WARHAMMER 40,000 Genestealer Management Quest


Planetary Company
Thedias Prime​
Defensive Psykers [MIGHT]: +2d to fight anyone who is using combat psykers against you.
Pleasurable Kiss [TERRITORY]: +2d to raise Sovereignty
Kelermorphs [Influence]: +2d to unconventional warfare (doing it)
Space Marines: +2d+MD to a single might or unconventional warfare roll per month.​
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I am damned. I am fallen. But I was also wrong.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we got her.

The question was when to tell the Cult that they were quite possibly the luckiest genestealer corruption to have ever been spawned? To tell them that they, and they alone, had the ideology without any of the lies?

Please ASAP. I think it would be cool if an endgame goal was to get revenge on a hive fleet for lying.

Also how much control do we have over the pure forms? Are they mostly just listening to us in the abscence of a hive fleet to follow, or can we do some research to secure them to our leaders? Can we learn how to grow some by ourselves?

Then the question became entirely secondary as she whispered to Yolanda. "...c-can someone please put a baby in me, please please please?"

Yolanda laughed.

Wizard babies o boy
I'll say that every asset counts as a dot - so, you can eventually "max out" at a combination of dice and assets (since you can never beat a diff 11 check.) After that, you can only raise dice by consuming other companies.

So what's the net effect of this asset from chargen?

[ ] Revolutionary Rhetoric (-1 difficulty to raise Sovereignty or Might)

If a sovereignty asset increases the difficulty of raising sov, then....
The Marines Malevolent were trying to, as usual, be as outrageous as possible and impress the Deathwatch squadron into their command - something that was flagrantly illegal and bound to bring the fury of the Deathwatch and the Ordos Xenos onto the heads of those blackguards, but she wasn't entirely sure if they cared.
Going after Chaos is all well and good, but this feels like a useful lever to damage the more intact Space Marines, if we can make sure their eyes are bigger than their stomach.
Yeah I think our next step is to see if we can get the MM and deathwatch to kill each other.
How many of each space marine group are there? I think 2 remaining deathwatch and at least 12 marines malevolent.

- We were attacked by 3 deathwatch space marines, I think. Olrax, Hatoshi and Gaius
- we killed one: Olrax, the commander of the Deathwatch
- we have one that we could potentially recruit: Hatoshi, another Deathwatch marine who is fucking Yolanda
- Gaius, was the one Xandra was crushing to death when Hatoshi stabbed her. We don't know if Gaius is still alive

We have this from the party scene, but I don't think we know how many marines are available but did not attend the party:

But...there were only three Deathwatch marines - maybe twelve Marines Malevolent.

If there are only 2 deathwatch marines left and one of them is already under our influence then I'm not sure we should send them against the more numerous Marines Malevolent who are likely to kill them all.

I think the Marines Malevolent are already positioning themselves to take whatever they please from this world and damn the consequences from the wider Imperium.

I think it might be in character for the interrogator to take steps to protect herself, her remaining elites (the deathwatch) and maybe other imperial institutions from being looted by the Marines Malevolent. I think she can do this before pretending to focus on the cult again.

The action is probably something like influencing the marines malevolent to back off, rolling influence + treasure = 6, hopefully plus a stunt bonus from a write-in.

I think we should have the cult work to take over the deathwatch and then the interrogator's operation. Then we win whether the marines malevolent take them over or not: if they do then we get fairly well-placed saboteurs for when we inevitably have to oppose the marines malevolent on something; if they don't then we still have 2 deathwatch genestealers and some of the interrogator's network.
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[X] Influence Lackeys: Lose Trail
-[X] Shenxia expected, and we believe the rest of the cell still expects, that the genestealer cult is collapsing, which on the ground would mean losing assets, protection contracts, shady deals. Rival gangs moving in. And wouldn't you know it, you just got a friendly rival gang.
-[X] Stage a feigned collapse, whereby the Orbtz take over what used to be cult assets.
--[X] As part of the feign create small skirmish against Skavz and mock skirmish of us vs Orbtz to really sell the Orbtz are the controller of the territory.

