[X] If there's anything life has taught you, it's that work is for suckers. You'll be impoverished no matter what you try ... so why not enjoy life while you have it? Sure, wandering from town to town at random, may seem risky and unprofitable ... but you are Free! Truly Free! Free to wake when you please, eat as you please, do as you please! Who wants to wake up in the morning, only to do the same boring old routine they did yesterday? Why not make every day a new adventure? The life of a wandering VAGABOND is the one for you.
[X] Travel is as necessary as it is dangerous across the empire, and Stirland is no different. Merchants must move their goods, families must visit one another, Notables must attend important meetings. For fast, reliable, and safe transport, the people look no further than the great Coaching lines! A vast network of companies that stretch from one end of the empire to the other, ferrying people and items from point A to point B with minimum fuss. So prolific is this industry that dedicated coaching inns pop up to provide maintenance and repair services to coaches-on-the-move. The Hockling-&-Ingofen coachline is the premier such transport service in Stirland, and they are always looking for new, dependable drivers! You've heard tell that Coachmen also usually travel armed, as they are responsible for the safety of their cargo, but how dangerous can it be, really? You've joined up to become a COACHMAN.
Adhoc vote count started by AtelophobiaSucks on Oct 28, 2023 at 4:37 PM, finished with 18 posts and 14 votes.
[X] If there's anything life has taught you, it's that work is for suckers. You'll be impoverished no matter what you try ... so why not enjoy life while you have it? Sure, wandering from town to town at random, may seem risky and unprofitable ... but you are Free! Truly Free! Free to wake when you please, eat as you please, do as you please! Who wants to wake up in the morning, only to do the same boring old routine they did yesterday? Why not make every day a new adventure? The life of a wandering VAGABOND is the one for you.
[X] Travel is as necessary as it is dangerous across the empire, and Stirland is no different. Merchants must move their goods, families must visit one another, Notables must attend important meetings. For fast, reliable, and safe transport, the people look no further than the great Coaching lines! A vast network of companies that stretch from one end of the empire to the other, ferrying people and items from point A to point B with minimum fuss. So prolific is this industry that dedicated coaching inns pop up to provide maintenance and repair services to coaches-on-the-move. The Hockling-&-Ingofen coachline is the premier such transport service in Stirland, and they are always looking for new, dependable drivers! You've heard tell that Coachmen also usually travel armed, as they are responsible for the safety of their cargo, but how dangerous can it be, really? You've joined up to become a COACHMAN.
[X] The law is difficult to enforce across vast stretches of wilderness. Rural villages are often reluctant to answer to the government, forests and caves provide perfect hideouts for any would-be-bandits, a wanted man might flee in any direction and be nigh-impossible to track through brush and hill as he hops borders and jurisdictions with an ease a city watch can never hope for. But still, someone must bring order to the chaos, and that's where you come in. The courageous and resourceful ROAD WARDEN is the nightmare of every fugitive, keeping the emperor's peace and bringing justice to even the darkest corners of the wilderness. It is a hard life, but a virtuous one.
[X] "OH IM A LUMBERJACK AND IM OKAY, I DRINK ALL NIGHT AND I WORK ALL DAY!"- That's the ear-grating song your fellows began belting out when your first joined them as a WOODSMAN, felling trees for lumber and fueling the expanse of civilized space over the wilderness, providing fuel for homes and material for new buildings. It's a rough life among the work crews of the woods, but it's taught you a great deal of valuable skills. Plus, you get a real big axe, and the work has really fleshed out your musculature.
Steps to not dying horribly as a Warhammer Vagabond.
Go to church and get blessed.
Stay out the sewers.
Keep track of the moons, don't want to be out and about during Morrslieb.
Boil water.
If we want a Lordship, head to the Border princes.
