Whelp this could be worse (Battletech x Zoid SI)

Choose a name for a new medium militiamech

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Oh an update. Chapter 7.01 is almost done. I'll send it to my usual Beta plus anyone who want to help with editing.

It just a slight overview and some excitement for some people. Things had changed a bit from my original outline but I like this way better. Nothing should go as planned for my SI as personalities and goals clash (although not visibly since I suck at writing such).
Gespenst (GST-002A)
Thanks to a suggestion from Edrax of SB about hover parts. This one was created thanks to his suggestion on improving the original.

My SI noticed an issue with the militiamech during its first live combat run. So how about this one.

All I can say is money money money! After all, it is a cheap and fast medium mech.

Gespenst GST-002A

Mass: 50 tons
Chassis: Powerman/Hover
Power Plant: 270 Zi RE
Cruising Speed: 108 kph
Maximum Speed: 162 kph
Jump Jets: 2 CC type
     Jump Capacity: 30 meters
Armor: Standard Industrial
     2 Rocket Launcher 20
     4 Small Laser
     2 Machine Gun
     2 Medium laser
Manufacturer: Katinka Industrial Inc
     Primary Factory: The entire Aurigan Coalition
Communication System: Zi linker
Targeting & Tracking System: prototype-Pack Linker
Introduction Year: 3022
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-F-X-X
Cost: 2,318,688 C-bills

A true Militiamech in all sense.
This fast-moving hybrid mech was designed to be a cheap mech to hold off pirates and bandits until heavier metal could arrive and finish them.
This is the improved Aurigan version.

This does not need a gyro as it was designed for flatlands or urban environments.
It is equipped with an experimental power adaptor that allows it to be refitted with various weapons.
It uses two one-shot rocket launchers and a series of small lasers for close-range hits and runs.
The flamer was dropped, and the engine downgraded to add more armor and two medium lasers in the form of gun pods.
Two CC-type jumpjets were placed on the right and left torso. They can adjust their angles to keep
the mech balanced during high-speed turns and for the gunner to make a snap decision for dodging enemy fire.
The slight redesign on the RE allows a few more internal heat sinks to replace its old fuel tank.
The joint between the vehicle and mech part is the same as a Guntank, allowing the Mechwarrior to fire in any direction.
Ten tons of industrial armor covers this mech.


This mech redesign of the original was made due to the performance of the original on sharp turns.
The Jumpjets can be used as such but are mainly there to keep the mech balance during quick turns.

Type: Gespenst
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Tonnage: 50
Battle Value: 485

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure            Industrial             10
Engine                        270 Zi RE              15
    Walking MP: 10
    Running MP: 15
    Jumping MP: 1
Heat Sink                     13                      2
Gyro                                                  -
Cockpit                                               3
Armor Factor (Industrial )    106                     10
Fuel                     -                        20 gallon

                          Internal   Armor  
                          Structure  Value  
     Head                    3         9    
     Center Torso            16       12    
     Center Torso (rear)               5    
     R/L Torso               12       10    
     R/L Torso (rear)                  5    
     R/L Arm                 8         5    
     HB                         -      40    

Suitable Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm, Lower Arm, Hand
Left Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm, Lower Arm, Hand

and Ammo                       Location  Critical   Heat    Tonnage   
Small Laser                       CT        1        1       0.5  
Prototype Rocket Launcher 20      RT        3        5       1.5  
Small Laser                       RT        1        1       0.5  
Machine Gun                       LA        1        0       0.5  
Half Machine Gun Ammo (100)       LA        1        -       0.5  
Prototype Rocket Launcher 20      LT        3        5       1.5  
Small Laser                       LT        1        1       0.5  
Small Laser                       HD        1        1       0.5  
Machine Gun                       RA        1        0       0.5  
Half Machine Gun Ammo (100)       RA        1        -       0.5  
Jumpjet                           RT        1        -       0.5   
Jumpjet                           LT        1        -       0.5
Medium laser                      RA        1        3       1.0
Medium laser                      LA        1        3       1.0
Last edited:
The First Zoid Ranger Service. Semi-canon
Omake by coyote16able of SB. It semi-canon

edited by my Grammarly program

Sometime after Settling in New Zi

Valiours McKee walked away from the cliff after relieving himself to the back of the truck parked a little ways away waving at the others milling around in the morning sun.

The brown sleeping bag in the bed let out what sounded like an old diesel engine going through the gears as he leaned on the folded-down tailgate.

"Mr. Ward this is the front desk calling for your… 7:30 morning wake up please get your ass moving"

Seeing only the bulge in the sleeping bag turn over Val looked around before bringing a fist up and then slamming it down on the tailgate near the mouth of the bag. Watching the sleeping bag for a better term jump with a curse the man only let out a chuckle as his partner pulled his head out of the bag glaring at him.

"Come on I already ate and the others are about to finish breakfast."

Frank Ward crawled out of his sleeping bag cursing at the fact he was wakened up in such a way before sitting on the tailgate pulling his boots on and going to grab breakfast.

After breakfast, Val was looking over a map with Frank figuring out where each was going pointing at an area as he spoke.

"I'm gonna head east towards the Johnstanie ranch and deal with their issues then head south towards Perfection"

"Big thing is gonna be the freaking Molga herd between here and perfection if your heading east then I'll head West towards the hills should allow me to check that supposed smuggler pass and get me up high enough to see if I can spot that herd."

With a plan made Val climbed into his partner Rhonda the Gojulas Giga and the two men of the Aurigan Zoid Ranger Service went their separate ways to do their jobs.

The Zoid Ranger Service is a Law Enforcement group not unlike that fish and game wardens or a park ranger service tasked with the protection and management of wild zoids and their habitats.

Documenting, Protecting, and Managing wild zoids are just some of the duties of these men and women.

Not my best and obviously probably not canon but I think would be a nice little possible Future Consequence of introducing Zoids also yes I'm on somewhat tremors kick.
They daily Life of a Zoid Ranger: Protect and Recruit
"This is Earl here," A thin man spoke into his comms. "I got a non-pass holding dropship landing several miles from New Vickburg. Should I engage or let the herd of Dibision take care of it?"

"God damnit Earl," came the voice of Frank. "You know we're not allowed to let the zoids fight them unless their pass holders. Do you want to explain to the Commissioner why one of them might get a taste for human flesh! We don't want another Blood Raptor incident!"

Earl shudders at that though. He didn't want that death on his hands if another one appeared because of him.

"Roger that Frank," Earl replied as he checked his Ziputer for any nearby help. A question came to mind. "What happened to our ASF forces?"

"This is New Vicksburg Air Towers," a voice cut in from the city. "Ranger Earl. The reason our ASF isn't up is that they are dealing with a flock of Glidolers who thought our spaceport would be a nice nesting ground. It would take them an hour to return. Ground forces have sent out a Wolfpack lance to intercept from these coordinates." Earl saw the numbers appear on his screen. "If you wish to Ranger. You can link up with them."

Earl thought for a moment as his partner crawled over. "I am cutting through to that DropShip. Tell the Wolfpack lance to wait for my signal," the man hurriedly hopped into his Zoid cockpit and began digging.


Mercenary Ijin thought this contract was foolish. To investigate a planet protected by the Aurigan Coalition to the point no one outside of that nation knew its name. The only thing he knew was that you were invited to this planet to get one of those amazing battlemechs. It was the reason these bastards had "recruited" him.

So far everything about this mission was odd. The ASFs didn't even launch as the planet defense network didn't react to their landing. Then all their electronic equipment started failing which allowed him to secretly disarm the bomb collar on his sister and sneak her on board his battlemech.

Now he was off "scouting" ahead with the threat to his sister as the reason. Too bad for those idiots he already running hard. The other shouldn't realize he was escaping yet when his radio went off.

This is the Aurigan Zoid Ranger Service contacting the lone Flea running away. Head to these coordinates if you don't want to get caught in the crossfire. The Dibison herd have been informed and they shouldn't attack you as long as you don't fire on them."

