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Twenty-two years after the opening of the Dark Portal, and two years after the coming of the...
Twenty-two years after the opening of the Dark Portal, and two years after the coming of the Scourge and the second Invasion of the Burning Legion, the world of Azeroth is divided among numerous kingdoms, clans, and tribes. From the unexplored lands of Kalimdor in the west to the devastated realms of Lordaeron, Khaz Modan, and Azeroth the world has become a place where only those who are strong and cunning can survive. From the realms below, any state could rise to greatness if led with courage and guile. Or they could fall and be consumed by their neighbors amidst the fires of war.

(All factions listed in clockwise order)
The Scourge (NPC): Weakened but from far from defeated by the troubles caused by the attempts on the Lich King's life, the Scourge still holds much of Northrend and Lordaeron and when the Lich King finally awakens it is almost certain that the hordes of the undead will soon descend on the living. Even now his lieutenants set out to weaken the Scourge's rivals in anticipation of that day. The remnants of the Silver Hand are an obvious target, even though many of them have grown adept at slaughtering the undead, and from there the treacherous Forsaken can be dealt with before the living to the south may be scourged. Still, they must note that the living have developed countermeasures to the Scourge's usual tactics and little better can unite them than their hatred of the undead. United, they might drive the Scourge from Lordaeron and Quel'Thalas and even Icecrown could be under threat.

The Blood Elves: 90% of all High Elves were slaughtered when the Scourge invaded Quel'Thalas. 1% of them were outside the country and were able to avoid the worst of the Scrouge. The remaining 9% have become Blood Elves, the vengeful remnants of the Elven kingdom. However, there are even fewer than that these days. Prince Kael'thas was betrayed and imprisoned by Marshal Garithos, along with the elite troops that went with him to aid the Alliance. Now Regent Lord Lor'themar Theron leads the Blood Elves in trying to retake Silvermoon, a seemingly hopeless task. Not only are the Undead without number but the Blood Elves are slowly withering away from their addiction to magic, which can no longer be satisfied after the destruction of the Sunwell. But, a civilization like Quel'Thalas does not die quietly and every Blood Elf warrior is able and willing to slaughter as many Undead as it takes to rebuild his homeland.

The Amani Tribe: Few celebrated the coming of the Scourge, but the trolls of the Amani tribe, seeing their elvish enemies driven before the Scourge, could barely contain their pleasure. Once the undead moved on, it would be the perfect moment to at long last retake their ancestral lands. But the undead have not moved on. The magics of this land were too invaluable to ever surrender and the undead have crept ever closer to Zul'Aman, prving to be a greater threat than the elves ever were. Zul'jin will have to use all of his cunning and skill to keep his people safe.

The Silver Hand (Scarlet Crusade): A realm as great as Lordaeron does not die with its king, or even its capital. As High Marshal Garithos wasted much of Lordaeron's remaining forces as well as those of his allies though his bigotry and incompetence the Order of the Silver Hand, Lordaeron's order of paladins, managed to hang on, securing a few key positions in the kingdom and even though what's left of the expedition has retreated, these holy warriors have refused to abandon their country. The Scourge must be defeated and a paladin fights to the end, no matter the odds. While the Scourge is no longer dividing against itself, it still shows some signs of vulnerability, particularly around Stratholme, which Saidan Dathrohan is considering as the Order's next target.

The Wildhammer Clan: The Wildhammer Clan, ensconced on Aerie Peak, has not suffered like many of its neighbors at the hands of the Scourge. Their lands are too remote for most opponents and the Gryphon Riders, too fierce for most enemies to risk prvoking. But they have problems just the same. Their lands in Khaz Modan are imperiled by the resurgent forces of the Dragonmaw Clan and in Lordaeron, the trolls and the humans of the Syndicate are growing bolder. Aerie Peak may soon be threatened and the Wild Dwarves will to have to act to protect their mountains...

The Vilebranch Tribe: Unlike their kin to the north, the Vilebranch tribe is not threatened by the Scrouge. The mountains around the Hinterlands have bested many foes and the living dead are no different. In fact, the recent collapse of Stromgarde has left the Vilebranch free of their accursed human foes for the first time since the rise of the ancient empire of Arathor. However, while the Wildhammers are preoccupied with the undead and the orcs in the south, they can easily wreak havoc on the Vilebranch, and must be considered carefully if the tribe is make use of these developments...