In truth, becoming a vagabond is not so much a thing one chooses as it is a thing one falls into naturally. You spent many days dreaming of the road before you took to it yourself, listening to traveler's boast tall tales down at fat pig pub. You knew at least half of them were fabricated nonsense meant to impress local girls and earn rounds on the house, but that didn't make them any less fascinating.
To a boy who had lived his whole life in the slums of Würtbad, even the most mundane descriptions of life in sheep-herding villages or little market towns across the river seemed to you endlessly fascinating. You spent many evenings-
[] Trading whispers and hearsay, about who is sleeping with who, about who hates who, and about who's doing what. People love to talk, especially about the rich and famous, and sorting out fact from fiction in the rumour mill was one of your favorite pastimes. (Increase Gossip Skill)
[] Listening in rapt attention to:
-[] Old Haufen. He used to be a hunter, so they say, but as far as you had seen his fulltime profession was town drunk (You aren't even sure where he got the money to keep drinking). When he wasn't passed out or singing old Talabeclander songs, he was telling tales of his time tracking and slaying wild beasts. In the middle of these stories he would often stop to explain various details in long, rambling diatribes. Among these details were how to recognize and respond to the false-animal noises used by wilds-folk to send messages to each other without being detected, though the idea of chittering like a squirrel felt quite silly to you. (Gain Skill: Ranger Tongue)
-[] Sneaky Hans was not nearly subtle enough to have earned his name properly, judging by how loose-lipped he got about the activities he and his gangster friends got up to after you got a few drinks in him, or when there was a pretty girl around. He would boast about Heists, and muggings, and all the tricks of the trade used to evade the wrath of the law. In particular, he seemed very proud of the system of secret signs and passcodes that criminals would use to communicate covertly. (Gain Skill: Thieves' Tongue)
Whiling away entire days among the patrons, listening in wide-eyed wonderment as they spoke. When full nighttime finally rolled around you
[] Assisted your mother in her performance, carrying around the basket to collect the little coins from grateful patrons. During her breaks she took the time to teach you the intricacies of her craft.
-[] She fixed your two left feet, and taught you the moves to the most common dances. (Gain Skill: Dance)
-[] She coached you on controlling your voice properly, and how to sing in a way that wasn't completely, horrendously, mind-destroyingly terrible. (Gain Skill: Sing)
-[] She taught you how to keep the attention of an Audience when telling a tale, how to sprinkle in details and measure out the pace of events to maintain tensions and excitement. (Gain Skill: Storyteller)
[] Continued to listen, cajoling and questioning until you got even the most specific information out of
-[] Old Haufen (Gain Skill: Ranger Secret signs)
-[] Sneaky Hans (Gain Skill: Thief secret signs)
Eventually, though, it became too much. You got tired of listening, tired of being an audience to someone else's adventure. Your curiosity could only take so much, and meeting a true-blue foreigner from outside the empire entirely is what finally drove you to explore the wider world. You listened to them speak of their homeland, and could barely wrap your head around how patently different nearly everything was. It made you realize just how tiny your little slice of existence was. By night's end, you had made a decision, and convinced the foreigner to let you travel with them.
