Welcome to Japari Park! - Kemono Friends discussion thread

So, apparently the animation in the anime wasn't quite as bad as we thought? Either that, or this is a BS justification for animation errors.

Eh, who cares the reason, it's still interesting.

Yeah that's been a thing for awhile. This concept also explains how they are able to go to the bathroom without having to take off their clothes as it was shown in the anthology manga.
Shingoji-chan has updated!
However, a comment on the first page says this is gonna be the last chapter?
I hope not. the last chapter was a letdown.
As of speaking 6 pages have been uploaded beyond the 'front page.'
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So the first episode of Season 2 just dropped... it's alright... there are too many characters being introduced at once and not enough time to develop them. Also Serval's voice acting sounds so... mainstream... One of the highlights of the show was how wacky a lot of the Friends were and how it was always interesting to hear them talk. With this one they all seem to have more generic moe voices that don't make them stand out....

The OP is amazing though...

but... most of all... this is confirmed to be a sequel...

and... well...

Kaban has been suggested to have died and/or disappeared at some point on her journey with Serval... and Serval has forgotten her...

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I guess i won't be watching the sequel then.

I would recommend reading Quick Wiper's unofficial sequel doujinshi. They have the exact same tone and style of the original series but offer a lot more character development and worldbuilding due to not being constrained by a time schedule or a budget. The basic plot of the series is just Kaban, Serval, Fennec, and Arai exploring the new continent and meeting new friends. Heck, Boss gets some pretty heartwrenching character development in one of the books.

It is probably one of the best fan-sequels to a franchise that I have ever had the pleasure of reading. I swear that this was supposed to be the Season 2 that Tatsuki and the rest of Yaoyorozu envisioned.

So I finished watching episode 1 after taking some time to digest the episode I decided to try gathering some initial thoughts.

In this one, unlike the original Kemono Friends the focus of the episode feels like it's all over the place. I think in like just 10 minutes it jumped between almost 6 different Friends not including Serval and Caracao all with pretty generic moe anime voices. Compare this to the original's episode 1 that focused just on Serval, Kaban, with Hippo as the supporting character. They also shove all the post apocalyptic stuff right into your face and it feels a bit... jarring to say the least...

The show also has them in a pointless fight against two gigantic ceruleans with no plot significance behind it nor any character development occurring. Compare this to the original that had the first encounter showing how they were a threat to friends while the second showing how Kaban's intelligence as a human helps the pair to fight against and defeat the larger Cerulean. In season 2, the first encounter is just "lol random battle" meant to introduce Serval in a fantastic way, while the second battle is meant to show off the ability of the episode's Friend that was poorly developed if not at all throughout the half of the episode we had. We don't even get the zoo interviews on the specific animal...

Also Kyururu just randomly stumbles around and activates human technology by sheer luck instead of using her perception as a human to understand the technology. I'm not sure where they are going with the human character of this season. They haven't really gotten much development at all because there's so much stuff packed into one episode.

Also no sugoi or myamyamya from Serval. That's like watching Jojo without the ora ora ora.

Overall this episode feels like it's trying to do too many things and gets none of them right. You could have quite easily broken this episode into two and, frankly given the fact that we have to juggle 3 main characters + the episode characters if this show is going to follow the style of the original, I think this was something that was necessary. We already know who Serval so focus on Caracal and Kyururu. The Indian Duck Bill could have come in episode 2 along with the train station and Kyururu figuring out how to use it.

Overall I rate it not-so-sugoi/10
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Well time to wait a few episodes and see if it gets better, Kemono friends didn't really sink its teeth into me until episode 4.
So, has anyone peeked at the third episode? I've sworn off watching the new season due to the Tatsuki affair, but I admit I am a little curious since the episode apparently has something to do with sea life, something that wasn't explored in the original season.
So, has anyone peeked at the third episode? I've sworn off watching the new season due to the Tatsuki affair, but I admit I am a little curious since the episode apparently has something to do with sea life, something that wasn't explored in the original season.

From what I can gather no reddit, this show's second season was a disaster and I don't recommend it. Even on the JP youtube videos from a rough translation there are japanese fans calling out the season as not being the true season 2. On the Kemono Friends reddit most of the episodes struggle to get 5/10 rating with the final episode being a 3/10.

