...Who Needs Enemies? [AltPower!Taylor / Worm]

Surprise! I lied!
the bony plates along it's back were each different metals.
It's throat shifted subtly.
The Icosahedron Cam relayed it's live feed.
the EndD20, due to it's wielder.
paused in it's extractions of the metals
and the tappings of it's core for heat.
more interesting with it's experimentation.

I can feel it - the anticipation - tugging eagerly at the corners of my mouth, parceled as surely as the red-bordered memorandum I held in my hand. An invitation; the mad sorcerer has completed another extension to his labyrinth and all are welcome to experience its wonders! Though I know that the contents are identical to any other that I might see, I can't help but feel as if my own notice carries a different message to all its fellows.

"I Dare You," it says.

And I do dare.

The labyrinth is a marvel to behold. Twenty-eight segments so far, with more being added at the sorcerer's whim, as is the case today. It is a side branch this time, not as fulfilling as the major releases, perhaps, but no less satisfying, and it's here that the sorcerer is able to indulge in his more creative fancies - the rainbow-plated dinosaur and the man micturating white-hot flames through what used to be perfectly serviceable plumbing give me particular pause.

I am not alone as I explore the attractions presented; dozens are here, oohing and ahhing at the oddities on display as they attempt to sidestep the many cracks and pitfalls left scattered about - glitches in the matrix, if you will. Such things are sad inevitabilities that come with constructing a place so ambitious, and it is easy to become ensnared in them if one is careless. Sometimes I place beacons over them, that the sorcerer may be better able to repair and hopefully avoid them in the future, but whatever noble intent I once had, that is no longer not my goal here.

It's not long before I spot the first one. Those ignorant of its nature treat this glitch as they would any other, either passing it by unnoticed or holding a wary gaze on it before moving past, but I know the truth of it. Unlike the others, this glitch was manufactured - bred and placed specifically for the sorcerer's own perverse amusement, and it serves, I must admit, much to mine as well.

"I have been waiting for you," it says, its face a dark, grinning mirror of my own. I don't tell it that I have been as well, but somehow it must know since it starts laughing uproariously. It doesn't stop until well after my hands are stained white by its cruor and it's longer still before I do, what had once merely been a necessary part of my crusade now fully consuming it.

Several bystanders watch on, some in amusement, others no doubt in disapproval of my excess. I pay them no heed, for I've yet more rage to unleash, and I stalk on in search of more prey hiding amidst the pantless bird-men and the minions-turned-glorified-babysitters.

Seven in all, I find this day. Seven steps closer to my long forgotten goal to see the glitches exterminated and seven more hedonisms to thank the sorcerer for. I don't understand what he gets out of this, but then I'm sure others would say the same of me. Perhaps, one day, we will both grow tired of this childish game. Perhaps he will stop sabotaging his works and perhaps I will stop encouraging him to continue, and we will both be able to regain a modicum of our lost dignity in doing so.


Or, perhaps not.
There should be a mirror fic of just this last chapter's premise. No "Endbringer Override" Taylor, just canon. The Simurgh attacks rather than leviathan, and instead of planting simurghbombs like usual she just removes the shard influences (I'm going to start calling it "back seat driving") the shards of everyone present to cause CONFLICT and for the lulz.
Bonus points because b.s.d. is what's making Echidna such a threat. She's driven to eat and eat and eat and spit out clones, and is probably REALLY quick to anger. After the simurghening? freedom!

Echidna is now an immensely valuable force for good, and the shenanigans in BB will be enough to kill half the sides on the eastern seaboard.

And the world will be going apeshit over the fear of simurghbombs, but that's almost secondary to the shenanigans.
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...you know, if this version of Oni-Lee can take others with him, he becomes as tactically useful as Strider. Something both Lung and Oni-Lee will realize and likely take advantage of.
Hmm? No, that was his Canon powers, hence the debate about how the number of hops may affect the food's quality.
Four legs with two arms up top? A reptilian centaur? He could, though it would take practice. Something to do later when he was bored.

The other head glared at him before attempting to shrug without shoulders.

He devoured it anyway, just to be sure.

Still, best not try that again.

Good emergency survival measure though.

"I can't go through walls anymore."

Can he go through glass?

"Your senses aren't as sharp it seems." He remarked, startling the metallic beast, whose fire ended with an awkward hiccup.

It's throat shifted subtly. "So it appears, I hadn't noticed." It said, voice low, harsh, and metallic. "I'll have to be careful."

Or figure out how to make better ears.

It used to be the only way he could sleep. Perhaps not so anymore?


"So, upsides and downsides. Like always."

"Why not?" Lung's face was slightly bitter. "Japan did, and yet the world still turns."

That is...so Lung. Just, it is what it is
I'm not sure I've got a good grasp on how Oni Lee's power has changed. Could I get a decent summary?
I'm not sure I've got a good grasp on how Oni Lee's power has changed. Could I get a decent summary?
Instead of creating clones of himself at the exit point, he puts his original body there instead. This causes an explosion, but the method by which he does this can't go through walls.

The shard makes up for this trade-off by increasing his range, presumably because he's working on the same amount of energy and the new method costs less.
@Anaja and @Shadowdrakon His old powers copied and pasted himself somewhere, and deleted the old original six seconds later.

There was a video, one I sadly cannot find anymore, that explained how if you copy over and over, tiny defects slowly crop up and get copied. They demonstrated it with drawing a line, then having a person trace over it. Then they removed the original and had a person trace a line based on that, etc.

Anyhoo, the new Lee takes himself, collapses inward, moves, and uncompresses himself on arrival. He's a flying .zip file of doom. Effectively the explosion comes from the fact that a crapload of mass is suddenly there, displacing air and matter on arrival. The fact that it's not making more of him and deleting the old, but compressing him, means that there is less data to transmit, meaning travel distance increases accordingly. But, since it's not rampantly creating new copies in the location, it must have a travel path that it can take to deliver him.

@NemiTheNen With Lung, you have a Rage Dragon(™). but he has a range of Brute 4-9. Ergo, he has a minimum, an idling engine. But does that mean he never stops being Lung? Can he sleep in a bed? He relaxes in his chair with a beer, yes, but can a Brute that never turns off actually sleep? Can you imagine Lung eating a bowl of cheerios in the morning?
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There was a video, one I sadly cannot find anymore, that explained how if you copy over and over, tiny defects slowly crop up and get copied. They demonstrated it with drawing a line, then having a person trace over it. Then they removed the original and had a person trace a line based on that, etc.

Is this it? It's about evolution rather than copy errors, but seems right otherwise.
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