Ijin looked at his battlemap to see a Navi point just a few kilometers away. In fact, his computer systems were running fine now unlike earlier. He didn't fully understand what the man said about Dibisions as they sounded like native animals. Unless they were the size of battlemechs and could resist six small lasers, why would he be worried?

"Oppa," his sister spoke up. "I think we should listen to the man. He sounds sincere."

He smiled and replied in a soft tone, "Okay."

Ijin didn't hesitate and moved his Flea to the location just as his former "employer" realized what he had done.

"Warning incoming missiles," Ijin heard his battle computer shout as he drove it past a few trees. The missiles slammed into the obstacles behind him. He then saw the herd of Dibisions the man had said on the radio.

It wasn't a herd of animals. It was a herd of Battlemechs…which didn't make much sense until he realize they were drinking a brown liquid from a massive tree he saw when they landed.

They were acting like animals that he almost forgot he was being shot at and chased. It was only thanks to his experience as a Mechwarrior that he managed to avoid the SRMs from the chasing Locust.

You think your slick escaping from," the spook died from the cannon fire coming from the biggest bull shape battlemech. It turned its weapons to it but Dayun had already opened his cockpit door and waved at the battlemech. He could hear her shouting, "Thank you!"

Ijin watched as the battlemech suddenly vented heat from its " nostrils" before turning back to the brown river. His radio came to life as another person contacted him.

"This is Sword leader of the Wolfpack Alpha team. Flea pilot. Do you wish to hear our assault on your former captors?"

The white-haired man paused as he looked at his sister, who had returned to his side. She seemed to be exhausted from the action so Dayun shouldn't be able to hear anything while she slept. He quickly powered down his mech and replied, "Yes."

He plugged a pair of headphones into his radio and could hear the screams of fear coming through.

"Fire! Fire! Kill that thing. It just dragged half the DropShip into the ground!"

"What the hell is that thing!"


"It's got my mech. Save me! I don't want to be eaten!"

That went on until everything went silent.

The first man who directed them here suddenly contacted him. "Well, son. They are done and dusted but now what to do with you two."

Ijin tense but the giant bull mech suddenly roared, waking Dayun.

The voice on the radio suddenly changed its tone. "Well never mind. Old Bessy found her new bonded so welcome to the Aurigan Zoid Ranger service. You get a house, retirement, and a chance to be one of the few hundreds of people who gets to study alien life. So what do you say?"
Okay guys. I've gotta feedback from my betas and realized something in chapter 7.01 will feel like it came out of no where and in truth I forgot to put it in the interlude 6. So I'll ask everyone here. Do you want me to put it as a flashback in 7.01 or in interlude 7. I'm not going to put in in interlude 6 since not a lot of reader go back unless they need a refresher.
Interlude 7 would probably be better unless you find a better way to recontextualize the information as zoid logs or something. That is what the interludes are for and the main chapters are usually depicted in the present from Chen's point of view.
Interlude 7 would probably be better unless you find a better way to recontextualize the information as zoid logs or something. That is what the interludes are for and the main chapters are usually depicted in the present from Chen's point of view.

True. However, I'm going with flashback since it would flow with what I have down for 7.02. My SI was there for what happen after all.

I will say it will be expanded upon in the interlude from other people POV.
Recruitment Post: Join the ZBBC today!
Join the Zoid & Battlemech battle Commission today!

We offer plenty of benefits and protection within all areas under the signatory space.

Start today and join away.

Want to be part of the policing work? No problem. We will give you training in infantry and battle armor tactics, combat vehicles of all types, ASF and VTOL, and/or militiamechs. You will receive your choice of armor at the end of five years of service.

Want to be part of the action while working for the ZBBC? You can. Just signed up for a combative ID.
Warning: you can't bet on your matches.

Don't have a battlemech? No worries. We will provide you with one for your duties.

Want to own one? No worries either. You can keep the battlemech provided or upgrade with your service points.
Warning: You must use service points for the purchase of a Battlemech. You will still receive one of our four types of militiamech for five years of service.

Want a chance to bond with a zoid? No worries either. You are entered into a monthly lottery for a chance at a Zi-pass.

Want to do something other than combat work? No problems either. We have newscasters, researchers, terrain inspectors, and bookies.

Join today!

Warning: The ZBBC does not take any responsibility during your passholder event. All decisions are final. Any traitors will be given a trial and, if found guilty, will face Hyperspace travel at 1G for ten years.


AN: Well done with flashback and 1 section of Chapter 7.02. Now here's an Omake while I go edit 7.01 with self-edit and then work on my HV chapter 5 for one section.

If anyone is wondering I work on stories like this:

WTCW: 2 sections, then maybe an omake and finally 1 section for HV.
Chapter 7.01: One War ends, and Another is Coming. Heck No!
Chapter 7.01: One War ends, and Another is Coming. Heck No!


Location: Coromodir system, Coromodir VI, Cordia City, High Lord's Palace
Date: March 23, 3022, 07:00

I walked through the Aurigan Coalition's main palace to see High Lady Kamea about the last stand of her Uncle's Directorate. I told my two bodyguards to stay close to Hulk as we walked through another set of double doors. The rest of my guards stayed with Wolf to protect the package I was asked to bring. They spread out and scanned the area while I went inside with the others.

Kamea had asked me to bring a few zoids cores to the meeting as a form of goodwill. I sense some of them were ready, but not for whom. So I went along with it since my instincts told me to. Even if my logic told me I was being foolish.

The fight over a week ago still stressed me out. Especially when I finally got to see myself in a mirror after the battle and saw what happened to my body. It wasn't like that before I got onto the Magnolia to jump here.

Maybe Hulk had made me look more like an anime Zoidian? Whatever the reason for my changes didn't matter much at the moment as I had an important meeting. I had already worried about it for two weeks, so I need to stop freaking out whenever I look in the mirror.

I asked Wolf to stay outside the palace, in the open, to assist with guarding the palatial grounds with the Royal Guardsmen. He agreed if Hound got back to messing with ComStar, which I permitted after their latest attempt to send out information about the zoids and a request for backup. A giant warship tends to get people jumpy there, after all. At least my bodyguards had their way of helping out as well. They had sent them out before we reached the palace and then rode on Wolf the rest of the way.

I passed by several of the palace's aides and staff members who bowed and kept their heads down. I had to return those bows with a respective nod. So they would get back to work as some of these people kept to their Capellan ancestry. Their constant bowing was grating, but I understood it. It's almost the weeb version of my own family Chinese Culture turned up to eleven. My bodyguards loved the respect they were receiving because of our actions.

The constant whispers of hero-worshiping or fear were almost enough to make me a bit paranoid. Of f course, it didn't help when the workers looked at Hulk, who was staring down a few maids who had just passed by. I'm so glad for my helmet, as it blocks most of my new psychic power. It kept the privacy of everyone around me.

I greet a pair of approaching ACM guards, who I vaguely recognized as part of the squad of troopers I saved back in Rotua. They stopped and saluted me before saying, "Commander Chen."

I returned the salute with my own before saying, "Yes, Corporal?" I had noticed his rank patch on his shoulder.

"Lady Arano has sent us to escort you and your men to the meeting room." The light-skinned man said as his partner, a young woman, nodded while at attention. "My orders are to tell you that Captain Brook Esposito and Duke Chili of Katinka will be attending this meeting remotely through their coms. They are deployed and are engaged at the base where Santiago Espinosa was last spotted. Any other questions else will be answered at the meeting. Please follow us."

They had paused for a moment to look at Hulk with some awe, even if I couldn't see their eye through those helmet visors. I just knew through the faint emotions I could feel. It did make me wonder if I had the enhanced vision and hearing of Zoidians too.

As my two guards took the rear, I followed the pair with Hulk next to me. It was a short walk, and soon, we arrived at the doors to the audience chamber. The Royal Guardsmen there saluted all of us before letting me through.

I turned to both of my bodyguards and said. "You two can stay out here and assist the guards or join me talking with the High Lady and the remaining nobles. I trust that you two. Which one do you two want to do?"