[X] Being Informed (Influence + Soverignty vs Diff 1)
-[X] Give all the other power players of Thedias a quick once over for sake of "making sure the genestealers hadn't corrupted any of the lower ranks." Why'll any sort depth investigation would draw too much attention and make unnecessary enemies, you can at least get an idea of both what they've up to and what their planning to accomplish in the next few months.
-[X] Also try to keep an eye out for any signs of the ruinous powers while "confirming" the sisterhood is gone. It is possible you might have missed them while pursuing your newfound allies, and it would suck to immediately get surprised by them just as you let your guard down.
So, guys, I want you to know that today, I learned that the three short stories that I needed to write for my editor? I didn't actually have them done, and I forgot that they were due today-ish!

So, in a single twelve hour period I wrote three 5k short stories and I am exhausted and will take all of monday off

Please clap
So, guys, I want you to know that today, I learned that the three short stories that I needed to write for my editor? I didn't actually have them done, and I forgot that they were due today-ish!

So, in a single twelve hour period I wrote three 5k short stories and I am exhausted and will take all of monday off

Please clap
Dragon, the only people who outdo you are people who: are good at writing; use cocaine. Go get some rest and come back to things with rest when you're ready.
So, guys, I want you to know that today, I learned that the three short stories that I needed to write for my editor? I didn't actually have them done, and I forgot that they were due today-ish!

So, in a single twelve hour period I wrote three 5k short stories and I am exhausted and will take all of monday off

Please clap
I'm pretty sure you have writing superpowers dragon.

Eep well!
Adhoc vote count started by DragonCobolt on Jan 21, 2025 at 9:44 AM, finished with 48 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Influence Lackeys: Lose Trail
    -[X] Shenxia expected, and we believe the rest of the cell still expects, that the genestealer cult is collapsing, which on the ground would mean losing assets, protection contracts, shady deals. Rival gangs moving in. And wouldn't you know it, you just got a friendly rival gang.
    -[X] Stage a feigned collapse, whereby the Orbtz take over what used to be cult assets.
    --[X] As part of the feign create small skirmish against Skavz and mock skirmish of us vs Orbtz to really sell the Orbtz are the controller of the territory.
    [X] Being Informed (Influence + Soverignty vs Diff 1)
    -[X] Give all the other power players of Thedias a quick once over for sake of "making sure the genestealers hadn't corrupted any of the lower ranks." Why'll any sort depth investigation would draw too much attention and make unnecessary enemies, you can at least get an idea of both what they've up to and what their planning to accomplish in the next few months.
    -[X] Also try to keep an eye out for any signs of the ruinous powers while "confirming" the sisterhood is gone. It is possible you might have missed them while pursuing your newfound allies, and it would suck to immediately get surprised by them just as you let your guard down.
    [X] Increase your Sovereignty (Territory + Treasure vs Diff [Current Sovereignty])
    -[X] Acquiring assets: Revolutionary Rhetoric (-1 difficulty to raise Sovereignty or Might)
    --[X] Organize as whole cult as possible secret convention to adapt a more revolutionary practice. We won't create stuffy and boring convention. We will have dances in our revolution!
    ---[X] It's been too long for our resource to sit still gathering dust. Organize internal mutual aid and utilize it. We shall have Bread and Rose!
    ---[X] Let's celebrate our recent achievement, the welcomed Sisters from the Orbtz and the defense of the Sisterhood from Deathwatch attack. We can succeed! We will have Justice and Peace!
    ---[X] Write down together new revolutionary pamphlet. For The Child!

All right! +2d for the lose trail plan, however, that IS being opposed by the Inquisitorial company. But Shexia, being in charge of the Inquisitorial company, can choose in which order she rolls things!

