Warhammer Fantasy: Norsca United! (CK2)

Turn 3
Turn 3 (2242 IC)

Your problem in Jotunvagga appears to have stabilized for now, and you have finally acquired an Intrigue adviser. Unfortunately, you lost a shaman in the failed attempt to reach Mountain's Crown. Also, the Dwarfs, your only allies, are running into trouble with raiding Aeslings.

(All numbers are approximate)
Total: 25,500
Jotungram (Capitol Holdfast): 5,000
Jotunvagga (Holdfast, with lots of farming): 6,00
Jotunhroc (Holdfast): 4,000
Assorted Villages: 10,000

Military (Purely volunteer force. Distinctions are "iffy")
Morale: Medium
Number Readily Available: ~6,000
Absolute Every Fighter: ~15,000

(Below numbers represent the number readily available)

Militia (Volunteers who train in free time. Average Attack, Defense, Mobility, and Morale): 3,000
Hunters (The greatest hunters in your tribe. Honed by a lifetime of stalking deadly predators. High Attack. Medium Defense and Mobility. AboveAverage Morale. Special: Stealth, Long-Range Attack): 1000
Regular Cavalry (Fighter trained to use lance and sword from atop mountain horses. High Attack. Medium Defense. High mobility. Medium Morale.) 1000
Sleipnir Cavalry (The greatest riders and fighters are allowed to ride the holy Sleipnir into battle. High Attack. Above Average Defense. Extreme Mobility. High Morale): 500
Rune Warriors (Their weapons and armor bear Dwarf runes. Each piece cost a fortune, and they have only been accumulated over generations. High Attack. High Defense. Average Mobility. High Morale): 500

War Mammoths (Massive attack. High defense. Above Average Mobility and Morale. Special Smash): 15 + 1 = 16

Initiate Shaman: 43
Master Shaman: 17

Treasury: 2,300

Trade Income: 300 (Dwarfs)

Tax Income: 50 (Very Low Taxes)

Military Upkeep: 50 (Ongoing patrols of territory)

Infrastructure Upkeep: 0

Net Income: 300

Jotungram (Capitol): 5
Yotunvagga (Farms): 5
Jotunhroc (Ravens): 8
Villages: 7
Dwarfs: 5

Food Situation
Current - Surplus

Over the course of the year, you speak with the greatest figures of your tribe and discuss their plans for the coming year.

In addition to deciding their actions. You may vote to give one action Thorfin's personal attention. That action will receive a bonus equal to the relevant attribute - 10. (So, having him help with a Piety task would give 21-10= +11 to the role. But having him attend to a Diplomacy task would give 5-10= -5 to the role). In addition to the bonus, special secret rewards may be unlocked if Thorfin attends to certain tasks.

New Option
You may also double-down on one action a turn. Doing so will provide a +20 boost, but it will cost more money and resources. Also, if you still fail, the failure will be spectacularly bad.

Military: Ashi Axe-Child is the daughter of the last chief and greatest fighter in the tribe. She leads your warriors. Even after avenging her father, she still does not talk much, but apparently she never did. If nothing else, she seems happier, and you notice your people seem to hang on the few words she does speak (Choose 1)

[] Filling out the ranks - Every member of the tribe old enough to be allowed to braid their hair is expected to carry a weapon and to know how to use it. They mostly do, but, according to Ashi, they aren't nearly skilled enough. She wishes to establish a weekly practice day, wherein the tribe's warriors will oversee the combat training of every other member of the tribe, excluding children, shamans, and the infirm. Additionally, she wants to push talented individuals to spend additional time training for war. You will probably need to pay for some of their supplies. (More skilled warriors. Decreasedworkforce and food production. People may ask questions about the militarization.)

Cost: 100/turn (Supplies, and lost labor) Time: 1 year to establish, will continue until you stop. Chance of success: 100% Reward: More trained warriors

[] Raid the Aeslings - It was the Aeslings who nearly destroyed your Dwarven allies a century ago, and Ashi thinks that it is long since time for theJotunheimers to return the favor. She wishes to lead a raid of your best warriors and shamans mounted on sleipnirs into Aesling territory, so they may kill and loot your ancient enemy. You're always in favor of killing Aeslings, but it's been a long time since any Jotunheimer have ventured into Aesling territory, and you cannot predict what defences await your raiders. Your raids may draw the Aeslings attention away from the Dwarfs, which they would appreciate.

Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: ? Reward: ?

[] Missing Goats? - Sayble's collection of lore revealed something rather curious. All of the goatherds in a given area lose significantly more of their flock than other goatherds. She suspects there may be a pack of one of the nastier predators in the area. She suggests you send some warriors to investigate.

Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 80 Reward: Stop the goat-slayers

Diplomacy: Ingga Honey-Tongue calls himself a goatherd, and, in truth, he does spend most of his time lead his flocks of Dire Goats from settlement tosettlement. However, he carries messages between groups of Jotunheimers, and when conflict arises between villages, he is always quick to use his sweet words to settle the dispute. He served the last chief well for many years.