The Boulderfist Ogres: The Humans have never been this much fun! After getting tired of killing ogres and trolls they started killing each other. It started with the son of their chief killing his father and then they all started killing each other. Of course the Boulderfist ogres proceeded to get the trolls to fight for them and they have taken nearly half of Stromgarde. A little more pushing and that big stone chief's house will belong to the Boulderfist!

The Syndicate: Alterac never truly died. While the city was left to rot by the Alliance, the kingdom's nobility never forgot their homeland. They went into hiding and organized the peasants from the shadows, building an army to retake Alterac. With the Alliance fleeing, the Syndicate has emerged from the shadows. Much of Alterac and Stromgarde is under their control and more will come if the Alliance withdraws completely. True, there are still many enemies, especially the accursed Ogres squatting in the ruins, but like a phoenix Alterac will rise from the ashes of Lordaeron.

Stromgarde Remnants: There was no reason for it to be this way. Stromgarde was secure from the Plague and the Scourge. The ogres and trolls were suppressed. And Stromgarde's army was as power as it had ever been. King Thoras Trollbane was even willing to back Jaina's expedition to the ends of Azeroth on the word of a mad prophet. But that all changed when Prince Galen Trollbane was found over his father's dead body. The Prince insisted he had no idea what had happened. His mind had gone black and he only came to before his father's dead body. Some suspected possession but others, knowing the Prince's dark and violent temper, suspected far worse and refused to obey Prince Galen. The kingdom fell into civil war and the armies of the kingdom bled themselves white on each other when there were all too many enemies to slay. The rebels of the Syndicate invaded and the ogres and trolls rose up. To make matters worse Tol Barad refused to support the throne and sought Kul Tiran protection, which the late Admiral Proudmoore, due to his resentment of Stromgarde's leaving the Alliance and the potential patricide, granted.

Prince Galen has won the civil war but many fear he won't be able to regain his kingdom. Much of the kingdom is in a series of refugee camps and Stromgarde Keep itself is in ruins. But he has veteran troops and he knows humanity can't afford to lose more land. With skill, diplomacy, and a bit of luck, he might able to pull of a miracle.

Frostwolf Clan: While most of Thrall's Horde has been content to stay in Kalimdor, the Frostwolves felt duty called back to the Alterac mountains. Chaos has unfolded in their absence and their homeland must be preserved before they can truly be at peace. They wish to avoid conflict but are under no illusions it can avoid them forever.

The Alliance Expedition (NPC): As Lordaeron fell the remaining nations of the Alliance sprang into action. Kul Tiras, Ironforge, and Stormwind were quick to send men to fight wit the remaining men of Lordaeron to stop the undead. The situation was dire but far from hopeless and a leader like Anduin Lothar or King Terenas might have saved Lordaeron. Unfortunately, High Marshal Garithos was in command. As one solider put it...

"For pure, unstinting stupidity, for superb incompetence to command, for ignorance combined with bad judgement - in short, for the true talent for catastrophe - Garithos stood alone. Others abide our question, but Garithos outshines them all as the greatest military idiot of our own or any other day. Only he could have led the men of Lordaeron to such a ruinous defeat. It was not easy: he started with a good army, a secure position, some excellent officers, a feral, soon-to-be divided enemy, and repeated opportunities to save the situation. But Garithos, with the touch of true genius, swept aside these obstacles with unerring precision, and out of order wrought complete chaos. We shall not, with luck, look upon his like again."*
*With all regards to Flashman.

True, towards the end he was influenced by a dreadlord, but the loss of the Blood Elves and the failure to accomplish any meaningful objective, outside sweeping the remaining Scourge from Dalaran ultimately was caused by his bigotry and incompetence and after the slaughter of himself and his army in Lordaeron the remaining troops have formed up in Hillsbrad. The sponsor nations have a choice: order the men back home to deal with the problems developing in their homelands or keep them there and attempt to salvage the expedition.

