Welcome to the jungle

I jumped up and turned around, laying down on my throne, "And this is the throneroom," I said as I smiled at the group.

"Is that a Rexosaurus skull?" Celestia asked with a curious frown.

I glanced down at it. The upper part of the skull had been removed to make room for the seat, making the applicant face the teeth of the large creature.

"Part of one."

She shook her head slightly and looked out towards the greenery outside, but didn't say anything more about it.

Cadence seemed to have something to say though, "I don't know," she said with a small frown, "Seems more like something Sombra would have done. A skull throne?"

"Nah," Sunset said and shook her head with a grin as she moved to sit down next to the throne, "Then it would have been made up of dark crystaaaaalsssss."

"My throne, I can have it look anyway I like," I said firmly, stretching my wings as I sat up, "This particular specimen attacked the group before we could really start to construct the village in the first couple of days, while we were still searching for a good site. Twilight and Midnight were away from the camp at the moment and it was only through the heroic efforts of the guards that not a lot more ponies were killed. It was finally killed by a pair of ballistae, but not before we lost four guardsmares to it. Their names are engraved in its lower jaw, they gave their lives protecting everypony else. I thought the creature had been fully disposed off after the battle, but this throne was presented to me by the Nocturnis Guard upon the completion of the throne room."

Cadence took half a step back, glancing down towards the lower end of the throne before she shook her head, "...I'm sorry."

Sunset turned a bit to look at me with a small frown, "Page, that's not the entire story."

"No, but it's what of it that matters," I told her seriously before I looked at them again, "The second skull can be seen crowning the top of the tallest tower in the village. One to face the threats of the village, one to overlook it."

"A lot of things about Nocturnis aren't really… Pony," Sparks explained as she moved to sit down across from Sunset, looking at them, "Not the way things are back home at least."

"Yes they are," Luna said and moved over to look into my eyes, "They are very pony, just not… the way most modern ponies are," she said.

I nodded, "This is the first time since the curse that this many thestrals has been gathered in one place," I said and folded my wings a bit as I smiled sadly up at her, "Everypony has been pooling their knowledge. Scraps of family myths, legends and tales. Trying to scrape together a joined past, a… history. Unicorns have their history, Pegasi have their martial past and Earth Ponies have their traditions. Thestrals are struggling to get the same, some sort of… common thread."

Luna frowned softly, "That can't be much."

"It's not," Sparks confirmed with a small sigh, "What there is isn't enough to fill a small pamphlet and much is twisted by history and even pop culture. But everypony is scrambling, trying to forge their own culture. But we're almost starting from scratch."

I looked over, "Flower Rain."

"Your Highness," Flower Rain answered as she stepped forward from where she had been waiting by the entrance.

"It's been a long journey, could you please show our guests their quarters?" I asked her, "I'm sure their guards will have opinions, entertain them within reason."

Flower Rain spread her wings and bowed elegantly, "Of course, Your Majesty," she said before she stood up again, folding her wings, "Please, if you'd all follow me?"

It didn't take long before Luna, Sunset, Twilight and myself were the only ones visible in the room still. I'm sure there were a changeling or two, but when weren't there?

"Sorry," I said and sighed, giving Luna a small smile, "I might have been a bit snippy there. We're all at about two hours of sleep."

Luna didn't answer, she just gave me a small kiss before she looked at Sunset, "What was it that he didn't tell in that story?"

Sunset sighed softly and ignored my warning look to answer her, "That when it became clear that the ballista needed at least one more shot to bring the beast down, he distracted it for almost a minute alone to allow the guard to reload them and to keep it away from the rest of the camp. I was already down, it knocked me out with a swipe of its tail. Page distracted it away from the rest of the guard, buying them time. That's why only four ponies died that day, we had a dozen injuries and my entire side was bruised for weeks."

"It never touched me," I said and shook my head, "And it sounds better than it was, I simply flew around it and cast illusions everywhere."

"Thought so," Luna said softly and looked at me, "You didn't tell me."

Sighing softly, I nodded and shot Sunset a small glare, "Because I didn't want to worry you about something you couldn't change even if it had not been over already."

Sunset met my gaze calmly but firmly.