(Choose 1)

[] Spread the word! We go to war! - Have Ingga hurry to every Stronghold and village and even to the Dwarf lands as well, so that he might tell all your people and allies of your plans to expand. This will cause all to prepare for fresh conflict, although, there is the risk that your enemies may discover your plans.

Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Jotunheimers and Dwarfs prepare for war and ???

[] Something is rotten in the hold of Jotunnvagga - You tell Ingga to spend most of this year in Jotunvagga, ostensibly negotiating trade deals with the 'Vaggas. In actuality, he will be attempting to understand exactly why they dislike you so. Ingga promises to do his best, but he admits that this task would be better suited to someone more... sneaky.

Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Understand why the 'Vaggas dislike you.

[] Other tribes? - Innga mentions that, while talking with the members of the farthest out villages, he discovered some of your people conduct a little trade with other tribes. Few goods exchange hands, rarely more than a few deer-skins for some grain, or the like. However, it could be the start of something more. Jotunheim officially has no contact with other Norscans, but maybe you could change that. You could have Ingga go beyond the mountains and see how the other tribes fair. You know you are surrounded by Chaos-worshipping scum, but maybe you could find a few allies? However, it would be dangerous for Ingga.

Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Knowledge of nearby tribes. Warning: Ingga may be injured or killed.

[] Befriending the Bears - Last year, Ingga brought back word from the Dwarfs of the Baersonlinger tribe. Your allies conduct a small amount of trade with the Baersonlingers. It's not much, but it give Ingga an in. That tribe seems like a pack of wandering savages, but they don't worship Chaos, so it might be worth trying to open ties with them. If nothing else, it wouldn't hurt to have a buffer state between you and any force from the Dark Lands.

Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Opened diplomatic ties with the Baersonlingers.

[] Dwarf Best Friend - Your people and the Dwarfs have been allies and trading partners for generations. Maybe you could grow even closer or at least get better trade deals. Ashi has been bugging you about getting better steal or maybe even more rune weapons for your warriors. You send Ingga to open negotiations with the Dwarfs and to deny no request out of hand. The Dwarfs may make you a generous offer, but they will demand a price for any aid they offer. Here's hoping that it's one you're willing to pay.

Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Deepened relations with Dwarfs, ???

Intrigue: You've acquired a Nameless to serve as your sneak, which leaves a bad taste in your mouth. You can only hope that he proves competent.
(Choose 1)

[] What's up with the 'Vagga? - As a trial run, you order Nameless to investigate that hold. You would like to understand why they initially disliked you so. You confess that you fear they may be influenced by Chaos.

Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 90% Reward: Understand why the 'Vaggas dislike you and knowledge of dirty secrets in the area.

[] Scouting the Aesling - You would really, really like to exterminate every last Aesling, but to do that, you need to know more about them. You send the Nameless into Aesling territory in order to learn how you might strike them hardest.

Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Bonus to rolls to raid Aeslings. Knowledge of their actions.

Piety: Tahvi Two-Lives is perhaps the most faithful and blessed Jotunheimer alive. A living legend, he earned his honor-name when, in a time of greatstrife, he willingly offered himself as sacrifice to the Allfather. Giving up not just his eye but his very life, and, miraculously, the Allfather gave it back.

(+1 action because of high piety. Choose 2)

[] Preparing for war: Seeking Arrows - You ask Tahvi and his shamans to craft Seeking Arrows, enchanted weapons magically drawn to the archer's target. Your shamans have made them for centuries but only for special circumstances. You do not know how many they could make in a year if they focused on this task alone.

Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 100% Reward: A number of Seeking Arrows

[] Preparing for war: Avalanche Stones - You ask Tahvi and his shamans to craft Avalanche Stones. These rune-marked rocks are designed such that, when activated and rolled down a slope, they will gather more stone and snow, causing an artificial avalanche. They cannot be used everywhere, but in certain slopes and mountain passes, they could do incredible damage to an enemy force. You do not know how many they could make in a year if they focused on this task alone.

Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 100% Reward: A number of Avalanche Stones

[] About that prophecy - Have Tahvi and his shamans do all they can to divine the specifics of the Allfather's plan for you.

Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 50% Reward: ???

[] Seizing the Crown - Your initial foray went quite badly. This time, you will do better. You assemble not only every master shaman, but every initiate as well, and every Rune Warrior in the land, with some Sleipner cavalry, just to be sure. It will be expensive to assemble so much force in one place, but you want the knowledge hidden in that hold.

Cost: 150 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Reclaim the Mountain's Crown.

[] Lost Lore: The Chooser of the Slain - These days your people mostly just worship the Allfather and the Jotun, but your shamans discovered that, once, far greater attention was paid to all of the progenitors, the first generation from whom all your people are descended, in spirit if not by blood. You ask your shaman to research the Allfather's warrior daughter, the Chooser of the Slain. Perhaps, old prayers and blessings may be recovered to improve your troops.

Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Rituals of the Chooser of the Slain

[] Lost Lore: The Runesmith- These days your people mostly just worship the Allfather and the Jotun, but your shamans discovered that, once, far greater attention was paid to all of the progenitors, the first generation from whom all your people are descended, in spirit if not by blood. You ask your shaman to research the Allfather's other daughter, the Runemith, also known as Shee Who Rivals the Dwarfs. In ancient times, she is said to have proved her worth to a Dwarf Runesmith in so spectacular a fashion, that the Dwarf taught her the basics of dwarven runes. Your ancestor combined what she'd learned with knowledge from the Jotun and founded the Jotunheimer runic tradition. If you could recover hertraditions, you might greatly improve your enchantments.

Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Rituals of the Runesmith

[] Lost Lore: The Singer - These days your people mostly just worship the Allfather and the Jotun, but your shamans discovered that, once, far greater attention was paid to all of the progenitors, the first generation from whom all your people are descended, in spirit if not by blood. You ask your shaman to research the Allfather's son, the Singer, he of the Soothing and Fecund voice.. He is said to have a voice so fine that he could talk wild Dire Wolves into laying their heads in in his lap. He spoke so well that no one ever bested him in debate. And when he sang, even the crops the field would grow and ripen in celebration of his voice. Tahvi idly mentions that that last reason might be why his worship is still popular in Jotunvagga, although they have lost his rituals.

Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Rituals of the Singer

Stewardship For decades, Maybol has worked as a smith and builder, making tools for the tribe and rebuilding mountain passes when they break down. She has never earned an honor-name, because her work is never noticed when it is done well, and she always does her work very well. She comes to you with enthusiasm typical of a person half her age. It seems the last chief was against large projects.


[X] Terrace farming - The idea is quite simple when she explains it. If plants grow better on flat surfaces, then why not turn slopes into a series of flatsurfaces? She's experimented with a few small terrace farms, and they were successful. However, without the chief's support, she was never able to get enough workers together to try them on a large scale. Additionally, you could start the process in Jotunvagga land. Perhaps the farmers there would appreciate the increased farm yields

Cost: 100 Time: 2 year Chance of Success: 90% Reward: Increased Food Production. Increased Jotunvaga opinion


[] Moar Mammoths! - She has a great fondness for the huge beasts, and she would love to domesticate more of the herds that roam through the lower portions of the mountains. However, doing so would require constructing holding pens and training facilities far closer to Aesling lands than yourpeople normally go.

Cost: 0 Time: 2 year Chance of Success: 80% Reward: More tamed mammoths. Increased chance of raids.

[] All Roads lead to... nowhere. - Maybol has been to Dwarven mountain holds, and she says that, compared to their roads, ours aren't fit to piss on. With Sayble's maps, she could make some new roads. They wouldn't be the equal of the Dwarven ones, of course, but they would at least be shorter and straighter than the deer-trails that your people currently use. It would be expensive and time-consuming, but people love good roads

Cost: 100 Time: 2 year Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Easier traveling, more trade, opinion boosts, faster spread of information, faster deployment of military

Learning: Sayble runs your stables. Please don't crack a joke. She's heard them all. As the official caretaker of the holy Sleipnirs, she is extremely knowledgeable about all remaining lore on that species. She is extremely knowledgeable about other lore because… well… she likes books. She has a number of ideas for you.

(Choose 1)

[] Catching the wind - She starts your first meeting by complaining about just how hard it is to take care of creatures that can trot faster than a humancan run, and also Sleipnirs can fly, so good luck fencing them in. She wants your permission and, more importantly, your funding to try and design a proper stable for Sleipnirs and some way to stop them from wandering off whenever they feel like it. She says she might be able to keep more alive this way, and there might be more successful births if she can stop the pregnant mares from running off to some cave when it's their time. It will take some time to figure out. She doesn't know how long exactly, and she can't predict her odds, and admits that the shamans might be offended by attempts to'imprison the holy creatures.' But, she says, her eye alight with passion, "Just think of it! More Sleipnirs!"

Cost: 0 Time: ? year Chance of Success: ? Reward: Increased Sleipnir birth rate. Healthier Sleipnirs.

[] Mammoths and Mammoth by products - Sayble wants to shave a mammoth, and, while she's at it, she'd like to milk a few and try to make some cheese out of them. Really, she's "just going to fiddle with their stuff until [she] gets things [she] can sell." Her words.

Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 80% Increased Trade

[X] War… goats? - Sayble admits that Maybol comes to her with a rather odd idea. Your people have long since bred goats to be better at certain things, like producing more milk or wool. Maybol wanter her to try to attempt to breed Dire Goats for increased herd instinct and aggression, and, while she's at it, bigger horns. That way, they could help defend the flocks against predators. It would take only one year to set up, but five years to see real results

Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 80% Reward: War Goats… really?


Personal: You have finally gotten a handle on your duties as chief, and you have managed to actually make more time for yourself to explore your own interests.
(Choose 2)

[] Settling down? - Now that you're chief, perhaps you should start looking for a wife? It would be nice to have a child who might carry on your holy taskif you fall.

Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 100% Reward: List of potential brides.