They looked at each other and the guards outside before the oldest one, seeing as both were pretty young to me, said, "We will join the Guards outside. We don't want anyone interrupting your meeting, Commander." Secretly I knew what he meant. They were going to keep an eye outside and secure an escape route as Hulk was more than enough to protect me inside.

I nodded to them and walked in with Hulk following. The organoid's footsteps were loud as they echoed in the large audience chamber. Someone to my right suddenly spoke, "Welcoming Commander Michael Chen of the mercenary group Blitz Company and his partner Hulk."

I ignored that and looked at everyone and everything in the chamber. I saw Kamea sitting in the same chair in those cutscenes from the game. She was even dressed in the red and white dress from her coronation. Standing next to her was Alexander Madeira as her Chief Advisor and Raju "Mastiff" as head of the Royal Guards. I saw a few familiar faces among those already seated then I noticed the sigil for Maxwell Chili's family next to my company's one on the table. I walked over and took the seat meant for me while Hulk stood silently behind me.

Mastiff had told me to keep my helmet on this time unless I wanted to be outed as genetically modified or an alien. But, of course, I wasn't an alien in my heart. Still, even the latest blood tests I did on myself showed my DNA had turned from a standard helix to something out of that episode of Walker Texas Ranger. The one with the Buddha kid.

I could tell everyone in the chamber was starting at Hulk and me. I could tell the ones who knew who and what Hulk and I were just nodded at the fact I kept my helmet on this time.

I don't think showing these people I'm possible a Zoidian (which I'm still a little in denial about) or the fact the zoids were alien life would be a good idea. However, I was prepared for it since I brought those cores. I noticed that several of the seats for nobles were missing. I knew some missing ones, like House Gallas, House Maderia, and House Espinosa. Those three were the main instigators of the coup.

I heard the double doors close before Kamea stood up. She says. "I would like to thank everyone here for standing with me during the Espinosa attempted coup alongside two other Founding Houses." I could see Alexander shuffle uncomfortably as it was his parents that joined the Directorate side after all.

"As we speak," Kamea continued. "Our newest Duke and his people are storming the traitor Santiago's palace halls to bring him to justice." I saw a few of the nobles shuffle uncomfortably about a no-name Baron becoming a Duke for a reason only known by the previous High Lord.

Kamea made a small gesture with her hand, and Mastiff brought out his Ziputer. He activated it and switched it to battle map mode. The holoscreen that appeared in midair in great detail made everyone gasp in awe, well, those without knowledge of the device.

It was from the points of view of Duke Chili himself, leading his infantry through a fancy-looking hallway. There were dead bodies everywhere in the colors of the Directorate. I saw a familiar face of Sergeant Night going up to the double doors with a squad of troopers and attached something to the door.

The next minute there was dust everywhere as the Duke ran in with his men only to find Santiago Espinosa on the ground at the base o this throne with a bullet to the head. There was an auto pistol in his hand. The gasp from the people around me was not surprising. Most people here knew that man for a while, and seeing him dead before he could be brought to justice was disheartening.

The troopers secured the room as Duke Chili checked the body with his medic.

The medic shook his head and looked to the Duke and us viewers, "Sir. This man has been dead for at least a day. While this wound looks self-inflicted, the blood splatter doesn't match the location of the exit wound if it was a suicide. Unfortunately, someone attempted to make it look like one."

There was a pause before Maxwell asked, "are you a hundred percent sure it wasn't a suicide?"

The medic nodded as he pointed at the blood splatter and the gun. "That gun should have caused a larger injury, blood splatter, and a hole in the wall over there. Our breaching charge might have caused the body to fall from its chair, but it wouldn't hide a bullet hole in the wall over there."

This time the camera moved to show the helmeted head of Duke Maxwell Chili. "Lady Kamea and members of the Council. We had failed our objective of capturing the traitor Santiago Espinosa from someone's assassin. However, all remaining Directorate forces in the Coromodir system have been defeated."

Mastiff hit the transmit button on the Ziputer and looked at the pale face of Kamea. She took a deep breath before declaring, "Duke Chili. Withdraw and return all prisoners to Coromodir VI. Bring that body back as well. I want to make sure it is my uncle. Also, I was hoping you could leave a garrison to watch over the people while we process the judgment of all the Directorate members. Good work on ending this coup."

"It was my pleasure Lady Kamea." Then the connection cut out.

I could see the exhaustion in her eyes, but she steadied herself as she asked everyone for the status of their holding and forces. That was when the nobles began making their reports. It would take a while, so I checked my Ziputer to review all recent purchases, sales, recruitment, and casualties. I had losses and gains during the two weeks since the Battle for Coromodir. I could hear Hulk getting ready to nap since none of it was meant for him. I think he was bored.


-Three hours later-

Man, three hours of people going over the same thing over and over got annoying fast. It's like being in a board meeting before I appeared in this universe with the zoids. But, at least I got a good overview of what has happened. All the leaders of the coup were found either dead or severely injured.

Alexander looked sick after the information about his parents was brought up during Marquis Decimis's report. Lord Pierre-Louis Decimis had sent his bodyguards to check on the former Lord and Lady of Guldra system. Only to find them and their guards either severely injured or dead. Right now, both were being treated in the HSC and guarded inside a secret location on Moby Dick.

The less said about former Lady Samantha Gallas and her husband. ACM soldiers sent to check on their prison only found the whole place collapsed. Hundreds of prisoners were dead with them, most being Directorate members and the personal military forces of that Founding House.

So overall, the entire Aurigan Coalition was down two Regiments of conventional combat vehicles and a Battalion and a half of battlemechs. It's only thanks to my interference with Katinka that they even had a factory to replace all their losses. I had sent a message using the satellite in orbit to try and use any of the hyperspace openings from the jumpship to send a request out. I hoped it would arrive within a week or so.

I was surprised that seconds after I sent the message, I had received a response from Deputy Governor Garcia that the order was on its way via three of their four dropships and should be here today with Moby Dick. I was surprised by the speed until she mentioned that Duke Chili had already sent the message two weeks ago.

However, I was glad I received the response through my Ziputer instead of a ComStar courier or an open terminal. It means Moby Dick must have finished setting up the prototype satellite in hyperspace. Now the seeding of a new communication network was almost set if I could talk to someone over sixty light-years away via text within seconds.

That was when I heard Kamea say my name. I quickly switched my Ziputer to the presentation and linked with the one acting as a holoscreen.

"Lord Michael Chen shall present what he can supply us to rebuild. He will also reveal some important matters we must decide on."

I went to stand up to present my factory modules and HSC to all the Lords, Ladies, and military officers in the crowd. I paused, realizing what the High Lady had just said about my title. It was "Commander," but she had said "Lord."

I couldn't help but double-take and yelp, "LORD?"

Screw formality and those around me. Since when am I a Lord? I think my outburst surprised everyone there. Heck, even Mastiff looked at me with confusion about my action.

There was movement from some of the Royal Guardsmen watching us, but they all returned to their position as Mastiff waved them down. Kamea seemed to realize she had opened a can of worms I didn't even know how to deal with. Luckily Mastiff just came up and patted me on the shoulder and whispered, "Just say what you bring to the table so Kamea can explain."

I wanted to grumble but kept going since Hulk hadn't reacted to all this happening around him. I coughed in my hand to clear my throat before speaking, "Thank you, Lady Arano. I'm Commander Chen of the Blitz Mercenary Company. I'm bringing the same offer to all of you that I brought to Duke Chili, who has helped me greatly. This offer requires special equipment to produce combat vehicles, battlemechs, industrialmechs, ASF, and conventional fighters."

I typed into my Ziputer, and the one acting as a holoscreen showed the various products I could loan out or give licensing for as a Katinka Industrial Inc rep. I let the slideshow play out as I told them what offers I could provide and their costs. My mind, however, whirled as I tried to figure out Kamea's angle. She wasn't this sly in the games to suddenly do this…was it her father that planned this? Maxwell did say that the previous High Lord wanted to reward me for what I provided the Aurigan Coalition, but to give me Lordship? Isn't that jumping the gun?