Crushridge Ogres: Mug'thol's head hurt. The pretty ghost sent him to get a shiny crown from a wrecked city. It was so shiny he had to wear it. The crown shocked his head and he decided he didn't want to work for the pretty ghost no more. He wanted to hold this stone fort and loot the land. True, this Syndicate humans seem to want his fort but it's his. They can't have it! He'll smash them first!

Kul Tiras: When the Alliance crumbled after the Second War only a few human nations remained: Lordaeron, Dalaran, Stormwind, and Kul Tiras. Admiral Proudmoore had fought on the frotnlines and had seen his lands ransacked by the Horde and he knew humanity must stand together in the face of such crises. During the Third War he ensured Kul Tiras contributed what it could to Lordaeron and his fleets ensured the stability of Tol Barad as Stromgarde fell into civil war. However, he could not forget that his daughter Jaina, had disappeared while leading a fleet of refugees and volunteers west and he ferociously pursued any rumor about her whereabouts. When he finally learned she had landed on a new continent called Kalimdor, he led most of the army and navy after her. Once there, he learned the Horde was building a new kingdom on Kalimdor and he immediately commandeered his daughter's position on Theramore Isle to wipe out the Horde before it could threaten humanity again.

Due to the actions of the Horde and his daughter, he was slain and much of Kul Tiras's military was lost. Now Admiral Tandred must decide the best way to deal with these losses.

Gilneas (NPC): Gilneas has been sealed behind the Greymane Wall since the Second War and this has remained the case despite the suffering outside of it and will remain the case until Gilneas is attack or King Genn Greymane dies. At this point, many hope it will be a painful combination of the two.

The Kirin Tor (NPC): For all Garithos's failure he did do the Kirin Tor a great favor by securing the ruins of Dalaran. The Kirin Tor has returned and after sealing off the city with a magical field, has occupied the town of Amberpine to pursue a project they refuse to discuss with anyone else. As they do this they will have to protect themselves from the Worgen, the Forsaken, and the Scourge. Whatever they are planning, it must be import to justify this sort of risk.

Worgen (NPC): When Dalaran was assaulted by the Scourge, Archmage Arugal sought to defend his home by summoning the worgen, wolfmen that had never been seen by any man before. While they proved effective against the undead, they turned on the human mages and as a result Arugal was forced to lead them away from Dalaran towards the Silverpine Forest. He has marked off the land for his "children" and warns all others to stay away or preapre to join the pack.

The Forsaken: The greatest threat to the Scourge may end up being the very undead it created. As the Lich King's power waned some of the Scourge began to break free from his control. Among these was Sylvanas Windrunner, an eleven ranger turned undead as punishment for harrying the Lich King's campaigns. Using all her skill, she managed to break many undead from the Scourge's control and broke the power of the Dreadlords who ruled the Scrouge in the Burning Legion's absence. She also used and betrayed the Alliance Expedition, slaying Marshal Garithos along with many of his soldiers. Having set herself as Queen of the Forsaken in the catacombs of the city of Lordaeron, which she has named the Undercity, she plans her next move to protect her unliving subjects and to avenge herself on the Lich King. The Scourge remnant on Fenris Isle must fall first and the humans must be pushed aside so she can invade the Scrouge's remaining holdings. In the back of her mind a question nags at her, if she succeeds she will have an Empire. What will she do with it?

(All factions listed in clockwise order)
Dark Iron Clan: Hidden under Blackrock Spire, slaves to the will of Ragnaros the Fire Lord since he was summoned by Emperor Thaurissan, the Dark Iron are taking some long-awaited revenge on the other dwarves. Taking advantage of their opponents' weakness due to both the war in the north and the successful abduction of King Magni Brozebeard's daughter Moira they have rushed out of Blackrock Spire and have seized Loch Modan and the swamplands to the north. However they are now spread thin and Ironforge still stands. The passes to Dun Morogh must be secure before the Bronzebeards can mount a proper counterattack.

Dragonmaw Clan: The remnants of the once-mighty Dragonmaw Clan, they had no interest in obeying the upstart Thrall, successor of the backstabbing Doomhammer. They serve the true WarChiefs, Rend and Maim of the black Tooth Grin Clan, who now rule form atop Black Rock Spire. With the dwarves' eyes on the north, they have manged to seize much of the Twilight Highlands for themselves and even now scheme to drive out the remaining Wildhammers and march on Ironforge. Perhaps, one day, they will be strong enough to deal with the rebellious Red Dragonflight that infests their former capital of Grim Batol...

