Warhammer Fantasy: Norsca United! (CK2)

I'll point out that this plan effectively has us backing the Margaret Thatcher of Sky Titans, not Ghengis Khan or something. Yeah you can have a militarized society without being constant warmongers or neglecting national infrastructure. Historically, it was the military that often drove a lot of the urbanization/industrialization. We can advisors mitigate the worst of it, it's not like she has awful diplo.
Anc, at your discretion, could we possibly get some Intrigue/Diplomacy options when it becomes relevant to keep the Maw Eater's western horse firmly occupied/pointed towards Grom's forces? Or maybe even an option to trick/nudge them north, into the Chaos Wastes and the endless bounties of Chaod worshipping nutjobs?
Anc, at your discretion, could we possibly get some Intrigue/Diplomacy options when it becomes relevant to keep the Maw Eater's western horse firmly occupied/pointed towards Grom's forces? Or maybe even an option to trick/nudge them north, into the Chaos Wastes and the endless bounties of Chaod worshipping nutjobs?

While I'm OK with most of this sending the Ogre Army into the Wastes just guarantees an Army of Chaos Ogres marching south in the near future. Needless to say that is something to be avoided.
While I'm OK with most of this sending the Ogre Army into the Wastes just guarantees an Army of Chaos Ogres marching south in the near future. Needless to say that is something to be avoided.
I would think it would just result in them getting killed and our Chaotic enemies being severely occupied. Aren't Ogres like really immune to Chaos corruption?
Turn 23 Rumor Mill
Turn 23 Rumor Mill

News of the Chaos Storm
The Corpse Wall Holds! -
Despite all the effort you put into supporting your vampires in the Chaos Wastes, you're actually surprised when they manage to hold of the hordes of Chaos. You hear reports of battles that last for weeks and endless hordes of demons, but the undead hold. With the help of the Druagr and Kreugar's own undead armies, they actually gain a little ground.

Blood in the Water - West of the your foothold in the wastes, an armada of Chaos worshiper sail out of the Wastes, intent on pillaging the south. However, the navies of Ulthuan, Heimgard, the Empire, and Marienburg were ready and waiting, having been warned by your undead spies. The allied fleets crush the Chaos armada, and sharks feast upon the corpses of marauders.

AN: Your Albionese friends didn't have a chance to win much glory this year because most of the fighting took place in the Wastes or at sea (and the Albionese had yet to board your navy. Some of them are on your ships now.)

Druchii Stand Firm - The forces of Chaos slammed into the Naggarothi defenses. However, the Druchii appear to have fended them off yet again. When you heard that, you said it was good news, but you would have been fine with a few more Dark Elves dying. Just a few weeks later, you got your wish in the worst way possible...

Massacre in Naggaroth - You finally learn what happened to all the steppes people in the far east and where all the Nipponese ships went. They've all been gathered up by Morathi, Malekith's damned mother. Halfway through the year, when the Druchii seemed to be doing so well, countless Nipponese ships and Cathayan junks sailed across the Far Sea, bearing Hung and Kurgan cavalry. As soon as her flotilla landed and her forces disembarked, Morathi declared her horde's allegiance to Slaanesh. She demanded that every person in Naggaroth join them or die. At the same time, the Cult of Pleasure struck throughout the Druchii cities, cutting down many of those most likely to resist. This massacre left Malekith's forces realing. Meanwhile, Bretonnia and Estalia scramble to protect their colonies.

In the East... - You have no had enough time to get much news from Cathay, but the first reports sound dark indeed. If they're true, then all of Cathay has plunged into a brutal three-way war between the Cathayans, Chaos, and the Ogres' 'Maw Crusade.'

News of the Empire
Despite many people's fears, the Empire suffered very little during the first year of the Chaos Storm. They mostly take the time to lick their wounds and recover from the Silver Pinnacle.

Sigmarites United! -
After Adolphus's ringing endorsement of Stirland's Grand Theogenist last year, the Reikland Grand Theogenist has grudgingly accepted defeat and swore obedience to his onetime rival. The Church of Sigmar is once more united under a single leader. However, cynics point out that a thing that has broken once is always easier to break again.