Wait! Could it be that I was going to plant the Zi Core finally? I think I now understand the Lordship since most planet owners were either lone nobles, entire corporations, or pirates.

I had just shook that off as I answered out loud a question from Lady Lina Karosas, whom I recognized from the battle for Coromodir, about setting up a production line for my Healing Stasis Chambers. She made that request as her family's home system was known for medical studies. "Lady Karosas. I can provide the modules to produce the HSC units and the technical data on how it works. However, I cannot just give them away as this is meant to restore the Coalition power." I raised an open palm as some others tried to question me about what I meant. "I shall explain later near the end. It will probably force all of us into creating a new source of currency or accepting the Bulls, Dollars, or Yuan."

I felt the sudden fear coming from most of those in attendance, and Hulk stirred from its sleeping position. But he was freaking cool as a cucumber as he slept. Also, feeling the emotions of those around me was still weird. The problem for me was that I eventually ran out of stuff to promote, and almost all the Founding Houses and Council Lords wanted a production line for combat and equipment.

The only module guaranteed to all for only a five percent licensing fee was the Scorpion light tanks and the Warrior VTOLs. It was one of the few things I knew were cheap, and Katinka had rights to produce. In addition, they had the option of licensing my Guntanks, Guntank-Ps, and Gespensts for a thirty percent fee per mech. That fee would be split between KII and me. Almost everyone took those offers as it represented a native production mech.

House Decimis had asked for the rights to produce the ASF units of Lightning, Sabre, and Seydlitz. He also asked for the rights to create Vedette medium tanks and Powerman. He didn't want too many battlemech factories other than previously stated and a Stinger one as Panzyr saw little fighting in their area. In return, he would allow my company to salvage as much debris in the system as possible. I negotiated that at least one-third of what we recovered should be sent to Panzyr II to be used as raw resources to start Panzyr's military industry. Marquis Decimis was surprised by the offer I gave him but accepted. The feeling I got from him was a lot better than earlier.

Governor-Bishop John Paul V, the leader of Heliat, only asked to have production rights to the Dig King and Powerman for mechs. The only combat vehicle lines he wanted were the APC kinds, all three types. They couldn't afford to produce too much military equipment. Still, I did catch the hints that they wanted a conventional fighter module. So I flagged the Guardian as it was reasonably easy to build for their Socio-Industrial level.

At least that bishop only hinted at wanting a little more than he asked. Counselor Fredrica Mwenye, with too many freaking titles, asked for too much. She wanted a dib on all of the modules that could be produced. They even wanted the ones we didn't have licensing yet and were marked as so. Kamea stepped in with a few other nobles and planet rulers to get the woman back off. Hulk had gotten up and caused everyone to back off and calm down. They seem to think a 'mini' battlemech protecting me was too much to handle.

Still, I waded in and told the lady ruler what she would be getting now. "Now that everyone has calmed down. Let me say this," I said as Hulk stood protectively next to me. "I'm willing to loan Counselor Mwenye the Blackjack, Defender, and Locust modules for now. Other types can be rotated in to prevent people from finding out there were created in the system."

She tried to speak up, but I cut her off. "These are the only ones Katinka Industrial Incorporated has licensing rights to spread. I would think you would understand why I'm only giving a few types of modules to everyone here. Do remember who are neighbors are!"

That caused most of the people in the room to quiet down. The Capellan Confederation, to my knowledge, ignored the Aurigan Coalition until I appeared. After their first attack with their actual military forces instead of a proxy (aka Mercenaries), they had been sending small raids to planets boarding its national border systems. There were some raids on systems beyond the border.

While Mechdur wasn't one of the border planets, it was struck by the initial attacks. It was a known planet to CapCon and had been attacked recently by a raiding lance from the Kamakura's Hussars of the CCAF. They had taken down the factory that produced medium-grade lasers for the Aurigan Coalition a week before the Coronation Day. If the Capellans learn that a single, not even well-defended planet nearby had all the Aurigan Coalition's military factories on it? That would draw them like sharks to blood.

We didn't have to worry too much about the Taurian Concordat as they had kept to their words so far.

I waited a moment before stating the obvious. "I'm more than willing to make a profit. I am a mercenary, after all. However, I will not endanger the only nation with my respect by placing all its eggs in one basket. So let's get back to me trying to convince you to take only what would be reasonable for your planets!" I think my eyes glowed through my helmet because I saw a nearby bodyguard nearly draw his weapon until a royal unit stopped the woman.

"Now, I'm also willing to loan or sell several dozen industrial mechs to help build up your industrial complex. Once your planet has become strong enough militarily, I'll renegotiate for other modules with you." I said my piece. This time Counselor Fredrica accepted my reasoning and sat down.

The next few were just minor system rulers who wanted some conventional vehicles to protect their holding. They couldn't afford to have a battlemech module on their planets for fear of an attack. So I sold/loaned out the modules for Vedettes, Carrier (LRM, SRM, and Rifle-based), Strikers, and Harassers combat vehicles. This way, the systems of Aea, Bringdam, Enkra, Gangtok, Ichlangis, Mangzhangdian, Qalzi, Fjadar, Ryans Fate, and Zangul could protect themselves. The few with space colonies were given Sabre factory modules to produce a defense force for their stations. It cost them a lot, but I reminded them they could also sell them to passing Jumpships for profit. They had to scrap metals and certain organic materials to produce their equipment and hire/train guards. A mechtech with a few Astechs should be able to keep the modules running fine.

The new planetary ruler of Weldery was fine with just the bare basics plus the militiamech. However, he did hint at the Eagle ASF, not as in a factory module, but for some right away to protect the Aurigan Coalition prison and guard the main jumpoint for Herotitus or Magistracy for travelers. It is also the main point of invasion from the "Western" Space nations like MoC and FWL.

Finally, the last non-traitor House and the only system with more than one habitable planet besides Coromodir, Prime Minister Henare Parata. He only asked for one thing that made my stomach drop. It caused Hulk to stand between Prime Minister and me. The people who knew what he had just asked for paused and stared at the man. The royal guardsmen were all prepared to intervene.

"How do you even know about those?" I wanted to shout at the man but calmed myself. "I wasn't going to bring them up until much later."

Prime Minister Parata at least had the decency to be ashamed. I guess he thought I was holding that back and wanted to force the issue early for the initiative. The other lords, except for Kamea, Mastiff, and Alexander, had looks of confusion. However, some seemed to be watching intently. As if they wanted to confirm something.

"God, I was going to reveal this after showing everyone the evidence of the greatest enemy to the Aurigan Coalition," I said before going screw it. I took off my helmet to reveal my appearance and the odd presence I tend to give off now. At least that was what my people told me. It also released the building pressure I had from making business deals that would both be profitable and still help the Coalition.

"I would have presented these to all those who have ruined planets. Especially the two planets under your control Prime Minister." I turned to my Ziputer and typed in the code to open the files for the Generators. "These are my people's terraformers that should even be able to fix Umgard and make it habitable." I heard a gasp from everyone in the room. I knew the planet of Umgard was barely habitable, and the people there were from all over the Coalition to farm the few edible items and mine some resources. The Generators would love it there, and I would probably convert the entire planet into a new Planet Zi if it weren't a border world.

"Here, everyone," I said again and waved at the data on the holoprojector. I walked off to the refreshment table. "You can all look through it. But unfortunately, my schedule is out of sync, and I've gotta get something to eat."

I knew it was rude, but I was exhausted from the constantly shifting emotions I kept sensing while bargaining. I never had to deal with it when I was regular, if overworked, human. Hulk stayed behind me as I grabbed some food and water. I did pick up what looked like a chicken or some poultry and tossed it up for Hulk to chow down on. That brought some gasps from the crowd behind me as Mastiff walked up next to me.

"Kamea wants to." "I heard Mastiff.

Don't worry. I don't blame her," I said as I cut him off.

