Whelp this could be worse (Battletech x Zoid SI)

Choose a name for a new medium militiamech

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Here is an unthreaded sneak peek on the next section while I finished up part 2 and worked on 3 and 4 (yes this dang interlude is long).

Edit: It is only the first section of this part two (A total of four).

Location: ZI system, On the surface of the planet within Moby Dick
Date: October 11, 3022, 06:00

In the grey skies of Planet Zi flew a wing of fighters. If one were to watch from the ground, one would see the leading one had an odd flying drone next to it.

Kurt thought his life was over when he lost his challenge against General Director Chen those months ago. Yet he was, flying the skies of a newly terraformed planet with an alien partner flying beside his Stinger LAM. It was odd as now he acted as a flight lead. His duty of leading a bunch of cadets on their second live flight was confusing, yet his new job was fascinating. From the rumors he heard from Lieutenant Colonel Zin, a LAM trainer is his next assignment.

Such a thought was crazy to him until he saw the mech modules. He watched as a new Stinger LAM assembled in a few days.

A light screech caused the former Goliath Scorpion Mechwarrior to focus on his current task.

He glanced at this Ziputer he was given as part of his commission. This device was much better than even the homeworld's noteputers. It linked to his battle computer and his flight allowing for instant communication. Speaking of communicating, Kurt turned on his to give orders as the weather pattern appeared on his Ziputer.

"This is Gold lead. All Golds, follow my flight path. There is a storm ahead," Kurt used the neurohelmet's connection to his system and the Ziputer to mark the new path. A beep caused the man to pause his flight with a signal as he answered the call.

The man stiffened as the holo call came in and revealed a robotic face plate. "Zoid Warrior registration number zero-zero-zero-zero-one-zero, Kurt Brunner. You and your flight are closing in on a restricted combat zone. Please head to these coordinates to avoid interfering in the duel between General Director Michael Chen and the Wolfpack mercenaries."

"Aff, Judge Dredd. We shall switch our flight path now," Kurt replied to the first judge of the ZBBC. He was there when the university dean and General Chen turned it on. They revealed that this robot was a neutral judge of all actions from all, including General Chen, who would be caught and reported. His former Touman had challenged Chen to a duel to test this after entering all the rules for the battle. Anyone doing anything Dezgra would be reported, and the perpetrator would be shot at by the orbiting satellite.

"Captain Brunner, sir," A voice came from Gold twelve. The youngest member of the flight. "Shouldn't we pay attention to the fight our leader is in?"

Kurt thought about it as he led the flight onto the new path. "I shall use my Ziputer to record the battle so we can properly review how to support our leader in a real fight. Unfortunately, the Judge is officiating the duel, so we must not interfere. Continue on our course. We have targets to destroy."

"Yes, sir…" Came the dower voice of Gold twelve as they got into formation. All the members of his flight except his Stinger and the three Sabre next to him were conventional fighters. His battle computer labeled them as Defender medium strike fighters. Today's training goal was to have the eight-atmosphere jets behind them fire upon the targets with the LRMs before his primary dogfighting units fired on the objective.

"Gold lead to all Gold Company. Being locking onto your targets," Kurt ordered as his partner screeched again. The zoid wanted to follow in with the strafe run. "Gold two, Gold three, and Gold four. You follow me and Gold one on the attack run. My partner wants to soften them up for us after the LRM barrage."

Kurt heard their replies as the flight neared the targets. Everyone was ready, and his Ziputer announced the LRMs locks on the dummy from the Defenders. "All Gold flight, missiles away in ten. Gold Strikers, follow me in."

He began their attack run to strike the building in the shape of a King Crab and three Blackjack. The fake battlemechs below began firing at them with some holo tech that Director Chen said would register as hits on their armor plating but would do no damage.

The three experienced ASF pilots following behind him fired their lasers on time with his own. All were aiming at the King Crab's left side torso as planned. What they understood about the first time they took this test, the holo battlemechs held standard configuration, so it was a bit easy to strike them down if someone knew their weaknesses or ammo locations.

He pulled his controls hard to dodge the incoming fire from the Blackjacks' autocannons as the eighty missiles slammed into the lance. Most hit the King Crab, but a few had strayed and stuck the Blackjacks. Those missiles caused two medium mechs to turn back to firing into the sky for the Defenders.

Kurt heard the yelp of surprise as two Defenders registered as damaged to his battle computer while the Ziputer showed how much armor was lost. The LAM warrior almost switched to Air'Mech mode to fire into the backsides of those two Battlemechs when his partner did it for him. Petra's small laser Vulcan fired into the rear before returning to the initial strike team.

"Gold Eight and Ten," Kurt ordered as he flew fast and hard to force the dummy mechs to keep tracking them. "Get into the middle of the formation for your attack run. Gold Five and Eleven lead the assault." A hit registered on his Stinger, and a glance at the Ziputer told him he took near critical damage. It seems like several holo medium lasers managed to strike his fuselage.

The damage was not enough to deter him and his Gold Strikers from finishing their part. His group turned around, dodging more laser fire, before returning fire as the Defenders' SRM slammed into the backs of the targets. Two Blackjacks blew up and dissolved into light particles, while a large explosion happened on the King Crab. The last medium battlemech was surprisingly in the air with its jumpjets. Its autocannons tagged his missile flight until his Ziputer told him a fighter was now labeled dead.

"Gold Six, head back to base and land. You are dead," Kurt ordered as he fired all three of his Magna medium lasers into the rear center torso of that Blackjack, ending its assault on his conventional fighters as it turned into light particles. Kurt ignored the heat build-up and jerked his LAM left as his instinct screamed at him. The former clanner barely dodged the holo autocannon shots from the King Crab. However, it shifted to block the laser fire from the trio of Sabres. Missile fire from the remaining Defenders struck its exposed back and ended the target, King Crab.

"I am ending the fight now. Petra on me," Kurt ordered as his LAM switched to Air'Mech mode and spun around to fire his lasers again into the open right-side torso. It went up as the ammo went critical, and the final dummy dissolved into light.

Kurt opened his comms and announced, "Training excise done. Gold Flight, return to base." He wanted to be angry but held it in. The loss again of another Defender showed how poor his tactic was with the limitation Lieutenant Colonel Ala had assigned their group. A soft screech through his comms broke him from those thoughts as his Ziputer displayed a score. His team had to earn two thousand to earn live combat rights outside Gold Strikers.

"Gold Company," the robotic voice of Judge Dredd came through. "Congratulations on receiving a high grade on this live practice run. The system has given you this score. Refer to your score sheets to see your rewards behind passing."

Kurt could hear the cheering from his trainees, but he did not join them. Who would cheer when there was a good chance half of them would die on their first mission? He pushed this thought aside as he noticed another message. Without a pause, he pressed the play button and quickly focused his LAM on the route back to base.

"Warrior Brunner," the voice of Director Chen came through his comms. It startled him slightly, but he kept his course alongside his flight. "I have a request of you. As you may have realized, I beat the Wolfpack Alpha group in an honor duel. They are still mostly alive, but I am unsure how to do this correctly. I gave you a flight and command for your experience and connections to Petra. How do I go about for new bondsmen typically?"

Kurt could feel his partner looking at him from behind his cockpit as if he was asking 'what is the plan?'

A thought came to mind after his acceptance as an abtakha to Director Chen and his ZBBC. He had an unusual promotion to the flight leader position, provided his training lessons, and now his own air company. Director Chen had given him much over the past few months, and it was time to give him a proper answer in dealing with his fellow clan mates.

"Sir. Normally a new bondsman is given a bondcord that represents the main virtues of the Clan taking the person. This cord is normally a hand weave or something similar that you would cut when they demonstrated one of those virtues. Once all the cords are cut. The bondsmen would then become abtakha like myself."

Kurt stopped speaking as he neared the hangar where his Gold Company stashed their fighters. It was rough, but they had managed to set it up a month after the planet's atmosphere became breathable. Several zones had been seeded with plant life from Coromodir and Katinka to help speed up the process and give some renewable food sources. Their habitable/base was one of the dozens on Zi.

Kurt powered down his LAM as he helped go over the new bondsmen's personalities and technical traits to help assign them to their new positions until they proved their value. By the time he finished informing his leader of his new bondsmen talents, Kurt had realized he was pleased. He had not felt this since leaving his clan to join the Dragoons and facing the disappointing Inner Sphere. A slight screech behind him revealed that Petra was beside his LAM, waiting for him to disembark.

"I am coming, Partner," Kurt said before turning back to Director Chen. "Did the information I gave you help with your decisions?"

"Yes. Yes, it did," replied the Director as Kurt noticed something in the man's voice. Humor. He glanced back to his Ziputer's holoscreen when Chen's face was replaced with another button prompt that said "Reward." As he slowly walked out, his cockpit opened to see his company outside their planes. All were staring at their Ziputers and then looking at him.

"Here is a reward for your company finally passing the grueling task I assigned you. Yes, your test was harder than others because now you are the proud leader of the Company of the First Gold Stingers!"

Kurt felt surprised and then shouted at his people to press the button. He decided to do so, and the hangar's far wall shifted suddenly. Petra waddled forward to protect him from the sudden movements but stopped as everyone began cheering. Kurt walked around his zoid partner to see a company of Stinger LAM in aerospace fighter mode waiting for everyone.

"Congratulations, Captain Brunner. Your new company has a job to do."
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Interlude 7, part 2 (RD)
Interlude 7, part 2

AN: These few combat scenes have ridiculous dice rolls before anyone asks. That is why they are so quick.

Sorry, it took a bit of time when I meant to get this out during Thanksgiving. Freaking a lot of stuff happened, and now I'm a bit behind. Also, I got back into Runescaping, which is probably affecting my writing time.

Edits are welcome, as this is a rough draft, but it has most of what I wanted to say.

Location: ZI system, On the surface of the planet within Moby Dick
Date: October 11, 3022, 06:00

In the grey skies of Planet Zi, a Wing of fighters flew through them. But, if one were to watch from the ground, one would see the leading one had an odd flying drone next to it. To those in that group of fighters, they would see a tiny dinosaur instead.

Kurt Brunner thought his life was over when he lost his challenge against General Director Chen those months ago. Yet he was, flying the skies of a newly terraformed planet with an alien partner flying beside his Stinger LAM. It was odd as now he acted as a flight lead. His duty of leading a bunch of cadets on their second live flight was confusing, yet his new job was fascinating. From the rumors he heard from Lieutenant Colonel Zin, a LAM trainer is his next assignment.

Such a thought was crazy to him until he saw the mech modules. He watched as a new Stinger LAM assembled in a few days. This speed of battlemech production outstripped anything he knew of since coming to the Inner Sphere.

A light screech caused the former Goliath Scorpion Mechwarrior to focus on his current task.

He glanced at this Ziputer he was given as part of his commission. This device was much better than even the homeworld's noteputers. It linked to his battle computer and his flight allowing for instant communication. Speaking of communicating, Kurt turned on his to give orders as the weather pattern appeared on his Ziputer.

"This is Gold lead. All Golds, follow my flight path. There is a storm ahead," Kurt used the neurohelmet's connection to his system and the Ziputer to mark the new path. A beep caused the man to pause his flight with a signal as he answered the call.

The man stiffened as the holo call came in and revealed a robotic face plate. "Zoid Warrior registration number zero-zero-zero-zero-one-zero, Kurt Brunner. You and your flight are closing in on a restricted combat zone. Please head to these coordinates to avoid interfering in the duel between General Director Michael Chen and the Wolfpack mercenaries."

"Aff, Judge Dredd. We shall switch our flight path now," Kurt replied to the first judge of the ZBBC. He was there when the Chief mechtechs of the ten division and General Chen turned it on. They revealed that this robot was a neutral judge of all actions from all, including General Chen, who would be caught and reported.

His former Touman had challenged Chen to a duel. No, a Zellbrigen, for certain rights. Usually, this would not happen, but his bondholder accepted the challenge after entering all the rules for the fight into an overseer. Anyone doing anything Dezgra would be caught, and the perpetrator would be shot at by the orbiting satellite. Judge Dredd kept its word on being impartial by firing at all the rule breakers during a stress test on its judgment.

"Captain Brunner, sir," A voice came from Gold twelve. The youngest member of the flight. "Shouldn't we pay attention to the fight our leader is in?"

Kurt thought about it as he led the flight onto the new path. "I shall use my Ziputer to record the battle so we can properly review how to support our leader in open warfare. However, Judge Dredd is officiating the duel, so we must not interfere. Continue on our course. We have targets to destroy."

"Yes, sir…" Came the dower voice of Gold twelve as they got into formation. All the members of his flight except his Stinger and the three Sabre next to him were conventional fighters. His battle computer labeled them as Defender medium strike fighters. Today's training goal was to have the eight-atmosphere jets behind them fire upon the targets with the LRMs before his primary dogfighting units fired on the objective.

"Gold lead to all Gold Company. Being locking onto your targets," Kurt ordered as his partner screeched again. The zoid wanted to follow in with the strafe run. "Gold two, Gold three, and Gold four. You follow me and Gold one on the attack run. My partner wants to soften them up for us after the LRM barrage. Begin descent now!"

Kurt heard their replies as the flight neared the targets. Finally, everyone was ready, and his Ziputer announced the LRMs locks on the dummy from the Defenders. "All Gold flight, missiles away in ten. Gold Strikers, follow me in."

He directed his Stinger LAM into a dive from fifteen kilometers to one as they closed in fast on their targets. The Defenders stay above at an altitude of two kilometers for fire support.

He began their attack run to strike the construct in the shape of a King Crab and three Blackjack. The fake battlemechs below began firing at them with some holo tech. Director Chen said the hard light would register as hits on their armor plating but would do no damage. Still, this type of training reminded him of home but safer.

His command flight dove alongside him and his partner. The three experienced ASF pilots following behind him fired their lasers on time with his own. All were aiming at the King Crab's left side torso as planned. What they understood about the first time they took this test, the holograms held a standard configuration of those battlemechs they took the form of. So it was easy to strike them down if someone knew their weaknesses or ammo locations.

He pulled his controls hard to dodge the incoming fire from the Blackjacks' autocannons as the eighty missiles slammed into the targeted lance. Most hit the King Crab, but a few had strayed and stuck the Blackjacks. Those missiles caused the three medium mechs to turn back to firing into the sky for the Defenders.

Kurt heard the yelp of surprise as two Defenders registered as damaged to his battle computer. At the same time, the Ziputer showed how much armor was lost. The LAM warrior almost switched to Air'Mech mode to fire into the backsides of those Battlemechs when his partner did it for him.

Petra's small laser Vulcan fired into the rear before returning to the initial strike team. The small zoid avoided the return fire of lasers and autocannon as his flight struck again.

"Gold Eight and Ten," Kurt ordered as he flew fast and hard to force the dummy mechs to keep tracking them. "Get into the middle of the formation for your attack run. Gold Five and Eleven lead the assault." A hit registered on his Stinger, and a glance at the Ziputer told him he took near critical damage. A few holo medium lasers managed to strike his fuselage.

The damage was not enough to deter him and his Gold Strikers from finishing their part. His group turned around, dodging more laser fire, before returning fire as the Defenders' SRM slammed into the backs of the targets. Two Blackjacks blew up and dissolved into light particles, while a large explosion happened on the King Crab. The last medium battlemech was surprisingly in the air with its jumpjets. Its autocannons struck his missile units until his Ziputer told him a fighter was now labeled dead.

"Gold Six, head back to base and land. You are dead," Kurt ordered as he fired all three of his Magna medium lasers into the rear center torso of that Blackjack. His assault ended the mech's attack on his conventional fighters as it turned into light particles. Kurt ignored the heat build-up and jerked his LAM left as his instinct screamed at him. The former clanner barely dodged the holo autocannon shots from the King Crab. However, it shifted to block the laser fire from the trio of Sabres. Missile fire from the remaining Defenders struck its exposed back and destroyed the King Crab's side torso.

"I am ending the fight now. Petra on me," Kurt ordered as his LAM switched to Air'Mech mode and spun around to fire his lasers again into the open right-side torso. It went up as the ammo went critical, and the final dummy dissolved into light.

Kurt opened his comms and announced, "Training excise done. Gold Strikers, return to base." He wanted to be angry but held it in. The loss again of another Defender showed how poor his tactic was with the limitation Lieutenant Colonel Ala had assigned their group. A soft screech through his comms broke him from those thoughts as his Ziputer displayed a score. His team had to earn two thousand to earn live combat rights outside of Planet Zi.

"Gold Strikers," the robotic voice of Judge Dredd came through. "Congratulations on receiving a high grade on this live practice run. The system has given you this score. Refer to your score sheets to see your rewards behind passing."

Kurt could hear the cheering from his trainees, but he did not join them. Who would cheer when there was a good chance half of them would die on their first mission? However, he pushed this thought aside as he noticed another message. Without a pause, he pressed the play button and quickly focused his LAM on the route back to base.

He made sure to set the altitude limit to a visible range or risk their defenders mistaking them for an enemy, with how many incursions from the spheroids and pirates these past few months. It put all systems within the Aurigan Coalition on high alert. This included Planet Zi despite its location not being mapped.

"Warrior Brunner," the voice of Director Chen came through his comms. It startled him slightly, but he kept his course alongside his flight. "I have a request of you."

