What Fresh Hell (Naruto SI)

Not knocking him, he's the kind of ninja that a village needs a lot of, he's the guy behind the scenes that keeps everything running, but it's not glamorous and we definitely don't want to be him, we won't be satisfied with being a mook so we might as well make that clear from the start.

True enough.
Just realized I hadn't voted yet.

[X] Own it

[X] Buy training kunai set (500 ryo)

Would a basic first aid kit be available for purchase? What about some ninja wire for trap setting and the like? Ideally we would be able to find a primer on sealing sometime soon, but that is likely to be somewhat costly, in resources needed to train if nothing else.
Canon Omake: Shocked
Once more you moved, stepping in with a speed born of long practise. Your opponent struck you from your left, away from your dominant hand. It was a simple strategy, and one you twisted around easily with your natural flexibility.

Rather then marvel as he did during your first spar, he went directly for the offensive attacking you at mid-twist. You were ready for it, it wasn't your first spar with each other and both of you knew how the other moved.

The last match, you just stepped back. But this time, your opponent had already taken that into account and already herded you towards the edge of the match-line. Sure, you could step out and eat a penalty but... you didn't want to do that.

If you were anyone else, you'd probably have been trapped by now - mid-dodge and nowhere to move. He had more stamina then you, and he would outlast you even if you escaped. You knew that, from bitter experience.

To win, one needed to gamble and you personally needed to do something unexpected. So as you twisted out of his first strike and into his other strike, you went the only way you could. Down.

You let your legs drop into a crouch, and let the the momentum of your dodge carry you under his outstretched arm.

His eyes widened, as he saw what you were doing. But he was too late to react, and all he could do was watch.

You were smaller than everyone, weaker too at least in a spar. For all your chakra control, you could never make your opponent stay down. You had to make do, use your intellect and technique to hurt and kill. Strike with your entire body, strike the weakpoints of the body. Larynx, spine, lungs, liver, jugular, subclavian artery, kidneys, heart... so many points to use...
You coil your body like a spring, for a moment exulting in the power inherent in your new body. Then that moment passed, and you sprung forth like lightning, aligning your weight through your fist to the closest point of weakness. You struck him with the Liver Blow.

"You're getting better Khagan, but do you really think that'll hurt me?" You stared at him, wide-eyed as a 5 year old withstood a blow that would make grown-ups cry. "My turn!"

He brought down his outstretched arm, turning a wayward strike into a hammerblow. Desperately, you thought to work something out but there was nothing you could do! Yet, you didn't want to lose. There must be something you could do! If only you'd focused on more Taijutsu....

But, as his fist travelled you reached an epiphany. You were a ninja. Not a monk, and definitely not a samurai. If your opponent was better, change the game and bring him to a battleground where you had the advantage.

But what? You reached into your chakra, as you'd learnt to do instinctively and felt your chakra buzz with your tension. A familiar buzz, that helped you react. In a moment of inspiration, you drew on that buzz and focused on it's most familiar form.

The Cloud Academy taught a style just like your favourite element. Like Lightning it had no defense, but it was Fast and never needed any. You would learn lightning, you would master lightning, you would be lightning and so what if you couldn't handle the mockery of a fighting style inspired by it? You'd bring forth the real thing.

You chakra surged forth unshaped, but altered into lightning and you used the point where your fist connected to channel it into your opponent.​
"Lightning, Surge".

Not as good as my usual, but hey... you win some and you lose some.

[X] Own it
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Would a basic first aid kit be available for purchase? What about some ninja wire for trap setting and the like? Ideally we would be able to find a primer on sealing sometime soon, but that is likely to be somewhat costly, in resources needed to train if nothing else.

Yeah that sounds entirely reasonable. Your two main difficulties in securing stuff is not having much in the way of funds, and the fact you're an academy student. Means you won't be allowed to purchase explosive tags and things like that. Mundane stuff is pretty easily secured, whip up details on what you'd like and chuck a price on it. If it helps 10 Ryo = $1. Keeping that detail, scrapping the canon mission payouts as they don't make any economic sense.

