Warhammerquest: A WHFRP Adventure.

[X] Go towards the front door and-
-[X] Help the injured stranger, that wound looks bad.

[X] Miska: Take her axe and hack at the arm wedged through the front door.
Adhoc vote count started by Swordswain on Nov 16, 2023 at 7:40 PM, finished with 15 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] Miska: Take her axe and hack at the arm wedged through the front door.
    [X] Go towards the front door and-
    -[X] Help shove the door closed, closing off one avenue of entry.
    [X] Go towards the front door and-
    -[X] Help the injured stranger, that wound looks bad.
    [X] Go towards the front door and-
    -[X] Attack the thing trying to push through, even if you can't hurt it, distracting it will help.
    -[X] With your knife
    [X] Go towards the eastern window, closer to the tables of the Workmen and the fat man they were talking to. There's nothing much that can stop the thing coming through that window, but maybe you can contribute to the fight. You make ready your
    -[X] Knife
    [x] Rush past the bar towards the back. You're willing to bet there's a back door there, and maybe you can escape through it.
    [X] Look for somewhere to hide. You are no warrior, and there are more capable people here. The best thing you can do is stay out of their way and stay safe.
    -[X] Hide under a table.

We currently have a tie. Next new vote wins.
[X] Go towards the front door and-
-[X] Help the injured stranger, that wound looks bad.

[X] Miska: Take her axe and hack at the arm wedged through the front door.