"Yes, sir," Kurt replied as he entered the course for everyone's return trip. "How may I assist."

"As you may have realized, I beat the Wolfpack Alpha group in an honor duel. They are still mostly alive, but I need to figure out how to do this correctly. How do I go about for new bondsmen typically?"

Kurt could feel his partner looking at him from behind his cockpit as if he was asking 'what is the plan?'

A thought came to mind after his acceptance as an abtakha to Director Chen and his ZBBC. He had an unusual promotion to the flight leader position, provided his training lessons, and now his own air company. Director Chen had given him much over the past few months, and it was time to give him a proper answer in dealing with his fellow clan mates.

"Sir. Normally a new bondsman is given a bondcord that represents the main virtues of the Clan taking the person. This cord is normally a hand weave or something similar that you would cut when they demonstrated one of those virtues. Once all the cords are cut. The bondsmen would then become abtakha like myself."

Kurt stopped speaking as he neared the hangar where his Gold Strikers stashed their fighters. It was rough, but they had managed to set it up a month after the planet's atmosphere became breathable. Several zones had been seeded with plant life from Coromodir and Katinka to help speed up the process and give some renewable food sources. Their habitable/base was one of the dozens on Zi.

His landing gears deployed as the air control tower lit up the four runways for them to land. He and the aerospace fighters would land first.

"There are many in the Wolfpack Company that can do various duties. I must take a few minutes after landing to review my knowledge."

He felt the slight jerk as he LAM slowly skited to a halt and watched as a few support trucks droved out to meet them. They would tow the fighters back to the hangar.

Kurt powered down his LAM but did not disembark. Instead, he helped Chen by reviewing the new bondsmen's personalities and technical traits. He ignored how the truck and hangar crews helped dock his Stinger and those of his Wing.

This would help his bondholder assign them to their new positions until they proved their value. By the time he finished informing his leader of his new bondsmen talents, Kurt had realized he was pleased. He had not felt this since leaving his clan to join the Dragoons and facing the disappointing Inner Sphere. A slight screech behind him revealed that Petra was beside his LAM, waiting for him to disembark.

"I am coming, Partner," Kurt said before turning back to Director Chen. "Did the information I gave you help with your decisions?"

"Yes. Yes, it did," replied the Director as Kurt noticed something in the man's voice. Humor. He glanced back to his Ziputer's holoscreen when Chen's face was replaced with another button prompt that said "Reward." As he slowly walked out, his cockpit opened to see his company outside their planes. All were staring at their Ziputers and then looking at him.

"Here is a reward for your company finally passing the grueling task I assigned you. Yes, your test was harder than others because now you are the proud leader of the Company of the First Gold Strikers!"

Kurt felt surprised and then shouted at his people to press the button. He decided to do so, and the hangar's far wall shifted suddenly. Petra waddled forward to protect him from the sudden movements but stopped as everyone began cheering. Kurt walked around his zoid partner to see a company of Stinger LAM in aerospace fighter mode waiting for everyone.

"Congratulations, Captain Brunner. Your new company has a job to do."

Location: Smithon system, Smithon V, Karosas's Fortress, Smithon Industrial
Date: December 26, 3022, 12:00

"Come on, you lots," Called out a rough voice. "We have three jobs to do, and it's not getting done with all you laying about." The man who shouted that was wearing an odd medieval Knight armor with the grey and black colors of House Karosas. The man oversaw the new cavern for the planetary Lord—the location of a new factory.

There were dozens of people grumbling as they got up from their exhaustion. Most had gone down with the Dig Kings to help expand the grounds of the Lord's Fortress to create a new business. However, to the citizens there working, it was torturous. Even with the help of Powermen and most miners using HeavyHaulers to move rubble, it was still back-breaking work.

"Everyone," This time, a softer voice echoed throughout their underground cavern. "Please ignore Sir Michael's order. I shall be taking over this duty for a moment." The woman who spoke was also dressed in the same power armor. However, she had a sizeable cat-like mech beside her. It took a moment before people remembered the broadcast from months ago about zoids. They stood at attention to not look lazy in front of their Lord's child.

"Lady Lina?" The man who shouted at everyone replied in a quieter tone. "I am pleased you came to bless everyone with your presence." The Knight bowed, but his tone shifted as he asked. "But I have to ask. What do you mean by taking over for mining?"

"Jaguar and I have come to test his weapons and get data on it. Charybois," Lina paused before waving at an orange-colored Dig King moving away from its drilling task. Everyone watched as the pilot stopped the MiningMech and waved back. If anyone had paid closer attention, they would have recognized that their best miner was Mechwarrior Charybois of the Second Smithon Guards. "Has informed me everyone was taking a break. So we would continue excavating while collecting sensor data on Jaguar's weapons. I'm surprised everyone has returned to work under your orders when they are allowed an hour-long rest."

The miners all glanced at each other before silently agreeing to watch what would happen. The growling cat mech made them stare harder.

———-Thirty minutes later———

A nearly naked man was escorted by Mechwarrior Charybois, now wearing another medieval-like power armor, and passed several people in lab coats. The miners cleared the area for the weapon testing and sat with their equipment to watch. Several were hanging onto a Powerman's arms to see what would happen.

Lina looked at her partner chewing on the prototype reggel engine used to power Sir Michael's Knight armor. She shook her head slightly before looking at the giant, hastily painted target for them. Then, Lina turned to the scientists who had asked a few miners to help set up recording equipment.

"Professor Imahara," She said as her partner finished eating his snack. "Should Jaguar and I start the weapons test on that wall? I wish to ensure we don't create a cave-in by accident."

The Kurita man paused before speaking with a miner who piloted one of the Dig Kings. Lina couldn't hear them, but the Professor turned to her and shouted. "You are clear to fire away. According to the sensors, there shouldn't be any unstable points for twenty meters in."

"How should we start then," Lina asked with her armored glove hand on her cheek. To outsider observers, they saw the zoid beside their lady mimicking her head's motion. It would be days later when a few photos of those two came out and spread around the Coalitions network.

The Professor paused before saying, "We do not need data on the…" he paused and glanced at the noteputer in his hand. "The Strike Laser Claws. At least, that is what Dean Rees ordered, but I'm in another mind. Mind telling old Jaguar to have fun slashing that wall about ten times?"

Lina and her BraveJaguar looked at the bedrock and cave walls where they painted a target. The zoid gave a couple of growls in a low, then in a high tone that caused a few miners to step back. The only ones who didn't move were Lina and Professor Imahara.

The noble turned back to the scientist, "Jaguar wants to know if you want him to do a running start or just stand there and slash?"

Everyone paused and waited for the answer to that question, as they did have enough room to do so if they moved the Dig King out of the way. However, the Professor's shaking head disappointed them that it would not happen.

"No. That would interfere with the claws' data as the force behind BraveJaguar's size, and weight would affect it. So instead, the Dig King over will use its sensor to determine how much damage your partner's weapons will cause."

The zoid strolled up to the target as all four claws began glowing bright yellow. Lina had already pulled out her Ziputer to record what data she could from the sensor while Professor Imahara watched with fascination. His glasses were glowing as digital data ran across them.

"Fascinating," Imahara said as the zoid dug deep into the bedrock. "His claws are like a solid weapon and a laser simultaneously. About two centimeters of pure photons move at high speed around the metal. However, its energy as it goes no farther than the claws and acts like a boxer's glove." The Professor began muttering his words so quietly that no one could hear his observation as the other scientists that came with him continued gathering data.

However, one of the rough-looking intellects got closer to the test site but stopped several meters away from Lina. "Lady Karosas. May I record at this range when we switch to your zoid's cannons?"

The power armor-wearing noble turned slightly and gave him a look before replying. "You may once Professor Imahara has collected his data. May I ask why you think being closer would bear any extra information?"

The man shifted in place before replying with a sheepish smile. "My cousin on Panzyr and my sister at Tyrlon V are studying their Lord's zoid weapons and making some headway by being close. Like the charge particle beam or the rotary autocannons on the mechtech network. I want to leave a mark on history for myself and Smithon."

Lina turned to her Ziputer and began sifting through it as Professor Imahara shouted, "Switch to your range weapons, you lovely Jaguar!"

BraveJaguar paused and looked at Professor Imahara before slowly backing away from the mini-cave he had made. The Brave Vulcan Gun on its chest fired as the four on its back seemed to be charging up. The minor explosion caused by the weapons fire echoed throughout the cavern.

However, a slight noise was heard by a few. The rough-looking scientist shouted, "Stop the test. Something is happening with Jaguar here!"

The zoid stopped firing while everyone, from nobles to miners, looked at the interrupter. The man rushed to Lina and pointed at something on his screen. This caused her to jerk toward her partner and begin shouting something that the miners could not hear properly.

When Professor Imahara arrived to yell at his co-worker, he saw the data that the man had retrieved and stared at the BraveJaguar.

That night, they completed the cavern, and a new technological discovery began. All thanks to a near-silent sound of balls rolling around.

Location: Coromodir system, Coromodir VI, Cordia City, High Lord's Palace, Audience Chamber
Date: January 1, 3023, 08:00

Alexander Madeira watched everyone at the New Year party as their Alliance leaders finally met face-to-face. Usually, the event would have people standing around and talking about the celebration of the new year and local news. But instead, the leaders of the Alliance had turned a party into a critical meeting.

Historically, meetings between national leaders only happened on Terra under ComStar's watchful eyes since the Fall of the Star League. However, this was a meeting between Kamea and her equals under the protection of the ZBBC. They had fully grown zoids patrolling the area alongside the Royal Guards of all nations.

Alexander had followed Kamea to the table to give her a silent boost in confidence. Also, his duty was to observe Protector Calderon and Magestrix Centeralla's actions during this gathering. Everyone had adjacent next to them of military and business sectors. The only ones here for Kamea were himself and Mastiff. The other zoid pilots patrolled the castle or in a private meeting with a few foreign scientists or business agents.

The Royal Guards stood beside the bodyguards of their respective leaders. They stayed silent during their initial conversation on military force use. Nevertheless, the leaders of the Alliance managed a decent agreement between the nations' armies to not interfere in each other operations unless agreed upon prior or requested. Any disagreement could be settled with a combat trial between the powers if any debate arose.

Alexander found it a little brutal, but Chen explained the reasoning for putting it on the table for all the leaders.

"Now, I know this sound odd, but it can work out fine," Chen said, dressed in formal wear instead of hid power armor. The Zoidian pointed at his Ziputer's holoscreen. "I have noticed that after studying the histories of everyone respective nation and army. Despite peaceful negotiations, you all have a problem with high aggression in your militaries."

Historical data appeared where clashes between the Taurians and Canopus forces happened despite agreements over those areas or materials. A few minor hits with the Coalition army as well.

"Based on my observations," Chen continued despite some grumbling from the Protector Calderon. "It would be better to give each side a way to blow off their aggression through combat in a semi-safe manner similar to combat on Solaris VII. But, of course, this is limited to specific reasons agreed upon by all parties. This is how my people finally settled their disagreements between nations. Between Zoidians and humans."

Several military advisors among the people here mutter agreements. The Warhawks in the groups around them like that idea. However, it was the Magestrix that spoke up.

"While that seems like a method to keep our forces sharp," Kyalla's sultry voice echoed in the room. "Yet, how do you plan on enforcing the results, let alone judge them?"

"Yes," came the rough voice of Thomas Calderon as his cybernetic eye stared at Chen. "What is the point of such combat competition if you can not enforce winner's rights? Or ensure the Judge can not be bribed?"

Alexander watched Kames glance at the two leaders before speaking up, "Lord Chen. Did you recover those AI units that judge battles back in your original world? Is that how these bidder battles will be finalized?"

Everyone could feel a stillness in the air after Kamea said those words. Alexander knew why. Artificial Intelligence tends to go insane during jumps. Even the fragmented records they had about the Star League spoke of how it was impossible to move active AI through hyperspace without them breaking down. It's the reason the Star League only had Casper Drones at stationary locations instead of sending them out for battle.

The looks on Thomas's and Kyalla's faces told him they were paying close attention. Alexander mentally noted their interest and passed a message to Chen using the bonds with their zoids.

He turned his gaze back to Chen, who sighed and nodded—confirming that the Zoidian had reactivated the robots his people once had.

"Well," Chen spoke up after a moment of silence. "Let me say this. There is a reason why the old Star League failed to release deal with the effects that created the insanity and why mine will not become corruptible. Let me explain how my people created robots and the effects theorized by my scientific community."

This comment began a two-hour-long, headache-inducing speech on why his robots would be the perfect judge and referee for battle matches and the hidden truth of hyperspace. He also explained why the communication would sometime be interrupted. The diagrams on the recently labeled interdimensional creature and how they love attacking passing ships. This included his communication satellites inside hyperspace.

Chem explained why the satellite that houses the robots would act as a relay for communication and to judge battle bids. Also, they defended themselves with their people's weapons from the creatures in hyperspace—finally, navel-scaled lasers enforcement for their judgment.

---two hours later---

Everyone took a break from their conversation over the "Trinity Alliance'" and celebrated the new year. Alexander saw his best friend off as she talked more with Kyalla while directing the Magestrix away from Chen. The Zoidian neutral appearance changed to extremely uncomfortable once those two left his view.

The man can keep a good poker face, but his hair tips have turned slightly pink during that conversation Kyalla had with him. Of course, it didn't help that the woman wore a formal (for Canopus) yet revealing dress to this party. The woman's constant attempt to get closer to Chen probably didn't help.

Alexander began walking to his friend but slowed as one of Chen's companions began asking questions. He paused far away enough to listen in on the comments. They weren't about the meeting or the beautiful Kyalla but a battlemech they received from the Magistrate of Canopus.

The noble watched as the pink tint in Chen's hair turned a sickly green-yellow out of view of his conversation partner. Seeing that, the Aurigan noble stepped in before another blow-up happened. Chen had reasonable control most of the time, but the constant attacks from outside forces had stretched his patience.

The last set of raids injured several combat groups under the BBC's banner yet brought them several more Dropships as capture lances hit them. However, his people were more critical of Chen than some ships that needed repairs.

"Chen," Alexander announced as he walked closer. The tint in the man's hair faded back to black. "How are you doing? What is this about a battlemech design?"

Alexander held back a smirk as he knew Chen's emotion went back to calm with some annoyance. The man sighed before replying.

"It's nothing great, Alex. The battlemech's history shows its age as the prototype of the Flea the Wolf's Dragoons use." Chen took out his Ziputer and brought up an image that looked like a box on its legs. Alexander could see the few weapons he recognized as lasers while working with Kamea. The other gun seemed like a machine gun.

"This twenty-ton piece of..." Chen paused and took a deep breath to calm himself. The man he was talking with earlier slowly moved around to stand beside Alexander.

"This battlemech is a twenty-ton bug mech that can't match up to a Locust." Chen raised his hand to cut off his previous conversation partner. "Now, Kramer. I know this battlemech with modification can outrun the Locust. Still, the weapons on it wouldn't help in anything but anti-infantry and maybe combat vehicles."

The image zoomed in closer to see a roll cage around the cockpit. "Sure, we could upgrade it to standard tech, but what is the point when we have a Locust piloting program? Also, it has no ejection ability, exposed actuators, and the legs are weaker than regular mechs."

This time the man Alexander finally recognized as John Kramer, the inventor of the battle armor, spoke up. "But sir. This could become a decent design for security or militia markets. It is easy enough to maintain that any to-bit Astech can do it in a garage. It has excellent life support despite its age. It can switch weapon loadout easily and can do it better with power adaptors or even power connector ports. We can increase the speed and add more weapons to be a fast striker and recon mech."

Something began to click in his mind as he watched Chen and Kramer talk about the pros and cons of the mech. Then, as their discussion started to get slightly heated, he stepped in again.
"Chen. Are the blueprints of this mech available to everyone for our ongoing competition?"

His comment threw the Zoidian off tilt before answering, "Well, yes, it is. I learned about this battlemech because the blueprints were uploaded into the modular builders. As a result, the Trooper appeared with a question mark for what roles it could play in the military and civilian markets."

Alexander could see the smile on Kramer's face and continued. "So why not let the competitors decide if they can fix this design for use? Sure we have the Locust factories in several systems coming online soon. Still, it can be a great new mech representing the Aurigan Coalition."

Chen paused before sighing. The old MechTech next to him nearly fist-pumped the air as the zoidian replied, "All right. We will let those competing see if a better design comes out. Just no one is allowed to call it the Flea."

"That all right," Kramer said with a grin. "Now, what about a marriage proposal I heard the Magestrix mention to you?"

The groan from Chen made a few people around them come up and ask some pointed questions about his marital status.

Alexander never realized he could laugh so loud as several partygoers chased…followed the man out of the chamber as Chen tried to escape the matchmakers.

Still, he had a second possible project for his growing business at home. So he mentally sent a message to Gordos to inform his cousin about the new open market battlemech. Also, to pass the mental image of what is happening to Chen to Zeek so Kamea can see it.

Location: Katinka system, Katinka, Granite "Formerly Little Rock," New mech factory
Date: March 8, 3023, 08:30

Captain Brook Esposito looked at his new company of militia. Most of his original units had formed their own lances to protect their home and source of income. So now he had his recruits acting as guards for the big reveal. He checked on their position from his Ziputer station to the left of his Roughneck's cockpit.

