...Who Needs Enemies? [AltPower!Taylor / Worm]

Well that was...something. Not sure what kind of something, but it definitely was one.
You know, I just realized that his powers currently what they are, Lung, and by extension the ABB are seriously threatened by E88, with the fact that said group have two people with the power to manipulate metal on their group, and the ABB heavy hitter is made from metal.
Oh wow.....Ramifications....

To start with, Lung is no longer a Rage Dragon, but is far far more versatile than he was.

Oni Lee is back from being the zombie-ninja and has rediscovered sarcasm.

This is big. This will, for a start, completely change how they interact with Bakuda. I can see her getting a much shorter leash with regards to what she makes. On the other hand, in theory, entering the Bay area should also mean she has a reduced amount of Conflict Drive, which can only help her.

I'm curious how New Wave have been affected though. I suspect that Vicky is MUCH worse off, as her brainwashing effect is now gone and the family now is no longer under the effect. Hopefully Amy is better off.
I... keep forgetting what weird flavour of crack this fic is meant to be.
Back in the saddle once more!

Fuck you cancer! I win.

The Steve - 1
Cancer - well, 1

It may have got me Da' in 2013, but it didn't get me Maw!

And now the tubes are out and she's doing fine. So back to the Ritin'!

A tiny interlude to slowly get back into this.
Well it goes from high-octane nightmare fuel and psychological horror to delivery boy comedy and the strongest villain in america going Super Saiyan.

quite a width of themes.

Edit: Speaking of themes.

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@Thelunarwolf Well, if he was a born American and got his powers, of course he'd try the cape and the underwear on the outside of his pajamas. Just once, just to see if he could pull it off.

But he's Japanese and Chinese, and he grew up with other things.

@Finbar There is that, but do recall that Amy is physically not a Dallon.

And yeah, not everybody will be happy about the changes.
You know, I just realized that his powers currently what they are, Lung, and by extension the ABB are seriously threatened by E88, with the fact that said group have two people with the power to manipulate metal on their group, and the ABB heavy hitter is made from metal.

Well, he already was organic metal, if Kaiser was gonna fight him by internal pincushioning, he would have tried that already, and seen that it doesn't really work, of course, Lung no longer has the same kind of regen so...

On the other hand if Lung goes Super Saiyan and breaks out the ethnically stereotypical unarmed combat arts, you can have Radioactive Kung Fu Master!
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"You know what the men say about me, right?" Lung waved his hands by his face exaggeratedly. "I work for Lung! He breaths fire! He eats lightning!"


"Well, they can add 'He pisses thermite' to the list." He waved his hands a bit more.

He pisses thermite.....


Alrighty then. Got that out. Wonderful chapter. Fuck cancer.
I always love a happy Lung. And It's just.. Yes, Broship, and getting their lives back, and curiosity and invention, and being human again.

Also, interesting about the refinement shard--interesting stuff happenign that isn't driven by conflict, which will in turn be interesting to the Friendbringers.

No, that's Lung's crest.

Incidentally, interesting that he can grok stuff like this, instinctively?

He could go full Eva, too, maybe.
Rerolled Chart, ABB
Hokay, to ease my fingers from the PM's.

Name Old Powers New Powers Changes
Rerolled Lung
- Fire
- Dragon
- Metal
-Automatic based on threat

- Fire
- Reptiles
- Metal
- Stick shift

- Engorged reptilian brain reverted.
- Effectively a Non-Brute when unconscious.
- Has to do everything manually, including heal.
Rerolled Oni Lee
- Teleporter

- Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V, del

- Teleporter
- Ctrl-A, Ctrl-X, Ctrl-V

-Brain un-screwed.
-Has to aim.
-Can't go through solids.
-Delay for distance, Mass/Volume?
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Just one thing - if you are using titanium nitride, make sure not to get in contact with fluorides, like in toothpaste. It turns the thing black.
Hmm, it seems like Amy Dallon's power might turn inwards (I.E. Alex Mercer type bullshit, which would make Carol think so much of Amy's father), Shaker'ish (in which case, hoo boy can this become problematic), or Tinkerish (in which case people would eventually end up considering her the lovechild of Bonesaw and Nilbog).

Vicky Dallon's power was influenced by pinging off of Gallant's shard when she triggered, so there is the possibility that it might 'reroll' based on the original restrictions/limitations it had before pinging off of Gallant's, but it's more likely that the power will 'reroll' using its current restrictions/limitations, in which case it seems likely Blaster, Mover, Thinker, or Stranger oriented (Vicky not knowing what to do in the situation in general, feeling helpless/unsure with the danger/threat being vague and far away, not wanting to be there, etc.). Being able to read and influence the emotions of those around her while picking up on things as one random example (which would be considered more of a Stranger ability than a Master one). :shrugs:

Carol Dallon seems like she might gain a 'master' power of some sort given her personality and fears.

Mark Dallon might end up in a worse position due to his mental health issues. I can honestly see his power becoming Changer, Master, Shaker, or Stranger'ish given the right contexts.

Sarah Pelham seems the most likely to have kept her powers as-is. :shrugs:

Neil, Crystal, & Eric Pelham are essentially blank slates atm, and could go any damned way. :shrugs again:
Probably won't see Master or Stranger powers since Taylor's order was interpreted as stopping mental manipulation within the city. Master/Stranger powers are definitely those, so the rerolls probably won't grant them. Not if the Endbringers and the Simurgh were able to dictate how these powers would shake out.

And they probably did; the success executing this Order depends on it.
I have to admit that right now a fiction that simply removes the coming apocalypse and end bringers along with the conflict/aggression drive. And the whole ongoing story is all about how the capes would adapt without mental rickety and how there powers would change to reflect the policy.