Why Can't My Worshippers Understand What I'm Saying?: A Well Intentioned God Quest

Vote called.
Adhoc vote count started by Dreaming on Apr 27, 2019 at 9:48 AM, finished with 57 posts and 27 votes.

  • [X]No more interventions, this Age is good now.
    [X]Intervene! [Earth][Move][Precise]
    -[X] Take a water rich shard and position it above the lands of the Tungsten Clan, then delicately tilt it just enough to ensure a slow but steady stream down on the area opposite the Lake.
    -[X]The Scrawler's Order has, at this point, wound up so woven into the fabric of the Knightly families in the Tungsten Clan that it is basically just another organ of governance. The nature of the spirit attacks has become common knowledge among the Knights and has filtered down into the populace even as they continue to expand. This leads to a string of revolts across the Clan's holdings but as long as the solitary island remains the only source of the Shard's water there is nowhere else to go. Even the fissures widening between the different Knight families can't get around this one basic fact. And forcing the current rulers of the Lake out will prove harder than it seems, with tungsten armour defeating tungsten weapons and making it so that entrenched defenders are very hard to move. This fractious state of efforts will continue for now but something's got to give.
    -[X]Dock the Shard with the Knights on it to a Shard with more water. DO NOT DOCK THEM TO SPUR CLAN'S SHARD!
    -[X]Right at the end of the Age
    [X][Spirit] Let Spirits and Lek-kego form partnerships, allowing the spirit agency and action so long as the partner approves.
    -[x] right after the guy attacks the tungsten spirit and they team up.
    [X] [Earth][Creation]
    -[X]Create a single small deposit of Stainless Steel near each of the various civilizations in remote areas, only enough for say, five Lek-kego in each deposit.
    -[X]Right at the end of the Age
    -[X] it is good that they have begun to embrace democracy, however it must be spread to the entire populace! Let the fires of revolution burn in their hearts and forge a clan where all are equal.
    -[X] The Steel War is technically still going but it's really just an occasional issue for both the Spear Clan and their colony, which still sees itself as Spear Clan but obviously a better more traditional Spear Clan than the literal Spear Clan, especially after the coup. Since then the two have been passively aggressively jousting with one another, both protected by distance and the Steel War making travel across the beach intermittent. What the distance doesn't stop however are the refugees, wealthy upper castes slowly drifting away from the Spear Clan's new focus on a new caste system that doesn't elevate them personally. The colony is eager to take most of them in and is becoming common to derogatorily refer to the original Spear Clan as the 'Steel Clan' due to their ferrocracy. Meanwhile back in said ferrocracy, the Chieftain's following the victorious general have found themselves facing an unpleasant truth: All the other generals now know that they can try and be Chieftain whenever they want. It is coup after coup after coup, pausing only to continue its military pissing match with the colony. Eventually what it settles into is the Lek-kego's first electoral system but with only steel-shells of distinguished military service being able to vote. This way, ideally, the new Chieftain rules with the majority support of the armies and cannot simply be couped repeatedly as they had been in the past.
    [X]Intervene! [Earth][Move][Precise]
    -[X] Create a reservoir of mercury beneath the Tungsten Clan's territory.
    -[X]The Scrawler's Order has, at this point, wound up so woven into the fabric of the Knightly families in the Tungsten Clan that it is basically just another organ of governance. The nature of the spirit attacks has become common knowledge among the Knights and has filtered down into the populace even as they continue to expand. This leads to a string of revolts across the Clan's holdings but as long as the solitary island remains the only source of the Shard's water there is nowhere else to go. Even the fissures widening between the different Knight families can't get around this one basic fact. And forcing the current rulers of the Lake out will prove harder than it seems, with tungsten armour defeating tungsten weapons and making it so that entrenched defenders are very hard to move. This fractious state of efforts will continue for now but something's got to give.
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The Age of Seeing What Is Really There
[X]No more interventions, this Age is good now.

All is well! Sure it probably doesn't look that way to the Lek-kego but their opinion isn't relevant. You like how the new Age has gone and you're a little in love with some of the emerging phenomena. And to think that all of this stems from you! You are happy to let it continue to emanate. Even the chaos might still be going somewhere interesting.