His armor lance moved in a diamond formation around this new factory in a two-kilometer radius. A Vedette and three Scorpions moved with their recent refits equipped to give any raider or fanatic a surprise. His battlemech lance was moving through the Red Wood Forrest trails to prevent any attempt to circumvent Ronin's company or Jef's flight that was patrolling further out.

His son, Talos, led the final lance in the newly christened Granite city. The young man's duty was to protect their home from those damn idiots who thought terrorism would allow ComStar back into their nation. It didn't. Thank god they had dozens of Tercio battle armor stations around every vital facilitates throughout Katinka. Max had spared no expense to ensure nothing would cripple their ability to provide for their people or military.

Brook glanced down as one of the green crowns on his screen lit up. "Granite lead," Ronin's voice came through. "This is Dutch lead. All clear on my route. New sensors are being dispersed now. Uplinking data to the network."

Brook watched a light go blue on his battle map from Wood's Ziputer. It was his signal for the arrival of the VIP. Brook typed in the code for the all-clear for Ronin before replying, "Dutch lead. This is Granite lead. Tech has verified the arrival of the VIP, and we will begin the unveiling. Good luck on your return back to New Dutch."

"Affirmative," Ronin replied as the twelve dots representing her company began moving back to New Dutch. "Dutch company will be heading to our standard patrol until the second act starts. The local Leos are still preparing the roads for their arrival. Good luck Captain Esposito."

Brook could feel a smirk forming on his face as he replied. "Good luck to you too, Dutch lead. You know the chaos once these new products are revealed."

He cut off his comms before the curse in Kurita Japanese came through. The old Mechwarrior glanced to see if more reports had come in and watched the four aerospace fighters break into the stratosphere. Their maneuver from standard patrol to chase worried him, but a voice message arrived from Jef.

"Granite lead," Jef's voice came through the Ziputer. "I'm taking my Sword Flight to investigate something around our satellite. Shield Wing will be taking over for us in case things go hot. Over and out."

Brook wasted no time connecting with the rest of his command lance and the leaders of his second mech group. "Everyone on alert. We got a possible issue soon. So Krieger, get your lance ready if we have to go hot."

"Affirmative, Boulder. Moving to the new position now." Krieger responded as his lance began moving faster on his battlemap. Brook powered up his Roughneck to combat readiness as the rest of the newly built heavy mech followed suit. They waited as the revealing began, and other sectors around the planet checked in as clear.

His computer system picked up the civilian network as the live broadcast began. Subaltern Qin stood at a podium, but he couldn't hear what she said before the woman stepped aside. Behind her came Max in a Knight armor decorated to look like some fantasy character.

The volume finally kicked in as Max began his speech. Brook kept his eyes on his sensors while he listened.

Max went over the same speech they had planned for the big reveal. Brook slowly tuned his friend's voice out as he focused on any threats that might appear.

Several minutes passed before his Roughneck's enhanced sensors picked up activity. At least, that was expected.

"Battlemech activation detected," His computer system sounded as Brook checked the location. The source came from the warehouse holding the new product. He quickly opened his lance comms to his people.

"Everyone," He ordered as his battlemech began moving. "head into formation beta and prepare for the show. Granite Three and Four head to point Delta. Granite Two, on me. We are opening the doors to a new future."

" Affirmative!" His command lance responded as they moved to their designated location. They would become both decoration for this event and a distraction for anyone attempting to sabotage the new battlemech. Brook signaled the groups of battle armor hidden around the stage to arm themselves in case of an assassination attempt on Max. They were prototypes from the ZBBC on a new armor based on the Knight but more modular for equipment. They would also have their first field test here if things went south.

His mech's sensor picked up the commotion from the crowd gathered to watch the unveiling. The incident seemed to be someone trying to break past the lines preset to separate the vetted media from the rest of the viewers. Luckily, the security forces there were active and settling the issue quickly.

His sensors picked up on the comms between the news VTOLs, with two being flagged as potential threats. He quickly warned the Warrior hovering above those two to tag them as possible targets and fire at them if they turned hostile.

Brook sent a message to his lance to link their LRMs to the fire controls to Warrior One and Two. This was done so they won't trigger any suspicion by having their mechs look at the potential threats. Or, in this case, looking at an 'innocent' news network vehicle.

He made sure his Roughneck's main screen happened to face the podium where Max stood. Just in time, their Governor announced the newest product of Katinka's industrial might.

"I introduce our entry to the Aurigan Coalition technical competition," Max announced as he pointed with his armor arms to the warehouse. Where the two Swordsmen stood, Granite Three and Four. Those two mechs slowly saluted as the doors rose to reveal the product.

The sounds of massive thuds came from the darkness of the warehouse before a giant mechanized wolf head appeared. This was followed by its black and red body and twin mock cannons on its back. Loud cheers could be heard throughout the area as they recognized the design base.

It was a quad mech in the shape of the Command Wolf, at half its size to make it seem like some cub to the zoid. Nearly everyone in attendance had met General Director Chen after he revealed Wolf and Hound two years ago. So when a familiar but more petite version of the mech that helped save Katinka walked out. Everyone cheered as if they could honor the heroes of their world.

The cheering grew louder as three more battlemechs followed the first to the center display area near the podium. Brook watched as the lance of mechs stopped next to Max's location before couching down to let the mechwarriors disembark. Brook recognized the woman as one of Wood's testers who had recently joined the ZBBC. He still had the chance to thank her for helping his son out with his date a week ago.

It was Miss Rose, and if he was right, the other three mechwarriors should be her fellow tester. So those mechwarriors stood at attention behind their leader. Brook's sensor picked up the conversation between Miss Rose and Max.

"Thank you for being our tester today Commander Rose," Max said as he shook her hand. "Captain Brook is waiting near the obstacle course to demonstrate the power of the Wolfpack."

Brook quickly entered the codes to unlock the twin gates as he pushed the doors open for the Wolfpack. He watched Sword Two lag slightly behind in his action, but it wasn't noticeable enough for those in the distant crowd.

He turned his view back to where Max stood. It seemed that Miss Rose had already entered her battlemech, and her lance had already orientated themselves for the test.

The speaker picked up the comms from Max as he announced, "The Wolfpack light recon mech is the newest battlemech known throughout known space. Its role as a scout and ambush unit shall be shown here and now. Please direct your attention to the testing site and the holoscreens above."

One of the Wolfpack mechs stepped forward. Its dark purple coloring was eye-catching in appearance.

"First live test will show the roles it has as both a scout and ambusher," Max announced while a beep sounded on Brook's Ziputer. The captain ignored his Governor as he checked what the alert was about. Then, he started laughing as it seemed the troublemakers he had tagged earlier had tried to drop off infantry in the testing ground.

Warrior One and Two had already taken those VTOLs down right after they made their move. However, those two couldn't clean up the infantry that hid in the training course.

However, it wouldn't hurt the mechs to go through live fire combat, so Brook typed in a message to both Max and Miss Rose. He told them about the intruders and asked if they a want real battle as part of the testing.

Brook didn't have long to wait as the Mechwarrior of the purple Wolfpack contacted him. "Granite lead," A vixen-like voice came through. "This is Bay Two. I can handle those idiots. Do you wish for them alive or dead?"

Brook glanced at his view camera and saw Max still talking with Miss Rose but gestured in his direction with the command to capture them alive if possible.

"Bay Two," Brook replied as he moved his Roughneck into the trail. He sent Wood's security units a message about the intruders and a request to bring policing gear. "Capture them if possible but don't risk yourself. Killing them all is an option. After all, I don't want to explain to General Director Chen that you newbies died on my watch."

An alert told him that a second Wolfpack had moved next to the purple one. A very child-like…no, wait, it was a child talking. "This is Bay Three. Both of us will be taking care of them. This way, Mister Chili will get more information out of these playmates. Let's do this, mom!"

The purple mech responded quickly. "Now, Bay Three. No playing with them. We capture them and let the nice people of the Katinka Defense Force hold them. You can play with them if we can't catch them."

For some reason, Brook felt terrible for the intruders hiding in the training course as he shot out the start signal. But, at least he knew what John had to deal with during his testing time. At least they were on their side.

Future mech: Watchman WTM-00AC
Well, it seems like someone out there has some interesting idea to make a bad design into something useful. (Well until I found the image he attached as something in real life, so yeah, that image I'm posting does not belong to me and does exist in our world. Ironically it has the image I can see someone turning the bad Trooper into.)

Introducing the Security mech: The Watchman

Remember, the image being used is an actual walker that exists. I am willing to use it as an example of the mech. Thank god I don't make money off of fanfiction.

Watchman WTM-00AC

Mass: 20 tons
Chassis: Ariel Industrial Light-I
Power Plant: Maili  120 Fuel Cell Engine
Cruising Speed: 64.8 kph
Maximum Speed: 97.2 kph
Jump Jets: None
     Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Gul Heavy Industrial
     2 Machine Gun
Manufacturer: Guldra Industrial
     Primary Factory: Guldra IV, V, VI
Communication System: Aurigan Standard
Targeting & Tracking System: Law Enforcer Mk I
Introduction Year: 3025
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-D-D-C
Cost: 1,045,275 C-bills

During the new year celebration of 3023, General Director Chen let it slip that the primitive battlemech he received from the Magestrix was unsuitable for military use. However, several people in attendance disagreed. Lord Madeira took the designs with him to his newly built military industry and asked them to try and figure out a method to use this design. They came up with the Watchman. This Security mech was designed for emergency service use as its primary loadout is for police forces. A secondary design swaps weapons, some armor for sprayers, and a searchlight. Another has medical equipment and a cargo bay to act as emergency transport.
They have been loaded with three ten-tube one-shot rocket launchers in invasion situations.

This redesigned mech chassis from the old Trooper model (later noted as the Flea's frame) was turned into a Security Mech.
It has a Maili 120 Fuel Cell Engine with a max speed of 97.2 kph.
Two internal heat sinks are located within the Engine.
It has the power connector ports installed, allowing a variety of loadouts.
The typical loadout is below.
It is covered in 3.5 tons of Gul Heavy Industrial Armor.
It is armed with two 20 mm Gatling Guns on each arm with half a ton of ammo.

Seen throughout the Aurigan Coalition after the events of the Aurigan Competition.

Based on the original design of the Flea, the Trooper. The Watchman sticks closer to the industrial mech side of the design and optimizes it for non-military use.

Type: Watchman
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Tonnage: 20
Battle Value: 249

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure            Industrial              4
Engine                        120 Fuel Cell           5
    Walking MP: 6
    Running MP: 9
    Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sink                     2                       1
Gyro                                                  2
Cockpit                                               3
Armor Factor (Heavy Industrial)56                    3.5

                          Internal   Armor  
                          Structure  Value  
     Head                    3         6    
     Center Torso            6         9    
     Center Torso (rear)               3    
     R/L Torso               5         7    
     R/L Torso (rear)                  3    
     R/L Arm                 3         2    
     R/L Leg                 4         7    

Right Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm
Left Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm

and Ammo                      Location  Critical   Heat    Tonnage   
Half Machine Gun Ammo (100)      CT        1        -       0.5  
Machine Gun                      RA        1        0       0.5  
Machine Gun                      LA        1        0       0.5  
Features the following design quirks: Easy to Maintain, Easy to Pilot, narrow profile,No/Minimal Arms
Last edited:
Fleache FLE-AC3
@Nuklear design has won its fights and is within the specs of my story, so here we go. The first actual fan entry that successes besides my cousin's.

Fleache FLE-AC3

Mass: 20 tons
Chassis: Standard Biped
Power Plant: 142.5 RE engine
Cruising Speed: 75.6 kph
Maximum Speed: 118.8 kph
Jump Jets: None
     Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Standard
     1 Prototype Rocket Launcher 10
     1 Small Laser
     1 Medium Laser
Manufacturer: Mangzhangdian Independent Assistance Program
     Primary Factory: Mangzhangdian
Communication System: Aurigan Standard
Targeting & Tracking System: Aurigan Standard
Introduction Year: 3024
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-F-X-X
Cost: 1,059,900 C-bills

Type: Fleache
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (experimental)
Tonnage: 20
Battle Value: 469

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                    2
Engine                        142.5 RE              6.5
    Walking MP: 7
    Running MP: 11
    Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sink                     10                      0
Gyro                                                  2
Cockpit                                               3
Armor Factor                  64                      4

                          Internal   Armor 
                          Structure  Value 
     Head                    3         6   
     Center Torso            6         8   
     Center Torso (rear)               4   
     R/L Torso               5         7   
     R/L Torso (rear)                  3   
     R/L Arm                 3         6   
     R/L Leg                 4         7   

Right Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm
Left Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm

and Ammo                       Location  Critical   Heat    Tonnage 
Remote Sensors/Dispenser          CT        1        -       0.5 
Prototype Rocket Launcher 10      LA        1        3       0.5 
Small Laser                       LA        1        1       0.5 
Medium Laser                      RA        1        3       1.0 
easy to maintain
minimal/no arms
Reggel cooled
Quirk: Reggel Cool
The effects of Reggel Cool:

All units that use Reggel Engine produce no heat from movement or from firing weapons that produce less than 2 units of heat. Units also have passive heat sensor stealth until they enter 12 hexes (360 meters) of an enemy unit. Enemy relying on seismic and visual are unaffected.

Available to units: Battlemech, Industrialmechs, conventional fighters, and combat vehicles.
Future Battlemech: Swordsman-II SWD-II3AC
Well, I'm still self-editing part 3 of the interlude right now. So I decided to post this information post on another battlemech created by the Aurigan Coalition.

Welcoming the Aurigan Coalition's Swordsman-II

Swordsman-II SWD-II3AC

Mass: 50 tons
Chassis: Aurigan RMSWD AR-01R
Power Plant: 200 Zi Fusion
Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph
Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph
Jump Jets: None
     Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Aurigan Standard AS-01R
     1 Small Laser
     2 Medium Laser
     2 Zi-LRM 15
     1 Zi-SRM 6
Manufacturer: Coromodir Arms
     Primary Factory: Coromodir Vi
Communication System: Corom 1000
Targeting & Tracking System: Hunter 1000
Introduction Year: 3025
Tech Rating/Availability: F/X-X-D-D
Cost: 3,906,375 C-bills

The Royal Guard model of the Swordsman. 
Its new chassis allowed for an extra 10 tons of weight, bringing it out of the horrible 40 tons range to 50 tons. 
It comes with the best missile systems created in the Reach, including a few prototypes before their official debut.

This revamped Swordman comes with a 200 Zi fusion engine giving it a tactical speed of 43.2 kph with a max of 64.8 kph. 
This battlemech has 10 tons of Aurigan Standard armor, giving it reasonable protection for its weight.
Its primary weapons are two Zi-LRM 15 Streamer launchers with two tons of ammo.
It has two Defiance B3M lasers on each arm for short-range protection.
A Diverse Optics Type 10 laser on the cockpit for anti-infantry work.
An Aurigan Six Shooter is found on its center torso to get the final punch against any mech or combat vehicle coming close.
This mech has a total 14 single heat sinking limit that is perfect for using only LRMs until a closer range is reached.
Hand Actuators can use the Protector's custom gunpods to fire the triple rocket launchers as extra weapons before using their primary close-range weapons.

Found deployed alongside many other prototypes. 
Eventually, this mech went into production after the attack on the pirate's hold.

A new production of an old model. Many of the problems have been fixed for the Aurigan military force. 
This model was designed for the Royal Guardsmen, who take action as support for the brawlers. 
It made its debut as Coromodir VI's offer to the First Aurigan Competition for advanced technologies and weapons.

Type: Swordsman-IIR
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Experimental-alien) 
Tonnage: 50
Battle Value: 1,288

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                    5
Engine                        200 Fusion            8.5
    Walking MP: 4
    Running MP: 6
    Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sink                     14                      4
Gyro                                                  2
Cockpit                                               3
Armor Factor                  160                    10

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Head                    3         9     
     Center Torso            16        24    
     Center Torso (rear)               7     
     R/L Torso               12        18    
     R/L Torso (rear)                  5     
     R/L Arm                 8         15    
     R/L Leg                 12        22    

Right Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm, Lower Arm, Hand
Left Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm, Lower Arm, Hand

and Ammo              Location  Critical   Heat    Tonnage    
2 Heat Sink              LL        2        -       2.0   
Zi-SRM 6                 CT        1        4       1.0   
SRM 6 Ammo (15)          CT        1        -       1.0   
Heat Sink                RT        1        -       0.0   
Zi-LRM 15                RT        3        5       4.5   
LRM 15 Ammo (8)          RT        1        -       1.0   
Medium Laser             LA        1        3       1.0   
Heat Sink                LT        1        -       0.0   
Zi-LRM 15                LT        3        5       4.5   
LRM 15 Ammo (8)          LT        1        -       1.0   
2 Heat Sink              RL        2        -       2.0   
Small Laser              HD        1        1       0.5   
Medium Laser             RA        1        3       1.0   
Note:(Mechtech Yang V.) What the hell is this mech? 
It is like a Catapult, but without jumpjets, and can brawl.
I'm unsure if I'm in love or want to strangle whoever made this.
Interlude 7 part 3 (RD)
Merry Christmas to all, and here is my gift to y'all!

