawl on their belly and eat dust in the presence of our people.

[x]Refuse. They can get their grubby hands off your people. As long as they are embedded here, they face slow accretion of context anyway.
[X]Agree. The more they become involved, the more poisoned they will become. And you believe that, with a little help from you, the Lek-kego have what it takes to overcome this 'seed' when they find it.
- [x] Waifu the Unbeing.

Let's see what happens. And even if we lose, then we shall create another world.
[X]Agree. The more they become involved, the more poisoned they will become. And you believe that, with a little help from you, the Lek-kego have what it takes to overcome this 'seed' when they find it.
- [x] Waifu the Unbeing.

Let's see what happens. And even if we lose, then we shall create another world.
I think that is to risky and dismissive of the Lek-Kego they should have a good chance to prosper without us gambling them like this
[x]Refuse. They can get their grubby hands off your people. As long as they are embedded here, they face slow accretion of context anyway.
Oooh, this was a nice read. Now to participate in ruining this fine world. The internet burns whatever it touches, that's the rule.
But the fires can wait. I'm interested in seeing how this develops...

Can we put off this bet until later, or is this a one-time offer?
[X]Agree. The more they become involved, the more poisoned they will become. And you believe that, with a little help from you, the Lek-kego have what it takes to overcome this 'seed' when they find it.
-[X] But with a condition. They must embody themselves within a spirit with the seed until the wager is completed.

EDIT: Sigh... nevermind, just saw that the vote was already called.
Looking back on this quest with the perspective of nearly half a year, it is amusingly fitting that it died the instant we voted for interactions with Unbeing more complicated than "fuck no".
It makes me really sad that Dreaming disappeared, to be honest. This Quest was really charming! :cry:
Maybe love and compassion is the weapon to wield against the Unbeing? Maybe we were chosen precisely because of our fondness for rocks and so our devotion to their success - A true sense of worth towards what's traditionally considered 'worthless'?
[X]Agree. The more they become involved, the more poisoned they will become. And you believe that, with a little help from you, the Lek-kego have what it takes to overcome this 'seed' when they find it.