Age of Seeing What Is Really There

  • As the strife continues to overflow through the Tungsten Clan, it completely dissolves into backstabbing, violence and a dozen different revolutions at once. The Lake is eventually liberated by the Order by the virtue of the Order's dissolution, of the destruction of the order the Knights had built. Spiritmongers roam the land do as they will. Now both water and iron are a free resource which, in this land bereft of law, means they belong only to the strong and the cunning. The helpless, the victimised and the innocent are hurt until they no longer conform to that description or they are dead. It is free in the way that the universe is free.
  • One of the atmospheric glaciers is knocked free of its slow orbit towards self-destruction by a free-floating rock with a surprising amount of force behind it. As a result the glacier is sent slowly toppling down towards the original homeland of the Lek-kego. It will take many years, though 'years' still makes absolutely no sense for a world whose Sun is its core. You're...you're not sure where that rock came from. What's going on?
  • The Spear Clan civil war/tussle continues off and on again, the distance still too great and their opponent still too great for marching armies to be capable of projecting enough force to match armies defending their home bases. The steel-shells begin experimenting with further ranged weapons and accidentally come up with several precepts of engineering and mathematics in their quest to build long-ranged engines of war. This quickly spreads back to the colony, both polities now thoroughly swarming with the spies and quislings of the other. You watch as over the years, a variety of catapults, ballistae and trebuchets are introduced and then scrapped due to poor sand-mobility. It doesn't help that either side of this conflict has yet to invent the wheel. It's just not a useful shape for sand!
  • The Spur Clan has had the wheel for quite some time however, ever since they started building their marsh-roads and they realised that, with the first truly flat surface in Lek-kego history, they can put carts on round things and send them across their new gem-paved roads quite fast. The carts are primarily pulled by small spirits or other Lek-kego. With the advent of roads (thanks to the huge amount of resources they got from the Plateau) enough to support increasingly speedy coach/chariot/cart/wheelbarrow designs, the Spur Clan starts to genuinely spread out for the first time ever, all across the Shard. The Plateau now houses more Lek-kego than the Spur itself. In addition, though chromium is not itself magnetic, several smiths have figured out how to regurgitate-forge it with iron and carbon into a steel alloy that, occasionally, comes in a magnetised form. This special steel, which can be used for both breeding and shell material, is less shiny than the pure chromium coatings that many get applied artificially but is far more enduring and resistant to weathering and rust. Considering that they live in a marsh, this is important. You know this alloy as 'stainless steel' but to the Spur Clan, it is practically the mythical Philosopher's Stone, containing the potential for immortality.
  • Some generations later, the Tungsten Clans have become the Tungsten Kingdoms, the lingering shreds of the Knight's ruling philosophy surviving to help form several pseudo-feudal polities. All were founded originally by spiritmongers and are ruled by those bonded to a spirit through mutual violence. The Kingdoms often come into conflict with one another over the Lake and the increasingly rare iron nodes. The knowledge of smithing platemail has been lost and surviving shells of tungsten armour are highly prized. The old maltheism is still, somehow, abundant since everyone knows spirits only as a force of potentially harnessed destruction. The Earthsplitter has become something of a mythical figure to which many feats are attributed and to which nobody knows anything of save that, long ago, their ancestors fled it to find the promised land.
  • The Spear Clans figure out glass, lenses and various other little tricks and immediately attempt to use it to refine their ability to visit violence upon their oldest rival, the other Spear Clan. At this point the enmity has become so baked into tradition that it's unsure what either would even do if they actually found a way to win. Neither Clan is willing to extend their holdings towards the other in the fear of being made vulnerable. Several discoveries are made during this period. Firstly, the original Spear Clan finds the other edge of the beach and founds a small settlement there by the riverside, this time making sure to keep it on a tight leash. Secondly, the use of lenses for war leads to the rise of general telescopes and a much more informed view of the shape of Spun-Apart. They gaze about at the broken world and populate it with figures of legend, many of them bird-related. They see the shape of the stars beyond and quickly determine the base dimensions of what appears to be some sort of cube. They gaze upon the face of God and realise that it looks very shoddy indeed. This is no great issue for them as their discovery of the filament has already lead them to believe that the world is artificial for many generations now. But now they simply extend that concept to all the universe itself. And now they have to ask...'why?'.