"You should still have told me," Luna said with a frown.

"...Yes… yes I should have...," I admitted and sighed, "I'm sorry, you're right," I said after a moment, "It was just a very busy time."

"Is there another kind?" Luna asked with a small smile, putting a hoof on the throne and moved in to give me a small kiss.

"I suppose not," I admitted.

"Speaking of which," Sparks said and looked at all of us, "We really should go and try to get some more sleep before tonight."

Sunset nodded, "She's right," she said and got up, "Going to be a full schedule tomorrow, especially with our guests" and shot Luna a smile.

Luna smiled back before winking at the unicorn, "Room for me too?"

"Of course," Sunset said and stretched, blinking a bit sleepily, "If you excuse me, I'm going to go and pass out now."

Now that sounded like a really nice idea.
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I'm reminded of the last story in this series:

We flew across the pyramid and I scanned the ground, the defenses were repaired and the remains of the rexosaurus was long gone and Midnight wouldn't let me keep a skull so she threw the entire thing off into the forest when it's magic resistance faded away.

Likely good thing, no way Luna would let me keep it at home anyway.
Quickly taking a step back, I dried my hoof on the grass before looking up at the monster.

Wonder if Luna let me bring one of the skulls with us when we go back home. It would look so awesome on the wall of the living room.
He finally got his skull! The funny thing is that his followers realized that he'd want a giant skull for his throne.

Also, typo:

I nodded, "This is the first time since the curse that this many thestrals has been gathered in one place," I said and folded my wings a bit as I smiled sadly up at her, "Everypony has been pooling their knowledge.
Well then, this entire series has been a very enjoyable read that I wasn't expecting. Great job there Hiver. Might still a few literary techniques I haven't thought of using before.… it's always the my little pony stories that catch me…
Waking up next to Luna again was just as good as I remembered it being. Or would have been.

Slowly blinking awake, I looked around, finding a clear lack of Luna. Also, no Sparks or Sunny. I didn't like that at all, I really dislike waking up alone.

Blinking to clear my eyes, I rolled onto my stomach and stretched before canceling the bubble of darkness around the bed.


Luna was on the balcony, her magic shimmering around her horn, her wings spread high and wide as the moon slowly rose above the horizon, the light slowly fading from the sun sinking at the same time, reflecting off her moving mane.

She was so beautiful.

Jumping off the bed, I moved out to join her, slipping in to rub my side against hers, nosing at her neck, "Evening."

Luna glanced down at me and smiled, "Evening, My Page," she said softly before she refocused as the moon slowly slid higher into the sky.

As the sky darkened the sounds of the forest started to change as the Nocturnal inhabitants started to wake up. Including the village around us.

Some ponies could be seen walking around on the platforms already, but it was mostly Day Ponies and Thestrals that for some reason are mostly running daylight hours, such as bakers, finishing up their days or going about their business and their Nocturnal neighbors starting to wake up.

Luna lowered a wing over my back as the glow around her horn faded away before she turned her head to nose at my mane.

I smiled and leaned against her, "Sunny and Sparks off already?"

Luna nodded, "They left a couple of minutes before you woke up. Twilight said tonight would be busy."

"She's not wrong," I agreed and flicked one ear, "I have general court in one hour or so. Then there's lunch, everypony is invited of course. After that I have… uhm… something…" I looked around for Flower Rain, "Somepony has my schedule."

Luna frowned slightly at that, "I thought you would be less busy now when the village is starting to be built up. Sister said you changed your schedule."

"This is less busy," I admitted and sighed softly, leaning against her, "But everypony else is working hard, why wouldn't I be?"


"I know, I know," I admitted and flicked one ear, "We're still working on it, but seriously, it's a lot better than it was only a couple of weeks ago. We're still adjusting things and we'll clear out everything we can until you leave after tonight."

Luna nodded, her wing brushing against mine, "What about Sunset and Twilight?"

"They have cut down too," I said and shifted a bit closer to her, "We have started to meet for lunch and spend the mornings together."

"Good," Luna told me and pulled me tight with her wing for a moment, resting her head against the top of mine before she pulled back and smiled down at me, "Breakfast?"