Kaban and Serval no longer has any relationship. And instead the resolution of their character arc is apparently Kaban accepting that she and Serval are no longer friends like they were before and that Serval and Kyururu are friends now...

...yeah... that... happened...

It also apparently fucked with the lore contradicting stuff from season 1 like how water is a weakness of the ceruleans.
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From what I can gather no reddit, this show's second season was a disaster and I don't recommend it. Even on the JP youtube videos from a rough translation there are japanese fans calling out the season as not being the true season 2. On the Kemono Friends reddit most of the episodes struggle to get 5/10 rating with the final episode being a 3/10.

Kaban and Serval no longer has any relationship. And instead the resolution of their character arc is apparently Kaban accepting that she and Serval are no longer friends like they were before and that Serval and Kyururu are friends now...

...yeah... that... happened...

Jesus Christ.

It's been a while since the incident but the staff behind it mostly got replaced after the mass quitting when the director got replaced right?
Jesus Christ.

It's been a while since the incident but the staff behind it mostly got replaced after the mass quitting when the director got replaced right?

Yeah, the director got fired for making a 1 minute special as a love letter to the fans and then Kadokawa got mad at him despite having given his studio all the rights to the franchise. As a result everyone on his team resigned in retaliation forcing Kadokawa to hire a new team in an attempt to cash in on the franchise.

But for more clarification:

Kaban's Serval got eaten which resulted in Kaban shutting herself away with the Owls apparently to become a researcher. She apparently kept the original non-sandstar'ed Serval and brought it back to the park which revived into the current Serval. However all this shit happened offscreen so you get none of that development and instead are just forced to accept the fact that Kaban and Serval are no longer friends.

Also apparently Kyururu does the whole Mary Sue thing by instantly solving a problem with Kaban's research in like 5 minutes with her drawing while Kaban was stuck on it for several years.

It's still pretty stupid and if they were going to introduce Kaban just to shit all over her I would rather they just not. It's apparently so bad some people are making jokes about it being an april fools joke.

I heard Kemurikusa, which was made by the original team behind Kemono Friends Season 1, is much better. To make things worse there are now rumors circulating that Kadokawa purposely announced season 2 at the same time as Kemurikusa just to spite Tatsuki.

This is why we can't have tanoshii things. :(

EDIT: Just read QuickWiper's Season 2 doujins, it's significantly better than season 2, is faithful to the lore, and explores some of the same things that were good about season 2 without the cashgrabby intentions of the anime industry. It takes place right after season 1 and stars Kaban, Serval, Fennec, and Arai.

EDIT: So apparently the last episode of Season 2 had a 95% disapproval rating based on a poll of 600,000 people in Japan. Wow that is bad especially when you compare it to the overwhelmingly positive reception the first season received.
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I heard Kemurikusa, which was made by the original team behind Kemono Friends Season 1, is much better
Can confirm kemurikusa is excellent, go watch it if you enjoyed kemomo friends.

But wow, seems season 2 was a massive trainwreck. Only to be expected when you have none of the original staff working on it or available for consultation, I guess.
Wow... That is just wow...
Well time to only watch season 1, season 2 does not exist.

Quick Wiper's Episode 13+ series is a great alternative as it starts directly where episode 12 leaves off and explores the existence of aquatic friends in more depth. So far it is all the way up to episode 16. He/She has also made an Episode 0 that tells the story of how Fennec and Arai met each other. Also Boss gets his own freaking character arc which is super tanoshii!

There is also another fan series called Kemono's Instinct. It is an actual fan anime made in MMD that is fully voiced and follows Jaguar and Otter from episode 2 as they tackle a mysterious incident involving Friends becoming corrupted and turning hostile to each other. So far there have been 2 episodes.