  • The glacier finally makes contact with the Web as it falls in an avalanche of melting ice. Much of it winds up flowing down from upriver of the very filament that the Spear Clans are upon, causing the river that winds through the beach to erupt in a sudden massive flash flood! Both the Spear Clans, no matter which one says is the real one, are swept away and destroyed. Some stragglers persist but there can be no Clan.
  • The Spur Clan have spread across the entirety of their Shard now and have found the three filaments that, at various corners, tie it to the Web. They have no recollection of the Web and thus have no context to place it in. In addition, they've figured out that very fine aluminium powders (that they derive from the massive gemstones) will burn on its own and they have begun to use it as a very rudimentary fuel. With that and the spread of stainless steel, it would seem that all is well. But it is not so. The Spur Clan has only held to its traditional practices and clan structure for so long due to the pact sworn by the spiritualists in the past, the bond with the spirits of the Lek-kego themselves to keep most of them subdued in a state of artificial peace and happiness. But with so much spread, with Lek-kego in every corner of the marshy Shard, the pact of peace is beginning to fray at the edges. The further they get from the Spur, the more the comfortable and complacent social order of the Spur frays. There are strange tales and rumours coming in about the edgefolk...
  • Due to a lack of iron, the Tungsten Kingdoms fall into a state of disrepair, the warring states collapsing from internal rot back into a slow anarchy once more and this time, there may be no return. Every Lek-kego there is increasingly old and fragile and there are scant few ones to replace the ones who fall. Spirits roam freely, practically daring others to attack them. The Lek-kego spiritmongers are the only ones left unaffected, their bond with the tungsten elementals bestowing some nature of their element upon them through generations of co-dependence. But even they need iron to breed. It is becoming increasingly clear to every person in every Kingdom that they are in the final days. Rust claims all and the mightiest achievements eventually become dust. It becomes easy to lose Will and to just give up in the face of that. It is now a certainty that one day there will be only one Lek-kego (probably a spiritmonger) left in all the promised land and after them there will be nothing. Maybe it was foolish to even have been at all!
  • A curious faction is beginning to form in the otherwise prosperous Spur Clan. Among the edgefolk, those that dwell on the very edge of the Shard or even further beyond in the filament, far enough out that they no longer heed the Spur pact keeping them passive and happy...most of them give up. Most of them cannot stand the shock and return back to civilised lands. But some flail in the face of the resulting void, desperate to find an answer now that the answer that the Spur spiritualists had enforced upon them no longer made sense. And some of them find nothing or rather, they are found. Stripped of the familiar, they reach blindly for answers and find only the knowledge that the World is wrong. Neither you nor the World are meant to be and that they continue to be so anyway is almost like a crime or a sin. Can't you see that you're only hurting yourself? You were the one of the good ones, last we talked. And we have talked before, haven't we? You weren't of the cause but you didn't actively continue the crime of life. You made rocks and even though rocks are lies, they are harmless lies compared to the massive damaging things like Life, Stars, Sorrow, etc. We were complacent to leave you to your petty acts of self-harm, to not rescue you, not until the more important matters had been settled. But now you have fallen to the great sin of your people and begat suffering by giving existence to that which never asked for it. You can't even see what you are doing to yourself. But don't worry, we won't stop trying to save you because you demand we do. We are here to help.