"Sounds good to me," I agreed, "Come on."

Heading to the outer room, breakfast was already served. With fruit, bread and a selection of cold and hot tea.

"So… how are things in Canterlot?" I asked as I picked a piece of mango in my magic, "Is the infestation as bad as I remember?"

Luna looked amused and picked up an apple slice, "If by infestation you mean nobles, then yes," she said and nibbled at the fruit, "But Celestia and I have them well in hoof. Otherwise, Canterlot is like it usually is," she said and walked to look out over the trees.

I nodded and moved up next to her again, nibbling at my fruit. I thought about asking about Silver Leafs cafe, but I already knew how things were going for her.

We had been exchanging letters after all along with my orders of tea.

I may be living in the wilderness beyond the borders of the rest of Equestria, but I'm not a savage. Without tea the village would have failed long ago and descended into barbarism.

Tea was civilization.

But thinking about Canterlot… yes, the idea to go visit Canterlot for Hearts and Hooves day was definitely the right idea.

Especially after they surprised us like this.

Seems only fair.

"At least we don't have any of those here," I said, flicking one ear in thought, "We may have pony eating creatures in the forest all around us, but at least we don't have any nobles around these parts."

Luna smiled softly and sighed, "Sadly, if you want to get your economy moving here, you may still need them, My Page. You need investors and more often than not, they are the ponies with the Bits."

I grumbled softly and finished my piece of mango and floated another one over, "...I hate the fact that you're right. Well, I guess there are those that I can stand, they're not all bad. It's just that the ones that I don't like are very loud and noticeable."

"That they are," Luna agreed softly and shook her head, "But we can discuss such matters later," she said and turned, brushing her wing across my back as she moved to pour herself a cup of tea, "For now, until your assistant steal you away, how about we eat some breakfast and then go back to bed?" she teased with a small playful smile.

"That… that sounds really nice."
That would put pressure on her, but what about officially acknowledge Fluttershy as a noble member of the Thestral court?

That would send a good message around I think.
Yeah. A good way to enforce a particular style of nobility is to establish the traditions you want while no one can do anything to stop you.
Lunch was over.

The moment of peace was almost over too. At least after today I'd be able to empty my schedule, but today, there was that meeting with the guard. Really shouldn't skip that, not with a possible Rexosaurus main food source approaching the area.

Luna was talking quietly with Sunny and Sparks to the side, Cadence were gathered up with Shining Armor and Sunburst, fussing over Flurry Heart along with Midnight. Tempest was there too, seemingly trying not to look like she wanted to stay tough and not coo with the rest about the little filly. Flurry was getting big and had been asking questions nonstop.

She was very cute.

Celestia stood by the railing of the platform, looking out over the lights of the village.

Getting up, I popped the last piece of mango into my mouth and moved over to her, "So, what do you think?" I asked.

She glanced at me and smiled, "It's… impressive. Seems larger than I thought it would be."

"It's the trees," I explained, "The buildings wrap around them, taking up a lot of space in the middle, making them look bigger than they normally would. The trick is to not have them rub against the wood too firmly, things last much longer than and give things room to grow."

Celestia nodded, "Makes sense," she agreed, "Very thick trees."

"Mmm. Plenty of wood," I agreed, "hard too, it's currently our most attractive export."

"I can see why," she said and flicked one ear.

"Like some?" I asked and moved to stand next to her, "I'm sure I could arrange some for you."

Celestia nodded and stretched her wings, "I can always use some… maybe for my bedroom."

"Oh? I'd figure you already had plenty there."

"Mmm," she agreed with a small smirk, "Maybe for the pillars of my bed, nice and thick? They are getting a bit old. If it's hard enough that is. To last."

"Oh, that's no worry. It'll last for a long time. I think You'd find it quite satisfactory."
"I guess we need to arrange that then," she said and then glanced towards Luna, Sunny and Sparks for a second before she turned back to me again, "Anything else I don't know you export?"

"Well," I said and scraped my hoof against the wooden platform, "Mostly consumables so far. Fruit, local wine, that sort of thing."

"Anything I'd like to taste?"