Praise Averland and Talabecland! - Those two provinces shocked the Empire with the sheer magnitude of their generosity. They suffered relatively little over the past few years, and they spent all year helping their less-fortunate neighbors. With their help, Wissenland has been pulled back from the edge of crumbling after the Lahmian pillaged the region. It will be years before the Empire's population reaches its former heights, but it is well on its way to recovery.

Espionage: Adolphus's Vampire Hunt - The Emperor continues his hunt for Lahmians. However, your spies note that some convicted 'Lahmian pawns' happen to be Adolphus's rivals or they happen to be the subject of a Dwarf grudge. Your agents manage to confirm at least some of these convicts were discretely handed over to the Dwarfs for them to 'punish as they see fit.'

Espionage: Strigany Exodus? - Your spies bring you some puzzling news. The Empire is home to many Strigany, people who wander from town to town in caravans. Mysteriously, many of their caravans have begun to journey south. Those who started the year Wissenland have already left the Empire and journeyed into the kingdom of Alesandr. You have no idea what could be calling these wanderers south.

News of the South
Espionage: Skavens are killing each other! No one minds! -
Your Skaven sources have not yet gotten a clear picture of what's happening in the Skaven civil war. However, they can confirm one thing: everyone is taking massive casualties. This is good news in general, and it's particularly welcome now because it means the southern Skaven will be even less likely to come to Moulder's aid.

Surprises for Settra
- Settra called upon the 'lesser Tomb Kings' to rally to his banner, but many pledged their forces to the Golden King instead. King Phar of Mahrak is always happy to wage war upon his ancient foe, Settra. Additionally, the Golden King won over Sehenesmet, the legendary necrotect of Quatar, by promising to send living servants to help construct and marvel at Sehenesmet's work. Surprisingly, Khalida, High Queen of Lybaras, and several other Tomb King have also turned on Settra. Perhaps, they have grown weary of his arrogance and domination.

Even the Dead can Die - Even with many other Tomb Kings turned against him, Settra still leads the mighty armies of Khemri, and he has the help of the dread necromancer Arkhan the Black. Legions of skeletons clash in countless desert battlefields. So far, there is no clear victor, but every side has lost many forces.

Death and Glory! - While many of the Sell-Sword king's mercenaries where bought up by Marienburg, Alesandr took the rest of his armies south to fight in Nehekhara. Alesandr personally lead elite forces on lightning strikes against some of Settra's Liche Priests. That madman claims to have cut down half a dozen Tomb Kings and laughed off their death curses. Already, the wealth of plundered dynasties is flowing into his homeland.

News from the Darklands
Ogres Arrive! -
The western branch of the Ogre's 'Maw Crusade' has engaged the Chaos Dwarfs and Grom's Waagh. You've yet to receive much information, but there are rumors that the Chaos Dwarf's last bastions are starting to crumble.
Massacre in Naggaroth - You finally learn what happened to all the steppes people in the far east and where all the Nipponese ships went. They've all been gathered up by Morathi, Malekith's damned mother. Halfway through the year, when the Druchii seemed to be doing so well, countless Nipponese ships and Cathayan junks sailed across the Far Sea, bearing Hung and Kurgan cavalry. As soon as her flotilla landed and her forces disembarked, Morathi declared her horde's allegiance to Slaanesh. She demanded that every person in Naggaroth join them or die. At the same time, the Cult of Pleasure struck throughout the Druchii cities, cutting down many of those most likely to resist. This massacre left Malekith's forces realing. Meanwhile, Bretonnia and Estalia scramble to protect their colonies.

It couldn't have happened to nicer people

Espionage: Skavens are killing each other! No one minds! - Your Skaven sources have not yet gotten a clear picture of what's happening in the Skaven civil war. However, they can confirm one thing: everyone is taking massive casualties. This is good news in general, and it's particularly welcome now because it means the southern Skaven will be even less likely to come to Moulder's aid.