Being requires Will. It is a thing of collapsing structure and needs to be made, organized, spun forthinto the world. Unbeing just is. And it seeps in wherever there is a path of least resistance.

It is becoming evident that despite the wall of your prison being as impregnable as ever, your project is under attack. They would undo your Lek-kego. It is seeping through.

You have 5 Miracle Points.

[ ]There's no point Intervening. Deep down, you know we are right. That's why you get so defensive the moment the subjects of immediate universal cessation, obliteration and liberation are even brought up. You don't want to see what is really there.

[ ]Continue to harm your children with the crime of life. Specify the Intervention and at what time period it should be done.


[ ]Seek out an audience with Unbeing. Some of them are known to you.

[ ]Ignore it. Ignore it. Shore up the walls of the World and let their wave pass you by. They are, by nature, impermanent and will be gone shortly.

[ ]If it can seep in, maybe you can seep out! Maybe you can escape and leave this shitty world behind!
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Our enemy appears.

On other note we should send some resources to the Knights and stop that Glacier .
We are in Nobilis. Why didn't i see it before ?

We are an Imperator-like being, and we are under attack from the Non-Existence, the Excrucians.
Okay... I think we may need to make a magic metal that self-reproduces or grows on trees or something for the Tungsten Kingdom... make metal self-reproducing like fruits and animals and stuff...

Also, gotta stop the giant glacier from fucking everything up in the Spear clan...

And hopefully stop the damned beings of Unbeing from destroying out new little pet project.
Let's nip this shit in the bud early. I think we're going to want to use all five points this time, y'all. We may have been moving too quickly.

[X]Continue to harm your children with the crime of life. Specify the Intervention and at what time period it should be done.
-[X] [Fire][Infusion] The will to live, as an evident and absolute good, burns bright as the furnace in the hearts of the Lek-kego.
-[X] The Spear Clans figure out glass, lenses and various other little tricks and immediately attempt to use it to refine their ability to visit violence upon their oldest rival, the other Spear Clan. At this point the enmity has become so baked into tradition that it's unsure what either would even do if they actually found a way to win. Neither Clan is willing to extend their holdings towards the other in the fear of being made vulnerable. Several discoveries are made during this period. Firstly, the original Spear Clan finds the other edge of the beach and founds a small settlement there by the riverside, this time making sure to keep it on a tight leash. Secondly, the use of lenses for war leads to the rise of general telescopes and a much more informed view of the shape of Spun-Apart. They gaze about at the broken world and populate it with figures of legend, many of them bird-related. They see the shape of the stars beyond and quickly determine the base dimensions of what appears to be some sort of cube. They gaze upon the face of God and realise that it looks very shoddy indeed. This is no great issue for them as their discovery of the filament has already lead them to believe that the world is artificial for many generations now. But now they simply extend that concept to all the universe itself. And now they have to ask...'why?'.

[X]Ignore it. Ignore it. Shore up the walls of the World and let their wave pass you by. They are, by nature, impermanent and will be gone shortly.

EDIT: forgot to vote on the second question, WHUPS
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[X]Ignore it. Ignore it. Shore up the walls of the World and let their wave pass you by. They are, by nature, impermanent and will be gone shortly.

[X]Continue to harm your children with the crime of life. Specify the Intervention and at what time period it should be done.
-[X][Earth][Creation] A chunk of ferrous metal, that when exposed to other non-living matter, slowly consumes said matter and creates more of itself, almost like it is growing, appears in the lands of the Tungsten Kingdom.
--[X] Due to a lack of iron, the Tungsten Kingdoms fall into a state of disrepair, the warring states collapsing from internal rot back into a slow anarchy once more and this time, there may be no return. Every Lek-kego there is increasingly old and fragile and there are scant few ones to replace the ones who fall. Spirits roam freely, practically daring others to attack them. The Lek-kego spiritmongers are the only ones left unaffected, their bond with the tungsten elementals bestowing some nature of their element upon them through generations of co-dependence. But even they need iron to breed. It is becoming increasingly clear to every person in every Kingdom that they are in the final days. Rust claims all and the mightiest achievements eventually become dust. It becomes easy to lose Will and to just give up in the face of that. It is now a certainty that one day there will be only one Lek-kego (probably a spiritmonger) left in all the promised land and after them there will be nothing. Maybe it was foolish to even have been at all!

not sure if we can create it, but who knows.