I could hear everything now without my helmet. I can also feel the emotions of everyone more straightforwardly, so I whisper back to the elder. "Keep an eye on that bodyguard over there. He got a desire to kill everyone in this room after I reveal the Generators."

I returned to my meal as it was getting closer to dinner, and I hadn't eaten today. I kept tossing Hulk a few bits of food here and there and only looking up when a fight broke out as the Royal Guardsmen took down that rouge bodyguard and had a few others at gunpoint.

Location: Coromodir system, Coromodir VI, Cordia City, High Lord's Palace
Date: March 23, 3022, 18:40

It had taken several hours before everyone was finished looking over the Generator's information and looking into the history of Planet Zi and its natives (aka the zoids and now me). The sun was almost setting, and we still hadn't gone over ComStar yet. I understand the surprise and world-twisting fact of alien life right before you, who came in peace. But ignoring the proverbial snake in the grass was just stupid.

At least the feelings I had from the cores I brought and those of the people here told me who would probably be a Zoid Warrior. I was surprised as before I came to Coromodir, only one was ready, and it was someone whom I didn't think would like being a zoid warrior. When Moby Dick arrived with even more zoid cores than before I arrived, those connections grew to people I knew well enough. There were a few cores connected with someone not on this planet.

"I believe this meeting will need to continue tomorrow," Kamea said out loud as many of her supporters nodded. I could feel them glancing at Hulk and me as I sat going over a modified plan for my reveal of ComStar's machinations. Technically, it's the actions of ROM's local leader since his order had them stepping onto the field with him as the Mechwarrior in the Emperor that Hound speared.

From the reports, the Precentor had supplied equipment to the Directorate to cause the collapse of the Coalition. The ROM agent, however, went against the Precentor when he received the news that my mechs and Wolf were here. The possibility that the Directorate could retrieve them had the agent, Des Wallace, react negatively.

I wished we had captured that man, but he was sneaky. The truck we detained was a decoy as Hound's sensor discovered an underground tunnel system right next to where the vehicle started. That man would be annoying, but luckily, some of the infantry members of Gleen's Armor Calvary were watching the HPG and its hidden bases. They were on a live coms network between my company and Captain Yuki. So far, ComStar hadn't done much, and the man who caused the incident was a 'mercenary' whose group was disbanded and labeled as 'dead' via combat.

I'm so glad we didn't let anyone touch any of the BattleRoms so far. Everyone agreed to hide them all in Moby Dick. Although no one decided on destroying them, it made sense. Those things had the personal preferences and data of each battlemech and their warriors. No one wanted to restart from zero or redo days' worth of adjustment when there was a chance of a big battle happening again.

"I believe Lord Chen has brought some truth to his origins. I will apologize here and now for the actions taken before he was ready," Kamea bowed low, way lower than a ruler should. Still, I guess she was embarrassed by the Prime Minister's action. Heck, he was also bowing. I noticed others were following their High Lady's actions. At the same time, only the Royal Guardsmen did not, as they had to keep their eyes on trouble. I was glad someone was doing their job instead of bowing as I was starting to freak out inside.

I felt it, and Hulk actively reacted to it. Six of the cores were ready to change and wanted their partners now.

"Lady Arano," I replied as formally as possible since this was going to be an important event soon for those getting a zoid. "I accept the apology and wish to state that my people want to meet their partners soon. They are ready."

I wasn't sure if my appearance had changed, freaking zoidian genetics, or the fact I called the zoids my people, but someone gasped again. I'm pretty sure someone would have a heart attack with all those sudden intakes of air. I looked to Kamea for her permission to lead everyone here to Wolf.

"To all members of this Council. As you just found out earlier. Lord Chen is not fully human, and his partner is not a machine but a biomechanical being," Kamea announced as the feeling in the room was tense again. Really what with all the tension? "The zoid, as they are called, tend to bond to sentient organic lifeforms they find compatible. As a gesture of goodwill, Lord Chen brought some of the eggs of those beings. He did so to see if anyone here in this Council can bond with them."

I flinched a bit at her wording. While it was technically correct, it sounded like I was about to pull a Xenomorph move here. Still, everyone followed, grouped up with their bodyguards and the Royal Guardsmen to head down to the courtyard. I was worried as some of these nobles wore those frilly dresses.

My worries for the women in our group ended when a few golf carts(?)came. They drove the women to the courtyard. Still, seeing someone operate those vehicles inside this large hall was odd. It would take several minutes before everyone arrived at the yard, where the women were all waiting.

I still remember being surprised when I discovered dozens of zoid cores primed to bond.

Flashback: Twelve days ago
Moby Dick Zoid Core Hanger hallway

I quickly ran to the Zoid Cores hanger as the alert went out. Someone was engaged with the squad of troopers protecting them, and a passing mechtech had sounded the alarm before Moby did. However, I heard we took some casualties already from two freaking attackers.

Behind me were Hulk and a few fireteams of infantry and armed AsTechs. Whomever those people were, they picked the best time to attack. The Dark family was out bonding with their zoids while most of our fresh soldiers were on the group doing relief work. Our mechwarriors were all out on the fields or taking off to nearby systems to help combat the Directorate. The rest were either in an HSC or taking R and R in the nearby city.

I stopped next to the blown-out entrance as I watched fireteam Raven rush past me and fire upon the two figures down the hallway in front of the last doors. Two Ravens had slammed their shields to block most of the return fire. I saw the down bodies of the Carmine. They were some of the first infantry members I hired and were the best. Seeing them down and bleeding out made my blood boil.

I raised my auto rifle as Fireteam Raven moved to the right of the hallway. I fired from the left to force the two attackers to take cover behind the security barriers the Carmines had set up. With the two enemy pin for the moment, I order the shield-carrying infantry to rush forward and set up a defensive line.

"Someone get the Carmines to medical now!" I shouted as several crew members ducked below the shield tops to drag the down troopers out of the area. I was glad the attackers hadn't fired back yet.

Several crew members handled the shield walls, and I recognized the boy shooting down the hallway. A Private Ian, if I remember correctly. It was when he suddenly said, "What is this feeling?" What the kid said was echoed by several others when I heard an explosion down the hallway.

I felt a dozen of the zoid cores within flare to life and hoped these two attackers didn't suddenly bond with one. I felt something tug me backward, and the next thing I knew, I was standing in the sealed room with the enemy spies pinned by many metal legs. Right next to them were another dozen cores glowing and primed to morph. I looked at the people who came with me standing next to the newborn zoids and said. "Whelp. You are all Zoid Warriors now. Now help me clean this up!"

While they went to work, I looked at how many zoid cores I now had and tried to figure out which had partners in my company and outside of it.


I shook myself out of that memory as the group near the Courtyard.

I saw my troops standing at attention at my approach, but I could feel a bit of sheepishness from a few of them. I looked at my König Wolf, who shared a flash of cards and audio of bets being made. At this rate, I'm starting to wonder if everyone in Battletech was a gambling addict. The six cores began pulsing but didn't leave the container yet as I debated if Hulk and I should help them take shape faster.

Nearby was a group of battlemechs I recognized as Captain Yuki's command lance. She was on patrol earlier and keeping track of ComStar. Why was she here… that was when I felt the connections coming from the group. Ah, that makes sense.

As the other nobles grouped together, Mastiff came up to me. "Commander Chen. How do you want this to go?"

I looked at Hulk and mentally asked him, "Should we?"

Hulk gave me a wobble before nodding. I looked at König Wolf and said aloud so the audience could hear. "Wolf. Mind putting down the cores on the field here?" The wolf zoid laid down as the boxy "machine gun" attached to his lower jaw lowered to reveal that it was merely a crate that looked like a weapon.

The second the crate touched the ground, Wolf used his snout to push it a few meters as I gestured to Mastiff to step aside. The elder stood aside as Hulk began to glow a little. His light show caused everyone but my guards to look at me. What I was going to do with my organoid was something I had never seen in the anime or battle story. However, my instincts told me it would work, so let's do it.

