Welcome to the jungle

Proof that all writers ship everyone around them

*raises hand* Actually, I'm the kind of writer who's constantly thinking, "Y'all should break up, one or both of you aren't good for the other". We're rare, but we exist.

More on topic, it's a good thing Page is realizing everyone is overworked for no good reason now. It would have been a lot harder to fix this if he'd let it get more established over the next few years; as it is, everything's still somewhat in flux anyway, so he can just introduce a little more flux and make it work a lot better with minimal disruption.
@Hiver , these stories are a palate cleanser to the darker and more dramatic stuff I usually read.

So saying that, I wouldn't mind at all if you let some more drama and darkness into your stories. When you do, you it is quite meaningful. And knowing that this same character when full psycho when he was drained of love, and is respected by the changeling hive..... It adds depth.

BTW, I remember an old story I'm not sure if you did or not. It's a jumpchain story that is repeatedly going through Skyrim, A certain Scientific Railgun, Adventure time, X-Com, Highschool DxD, and a few other worlds. Last I heard it stalled when they picked up some characters from X-com and wondering how they were going to get them through a world that is going through a Christian apocalypses (DarkStalkers?)
The sounds of the village above filled the night along with the general sounds of the jungle. I rested on my wings, slowly circling down along the trunk until I found a good branch to land on.

I had twenty minutes before my next meeting and I just a couple of minutes away needed to clear my head.

Landing on the branch, I laid down and wrapped my tail around it before allowing myself to slip off. Folding my wings around myself, I closed my eyes with a small sigh, slowly swinging slower and slower.

Sparks wanted to go on a date. I was all for that, I really liked her. But… I barely had time to keep Sunset happy. Luna was halfway across the continent.

I missed her. Even with seeing her in my dreams every day, I missed her badly.

It just wasn't the same.

Then there was everypony else, everypony always wanted something from me, even if it was just letting me know what was going on.

What in the world was I thinking when I took this job?


I opened my eyes to look at Amber who stood in front of me on the bottom of the branch, "Yes, Amber?" I asked. In the darkness of the jungle, she was barely visible even with my nightvision, visible mostly as an area of darker shadow with a pair of luminous eyes.

"You asked me to tell you when there was five minutes left," she said and then tilted her head, watching me, "But why down here?"

"Felt like it," I said and smiled softly, "It's fine, we're well over the dangerous area of the forest."

Amber still made a small unhappy sound as she climbed around and laid down on the branch above me, keeping an eye out, her chin resting on the coil of my tail.

She was right though, I should have done this in the bedroom instead. It wasn't fair to her or the rest of my guards to make their jobs harder just because I felt like taking a short flight.

I could see their luminous eyes in the darkness. Four of my guards on the branches around me, recruited after we left for the jungle. Thestrals all of them.

They were the first Thestrals to get through the full program. There were others in the city guard, but these were the first ones that continued on and certified to be parts of my personal guard.

Needed ponies able to see in the dark. Midnight had come up with some 'Nightseeing goggles' for everypony else that wanted them, but wasn't the same.

Closing my eyes, I wrapped my wings around myself before I slipped off into sleep with a quick spell.

I did a quick check for any Nightmares on my way before touching Celestia's dream with my horn and stepping through into a dream of large fluffy clouds above wide green hills.

Not the first time I saw this dream from her, it was a pretty nice one.

Spreading my wings, I flew higher above the clouds, seeking for the dreams owner. It didn't take long to find the right cloud and I circled down to land next to her, tapping my hoof against the cloud to solidify the dream.

Celestia blinked and looked around before she smiled at me, "Page. Welcome."

She looked different than in the real world. Like usual in this dream, she wasn't an alicorn, but a pegasus still with long pink mane and tails. Before she became an alicorn.

"Hey Sunshine," I said and sank down next to her, "Having nice dreams?"

"Very nice," she agreed and looked at me, "How are things in Nocturnis?"

I sighed softly, "Busy. Like usual. There's always so much to do… how's Canterlot?"

Celestia smiled playfully, "Busy. Like usual. There's always so much to do."

I chuckled softly and shook my head with a sigh, poking her with my wing, "I don't know how you do it, Sunshine. I have a small city… actually just a village. You have the rest of Equestria."

Celestia shook her head with a frown, "I told you before, Delegate."