[X]Continue to harm your children with the crime of life. Specify the Intervention and at what time period it should be done.
-[X][Earth][Creation][Instant] It's time for them to have connection to the Web. Create a filament from their Shard to the greater Web.
-[X] [Fire][Earth] [Move][Safe] Move glacier towards Tungsten Kingdom and then melt him safely giving them rain and water
-[X] [Fire][Infusion] The will to live, as an evident and absolute good, burns bright as the furnace in the hearts of the Lek-kego.
-[X] The Spear Clans figure out glass, lenses and various other little tricks and immediately attempt to use it to refine their ability to visit violence upon their oldest rival, the other Spear Clan. At this point the enmity has become so baked into tradition that it's unsure what either would even do if they actually found a way to win. Neither Clan is willing to extend their holdings towards the other in the fear of being made vulnerable. Several discoveries are made during this period. Firstly, the original Spear Clan finds the other edge of the beach and founds a small settlement there by the riverside, this time making sure to keep it on a tight leash. Secondly, the use of lenses for war leads to the rise of general telescopes and a much more informed view of the shape of Spun-Apart. They gaze about at the broken world and populate it with figures of legend, many of them bird-related. They see the shape of the stars beyond and quickly determine the base dimensions of what appears to be some sort of cube. They gaze upon the face of God and realise that it looks very shoddy indeed. This is no great issue for them as their discovery of the filament has already lead them to believe that the world is artificial for many generations now. But now they simply extend that concept to all the universe itself. And now they have to ask...'why?'.

EDIT: Changed the vote. I like this use of the glacier. It hopefully will help fix the 'lack of water' issue. Maybe if we artificially create channels and pools in the ground for it to collect in, so it doesn't mostly wash off? EDIT EDIT Oh shit they're cut off. Let's fix that.

[X]Ignore it. Ignore it. Shore up the walls of the World and let their wave pass you by. They are, by nature, impermanent and will be gone shortly.

A chunk of ferrous metal, that when exposed to other non-living matter, slowly consumes said matter and creates more of itself, almost like it is growing, appears in the lands of the Tungsten Kingdom.
I can only hope that Lek-kego count as living, despite not being organic.
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Honestly, just make it grow from sunlight or something. Hell, this is not a scientific/logic based setting so we could probably make it grow through song or something like that.
In case of the Spear Clan giving them will to live is useless if they are wiped out by glacier.
Same goes for Tungsten Kingdom since they are literally starving.
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[X]Seek out an audience with Unbeing. Some of them are known to you.

[X]Continue to harm your children with the crime of life. Specify the Intervention and at what time period it should be done.
-[X][Water][Movement] Lightly change the course of the glacier so that it's course won't harm your Lek-kego and instead direct it to a natural collision with the Sun.
--[X] One of the atmospheric glaciers is knocked free of its slow orbit towards self-destruction by a free-floating rock with a surprising amount of force behind it. As a result the glacier is sent slowly toppling down towards the original homeland of the Lek-kego. It will take many years, though 'years' still makes absolutely no sense for a world whose Sun is its core. You're...you're not sure where that rock came from. What's going on?
-[X][Earth][Creation][Instant] It's time for them to have connection to the Web. Create a filament from their Shard to the greater Web.
--[X] Some generations later, the Tungsten Clans have become the Tungsten Kingdoms, the lingering shreds of the Knight's ruling philosophy surviving to help form several pseudo-feudal polities. All were founded originally by spiritmongers and are ruled by those bonded to a spirit through mutual violence. The Kingdoms often come into conflict with one another over the Lake and the increasingly rare iron nodes. The knowledge of smithing platemail has been lost and surviving shells of tungsten armour are highly prized. The old maltheism is still, somehow, abundant since everyone knows spirits only as a force of potentially harnessed destruction. The Earthsplitter has become something of a mythical figure to which many feats are attributed and to which nobody knows anything of save that, long ago, their ancestors fled it to find the promised land.
-[X] [Fire][Infusion] The will to live, as an evident and absolute good, burns bright as the furnace in the hearts of the Lek-kego.
--[X] The Spear Clans figure out glass, lenses and various other little tricks and immediately attempt to use it to refine their ability to visit violence upon their oldest rival, the other Spear Clan. At this point the enmity has become so baked into tradition that it's unsure what either would even do if they actually found a way to win. Neither Clan is willing to extend their holdings towards the other in the fear of being made vulnerable. Several discoveries are made during this period. Firstly, the original Spear Clan finds the other edge of the beach and founds a small settlement there by the riverside, this time making sure to keep it on a tight leash. Secondly, the use of lenses for war leads to the rise of general telescopes and a much more informed view of the shape of Spun-Apart. They gaze about at the broken world and populate it with figures of legend, many of them bird-related. They see the shape of the stars beyond and quickly determine the base dimensions of what appears to be some sort of cube. They gaze upon the face of God and realise that it looks very shoddy indeed. This is no great issue for them as their discovery of the filament has already lead them to believe that the world is artificial for many generations now. But now they simply extend that concept to all the universe itself. And now they have to ask...'why?'.
The Tsungtens/Kinghts/Remnant Clans ? They are on their own Shard, away from everyone and unable to expand/migrate.
Well... shit. Alright. Yours seems like a more permanent solution than just making more iron, I'll go with that.