[] Prayer - Pray to the Allfather. Ask for wisdom. Ask for guidance. Ask for help.

Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 50% Reward: ?

[] Train with Ashi - Truly, you are only an average fighter for a Norscan. This is not fitting for a chief. You decide to ask Ashi to teach you some of her skills. If nothing else, being seen with Ashi will probably boost your popularity in Jotungram

Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Martial traits and/or increased popularity in Jotungram

[] Getting to know you - You spend time with your council outside of work, even the Nameless. It wouldn't hurt to know their personal opinions about you, and you aren't entirely sure of what all they are good at.

Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 90% Reward: Knowledge of council's opinion, attributes, and traits.

Write-ins are permitted. Comments and suggestions are appreciated.

You finally have Intrigue options. Any ideas on what you'd like to do with them?
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Military: Ashi Axe-Child is the daughter of the last chief and greatest fighter in the tribe. She leads your warriors. Even after avenging her father, she still does not talk much, but apparently she never did. If nothing else, she seems happier, and you notice your people seem to hang on the few words she does speak (Choose 1)

[X] Missing Goats? -

Diplomacy: Ingga Honey-Tongue calls himself a goatherd, and, in truth, he does spend most of his time lead his flocks of Dire Goats from settlement tosettlement. However, he carries messages between groups of Jotunheimers, and when conflict arises between villages, he is always quick to use his sweet words to settle the dispute. He served the last chief well for many years.

(Choose 1)

[X] Something is rotten in the hold of Jotunnvagga -

Intrigue: You've acquired a Nameless to serve as your sneak, which leaves a bad taste in your mouth. You can only hope that he proves competent.
(Choose 1)

[X] Scouting the Aesling -

Piety: Tahvi Two-Lives is perhaps the most faithful and blessed Jotunheimer alive. A living legend, he earned his honor-name when, in a time of greatstrife, he willingly offered himself as sacrifice to the Allfather. Giving up not just his eye but his very life, and, miraculously, the Allfather gave it back.

(+1 action because of high piety. Choose 2)

[X] Preparing for war: Seeking Arrows -

[X] Seizing the Crown -
-[X] Personal Attention

Learning: Sayble runs your stables. Please don't crack a joke. She's heard them all. As the official caretaker of the holy Sleipnirs, she is extremely knowledgeable about all remaining lore on that species. She is extremely knowledgeable about other lore because… well… she likes books. She has a number of ideas for you.

(Choose 1)

[X] Catching the wind -

Personal: You have finally gotten a handle on your duties as chief, and you have managed to actually make more time for yourself to explore your own interests.
(Choose 2)

[X] Settling down? -

[X] Getting to know you -
[x] Missing Goats?

If we're lucky, potential monstrous mount. If not, threat staved off.

[x] Befriending the Bears

Buffer state first.

[x] What's up with the 'Vagga?

Lets see if its really benign or Chaos.

[x] About that prophecy
-[x] Personal intervention - About that prophecy
-[x] Double down - About that prophecy
[x] Lost Lore: The Runesmith

We REALLY need more details on the prophecy, especially the timespan. is the clock in centuries, decades or years? We need to know or we'd be obliviously upteching while ignorant of our doom.

[x] Catching the wind

Magic cavalry go!

[x] Settling down?
[x] Getting to know you

Get to dynastic mode and settle the advisors.
[x] Missing Goats?

[x] Befriending the Bears

[x] What's up with the 'Vagga?

[x] About that prophecy
-[x] Personal intervention - About that prophecy
-[x] Double down - About that prophecy
[x] Lost Lore: The Runesmith

[x] Mammoth and Mammoth By Products

[x] Settling down?
[x] Getting to know you

I agree with almost everything you're doing, @veekie, except for the slepnir action, which I'd rather DD on just in case it has a low success rate.
Double downed actions have worse failures.

You generally want to double down something that's likely to succeed, but not certain. And something cheap.
[x] Missing Goats?

[x] Befriending the Bears

[x] What's up with the 'Vagga?

[x] About that prophecy
-[x] Personal intervention - About that prophecy
-[x] Double down - About that prophecy
[x] Lost Lore: The Runesmith

[x] Mammoth and Mammoth By Products

[x] Settling down?
[x] Getting to know you
[X] Missing Goats?

[X] Befriending the Bears
-[X] Double Down

[X] What's up with the 'Vagga?

[X] Preparing for war: Seeking Arrows
[X] Seizing the Crown
-[X] Personal Attention

[X] Catching the wind

[X] Settling down?
[X] Getting to know you
Last edited:
[X] Missing Goats?

[X] Befriending the Bears

[X] What's up with the 'Vagga?

[X] Preparing for war: Seeking Arrows
[X] Seizing the Crown
-[X] Personal Attention

[X] Catching the wind
-[X] Double Down

[X] Settling down?
[X] Getting to know you
[X] Missing Goats?

[X] Befriending the Bears

[X] What's up with the 'Vagga?

[X] Preparing for war: Seeking Arrows
[X] Seizing the Crown
-[X] Personal Attention

[X] Catching the wind
-[X] Double Down

[X] Settling down?
[X] Getting to know you
[X] Missing Goats?