Holy shit. Wasn't actually expecting anyone to write anything for this so, super thanks, u cool. Think of something you'd want as a bonus and I'll throw it in :p
Holy shit. Wasn't actually expecting anyone to write anything for this so, super thanks, u cool. Think of something you'd want as a bonus and I'll throw it in :p
Eh, it's only 500 words or so, it didn't take me too long. I'd personally want the MC getting used to combining Lightning chakra with Taijutsu like I showed in the omake, but if I asked for say a boost to one of our skills like Lightning manip and chakra control, how much points worth would you offer?
Eh, it's only 500 words or so, it didn't take me too long. I'd personally want the MC getting used to combining Lightning chakra with Taijutsu like I showed in the omake, but if I asked for say a boost to one of our skills like Lightning manip and chakra control, how much points worth would you offer?

Hrmn. Given escalating points cost to increase things I'm inclined to be generous/also keep things simple. As a usual training week, so 7d10 towards a skill or attribute. Don't need points to hit someone with lightning chakra you've generated, though refinements of it will be limited until later levels of taijutsu.
Hrmn. Given escalating points cost to increase things I'm inclined to be generous/also keep things simple. As a usual training week, so 7d10 towards a skill or attribute. Don't need points to hit someone with lightning chakra you've generated, though refinements of it will be limited until later levels of taijutsu.
Can we use it to upgrade skills we don't have? Like Medical ninjutsu? If not, I'd like to put in Lightning manip.
Can we use it to upgrade skills we don't have? Like Medical ninjutsu? If not, I'd like to put in Lightning manip.

You can, but only ones you could reasonably get better out without a base to work from. So medical ninjutsu wouldn't work as you don't know the fundamentals, but you could drop the points in something like stealth, for example.

Lightning: 29, total 440/600
deadcrystal threw 7 10-faced dice. Reason: Free Points Total: 29
9 9 3 3 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
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You can, but only ones you could reasonably get better out without a base to work from. So medical ninjutsu wouldn't work as you don't know the fundamentals, but you could drop the points in something like stealth, for example.
I see. Throw them in Lightning then for me. That would be best.
Non-Canon Omake: Ego
You ponder over the contents of the letter, debating with yourself over whether to simply ignore all that happened a few months ago and respond warmly to the awkward yet sincere greeting the child had given you. It is an agonizing decision that not even the correspondence from your spiritual brothers, prayer, nor meditation can solve. Not when responding means acknowledging the fact that the child was assuredly slipping into the darkness, all because of your failure to reach her in time.

And yet...

And yet you cannot help but ponder upon the day before the tragedy and the departure of your former charge. So many what-ifs pass through your mind, each delivering scenarios that you could find few ways you could have done something more to convince her to stay. Though it galled you to say, the questions she had asked that day had surely been answered by the foul ninja more thoroughly than you ever could. She had effectively felt the uncontested rawness of those who held power in the elemental nations that night, and you had had little in the way to lessen the impact.

You did not have to guess that the might and chaos the ninja had unleashed that night had surely temporarily spurned her away from the budding interest she had hinted at either but it did not weaken your resolve to convince her otherwise. You would have to reach her more loudly that they had...somehow.

Grasping the prayer beads around your neck tight, tight enough that your knuckles turn white, you silently inhale, coming to the conclusion that your ego had hidden in order to protect itself.

Feruza Khagan could still be swayed away from the path of the ninja. Blood had not yet stained her hand, neither was she ready to cut ties with you just yet if her attempt to ask for council implied something more. No, you would respond to the girl, and caution her against the darkness that that village of hired killers would try and corrupt her soul with. Regression in her next life would not be a fate she would be doomed to if you had any say in the matter.

Within the confines of Kumo, three ninja sat around in a comfortable corner study within the kumo library, chatting their noon break-time away quietly.

"She's gotta funny name," said a brown haired, smirking male chunin of average height. He slyly goaded his companions

"That's all you have to say, Shun?" said a blonde female chunin, frowning at the brown-haired, teen boy.

"Probably all he can admit to after that water-walking stunt, T. Blew everyone else out the water, I heard. Guessing everyone's downplaying in and out of his clan too. Heard she might be even be a gen-" said a plain looking, grey-haired, female chunin.

"-I wouldn't put too much stock on anything just yet. That little girl has a background that might clash with whatever future you have in your head, Hito. In fact, I don't think she has the foundations for a mind-set that can get her past genin. She's supposedly been in contact with her monk care-taker as well, so..." Shun interrupted, dismissing the speculation handily.