"I am delegating. And I have started to move things around to put less of it on me directly," I grumbled, "but even then there are endless meetings and other things I have to do. Ponies relying on me to do this. I am getting more free time though which helps."

Celestia sighed softly and nosed at my ear, "I know. That's never going away."

"I know," I said softly and flicked my ear.

Celestia looked at me for a minute.

I frowned at her, "What?"

She flicked one ear, "Just thinking," she said, "How are things with Twilight and Sunset?"

"Better," I said and smiled, "We are each trying to make more time for each other. They were on a date yesterday actually."

"Not you too?"

I shook my head, "Not this time, it was late in the morning, it's good for Dayponies to actually get some sunlight sometimes even if it means staying up late. But I do have something planned with Sparks tomorrow, we're going stargazing away from the village."

Celestia smiled, "That's good to hear.

I nodded and leaned against her for a second before I sighed, "Okay, so what's on the lesson plan for today?"

"Today," Celestia said, "We are going to discuss and analyse the trade agreements for the last three hundred years with the Minotaurs. And for next time, I want you to tell me what you think the consequences of those trade agreements were on the market forces in Equestria."

"Oh. Fun."
I'm picturing Future!Page overthrown by a democratic revolution, and responding by flying away while cackling "Free! Free! I'm free ahahahahaha!" while the revolutionaries look worriedly at each other about what they've gotten themselves into.
I'm picturing Future!Page overthrown by a democratic revolution, and responding by flying away while cackling "Free! Free! I'm free ahahahahaha!" while the revolutionaries look worriedly at each other about what they've gotten themselves into.
Half of them would be sneaking away, tearing off fake cutie marks and washing out hair dye as they run off with him, their plan to free Page a complete success.
I'm picturing Future!Page overthrown by a democratic revolution, and responding by flying away while cackling "Free! Free! I'm free ahahahahaha!" while the revolutionaries look worriedly at each other about what they've gotten themselves into.
Ive read a few fics where Celestia has been slowly divesting herself of power for the last few hundred years.
Shifting the papers around, I finished the report from the train station before flicking one ear. The supervisor there, Rapid Whistle had a good point.

The defenses there were primarily aimed towards smaller hostile enemies because if something like a Rexosaurus showed up, the outer perimeter of scouts would have warned them well in time and they had gotten time to get into the shelters or evacuate.

But what if one managed to somehow sneak past and get close? Or if they really could fly with those wings of theirs.

Nopony had ever observed one flying, but they did have wings.

Maybe installing some additional ballista and assigning some more guards wasn't a bad idea to be honest.

Still, this report should have gone to Silver Gleam, not me.

Oh well, only a week since we changed the system, there is bound to be glitches of what end up where. I scribbled a note to redirect to Silver Gleam, attached it to the request and then put it in my out tray before looking up as the door opened and Sparks trotted inside, a couple of scrolls sticking out of her bag.

She stopped by the couch and stole a kiss from Sunset where she was reading a book by the light of her horn before she crossed over to me, "Hey."

"Hey," I said and smiled, smooching, "You're back early."

"Just excited!" Sparks exclaimed and poked at me until I scooted to the side and then jumped onto the chair next to me, floating a couple of scrolls from her bag before dropping it onto the floor and unrolling the scrolls on the desk.

They were stock full with lines, calculations and diagrams.

I blinked at them and then turned to look at her, "What's this?"

Sparks grinned and lit her horn, a glowing spot appearing on the leftmost scroll, "If you look here, the metamagical constant of…"

I slowly nodded, slipping my wing across her back as I listened.

Sparks pointed out things and conclusions, shifting a bit to lean against me as she did before she smiled at me, "So, what do you think?"

"Looks awesome to me."

"Twi, he has no idea what you have been saying," Sunset said amusedly from her spot on the couch, looking up from her book with an amused grin, "I could barely follow you enough to tell what the subject was, I think you lost Page immediately in the first sentence."

Sparks blinked at her and then looked at me, "But you were nodding!"

I nodded, "I have no idea what you were saying. My magical theory education is limited to spell casting diagrams. Explain it like I'm five?"

Sparks stared at me, mouth a bit open in surprise, "But you were nodding!"

"You were so excited I didn't want to interrupt you."

Sparks groaned and sighed, "Okay, well, the entire idea is…"

"Actually," I interrupted and nosed at her ear, "Can you explain it like I'm three? Five might be a bit optimistic."