"I sense that six people here have a connection to my wards. I hope y'all embrace the bond shared with your partner. They will always be with you and your family until death!"

I punctuated my words as the metal tentacles wrapped around me, which still creeped me out. Then, again, I was pulled into Hulk's chest, and this time could see as we turned into energy and slammed into the crate of cores.

Watching the cores slowly turn into animal shapes is a fantastic feeling. I could feel the connection between the growing zoids to their future warriors. But, I also felt a sense of danger that I mentally told Hound to watch out for.

I watched as the first core formed fast into a biped form. It was definitely from a dinosaur species but wasn't a raptor. I could see what it would look like as a mature zoid, and it was pretty small and lightweight. The bonded partner was coming from that Swordsman over there. I see someone in Captain Yuki's command lance was now a zoid warrior of a Garius. I believe it was Blue "Aether" Wind who was getting the tiny rex, but this guy could grow up fast and had so many optional evolutions. I hope she treats her new partner well.

I watched as the Mechwarrior got out of her battlemech despite the shouts from the crowd as she approached the light show. I gave the Garius, a fourth of its actual size, permission to meet with her. A few of my guards ran up to escort her to the cores after the guardsmen briefly detained her.

The gasp going throughout the crowd was loud and had me checking if someone had a heart attack. Really. It was starting to get scary with how often that kept happening around me.

The other five cores would take a few more minutes before they took a recognizable shape, so I listened in to the conversation between Aether and the leading royal group.

"Mechwarrior," Kamea said while standing next to Alexander and Mastiff. Behind them were a few Council Lords and guards. "While I am glad you are the first to gain a partner and a growing bond with Chen's people. Can you explain why you ignored our commands to stop? Was there something that prevented you from complying with our order?"

"Ah," Aether blushed so hard that she nearly matched her bright red hair. "I'm sorry, my Lady. A voice was calling me to come so urgently that I couldn't help but go to." The woman bowed to Kamea while apologizing, her zoid partner mimicking her. It was pretty cute seeing a baby zoid mimicking its warrior. However, I didn't realize people would go into a trance when their partner called them. It didn't happen in the anime. The Dark Family didn't say anything about that when they partnered with the Iron Kong, Gun Sniper, and Liger Zero. Nor did the Spider Squad, but maybe they were exceptions?

I watched them call a medic over to check over the new Zoid Warrior as this was technically a first contact and unusual event. As they inspected the red-haired woman, I felt another core begin to call out for its bond. Then, I noticed a surprise as one of the oldest members of the Council started a trance-like walk toward us.

I was surprised at what kind of zoid Pierre-Louis Decimis was receiving. I recognized the next generation of the previous zoid as infantry mech in the anime. Godos, a zoid who was cannon fodder in the anime but here it was one of the most powerful and tallest light mechs around. I was surprised that it was as tall as Hulk, but then again, one-fourth was still two meters tall. Still, the Godos looked completely different from the Garius. I encouraged the newborn to go to it bonded as I noticed the others in Kamea's group stopped talking and watched what was happening.

I waited as they were joined by the crowd of nobles, corporate leaders, and military officers. The discussion about Lord Decimis and Aether's zoids were questions about how long it would take before those mechs were ready for battle and the feeling of being bonded. I could hear some scientists…wait, when did Kamea invite scientists here? Were they always here. I glanced away from everyone to the sky, telling me it was almost dark. I finally got a report from Hound that he had taken care of the hostiles via burning out all electronic power equipment in the area by overpowering his radar pulse. I hope no one died as radar energy waves can be deadly at close range.

My attention turned back to another core pulsing again. That was quick. The time between Garius and Godos was longer, but this happened faster. I think they were going by weight, maybe? I'll find out once this one has that shape.

I heard an echoing roar from the newborn as it took a quadruped form. It was over a meter tall, which wasn't a surprise as it had just hatched, but what it was made me hope that freaking Smoke Jaguars never find out about this one. The zoid was a Bravejaguar. This lightly armored but heavy firepower animal had just bonded with someone who deserved it from her actions. Lady Lina Karosas had connected to the Jaguar-type mech. She stood in a trance, a state like the others, but no one had noticed her except my squad of guards who stood nearby.

Mastiff noticed the new addition and directed Kamea's and Alexander's attention to Lina and her bonded. It didn't take long before all the people there saw it. I also noticed that Captain Yuki had joined the crowd, but the remaining members of her lance kept vigilance of the area. That's good. Hound and Wolf would always have an excellent reinforcement should something happen.

I watched as all three new zoid warriors stood together as they interacted with their bond. It was like watching kids play with a new pet. Well, from two of the three. Lord Decimis had treated his partner as if it was another person, which got him some good responses from the Godos.

Listen in to the scientists' reports, which turned out to be a mix of biologists and mechanical engineers, who were cursing the data they got from the sensor they used to scan the zoids. I laugh at their swearing and backpedaling when they realize what they said in front of who. However, I did catch a few of the nobles glaring at the fouled-mouth scientists secretly snickering at their befuddlement.

I wanted to listen in on what else they had to say, but my attention was pulled back to the cores. Another one was about to grow. I watched as this one was a multi-leg creature. Maybe an invertebrate type? The two pincers that formed and no tail told me it was probably a crab-type zoid. However, I didn't know that one personally. Wait, I did. This zoid was part of the fusion one of Killer Spiner. What was its name again? The information appeared in my head as the zoid took its form at one-fourth its adult size. A Killerdome? What the heck was that? The specs for the zoid appeared in my mind, and all I wanted to do was facepalm. Who the heck named the species that when it was a crab?

I looked for it bonded, and my anger surged for a moment. My emotion caused the newborn to pause and inquire why I was mad. I was surprised for a moment before Hulk told me they have the same intelligence level as himself. So I took a metaphorical breath and asked the newborn what does it like about it bonded. I hope it wasn't the first part of the zoid's name.

I discovered something interesting with the severe headache I got from Killerdome. It turned out that Prime Minister Henare Parata wasn't an utter asshole but was still a snobbish noble. The reason he broke the planned reveals came from the information he had received.

The main planet Tyrlon VI's toxic sea-level atmosphere was slowly rising, and the terraforming machine there had long since broken. So he needed the Generators to save one of his planets.

Of course, it's a water world too, so I can somewhat understand Killerdome's pick. I didn't get anything else out of the crab, so I sent him along. It seemed like newborn zoids were willing to explain why they bonded with someone but only one thing before they stopped informing me.

I glanced at the next zoid core about to change, but it seemed I had some time before it did. So time to watch the drama. I usually hate those kinds of shows, but I will watch this man sweat a bit.

"Congratulation Prime Minister Parata," Kamea said in a neutral tone. Everyone around them could tell she didn't like the idea of him being a zoid warrior due to his actions. There were some people around the man outright showing animosity to Parata. Even the other zoids warriors, except Aether since she wasn't in the Council meeting, dislike the idea. I could make out several people doing their sly insults to the man. Prime Minister Parata took it as he felt ashamed of his earlier actions.

The Killerdome made a screeching sound at the crowd. While it hurt the ears of the group, the two zoid warrior nobles changed their expressions from distaste to understanding as they mentally translated the zoid's words.

The screeching sound from the crab zoid had caused some of the royal guardsmen to react and reach for their weapons, but my troopers were quicker and stood in front of the zoid with Zi Metal shields made for them. The action had caused Kamea to look at my men and notice the reaction of the other zoid warriors.

"I see there was more to your actions earlier if Lord Chen and the other reactions now weren't hostile," The High Lady said to the man. Most of the Council waited to hear the man's response, while there were a small few I could listen to making a plot to try and steal the Killerdome. I marked them mentality as fools or enemies. After all, they were treating the zoids as nothing but another mech.

I decided to help the Prime Minister this time and reminded those idiots I could hear them. I could see the other Zoid warriors about to speak up as well but decided to beat them to the punch.