Ironforge: The second strongest nation of remaining nations of the Alliance with Kul Tiras's defeat at Theramore Isle, the Bronzebeard dwarves are beset by troubles. To the west, their gnome allies are being invaded by Troggs and to the east, the Dark Iron dwarves wait to march on Dun Morogh and Ironforge. Even worse, Moira Bronzebeard, King Magni's daughter, has been abducted meaning that any direct assault on Blackrock Spire will put the King's family at risk. Still, Ironforge is strong and its warriors mighty and it will not fall without a fight!

Gnomergan: The gnomes are now facing their worst peril since the Orcs invaded their lands. Gnomergan is being invaded by a race of deformed creatures known as Troggs. Able to burrow past the Gnomes' barricades the Troggs are slowly overwhelming their defenses. However an engineer by the name of Sicco Thermaplugg has come up a plan to deal with the Troggs, just flood the lower levels with radiation, and kill them off. He promises that the the levels can be sealed off to contain the fallout and has even presented a shiny, red button to detonate the bomb with. Others suggest that maybe there is another way...

(All factions listed in clockwise order)
The Dark Horde: Those who believe that Thrall speaks for all Ocrs are wrong. Only those creatures who agreed to follow that weak orc serve him. The true orcs serve the rightful heir of Blackhand: Dal'rend and very soon he shall be able to reenact his father's deeds. Starting from Blackrock Spire, the Dark Horde now touches Stormwind's borders Some think the time has come to strike but the Warchief should not forget that Stormwind is surrounded by enemies who may weaken it at a crucial moment. And once Stormwind falls, the Dark Horde can find a way to reopen the Dark Portal, reunite with their kin and succeed where Doomhammer failed.

The Atal'ai: Trolls have always been pushed to the very edges of society. But none moreso than the Atal'ai. They are part of the Hakkari, worshippers of the dread Loa Hakkar, who exchanged power for the sacrifice of souls. 1,500 years ago, in order to secure victory for the Gurubashi Trolls, Hakkar asked to be summoned into the world. All but the Atal'ai refused this dread command, and waged war to drive them from the capital of Zul'Gurub where they and Hakkar were defeated. They fled to the Swamp of Sorrows where they were eventually joined by their estranged kin, who had suffered badly despite opposing the Atal'ai. Ever since they have schemed to find a way to restore their God. The Green Dragonflight tried to prevent it by destroying their temple and patrolling its remains but it does not matter. The ritual must be in Zul'Gurub and the dragons are the perfect sacrificial vessels. All they need is enough strength to subdued them and reach Zul'Gurub...

The Tainted Scar (NPC): While the Burning Legion has mostly been driven from this world, a small force of demons still patrols the lands around the Dark Portal. Lord Kazzak, their leader, is nothing if not a loyal beast and seek a way back to the Legion. While they are little threat under the sights of the Kirin Tor at Nethergarde Keep, the Legion may decide to come back...

The Gurubashi Tribes (NPC): Stranglethorn Vale is divided into three parts, each controlled by a tribe. The Bloodscalp, the most aggressive, live to the west. The Skullsplitters, the wealthiest, live in the south. Finally, the Gurbashi, the strongest of the tribes, lives in the east. Divided they are little threat to anyone but united they could threaten the realms to the north.

The Steamwheedle Cartel: Unlike their Bilgewater colleagues to the west, who still show signs of wanting to meddle in politics, the Steamwheedle swore off such things when they backed the losing side in the Second War. Now they are focused entirely on profit, such as profitable new ports that can be built in Kalimdor, now that decent customers have shown up or new ports in lands that have been cleared by recent conflict. Yes, a vast network of ports that will give the Cartel great profit at the expense of... everyone else when you get down to it.