Sparks giggled and flicked her ear, "Fine, I think it may be poss-"

"And if you assume I'm kinda slow too, that would be nice."

Twilight giggled and poked me with her hoof, "Will you stop it, I'm trying to explain something to you!"

I nodded and smiled, "I'll be good."

Sparks stuck her tongue out at me before she nodded and put her hoof on the desk, "I think it's possible to make permanent portals."

I looked at her in surprise, "Really?"

She nodded, "The calculations checked out," she confirmed, "I got thinking when you said you wished there were some and it seems to be possible. Nothing in magic or math seems to be preventing it. Actually doing it though…"


Sparks nodded and sighed, "As in, if we're lucky and have an actual research team with a large budget we may be able to pull it off in as little as twenty years."

"Ah. That kind of hard."

"Yeah," Sparks said softly before she smiled, "But possible!"

Sunset closed her book, stretching onto her side, "Twenty years isn't too bad, I mean, you two are immortal."

"With a well funded research team," Sparks pointed out, "I don't think that will happen anytime soon, but I'll send my findings over to Canterlot and we'll see what they can do on their side. Maybe we'll get lucky and somepony get a bright idea."

I flicked one ear, "Even without aging, twenty years is still a good chunk of change," I admitted, "At least for us. For Sunshine or Luna it may pass quickly, but we're your age."

"Actually…" Sunset said and grinned, "I think I'm the oldest pony in the room. I'm thirty two, Twi's twenty three and you're…"

"Actually, we never did figure out how not sure how it translates," I admitted, "But doctors estimate my age to be somewhere between twenty five and thirtyish, so yeah, you're likely the oldest by a couple of years at least," I said and flicked my ear in thought before I eyed Sparks, "Wait, you two got together… what, four years ago? Sunny, did you shack up with a teenager?"

"I know, right?" Sunset asked with a teasing grin as she eyed Twilight.

Sparks blushed brightly.
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Poke. Poke.

I blearily forced my eyes open. Something was poking at my back. Carefully scooting away from a still sleeping Sunset, I rolled over to see Flower Rain with one hoof lifted, standing next to the bed.

I blinked at her sleepily before I nodded and scooted further back to roll onto my hooves, moving slowly not to wake Sparks or Sunny. Flower Rain wouldn't be waking me if it wasn't important. Especially not this early.

Moving out of the bubble of darkness into the bright sunlight, I suppressed a hiss as I shaded my eyes.

"Sorry, your majesty," Flower Rain said quietly, looking almost as sleepy as I felt, "But I was just woken up myself by one of the Day Ponies… and I thought it was important to pass on to you that the train has been spotted and should arrive in an hour or so."

I looked at her sleepily. Then I looked over towards the open balcony door and the sun high in the blue sky. It was noon, if that.

Don't fire her, she's the best assistant you have.

Don't fire her, she's the best assistant you have.

Don't fire her, she's the best assistant you have.

I turned back to her, "Somepony clearly bucked up somewhere, but why is the train arriving a couple of weeks early important enough to wake me up at noon?" I asked her calmly.

Flower Rain swallowed slightly but met my eyes, "Because the scouts reported that the train has a pair of Royal Carriages on it."

I stared at her for an embarrassingly long time as my tired brain tried to parse that sentence and come up with the implications. Slowly, every so slowly my hamster started to move and the gears started to turn, the rust slowly falling off.

"Ah," I finally said, closing my eyes for a second, "An hour, you said?"

"Yes, your highness."

"Do you think we can set up a royal welco-" I started to say before I frowned, "Actually, no. Buck that. If they want a royal welcome, they can give us more than an hour's bucking warning and at a sane hour. Get a dozen guards moving, that'll be enough."

Flower Rain nodded firmly, "Of course, my Prince. Rooms as well?"

I nodded, "Yes, but that's not as hurried. Let ponies sleep a bit longer. I could use som-"

A big cup of ice cold and almost completely black ice tea with half a dozen icecubes floating in it was presented to me by a slightly amused looking Flower Rain.

I smiled at her as I took it, "...Had a bribe ready at hoof, huh?" I asked and sniffed at the very strong black tea.

"Better safe than sorry," She admitted with a small smile and stretched her wings, "With your permission, sir, I'll get things moving."

"Go ahead, we don't have much time."