[] Much like the stories you've heard before, Gaston is a bretonnian on a quest! Unlike those stories, however, he is not a noble knight in search of the grail, no. Such things are for the nobles. Instead, Gaston is a servant. A chef, to be specific. To be even more specific, he is an assistant chef among the lower ranking staff that attend the highborn ambassadors of the bretonnian embassy in the imperial capital of Altdorf. He travels away from this post, however, in order to seek out and catalogue high-quality ingredients, all in service to his dream of creating the perfect dish. (Gain Common Knowledge (Bretonnia), and Companion: Gaston)
[] Miska has, at separate times, claimed to be the bastard daughter of the Ice Queen, to be a cursed immortal doomed to wander the world forever, to be a defected norscan shieldmaiden, or to have once been the premier crimelord of the city of Erengrad at the age of fourteen. Miska says a lot of things that aren't true. What is true is that she's an absolute brute of a woman. Taller and stronger than most men, you've seen her drink enough ale to kill an Ox from liver poisoning, wrestle three men at once only to come out victorious, and headbutt her way through a solid wooden door. Her plan for life appears to consist entirely of wandering around looking for work as hired-muscle until she has enough coin to go on another drinking binge, or until somebody kicks her out of town. (Gain Common Knowledge (Kislev) and Companion: Miska)
[] Viego the Viper, that is what he calls himself! Though you get the impression it might be a self-given nickname. No sooner had the moody Estalian swept into town, with his big feathered hat and swooshing cloak, than he was showing off his glinting Rapier, lamenting loudly about how his master and teacher had been murdered in the night, and he had travelled to the empire on a quest for vengeance! Alas, he had little to go on as to the identity of the killer. It made for quite the fetching tale, and more than one local woman batted eyes at the handsome, dusky-skinned duelist. This was before he got run out of town for the twin crimes of being a foreigner and embarrassing a local nobleman's son at a sparring match. (Gain Common Knowledge (Estalia) and Companion: Viego)
[] Rosa is the most frighteningly intelligent and ruthlessly practical woman you have ever met. Originally hailing from Tilea, she claims to have been the daughter of a well-off merchant family, you can't know for sure whether this is the truth, but she is certainly well educated enough to match. She claims that, because she was not in line to inherent anything, she has travelled to the empire to make her own fortune as an Aspiring merchant. Though hasn't gotten very far in that ambition, yet. Still, you've never met somebody so good at haggling, or so skilled at pinching pennies. (Gain Common Knowledge (Tilea) and Companion: Rosa)
The two of you have been travelling together for a little while, now, and although it was intimidating at first, you've grown quite a lot along the way, learning skills you didn't think you would be capable of before.
[] You've learned to throw a punch or two in bar-room disputes. (+5 Weaponskill)
[] You've spent your evening practicing by throwing rocks at passing animals. You even got a rabbit for dinner once! (+5 Ballistic Skill)
[] You've become better at reacting quickly to incoming danger (Such as clods of mud thrown by rude children) and avoiding traps (Like tree roots threatening to trip you up), as well as swifter in action when you need to be. (+5 Agility)
[] You've become wiser, planning your trips ahead and sussing out tricks and traps by scam artists along the road. Taking to heart hard-earned lessons. (+5 Intelligence)
[] You've become more comfortable around people, you meet all sorts of interesting folks on the road, and a silver tongue is often more useful than a blade or a threat at preventing trouble and earning yourself somewhere comfortable to sleep. (+5 Fellowship)
[] You've learned to take a punch or two, for the feeble don't last long in the wilderness. (+1 Wound)
You are still proud of the time you-
[] Bargained down the price of a stingy merchant for the road-rations you needed. (Gain Skill: Haggle)
[] Managed to ford a fast-flowing stream and get to the other side safely, despite nearly drowning. (Gain Skill: Swim)
But it's not been without dangers. Fear claws at your heart when you remember-
[] The Great gash in your companion's leg, torn open by a jagged rock while falling down a small hill. You had to tend the wound yourself. (Gain Skill: Heal)
[] The murmuring voices of a pack of brigands as they set up an Ambush, intent on robbing you blind. Thanks to your forewarning, you and your companion were able to avoid them entirely. (Gain Skill: Perception)
Thankfully, even when danger rears it's ugly head, you can always count on-
[] Being able to run away! (Gain Talent: Fleet Footed)
[] Being skilled at using the brush of the wild to hide. (Gain Talent: Rover)
Or, when necessary-
[] Flinging Rocks. You're actually really good at that! (Gain Talent: Marksman)
[] Navigating your way across the land by guess alone. You've never gotten lost before, your Mother used to say you had a compass in your head. (Gain Talent: Orientation)
Weaponskill (WS): 29
This Characteristic Represents your Character's Skill in Hand-to-Hand Combat, both with Weapons and Without.