[X] Befriending the Bears

[X] What's up with the 'Vagga?

[X] Preparing for war: Seeking Arrows
[X] Seizing the Crown
-[X] Personal Attention

[X] Catching the wind
-[X] Double Down

[X] Settling down?
[X] Getting to know you
You'd be better off using personal attention on it, which has no risk of failure when we don't know the odds.

It could be 10% for all we know, in which case it's 70% chance of disaster to out best unit type.
After thinking it over, you're right veekie. Risking DD on an action with unknown chances of success is too risky with that extra bad failure. Switched it to Befriending the Bears so it jumps to 90%
[X] Missing Goats?

[X] Befriending the Bears

[X] What's up with the 'Vagga?

[X] Preparing for war: Seeking Arrows
[X] Seizing the Crown
-[X] Personal Attention

[X] Catching the wind
-[X] Double Down

[X] Settling down?
[X] Getting to know you
Calling the vote

Vote tally:
##### 3.21

[X] Missing Goats? -
[X] Something is rotten in the hold of Jotunnvagga -
[X] Scouting the Aesling -
[X] Preparing for war: Seeking Arrows -
[X] Seizing the Crown -
-[X] Personal Attention
[X] Catching the wind -
[X] Settling down? -
[X] Getting to know you -
No. of votes: 1

[x] Missing Goats?
[x] Befriending the Bears
[x] What's up with the 'Vagga?
[x] About that prophecy
-[x] Personal intervention - About that prophecy
-[x] Double down - About that prophecy
[x] Lost Lore: The Runesmith
[x] Catching the wind
[x] Settling down?
[x] Getting to know you
No. of votes: 1

[x] Missing Goats?
[x] Befriending the Bears
[x] What's up with the 'Vagga?
[x] About that prophecy
-[x] Personal intervention - About that prophecy
-[x] Double down - About that prophecy
[x] Lost Lore: The Runesmith
[x] Mammoth and Mammoth By Products
[x] Settling down?
[x] Getting to know you
No. of votes: 2
Xantalos, HanEmpire

[X] Missing Goats?
[X] Befriending the Bears
-[X] Double Down
[X] What's up with the 'Vagga?
[X] Preparing for war: Seeking Arrows
[X] Seizing the Crown
-[X] Personal Attention
[X] Catching the wind
[X] Settling down?
[X] Getting to know you
No. of votes: 1

[X] Missing Goats?
[X] Befriending the Bears
[X] What's up with the 'Vagga?
[X] Preparing for war: Seeking Arrows
[X] Seizing the Crown
-[X] Personal Attention
[X] Catching the wind
-[X] Double Down
[X] Settling down?
[X] Getting to know you
No. of votes: 4
Chief18753, Ambit, Vanestus, paintedspear
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Turn 3 Results
Turn 3 Results (2242 IC)

Military: Ashi Axe-Child is the daughter of the last chief and greatest fighter in the tribe. She leads your warriors. Even after avenging her father, she still does not talk much, but apparently she never did. If nothing else, she seems happier, and you notice your people seem to hang on the few words she does speak (Choose 1)

[X] Missing Goats? - Sayble's collection of lore revealed something rather curious. All of the goatherds in a given area lose significantly more of their flock than other goatherds. She suspects there may be a pack of one of the nastier predators in the area. She suggests you send some warriors to investigate.

Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 80 Reward: Stop the goat-slayers

Required: 20 Rolled: 19

Ashi laughed as lead some of her hunters off to track down the goat-slayers. She joked that this little expedition would make a nice holiday. She'd hunted great predators before, and their hides decorated her home.

But, at the end of the year, she returned empty handed and very frustrated. When you ask what happened, she mutters, "They're smart. There's a whole pack of them, and they're smart. Too blighted smart for a beast." She fixes you with a glare, and you know she intends to hunt them down next year.

Diplomacy: Ingga Honey-Tongue calls himself a goatherd, and, in truth, he does spend most of his time lead his flocks of Dire Goats from settlement tosettlement. However, he carries messages between groups of Jotunheimers, and when conflict arises between villages, he is always quick to use his sweet words to settle the dispute. He served the last chief well for many years.

(Choose 1)

[X] Befriending the Bears - Last year, Ingga brought back word from the Dwarfs of the Baersonlinger tribe. Your allies conduct a small amount of trade with the Baersonlingers. It's not much, but it give Ingga an in. That tribe seems like a pack of wandering savages, but they don't worship Chaos, so it might be worth trying to open ties with them. If nothing else, it wouldn't hurt to have a buffer state between you and any force from the Dark Lands.

Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Opened diplomatic ties with the Baersonlingers.

Required: 30 Rolled: 17

Ingga rode out on the back of a mammoth on one of the expeditions to the Dwarf holds. Then he broke off from the main group and took a select few across the river into Baersonlinger land. Just like Ashi, he returned empty-handed.