As she retreated to organize things, I took a slow deep breath, sipped my tea before putting it to the side and lit my horn, canceling the bubble of dark silence around the bed, revealing Sparks cuddling Sunset tightly.

I couldn't help but smile at the sight, but it only took a couple of seconds before the bright sunshine caused Twilight to squirm and groan, blinking her eyes open before quickly covering them with a wing,

"Nooo…" she groaned, "Page… what are you doing...!?" she protested with a whine from behind her wing and feathers.

"Up! Both of you!" I said and jumped onto the bed, laying down next to them, "We have an hour to clean up!"

Sunset opened one eye, glaring at me, "You have three seconds, Bat."

"The train is arriving in an hour and it has a pair of royal carriages on it," I said and stretched with a groan, "Figured you two wanted to know."


Then Sparks extracted herself from the tangle of legs and rolled over to sit up, rubbing her eyes with one hoof, "...Come on, Kitten, We need to shower."

Sunset groaned, "Nooo… they can wait. Too early."

Twilight seemed to have absolutely zero patience with that at the moment and Sunset was promptly surrounded with a shimmering magic field and bodily floated behind Sparks as she headed for the bathroom.

Rubbing my eyes, I glowered in the general direction at the sun and then moved to take my tea again, moving to exit the bedroom to the outer room, finding Amber already there and awake, laying sideways across one of the chairs, her forelegs hooked over the armrest. Looking way too rested for my taste.

"Good morning, sir."

I glowered sleepily at her, "Good morning, Amber," I grumbled and sipped my tea, "Do you ever sleep?"

"Of course, sir."

Was it Luna… Celestia… or even Cadence that was coming?`It sure as hell better be Cadance, or I'll be annoyed.

But I'd be too glad to see either of them for real to yell at them, damn it! At least Cadance would have the excuse that I didn't talk to them at least twice or thrice a week.

"Okay," I said, looking at Amber, "How do I look?"

Amber tilted her head slightly, regarding me for a moment before she answered, "Sleepy."

"...gee, thanks," I said and sipped my tea before putting it down and heading for the shower. Maybe some water could wake me up.

It did not.
Man, I can't blame Page for being pissed. I don't care if you're a random plumber or the Abrahamic god, if you're gonna drop by for any non-emergency reason, you give more than an hour's notice.
We made it to the train station in time. Barely.

With heavy application of Sparks teleporting. If we had gone via the river, we would never have made it. Buck, I bet I would have been late even flying.

We arrived in a sphere of magical energy that deposited us onto the platform with a quiet pop and sparkles of lights.

Twilight stumbled slightly and I quickly stepped up, supporting her with my shoulder,

"You okay there, Sparks?"

Twilight nodded, "I-I'm fine," she said and gave me a small smile, "Just not used to teleporting so many ponies."

Many ponies indeed. Me, Sunset, Twilight herself and a dozen guards. Flower Rain.

"You," I said quietly, "have no idea how powerful you are compared to normal ponies, do you?"

Twilight blushed slightly and then stood up straighter as the train started to come around the bend and into view.

Sunset gave her a small quick nuzzle, "You sure you are okay?"

"I'm good, Kitten, " Twilight said and kissed her cheek in turn.

I took a deep breath and looked at Moon Glow, giving the pegasus a nod. For somepony with the same sleeping schedule that I have, she looked disgustingly awake and got everypony into an honor guard formation.

The train huffed and puffed, the breaks starting to squeal as the large machine started to slowly come to a halt. Most of the carriages were standard box or lumber carriages, but two towards the rear of the train were Royal Canterlot Train Wagons.

In the traditional Canterlot colors of pink, white and gold.

They came to a halt before us as the train stopped. There were several moments before the doors opened and a troop of royal guards moved out to stand on each side, forming a hallway between them.

Then Celestia stepped out into the bright sunshine.

That bitch! I talked to her last night! She could have told me she was co-

Luna followed her out of the carriage and I lost my train of thought, then Cadence and Shining Armor, a stroller with Flurry Heart being pushed along by another unicorn with dark orange mane and beard, white and orange coat. What's his name again?

I felt my jaw start to drop in surprise before I flicked one ear and stepped up, "Princesses. Prince Shining Armor. Archmage Sunburst," I said and nodded in greeting, "Welcome to Nocturnis."

"Prince Blank Page," Celestia said seriously with a nod in turn, "Thank you for your hospitality."