Ballistic Skill(BS): 40
This Characteristic represents your Character's Skill with Missile Weapons, such as Bows, Crossbows, and Pistols.
Strength: (S): 32
This Characteristic represents your Character's muscle and Brawn.
Toughness (T): 26
This Characteristic represents your Character's Ability to Withstand injury, Disease, and Poison.
Agility (Ag): 26
This Characteristic represents your Character's physical quickness, manual dexterity, and reaction speed.
Intelligence (Int): 32
This Characteristic represents your Character's Intellect, Insight, and ability to reason.
Will Power (WP): 36
This Characteristic represents your Character's mental toughness and resolve.
Fellowship (Fel): 31
This Characteristic represents your Character's personal Charisma and Social skills.
Secondary Characteristics
Attacks (A): 1
This Characteristic represents the quickness of your Character's Attacks. This Number indicates the maximum number of attacks you can make in a single action.
Wounds (W): 10
This Characteristic represents your Character's General Vitality. It indicates how much damage your character can suffer before becoming critically injured.
Movement (M): 4
This Characteristic represents your Character's Base land speed.
Magic (Mag): 0
This Characteristic represents your Character's Magical Power.
Insanity Points (IP): 0
This characteristic represents the state of your Character's Sanity.
Fate Points (FP): 2
This Characteristic represents luck, and, to a certain extent, your character's destiny. Fate Points can be used to avoid certain death.
Skills: Common Knowledge (the Empire), Gossip, Speak language (Reikspiel), Navigation, Outdoor Survival, Silent Move
So many choices!
Maybe a ranger build?
(Gain Skill: Ranger Tongue)
(Gain Skill: Dance)
(+5 Agility)
(Gain Skill: Swim)
(Gain Skill: Heal)
(Gain Talent: Rover)
(Gain Talent: Marksman)
Ranger tongue seems a fine pick for a ranger build.
Dance to help our movement.
Agi is one of our two lowest stats, train it.
Swimming seems like a standard skill for a outdoorsy build.
Healing skill for when in the wild far from temples or doctors.
Rover to creep around in the underbrush.
Marksman to buff out our 40point ballistics stat.
For the companion, i'm open to any of them tho the merchant caught my eye.
[X] Plan: Dancing healing Ranger escorting a Rosa
-[X] Listening in rapt attention to:
--[X] Old Haufen. He used to be a hunter, so they say, but as far as you had seen his fulltime profession was town drunk (You aren't even sure where he got the money to keep drinking). When he wasn't passed out or singing old Talabeclander songs, he was telling tales of his time tracking and slaying wild beasts. In the middle of these stories he would often stop to explain various details in long, rambling diatribes. Among these details were how to recognize and respond to the false-animal noises used by wilds-folk to send messages to each other without being detected, though the idea of chittering like a squirrel felt quite silly to you. (Gain Skill: Ranger Tongue)
-[X] Assisted your mother in her performance, carrying around the basket to collect the little coins from grateful patrons. During her breaks she took the time to teach you the intricacies of her craft.