It seems Kurgan outriders have begun to extend into Baersonlinger territory. Ingga spent the whole year dogging Kurgan raiders. Even when he managed to find some of the annoyingly nomadic Baersonlingers, they weren't in much of a mood to talk treaty.

He could try again next year, but he's starting to grumble about how all this work keeps him from his herds.

Intrigue: You've acquired a Nameless to serve as your sneak, which leaves a bad taste in your mouth. You can only hope that he proves competent.
(Choose 1)

[] What's up with the 'Vagga? - As a trial run, you order Nameless to investigate that hold. You would like to understand why they initially disliked you so. You confess that you fear they may be influenced by Chaos.

Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 90% Reward: Understand why the 'Vaggas dislike you and knowledge of dirty secrets in the area.

Required: 10 Rolled: 65

Nameless heads over to Jotunvagga and spend a year lurking in shadows and eavesdropping on private conversations. He comes back with good news. Despite your fears, 'Vagga has not fallen to Chaos. In fact, their dislike of you comes from a matter of faith. It seems that, over the generation, a bit of a division has formed between the shaman. As the vast majority of shamans focused more and more upon the Allfather, they conflicted with the 'Vagga shamans who revere the Singer above all. Nameless isn't sure when, but, at some point, the situation grew to taught, that the 'Vagga shaman felt a need to take their worship and their fertility rights underground.

When you were named chief, the general opinion was that you would be a tool of Tahvi Two-Lives, who all know to be a most devout follower of the Allfather.

Nameless tells you that you could probably shore things up by making clear your fine with their Singer-worship, but you probably want to move fast. Your feasts and your farms have won them over for now, but, given time, the religious differences will reassert themselves.

Piety: Tahvi Two-Lives is perhaps the most faithful and blessed Jotunheimer alive. A living legend, he earned his honor-name when, in a time of greatstrife, he willingly offered himself as sacrifice to the Allfather. Giving up not just his eye but his very life, and, miraculously, the Allfather gave it back.

(+1 action because of high piety. Choose 2)

[X] Preparing for war: Seeking Arrows - You ask Tahvi and his shamans to craft Seeking Arrows, enchanted weapons magically drawn to the archer's target. Your shamans have made them for centuries but only for special circumstances. You do not know how many they could make in a year if they focused on this task alone.

Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 100% Reward: A number of Seeking Arrows

Rolled: 81

You put out the call for all your shamans to craft Seeking Arrows. This has never been done in living memory, so no one can recall such a bounty of enchanted arrows. It seems every shaman from Tahvi to the lowest village practitioner manages to find time to make at least a quiver or two. By the end of the year, you have enough Seeking Arrows for all the archers in Jotunheim to fight at least two pitched battles.

[X] Seizing the Crown - Your initial foray went quite badly. This time, you will do better. You assemble not only every master shaman, but every initiate as well, and every Rune Warrior in the land, with some Sleipner cavalry, just to be sure. It will be expensive to assemble so much force in one place, but you want the knowledge hidden in that hold.

Cost: 150 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Reclaim the Mountain's Crown.

Required: 20 Rolled: 81 + 11 (PA) = 92 Artificial Critical Success!

You personally lead your shamans and warriors into the corrupted lands. Again, those abominations made of corpse-flesh and tainted soil rise, but this time, you are ready. Your shaman unleash rituals to tear apart the filth-golems, and your Rune Warriors hack apart any of the creatures that manage to get close. All the while, your sleipnir-riders run about distracting approaching monsters, so that they can never come at you in too-large a number.

In one slow and grinding slog, your forces push their way up the mountain to the gates of the abandoned hold.

Your heart pounds as you have your warriors pry open the great door. It swings open to reveal dozens of corpses sprawled about the interior. You tense, waiting for them to arise, to attack, but they do not move.

That is when you spot a coiled scroll in the hands of the corpse closest to the door. Wary of any curse, you pick up and read the scroll, and you discover it is an account of the last days of the Mountain Crown.

When the blast of Dhar struck the mountain peak, many fled, but others stayed within. The shamans of this hold sealed shut every portal and raised every defense against Chaos. They told their people that they would perform a great spell to cleanse the land, so they might leave safely. But it appears, it took the shamans far longer than they expected.

Months passed, the stores of food were devoured, and desperation claimed the minds of the people. Finally, when they had to choose between starvation and eating the dead, they took a third option. They tried to flee.

The shamans knew that attempt would only allow chaos into the hold, so, in one terrible night, the shamans and a few extraordinarily brave and loyal warriors cut down all who wished to flee the hold. By the time the spilled blood had gone cold, even the survivors knew that they were doomed, so they fell on their swords.

The author of this note was apparently the last of the shaman to take their own life, delaying only to assemble all of the hold's lore on cleansing of Chaos into one neat package, which rests just inside the door.

Using all your assembled shaman, you work a few of the rituals described, ensuring that the slain filth-golems will never rise again.

With this lore, you might be able to cleanse the entire mountain peak, but it will take years of effort.