I looked at them regally for a long moment before I grinned and stepped forward, pulling Luna into a kiss. She smiled into the kiss, returning it as she sat down and I could feel her wings and forelegs slip around me, pulling me tight.

We stayed like that for a long moment before I broke the kiss and looked into her eyes, "Not that I'm complaining, but what the buck?"

Luna smiled playfully, "You didn't detect that we were close?" she teased.

"No!" I exclaimed and frowned, "Wait, why didn't I? Your dreams felt like they were still in Canterlot."

Luna smiled, "You may be strong in the dream realm, My Page. But I still have some tricks you don't know yet."

I leaned against her, resting my head against the side of her neck, looking back to find Twilight, Shining Armor, Cadence and Celestia in a four way hug.

Unable to suppress a smile of my own, I looked up at Luna, "What are you doing here, My Sky?"

She bumped her nose softly against mine, "Hearts Warming."

"Oh. But that's… still weeks out."

Luna nodded, "And we need to be in Canterlot for that. And you, Twilight and Midnight need to be here. So we figured we'd come early."

"With time to get back," Celestia agreed as she moved over to us, smiling at me, "We can't stay long, four days, five at the most."

I got up and gave her a quick hug in turn, "Thank you," I said softly before I turned back to Luna, "Was this your idea?"

Luna got up and moved up to give my ear a small kiss, "As much as I would like to claim credit for the idea, it was my sisters."

I glanced up at Celestia, "Thank you."

She nodded with a smile before I turned to lean against Luna, giving her another small kiss with a small soft sigh, "I missed you."

"Missed you too," Luna said softly, her wing slipping around me again, resting her forehead against mine, our horns crossed at the base before she smiled, "...And I'm looking forward to seeing Nocturnis for real instead of just in dreams."

"I think you'll like it," I said and then reluctantly pulled away before I looked around. With this many ponies, there would be no way for us to travel back the same way we got here, "Speaking of which…" I said and located Moon Glow, "Lieutenant?"

She trotted over and saluted, "Sir."

"You know what to do."

The pegasus nodded firmly, "Yes, sir," and trotted off.

"Page?" Luna asked with a questioning look at me.

I shook my head, "Just organizing the journey to the village. It's a couple of hours from here by river, the barge is the only real way of getting people from the station. Almost everypony can fly, so we're not really set up for personnel transport," I said before I glanced towards the jungle, "And Alicorns or not, we really shouldn't have these many ponies around on the ground without any real protection."

Celestia frowned slightly and looked in the direction I was looking, "We did bring thirty guards."

"Yeah," I agreed, nodding, "Like I said, we really should get moving."

Usually when the train gets loaded or unloaded, we have the guard here in force mareing heavy weapons, the train operators taking cover in an underground shelter until they arrive.
Page: Yes, thirty guards who don't know how to deal with the local megafauna, let alone all the small but equally dangerous hazards that my guards now have to keep an eye on while trying their best to not offend their highly refined sensibilities.
The barge moved slowly along the surface of the river, propelled by a magically turning propeller at the rear.

Unicorns OP. But so useful, it meant we didn't need a steam engine to drive this thing, just something enchanted that somepony with a horn could repower from time to time. A couple of times a trip actually so not very practical or I bet the train would run on that instead of steam, but for this it was better than a steam engine.

Away from the forest around, everypony could relax some, even the guards, even if they did keep their weapons close for good reason. The sun shone down from above, glittering in the clean water and the sound was filled with nothing but the sounds of the jungle and the splashing of the river.

Luna's wing rested across my back as she smiled at me, "This is a beautiful place."

"Very," I agreed, "But not very pony friendly on the ground. There is a reason we went to the effort of building in the large trees. Sparks and Midnight has some ideas about how to make things safe lower down, but that's still in the prototype phase."

Luna nodded and then smiled, glancing at my ear, or rather the feather behind it, "Speaking of Twilight Sparkle..."

I smiled a bit, "Yeah. We're doing our best."

Luna nodded and gave the ear with the feather a small kiss, "I approve. But there is something that has to change."

I looked at her a bit nervously, "Oh?"

She nodded and stretched one wing, turning her head. She nosed along her feathers for a second before tugging one free. Turning back to me, she nuzzled in at my mane, fitting it in beneath Twilights on the small braided lock of mane, "There."