Episode 1

Episode 2

The voice talent is superb and the animations are well done for a fanwork. It almost feels like an official series. The tone of Kemono's Instinct is a bit darker than the normal though which is an interesting take on the series but so far from what I've watched it never gets to be overwhelming.
Quick Wiper's Episode 13+ series is a great alternative as it starts directly where episode 12 leaves off and explores the existence of aquatic friends in more depth. So far it is all the way up to episode 16. He/She has also made an Episode 0 that tells the story of how Fennec and Arai met each other. Also Boss gets his own freaking character arc which is super tanoshii!

There is also another fan series called Kemono's Instinct. It is an actual fan anime made in MMD that is fully voiced and follows Jaguar and Otter from episode 2 as they tackle a mysterious incident involving Friends becoming corrupted and turning hostile to each other. So far there have been 2 episodes.

Episode 1

Episode 2

The voice talent is superb and the animations are well done for a fanwork. It almost feels like an official series. The tone of Kemono's Instinct is a bit darker than the normal though which is an interesting take on the series but so far from what I've watched it never gets to be overwhelming.
Seen Quick wipers, that was amazing and everything season 2 should have been, Will be checking out Instinct.
Yeah, the director got fired for making a 1 minute special as a love letter to the fans and then Kadokawa got mad at him despite having given his studio all the rights to the franchise. As a result everyone on his team resigned in retaliation forcing Kadokawa to hire a new team in an attempt to cash in on the franchise.

But for more clarification:

Kaban's Serval got eaten which resulted in Kaban shutting herself away with the Owls apparently to become a researcher. She apparently kept the original non-sandstar'ed Serval and brought it back to the park which revived into the current Serval. However all this shit happened offscreen so you get none of that development and instead are just forced to accept the fact that Kaban and Serval are no longer friends.

Also apparently Kyururu does the whole Mary Sue thing by instantly solving a problem with Kaban's research in like 5 minutes with her drawing while Kaban was stuck on it for several years.

It's still pretty stupid and if they were going to introduce Kaban just to shit all over her I would rather they just not. It's apparently so bad some people are making jokes about it being an april fools joke.

I heard Kemurikusa, which was made by the original team behind Kemono Friends Season 1, is much better. To make things worse there are now rumors circulating that Kadokawa purposely announced season 2 at the same time as Kemurikusa just to spite Tatsuki.

EDIT: So apparently the last episode of Season 2 had a 95% disapproval rating based on a poll of 600,000 people in Japan. Wow that is bad especially when you compare it to the overwhelmingly positive reception the first season received.
One other thing I've learned from reading reactions to the latest episode (Edit: I mean Episode 6 - my distaste for the second season is keeping me from keeping a consistent track on it) also has my gut burning.

It appears that, even years after the loss of Boss's first body, Kaban still just stores him as a memory card on a shelf. As someone pointed out in a post, that just seems incredibly callous and cruel. Serval's amnesia can't be helped - except, you know, not having that twist happen in the first place - but Kaban's had years to learn as a scientist, and access to a lot of the park's resources; she should have been able to upload Lucky-san into a new body. So while Kaban's letting go of Serval was heartbreaking but at least somewhat understandable within the railroads set up by the new canon (Serval has a new friend, and Kaban doesn't want to hurt their relationship by trying to push herself back into the picture), her just leaving Lucky to sit in silence in a cabinet made me just turn my head away in disgust; the real Kaban would never turn her back on a friend like that.:mad:
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One other thing I've learned from reading reactions to the latest episode also has my gut burning.


Honestly this is all the more reason to completely disregard the second season and just take Quick Wiper's doujins as canon. Not only did they kill off Kaban and Serval's relationship off-screen, but they completely ignored Boss's character development throughout the first season that culminated in him sacrificing his life not only for a human, but for his friends Kaban AND Serval.

To fail to acknowledge this is a slap in the face to one of the core characters of the show.


If anyone is interested in reading about Boss's arc, it's in episode 14+i of Quick Wiper's Irodori manga. I was going to just post a synopsis but it's honestly better to actually read it yourself.

Kemono Friends 14+i "Chikurin"

I recommend reading these in order though, starting with 13+i. Danbooru has the entire Irodori series so far released here.