Stewardship For decades, Maybol has worked as a smith and builder, making tools for the tribe and rebuilding mountain passes when they break down. She has never earned an honor-name, because her work is never noticed when it is done well, and she always does her work very well. She comes to you with enthusiasm typical of a person half her age. It seems the last chief was against large projects.

[X] Terrace farming - The idea is quite simple when she explains it. If plants grow better on flat surfaces, then why not turn slopes into a series of flatsurfaces? She's experimented with a few small terrace farms, and they were successful. However, without the chief's support, she was never able to get enough workers together to try them on a large scale. Additionally, you could start the process in Jotunvagga land. Perhaps the farmers there would appreciate the increased farm yields

Cost: 100 Time: 2 year Chance of Success: 90% Reward: Increased Food Production. Increased Jotunvaga opinion

After two years of grueling labor, Maybol's workers have converted countless slopes to terrace farms, greatly increasing food production. This year, the farmers bring a bounty greater than they have ever seen before.

Food Situation improves to Large Surplus

While this seems an excellent reward for two years labor to you, Maybol grumbles about how she could have done so much more if she had just had more structure with her workers. You don't quite follow her meaning, but she tells you she'll have a proposal for you by the start of the new year.

Learning: Sayble runs your stables. Please don't crack a joke. She's heard them all. As the official caretaker of the holy Sleipnirs, she is extremely knowledgeable about all remaining lore on that species. She is extremely knowledgeable about other lore because… well… she likes books. She has a number of ideas for you.

(Choose 1)

[X] Catching the wind - She starts your first meeting by complaining about just how hard it is to take care of creatures that can trot faster than a humancan run, and also Sleipnirs can fly, so good luck fencing them in. She wants your permission and, more importantly, your funding to try and design a proper stable for Sleipnirs and some way to stop them from wandering off whenever they feel like it. She says she might be able to keep more alive this way, and there might be more successful births if she can stop the pregnant mares from running off to some cave when it's their time. It will take some time to figure out. She doesn't know how long exactly, and she can't predict her odds, and admits that the shamans might be offended by attempts to'imprison the holy creatures.' But, she says, her eye alight with passion, "Just think of it! More Sleipnirs!"

Cost: 0 Time: ? year Chance of Success: ? Reward: Increased Sleipnir birth rate. Healthier Sleipnirs.

Rolled: 90 + 20 (Double Down) = 110 Critical Super-Success!

You know the military potential of Sleipnir cavalry, but you are also very worried about angering your shamans and your people in general, so you threw wealth at the problem.

-100 Goods

You made many generous gifts to shamans and offered even greater gifts to any shaman who could help Sayble increase the number of the holy beasts.

In retrospect, that may not have even been necessary, because, even before she got the help, Sayble was having astonishing success with her new 'stables.' The name doesn't quite fit, because the building has no true 'stalls.' The shaman insisted that every Sleipnir always have access to the sky, so, if they truly wished or if the Allfather moved them, they could easily escape. Instead of trapping them, Sayble simply designs rooms that they don't want to leave.

The Sleipnir have constant access to fresh food and water, and they are groomed whenever they wish. They get cover from the elements and heat on cold winter nights, but they are free to stretch their legs and run through the fields and atop the wind. A shaman's blessings seem to only increase the creature's happiness to stay in the stable.

A few more blessings and a rather odd-looking artificial 'cave' has even broken pregnant Sleipnir mares of their habit of isolating themselves in mountain caverns, far from any midwife.

You know you will have to spend a great deal every year to keep the Sleipnirs in so lavish a lifestyle, but you gain a great boost in Sleipnir population.

-100 Maintenance every year

5% Sleipnir increase every turn.

[X] War… goats? - Sayble admits that Maybol comes to her with a rather odd idea. Your people have long since bred goats to be better at certain things, like producing more milk or wool. Maybol wanter her to try to attempt to breed Dire Goats for increased herd instinct and aggression, and, while she's at it, bigger horns. That way, they could help defend the flocks against predators. It would take only one year to set up, but five years to see real results

Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 80% Reward: War Goats… really?


Personal: You have finally gotten a handle on your duties as chief, and you have managed to actually make more time for yourself to explore your own interests.
(Choose 2)

[X] Getting to know you - You spend time with your council outside of work, even the Nameless. It wouldn't hurt to know their personal opinions about you, and you aren't entirely sure of what all they are good at.

Cost: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 90% Reward: Knowledge of council's opinion, attributes, and traits.

You spend a great deal of this year with your council doing things unrelated to your chiefly duties. You go on hunts with Ashi, attend feasts with Innga, pray with Tahvi, have a few chats with Maybol and Sayble where most of the discussion goes over your head, and have a few private meals with Nameless where absolutely no one can see the two of you together.

All listed attributes include benefits from traits.

Ashi Axe-Child
An avid hunter and a fearless warrior, Ashi has been famous among your people ever since she first hefted an axe... as a toddler.

However, she is also somewhat difficult to get to know, because she just doesn't talk much. You suspect she spent too much time silently stalking prey through the mountains, and has thus become far too comfortable with silence. At first, you do not learn as much about her as you learn about how people regard her. Other people hang on the few words she speaks, and with just a sentence or two she can end most arguments.