"Great, now I'm even more nervous they'll fall out," I admitted and glanced upwards as if I could see them, "I need to figure out some way to keep them solidly in place. And to stop them from getting damaged."

"Pegasus feathers are fairly resilient," Luna reassured me, "And so are alicorn feathers. So don't worry, the braid I showed you holds them nicely. Pegasi wore them like that for thousands of years."

"I guess," I agreed and then turned to give her a small kiss, "Thank you."

Luna kissed back and then stuck her tongue out at me, "I should have done that back when we met. Maybe you would have gotten the hint faster then."

"I'm not that dense!" I protested before I paused, "...I'm not always that dense," I corrected.

"No," Luna said teasingly, "I only had to pin you down for you to get it. Sunset and you flirted for well over a year and you have spent how long sleeping in the same bed as Twilight before you two figured it out?"

I glowered slightly at her before shifting my wings with a grumble. I'm not dense, damn it! I perfectly knew I loved Sparks, I was just afraid she would leave.

Luna laughed softly and kissed my cheek, "I missed you."

"I missed you too," I said and leaned softly against her.

"You should check on your guests though," she whispered into my ear.

"Don't want to," I answered just as quietly, "I want my Luna time.

"Go," she said and nosed at my ear with a small teasing smile, "I'll be here when you get back. And there will be plenty of 'Luna time' later."

I liked the sound of that. I liked the sound of that a lot.

Smiling at her, I ran my wing against hers before I pulled back and moved over towards Cadance and Shining Armor where they looked out over the river.

"Hey," I said, "I hope the train ride wasn't too long."

Cadance shot me a look, "Not talking to you right now," she said and headed off towards Sunburst and Flurry Heart.

I paused, flicking my ears to the side in surprise, blinking before I looked at Shining Armor, "...What did I do?"

He shook his head with a shrug, "Don't ask me, I have no idea. She's been annoyed ever since we arrived in Canterlot."

"I haven't even talked to her for six months!"

Shining Armor just shrugged again, "I asked, but she just kind of growled at me and then went to cuddle Flurry."

Now I was just even more confused.

Shining Armor sighed, "I'll try to find out," he said and headed towards her before he paused and smiled, "Good to see you again."

"You too, Shining," I agreed.

Wonder what the hell that was about. I shook my head and moved up next to Celestia, "What do you think, Sunshine?" I asked.

She turned her head and smiled at me, "It's beautiful," she admitted and then looked over towards the forest across the water again, "It's been a long time since I was somewhere like this."

I nodded and then looked around, "Where did Sparks and Sunny get to?"

"They teleported ahead," Celestia said, "Twilight wanted to wake Midnight before we arrived."

"Ah," I said and nodded, "Should have thought of that too."

Celestia smiled at me, "Sorry for arriving in the middle of the day," she said after a moment, "We had planned to arrive early last night, but there was some train trouble. I believe it was overheating."

"Don't worry about it," I said, touching her side with my wing, "I'm just glad you're here."

Something roared out in the forest and everybody on the barge startled slightly, looking in that direction. Well, everypony not local, that is.

My guards found that rather amusing and earned glares from Celestia's guards in turn.
finally finished bingeing on this series. before this I was was bingeing on the Not Quite SHODAN (ST SI) making it all the way to the end of paradise lost until I saw the link to Normal Life(MLP) at the end of it, and I found the not quite SHODAN by looking for non commander AI stories and found Broken Bow reading a few chapters of that until I found out that it was part of a series. so now that I finished communicating my journey here's my actual comments now that I'm all cought up.

1.discord. I know that Page doesn't like discord and that they probably been avoiding each other and that its still early in this story but I thought that with Flutershy moving to the jungle that we would see more of him.
2. robot. wow just wow that's a lot of fics I just found the index and wow just wow.
3.comments. I have had a lot of comments thought reading through all these books and have sadly not wrote them down but they would generally be the common ones like awwing at the fluff. pointing out something funny, or just saying what I liked about a chapter.
4. views. I'm suprsed I haven't heard about you before ive seen a comment from you on a story or two that I have read but and that I think most would be intimated by the amount of stories you have.

that's all i have time for comments for now i need to get back to the division and see you at a latter post or when I finish Not Quite SHODAN (ST SI) . with a comment that will probably go like " just finished all the Not Quite SHODAN (ST SI) but took a deture to ______ and your mlp story's nice to finaly be caught up but im going to go read (That First Step... , or ____) bye