Raven Hill: The living need many things to prosper but perhaps the most taken for granted is the sun. It warms the air, ripens crops, nourishes the body and the mind. The sun has not seen in southern Stormwind for some time. Shortly after the disappearance of a Night Elf traveler, the sky darkened into eternal night and Worgen roam the land, slaughtering all who are not cowering in hiding. No, the living cannot survive here but the dead, ah, the dead, can live anywhere. The people of Raven Hill were slaughtered by the Worgen but they shall serve a new master. The Necromancer Morbent Fel has claimed the Duskwood for himself and the living will serve in life or serve in death.

The Defias Brotherhood: When Stormwind was being rebuilt the Kingdom employed a great many craftsmen from every field and in turn they restored the kingdom after the destruction inflicted on it by the Orcs. When they demanded the wages promised to them after the job was done, they were turned away with a mere fraction of what they were owed, wit the House of Nobles claiming there just wasn't any more money to pay them. They rioted as a response and in the chaos, Queen Tiffin Wyrnn, ironically one of their allies, was killed by a hurled stone. There was no going back after that and the craftsmen fled to Westfall where they joined in brotherhood to protect themselves to receive what was their due. With their technical skill they made the new Defias Brotherhood into force Stormwin has never been able to suppress. And with so many men sent north they have been able to nearly overrun Westfall. Once the militia around Sentinel Hill have fallen, Westfall will be theirs and the Brotherhood will be able to pursue their independence from the King of Stormwind.

Stormwind: In a strange turn of fate the kingdom destroyed by the First War is one of the few left standing after the Third. Isolated from the Scourge, it sent troops north in an attempt to defend the kingdoms that restored Stormwind after the Second War. However this effort has failed and the weakened kingdom is surrounded by bandits, Worgen, undead, and even rumors of a Dark Horde and Black Dragons. King Varian Wyrnn must carefully manage his resources to truly restore his father's kingdom to its former glory. Fortunately, advisors like Bolvar Fordragon, Lady Katrana Prestor, and the members of the House of Nobles are all too willing to help him guide Stormwind to greatness...

(All factions listed in clockwise order)
The Night Elves: The battle of Mount Hyjal had been the Night Elves' finest hour in 10,000 years. But it was also its greatest sacrifice. To give the Ancestral Guardians the power to defeat Archimonde the Night Elves had to sacrifice their immortality. While many were able to accept the sacrifice stoically others refused to accept it and intended to try to build a new World Tree on a island off the coast of Kalimdor. Malfurion Stormrage tried to argue against it but he has been trapped in the Emerald Dream by an unknown force and his successor, Fandral Staghelm, pushed the project forward. Teldrassil is growing and a new city is being built in its boughs but the tree has not been blessed by the Dragon Aspects, some have noticed corruption seeping in.

But putting such matters aside there are other problems. Much of Kalimdor was scarred by the conflict and the Felwood remains a hive for demons and their minions. Perhaps most worryingly, the Orcs, unlike the Humans has been expanding rapidly on Kalimdor. Some fear this growth will upset the balance of nature while others simply fear no longer being Kalimdor's preeminent power. Regardless, there is growing view that the Horde must be checked and the Night Elves' grip on the continent must be reforged. The humans and their Alliance might be useful for this end.

The Horde: Thrall and the Horde have come a long way. From prisoners in the internment camps they broke free, rebuilt the Horde, and established a new home, Durotar, in the lands of Kalimdor. At peace with Humanity for the first time in their history, the Horde stands ready to make the most of their new home. Their tauren allies await them in Mulgore and from there a vast swathe of Kalimdor can be claimed for the Horde. And from there Thrall had dreams of the Horde being a beacon to all who were once oppressed.

The Bilgewater Cartel: The current owners and operators of Kezan, the home of the goblin race, the cartel is not like its competitors in the Undermine, they believe there is much profit to be earned from politics. Goblin Science had played a key role in conflicts before and it will do so again. True, this does have risks if they back the losing side but the rewards will far more valuable than any they could get by just selling to both sides. And with much of the world at war there have never been better opportunities for profit.

Theramore: The home of the human refugees who arrived in Kalimdor with Jaina Proudmoore, Theramore has remained small unlike its neighbor to the north, with many of its inhabitants still hoping for a return tot heir homelands. But in the wake of Garithos's defeat and the isle's seizure by Admiral Proudmoore, it has become clear that no homecoming awaits the people of Theramore. They must make this land their home for however long it takes for the east to be restored and they must mediate between the Alliance and the Horde lest the peace formed before Mount Hyjal breaks down.