--[X] She fixed your two left feet, and taught you the moves to the most common dances. (Gain Skill: Dance)
-[X] Rosa is the most frighteningly intelligent and ruthlessly practical woman you have ever met. Originally hailing from Tilea, she claims to have been the daughter of a well-off merchant family, you can't know for sure whether this is the truth, but she is certainly well educated enough to match. She claims that, because she was not in line to inherent anything, she has travelled to the empire to make her own fortune as an Aspiring merchant. Though hasn't gotten very far in that ambition, yet. Still, you've never met somebody so good at haggling, or so skilled at pinching pennies. (Gain Common Knowledge (Tilea) and Companion: Rosa)
-[X] You've become better at reacting quickly to incoming danger (Such as clods of mud thrown by rude children) and avoiding traps (Like tree roots threatening to trip you up), as well as swifter in action when you need to be. (+5 Agility)
-[X] Managed to ford a fast-flowing stream and get to the other side safely, despite nearly drowning. (Gain Skill: Swim)
-[X] The Great gash in your companion's leg, torn open by a jagged rock while falling down a small hill. You had to tend the wound yourself. (Gain Skill: Heal)
-[X] Being skilled at using the brush of the wild to hide. (Gain Talent: Rover)
-[X] Flinging Rocks. You're actually really good at that! (Gain Talent: Marksman)
[X] Plan born to travel
[X] Listening in rapt attention to:
-[X] Old Haufen. He used to be a hunter, so they say, but as far as you had seen his fulltime profession was town drunk (You aren't even sure where he got the money to keep drinking). When he wasn't passed out or singing old Talabeclander songs, he was telling tales of his time tracking and slaying wild beasts. In the middle of these stories he would often stop to explain various details in long, rambling diatribes. Among these details were how to recognize and respond to the false-animal noises used by wilds-folk to send messages to each other without being detected, though the idea of chittering like a squirrel felt quite silly to you. (Gain Skill: Ranger Tongue)
[X] Assisted your mother in her performance, carrying around the basket to collect the little coins from grateful patrons. During her breaks she took the time to teach you the intricacies of her craft.
-[X] She taught you how to keep the attention of an Audience when telling a tale, how to sprinkle in details and measure out the pace of events to maintain tensions and excitement. (Gain Skill: Storyteller)
[X] Miska has, at separate times, claimed to be the bastard daughter of the Ice Queen, to be a cursed immortal doomed to wander the world forever, to be a defected norscan shieldmaiden, or to have once been the premier crimelord of the city of Erengrad at the age of fourteen. Miska says a lot of things that aren't true. What is true is that she's an absolute brute of a woman. Taller and stronger than most men, you've seen her drink enough ale to kill an Ox from liver poisoning, wrestle three men at once only to come out victorious, and headbutt her way through a solid wooden door. Her plan for life appears to consist entirely of wandering around looking for work as hired-muscle until she has enough coin to go on another drinking binge, or until somebody kicks her out of town. (Gain Common Knowledge (Kislev) and Companion: Miska)
[X] You've learned to take a punch or two, for the feeble don't last long in the wilderness. (+1 Wound)
[X] Managed to ford a fast-flowing stream and get to the other side safely, despite nearly drowning. (Gain Skill: Swim)
[X] The murmuring voices of a pack of brigands as they set up an Ambush, intent on robbing you blind. Thanks to your forewarning, you and your companion were able to avoid them entirely. (Gain Skill: Perception)
[X] Being skilled at using the brush of the wild to hide. (Gain Talent: Rover)
[X] Navigating your way across the land by guess alone. You've never gotten lost before, your Mother used to say you had a compass in your head. (Gain Talent: Orientation)
I selected the majority of my options for entertainment reasons to be honest as there's quite the appeal and amusement to be found in being a wandering story teller that has a penchant for getting lost and running away or kiting the enemy filling them with arrows well his hulking companion runs around chopping things up.
[X] Plan Lost on the Road of Life
- [X] Trading whispers and hearsay, about who is sleeping with who, about who hates who, and about who's doing what. People love to talk, especially about the rich and famous, and sorting out fact from fiction in the rumour mill was one of your favorite pastimes. (Increase Gossip Skill)
- [X] Assisted your mother in her performance, carrying around the basket to collect the little coins from grateful patrons. During her breaks she took the time to teach you the intricacies of her craft.