Interlude 7 part 3 (RD)
Location: Itrom system, Itrom III, House Gallas castle, Lord audience chamber
Date: July 10, 3023, 13:10

Finn Gallas wanted a drink as he cursed his cousin and her husband for joining House Espinosa's coup. He was lucky to have a seat on the Council and his family's holdings, but that was all.

His house forces were decimated during the coup as they fought each other. The survivors were all forced into the main Aurigan Armed Forces. The only thing defending his system was the few police officers, a battalion from the ZBBC, and his security force from his company, Griffonwyne Unlimited. Thanks to his distant cousin, Alex, he even had a decent amount of mechs as part of the defense.

However, that did not help his current headache. One of his few aides burst through the doors to his office. "Hertog!" The aide immediately bowed with his right knee touching the ground.

Finn wished the man would stop doing that, but he was a former Servitor from the Capellan Confederation. His forces had rescued him and several others when they helped the AAF strike back against Hurik and the hidden slave trade they ran. They freed the captive citizens from a raid on Fjaldr's prototype terraformer.

At least, Lord Xu of Hurik thanked them for that, even though their nations were technically hostile to each other. He got a trade agreement between his company and the planetary governor to allow Aurigan traders to rest in his system at a pirate point. They would develop a new trade path using these deals.

Finn slowly grabbed his glass cloth to clean them as he replied calmly. "Yes? What is the news, Ling Young?" He hated doing such actions, but for whatever reason, it made the young man stand tall when he did so.

The young Capellan man slowly rose before reporting. "The testing on our entry to the competition has gained more ground now that Emir Madeira sent a prototype of their cannons to us."

The man paused and looked at the noteputer in his hand before speaking up. "Commander Nome has finally completed a blueprint of his advance LAM, but we can't recreate it even with the ZBBC tech. So he requested to join ZBBC Mech Haven University to understand the current tech better and see if he can improve with the data of the Stinger LAM conversion parts."

Finn thought about the man who became his Commander of the security forces. He found the man around the same time as General Director Chen's appearance in Katinka. So the chances of them being related were possible. However, a blood test showed he was a human who knew nothing about the galaxy's current state."

Finn walked to the nearest window to look outside at the peaceful city. A city Commander Nome had saved multiple times, so he stopped questioning the man's mysterious background. Although he wished the fellow didn't look like a woman most of the time.

"Tell Commander Nome that he has my blessing to go there. However, he has to train a replacement for his position and get us a deal with the ZBBC technology for direct access. Is there anything else, Young?"

The man seemed to hesitate but straightened up and continued. "The…plans for the northern continent are going well, but we are having problems using the byproduct for ammo. So Mechtech Bruce wants to experiment with producing that special ammunition for our militia forces and maybe develop militiamech with it."

There were pros and cons to allowing his Chief Mechtech to create those. He couldn't sell them except to fellow Aurigan systems, but that would not bring money into their nation or his planet. On the other hand, it would give his forces enough firepower at a cheaper cost that can sell what they salvage from pirate and Capellan raids.

A flash of crimson light from his Ziputer (one of the few in his system) caused everyone to freeze. The color meant an attack or significant accident happened.

Finn's Ziputer shook as an incoming call came in from the Commander of his forces. He quickly answered it as Ling ran out of the room, shouting for the guards to be alert.

"Commander Nome," Finn asked in the calmest tone he could muster. He wasn't a fighter, but he could deal with the stress like any business CEO. "What happened?" The hologram of Commander Nome just put his open palm against his face before straightening up.

The purpled-haired man replied, "There was an accident with one of the amateur's building locations. Unfortunately, the data I'm receiving from ground reports are…bad. *Tisk* Stupid idiot had thought he could modify long-range missiles with our special fuel and failed to store it properly."

Finn held in the curses he had on his lips and sighed before asking. "How many of our designers and their prototypes remain?" What went unsaid 'Were any of the modular builders damaged.'

The LAM pilot paused before responding, "Well, sire. Nothing important besides the designer who blew himself up. The designs I see, in my opinion, are all a waste of money and materials and wouldn't win much of anything. I'm sending the emergency upload to you now. The saved data will show you how they were wasting their time. I think only our Halcon project…wait."

Nome cut himself off, and the marker representing his LAM began heading in a patrol pattern around the affected area. "I got a project here with data from a Mangzhangdian. Someone here had saved a copy of the most recent update for the competition today. It seems like there is a new light mech design made similar to the Locust and Flea. It is an open-source design and seems decent enough, but producing the mech requires permission from the governor of Mangzhangdian. It seems they are using this design for their main entry into the competition."

Finn didn't understand mech designs, but he knew the business. He knew what it meant for Mangzhangdian to release their battlemech shortly after the Katinka's Wolfpack. Then they are either confident in the design to be accepted or desperate. With the backing of his Commander's words, he bet the former. As a result, the Aurigan Coalition was hit with lawsuits from manufacturers from the Sphere. Mostly on certain weapons brands but several mechs that were imported or manufactured under license. That was due to their status as a rouge state, according to ComStar.

"How will our new fighter and the second project compare to that battlemech, in your opinion?"

There was a pause before he replied, "We should do fine. However, I told you I need to get into the ZBBC university to ensure we can win this."

"You have it," Finn replied and turned off his connection. He spoke to the guards at his door. "Inform Subaltern Daniels that he must learn everything from Commander Nome before he leaves."

Finn began ringing up the ZBBC force on the planet to enter their two projects into the competition. Doing this would prevent others from using his developed software without licensing it from his first. It didn't take long before Captain Zobel answered the holocall.

"Captain Zobel," Finn said in a formal tone. "This is Hertog Itrom Gallas. I am formally sending the blueprints for Griffonwyne Unlimited and Itrom Aerospace as our entrees into the competition. This includes the patents and licensing for the parts."

There was a moment of pause before Captain Zobel replied, "Affirmative. The data is received and patented for you now. The cost has been billed to each company. Any other request?"

"Yes. Please inform the Dean of Mech Haven University that Commander Nome wishes to apply for their aerospace divisions for two years. Here is his application and design as part of his entry fee."

Captain Zobel looked surprised but then nodded and replied. "Then please patch me to Commander Nome. I will give him the interview questions directly before I contact Lieutenant Colonel Ala.

Finn nodded and transferred the call. He hoped everything went perfectly as this was a perfect way to improve his family's standing and increase their prestige in the Coalition.

Location: Mechdur system, Mechdur II, Mechdur Armory new battlemech factory, Testing ground, inside the CEO's office.
Date: August 2, 3023, 06:30

Counselor Fredrica watched as nearly every prototype failed to beat the lance of medium battlemechs on the field. Then, she watched her children exchange a few Galleons with each other as the ZBBC trainers took down the final Bat.

She had her elite MechWarriors piloting those prototypes. Yet their experimental weapons fail to win against one the easiest medium battlemechs—four Vulcans, of all things, in their charcoal color mechs.

A report appeared on her Ziputer that announced the status of her mechwarriors. They were alive but injured, and Fredric's wished the ZBBC members wouldn't do live battles like this to test their prototypes. It seemed unlike them to do this, yet she couldn't contact Director Chen about these people's actions. They had the correct passcodes, so they had to be members of the Razor's Hunters.

Still, the offer of more mech modules for doing live combat was more than enough of a cost for allowing it, even if it went against her every instinct to do so.

At least the four ZBBC mechs were damaged enough for the next fight to bring them down. Of course, the Bat, Zulu, and Vanyan were destroyed before they could do much damage, but any impairment would prove a chance for her last hope to work.

The next lance of prototypes was their final chance before they had to beg for help from outside their system. They would become the embarrassment of the Coalition if they did due to her demands during that Council meeting last year. She wished she had held her tongue, but the loss of her husband in the Capellan raid had made her short-tempered. Now Mechdur was paying for her actions, as everyone could produce their industrial base should they realize it. Mechdur would no longer be anything other than a trade hub if they couldn't match Katinka's Wolfpack.

"Mother," Fredrica's daughter called out. "Roy is about to take the field."

She felt her heart drop slightly as her second son, Roy Mwenye, brought his rough-looking prototype onto the field. Behind it was three production models in formation around him. Sometimes she wished her second son would be like her first son, who wanted to administrate their home planet. But instead, the man was like her husband. A creator who did everything to keep technology stagnation from striking the rest of the Coalition.

"Up next is the Protector Militiamech," a voice cut through her musing and drew her focus back to the screen.

"Our genius designer, Roy Mwenye, leads them!" The announcer yelled as a crowd cheering came through the speakers. "These mechs are built to hold off battlemechs of the same and lighter weight class while being as cheap as some bug mechs. Let's see how they will fare against the walking terrors of the Vulcans!"

Her hands clenched as she watched the four green dots representing Roy and his friends move forward and into the cover of the ruins. Instead of charging against the Vulcans like the other teams. The red triangles representing the ZBBC lance began firing away with their autocannons yet failed to hit the Protectors.

Her children cheered as her son and friends responded with a barrage of missiles. Most missed, but a few had hit, causing cheer from the grounds below to be heard in her office. It was the first time they managed to damage the enemy without taking any in return. However, that was soon drowned out by the four autocannons firing in sync as the cover for the four militiamechs slowly eroded.

The four battlemech slowly advanced on the militiamechs. The sounds of worry came from the crowds outside and through the audience's view. This continued until the Vulcans reached the mid-range. Then, a Protector went out of its cover with the round shield covering its center and one arm out with one of the special surprises her son made.

"Oh, here comes the storm, Mother," Fredrica's oldest son said in a tone that held back excitement. The man was in his thirties, but the new weapon he helped his brother make seemed to bring the young boy out of him. So instead, she focused on the screen to see this storm.

With a motion as smooth as a battlemech, the Protector fired all three hatches of its gun pod. The movement and sudden barrage of missiles surprised the leading Vulcan, allowing half the rockets to hit it. In contrast, the rest appeared to strike or miss the others. While the first battlemech seemed to pause, it was enough for the rest of her son's lance to add their support fire.

Fredrica could hear her children cheering again as her people finally beat one of those battlemechs. The ZBBC lance seemed to move more aggressively after losing one of its own.

However, that was when she noticed something wrong. Her Ziputer began beeping as more red triangles appeared on the screen…surrounding the testing ground and the new factory. Then, several green dots appeared in the defensive perimeter of the place as the screen suddenly flashed a warning sign in all the languages spoken in the Coalition.

She read them as an icy grip tightened around her heart.

"Warning! Warning! Intruder alert! All military forces on standby head to the station. Remnant forces detected. Calling ZBBC units…none detected on the planet."

If those four Vulcans weren't a part of the Razor's Hunters, what happened to them, and how did these monsters pretend to be them?

There were screams of terror from below as the crowd swarmed the shelter within the factory. The security personnel tried to direct them there before Fredrica's guards surrounded her and her children. Her son, Alwin, quickly put on his customized Knight helmet and stood beside their bodyguards. He was the only one to stall enemy mech or combat vehicles if they broke through their defenses.

Taking a deep breath, Fredrica calmed herself down and spoke. "Lorelei. Contact Roy and tell him to link up with any nearby forces if they can beat back those battlemechs."

The Counselor turned to her son and bodyguard leader. "Alwin. Carlos. We must relocate to the battle armor armory to get everyone trained in one." Several beeps were heard from her Ziputer, and she kept her face neutral as she knew what those noises meant. The defenders were losing units fast.

"We must hurry and direct any security forces to defend those shelters until they lockdown. We are facing those three Vulcans and a dozen combat vehicles. We can deal with them after my family and our citizen's safety is ensured."

"Yes, Ma'am!" All her guards said as several took off with Alwin. They would secure the hallways. The other surrounded her and Lorelei as they prepared themselves to move.

"Clear!" She heard Carlos shout as the explosion and the shaking of the building told everyone that the OpFor had directly attacked the factory. "Hurry, Counselor. We need to move fast. I got a report that Roy's lance is engaged with most of the enemy's main force to give us time."

"We shall," She replied before giving her daughter a gentle nod to follow behind her. Three of their six guards rushed out the doors to join the advance force. The entrance to the hallways had her son and the other bodyguards securing their path. The urge to check her Ziputer to see how Roy was doing hurt. However, she couldn't be distracted, or she would lose the rest of her family and investment.

Luck seemed to be on their side as the sounds of combat moved away from their location, allowing her group to enter the safe room. However, there was no time to rest as she turned her Ziputer's holoprojector and searched for her son.

Fredrica could feel her remaining children surround her as they watched the two dots representing Roy and his last lancemate. They fought against those two Vulcans and several combatants. She looked at their defense to see how things were going. The security forces were decimated, with only the Rifleman and Swordsman left holding off the remaining OpFor.

"NO!" Lorelei's cry of despair drew Fredric's attention. The blood on her face drained as she spotted Roy's lone dot fighting against five enemy units. Her Ziputer suddenly zoomed out to show several fast-moving blue stars rushing to her son's location.

Two of those blue stars moves faster than the rest before everyone felt a slight tremor from the ground. The glow from a few red triangles surrounding Roy's mech vanished and was replaced by some alien symbol as the coms system turned on.

"Warning! Warning! All citizens of Mechdur, please head for your nearest shelter," A mechanical voice came through the comms. "Enemies have infiltrated both ZBBC and Aurigan military forces on this planet. General Director Chen and the Blitz Alpha battalion have arrived to end this. Consular Mwenye."

A speaker appeared on the holoscreen before the mechanical voice continued. "Please upload friend and foe data so we may properly assist with repelling the enemy forces. Confirmation is needed in ten seconds, or we will manually disable all combatants until the end of this conflict."

Without hesitation, Fredrica pushed the reply prompt that appeared on her screen. She could hear some comments from her daughter, son, and bodyguards. The Consular ignored them as she spoke up. "Transferring data now. Please ask the units to save the lone Protector out there."

"Processing. Connecting to leading Blitz unit," The voice said as the rest of the red triangles surrounding her son vanished from the battlemap. "Connection established."

"Hello, Consular Mwenye," came the angry voice of General Director Chen. "I'm sorry for the trouble caused by these bastards pretending to be Razor's Hunters." She heard the sharp intake from her daughter and a mutter of "Bullshit" from one of her guards.

The Zoidian continued as more red triangles on the map vanished, as dozens of blue stars appeared and joined the few remaining green dots. "While we may have had our disagreements. This invasion happened due to an incident on my side."

There was a pause as the sounds of zoid's howls came through the comms, causing most of the people in the room to freeze. "How can I help make up for this?"

That was politically suicidal to offer such a blank check as an apology. However, before Fredrica could formulate a response, Roy cut in.

"Thank you for the rescue," came the tired voice of her son. It made Fredrica reconsider her thoughts before coming up with a reasonable plan. After all, they had an entry that could be spread early if done correctly. She heard the small conversation between Roy and Chen but decided to give the orders to mobilize. Alwin quickly took off with a few of her mechwarriors among the guards.

"We can discuss compensation later." She said while sending another order to Roy to stick with Chen. "My son Alwin and his lance will join you at the factory. We will make plans here so we can push these invaders away," She turned to Lorelei but decided against pushing that idea. Instead, she would contact Colonel Stukov and watch her people destroy these invaders.

Location: Weldry system, Weldry III, Weldry Security new factory (location Icebox)
Date: October 20, 3023, 14:00

Governor Roberto Arano hated his second cousin for assigning him the role of planetary ruler. Sure removing the former ruler, Manuel Espinosa, was a decision to end House Espinosa's power. However, it backfired on them, as it took a year of constant fighting to uproot most of the Directorate remnants.

"Governor Roberto," The man heard his aide speak up. It distracted him from losing one of their newly built engine plants to an earthquake. "The ZBBC shipment of construction units and experts has arrived. They apologize for General Director Chen not arriving, but their leader is still rooting out traitors and insurgents on Mechdur."

Annoyance flooded his mind, but he pushed it aside to ask his aide. "They did bring the new construction units to help us fabricate the Estancado." The aide quickly looked through the noteputer he had with him and nodded.

"At least something is going right," Roberto sighed before straightening himself for the meeting ahead. He had hoped to discuss the possible copyright issue, but it seemed luck was on his side. I glanced at the family photo on the desk before walking out of his son's office doors. His destination was the loading docks, but as he headed down, he took a secondary route. It wouldn't look good to have him coming out of the CEO room as the lord of the system.

He received a message as he cleared up his work from the desk. It was from his son. Lucas had left to meet with the ZBBC representatives. The short statement read, "Several extra shipments arrived."

A part of his mind wanted to cheer at the extra resources. However, the governor within warned of something going on. He hastens his pace.

The aide returned to their desk to work on some paperwork or something. Roberto just nodded to the man and called for the bodyguards he stationed nearby as they moved to the loading docks.

It took him a few minutes, but his party arrived to see several four-meter tall mini mechs being offloaded from a metal crate. Several oversized power armor followed behind. Those must be the Workloaders he heard were recently created by the ZBBC.

The two Powermen moved away from that as two Gespensts moved in, hauling several aerospace fighters. Roberto recognized them as the Eagles and Sabres he had asked for years ago. He wasn't sure why those ASF were being brought here instead of the airfield of his House or the militia headquarters.

