WARHAMMER 40,000 Genestealer Management Quest


Planetary Company
Thedias Prime​
Defensive Psykers [MIGHT]: +2d to fight anyone who is using combat psykers against you.
Pleasurable Kiss [TERRITORY]: +2d to raise Sovereignty
Kelermorphs [Influence]: +2d to unconventional warfare (doing it)
Space Marines: +2d+MD to a single might or unconventional warfare roll per month.​
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first fun goal:
[X] (write in) elevate humanity with not just the gifts of the Star Children but by making mankind and eldars one (this includes leaving this planet)

now to the cult itself:
[X] The Cult of the True Unity
-[X] 2 Might
-[X] 2 Treasure
-[X] 1 Influence
-[X] 1 Territory
-[X] 4 Sovereignty
-[X] Assets: "Techwights, Armorers and Manufactories", "Revolutionary Rhetoric", "Areospace Access", "Predictable Bounty"
[X] Build a psionic utopia where all are one

Seems the much more interesting option I would say

[X] The Ascensionists
-[X] 1 Might
-[X] 2 Treasure
-[X] 4 Influence
-[X] 2 Territory
-[X] 2 Sovereignty
-[X] Assets: True Love, Revolutionary Rhetoric, Uncomfortable allies (Tzeentchians)

Made a plan!
@DragonCobolt Can we pick multiple copies of an asset?

[] The Magos Is Oblivious
-[] 1 Sovereignty
-[] 13*True Love
-[] Goal : Finally recognizing feelings exist, and perhaps, acting upon them
Actually, you know what, fuck it, if the Magus is Oblivious wins, this is no longer Genestealer Management Quest, this Wild Talents GEnestealer superhero polyamorous heartthrob quest! Are you chicken? Gonna play CHICKEN with me? WITH DRAGON COBOLT? HUH???
I could not resist the stupid impulse.

-[X] 6 Might
-[X] 6 Sovereignty
-[X] Assets: Swarm Tactics; Tunnels and Bunkers; Limited Hive Mind
-[X] Goal: Build a psionic utopia where all are one

And retaining my first plan, just in case.

[X] Beautiful Freedom
-[X] 2 Might
-[X] 2 Treasure
-[X] 2 Influence
-[X] 2 Territory
-[X] 3 Sovereignty
-[X] Assets: Techwights, Armorers and Manufactories; We Will Die Free; Beautiful Hybrids; Pleasurable Kiss
-[X]Goal: Build a democratic, free society where all can live in peace and plenty
[X] The Sisterhood of the Leviathan

-[X] 6 Might
-[X] 6 Sovereignty
-[X] Assets: Swarm Tactics; Tunnels and Bunkers; Limited Hive Mind
-[X] Goal: Build a psionic utopia where all are one

[X] Beautiful Freedom
-[X] 2 Might
-[X] 2 Treasure
-[X] 2 Influence
-[X] 2 Territory
-[X] 3 Sovereignty
-[X] Assets: Techwights, Armorers and Manufactories; We Will Die Free; Beautiful Hybrids; Pleasurable Kiss
-[X]Goal: Build a democratic, free society where all can live in peace and plenty
-[X] Goal : In the moment between death and dissolution, there was a conception. One final creature, born to the flesh that was not prepared for it. One final creature hidden among piles of treasure and fed upon the corpses of those who could not stand it's awakening. One final creature, that when nourished and grown, would allow the feeble and disposses to go everywhere they want, to never fear the Imperium again.

I'm not sure what this goal means, can you rewrite it to be a bit more simple, specific and less flowery?
I'm not sure what this goal means, can you rewrite it to be a bit more simple, specific and less flowery?
But I like flowers.

Anyway, in simple terms.
-[] The cult has a deeply immature, deeply juvenile Tyranid bioship, which they hope to use as a spaceship/club house. Now, gene stealer cults normally don't have that, which is why this one has a grand shortage of cultists, and a large collection of former cultist's assets.
[X] Plan: Poor but Connected, Together
-[x] Build a democratic, free society where all can live in peace and plenty
-[x] 1 MIGHT: Well meaning but poorly trained gangers, with a few auto-pistols and knives.
-[x] 2 TREASURE: Your cult is struggling to make ends meet, but no one is actively starving to death, not even the lowliest members.
-[x] 3 INFLUENCE: Your cult now likely has at least one harried and overworked spymaster.
-[x] 2 TERRITORY: A town, a modest settlement - ten thousand or more people.
-[x] 4 SOVERIGNTY: Unusual dedication, either due to exceptional leadership, communal spirit, or the overweening charisma of a tyrant.
-[x] Assets: Beautiful Hybrids, We Will Die Free, Revolutionary Rhetoric

[X] The Unbroken Chain

[X] The Sisterhood of the Leviathan

[X] Beautiful Freedom

[X] The Magos Is Oblivious

[X] The Magos Is Oblivious

[X] Plan Road Trip
-[X] Goal: Escape this fucking planet
-[X] 1 Might
-[X] 2 Treasure
-[X] 2 Influence
-[X] 1 Territory
-[X] 5 Sovereignty
-[X]Assets: Limited Hive Mind; Techwights, Armorers and Manufactories; Areospace Access; Uncomfortable Allies: Tech Priests
[X] Most Serene People's Republic

[X] Beautiful Freedom

[X] Plan: Poor but Connected, Together
[X] The Sisterhood of the Leviathan
[X] The Fellowship of Singing Stars
[X] Most Serene People's Republic
[X] The Magos Is Oblivious