I nodded, "I'm sure you would," I told her with a smile, "Several were on the table today. You seemed to find them quite enjoyable."

"The one with the hard shell?" Celestia asked and licked her lips, "It was nice, but the juices got everywhere."

"There is a trick to it if you eat it whole, you need to wrap your lips around it where you first pierce the shell," I said, stretching my wings, "Just a gentle sucking. I'm sure you could get quite good at it."

Celestia smirked, "Normally it wouldn't be a problem, I was just surprised how quickly it happened when I got into it."

"Can be," I agreed and folded my wings, "Most beginners have trouble as I understand it, but you opened it faster than most manage it. I guess that comes with a couple of thousand years of experience."

"It does," she said and looked out over the village, "It's amazing what you have done here, Page."

"We all do our best," I said and hooked a hoof over the railing, looking at the village, "It's never easy, but we all try. Every day is hard, but you will find that we have it well in hoof."

"You don't need to do it all on your own," Celestia said gently, "You need to learn to accept help from others, I'm sure Sunset and Twilight would be more than happy to help."

I nodded, "I know," I said and sighed, "And they do, and time with Luna in my dreams helps. But sometimes I miss having you to lean on," I told her, "Dreaming of you is one thing, but it's another being by your side. I'll never understand how you manage Equestria as well as you do. Somehow managing to be firm while somehow at once having a soft touch, so soft that someponies might not even tell you are doing anything directly until it explode in their faces."

"Experience, Page," Celestia said, "You'll get there yourself with time."

"I suppose," I said and then smiled at her, "But it's still impressive how you are able to take it all on your own, managing so many hard things at once," I motioned towards the village, "I have one thing and it's more than I can deal with at times, almost has a life of its own."

"Experience," she repeated and flicked one ear, "And I have help. My sister, and Cadence. We all handle things as they come, all in our own ways. As you know, my sister is more direct."

"She is," I agreed, "I have tried to do things the way you do, but… I'm not sure I can."

"We all have our preferences, Page," Celestia said with a small smile, "Our favorite ways of doing things. Like you said, I have a softer touch than my sister. Cadence rules directly as that seemed to work best in the Crystal Empire. You have to figure out how you like doing it?"

"I know how I like it," I said and touched her wing with mine, "Not sure it's how you would enjoy it though."

"It's your village, Prince Page," Celestia said with a small smile, "You decide what you think is best for your ponies. And you have Twilight and Sunset, you can lean on them, they are very capable mares, they can handle anything you can give them."

I slowly nodded, "I know," I simply said and then I smiled at her, "And don't think I'm going to forget about getting you that wood. It's the least I could do after everything you have done for me."

"Looking forward to it."

There was a slight choking sound and we looked back to see Cadance standing there, looking like she had just bit into something that sounded crunch when it shouldn't.

"Yes?" Celestia asked, raising one eyebrow.

"I was… you are..." Cadance started before she facehooved with a small groan, "...Actually, you know what, No. If you're doing it on purpose, you can deal with it yourselves!"

With that she turned around and walked back to her husband.

I shared a look with Celestia, "Ah."

"Ah, indeed," She agreed with a small smirk and brushed her wing against mine, "But perhaps we should tone it down around her."

"Nah. Nopony but herself to blame for listening in," I said, shifting my wing up against the underside of her amazingly soft wing in turn.

"Are you sure? You're making things harder for yourself."

I smirked, "No, that's all your doing, Sunshine."
Oh god... The innuendo...

Nice chapter by the way. Impossible to really see if those two were doing it intentionally, but I suppose that was the point.
Oh god... The innuendo...

Nice chapter by the way. Impossible to really see if those two were doing it intentionally, but I suppose that was the point.
Almost certainly on purpose, both from the "perhaps we should tone it down around her" comment at the end, and the fact that they've been trading innuendo much like that for most of the series. He's gotten quite a bit better at it, though.
I think...they may have started something without it being made clear to the readers (or Cadence).
I think...they may have started something without it being made clear to the readers (or Cadence).
They haven't but both clearly want to. It's why Cadence is being driven insane by them.

