Warhammer Fantasy: Norsca United! (CK2)

Ok then please explain your idea to me again and why you think it would work?
The black arks are essentially floating cities on the back of giant sea monsters.
Use large scale boarding action to get a large military force on it, kill all the druchii on board, or at least most.
Then we take some time, probably on the order of years, to learn how to control it.

Even if they have some self destruct they would have to manage to successfully activate it which we might be able to prevent. And if we capture it intact we can take our time figuring out how it works
The black arks are essentially floating cities on the back of giant sea monsters.
Use large scale boarding action to get a large military force on it, kill all the druchii on board, or at least most.
Then we take some time, probably on the order of years, to learn how to control it.

Even if they have some self destruct they would have to manage to successfully activate it which we might be able to prevent. And if we capture it intact we can take our time figuring out how it works
Let me ask this then how would we move it since I highly doubt we want to wait as long as you suggest in enemy territory?
The black arks are not forever moored in naggaroth's shores. They travel out to do stuff.
We won't be moving it, we will have to capture it in a defensible location to begin with
It is highly unlikely we would be able to track some random Black Arc to such a location to successfully capture it to do what you are suggesting and most Black Arcs are followed by a fleet so it wouldn't be by itself.

Why do you have such a large interest in capturing a Black Arc when we can simply make something different our self or make a non Chaos powered version of the flying ships the Chaos Warriors tried to attack us with?
It is highly unlikely we would be able to track some random Black Arc to such a location to successfully capture it what you are suggesting and most Black Arcs are followed by a fleet so it wouldn't be by itself.
I didn't say it would be alone, but it won't be in the middle of enemy territory, it basically requires for us to have won the overall naval engagement, and instead of sinking the black ark after its escort was sunk, to board it.
And when they attack we usually have forewarning

Why do you have such a large interest in capturing a Black Arc
I don't, I said it would be something neat to do.

when we can simply make something different our self or make a non Chaos powered version of the flying ships the Chaos Warriors tried to attack us with?
Making a black ark equivalent is non trivial. Also the black arks are not powered by chaos
The black arks are essentially floating cities on the back of giant sea monsters.

Just to clarify: Black arcs just straight up levitate. When Malekith decided to throw the worlds biggest temper tantrum at not being made Phoenix King after Bel Shanaar, he destabilized and almost destroyed the Vortex, causing tidal waves that almost destroyed Nagarythe and Tiranoc. Malekith's supported, most of whom were Nagarythen, who would eventually become the Druchii, basically ripped the cores of a few Nagarythen cities out of the ground and used extremely powerful magic to keep them floating above the waves. Many of these were eventually grounded and became the cores of the cities of Naggaroth, but some still serve as mobile naval bases for Dark Elf raiders.
Just to clarify: Black arcs just straight up levitate.
hmmm, a lot of quests (and I do mean A LOT) have them be carry by giant sea monsters. but I double checked some wikis and they just say they float on the sea. but not how specifically...
Also, they say it wasn't malekith that ripped them out, but the local wizards. And that every one is unique. So there are probably some that float, some that levitate, and some that are carried by sea monsters, and who knows what.
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Turn 23 Rumor Mill

News of the Chaos Storm
The Corpse Wall Holds! -
Despite all the effort you put into supporting your vampires in the Chaos Wastes, you're actually surprised when they manage to hold of the hordes of Chaos. You hear reports of battles that last for weeks and endless hordes of demons, but the undead hold. With the help of the Druagr and Kreugar's own undead armies, they actually gain a little ground.

Choas: Endless Hordes of Undead! That's cheating! Order factions aren't allowed to do that, you are supossed to bleed damn it!

Blood in the Water -
West of the your foothold in the wastes, an armada of Chaos worshiper sail out of the Wastes, intent on pillaging the south. However, the navies of Ulthuan, Heimgard, the Empire, and Marienburg were ready and waiting, having been warned by your undead spies. The allied fleets crush the Chaos armada, and sharks feast upon the corpses of marauders.

AN: Your Albionese friends didn't have a chance to win much glory this year because most of the fighting took place in the Wastes or at sea (and the Albionese had yet to board your navy. Some of them are on your ships now.)

Hope those sharks did not eat anything too tainted though all things considered that is a minor problrem to have.

Druchii Stand Firm -
The forces of Chaos slammed into the Naggarothi defenses. However, the Druchii appear to have fended them off yet again. When you heard that, you said it was good news, but you would have been fine with a few more Dark Elves dying. Just a few weeks later, you got your wish in the worst way possible...