"I've seen Lord Parata's reason for his outburst," I said with a weird echo. Stupid anime effects, but it did grab everyone's attention. Especially the fools. "I asked his partner why he chose that man, and the Killerdome revealed to me why you wanted my Generators so badly. I agree with the knowledge he shared with me."

"They can do what!" Came a shout from one of the more foolish people, but I could see a subtle change in the area. It seems like I dug myself into a hole by saying that. Whoops. I best course correct now.

"The bond between zoids and their partners is deeper than you think. I asked the newborn why he bonded with Lord Parata, and he showed me the report he received yesterday. Yes, you will be getting multiple Generators for your problem." I said before elaborating further. "The young zoid shared with only that information and nothing more. He wanted a good person to be his partner and elaborated on why Lord Parata is his preferred bonded. Like a child explaining themselves before remembering to keep things secret. None of the other newborns have done this."

I watched the other newborns give an affirmative on my statement, which only the zoid warriors understood. I let the others explain what they learned from their partners as I noticed the next core wanting to metamorphose now. If I kept talking, I was sure I would say something wrong and then took all day explaining myself. So I just went back to focusing on the cores.

I did listen in on how Aether and Lina informed the others what their zoids were saying. Still, Lord Decimis took notes with his noteputer on what Godos explained what I meant. I was glad one of the zoids explained the detailed connection between the newborns and me and their warriors. I felt embarrassed as it was much more informative than I tried to say.

"I see that becoming a Zoid Warrior is much different than what many of our scientists believed," I heard Kamea say as the zoid took form. "So those who bond with them will be connected in a more mystic. Hmm?" She stopped mid-sentence as I felt the bond between the newborn and her. I was surprised since there wasn't a deep connection between them until after she listened to Lord Decimis's explanation with Godos gesturing to help.

Kamea began a trance-like walk that caused Mastiff and Alexander to take to her side quickly. However, everyone jealous of the previous four Zoid Warriors buried those feeling deep as no one wanted to show such emotions while their leader gained what they now knew as a deeply connected partner.

I watched the zoid take a quadruped form, and Wolf had stared intently at the newborn as two blade weapons appeared on its back. I felt its mind and knew why it would choose Kamea as it bonded. The Zeekdober quickly left the light show and sat down in front of the High Lady like a Doberman sitting at attention. Like the other zoids, it was one-fourth its adult size and would probably take a few years to grow. The look of joy that passed through Kamea's face before she quickly controlled herself told me she was a dog person.

The cheers of celebration from the crowd were appropriate for their leader as she now had a powerful companion that could easily take down any direct threats to the Coalition. I could tell Mastiff was proud that she had become a Zoid Warrior, and I heard the whisper, "Your father is going to be overjoyed once he hears this."

Ah, that's right. So the former High Lord was still alive…I wonder how this works out as usually, leaders don't step down in Battletech.

I wanted to watch as Kamea and the other Zoid Warriors talked to their partners when I noticed how late it was getting. Instead, I focused on the last core as more conversation sprang up between the nobles, military officers, and council lords about what they had learned today. I nodded to myself as most started getting the idea that zoids weren't battlemechs but living beings. They were just made of biometal.

I focused most of my energy as Hulk directed the power into the last core so we all could rest and continue the meeting tomorrow. This way, we had at least a few more days before deciding what to do with ComStar and the progress on the new interstellar communication network. I had several discussions with the mechtechs on our side and with Kamea's engineers.

The ideas ranged from taking over the HPG, which I refused as no one but ComStar knew how to work it, to using dozen of satellites to try and communicate between systems. Luckily, Cecilia Dark came up with one I agreed was better and sounded sane. We had already implemented the hyperspace satellite plan but wanted to keep it hidden for now. At least I knew it worked from the message earlier.

I shook those thoughts out of my head as I realized I was straying from my duty. I looked back at the core and realized it was getting massive. Who was bounding with this one? I followed the mental line to it human and found myself laughing inside. It had to be him, the man who never became a Mechwarrior or a soldier. I hope this won't cause too much trouble since his parents betrayed the Coalition.

My mind was starting to get a little muddled, and I could hear Hulk's worried whine in my head. However, the newborn zoid was almost fully formed, and I listened to the shout of surprise from the crowd. Then I heard the worry from Kamea directed at her best friend, Alexander. The man was actually fighting the bond. Why was he doing that? I decided to voice my question as I was getting tired from the zoid attempt to change itself to get it bonded to accept her.

"Lord Madeira," I said. My exhaustion was audible. I saw the dark-skinned man flinch from my voice. The action nearly allowed the zoid to bond, but I told her to hold off and focus on growing. "Don't fight the bonding process if you think you are not worthy of it. The zoid choose whom they wish to be with. Do not think what your family did means you aren't worth it. The fact you stood with Lady Kamea when so many failed to speaks well of your honor and integrity."

I felt their bond solidify as the core suddenly ballooned in size. I knew it was one-fourth its adult size, but god dang, it was already four meters tall. Oh wow, it was already nine-meter or so long too. That was when I felt what she was becoming. Oh wow, a Gordos. A perfect command and control zoid but also the first super-heavy that was not part of my company. I saw everyone's faces as the light show died down.

I felt my feet nearly collapse under me, but Hulk held me up from crashing. I could hear the crowd talking about Alexander and his partner. I was lucky as my squad of bodyguards quickly helped Hulk and me to Wolf's paws to rest on. I didn't know how much time passed before someone from the meeting noticed my state and when Mastiff was allowed past my guards to talk with me.

"Kamea sends her thanks for the new member of her family and your willingness to work with us," the older man said. "She has already planted one of the terraformers in the palace courtyard. She did so as a symbol of thanks between us. She also dismissed the Council for today."

I sat up a bit to see the Generator sapling in the middle of the courtyard. I could feel it making Reggel already. I also saw five of the six newborn zoids lying around the tree. The only one missing was the Godos, as Lord Decimis had taken him to his mansion on Coromodir, which happened to be a block away from the palace. I didn't like that idea at first, but it was better than having all the newborns in the exact location if someone wanted to kill them.

"Will Kamea be planting any of them in the city where those bastards released the WMD?" I asked as I saw my guards call their riders to come back. I knew they loved their new partners, but god, they love to send them out on patrols with their minor brothers on their back.

"With the information you provided about these things," He said. "Kamea plans to do it right after we deal with ComStar and set up a new communication network."

I nodded at that before Hulk growled something at me. That was when I noticed my Ziputer was humming with a message. I opened it up to see that the Kramer crew was finally here and docked with Moby Dick. They were going to land on Coromodir VI by tomorrow once they returned from Coromodir V. That means the meeting tomorrow will have all our players in the House. Still, I best go and greet my new employees.

A yawn later, I turned back to Mastiff and said. "I'll bring any extra plans my people might have come up with since the meeting. But first, I gotta greet some people I have been waiting on for several months now."

"Oh," The man said as he gave me a questioning look. "Is it something I need to inform Kamea about?"

I thought about it for a moment before replying, "Maybe. It depends if I can get the product I want ready in time. It would revolutionize combat and allow everyone to pull their part in battle without sacrificing lives."

"Then I wish you luck, and Kamea is more than willing to help see such a project succeed." He saluted me so fast that I barely managed to return my own. "Thank you. I wish you well in our future ventures." I sense the ten zoid partners of my bodyguard return from their sneaky patrol.

Wolf's cockpit was already open for Hulk and me to jump into for our ride back to our dropship. "Lieutenant Ian," I called out the newest officer and former Astech, now zoidtech. "Get our troops ready to rush back to the Magnolia. We will move at speed once we hit the hidden passage that the High Lady gave us the right to go through. Hopefully, those ComStar observers don't see us."

I sense the zoids quickly crawling over the walls as I look at the giant spider zoids. It was five Gurantula with the same number of Shotwalker riding on top of them. I still remember when they all hatched during the incident with the two Capellan spies. It was a surprise to see so many of the same zoids being born simultaneously, even more so when most were bonded to those on the ground with me.