As you might guessed this is a NG set in the Warcraft Universe after the end of The Frozen Throne. There are a few points to be made before we begin.

1. This game uses the three claims system.
2. As you might have guessed from the descriptions above this game has mixed up some events at game start for better gameplay.
3. However, the above does not mean the GM has fouled up something here or there so feel free to ask to see if something was intentional.
4. Turns consist of three months game time and run for two weeks beginning on Sunday and end on Saturday next week. We begin in the fall of 22 ADP. Plans and actions are to be submitted by then though extensions will be granted if asked.
5. This game uses the Major Action system. Each nation has four actions it can commit to growing itself. Great Powers receive five. The current Great powers are...
The Scourge
The Night Elves
The Horde
Great Power status will be adjusted over the course of the game.
6. War plans are to be made in the following format:
Combined Forces: (Taken from the Army and Fleet numbers listed below.)
7. All plans are to be typed in clear and legible English as are any questions for the GM and IC messages. There is no reason for anyone to not use basic capitalization and grammar.
8. Appeals are to be made twenty-four hours after war reports.
9. Include the GM in all conversations.
10. Due to the different races involved births are not to be rolled, instead they are to be requested from the GM.
11. Some factions have unique traits that will be explained in PM. In addition, not all armies are created equal. Know and use their strengths and weakness or be beaten by those that do.
12. It takes two turns to move your units from the Eastern Kingdoms to Kalimdor and vice versa.
13. Major events, such as the reopening of the Dark Portal or the reawakening of the Lich King, are not tied to specific years but will instead by triggered by fulfilling the proper conditions. What those conditions are is for me to know and you to find out.;)
14. Speaking of the above I will alter certain other things as well. Feel free to guess what.
15. Try to keep the OOC thread from becoming Barrens Chat 2.0.
16. Have fun!

Troop Numbers: (Note: All nations replenish at a rate of .5 a turn unless I say otherwise.)
The Scourge (NPC): ???????
The Blood Elves: 2 Armies, 2 Fleets
The Amani Tribe: 2 Armies, 2 Fleets
The Silver Hand (Scarlet Crusade): 4 Armies, 1 Fleet
The Wildhammer Clan: 4 Armies
The Vilebranch Tribe: 2 Armies, 2 Fleets
The Boulderfist Ogres: 2 Armies, 1 Fleet
The Syndicate: 3 Armies
Stromgarde Remnants: 2 Armies, 1 Fleet
Frostwolf Clan: 2 Armies
The Alliance Expedition (NPC): 2 Armies, 2 Fleets
Crushridge Ogres: 2 Armies
Kul Tiras: 2 (3) Armies, 2 (7) Fleets
Gilneas (NPC): ????????
The Kirin Tor (NPC): 2 Armies
Worgen (NPC): 3 Armies
The Forsaken: 4 Armies

Dark Iron Clan: 3 Armies
Dragonmaw Clan: 2 Armies, 2 Fleets
Ironforge: 3 (5) Armies, 1 (2) Fleets
Gnomergan: 1 (2) Armies

The Dark Horde: 3 Armies
The Atal'ai: 2 Armies, 1 Fleet
The Tainted Scar (NPC): 2 Armies
The Gurubashi Tribes (NPC): 6 Armies, 3 Fleets, divided amongst the tribes
The Steamwheedle Cartel: 2 Armies, 3 Fleets
Raven Hill: 2 Armies
The Defias Brotherhood: 2 Armies, 1 Fleet
Stormwind: 4 (5) Armies, 3 Fleets

The Night Elves: 8 Armies, 3 Fleets
The Horde: 5 Armies, 3 Fleets
The Bilgewater Cartel: 2 Armies, 3 Fleets
Theramore: 2 Armies, 2 Fleets