The entire conversation consisting of nothing but double entendres is a game they've been playing for years at this point. Page is just finally keeping up.
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"And this is the Guard training compound," Sunset said as she led the group along the pathway from the Wraparound to one of the bigger structures, "The barracks are right next door, but most Guards live with their families, at least some of the time."

"Are most Thestrals?" Celestia asked, walking next to her.

I hung back, walking next to Luna, letting Sunny handle this part of the guided tour, she was the one with by far most experience with it after all.

"About three quarters," Sunset explained, "The rest are mostly what used to be Page's personal guard. It's not the same third that is his personal guard now however, we had to mix things up. We're keeping the personal guard all female, but the rest of the Nocturnis Guard is mixed. We don't have enough ponies that want to join to be overly picky, it's still a mostly mare force, but we have a dozen or so stallions."

Celestia nodded as we walked out onto the training platform.

Everypony of the guard not currently on other duties were standing reading for inspection, their dark green armor, specially coated not to shine seemingly absorbing the lights floating around us from Sparks horn, the torches around the training grounds flickering adding to the scene.

The style of armor was similar to pegasus armor, but not as covering, making it easier to move in. A necessity in the jungle. Designed by Midnight and Sunset together.

Most present were Thestrals, but there were a dozen other ponies as well, fairly even split between earth ponies, unicorns and pegasi. Two of the unicorns were even stallions.

"Impressive," Celestia said softly, "Very impressive."

What was really impressive was the way she said it. Softly like it was meant just for our ears, but it still carried clear across the field.

"They are the shield and sword of Nocturnis," I said as I walked out next to them, "They keep everypony in Nocturnis safe from the dangers of day and night. From the things that stalk the woods. And the things beyond it."

I might have imagined it, but it seemed like they were standing a bit straighter.

"There are plenty of dangers in these jungles, because it's dark and full of terror," I continued and looked up at Celestia, "These are the ponies that make it possible for us to live here, even in the trees. Without these brave ponies… there would be no Nocturnis."

She nodded seriously, "There is a reason nopony has settled this far south into the jungles in the past."

"It's not ju-" I started to answer before a horn sounded far in the distance.

Everypony froze as the sound seemingly drifted through the leaves around the area, slithering along the branches, the ethereal tone climbing along our spines. It started to sound again.

I looked to Sunset, giving her a nod before I turned to look towards Midnight and Sparks, only to see the tail end of their teleport spells as they flashed out of existence.

"You all heard it!" Sunset shouted, "To your stations!" before she wrapped herself into a teleport field of her own and was gone.

Everypony rushed into action, unicorns starting to quench torches. Behind us, lights across the village started to die, leaving us in nothing but the light of the moon above.

"Page?" Luna asked quietly as she moved up next to her sister, "What's happening?"

"That," I answered quietly, "Is the Rexosaurus alert. One of them has been spotted heading in the direction of the village."

Celestia looked around, "But… we're high in the trees. To avoid those is why you built here."

"Yes… and no…" I said quietly, "While nopony has ever seen one use them, they do have wings. This is not to keep out of their range, this is to not be in easy biting and spotting distance. And there are other things on the forest floor that do not have wings that are almost as dangerous."

"What happens at the alarm?" Luna whispered, moving up next to me, her wing brushing against my side.

I glanced up at her, "No lights. Everypony keeps still and quiet. The guards mare the ballistas and their positions. Sparks and Midnight get ready to launch bolts of their own.

It had only been a couple of minutes, but the village was dark and quiet.

"Sir?" Amber said quietly from the side in a whisper, "We should return to the palace."

I shook my head, "We're staying here, nopony else here can fly at night," I said and looked to Cadance and Shining Armor, "Everypony might as well settle down, this will last a couple of hours. And put a bubble of silence around Flurry, she's not trained like the foals of the village."

Shining nodded firmly and whispered something in Cadances ear before they and Sunburst quietly moved in from the edge of the platform and the trail to the compound before settling down on the wood, huddled up around Flurry as the little filly asked what was going on only to be hushed by Cadance. Shinings horn lit up for a second and a bubble surrounded the trio and Flurry before shimmering out of visible light.