I had to promote the only guy who could get all ten zoids to listen to him. Ian, no last name, was just an Astech that helped newly promoted Corporal Mikasa as her driver. Now he was ranked over his friend, and I had to make sure nothing happened between the two as she was the one who wanted to join the arms forces. The zoidtech had only enlisted to earn a buck and be a non-combatant. Now he wasn't.

I looked around to ensure everyone was strapped onto their zoids before using Wolf's growls to send a message to all. "Let's move out!" The growl said, but only those bonded with zoids would understand.

As we took off into a side tunnel that opened up, my thoughts turned to the hopeful tomorrow. I sent a message saying I would meet with Kramer in the morning and that he had free rein to relax until our meeting.


AN: Sorry this section taking such a long time to get done. The following excerpt is about ComStar, the new Comms network, and dealing with the new employees and their escort.
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Ah, a Zeekdober for Kamea. fine choice, though I'd expect something a bit more...Missile-prone. given her initial mech is a Kintaro, which are legendary in the BT/MW fandom for being superlative SRMboats. (And she doesn't keep the Atlas II she picks up during the story either, she pawns it off on The Commandy One once the Campaign ends.)

(EDIT: I would've expected Mastiff to be the one getting a Zeekdober, considering how closely it mirrors both his Centurion and him. there's a reason Mastiff is his callsign after all!)
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Recruitment post: Aurigan Zoid Ranger Service
The Aurigan Zoid Ranger Service needs you!

The AZRS needs you to help prevent the extinction of the Zoid race! We are dedicated to preserving the zoid species until they are ready for the rest of the galaxy.

Job description:

We need rangers who are willing to study, track, interact and protect the zoid species. We provide all equipment necessary for the job and it is yours after five years of service. All enlisted will be trained in various arts of a park ranger. Daily logs of observations are required weekly. Combat is optional.

Equipment provided as standard:

1x transport (combat or non)
3x environmental suit
1x custom noteputer
1x auto rifle
1x cabin
1x emergency transponder
7x park ranger uniform
1x life insurance
1x retirement plan
1x family raising plan
1x survival kit
2x medical kit

Pay began at five service points and two thousand Credits biweekly.
Waring: Any traitors will be killed immediately. if found guilty.
If you have a zoid partner, you are an honorary Ranger unless you decided to betray General Director.
Ah, a Zeekdober for Kamea. fine choice, though I'd expect something a bit more...Missile-prone. given her initial mech is a Kintaro, which are legendary in the BT/MW fandom for being superlative SRMboats. (And she doesn't keep the Atlas II she picks up during the story either, she pawns it off on The Commandy One once the Campaign ends.)

(EDIT: I would've expected Mastiff to be the one getting a Zeekdober, considering how closely it mirrors both his Centurion and him. there's a reason Mastiff is his callsign after all!)

I have another zoid in mind for him. It was just not his luck to get one right now.

As for Kamea? The Zeekdober was an idea as she does seem to like to get in close with her mechs. Now she has a mech with all range attacks (direct tho).
Service Point Purchasing menu of 3025
Just for fun and informing on Service points Value as it starts off as.

As of 3025: The offering for Service Points
InfantryCombat vehiclesConventional fightersVTOLsPower armor/Battle ArmorASFIndustrialmechsBattlemechsPassholder level
Squad worth of standard equipment:

Light Combat vehicles: (10 -35 tons)
Light fighters

30-100 points
Warrior VTOL

20 points
10 points
Light ASF
100 points
Light Industrial mechs:

20 points
Light (200-450 points)1*-100
Captured Pirates in need of redemption through combat: 1 point per personMedium combat Vehicles: (40-55 tons)
120-300 points
Medium fighter
110-200 points
Karnov VTOL
100 points
Jim Guard
20 points
Medium ASF
200 points
Medium Industrial mechs:
35 points
Medium (500-1300 points)2*-300
squad worth Laser weapons (prim and second):
20 points
Heavy Combat Vehicles: (60-75)

350-700 points
Heavy fighters

300 points
Experimental VTOL
100 points a month
Zi Gunner
40 points
Heavy ASF
Heavy Industrial Mechs: 75 pointsHeavy

(1500-3000 points)
squad worth ballistic weapons (prim and second):

Assault Combat Vehicles: (80-100 tons)
800-2000 points
experimental Zoid tech fighters (loaner)

50 points a month
100 points
Experimental ASF

200 points per month
Mech conversion for combat:
5 points light
10 P for Med
20 P for Heavy
Assault (3000+)4*-1200
Squad worth of missile weapons (prim and second): 15SuperHeavy combat vehicles: (100+ tons) unviable at the momentMechwarrior/ASF

100 points

100 points
Experimental Zi weapon refits
100 points per weapon
5*-3000 and General Director will assist
Squad worth of Blitz Company grade armor: 50Experimental zoid tech combat vehicles loaner:

(100 points per month)
200 points
Jump infantry equipment: 30 per squad
I hope those spies weren't afraid of spiders because that would be any arachnophobia's worst nightmare. Also seeing a gaint wolf followed by 20 gaint spiders out of a tunnel would certainly be unnerving and sounds like it came from a fantasy novel.

So we now have a couple of the basal zoid species which their reappearance does make sense given the current circumstances of the Zoid species. I like how each have their own distinct personality with the Godos being quite observant and articulated and the Killerdome who is an excitable blabbermouth. Hopefully the noble who got the Killerdrome will straighten out and mature. The zoid picked him for a good reason, and the Crabs and Kingcrabs now have a new family member. It is also our first aquatic zoid so yay! Now we just need one that can burrow (well more than the spiders) and one that can fly. It is heartening to see the Zeekdober species get a new leash on life and its evolution is going to keep the High Lady quite safe. Fitting for one in the shape of man's best friend and a doberman to boot. The classic Gordos makes its return and the kid really needed a companion. Definitely try to keep Cloud Jaguar out of the loop regarding the Bravejaguar. They would probably try to steal it based on naming convention alone.

Sadly there are already poachers on the horizon and really what did that one traitorous guard think he was going to do when the royal guards were there? Seriously you do not mess with those guys. Watching those scientists be completely baffled will be quite entertaining. Their vocabulary however less so. Come on scientists, you are supposed to be more sophisticated! The nuked city and the castle might want to look at redesigning their layout around the trees. It might make things easier and a bit more unique. Inside the whale king is probably the safest place for those prisoners to be Chen is about to have some chats with members of the wolf clan. Let's hope he isn't too exhausted for that. I wonder what unique direction the medical planet is going down now that they can mess with the healing stasis pods.
20 gaint spiders out of a tunnel would certainly be unnerving and sounds like it came from a fantasy novel.

Well, technically it's 10 giant spider mechs not 20. Still going to scare the crap out of anyone.

Thanks for the chapter, this is shaping up very nicely can't wait to see what happens next.

Thank you for reading. I'm working on the next section still. Hopefully, everyone will enjoy it.
I am pretty sure horse or car sized biomechanical spiders still counts as gaint spiders even though they aren't mech size. In a way it just makes them more terrifying.

All you need to do is to give the riders spider themed power armor possibly inspired by the Iron and Steel Spider suits. That should give people the heebie geebies.
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I am pretty sure horse or car sized biomechanical spiders still counts as gaint spiders even though they aren't mech size. In a way it just makes them more terrifying.

All you need to do is to give the riders spider themed power armor possibly inspired by the Iron and Steel Spider suits. That should give people the heebie geebies.

Maybe give them spider rider armor but BT version or maybe a PA(L) or medium battle armor to ride into battle. That will freak some people out.
You know I remembered the show Spider Riders existed shortly after I made my last comment. Those Spider Rider Armors they wear would certainly give the power armor more of a fantasy feel, and some si-fi military goggles already gives people a spider like appearance with how the lenses are placed. Perhaps you can use the Nighthawk as a jumping off point, assuming that Chen can find any, and give everyone optical stealth. What's even more freaky than Spider Rider spider people riding car sized biomechanical spiders on top of even bigger spiders is how they can just disappear including the Cannon Spider. They would still show up on heat sensors though.
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