Roberto noticed his son and Chief Mechtech Ta'la talking with a familiar man in power armor without a helmet. He paused when he saw the rank engraved into the armor and reformulated his initiation.

"Commander Oliveira," he said while offering a salute. They had worked together back on Fjaldr in 3019, and he remembered the former mercenary as one of the few who honored their contract. "Welcome to Weldry. I'm surprised to see you here." Likewise, he was surprised as to why one of the most noticeable members of the ZBBC would be here on a delivery run.

A sinking feeling came as the large black man turned to him and replied in a neutral tone, "Hello, Governor Arano. General Director Chen redirected me here to discuss your entry into the competition."

The paling face of his son and the Chief Mechtech told him why Darius Oliveira had come here. He felt like their only entry would be forced to end here and now. The atmosphere tensed as the factory workers milling about seemed to freeze. The three Tercio guarding the man started scanning the growing crowd.

Darius noticed their reaction and sighed before speaking in a more friendly tone. "No, we aren't here to invalidate and take over this facility for infringing against the ZBBC. Hell, I didn't even know the people of Planet Zi had mech when they have zoids."

The man pulled out a noteputer. No, the Ziputer that was disguised as one. "I'm here to drop these factory parts off and to congratulate you if a prototype was made."

The Ziputer showed a large body of text that zoomed in on the title. "A contract for assistance in the creation of new combat units." The tense atmosphere turned quickly into relief as the milling workers went off to do some work. Roberto could feel the blood return to his face as he glanced at his son and Chief Mechtech.

They seemed ready to jump out of their skins as they read over the contract. However, this place was too open to talk about this, so Roberto loudly cleared his throat to get everyone's attention.

"I believe we should relocate to Lucas's office to discuss this." He watched as Darius nodded and gestured to the three Tercios to follow. His son and Chief Mechtech quickly fell in step with him as he and his bodyguards moved to the office he had just come from.

Darius had moved to walk beside him and his son as they discussed events in the rest of the Coalition. With the ZBBC's network, they had real-time tracking and reporting of attacks and actions happening. Such as the infiltration and invasion of Mechdur.

Still, the casual update on what was happening in the Aurigan Coalition ended as the office doors came closer. While Darius had assured them that Chen had approved of the use of the design they found, Roberto still felt some apprehension about the discussion ahead.

The aide had opened the doors as they arrived and closed them quickly behind them with the bodyguards and three Tercios standing guard outside. Lucas acted as the CEO and offered everyone a chair while the aide went to a side room and brought back several of them. Everyone took a seat except Darius, who only said, "There is no chair that can handle the weight of my armor."

So they all sat while Darius seemly leaned on the nearby bookshelf. Roberto knew it would be better to go first, but his son decided to cut in. "I wonder why General Director Chen allows me to use the design." His son quickly waved both hands before adding, "Not that I'm not grateful for it."

Roberto watched Darius chuckle before responding, "Yeah. You are not the only one. Markham wanted us to claim everything here as if it was allowed. Then anyone could steal the designs and things from the Ziputers we handed out to all planetary leaders and business hopefuls. However, it was Chen who said it was okay because of one big reason."

The man began laughing, which caused everyone in the room to tense up before a holoscreen projected from the Ziputer. The designs they based the Estancado appeared in an alien language on the sides. Roberto had spent much capital trying to replicate it with their technology. Yet, they couldn't produce everything here to match its statistics.

It took a moment before Darius steadied himself. Then finally, he replied. "This design was meant to be used in a holovideo about people using this evolution of the Mackie using the ion pump tech that zoids naturally have. So you guys made a battlemech that was purposely designed to entertain people in combat dramas. Except for this time, you made a decent militiamech instead of using our tech instead of zoidian ones."

There was a pause before the sound of someone getting slapped reached Roberto's ears. He turned to see both his son and Chief Mechtech with their hands to their face. Even he felt embarrassed as they made a mech from a design for a fictional drama instead of an actual military unit.

Roberto watched Darius give the two a glance before continuing. "Chen said that if the Estancado passes the virtual and live field test. He will give you access to reggel engines, a Generator to produce the fuel, and the rest of the designs within the locked section."

There was a pause as everyone digested what the Commander said. Roberto watched Lucas contemplate how to make his decision. For now, he would stay out of this to observe how his son would handle it.

It didn't take long before his son answered, "Then we agree. However, I have a question on why our Gespenst factory couldn't produce other models of the reggel engines." He pointed at the holo-projection before continuing. "That design originally used a Reggel-powered engine, so we tried to use one but failed to produce one that would allow reasonable speed with weight to power ratio. So instead, we had a fuel cell engine we created thanks to native production. Can you answer this, or was this an oversight on the design?"

Roberto wanted to yell at his son. Why would Darius know something a mechtech should? Lucas also seemed to realize this and apologized when the Commander spoke up.

"This is something everyone back at base questions, and the answer is simple. The engine used in that mech was an advanced version of the current one. We are researching how to reproduce it and will trade rights for it once completed. This is according to the agreements between High Lady Arano and General Director Chen.

The sigh of relief could be heard, and Roberto had to keep his in to prevent Darius from observing how invested he was in this company. Laws prevented him from directing or owning this business directly.

"Now that that business is done. What else are you here about, Commander Oliveira?" Roberto asked as the most stressful part of his day was over. Well, other than more paperwork on expanding his house forces.

It was discovered that the Aurigan military still had Directorate sympathizers and had been infiltrated by an unknown force. This caused each system to focus on its militias. The ZBBC had already overhauled its structure to protect its people compared to the Aurigan Coalition. Seeing such a young nation do it with such speed wasn't enjoyable.

"Well, I do," Darius responded as the holo-projection vanished and was replaced with the location of a large hive of Branson's Mosquitos. "I have two Gespenst with Flamers, two Firestarters, and four members of the Spider Rider company here. We came in response to end those bugs and buy you construction time to expand your population centers.

Roberto could feel the smile forming despite trying to control himself. It was a dream of all people who called themselves Weldry natives to expand worldwide. A glance at his son and the chief mechtech showed the same expression on their faces.

"Let's discuss this with Colonel Bart and how to expand habitable zones."

A quick call and a short wait had begun a significant change in this system. Another few hours of discussion before a plan was formed. Thus began an operation to slowly turn the planet from a hellhole to a place people wanted to live on.

(Secretly a new potential food source for spider and reptilian zoids).

Location: Zi system, Planet Zi, Zi Armory, John Kramer's K section training field.
Date: December 4, 3023, 08:00

It was a beautiful blue sky day of the new Planet Zi. The citizens were working. The dropships were coming and going. The land looked new and mostly untouched by man—the wonders of terraforming. However, something was brewing in the South.

The Southern continent was the location of most of the system's industrial base. Several industrial mechs and power armor could be seen building nearby fortresses and factories as several battlemechs patrolled the area.

For one old man, it was almost heavenly as he observed everything from his newly built office windows. John Kramer would be out there right now, testing and examining the new prototype light mech he and his team made but couldn't. The reason he was stuck at the office was that his left arm was in a cast. He had broken it while testing the ejection system on his new battlemech project.

He sighed as he heard the door to his office open. But, of course, he already knew who it was since he was waiting on them. He turned to see the Act Dean of Mech Haven University, Yang Virtanen, handing off a noteputer to a mechtech, who prompts took off.

"Yang," Kramer said as he greeted his fellow mechtech. "How's it going for ya?"

Yang sighed before muttering something under his breath. Kramer would have chuckled if he didn't see the stress lines on the younger man's face.

"Kramer," Yang said before coughing into his bionic arm. "I see that your project is mostly done already." The sounds of mark three were heard passing by the office window. It had a unique sound after they managed to change the design of the original Trooper to its current form.

"Well, mostly…Are you here to try and get me to rush my work and return to being the Dean again?" He asked Yang as the man stiffened at the accusation. "I told Chen I would return once I proved to him that having another twenty-ton battlemech for skirmishing would be good for close-quarter fighting."

His fellow mechtech scoffed before responding, "Na, it's nothing like that, Kramer." The man pulls up the holoprojector on the Ziputer. The emitter sprang to life as the schematics for a Land-Air mech appeared. "It would be great if you did because of this kick-ass mech."

He just stared at the beautiful design in front of him, ignoring Yang's explanation about where it came from. The slick appearance, the hidden weapons points, and the overall planning of this mech were fantastic. The only noticeable problem was the location of the myomers.

"Yang," Kramer cut the man off as he pointed at the design with his uninjured hand. "I can see the flaws and perfections of this thing. Why haven't you fixed it and pushed it through, like with the Wolfpack and Shepherd? Hell, Woods would have taken time away from his projects to help you. The lass Toni could have gone away from that dropship project to assist. So why did you come here?"

He watched as Yang slowly typed something into his Ziputer, and an image of a…man(?) replaced the blueprints. The information about the person showed up, and his mech. Kramer noted some of the man's data, but his mech got him. It was similar to the now-extinct Phoenix Hawk LAM, yet its weight was way off. It was too light. The blueprints didn't seem to match the mech either.

This was a red flag, but the information on the man showed he was willing to help out and had several military achievements with Lord Gallas. The man's desire to be allowed to fly in the defensive formation of Moby Dick during wrap travel was the only request for his design. An oddity.

"So, do you see what I see?" Yang broke into his thoughts.

Kramer took a moment but then nodded. "Yeah, I do. I see a Mechwarrior who turned in a poorly designed mech that doesn't follow our technology standards like the zoids yet…." He trailed off as he stared at the blueprints. It wasn't poorly designed, as he realized someone had overridden the schematics.

It took a moment before remembering the rumors of how the zoidian tech could have been derived from humanity. Kramer looked at the scanner's data in all mech/fighter bays and pulled up the schematic it took. Originally there were some complaints until those scans showed defects or poor weapon replacements for their forces.

Since Commander Osama Nome was new to this system, the man probably didn't realize his mech had been scanned. He had arrived from the only Jumpship that knew their location. However, Kramer knew why Yang had come to him now.

Some of the weapons in this LAM had similar statics to zoid tech pulse weapons. In contrast, others seem to be nearly alien as the biomechanical being themselves. The LAM conversion unit seemed so advanced that the Star League could be considered primitive. Same with the ridiculously lightweight mech. Yang would need his approval to seal this information even longer before they allowed anyone access other than Chen and Markham.

A quick swipe of his finger on the Ziputer and a bioscan later, the seal was in place. Kramer turned to Yang and gave the order, "Keep an eye on him and assign him to the first Gold Striker. They are our main research and fighter division for Land-Air mechs. Did you inform Chen about this man and his mech?"

Yang shook his head before replying, "No, I didn't since Woods has some suspicious people too, but they had been helpful to him. Also, bossman is busy on Mechdur. I didn't want to distract him." The mechtech shrugged before looking out the window at the passing Mark Three Troopers. The former mercenary continued, "Anyways, it's not like most of the Zoid and Battlemech Battle Commission is made up of saints. Everyone has some history that they rather forget."

Kramer did know since his old client back from his hay days were from all walks of life. Most of the men and women who followed him from Solaris were proof of that.

"Ya have a point there," Kramer finally said as a holo screen turned on. "Well, since you are here. Do ya want to watch this model's final test runs before refinement begins?"

The smirk on Yang's face told him everything. The gold Gallon he flipped was even more telling.

"All right then, ten Gallons Scripts and a crate of liquor on my newest attempt working this time," Kramer shouted as he opened the drawer that held his spare change. He earned enough from his work and patients for both the Knight and Tercio.

"I'll take your bet and raise you a contract I brought from Mechdur earlier. They have a few sets of their finalized product that they are willing to sell before the competition."

"Deal!" Kramer responded as he offered his hand for a shake. The deal was done, and they sat down and watched the test run. Within an hour, both men were satisfied even though someone had lost their bet.

Battle Armor TRO: WorkLoader WL-000 & WorkLoader WL-000-C
Well, Happy New Years, everyone. This is a writing update notice and info post. I'm still writing up the final part of this damn long interlude, but real life is getting in the way (getting a baby room takes forever).

So here is a post for the New Year and one already mentioned but not named in part 3. Welcome a Construction Battle Armor, The Workloader.

Edit: I forgot the image I used as a base. So here. (I don't own the image, just using it since this is a non-profit story).

WorkLoader WL-000
Type: WorkLoader
Manufacturer: Zi Armory/Aurigan Coalition
    Primary Factory: Planet Zi/Aurigan Coalition

Tech Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Chassis Type:  Biped
Weight Class: Assault
Maximum Weight: 2,000 kg
Battle Value: 83
Swarm/Leg Attack/Mechanized/AP: No/No/No/No

Equipment                                     Slots      Mass   
Chassis:                                               550 kg    
Motive System:                                                   
     Ground MP:          2                             160 kg    
     Jump MP:            0                               0 kg    
    Left Arm:            Cargo Lifter                   30 kg
    Right Arm:           Cargo Lifter                   30 kg
Armor:                   Standard (Basic)       0      250 kg    
    Armor Value:         6 (Trooper)                             

Weapons and Equipment            Location (Capacity)   Mass 
Cutting Torch                    Right Arm     1        5 kg 
Extended Life Support              Body       1       25 kg 
Searchlight                        Body       1       500 kg
Vibro-Shovel                       None       0        0 kg 
Demolition Charge                  None       0        0 kg 
Mission Equipment Storage (535 kg)   Body       1        535 kg 
Cutting Torch                    Left Arm     1        5 kg 
Fuel Tank                          Body       1       50 kg 
Improved Sensors                   Body       1       65 kg 
Heat Sensor                        Body       1       20 kg

And since this is Battletech, you know someone will slap some guns on it, so here is a combat version.

WorkLoader WL-000-C
Type: WorkLoader
Manufacturer: Zi Armory/Aurigan Coalition
    Primary Factory: Planet Zi/Aurigan Coalition

Tech Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Chassis Type:  Biped
Weight Class: Assault
Maximum Weight: 2,000 kg
Battle Value: 293
Swarm/Leg Attack/Mechanized/AP: No/No/No/Yes

Equipment                                     Slots      Mass   
Chassis:                                               550 kg    
Motive System:                                                   
     Ground MP:          2                             160 kg    
     Jump MP:            0                               0 kg    
    Left Arm:            Manipulator (Basic)             0 kg
    Right Arm:           Manipulator (Basic)             0 kg
Armor:                   Standard (Basic)       0      250 kg    
    Armor Value:         6 (Trooper)                             

Weapons and Equipment         Location (Capacity)   Mass 
BA Recoilless Rifle             Body       2       250 kg
BA Recoilless Rifle           Left Arm     2       250 kg
BA Recoilless Rifle           Right Arm     2       250 kg
Machine Gun                     Body       1       100 kg
Vibro-Shovel                    None       0        0 kg 
Fuel Tank                     Left Arm     1       50 kg 
Heat Sensor                     Body       1       20 kg 
Improved Sensors                Body       1       65 kg 
Extended Life Support         Right Arm     1       25 kg 
Anti Personnel Weapon Mount     Body       1        5 kg
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Future mech: Trooper-001
Well, not much of an update due to a mixture of real-life and attention-grabbing novels (I just got done reading all 1900 chapters). So decided to put up the last TRO by me before I post the chapter (hopefully by Chinese New Years). About 1/3 the way of finishing.

So introducing ZBBC Scout mech, The trooper. (Image brought to you by another fandom. I do not own and use it for no profit reasons).

Trooper TPR-001

Mass: 20 tons
Chassis: Trooper Mk I
Power Plant: General Motors 180
Cruising Speed: 97.2 kph
Maximum Speed: 151.2 kph
Jump Jets: None
     Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Moby Armor
     4 Small Laser
     1 Medium Laser
Manufacturer: Zi Armory (K Division)/Kramer's Parts and Machinery
     Primary Factory: Planet Zi/Solaris VII
Communication System: Zi linker 
Targeting & Tracking System: pack linker
Introduction Year: 3025
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-X-E-D
Cost: 1,572,200 C-bills

This mech is a remodeling of the original Flea prototype.
The Trooper was designed to be an infantry, vehicle, and bug mech hunter.
It was designed to be reasonably fast and have enough firepower to lay its fellow light mechs low.
Another point is that the mech is very cheap and can sometimes double as a militia central recon unit if a Locust isn't around.
Reports of Mechwarriors using this unit as a hit-and-run mech has surfaced, and the battlemech body count says it does work. 
However, too many wannabe Mechwarriors meet their end to such thoughts when they try their luck.
This mech is mainly found in the Aurigan Reach and produced by Kramer's Parts and Machinery. 

This battlemech replaces the original form with a new chassis and internals to modern standards.
It has a General Motors 180 fusion engine giving it a max speed of 151.2 kph. 
It is covered with 3 tons of Moby Armor.
It has one Diverse Optics Type 2 Medium laser as its primary weapon.
It is equipped with Four Magna small lasers on rotatable arms for front and rear-firing.
Four on the arms, two each, with two on the center torso (one rear facing).
Those lasers can be fired simultaneously and still not overheat the mech, as ten heat sinks keep it cool.
It has a pack and Zi linker as standard with ZBBC units and tends to act as Recon and spotter for indirect attacks.