"Ugh, didn't hear that one, you might have a point there," said T, " Either way, she'll find out soon how things really work in Kumo soon."

"Meh, she might be soft now but she can always toughen up. Besides, you know what they say..." Hito chimed in before silently cuing the others to help her finish an often repeated saying.

"If it ain't blood, strength will tell,"' the three said in unison as they slowly stood up and walked out the exit, dropping the subject until their duties were complete for the day.
Snapshot: Tachibana Aoi
Taking a huge breath of mountain air and letting it slip out of her mouth in a slow cool stream, Tachibana Aoi thought about how plain cool Cloud was. She'd been so excited when the ninja came to the city, and she'd been surprised when her parents let her put herself forwards, but they said they knew how much she wanted it. And then she actually managed to get selected! And then she came in on a coach which had wound its way up the steep mountain roads, and she'd arrived in Cloud and it was amazing. The village was built across a dozen peaks with huge wooden buildings and bridges connecting them all and she loved it all! Then she'd gone to the academy and she'd managed to get sorted into the top class! Her!

All her classmates were cool and nice as well! Well, okay, not aallll of them, but most of them! Mostly they were clan members who'd all grown up in cloud and who had already known each other, but none of them were like, smug, about it. Well except for the Stupendous Great Superb Honored Fukui-Sama, and he wasn't even from Cloud, he was just some rich kid from the Capital. Other than him they're all pretty great!

Okay fiiiiine maybe Koziumi Amaya was a bit careless sometimes, and Hisakawa Nobu sometimes went on about missing his home too much and Moto Rie was a bit scary though she'd heard someone saying her parents had both been killed so that was understandable.

There was also Khagan Feruza, she was weird. She'd shown up out of nowhere hours after they'd been through the introductory assembly at the academy, and the teachers had had a hushed conversation about her and then she'd gone and ran across the water. Like, how did she even do that? Was that some secret bloodline thing or something? But then it'd turned out that no-one knew her, and someone had said that trained ninja learned how to walk on water and that just made it weirder, because if it were some special power it'd at least make sense. And she acted weird in class too! She never talked about normal stuff, and she sort of didn't seem to pay attention to the teachers sometimes and she never played with anyone but didn't seem bothered by that. Nobody seemed to know anything about her and she didn't really want to ask the teachers about her. She knew she was staying in the provided housing but that was pretty much it! Tsukino Sadao really didn't like her but when she'd asked why he'd just said that she scared him and felt bad, whatever that meant.

Anyway her point was the Academy and her classmates were cool! And they were going to have some test, which was annoying, but then afterwards they'd all get to go camping for a whole week afterwards! She'd always loved camping, and back at the orchard she'd slept out amongst the trees a bunch of times and it'd been great.

I really really like this, it works really well, and it's only due to the vagaries of plot that means part of it isn't canon. In any case u cool, take 7d10 towards something or other.

Immina lock in [X] Own it for the action, but I'll give some more time to figure out last minute purchases.

Lightning: 41, total 481/600
deadcrystal threw 7 10-faced dice. Reason: Free Points Total: 41
10 10 8 8 2 2 9 9 1 1 10 10 1 1
deadcrystal threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Curiosity Total: 68
68 68
deadcrystal threw 1 3-faced dice. Reason: Technique Total: 3
3 3
deadcrystal threw 1 7-faced dice. Reason: Days? Total: 5
5 5
deadcrystal threw 5 10-faced dice. Reason: Survival Total: 23
6 6 6 6 6 6 3 3 2 2
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[X] Buy:
-[X] Medical kit (250 ryo)
-[X] Large civilian knife and sheath (designed for sawing, fine for slashing, useless for throwing) (150 ryo)
-[X] Portable sewing kit (50 ryo)
-[X] 50cm wide coil semi-flexible metal wire (125 ryo)
-[X] Firestarter (5 ryo)

(Prices based on guesses about Lightning economy.)
[X] Buy:
-[X] Medical kit (250 ryo)
-[X] Large civilian knife and sheath (designed for sawing, fine for slashing, useless for throwing) (150 ryo)
-[X] Training Kunai Set (500 ryo)
Update 17: Well this is probably not good
The morning air was crisp. Nothing particularly special about this given where Cloud was located, most every morning was crisp. Nice all the same. Good way to start an important day. Well, coffee would greatly improve the start to the day, but in this instance you'd have to do without.