I believe Quick Wiper is planning on doing 12 volumes. So we are getting 13 "episodes" if we include Arai and Fennec's origin story.
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Honestly this is all the more reason to completely disregard the second season and just take Quick Wiper's doujins as canon. Not only did they kill off Kaban and Serval's relationship off-screen, but they completely ignored Boss's character development throughout the first season that culminated in him sacrificing his life not only for a human, but for his friends Kaban AND Serval.

To fail to acknowledge this is a slap in the face to one of the core characters of the show.
Actually, I misstated things slightly - it was in episode 6 of that season. I pretty much stopped even tangentially keeping an eye on things after my hope spot of the show redeeming things with Kaban back was crushed, so I hadn't realized there'd been more of them since then.
To clarify things, I went back to the Reddit posts and refreshed my memory. From what it sounds like, Boss might be functional some of the time, but whenever he's not in use Kaban just stuffs his memory card watch inside a drawer. Oh, and something that slipped my mind is that said cabinet actually hosts a whole bunch of those memory card thingies. Just seems really disturbing.

If anyone is interested in reading about Boss's arc, it's in episode 14+i of Quick Wiper's Irodori manga. I was going to just post a synopsis but it's honestly better to actually read it yourself.

Kemono Friends 14+i "Chikurin"
Yeah, that was a really great chapter for Boss, and I liked the internal feelings we could sense from him in spite of his lack of a body.
From what it sounds like, Season 2 is someone's bad fanfic that somehow got animated.

If there's any indication, we went from the first episode of Season 1 beating out Sword Art Online and Madoka in terms of viewership to the finale of season 2 having a 95% disapproval rating in Japan.

Kemono Friends is a perfect example of heart and passion triumphing over production value and what happens when you take that out and how production value cannot compensate no mater how much money and manpower you put behind it.

The first season made the simple act of a little girl learning to climb a tree as hype as the final battle of a shounen/sports anime--while doing the whole "power of friendship" thing better than most shounens despite being a lowkey part of the narrative. Maybe I'm showering too much praise on the show, but I've never seen a show where they managed to make tree climbing into one of the most compelling character arcs in a science fantasy slice-of-life show.

It was also animated by like 10 people on such a low budget that they couldn't even animate the wheels on the bus until episode 4.

The show also helped to spread awareness of endangered species and actually significantly increased traffic in zoos all across Japan.

Not to mention that the show managed to do all this with a 2 AM time slot.
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If there's any indication, we went from the first episode of Season 1 beating out Sword Art Online and Madoka in terms of viewership to the finale of season 2 having a 95% disapproval rating in Japan.
Do you mean last episode of Season 1? I recall hearing that the initial couple of episodes didn't get much attention at first, then viewership spiked as people started to see what a gem the first season was.

The show also helped to spread awareness of endangered species and actually significantly increased traffic in zoos all across Japan.
Yeah, that was something I really admired about the show. As someone who values learning about nature and conservation even as an adult, I struggle sometimes to find books and shows that do justice to real-life science while still being fun for all ages and containing a sense of childlike wonder - more often than not, you get products that are either too kiddy without enough solid facts (something that as a kid who learned to read at a young age I would find patronizing) or incredibly factual at the cost of being dull for younger ages, but Kemono Friends breaks the mold. And I loved how they did the outreach to zoos, as that sort of promotion is something I really like when done right.

In fact, I was really hoping that we'll eventually get an English dub of the show, since doing so would increase the educational appeal in localization (it would be easier for kids to quickly grasp the facts being taught if they're hearing it in their own language, and that's especially important when the animal species have different names depending on the language). Heck, maybe it could even air on PBS. But now, with the way things have gone down since then, I've kind of lost my hope of that happening.
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Quick Waipa's World series - a doujin continuation of Season 1's canon - has updated on Danbooru (/pools/12790) with English translations for the rest of Episode 18.

This is a wonderful sequel to Tatsuki's Kemono Friends - the kind of sequel it deserved, and I can't wait to see what happens next. This latest bit even threw in some callbacks to the original game like Cerval; now I'm really curious to see what the author has in mind for Japari Park's backstory.

It's heartwarming to read from the author's comment at the end of this episode how they want to keep Tatsuki's vision for Kemono Friends alive with an alternate future. I'm glad they decided against committing suicide, and hope to see more.
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