It saw its first deployment alongside the other experimental mechs of the Aurigan Coalition and ZBBC.

This mech was created from the failed Trooper prototype of the Flea.
John Kramer had heard that his leader, General Director Michael Chen, disliked having such a mech in their database and wanted it gone.
However, Kramer and a Lord within the Coalition disagreed and took the blueprints to create two mechs.
A battlemech and a security mech.
After the first deployment, Director Chen finally agreed to green-light sales of the Battlemech version from the ZBBC main store to other nations.
The only requirement for outside nation sales is that if they were outside the Alliance, the T&T and communications system must be replaced.

Type: Trooper
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard) 
Tonnage: 20
Battle Value: 439

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                    2
Engine                        180 Fusion              7
    Walking MP: 9
    Running MP: 14
    Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sink                     10                      0
Gyro                                                  2
Cockpit                                               3
Armor Factor                  48                      3

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Head                    3         4     
     Center Torso            6         8     
     Center Torso (rear)               2     
     R/L Torso               5         7     
     R/L Torso (rear)                  2     
     R/L Arm                 3         3     
     R/L Leg                 4         5     

Right Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm
Left Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm

and Ammo              Location  Critical   Heat    Tonnage    
1 Medium Laser           CT        1        3       1.0   
Heat Sink                RT        1        -       1.0   
2 Small Laser            RA        2        1       1.0   
Heat Sink                LT        1        -       1.0   
2 Small Laser            LA        2        1       1.0   
Heat Sink                RL        1        -       1.0
However, a few weeks ago, we do not have enough protection for the convoy due to the battle. That where you come in
I try so hard to read this story but I have never made it past the first 6-8 chapters. Sentences like this just destroy my immersion. I keep coming back to this story cause I feel like it could be good but i just cant stay with it.
I try so hard to read this story but I have never made it past the first 6-8 chapters. Sentences like this just destroy my immersion. I keep coming back to this story cause I feel like it could be good but i just cant stay with it.

Yeah, sorry about those. I tried to get betas to help catch those but they fail at catching all the mistakes. That part of the reason I now label all chapter as RD (rough draft) until I can fix them up.

Maybe one day I can post a revision of all this on my FFNet account.
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Militiamech: Webber-WB 000
Well, I am still editing my chapter (which should be coming out sometime in the next 3 hours), so I decided to double-check and make sure all the mech that will be showing up in the next chapter had been posted. I found this one that hasn't, which is also the weirdest one too (I still can't believe it beat the Hornet, Valkyrie, and Spider in one on one fight and then a lance on-lance one.)

Also, it took longer to write as I edited older chapters during breaks to fix up issues from earlier. Still, it will be a long while before I can fully edit my story over again.

So introducing: A poor man frankenmech. The Webber!

Webber WB-000

Mass: 30 tons
Chassis: Weaver 120
Power Plant: Hermes 120
Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph
Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph
Jump Jets: None
     Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Gard  Heavy Industrial 102
     1 Machine Gun
     1 Vehicular Grenade Launcher
     1 Rifle (Cannon, Medium)
Manufacturer: Umgard anti-air shop
     Primary Factory: Umgard
Communication System: Aurigan Standard
Targeting & Tracking System: Aurigan Standard
Introduction Year: 3025
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-F(F*)-X-E
Cost: 1,418,194 C-bills

This mech uses its predecessor's tank's upper portion with a turret as its main body.
This gives it the ability to have a 360-degree firing range despite most quads' inability to do this.
It also lowered its original plan design from 35 to 30 tons.
It has a copy of the Hermes 120 fusion engine replacing its predecessor's AML 140 ICE.
This replacement and addition to the mech chassis allow the quad to move at a max speed of 64.8 kph.
It is armored in 6.5 toms of Gar Heavy Industrial 102, giving it adequate protection.
It has an imported 90 mm Reggel unique Rifle from Itrom to replace the ten rocket launcher ten-tubes.
The cannon is fed by two tons of Reggel-powered ammo, giving it 18 rounds.
It has an 8 mm machine gun with half of ton of ammo to protect it from infantry.
A vehicle grenade launcher to launch smoke to cover its retreat or fragmentation for extra protection against infantry. 
Chaff was sometimes found inside these grenades. 

Saw it first deployment during the finals tests on prototypes versus the Death pirates.

They were initially designed by the militia of Umgard's Fifth Home Guard as a homemade tank.
This changed with the Aurigan First technical Competition. 
With access to data on the Wolfpack in 3023, they decided to change their anti-air tank into a mech to give it all-terrain travel ability.
This design beat several anti-air prototypes during the raid on the pirate's hold. 
This performance, despite some primitive tech, was allowed to be sold outside the Aurigan Coalition with only the caveat that it is sold without Reggel ammo.

Type: Webber
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Experimental) 
Tonnage: 30
Battle Value: 440

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure            Industrial              6
Engine                        120 Fusion              4
    Walking MP: 4
    Running MP: 6
    Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sink                     10                      0
Gyro                                                  2
Cockpit                                               3
Armor Factor (Heavy Industrial)104                   6.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Head                    3         9     
     Center Torso            10        15    
     Center Torso (rear)               4     
     R/L Torso               7         11    
     R/L Torso (rear)                  3     
     FR/L Leg                7         12    
     RR/L Leg                7         12    

and Ammo                      Location  Critical   Heat    Tonnage    
Rifle                            CT        2        2       5.0   
4 Heat Sink                      RT        4        -       4.0   
Vehicular Grenade Launcher       RT        1        1       0.5   
Reggel Medium Ammo (9)           RT        1        -       1.0   
2 Heat Sink                      LT        2        -       2.0   
Machine Gun                      LT        1        0       0.5   
Half Machine Gun Ammo (100)      LT        1        -       0.5   
Medium Rifle Ammo (9)            LT        1        -       1.0
Interlude 7, part 4 (RD)
AN: Well, here is the final part, and now time to start on chapter 8. Man world building and chain effects take so much time.


Interlude 7, part 4 (RD)
Location: HD-438297 pirate jump point, Unknown, Jake's Cavaliers Leopard.
Date: June 20, 3024, 10:00

Commander Jake Mason sighed into his good hand. He averaged his father and the rest of the Cavaliers against Black Inferno and the ComStar agents helping them. Yet, Jake didn't feel much relief from doing so. He glanced into the hangar area to see what was left of his company. They were down to a few operative mechs and tons of salvage. However, only a few people were left to pilot them.

His father's Nightstar and his old Centurion were the only things fully operational with him and his oldest Mechwarrior as pilots. The other two, Victor and Warhammer, had been waiting for someone to use it for a few months.

A knock on his door drew his attention. He glanced at the clock and realized it was time for their final meeting as a mercenary unit. The door opened to reveal a tired-looking blond woman in armor.

"Commander. Are you ready?" She asked with worry in her voice. This was odd to hear from her despite all they had been through. He guessed it was the fact they couldn't just restart again with their new classification by the MRB.

"I'm coming, Ryana. Is everyone ready for this?" He asked as he stood up and gave his armor a quick check over. Other than the sling for his right arm and the cast on his left leg. Everything else looked fine.

Ryana had already backed into the tactical deck, where several Cavaliers waited for his arrival. He watched Leon and Dimitri taking his flank once he stood at the center of the meeting. Jake glanced around to see Cornelius' comms active, yet the man himself wasn't there. He must have been still in medical. Jake saw Louise talking with one of their few remaining infantrymen. A glance around told him that was all that was left. Five of their twelve-strong Mechwarrior company were left.

"Thank you for gathering here," Jake said as he noticed Leon and Dimitri give a slight nod while Louise stopped her conversation. A green light flashed from the comms, which indicated Cornelius was listening. "When you signed up with my command, I told everyone why we formed. To take revenge for Nik's Cavaliers' destruction by Black Inferno and rebuild."

There were some mutters of acknowledgment and some cheer from the older crew members who were part of the original Cavaliers. However, Jake caught Louise staring out where a few Mechwarriors and recruits once slept. Those people left after they defeated Kenzo Yamata and ComStar's military forces. It was because of their recent classification.

He took a deep breath before continuing, "As you noticed. We won and destroyed Black Inferno and found out their backers. Backers that we can't win a war against. We lost several more people during this journey and even now." He typed in the keys to show the notice he had received. It was from the MRB and the announcement of their bounty and classification as outlaws. It would go into effect should Jake not be captured and turned in within a week.

"We lost some of our reputations in the eyes of the Inner Sphere and will be labeled as pirates soon. So I offer everyone this," He looked at everyone to see how things seemed. They all stood tall and without fear as he continued. "I am willing to give you your severance pay now and ask Spears to hire everyone as part of Interstellar Expeditions for protection. Maybe get you guys your own command so no one will be hunting you down. Just me."

His statement brought commotion fast. Many got up, yelling that they wouldn't leave him to die alone. A few seem to struggle with his offer.

"Now that just taking things too far, Commander," Fahad shouted as the team of mechtechs and astech seemed to argue. "We are with you thick and thin, my boy. Just give them bounty hunters' scapes to us." The maintenance crew stopped arguing and nodded at their chief's statement. He received the same call of loyalty from his troopers. Most stood tall as they survived the fall the first time. They believed in him enough to survive this second one.

So Jake glanced at the first Mechwarrior he recruited, Leon Freeman, who just spoke up, "Sir. Without you saving my ass back on Brookeland Prime. I would be dead with the rest of my lancemates. I told you I would stick with you on your crusade to end the tyranny of the Black Inferno, and I'm sticking with you even now."

A few people muttered in agreement as Dimitri Shenzeng stood up to speak. Absentmindedly Jake notice Ryana speaking to a comms.

"Commander," Dimitri spoke solemnly. "I shall follow you where ever you go. Despite the low rewards, you saved my life and those of my men years ago. My life debt will not end with you being hunted down like some dog." This brought a change within some of those seemly contemplating accepting his offer.

Static blast through one of the computer terminals, the one for Cornelius's comms. "Hell, I stick around this time, boy. Your father and I might have differences, but you are a good lad. I don't mind sticking with you until you find a decent hiding place." Others began saying the same thing and offered to stay with him until he could find a good life somewhere.

"Commander!" Ryana spoke up before Louise could speak. "Spears on the line with an offer to get us somewhere safe. I'll bring him up on the holotable." Her word brought everyone's attention to the holotable.

The holoprojector's emitters turned on and showed Spears from the deck of his Jumpship. "Ryana. Jake. Fahad…" Sebastian Spears then looked around and noticed the number of people in attendance. "And the Cavaliers. I found a quicker way to decode the memory core and save everyone here. Have you heard of the Aurigan Reach area?"

Jake jerked as a memory hit him of a mission to rescue Dimitri. They had released a lot more than Capellan mechwarriors captured by those pirates. They had already saved a group of mechtechs and ex-exoskeleton gladiators. Those people wanted the next jumpship to the Aurigan Reach. What were their names again?

Luckily for him, Fahad snapped his fingers and said, "Aye. It's the place those fellas from Kramer's Parts and Machinery. You guys remember them, right?" He turned to the maintenance crew, and they all nodded in response. Not just them, but the infantry also agreed with them.

It clicked, and Jake remembered the suit those people left with them as thanks for saving them. Those people said they were heading to the Aurigan Reach that demanded exoskeletons be reforged into combat units. He still used it on his off time to relax and feel helpful when they repaired mechs between contracts.

"Oh," Spear replied in interest. "You know of Dean John Kramer of the Mech Haven University?" That caused everyone around Jake to start chattering about the people they had once rescued. However, the title was what caught his and Ryana's attention.

"He a Dean!" Jake slipped out in surprise. The looks on everyone who met Kramer and his crew had a look of surprise. "When did this happen, and how did you come by this information, Spears?"

The hologram man gave a wide grin as he replied. "I contacted a member in my organization who ventured to the area after ComStar interdicted it. She went there to investigate how much destruction was wrought by their actions and determine if the rumors were true. She completed her goals and found a flourishing nation that beat off all invaders despite its small size and army."

Spears's image was replaced with a star chart. His voice continued, "Not only did Interstellar Expedition find out why ComStar interdicted this space, but we also found out how this small region of space fought back."

Two sigils replaced the star chart. One was a symbol of a gold Terran Seahorse on a red shield, while the other was a diamond with the words 'ZBBC' blazed across the middle. It is designed with an exciting style to it. Above those words was a Terran whale with a wolf head on the bottom. Underneath it, all was a bright green reef.

"The former represent the leading nation in the area, the Aurigan Coalition." Spears continued. "The second is a small independent nation that somehow brokered peace between them and the Magistracy of Canopus and the Taurian Concordat. This Alliance distracted ComStar's forces long enough for us to decode your father's coordination and find Kenzo Yamata. Some advanced mathematics my fellow Explorer managed to get her hands on allowed us to find your father's cache."

Jake felt surprised, but he really shouldn't have. It was usually quick how fast they managed to rebuild in the nine years since the destruction of his former unit. They went through a lot together while fighting Black Inferno and then ComStar.

Thank Spears and his ability to decode the data after their fight on HD-276914 led them to Kenzo and his Annihilator. They ended that corrupt Precentor and his operation in the Perhperhy.

"Wasn't those nations the reason for the unusually high bounty on members of the ZBBC? They are classified as a pirate organization just like the Aurigans are considered a bunch of independent systems," Ryana asked as she folded her arms. "How did that two nations develop such advanced mathematics that it helped the Interstellar Expedition decode Nik's data?"

She waited a moment for Spears to respond before something clicked in her mind. "Did your member there find out how far the corruption of Kenzo went in ComStar?"

Spears's image returned to the projector, "Yes, Ryana. Everything is connected so let me explain the high points of Explorer." He paused before checking something off-screen. "Jessie found in the Aurigan Coalition and how it will save you all."

The symbol for the ZBBC appeared next to Spears's head as he spoke. "The ZBBC from Explorer Jessie's report is a mixture of the Mercenary Review Board and Solaris VII game worlds. They keep the peace between the Grand Alliance and control a new communication system. It is also the source of new technologies and the group that discovered ComStar's goals."

At the mention of new technology, Jake saw Fahad jittering in place as Ryana physically kept their Chief Mechtech from cutting in. They needed to hear everything before they made a decision.

The symbol for ComStar appeared on the other side of Spears. "The leader of the ZBBC, which full name is the Zoids and Battlemech Battle Commission, originally started as a mercenary company called 'Blitz's Team.' They were led by the current General Director, Michael Chen, into a good company like you did, Jake."

Spears's image was then replaced by a BattleRom playback. It was odd as it seemed like a mech at the height of a Commando yet had the weapon display of a medium mech. Additionally, the sensor displaying its armor integrity seemed off.

"Director Chen created three new mechs within a year of starting his mercenary company, according to patents filed in the Aurigan Reach. During their unveiling, they stopped a coup and exposed ComStar's dirty laundry to the entire Aurigan Coalition. Comstar is a lot eviler than we thought.

Jake watched the BattleRom as a screen appeared on it with a young woman speaking out about the crimes that ComStar had done throughout the years in the Reach. All sorts of incriminating evidence and all just within that area. It was a cold realization that Kenzo wasn't just a one-time incident of someone going mad with power. ComStar didn't have someone just going crazy, but indeed were fanatics that wanted to rule. Like another Succession House.

Jake glanced around to see the same look on everyone's face. He could see the despair and knew what he had to ask Spears. A glance at Ryana to see if she silently agreed with his assessment was confirmed with a slight nod.

Jake looked at Spears's hologram and mustered everything into his following few words. "Spears. How fast can you get us to the Aurigan Coalition?"

The next few hours went by quickly, but they managed to contact all their dependents and other mercenary units they had allied with. They would all meet up in the Aurigan Coalition to protect themselves from the horrors of ComStar and the Inner Sphere.

Hours later, Jake realized he had never asked what Zoids meant.
Location: Cahokia system, Cahokia IV, Achernar Battlemech Cahokia division, (Redacted) designer (status: exiled from New Avalon).
Date: July 25, 3024, 23:00

The Former Chief Designer sighed as her crew finished inspecting the newest Dig King produced from this factory. She hated that they were exiled here for trying to push new mech designed based on their Industrialmechs. Still, they worked well enough to stay employed by Achernar.

"Boss," An Astech shouted at her from the catwalk. "The customers are here for the Dig King." The man paused before calling, "You also got a parcel from someone that just came in too."

She looked around and ensured her noteputer was opened on the mech's checklist. It took a few minutes to review all the documents for purchase. The fact that this was a rush order from Interstellar Expeditions wasn't what made her confused. It was the parcel that was going around. She heard the rumors from her contact at HQ that several other military companies had received them. She was surprised that one came here instead of New Avalon to that bastard.

"Inform Miss," She glanced at the receiver's name. "Jessie, I will meet them personally to deliver the contract and request from HQ."

The Astech nodded and rushed off to the loading dock. She could see an outline of an ST-46 outside, waiting for the product. A quick review of the security cameras showed they were waiting outside with the loading crew. Moreover, they have a mercenary escort group with them—an odd bunch wearing weird medieval armor.

A spike of fear had run through her, thinking Countess Rodina Achernar had sent them to stop her attempts to use company scraps. She quickly dismissed it as they would use something other than an independent group like Interstellar Expedition. But, just in case, she waved over a security guard she recognized.