They'd scheduled the day so each assessment would take maybe twenty minutes apiece but they'd had you all come in in the morning same as normal, along with the kids from the other classes. A sensible arrangement, this was not. It did rather leave a large group of kids in a hall with nothing to do but wait for their name to be called. Maybe it's because they expect there to be a shuffling of class membership? You don't know but it certainly makes for dull couple hours where you only recognised a third of the people in the room with you. Mildly interesting social data at least, it's a little funny how the kids in the other classes react around the ones in the top class. Funny and not a little surreal, the whole 'elites' thing. It really doesn't mean anything, but kids will be kids you guess.

It comes your turn shortly before lunch, which is good as you don't know how much longer you could just sit there waiting, just doing nothing makes you antsy. Presiding over the affair is surfer-dude, who you still somehow don't know the name of and who still messes with your sense of expectation. "Ah, Khagan Feruza. We're going to be starting with your taijutsu if that's alright?" You nod in response and follow through by going through the standard kata at their mention. After taijutsu they have you demonstrate your kunai and bukijutsu skills which aren't remotely notable. They do thankfully have you run through some pure physical excercises, there at least you know you're way ahead of the curve, particularly your agility and balance, which render their little course trivial.

"Before we let you go, we were hoping you could demonstrate something for us. If you could stand on that water just there?" You'd been hoping they'd remember that, so you hop onto the surface of the water lithely and wait. They exchange a few glances with each other before surfer-dude speaks again. "Ah, could you tell us how you learnt to control your chakra like that?"

Simple enough question, and one you were prepared for. "It just seemed to be the obvious thing to do, is all. It never occured to me to not try it."

Curiosity 20/40/80 vs 68

"Ah, I see." He pauses for a moment, contemplating something. "Do you think you could try something for me? Could you try using these handsigns and focusing your chakra through them? Focus on your sense of awareness whilst you do it."

This you weren't expecting, but it isn't difficult. You focus, quickly run your hands through the signs, move your chakra, and then...pop standing next to you is another you. Well that's a thing. The instructors all share some meaningful glances with each other.

Technique gained: Basic Clone

"Ah, very good, Khagan-chan. You can head back now. Ah, do let your chakra go yes? Yes just like that. If you could avoid doing that whilst around your classmates for the moment? Thank you very much."

Well that wasn't nearly as dramatic as a multi-part exam ending with a tournament, but you think it went pretty well all the same. Better than even. You've got more than week to go before you find out anything, but at least you'll be learning something useful, and it'll make a nice change as well.


They've taken you down away from Cloud for the camping trip, around a days travel from the village, and quite the altitude drop. It's not exactly the lowlands but you're hardly standing above the sea of fog any more. You're all carrying a bunch of equipment with you, though you expect the instructor has probably got a bunch more stored in scrolls.

Over the next five days the instructor goes over how best to store and carry equipment, and how to care for it in the field. He mentions a little about gathering food, and the importance of water and keeping yourself in good condition. Each day you spend maybe half of it walking to a new location before setting up camp and him going over little tips and tricks. He always leaves whilst you're setting up, so you all learn how to do set-up on your own. On the sixth day you've been working your way back towards Cloud, and you've started setting up near the lake that makes your stopping point for the day, when things go to shit. Flashing out from a nearby group of trees a group of four ninja with konoha headbands drop into your midst. The man at the front of the group wearing a flak jacket turns his head to his little group and speaks.

"You three will secure these kids, whilst I hunt their escort down." The three young ninja with him nod, wherupon he dashes away from you all.

Well. Shit. Complete and total shit, by point of fact.

What will you do?
[] Just go to sleep
[] Write-in

(Apologies for delay, sleep cycle got completely screwed up)
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So all of them are Jounin? And could we use our chakra control to 'stick' to their skin and use that to rip it off?
Sorry for double posting

Hmm, we could use our shitty body flicker to attack one, then use the clone technique to put it slightly over ourselves but running ahead just slightly faster so they will misjudge the distance needed to harm us. Then use our lightning chakra to shock them by aiming at their weak points and maybe use our chakra control to have us fight them better?

That's all I got for idea's.

Edit: Also fight with our group of academy kids?
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