See above re: probability of these events affecting nicer people

Surprises for Settra - Settra called upon the 'lesser Tomb Kings' to rally to his banner, but many pledged their forces to the Golden King instead. King Phar of Mahrak is always happy to wage war upon his ancient foe, Settra. Additionally, the Golden King won over Sehenesmet, the legendary necrotect of Quatar, by promising to send living servants to help construct and marvel at Sehenesmet's work. Surprisingly, Khalida, High Queen of Lybaras, and several other Tomb King have also turned on Settra. Perhaps, they have grown weary of his arrogance and domination.

Wow. This is actually great news. Just stalemanting Settra is doing to world a service.
Ok...the home situation of the Old World is actually quite good. Very good, all things considered.

But now the Ogres have arrived, and another threat looms.

We're going to have to look to insuring those issues are dealt with/contained well before they reach us.

We don't need to defeat the stupid bitch Morathi, but amazingly enough, even Malekith would be better than her. At least he fights AGAINST Chaos, we don't need an entire fucking continent falling under the control of the Ruinous Powers.
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Surprises for Settra - Settra called upon the 'lesser Tomb Kings' to rally to his banner, but many pledged their forces to the Golden King instead. King Phar of Mahrak is always happy to wage war upon his ancient foe, Settra. Additionally, the Golden King won over Sehenesmet, the legendary necrotect of Quatar, by promising to send living servants to help construct and marvel at Sehenesmet's work. Surprisingly, Khalida, High Queen of Lybaras, and several other Tomb King have also turned on Settra. Perhaps, they have grown weary of his arrogance and domination.
Wow. Didn't we all write off the Golden King as totally screwed IIRC?
Massacre in Naggaroth - You finally learn what happened to all the steppes people in the far east and where all the Nipponese ships went. They've all been gathered up by Morathi, Malekith's damned mother. Halfway through the year, when the Druchii seemed to be doing so well, countless Nipponese ships and Cathayan junks sailed across the Far Sea, bearing Hung and Kurgan cavalry. As soon as her flotilla landed and her forces disembarked, Morathi declared her horde's allegiance to Slaanesh. She demanded that every person in Naggaroth join them or die. At the same time, the Cult of Pleasure struck throughout the Druchii cities, cutting down many of those most likely to resist. This massacre left Malekith's forces realing. Meanwhile, Bretonnia and Estalia scramble to protect their colonies.
Should make raiding their territory for Elven children easier so we can hand them over to the High Elves.

Still maybe also kill the Chaos forces since Malekith is still better.
Surprises for Settra - Settra called upon the 'lesser Tomb Kings' to rally to his banner, but many pledged their forces to the Golden King instead. King Phar of Mahrak is always happy to wage war upon his ancient foe, Settra. Additionally, the Golden King won over Sehenesmet, the legendary necrotect of Quatar, by promising to send living servants to help construct and marvel at Sehenesmet's work. Surprisingly, Khalida, High Queen of Lybaras, and several other Tomb King have also turned on Settra. Perhaps, they have grown weary of his arrogance and domination.
This is awesome and lets see if any of the Albionese want to help the Golden King out.
Death and Glory! - While many of the Sell-Sword king's mercenaries where bought up by Marienburg, Alesandr took the rest of his armies south to fight in Nehekhara. Alesandr personally lead elite forces on lightning strikes against some of Settra's Liche Priests. That madman claims to have cut down half a dozen Tomb Kings and laughed off their death curses. Already, the wealth of plundered dynasties is flowing into his homeland.
Seriously what is up with this guy?
Ogres Arrive! - The western branch of the Ogre's 'Maw Crusade' has engaged the Chaos Dwarfs and Grom's Waagh. You've yet to receive much information, but there are rumors that the Chaos Dwarf's last bastions are starting to crumble.
Let's see how Grom does against the Ogres.
Hrmm, it might be an idea to try and start the action that get's us into contact with the eastern nations soon.

I dount we'll be able to help much but I am getting really uncomfortable with just receiving little gasps of "everything is horrible" from that area.
This is a golden opportunity (pun not intended) to insure a reasonably moderate Nehekharan wins out against Settra.