"Yes, Ma'am?" The man said while standing at attention.

"Please grab a few members off-duty and ask them to guard the children's play area. Just in case someone is planning something." She waited for him to confirm her request with a nod before she gave him a salute.

The guard walked to the workers' daycare while calling on the comms.

With that taken care of, she walked off to the loading dock. A few guards meet up with her on the way.

She arrived just before the mercenaries moved the Dig King onto a mech hauler. One of the factory loaders saw her and called out. "Boss, they have all the paperwork done here. They were waiting for you to finish their second job delivering this panel."

There was a pause as the security guards next to her received the package and scanned them for any hints of poison, explosive materials, or live/dead organisms. She ensured that there were at least ten meters between them and the rest of their factory workers. The mercenaries who handed the parcel over just stood in place.

A few minutes passed before the two security members gave the green light to open the parcel. She didn't want to seem like an ass to Interstellar Expedition or these mercenaries, so she opened it right then. She was surprised to see it was a noteputer.

"Passcode *******," One of those mercenaries suddenly said aloud. It was one of them knightly-looking ones who spoke. Whatever that language or code was, it activated the noteputer in her hands to reveal schematics.

She ignored the commotion between the security detail and the mercenaries as she reviewed the schematics. It was like the drawings her son made from the LoaderKing. When she finished reading the noteputer, the Sun was setting. It was a cold realization that most of her security detail was tied up for their sudden aggression.

"Sorry about detaining your people," The same mercenary replied from behind the line of tied-up security guards. "However, the orders from the General Director are clear. How was the information on the noteputer? Our leader wishes to offer you a great deal if you accept."

She smiled before replying, "Let's discuss this in my office. Can you release my people?"

That night she hugged her son tightly as plans were drawn up to get the production lines created. She loves this remodeled mech to become the next heavy mech for the Federated Suns but having her own factory sound much better. The only thing left was to make a deal with the bastard who forced her out here and created a future for her child.

Location: Connaught system, Connaught III, Kong Interstellar Corporation, Main Office Date: August 4, 3024, 10:00

"Sir Phillipousis!" An old man looked up to see his attendant bursting into the room. "We received the parcel that our Ostmann rep informed us about. The security division has already cleared the package and will bring it here soon."

The current CEO of King Interstellar slowly rose from his desk. He waited for this day after his friends and spies in the other corporations mentioned it.

He heard how Diplan' Mechyard refused and even tried to detain the couriers, only to have their forces rebuffed. As a result, they suddenly lost their remaining ability to produce replacement parts for the Mongoose for a while, allowing other companies to sell light mechs to the DCMS.

On the other hand, Defiance Industry revived their old Sentinel lines and factories after sending enough materials and personnel to the Aurigan Reach. He hoped this parcel would allow them to begin producing battlemechs again.

The door to his office opened again as his chief of Security and the Ostmann rep, Natasha Kimberly, walked in. The two officers behind them closed the door and began securing it. The delivery person wasn't with them and made him feel something was wrong.

"Welcome, Selaj," He nodded to his chief of Security. "Miss Kimberly. I'm surprised that the deliveryman didn't come with you two." His voice turned stern as he asked. "Where are they?"

He could see them shiver at his question, but Selaj seemed to steel himself and responded. "Sir. They left already and said they would wait for a response on their drop ship." The man looked at his wrist noteputer and read something off its holoprojector before continuing. They are taking heavier steps to protect their people. The representatives of Johnston Industries had mercenaries to try and capture their people on Addicks."

Phillipousis wanted to yell at those fools in the Federated Suns but couldn't fault them. The bounty on those people from the "Zoid and Battlemech Battle Commission" was very tempting. The CEO might have tried bounty hunting to save his company. However, he would not since he received news that those people were willing to help industries recover for their expertise and a branch in the Aurigan Reach.

"That is reasonable, but how will they hear our response in time? ComStar still censors those people whenever they are in a system not interdicted by them." That was a surprise that the organization and the small Periphery nation they were attached to survived these years of interdiction.

It was Natasha who spoke up. "Based on what my CEO replied. They are good enough to sneak a parcel onto Terra, except the noteputer was destroyed when my company refused because you had the rights to the Ostsol on paper. So I suggest accepting somehow on that package."

He thought about what Natasha said and realized what she hinted at. Someone on Terra was using legal loopholes to allow what was left of Ostmann Industries to begin making profits again through them. However, that also meant someone pressured them to refuse ZBBC's offer.

"I see," he replied as he opened the parcel with an FWL-style noteputer sliding out. It immediately turned on and projected a holoscreen. It revealed a person in a Terran medieval-style armor with modern weapons attached.

"Hello, Jerome Phillipousis," The armored figure said, which was a surprise since most people called him by his last name. "I am General Director Michael Chen of the Zoid and Battlemech Battle Commission. I sent this message as a liaison for my nation and the Aurigan Coalition for cooperation on bringing old designs back from the dead. Please respond yes or no to continue."

Jerome didn't hesitate and responded with, "Yes." Mentally he noted what the hologram had said. He then turned to Selaj and ordered, "Get my son Ryan here. He should watch this interaction."

The man saluted and rushed out the door as the message on the holoprojector continued. "Response heard. I will continue with this contract here." A mass of text appeared on the screen before the voice continued. "I mean willing to give you some time to contact your legal team if you need to. If not, say continue."

A member of Security stood at attention near the door and looked ready for an order. Jerome liked how the man was waiting for his order, so he entertained him by saying, "You. Go get someone from legal here now!"

The guard quickly ran out of the room to complete his orders. While waiting for them to show up, he and Natasha reviewed what was on the contract. It was straightforward, but it would be best for the legal teams to comb over any hidden details.

The door opened, and Jerome saw his son and the head of the Legal division walk in. Quick greetings were given as they all reviewed the contract with a fresh pair of eyes.

After a few hours of reviewing, Ryan spoke up. "Father. We should accept this contract. We can finally start producing battlemechs and our Harvester Ant with it. The only cost would be licensing out the Black Knight and Ostsol and setting up a facility in the system of Rockwell."

Jerome agreed with his son but waited for the head of Legal to respond. Instead, the bespectacled man looked away from the contract and finally said his piece. "This thing is perfect for us, but there is a condition here."

After the location agreement was stated, the man enhanced the zoom onto a line in the contact. The sentence said that a new mech line must be created within twenty years before further assistance from the ZBBC and Aurigan Coalition would be given.

"I am also afraid that moving there might cause an issue with our staff and the local laws of those people. We need a full article of those from the system in question and the Aurigan Coalition." The lawyer sighed before continuing. "While this seems like an easy win for us, there are sections here and here that require inspectors to visit the new branch for labor and safety violations. In addition, we would be allowing a foreign power directly dictate how we should run a new mech factory. Not even the Free Worlds League Parliament dictated our actions when we did repair and service for all nations."

"I am fine with those agreements," Jerome said as his thoughts went to whom he would send. "We are used to how we run things here but having a branch in that space will be a great boon. No one will realize where our new battlemechs will come from, so they will be protected thanks to ComStar's interdiction in the Aurigan Reach. Moreover, it won't interfere with our government policies, as they aren't actively at war with us."

His lawyer paused before sagging into himself while Ryan seemed ready to volunteer for the chance. Jerome felt it was best to cut off that idea before it took hold.

"I'll be sending several trusted members of our staff there. Ryan," His son looked at him with hopeful eyes. "You will be staying beside me during the period. I want you ready to take over if something goes wrong."

He was surprised by how well his son hid his disappointment at the decision. However, he would not risk his heir for this venture. He had a spar that could do it instead.

"Let us finish this review and contact these people," Jerome stated as he turned back to the noteputer and the frozen hologram. "Continue."

The hologram continued as it began to list the advantages of moving to restricted space. Jerome could feel his surprise as the man even pointed out the hidden points his lawyer found. Finally, the recording mentioned how they could be negotiated if they came in person or sent a representative.

This went on for so long that lunch and dinner were canceled as more and more people were invited to the CEO's office for the most significant decision of their company.

Location: Oliver system, Oliver I, Brigadier Corporation, Main Office
Date: October 8, 3024, 16:30

"Play that video again," A commanding voice orders. A technician manning the holotable complied, causing the holoprojector to freeze before rewinding its images. When it stopped, the light projection displayed several unique quadmechs. From the recording angle, it was from someone with a personal camera.

The technician looked at the man who ordered him to replay this damn recording several times today. It would not have been enjoyable if the battlemechs displayed didn't intrigue all mechtechs and engineers with their smooth locomotion. Instead, they all watched as the four wolf-like battlemechs quickly surrounded a pirate mech, a Hunchback. Those mechs ran circles around that juggernaut while firing their turreted weapons.

The pirate's autocannon fired its killer shots. Yet, they failed to connect as those four quadmechs dodged the bullet with unnatural grace. In return, they slowly atomize medium mech with laser fire before smoke fills the screen. Only the flash of green lasers lashing out in the haze could be seen.

When the smoke cleared, the wrecked remain of the pirate mech was left with four unscratched quads howling around it. The recording follows the mechs as they run out of the small settlement area and into the forest nearby until the cameraman loses visuals.

There were no calls for replaying the recording again as the projector turned off. Finally, the lights in the office turned on to reveal several business people with a few gruff-looking mectechs mixed in. What was odd was the number of physical papers in everyone's hands as they scribbled information down.

"Everyone, I want your opinions on those battlemechs," The demanding voice from earlier spoke. Everyone turned to see the former CEO as he sat next to the current one. Despite being retired, Doctor David Harrison the Fourth still greatly influenced the company.

Everyone burst into loud indecipherable chatter that ended when Doctor Harrison slammed his metal fist into the table. "Since you are all acting like schoolchildren. Let me rephrase my question. What is your opinion on how smooth their locomotion is, and what might cause it?"

This time the chatter was between the dozen of people here. It took several minutes before a mechtech stood up. The conversations stopped as everyone watched the man and what he had to say.

"Doctor Harrison," The young mechtech spoke with uncertainty. "I believe those four quadmechs move smoothly because of those white armored mechanical parts." He gestured for the nearby monitor and tech to replay the video. The second the recording began, the young mechtech shouted, "Pause. Right there." He pointed near the base of the mech's feet.

His comment caused even Doctor Harrison to move and look at the parts he mentioned. At first, someone said it was just an aesthetic design until the video played again. The piece in question moved so quickly that it seemed not to be moving. It took a few minutes before it became visible due to a tiny bit of discoloring after the smoke fight.

"So it has an exposed target making it vulnerable but make up for it in the smoothness and speed," Another member of the group mutter, and the others agree with her.

"Yet, those weaknesses allowed their mechwarriors to fire their weapons at that Hunchback accurately." Another person spoke up. There were nods of agreement from a few, while others disagreed.

"Do we even have a name for those four…Light mech?" The young mechtech said with some confusion. It took a moment for all uninformed to recheck the information displayed on the screen. A combat cable light quadmech that wasn't just a tool of oppression like the Guard was for the Capellans.

Doctor Harrison's voice broke through the start of another uproar. "They are called the Wolfpack, and yes, they do have some relation to the mercenary group of the same name. At least, according to my sources." The grey-haired elder looked at the current CEO with some mirth. But, unfortunately, their current leader had left out some parts in their handouts.

"However, ignore that sidetrack. How do we add these parts to our Scorpion and Goliath battlemechs." That caused everyone to pause as the company had yet to produce the Scorpion battlemech since its factory was destroyed during the Second Succession War. They barely managed to handcraft spare parts for the few Mechwarriors who wanted them, especially the unique heat sinks. The recent announcement from the Lyran Commonwealth and Draconic Combine that they would stop ordering spare parts hurt their bottom line.

It looked like the young mechtech speaking out their thoughts on the matter. "Sir. Why are we trying to figure out how to add such equipment to the Scorpion? I understand the Goliath since we can still produce spare parts from what's left of our factory here and have licensed out the design." There were some nods from several of their logistic officers who discussed their production of licensed mechs like the Griffin and Crusader. Those popular models gave them enough capital to focus on being a military business. Others pointed out the factory in Mackenzie that produces S-7A and K-1 Small crafts for hefty profits.

This time the CEO stood up and spoke. "I know why you ask that question, as both the Scorpion and Goliath have been out of production since we lost the technology to repair the specialized equipment to produce them. However, we brought this up because of the rumors throughout our industry. The ability to rebuild our factories."

Everyone paused and waited for her to continue. But she glanced around and looked back at her mentor before continuing, "Everyone here knows about the rumor of a parcel from the Aurigan Reach going out to several industries." Most attending personnel acknowledged the comment, while a few seemed confused about it.

"Well, those rumors are true." She announced and causing a shock of energy to run through everyone. The smile on Doctor Harrison's face told them something was about to happen. First, however, everyone's attention was on the current CEO as she typed something into her noteputer.

The holotable's projector started and showed the star charts with a system highlighted. Everyone realized it was their rival's home system of Connaught. They held their tongues to see how this rumor was proven true. A sub-window opens on the projection, showing two battlemechs walking out of a none descriptive building. They recognized them as a Black Knight and Ostsol. They are also freshly built with designs specific to the Free World League.

Everyone held their breaths as they watched those two battlemechs go through a test course before the visual cut out for some reason.

"As you can see," the woman continued. "Kong Interstellar managed to restore their ability to produce battlemechs of the heavier class. All for the cost of sending people and materials to the Aurigan Reach. Our agents discovered why they accepted a deal with that blackout zone."

The projector switched to a familiar basement hangar in their current building. It showed a newly built Scorpion and Goliath. "It seems someone in the Aurigan Reach managed to break the black boxes on battlemechs and combat vehicles and reproduce them. They came to many industries to offer them a chance to rebuild their factories for help. We will do the opposite and send these two mechs to the Aurigan Coalition to restore our facilities and produce new variants of our original battlemechs. The board has mostly agreed to this."

The number of people shouting or cheering was hard to tell. Still, the smile on Doctor Harrison's face never left as several mechtechs went up to him to discuss possible ways of replicating the Wolfpack's actuators into their quadmechs.

Several months later, the fires of industry birth the original quadmechs. On another note, two assassination attempts were thwarted by some deliverymen dressed in old medieval armor.

Location: Zi system, Planet Zi, New Citadel, Commander General Round Table.
Date: December 23, 3024, 08:30

Ambassador Tamati Arano II watched the third meeting of the Round Table with interest and a plan. The previous two were on laws for Planet Zi and developing a new way to stop important information from leaking. The other was on the prototypes used for combat and products sold to everyone. However, for most of those, he had nothing to add or put the interest of his homeland in.

So far, in this meeting, they had gone over immigration, terraforming, defense contracts, and integration of the ZBBC with his homeland, the Taurian Concordat, and the Magistracy of Canopus. They were about to discuss the end of the Aurigan Competition. They wanted to provide a stress test place for all the prototypes that had managed to pass all the virtual exams. He had one in mind to share with General Director Chen. Especially with the design her daughter and friend had made.

"Okay," Chen said after clapping his hands. "This settles the issue with our currency exchange between our forces and those of our friends. But, of course, we still need to work out the issue of preventing the Taurian military from breaking battle rules during sanction fights and the fines for it. I'll talk with Thomas about that later." After Chen finished speaking, a green light appeared on one end of the table in front of a soldier.

"Sir," Tamati look to see one of the Colonels of the ZBBC forces. He still needed to remember everyone's traits and names. Still, the emblems on their power armor spoke volumes as the man wore the ones for their primary combat vehicle groups. "Since this is settled. Armor divisions one and two are asking to send their points and Zeeks into purchasing an odd fire support mech made on Umgard. The budget has been set and now awaits your approval."

Tamati wanted to sigh but waited for Chen to finish his review of the Colonel's proposal.

"This mech is on the prototype stages still and hasn't passed a stress test like the Protector or the Wolfpack. If it does well, then I'll approve of it. If it is passable, then your troops can request a limited amount. Go ahead and tell them what I said. If they want to help those people, they can."

Tamati decided to help move this meeting along by lighting up his signal. "Lord Chen," he announced, and silent laugh as everyone here knew the man hated the noble title. "The Aurigan Competition is ending. High Lady Kamea wants to offer a place to test the prototypes against a pirate force." He looked to the Canopus Ambassador, who sat next to the dean of the ZBBC Mechwarrior school. "Lady Cirillo-Lamb."

The woman in question seemed surprised at the attention she suddenly received from everyone. She quickly replied, "Yes, Lord Arano? How may Canopus assist with the end of the Competition?"

"I have to request the system data of Bellerophon. Specifically that of its moon, Axylus." He knew it was time to retrieve the Argo now that everything was stabilizing and the Great Houses had stopped sending raids into the Aurigan Reach. He glanced over to Chen, who seemed to realize the destination from their talks years ago.

Lady Cirillo-Lamb typed into her Ziputer and received a response within seconds after sending it. She looked confused and said, "My contact on Canopus has agreed to send the data but requested an observer to watch the preceding and the apprehension of the pirate band there. They have to invoke article three with this fight against the pirates."

Tamati was a bit surprised they refused to offer support in the fight against the pirate band but then remembered the report from a few days ago. The Marian Hegemony suddenly became even more aggressive and attacked the Lothian League and Illyrian Palatinate. That attack had cut off essential resources to the renewed Canopus military and financial industries. Due to the merchandise meant for the Lothian League, the MAF sent a battalion as an escort.