-- [X] She taught you how to keep the attention of an Audience when telling a tale, how to sprinkle in details and measure out the pace of events to maintain tensions and excitement. (Gain Skill: Storyteller)
- [X] Miska has, at separate times, claimed to be the bastard daughter of the Ice Queen, to be a cursed immortal doomed to wander the world forever, to be a defected norscan shieldmaiden, or to have once been the premier crimelord of the city of Erengrad at the age of fourteen. Miska says a lot of things that aren't true. What is true is that she's an absolute brute of a woman. Taller and stronger than most men, you've seen her drink enough ale to kill an Ox from liver poisoning, wrestle three men at once only to come out victorious, and headbutt her way through a solid wooden door. Her plan for life appears to consist entirely of wandering around looking for work as hired-muscle until she has enough coin to go on another drinking binge, or until somebody kicks her out of town. (Gain Common Knowledge (Kislev) and Companion: Miska)
- [X] You've become more comfortable around people, you meet all sorts of interesting folks on the road, and a silver tongue is often more useful than a blade or a threat at preventing trouble and earning yourself somewhere comfortable to sleep. (+5 Fellowship)
- [X] Managed to ford a fast-flowing stream and get to the other side safely, despite nearly drowning. (Gain Skill: Swim)
- [X] The Great gash in your companion's leg, torn open by a jagged rock while falling down a small hill. You had to tend the wound yourself. (Gain Skill: Heal)
- [X] Being able to run away! (Gain Talent: Fleet Footed)
- [X] Flinging Rocks. You're actually really good at that! (Gain Talent: Marksman)
Finally, before we move on to the game proper there are two final decisions that must be made.
Firstly, as you chose to randomize your race, you have some extra experience points you may spend on increasing your skills!
You currently possess 20 extra XP, and may increase any skill you know by 1 for a cost of 10 XP, meaning that you can either increase 2 skills by 1, or one skill by 2.
Accordingly, you may select two of the options below, or select one twice.
[] Increase Skills by 1 (10 xp each)
-[] Common Knowledge (the Empire), Currently +10%
-[] Common Knowledge (Kislev), Currently +2%
-[] Gossip, Currently +10%
-[] Storyteller, Currently +6%
-[] Speak language (Reikspiel), Currently +10%
-[] Navigation, Currently +6%
-[] Outdoor Survival, Currently +4%
-[] Swim, Currently +6%
-[] Heal, Currently +4%
-[] Silent Move, Currently +6%
Alternatively, you may choose to save your experience to make larger advancements in the future.
[] Retain Experience Points
With that choice being made, we must at last choose an adventure for you to go on!
[] Died in the Wool Our intrepid wanderers make their way to the market town of Wördern. No sooner have they arrived than they are caught up in the midst of unfolding tragedies, and accused of a crime they did not commit. Harried constantly by superstitious and backwards locals threatening to mob them at any second, our dynamic duo must prove their innocence and unravel the true culprit, lest they wish to hang from the gibbet.
This adventure takes place in the middle of the province of Stirland, and has you dealing largely with entirely too human problems, with a focus on Investigation and mystery solving.
Low risk, low reward.
[] Ghosts of the past The town of Siegfriedhof is ruled over by the Knights of the Order of the Raven. Stirland's most dedicated and fanatical defenders against the undead, but recently, a spate of ill-luck has befallen the order and the people they rule over. Milk curdles overnight, lives are ended in the castle training yard, and cold winds blow. Something foul is haunting Siegfriedhof, and it will be up to the unlikeliest of souls to put a stop to it, lest Stirland be stripped of its greatest defenders.
This adventure also involves supernatural forces, and the unearthing of secrets best left buried, and is much riskier to our protagonist, but also comes with an appropriately impressive reward.
High risk, High reward.
[] Geheimnisnacht's Gift Taking shelter in a coaching inn overnight, our heroes find themselves, and the other guests, unexpectedly besieged by the forces of evil in a hellish night of blood and fire! In the aftermath, tired and weary, they must carefully escort an item of great importance out of the province, to a place of safety.
This adventure starts fast and hard, throwing our heroes right into a night of dangerous combat, and afterwards it lengthens out into a tale about a long and difficult journey.