We obviously need to put some effort in to insure that the threat of Grom and the Wsetern Maw Crusade are diminished killing each other, and not threatening us.
It seems fairly clear that our stalemating of chaos pushed them to point where they needed to activate Morathi, which is pretty horrifying all things considered. The Hell Pit is ripe for the taking and the Chaos Dwarfs are fucked at this point. We really ought to send some sort of force into Naggoroth soon enough, Malekith is still better than chaos after all. Amusingly enough we pretty much have the perfect target for an Albion crusade now in Naggoroth, and it's likely not going to be resolved for a while.
Massacre in Naggaroth - You finally learn what happened to all the steppes people in the far east and where all the Nipponese ships went. They've all been gathered up by Morathi, Malekith's damned mother. Halfway through the year, when the Druchii seemed to be doing so well, countless Nipponese ships and Cathayan junks sailed across the Far Sea, bearing Hung and Kurgan cavalry. As soon as her flotilla landed and her forces disembarked, Morathi declared her horde's allegiance to Slaanesh. She demanded that every person in Naggaroth join them or die. At the same time, the Cult of Pleasure struck throughout the Druchii cities, cutting down many of those most likely to resist. This massacre left Malekith's forces realing. Meanwhile, Bretonnia and Estalia scramble to protect their colonies.
Holy shit.. did this happen via rolls?
Is there a reason we can't just give Ashi one of the holy spears @ancusohm ?
Nope. I'll go ahead
Is it possible that if Chief Fionnuala and her people attain a lot of glory in this upcoming battle, that she might be more galvanized to seek action?

Alternatively -- is it possible for us to spend some time with some of these people, maybe affect them a bit?
Yes and yes.
@ancusohm was wondering have Hall, the Great Mother, and the new Sky Titans considered getting covered in Rune tattoos since given their size they can get a bunch?
Yes. those options are coming.
@ancusohm why would we want to support a Giant to rule instead of the "Biggest Ones" who are most likely already Sky Titans with countless years of experience leading the Giants of Albion and might have retained knowledge about old Sky Titan culture?
Oh, the Biggest Ones aren't a separate group, it's just a term for the largest Giants who are usually also the most intelligent.
@ancusohm are Bologs and his brother a thing in this? They were canonically the biggest still-active Giants on Albion, but they might've been kidnapped by that one Tilean by now. Not sure.
They were kidnapped centuries ago.
Anc, at your discretion, could we possibly get some Intrigue/Diplomacy options when it becomes relevant to keep the Maw Eater's western horse firmly occupied/pointed towards Grom's forces? Or maybe even an option to trick/nudge them north, into the Chaos Wastes and the endless bounties of Chaod worshipping nutjobs?
You'll have options to interact with the Maw Crusade now that they've gotten relatively near.
Sure. The Counter Storm looks like the aurora borealis
Sweet @EVA-Saiyajin you still want to make an omake about the Counter Storm and peoples' reaction to it's beauty or can I give it a go?
It seems fairly clear that our stalemating of chaos pushed them to point where they needed to activate Morathi, which is pretty horrifying all things considered. The Hell Pit is ripe for the taking and the Chaos Dwarfs are fucked at this point. We really ought to send some sort of force into Naggoroth soon enough, Malekith is still better than chaos after all. Amusingly enough we pretty much have the perfect target for an Albion crusade now in Naggoroth, and it's likely not going to be resolved for a while.
It's weak enough and we have locked down Skeggi we can raid it for Elven children to give to the High Elves and raid the Chaos forces so the DArk Elves can fight them off.

Maybe convince the Slann to help out kill the Chaos forces north of them.
Nope. I'll go ahead

Yes and yes.

Yes. those options are coming.

Oh, the Biggest Ones aren't a separate group, it's just a term for the largest Giants who are usually also the most intelligent.

They were kidnapped centuries ago.

You'll have options to interact with the Maw Crusade now that they've gotten relatively near.
A very interesting Rumor Mill phase.