Jarlsmeet 2440 - Part 3
[X] Grant Gustav's Request
[X] Grant Hilga's Request
[X] Deny Oovuh's Request
[X] Grant Ingemar's Request
[X] Spend the evening with Oovuh
[X] Discuss giving the Ogres and Dwarfs of Heimgard some form of representation at the Jarlsmeet - Low Risk
You grant every request except for Oovuh's. Except for him, they are all quite pleased. Ingemar plans to go on his pilgrimage at the start of the new year.
That evening, you have dinner with Ooovuh to make up for refusing his request. Unfortunately, Ashi was occupied with leading the raids and was unable to attend. Over dinner, you explain that he simply doesn't have the military experience to command all of Heimgard's ship. He accepts your reasoning, but it irks him a little.
You and Oovuh discuss many matters: some trivial, others important. Finally, Oovuh asks, "My king, may I speak freely?"
You blink. "Of course. You need not mince words with me."
"Alright." He takes a deep breath, looks you in the eye, and ask, "What's your game?"
"Excuse me?"
"What's your game? You push for the Ancestors and then you let the other faiths seek support from their Southern cousins. By the Wastes, you let Ingemar go of to lick the Ar-Ulric's boots. It's like you want to split his loyalties." He pauses. "That's it, isn't it? You're going to 'catch' him committing 'treason.'"
Even with Dringor's lessons, you're not much of a schemer, so you don't understand Oovuh's implication. You try to cover that up by replying, "And why would I do that?"
Grinning like he's finally solved a puzzle, Oovuh replies, "So you can justly depose him and install someone more tractable. Put one of those Bjornlinger, milk-blooded, merchants on the throne, and they'll make far less trouble than that fanatic."
"You think I'd do that?"
He frowns. "Why wouldn't you?"
The Allfather within you murmurs that Oovuh's scheme is worth considering, but you've taught yourself to ignore his ruthlessness. "I don't start fights with my family while our home burns around us. "
"I didn't realize Heimgard was on fire."
"It's not, but it's made of try timber and it boarders the greatest bonfire in the world. " You gesture north. "Chaos is right there, waiting and watching for any weakness. And our nation is new and fragile. If we give It the chance, it will crush everything we've made. I won't risk disaster by deposing a good Jarl just because someone might be better."
"Ah," Is Oovuh's only reply. You can see the machinery of his mind process this new information.
You decide to cut off his contemplations. "Oovuh. You're an ambitious man. You wouldn't have gotten where you are now if you weren't, and that's fine. Ambition has its uses, but it must also have its limits. Play your games but do nothing that risks the board itself. Do you want glory, honors, and wealth? Fine. Seek them. But do not advance yourself by dragging another Heimgarder backwards. If we fall to Chaos, all our treasures and all our glory will count for nothing."
"Ah." Oovuh says again.
You let him think over your words in silence.
At last, he asks, "You really believe all that don't you?"
"Huh. All this time, I thought it was just a line you told people to make them shut up and obey. But you truly see Chaos as the greatest enemy." He hurries to add, "And It is an enemy, to be sure. Its gifts are poison and its blessings are curses. I've watched my people dance to Chaos's tune, and I have no desire to do so again. But still..." He pauses, gazing off into the middle distance. "I've let myself get caught up in with small matters, like leading glorious but pointless raids and tweaking that Bjorlinger's nose. But I should have been focused on what truly matters: ensuring my people live to even speak of my glory."
That wasn't quite what you meant, but it's something.
Oovuh locks eyes with you. "I've acted like a child, playfighting while my father prepares for true battle. Thank you for correcting me. In the future, I shall make sure to remember our true enemy."
Oovuh's ambition directed away from backstabbing other Jarls and towards building up his own people and fighting Chaos
AN: Behold the results of high rolls and large diplomacy bonuses
* * * * *
The next day, you raise the issue of giving the Grendels, Ogres, halflings, even the dwarfs some representation on the council. The motion passes largely unopposed but Oovuh asks if you truly want to give the members of each race a vote or merely a voice.
AN: The vote on the suboptions was very close, so I'm giving you all a chance to reconsider.
[] Give the official representative of each of the different races a vote
[] Give the official representative of each of the different races a voice at Jarlmeets, but deny them the right to vote
[] Give the official representative of SOME of the different races a vote and other only a voice
AN: Unless you specifically state otherwise, I'm assuming that no plan involves granting gnoblars the vote
You spend the rest of the day discussing the details of your plan.
You may spend the evening with the Jarl of your choice.
[] Spend the evening with (Write in which one and if you'd like to discuss anything in particular)
Tomorrow, you will discuss other matters. The Jarls seem to be getting restless. They will discuss one last serious matter before returning to their regular duties
[] Write in what you'd like to discuss - May vote for options from part 1
However, this gives you another chance to spend personal time with one of your Jarls after the vote tomorrow
[] Spend the NEXT evening with (Write in which one and if you'd like to discuss anything in particular)