Player List:
The Scourge (NPC)
The Blood Elves: @Zeller
The Amani Tribe: @Tykan
The Silver Hand (Scarlet Crusade): @King Tharassian
The Wildhammer Clan:
The Vilebranch Tribe:
The Syndicate: @ErraticWizard
Frostwolf Clan: @Hoshu
The Alliance Expedition (NPC)
Kul Tiras: @Magnive
Gilneas (NPC)
The Kirin Tor (NPC)
Worgen (NPC)
The Forsaken:

Khaz Modan
Dark Iron Clan:
Ironforge: @Walker Of Chaos
Gnomergan: @SalvaW

The Dark Horde: @EternalLurker
The Atal'ai: @Scia
The Tainted Scar (NPC)
The Gurubashi Tribes (NPC)
The Steamwheedle Cartel:
The Defias Brotherhood:

The Night Elves:
The Horde: @Terrafirma
The Bilgewater Cartel:
Theramore @Duzzit
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Hmm you've got my attention, going to probably do my usual thing and go a bit unorthodox with my choices.

1. The Defias Brotherhood
2. The Steamwheedle Cartel
3. The Silver Hand (Scarlet Crusade)

I believe these would be best for me.
Oh yes ceslas! This thing...
Reailses there are 6 factions he wants...
Good question, the answer is that I removed some unmapped parts of the world to simplify matters a little and the remaining sites of pirate operations are affiliated with the Cartels.
Good question, the answer is that I removed some unmapped parts of the world to simplify matters a little and the remaining sites of pirate operations are affiliated with the Cartels.
Makes sense I suppose, although to be honest I am looking forward to playing the Defias Brotherhood assuming no one else claims the spot. I will admit that I always enjoy playing the sneaky underhanded smaller faction, already I have some plans in the works although that will depend on the Trait my faction has and various other pieces of information I might ask.
I would like to start out small, to get myself comfortable with the system, so my preference would be:

1.) Stromgarde Remnants
2.) Defias Brotherhood
3.) Frostwolf Clan
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oh huh, I thought this would be a continuation of the previous quest..... kinda dissapointed its not lol.
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actually crap, the trogg thing has not finished.... plus almost everyone who has picked wants at least one of my races....

Alrighty then, changing my picks.

1) Ironforge
2) Kul tiras
3) Blood elves
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basically just make a claim on your 3 top races/factions.

Ironforge, blood elves, Stormgarde and stormwind are all heavily contested though.


1) Kul Tiras
2) The Silver Hand (Scarlet Crusade)
3) The Blood Elves

One way or another, an Empire will be born. Hopefully.
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1) Night Elves
2) Dark Horde
3) Regular Horde

7. All plans are to be typed in clear and legible English as are any questions for the GM and IC messages. There is no reason for anyone to not use basic capitalization and grammar.
This is very insensitive towards the players who want to give it that extra touch of authenticity while playing Ogres.

13. Major events, such as the reopening of the Dark Portal or the reawakening of the Lich King, are not tied to specific years but will instead by triggered by fulfilling the proper conditions. What those conditions are is for me to know and you to find out.;)
Are you saying there's a good possibility that we won't be prepared? Any chance that those players who think that sometimes the hand of fate must be forced (like these jokes) can uncover those conditions by investing their actions?

Since you've told me in PM you do not want Stormwind run by someone who knows a lot of the Lore...

1. Theramore
2. Kul Tiras
3. Ironforge
Fairly sure that's the Syndicate, based off the location roughly at Stranhbard.
If it's the grey faction, it could be the Worgen or something else in the Gilnean civil war? I think it's pretty clear that the Syndicate is orange.

Edit: Ught sorry, the blue faction would be the Alliance forces from the Frozen Throne, no?
If it's the grey faction, it could be the Worgen or something else in the Gilnean civil war? I think it's pretty clear that the Syndicate is orange.

Edit: Ught sorry, the blue faction would be the Alliance forces from the Frozen Throne, no?
Orange is the Ogres, since it intersects where Alterac City would be on the map.

EDIT: And ceslas told me: And technically Alterac City is a ruin occupied by Ogres. The remnants of Alterac are based out of the slightly less wrecked town of Strahnbrad.
hmmm @Ceslas is it possible to peacefully integrate NPC or non picked player factions into our own? for example could say, the scarlet crusade integrate stormgarde if they helped them or something?