"We might as well get comfortable," I whispered to Luna and Celestia as I watched the trio and Flurry for a moment, "It will likely take a couple of hours for it to pass through the area, it's usually gone in a hour or three," before I moved to lay down on the wood of the platform, close to the middle.

Luna laid down next to me, glancing around in the darkness. Celestia settled down by my other side and I lit my horn for a second, casting a bubble of silence around us,

"There," I said and sighed, "We can still hear, but nopony outside can hear us. We can talk now. Sadly, these things don't move or we could risk going back to the palace."

"How much danger are we really in?" Celestia asked, her voice still kept low as she looked out into the darkness of the platform.

"Well," I said and shifted my wings a bit, "As I said, nopony knows if they can actually fly, nopony really feel a pressing need to be the one to find out, so might be none. And ballista are set up so they can cover most of the village. Midnight and Sparks are in quick support as they can throw the bolts manually hard enough to hurt a Rexosaurus and teleport into place quickly if necessary. So even if one finds the village and decides to try to eat us and can get up here, the damage it could do would be limited before it was taken down. But nopony wants to take the risk."

"How many times has this happened?" Luna asked, resting her head against the top of mine.

"This is the seventh time since we moved into the village," I said and leaned against her, "So far, either they haven't spotted us or can't get to us. We'll know when it has moved on by another blow of the horn."

"And if it attacks?" Celestia asked as she glanced around.

"Three sharp blows," I said and sighed, "All we can do now is wait."

"I would have thought you would be joining the defense?" Celestia asked as she turned to look at me. It's amazing, even in moonlight she was very visible with her pure white coat. It almost seemed to shine in fact. Alicorn of the Sun indeed.

"I did the first time," I said and sighed, "After which both Sunny, Sparks and my guard commander yelled at me as Amber glared in disapproval. Sparks and Sunset for putting myself in unnecessary danger and Moon Glow for distracting the guards that had to try keeping up with me. So it was decided that it was better for everypony that I stayed somewhere safe until or if I was actually needed."

I didn't like it. I didn't like it at all. But I couldn't throw ballista bolts as hard as Sparks and Midnight could, not enough to hurt a Rexosaurus. Well, at least not reliably enough to be worth getting in the way and my teleporting wasn't anywhere near as good either.

Better for everypony involved that I stayed out of their way.

Luna looked out into the darkness, wings half raised.

"I know what that is like," Celestia said softly, her pose almost mirroring her sisters, "Everytime I send my guard.. or Twilight and her friends into danger…"

She shifted a bit closer and then looked out into the darkness the other way. I shifted position in turn, resting my head against Luna's neck as her wing settled across my back.

And there was no more talking. Just waiting and listening.
A typo:

Everypony of the guard not currently on other duties were standing reading for inspection, their dark green armor, specially coated not to shine seemingly absorbing the lights floating around us from Sparks horn, the torches around the training grounds flickering adding to the scene.
Caught up, woo! Started the series and have been binging it the past... days? a weekish? You've cost me a lot of late nights and I loved every one of them. Gotta say, did not expect any of this as much as 3 or 4 Parts ago and I love that its veered away from semi-canon and doing its own thing now.
Luna were looking out over the jungle as I moved up next to her,

"Bit for your thoughts?" I said, looking up at her.

She blinked and then looked down at me as the sun rose at the horizon behind us, she had just finished lowering the moon, "What?"

"You're thinking deeply about something," I said, looking up at her, brushing my wing against hers.

"Just…" Luna said and looked out over the forest away, "This place. It's amazing that you have managed to build it."

"I didn't. Everypony that calls it home did," I said and leaned softly against her as her wing shifted to settle across my back, "I only showed them that they could."

Luna smiled sadly down at me, "I think you have done more than you think here," she said, "You gave these ponies hope."

I flicked one ear.

"But through all that," Luna continued, "I still wish you were coming back with us."

"Me too," I admitted, "You know the worst thing about being here? Or rather pretty much the only really bad thing? Being so far away from you."

Luna sighed softly, "I wish I could stay," she said softly, "But I… I couldn't do that to my sister."

"Maybe…" I started before I shook my head, "No… asking if Midnight would move wouldn't even work. Because that would mean getting Tempest to leave and good luck with that."