Massacre in Naggaroth - You finally learn what happened to all the steppes people in the far east and where all the Nipponese ships went. They've all been gathered up by Morathi, Malekith's damned mother. Halfway through the year, when the Druchii seemed to be doing so well, countless Nipponese ships and Cathayan junks sailed across the Far Sea, bearing Hung and Kurgan cavalry. As soon as her flotilla landed and her forces disembarked, Morathi declared her horde's allegiance to Slaanesh. She demanded that every person in Naggaroth join them or die. At the same time, the Cult of Pleasure struck throughout the Druchii cities, cutting down many of those most likely to resist. This massacre left Malekith's forces realing. Meanwhile, Bretonnia and Estalia scramble to protect their colonies.

We may have to help the Witch King out here. Of course the best help is the one that has us paracticing the noble Norscan traditions of raiding, looting and and kidnapping (Druchi infants).:p

- You have no had enough time to get much news from Cathay, but the first reports sound dark indeed. If they're true, then all of Cathay has plunged into a brutal three-way war between the Cathayans, Chaos, and the Ogres' 'Maw Crusade.'

Terribile news but it's not like there is much we can do about it.

QUOTE="ancusohm, post: 4832020, member: 7154"]
Despite many people's fears, the Empire suffered very little during the first year of the Chaos Storm. They mostly take the time to lick their wounds and recover from the Silver Pinnacle.

Sigmarites United! -
After Adolphus's ringing endorsement of Stirland's Grand Theogenist last year, the Reikland Grand Theogenist has grudgingly accepted defeat and swore obedience to his onetime rival. The Church of Sigmar is once more united under a single leader. However, cynics point out that a thing that has broken once is always easier to break again.

Praise Averland and Talabecland! - Those two provinces shocked the Empire with the sheer magnitude of their generosity. They suffered relatively little over the past few years, and they spent all year helping their less-fortunate neighbors. With their help, Wissenland has been pulled back from the edge of crumbling after the Lahmian pillaged the region. It will be years before the Empire's population reaches its former heights, but it is well on its way to recovery.[/QUOTE]

All is well here.

[QUOTE] Espionage: Adolphus's Vampire Hunt - The Emperor continues his hunt for Lahmians. However, your spies note that some convicted 'Lahmian pawns' happen to be Adolphus's rivals or they happen to be the subject of a Dwarf grudge. Your agents manage to confirm at least some of these convicts were discretely handed over to the Dwarfs for them to 'punish as they see fit.'[/QUOTE]

Well that is practical of him. Iwonder how the Dwarfs see his methods

Espionage: Strigany Exodus? -
Your spies bring you some puzzling news. The Empire is home to many Strigany, people who wander from town to town in caravans. Mysteriously, many of their caravans have begun to journey south. Those who started the year Wissenland have already left the Empire and journeyed into the kingdom of Alesandr. You have no idea what could be calling these wanderers south.

The Strigoi are on the move. Where to I ewonder?

News of the South
Espionage: Skavens are killing each other! No one minds! -
Your Skaven sources have not yet gotten a clear picture of what's happening in the Skaven civil war. However, they can confirm one thing: everyone is taking massive casualties. This is good news in general, and it's particularly welcome now because it means the southern Skaven will be even less likely to come to Moulder's aid.

One of the few unequivocally good pieces of news this turn

Surprises for Settra
- Settra called upon the 'lesser Tomb Kings' to rally to his banner, but many pledged their forces to the Golden King instead. King Phar of Mahrak is always happy to wage war upon his ancient foe, Settra. Additionally, the Golden King won over Sehenesmet, the legendary necrotect of Quatar, by promising to send living servants to help construct and marvel at Sehenesmet's work. Surprisingly, Khalida, High Queen of Lybaras, and several other Tomb King have also turned on Settra. Perhaps, they have grown weary of his arrogance and domination.

Even the Dead can Die - Even with many other Tomb Kings turned against him, Settra still leads the mighty armies of Khemri, and he has the help of the dread necromancer Arkhan the Black. Legions of skeletons clash in countless desert battlefields. So far, there is no clear victor, but every side has lost many forces.

Odd that Setra could work with Arkhan without losing his blessings.

While many of the Sell-Sword king's mercenaries where bought up by Marienburg, Alesandr took the rest of his armies south to fight in Nehekhara. Alesandr personally lead elite forces on lightning strikes against some of Settra's Liche Priests. That madman claims to have cut down half a dozen Tomb Kings and laughed off their death curses. Already, the wealth of plundered dynasties is flowing into his homeland.

Ok, there is something odd about this fellow. Laughing at the curses of Tomb Kings... Sigmar himself would have been more concerned.

News from the Darklands

Ogres Arrive! -
The western branch of the Ogre's 'Maw Crusade' has engaged the Chaos Dwarfs and Grom's Waagh. You've yet to receive much information, but there are rumors that the Chaos Dwarf's last bastions are starting to crumble.