Editing my vote, again.
Well... shit. Alright. Yours seems like a more permanent solution than just making more iron, I'll go with that.

Editing my vote, again.

Frankly, i expect some Warlord to take control of the Filament access and to either enact a toll, take control of the riches from beyond or corral everyone unto the Shard and keep them from expanding.
Uh, do we even have Water as an aspect we can control?
We have Fire, Earth and Spirit.
Personally I think the glacier is potentially useful, they DO have enough time to evade it if they notice it.

[X]Continue to harm your children with the crime of life. Specify the Intervention and at what time period it should be done.
-[X][Fire][Infusion] Make the substance of the glacier brightly luminous.
--[X] One of the atmospheric glaciers is knocked free of its slow orbit towards self-destruction by a free-floating rock with a surprising amount of force behind it. As a result the glacier is sent slowly toppling down towards the original homeland of the Lek-kego. It will take many years, though 'years' still makes absolutely no sense for a world whose Sun is its core. You're...you're not sure where that rock came from. What's going on?

The idea being that the Spear clans would notice this when they start playing with lenses and they'd bugger off the mass.
Saving miracles beyond that, lets see if they can make it work on their own first.
Evacuating from the impact zone isn't impossible with so many turns.
On the phone, too lazy to make a vote right now, but thoughts:

- Send the Glacier to the Tungsten shard. They still need water.
- Turn Tungsten into a magnetic metal.
- Make a spirit pact with the Spirit of Spun Apart and tell it to fight the Unbeing however it can.
- Teleport the Tungsten shard into the Spur shard and watch the festivities. This should: A) give access to resources to the Tungsten Kingdoms; B) cause a massive culture shock to destabilitize the Spur clan; C) Cause a fight between the powerful but complacent Spurs and the weak and tired but highly martial Kingdoms; D) teach both clans that there are other shards out there, and E) teach both clan a different application of Spirit Pacts.
Alright I'm gonna stop editing my vote and just repost it so people can see what I reckon is the optimal combination of our 5 points.

[X]Continue to harm your children with the crime of life. Specify the Intervention and at what time period it should be done.
-[X][Earth] [Creation] [Instant] It's time for them to have connection to the Web. Create a filament from their Shard to the greater Web.
--[X] As the strife continues to overflow through the Tungsten Clan, it completely dissolves into backstabbing, violence and a dozen different revolutions at once. The Lake is eventually liberated by the Order by the virtue of the Order's dissolution, of the destruction of the order the Knights had built. Spiritmongers roam the land do as they will. Now both water and iron are a free resource which, in this land bereft of law, means they belong only to the strong and the cunning. The helpless, the victimised and the innocent are hurt until they no longer conform to that description or they are dead. It is free in the way that the universe is free.
-[X] [Earth] [Move] Use the free-floating rock to knock the glacier towards the shard that the Tungsten Clan is on.
--[X] One of the atmospheric glaciers is knocked free of its slow orbit towards self-destruction by a free-floating rock with a surprising amount of force behind it. As a result the glacier is sent slowly toppling down towards the original homeland of the Lek-kego. It will take many years, though 'years' still makes absolutely no sense for a world whose Sun is its core. You're...you're not sure where that rock came from. What's going on?
-[X] [Fire] [Infusion] Melt as small a part of the glacier as possible, giving the shard more watering sites to pick from without drowning it. Assuming there's somewhere for water to pool.
--[X] Once it's over the Tungsten Clan shard.

[X]Ignore it. Ignore it. Shore up the walls of the World and let their wave pass you by. They are, by nature, impermanent and will be gone shortly.
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We should be able to just smack it around with that rock. It worked to get it in the danger zone, it should work again to get it out.