You truly begin to wonder why the shamans and even the Allfather himself did not want her to be chief. Near the end of the year, you get your answer. She has no faith.

She cannot deny that the Ancestors or the Ruinous Powers exist, but she has never once felt the awe, the joy, the 'rightness' of serving the Jotun and the Ancestors that you experience every time you pray.

This is perhaps her most closely guarded secret, and, after she confides in you, she demands that you tell no one.

Ashi Opinion 6 + 1 = 7/10

Martial 29
Diplomacy 19
Intrigue 9
Piety 4
Stewardship 18
Learning 12

Brave 3 Martial
Hunter 2 Martial
Strong 2 Martial
Norscan 2 Martial

Ingga Honey-Tongue
At heart, Ingga is a simple man. He wants nothing more than to tend his goats and raise his children in peace. He approves of the work you've done to increase the food supply, and loves have more to trade with the Dwarfs, but he worries that you might change too many of your people's traditions.

Only after getting to know him do you realize that despite managing a large herd and making a tidy profit almost every year, he has almost no education and absolutely no talent for learning.

Ingga Opinion 6/10

Martial 7
Diplomacy 25
Intrigue 10
Piety 13
Stewardship 12
Learning 1

Gregarious 2 Diplomacy
Attractive 2 Diplomacy
Persuasive 3 Diplomacy
Norscan 2 Martial

Culture forbids you from discussing who he once was, and he simply refuses to describe much of his life after losing his name.

Still, after a few talks, you learn that he is surprisingly intelligent and skilled in a wide variety of areas, and, for whatever reason, he is loyal to you.

Ashi Opinion 7/10

Martial 21
Diplomacy 10
Intrigue 22
Piety 15
Stewardship 7
Learning 11

Paranoid 3 Intrigue -1 Diplomancy
Genius +2 all stats
Norscan 2 Martial

Tahvi Two-lives
Older than any of your grandparent's grandparents, Tahvi may be the oldest Jotunheimer alive, and he is almost certainly the worst adult warrior.

However, his power stems not from his body but his faith, and his faith is unshakable. He is absolutely certain that you will do what's best for this tribe.

He seems immensely grateful for your company outside of work, telling you many stories of the tribe from before you were born and even describing his own sacrifice in some detail. You suspect that he is lonely in the way that only man who has outlived entire generations can be.

Tahvi Opinion 10/10

Martial 5
Diplomacy 15
Intrigue 8
Piety 25
Stewardship 16
Learning 13

Devout 3 Piety
Shaman 2 Piety 2 Stewardship
Norscan 2 Martial

Maybol Opinion 6/10

Martial 9
Diplomacy 8
Intrigue 2
Piety 5
Stewardship 22
Learning 14

Architect 2 Stewardship
Administrator 3 Stewardship
Devout 3 Piety
Norscan 2 Martial

Sayble Opinion 6/10

Martial 15
Diplomacy 4
Intrigue 2
Piety 16
Stewardship 16
Learning 22

Scholar 4 Learning 2 Piety -2 Intrigue -2 Martial
Blacksmith 1 Learning 1 Martial
Persuasive 3 Diplomancy
Norscan 2 Martial

[X] Settling down? - Now that you're chief, perhaps you should start looking for a wife? It would be nice to have a child who might carry on your holy task if you fall.

You let it be known that you are considering getting married, and a few advisers point out potential brides.

[]Ashi Axe-Child - Ashi herself suggests this idea to you. She admits that she feels no true love for you, but your marriage would solidify your rule, and you cannot help but think that if your children inherited her talent, they would be fearsome warriors indeed.

[] Mikah the Clever - The woman who practically runs Jotunvagga. She rules not through force of arms or by sheer wealth, but through constant deals and schemes. She rivals Ingga in eloquence and your Nameless in plots. She is also apparently quite attractive. Marrying her would greatly improve how the people of Jotunvagga view you, although, you might have trouble with your shamans since she follows the Singer.

Attributes and traits (attributes include trait bonuses)
Martial 6
Diplomacy 23
Intrigue 22
Piety 9
Stewardship 13
Learning 10

Attractive +2 Diplomacy
Genius +2 all
Norscan 2 Martial

[] Fahday the Raven - A woman from Jotunhroc, the hold of ravens. She has some similarities to the Dire Ravens that nest hear her home. Namely, she has hair of the darkest black, remarkable cleverness, and an inordinate fondness for shiny things. She keeps accounts for the local mines, and she does quite well for herself.

Attributes and traits (attributes include trait bonuses)
Martial 10
Diplomacy 13
Intrigue 10
Piety 18
Stewardship 20
Learning 21

Suave 3 Intrigue -1 Piety Bonus to Fertility
Greedy +3 Stewardship -1 Piety
Scholar +4 Learning +2 Piety -2 Martial
Norscan 2 Martial

[] Wait - You don't have to get married now. You could probably wait a few years without offending anyone, and maybe a woman who would make a better match would arrive?
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