Hope the Ogres win, after getting thoroughly mauled.
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hmmm, a lot of quests (and I do mean A LOT) have them be carry by giant sea monsters. but I double checked some wikis and they just say they float on the sea. but not how specifically...
Also, they say it wasn't malekith that ripped them out, but the local wizards. And that every one is unique. So there are probably some that float, some that levitate, and some that are carried by sea monsters, and who knows what.

Yeah, basically Black Arcs are bullshit. I would like to eventually recreate the levitating fortress bit though, that sounds awesome.

Hope the Ogres win, after getting thoroughly mauled.

I hope the Chaos Dwarves win. They reproduce less quickly, and if we raid them afterwards they're more likely to have intact loot!
Death and Glory! - While many of the Sell-Sword king's mercenaries where bought up by Marienburg, Alesandr took the rest of his armies south to fight in Nehekhara. Alesandr personally lead elite forces on lightning strikes against some of Settra's Liche Priests. That madman claims to have cut down half a dozen Tomb Kings and laughed off their death curses. Already, the wealth of plundered dynasties is flowing into his homeland.
Well this sounds like Alesandr is a Vampire of sorts. Maybe a progenitor?
Espionage: Strigany Exodus? - Your spies bring you some puzzling news. The Empire is home to many Strigany, people who wander from town to town in caravans. Mysteriously, many of their caravans have begun to journey south. Those who started the year Wissenland have already left the Empire and journeyed into the kingdom of Alesandr. You have no idea what could be calling these wanderers south.
Weren't the Strigany the people of a former Vampire Empire? I'm wondering if Alesandr is their leader returned or maybe the Vampires have recovered from what the Lahmians did to them after the bitch's dead.
Well this sounds like Alesandr is a Vampire of sorts. Maybe a progenitor?

Weren't the Strigany the people of a former Vampire Empire? I'm wondering if Alesandr is their leader returned or maybe the Vampires have recovered from what the Lahmians did to them after the bitch's dead.

The Strigany are the people of Strygos which was ruled by Ushoran. Alesandr can't be him because the Strygoi look dsitinctly inhuman.
I seriously doubt fucking with OR helping the Druchii is wise at this point. They're a global superpower, we're a regional power.

The chaos war on our front and screwing with the orcs/ogres is good. But doing anything with Malekith is asking for another very long drawn out backstab or revengr
I can't help but hope that Shadowblade* could manage mission impossible type stunts and manage to assassinate Morathi.

*Named character assassin on TT. Best assassin of the cult of Khaine in lore.
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... if Alexander-expy was an vampirized Strygoi ex-tomb king who managed to survive without drinking animal blood (go monstrous/insane), would it explain how he is giving zero fucks about the Tomb King's "Going Down With Me!"-Curse?
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... if Alexander-expy was an vampirized Strygoi ex-tomb king who managed to survive without drinking animal blood (go monstrous/insane), would it explain how he is giving zero fucks about the Tomb King's "Going Down With Me!"-Curse?
It might also be that he is such an awesome leader that his troops are believing in him to the extent that he is ascending to godhood
I seriously doubt fucking with OR helping the Druchii is wise at this point. They're a global superpower, we're a regional power.

The chaos war on our front and screwing with the orcs/ogres is good. But doing anything with Malekith is asking for another very long drawn out backstab or revengr
Well, we've already fucked with them by raiding them, no? We could simply just make sure it's not connected to us.
We have higher priority targets for intrigue actions like Skaven, orcs, ogres, and Chaos.

If we're taking a sneak attack it'd be via backing up the Asur in their projects.
hmmm, a lot of quests (and I do mean A LOT) have them be carry by giant sea monsters. but I double checked some wikis and they just say they float on the sea. but not how specifically...
Also, they say it wasn't malekith that ripped them out, but the local wizards. And that every one is unique. So there are probably some that float, some that levitate, and some that are carried by sea monsters, and who knows what.
Nah mate.

The Druchii do have castles carried by seamonsters(Seadragons and Seadrakes really) in Man O' War but they aren't Black Arks.

They can however, be transported by Black Arks, just to give a sense of scale.
We have higher priority targets for intrigue actions like Skaven, orcs, ogres, and Chaos.

If we're taking a sneak attack it'd be via backing up the Asur in their projects.
If the Shadow Warriors can be allowed to stage raids out of Skeggi that would make them more effective in attacking the Chaos forces and kidnapping the Dark Elf children.
If the Shadow Warriors can be allowed to stage raids out of Skeggi that would make them more effective in attacking the Chaos forces and kidnapping the Dark Elf children.
I think Arnheim is closer.

Skeggi is like WHFB Belize.

The Tilean and Estalian colonies are probably also closer.

Of course, if we spend some time expanding(possibly bringing the west-coast based Nipponese under our banner), we could try to act as a WHFB Panama(though perhaps sans canal).