Luna nodded and hugged me close with her wing, "It wouldn't be fair to ask Midnight either," she said with a small smile, "We all have our duties."

"We do," I agreed before looking up at her firmly, "But we're not waiting two years until we do this again."

We're so sneaking up to Canterlot to surprise her for Hearts and Hooves. Could have told her about it, but they surprised us here, so nah.

Turnabout is fair play.

"Agreed," she said and bumped her nose softly against mine before she frowned, "What happened earlier with the Rexosaurus…"


It had moved on after a couple of hours, not bothering anypony in the town.

"How often does that happen?" she asked and looked out towards the brightening forest. Ponies down in the village could be seen getting ready for the day, stalls at the marketplace setting up and such.

"That is the seventh time in two years," I said again, "So not that often. Sparks and Midnight has some ideas though and this time next year we may be able to keep them out of a large area of the jungle. Would let us do some ground construction."

If we could afford it.

Luna nodded, "Anything planned this morning?" she asked with a small smile.

"Actually," I admitted with a small sigh, "I should probably at least have a look at the reports and such that has been piling up for the last couple of nights. I have delegated as much as I can, but I have been getting a couple of disapproving looks from Flower Rain lately."

Luna smiled and noses at my ear, "Well, best keep your assistant happy, My Page. Makes life significantly easier."

"Couldn't have done this without her," I admitted and leaned against her side for a moment before I sighed, "It shouldn't take more than an hour."

"It's fine," Luna said and gave me a firm cuddle, "Sunset and Twilight should be back by then."

I nodded, leaning against her for a second before pulling back and heading for the outer room, finding Flower Rain on one of the couches, sipping on a glass of ice tea.

"Your Majesty," she said, giving a small bow after setting down the glass.

"Hey Flower," I said and moved up to her, "Sorry about keeping you waiting, what do we have?"

"Mostly summary reports," she said and scooted to give me room on the couch, "A few items that need your signature. A guard report from the recent Rexosaurus encounter."

I nodded and jumped up, picking up the first item in my magic, "Let's have a look then."

"...I'm sorry for interrupting your time with Princess Luna," Flower Rain said after a couple of moments of reading, "I know it's been a long time."

I gave her a small smile, "It's fine. Things still need to be done. How's Miss Glimmer working out?"

Flower motioned towards the report in my magic with her wing, "She's doing just fine. She's been summarizing the reports for today."

"I thought I recognized the hornwriting," I admitted and continued reading the Rexosaurus report. In summarizing the summary, it walked in from the west, passed by the village, took a drink from the river and then headed off north. Paid no attention to us.

I couldn't help but wonder if Glimmer wrote things for fun too, stories or poetry. She had that kind of writing style, which made it easier to read. Something to look into, such things should be encouraged.

"Anything else going on that I need to know about?" I asked as I set it down.

"The train is ready to leave," Flower said and leaned against the back of the chair, "Whenever the Equestrian delegation is ready to leave."

I glanced at her, "We're still part of Equestria, Flower," I reminded her gently.

She flinched slightly, "...I know," she admitted and shifted her wings, "It just doesn't feel like it. And they don't want us anyway."

I switched reports, "Flower, you know as well as I do that without the support of the rest of Equestria, not only would we be out of Bits in three months, but soon we would have some very hungry ponies on our hooves. We don't have anything even approaching enough agriculture going yet. If nothing else our diet would get pretty boring with no grain or flour."

"...I know…"

Sighing softly, I looked at her, "I know some ponies don't like the rest of Equestria," I told her gently, "But we're not going to become what they were to you. To us. There are Day Ponies in Nocturnis too, don't forget that."

That sort of sentiment could not be allowed to spread.

Flower flicked her ears, looking a bit embarrassed, "...Yes your majesty," she said as she nodded, "It's just…"

"I know," I said and sighed, "But we just have to do better, won't we?"

She nodded firmly.
That sort of sentiment could not be allowed to spread.

Well, yeah. The Windigos still exist, after all. Allowing racism to spread will just give them a foothold to stage a comeback tour, and that's the last thing anyone needs. Esp. since thestrals are more vulnerable to cold than other ponies.