Another light turned on, and it was from Ambassador Alice Pendelton of the Taurian Concordat. Her Ziputer dimmed as she spoke, "The Taurian Concordat is willing to add to the security measure against the pirate band. However, if the prototypes need rescuing, we will invoke article six."

She paused while checking something on her tablet. She then continued. "We can only spare Commodore Ostergaard and his forces for this duty. However, Commodore Jostar will continue assisting the Aurigan Coalition with joint patrols."

Tamati had to think for a moment before remembering what article six was. The Taurian military was willing to assist with non-alliance threats for a cost. Usually, they ask for more support against the Sun's raids against their border systems. However, the Suns and Snakes had been attacking their allies of the Outerworlds Alliance due to rumors of vast caches of Star League tech.

Most of the unessential units in the Taurian Defense Force had left to assist in the defense of Ramora and Lushann as a show of unity. This was primarily done to add the Outerworlds Alliance to the Grand Alliance. In return, ZBBC forces had been deployed along the worlds that those units had come from.

"On behalf of the Aurigan Coalition, I accept that assistance Ambassador Pendelton," Tamati replied. His daughter had asked to ease the tension rising between their forces. This should be easy by having one of the Commodores, known for his passion, assist in protecting potential aid. It would also give that man's son more products to move to their poetical alliance members. This will allow his nation to produce and sell more products to distract the enemy away from them.

As he silently congratulated himself on making his design without too much oversight. Another light came on. It was from Chen.

"I will also thank Samuel for his assistance," Chen spoke. "But I request that his artillery piece be disabled or unloaded for this event. I do not wish to harm any potential hostages or friendly fire happening during our test. However, if all goes well, I'm willing to give his ship's crew members a pass to try and bond with a zoid."

His statement nearly caused a frenzy of shouts as only seventy newborn zoids have been recorded on Planet Zi. The crew of the Iberia was over a hundred people. While the chances were low, they could bond with all the remaining zoids if they were lucky. It also set high precedence that Chen was willing to do such a thing for only a battalion's worth of support.

The zoidian raised his hand before the mechanical dinosaur next to him roared. It silenced everyone there.

"I know what everyone might think, but I have reasons for doing so. Right now, I can only sense a few people coming for their chance to bond with a zoid. This is going to leave them underdeveloped for a long period." He gestured to the center of the table, which the holoprojector turned on. It showed two images, one of the Dark Family and their zoids. According to the data, the other was a zoid without a bonded partner.

"According to historical data and recent one Moby Dick gathered. Zoids with bonded partners tend to grow extremely fast." The projector changed, and Tamati realized it was his daughter and her bonded zoid. It showed how much Zeeky had grown in two years and was almost the same size as the Wolfpack. Members of the ZBBC at the table nodded as most had failed to bond with a zoid but had subordinates who had.

"So I wish for some of them to be bonded as soon as possible. However, I do not wish to be another tyrannical Star League," That statement brought up some disagreeing mutters. Still, Tamati had seen the history books of all alliance members. It clashed with his view on the Star League. At least Chen seemed to see the good and bad of such an institution.

"That is why only a hundred Canopus Third Fusiliers and a hundred members of the Aurigan Coalition Military are allowed to come because of their achievements and victories. The Taurian Concordat must be allowed a chance according to articles four and five of the treaty. The ZBBC will only mediate between all states during conflicts that might arise." Chen paused as he looked at the few Colonels in the meeting. "We will not favor any nation during its attempts to grow. Only if they try to take over another nation through force."

Tamati slowly nodded in agreement as this was the same issue he used to deal with back when he was High Lord. In this case, Chen wasn't dealing with just a bunch of nobles but leaders of entire space nations. He could only afford to slight people if they did so first. The only thing that Thomas and Kyalla feared from Chen was that he would become another Star League Cameron with his mighty Whale King to enforce rules. So far, it hasn't happened.

"Ambassador A- Pendelton," Chen continued while trying to stay formal. It was a bit laughable in the eyes of nobles, but to Tamati, it shows the man was trying to be friends with everyone. A dangerous gamble but with the chance of high payoffs. "Please send a formal notice to Protector Calderon on this matter."

The Zoidian turned back to him and asked, "Ambassador Arano. Is there anything else you wish to inform me of?"

Tamati looked at the agenda he had that was linked to the other Ambassadors and saw that there was only one thing left. "I believe the final subject from the Alliance is the search for more zoids cores within the Aurigan Coalition and Taurian Concordat."

Everyone waited with baited breaths as the worlds that would be searched were announced. This was because of the precedent that Katinka set a year ago.

There were a few baby zoids found on Katinka. Those were transferred here after the leader of the Undertaker bonded with them near the Generators. Since then, only these two systems have had the same defense as a capital world. A reserve was set up on Katinka in case more zoids were found there. Everyone believed that it was due to the planet being where Chen had crashed landed.

However, this changed when a resident of the slums on Coromodir was found with two fist-size zoid cores. At first, it was thought to be just the baby cores of the dead Shotwalker from the ZBBC's Spider Riders. However, when Chen arrived to take custody of them, he announced that it was only some of the Ambassadors and ZBBC personnel. This sent a shock throughout the Alliance, but because they were mainly found in the Aurigan Coalition, search parties would be organized between all member nations.

Another light came on from one of the military leaders. Tamati recognized him as Colonel Glenn of the Blue Armor Calvary. He was attending the meeting from Katinka with his unit, training recruits and guarding the Zoid reserve.

"Colonel Glenn," Chen acknowledge. "You have a suggestion on how to go about this?"

"I do, sir," Glenn replied as the screen suddenly changed to a star chart. "I discussed with several Rangers here, and they noticed a trend after receiving a report from Panzyr from the Second Blue Armor Calvary." The report came up, and Tamati skimmed it and discovered they had found a zoid core on the planet. However, as he read, the report shows where the Whale King had often visited when bringing warship debris down for use in the dropship project they were developing.

Glenn waited for Chen to respond before continuing. Tamati realized everyone was staring at Chen's hair to see it hadn't changed from obsidian. The sharp nod from the Zoidian signaled the Colonel to say. "It is believed that all planets that Moby Dick has visited and stayed for an extended time might have been seeded with zoid cores from the crash era."

"I realized that Moby might have been the reason, but still, my hopes that the Zoidian race didn't depend on me," Chen replied before standing up. "Let's discuss how to set up reserves and get away from this depressing topic." The fake smile didn't fool anyone, but Tamati decided to contact the list of planets that the Whale King had visited often.

Chen decided that ZBBC would begin setting up more reserves on planets those planets and increase his funding to terraforming projects for all member states. Tamati contacted his daughter and the Council about this decision. It took several minutes to argue the benefits of allowing the ZBBC to do this, but they agreed. At least, he had done better than the other Ambassadors who were still trying to make concessions with their leaders.

Chen took all three forms sent to him and deliberated on them before Tamati's Ziputer lit up. He glanced at his fellow Ambassadors and saw the looks of frustration as they retyped their leader's conditions.

"Tamati," He looked to see an exasperated Chen speaking to him. "You can go home while I finish this with Melody and Alice. We will have to reschedule talks about using fuel cell-based engines for Reggel conversion later. Tell the Misses I said hi."

"I shall," He responded as he got up. "By your leave." He then turned to Alice and Melody and said, "Good luck with your efforts, and tell everyone the Misses is planning a dinner party for Terra's New Year. Everyone is invited."

"I'll take you up on that invitation. Will there be good alcohol there?" Alice asked as she set down her Ziputer and rubbed her head. Tamati nodded as if he had answered out loud, and his wife would somehow find out.

Melody, however, refused by saying, "I'm sorry, but I have plans with my family this time. So you can pass Serena my recipe for Canopus-style Turkey. I'm sure everyone would love it." The beep on his Ziputer told Tamati she had sent it to him.

"I shall. Have a good time with your family, Melody, and inform Paddy that several Mechwarriors in the ACM are asking about how he rigged up the gaming pods into mech training ones." With that said, he took his leave.

It took several minutes to leave the fortress and enter the awaiting APC that would transport him home. Tamati arrived at his embassy's residence to greet his wife for the night. He talked with his daughter about daily life outside that meeting before dinner was called. He left his office for the dining room, where his loving wife and newly adopted daughter waited for him.

Location: Sol system, Planet Terra, Hilton Head HPG
Date: January 7, 3025, 15:00

Primus Julian Tiepolo sighed internally because of Precentor Sian. The head of the Capellan HPG network explained why they would need help against this 'Grand Alliance' and their expansion with other barbaric nations. After all, those nations were just as bad as the Successor Lords. Still, the temporary peace could allow ComStar to influence the destroyed worlds in their favor. They would spread more rumors about how barbaric the Aurigan Reach area has descended into and then slowly remove them from the star charts. Without active HPG, they would eventually fall despite how resilient they are.

The unique technology that came out of the Aurigan Reach is interesting. They were retrieved from a mashup of mech mixed with vehicles. Unfortunately, however, it was an insult to the original dreams of Jacob Cameron.

He read the data and almost authorized more ROM units in the area. However, he stopped himself to prevent suspicion from falling on any ComStar personnel entering the other members of the Grand Alliance. It worked well since Canopus needed the HPG to continue its profits. In contrast, the Taurians needed them to mount a defense properly.

"Primus!" Precentor Sian said with restraint. "I know my alarms about this Grand Alliance were ignored in some ways. However, I have received reports that they are expanding their membership to the other Periphery nations. The Lothian League and Outerworlds Alliance."

This brought in the other Precentors who were waiting to speak their turn. The chatter was so loud that Tiepolo signaled Precentor Emilio Rachan to bring order to the meeting. After a few moments, everyone was seated as Tiepolo asked out loud. "Why has this announcement brought so much ruckus?" He looked around before nodding at the loudest person. "Precentor of New Avalon will speak first."

The Federated Sun's representative stood and began speaking with anger. "This Grand Alliance has outright invaded the Federated Sun territory in defense of the Outworlds Alliance due to rumors of Star League-grade technology being transported in their area." They took a deep breath before continuing, "While normally this wouldn't affect us. Those dropships acted civil enough to their hated enemy. But unfortunately, after they left, HPG networks on their path to the Outerworlds Alliance territories suffered a massive decrease in use. It took my ROM agents weeks until they found slips of videos of that bitch, Kamea Arano, and her announcement of our actions in the general area."

That comment made people nervous, yet Tiepolo kept firm as he nodded with an understanding of the issue. "We will find a proper response to the Taurian Concordat if we find proof. For example, suppose we suddenly strike at them after such information is spread. In that case, it will bring the Great House's attention to us instead of the Alliance. However, direct action against the Taurian Concordat will only confirm Kamea Arano's speech."

The New Avalon Precentor sat down, but Tiepolo knew they would have to talk again about what actions he could take without the backlash. The Primus then turned to the retiring Precentor Dieron. The Combine man was about to leave his position to his protege but held off due to the death of Precentor ROM Kenzo Yamata. Myndo Waterly, who would take over, was waiting outside the meeting room, reviewing her duties before the current Precentor joined the hunt for Yamata's killer.

The Combine representative stood to make his announcement. "I have Yamata's murderers, Jake's Cavaliers, heading to the Outerworlds Alliance to escape our Blessed Order's agents. However, since they had a memory core from the Star League. I spread the rumors of them having it to the Combine to have it destroyed, as they have proven extremely difficult to kill."

The elder paused as he coughed in his hand, which made Tiepolo wish he had taken his retirement instead of taking over Yamata's position. After several seconds, the Precentor managed to calm his fits down and continued speaking, "I've made a slight mistake which has caused the issue with the Federated Suns. MII agents within the Combine had reported the rumors and decided to chase them."

So that is why the Federated Sun and Combine had moved one Regiment each of the Galedon Regulars and Draconis March Militia? Emilio had reported this movement yesterday but not the reason why. He would have words with the ROM agent later. Suppose he is still searching for that rumored Star League bunker in the Free World League. Tiepolo will inform Nicholas to reassign the man to another ROM project in that case.

He watched as the Precentor of New Avalon and Dieron made plans to end the minor flare-up before the Taurian or those pariahs managed to obtain the memory core. Then, he turned to the Precentor of Tharkad and Pedrigor Aliz to see what he had to say about the sudden activity from the Periphery of their shared boards.

"Any information for our end that requires more attention?" Tiepolo asked them. "Any other issue that we need to discuss? Is there anything else besides the sudden surge of those Roman-like pirates? Has Sian's worry been proven with the Lothian League?"

Pedrigor stood as his fellow Precentor shook their head. "Primus. We might have an issue. Sian reports are off as it is no longer the Lothian League but the Illyrian Palatinate who wants to join the Grand Alliance."

Tiepolo was surprised that the Illyrians had made such a decision since they tended to rely on the Free Worlds League as their primary trade partners and military assistance. However, they must have a good reason to switch to the unknown group for protection.

"Emilio," Tiepolo called out to the ROM. "Please explain to me how you haven't reported the Illyrian Palatinate decision to ally themselves with Sian problem?"

He watched his right-hand man stand at attention before replying. "I am still compiling the reports on why they made such as decision but most point to the Pirate Hunters of Canopus."

Emilio walked over to show his noteputer to Tiepolo. He then continued talking. "They had joined the forces of Lothian and the Illyrians in repelling the Marian Hegemony. Observers there have reported that Illyrians and Lothian's military powers have increased dramatically in battlemechs and combat vehicles. But unfortunately, those battlemechs are mostly composed of several unknown bipedal militiamech, class medium, and many Urbanmechs."

Tiepolo almost rubbed his hand on his forehead when the ROM continued. "They also had several tanks and a flight of Sabre that wasn't noted in our last report a year ago."

Tiepolo began thinking of what needed to be done based on the information he had received over the past few meetings. First, there needed to be a way to draw the Successor Houses to attack this union of states. However, it would take more work to do.

The Capellan Confederation hasn't been attacked since the signing of the Concord of Kapteyn, and the Taurian were only engaging the Federated Sun and Draconis Combine in a defensive action. But then, his thoughts turned to Precentor Dieron and the memory core. The pathing of the outlaws and the supposed ability of the Aurigan Coalition to break through every protection set by Star League encryption.

"Precentor Emilio Rachan," Tiepolo called out loudly. This caused all the conversations to end and all Precentors to look at him. "You must gather a list of personnel willing to strike against the Aurigan Coalition's ZBBC. They are the source of the unity of the Grand Alliance and will break apart without that center." Finally, the Primus turned to everyone in the room and asked. "Gather as many mercenaries, criminals, and devoted followers of our Blessed Order to strike them down once they leave their space again. We must end this before they bring back another Amaris Empire!"
Finally, the Primus turned to everyone in the room and asked. "Gather as many mercenaries, criminals, and devoted followers of our Blessed Order to strike them down once they leave their space again. We must end this before they bring back another Amaris Empire!"
Considering how Comstar usually acts I would say that they are more in line with what Amaris wanted than the ZBBC. For a phone company, they really do look like an Evil Empire scrambling to maintain their hold on the galaxy.
nice chapter thx for writing it
fun to see the captains of industry to plain ignoring the black out zone and continue work
interesting response from comstar will be fun to see where the battle will take place
fun to see the captains of industry to plain ignoring the black out zone and continue work

Well some Captain of the military industry have their own power on what they can do. Lyran sand FWL ones are the most loose ones while CapCon, DC and FedSuns are a bit (or a lot with the first two) strict on who those people can sell to.

Technically speaking, they're both. a phone company and an evil empire scrambling to maintain control.

Well during Tiepolo time, I consider them very miss guided still. After that yeah.. still a remnants of the SL and the main controller of interstellar communication (for now).

Thanks for the chapter.

Your welcome.
I'm on chapter 3.03 atm and felt like I had to leave this comment because it started to annoy me more and more every time it happened. So, in case you didn't correct it in the chapters I haven't read yet, please for the love of all that's good and holy; it's hangAr, not hangEr! Thank you.
I'm on chapter 3.03 atm and felt like I had to leave this comment because it started to annoy me more and more every time it happened. So, in case you didn't correct it in the chapters I haven't read yet, please for the love of all that's good and holy; it's hangAr, not hangEr! Thank you.

It is being fixed up. Sorry if I haven't said it here but I'm working on fixing them. Right now editing 1.03 and interlude 1 while writing chapter 8.
It is being fixed up. Sorry if I haven't said it here but I'm working on fixing them. Right now editing 1.03 and interlude 1 while writing chapter 8.

It's not such a big deal for most people, but I see it all the time so it become one of those small things that annoy me. It's like when people write angle instead of angel, you understand what the author meant but your mind conjures nonsense and punts you out of the story immersion every time you read it. Thanks for the quick response.
It's not such a big deal for most people, but I see it all the time so it become one of those small things that annoy me. It's like when people write angle instead of angel, you understand what the author meant but your mind conjures nonsense and punts you out of the story immersion every time you read it. Thanks for the quick response.

It's no problem. I realized it actually after posting some time and thought I did fix them. However, after checking my first two chapter parts (1.01 and 1.02) I best go over it again and make sure the edits stick.