So, she will roll her gather information with a full pool, then roll her investigation on your cult with her second pool, after it's been degraded. She's such a good girl, isn't she? Yolanda will be sure to give her lots of head pets.

Roll 1: Good job, Shexia! 2x10 will get you a nice, full dossier on any Chayyyyyosssss
Roll 2: Oh NO! One of Shexia's underlings is still a diligent, hard working loyalist and got a 2x2, despite Shexia pulling her bonus +2d.
DragonCobolt threw 8 10-faced dice. Reason: Gathering Information (Inq) Total: 53
8 8 7 7 6 6 9 9 10 10 2 2 1 1 10 10
DragonCobolt threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Finding Cult (Inq) Total: 4
2 2 2 2
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Ay 2x10 once again. Hope any intel got sent and we aren't detected again. We need how much dice for Influence Lackey?

Let's roll then. Pray for beginner It is my first roll.
Okay 2x8 and 3x2. Do width matter in influence roll?
Also do we have fancy dice?
UrbanAvena threw 10 10-faced dice. Reason: Influence Lackey 10d10 Total: 44
1 1 8 8 2 2 2 2 6 6 10 10 2 2 4 4 8 8 1 1
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Analysis, Arguments and Auguries (1.1)
Xandra winced as a sparking las-welder touched the new augmetic spine implant she was getting, sparks spraying up and skidding along the leaded surgical apron she wore. She laid on her belly, and by looking up, she could see Yolanda, beaming as if she had invented women themselves, standing next to the Interrogator. Xandra had to admit, she was a tasty looking thing - and she saw the faintly unfocused look of the fresh implantation in her purple eyes, and smirked slightly.

"You did cover for her, right?" she asked.

"Of course i did!" Yolanda said, brushing her hand through her hair, while the Interrogator looked at Xandra, her brow furrowing, her lips pursed. Seeing that, Yolanda chuckled. "Don't be so put out, my love. We had to rescue Xan-Xan."

"Don't call me that," Xandra said, as the door to the surgical chamber rapped. A voice came through.

"M'lady, we have the first reports from Krull's people."

"Bring it in, I'm almost done in here," Xandra called out, while the three armed doctor who was working on her scowled and lowered his las-welder.

"You do know this is still surgery, right?" he asked, his voice dripping with acerbic irritation, while the door opened and one of the Cult entered. He was a newly inducted member of the former Orbtz, his body whipcord lean and vicious, with angular features and bright gold-brown eyes. He was dressed in flak armor with the sleeves cut off, a common affectation in the interior rooms of Thedias thanks to the stifling heat that managed to creep into even the drophab's massive structures. He paused, seeing the Interrogator - she looked quite out of place in her carapace armor and gleaming, sorcerously endowed accoutrement. The man blinked again as the Interrogator licked her lips, looking at him with a hungry croon, rising animal like up out of her throat.

"What is it, Menk?" Xandra asked.

"We have the Skavz gang that'll be a good feint picked out - I've been drilling the team on how to make the firefight look good while not risking us too much," Menk said, not quite tearing his eyes from the Interrogator.

Yolanda giggled. "Thank you!" she said. "Say, do you want to knock an interrogator up?"

Xandra snorted, while the Interrogator made a squeak and jerked a bit. "I can control myself!" she exclaimed.

"Yes, but it'd be more fun to not," Yolanda crooned. "And as a biokinetic, you can extend the time it takes to grow as long or as little as you want, hmm? So, just be happy knowing there's a baby in there and you can focus, without anyone being any the wiser." She moved up close behind her, purring. "Come on, Shexia, you know you want a baby in you...they'll be glorious. A future magus. Maybe even three armed too." She caressed along Shexia's armored sides - the touch somehow sensual and erotic, despite slipping over armor plating, teasing against pouches filled with plasma-bottles and monowire grenades. Shexia, her cheeks growing as red as her hair, stammered.

"I-I came for a reason, not...not to..."

Xandra felt the whisper of Yolanda's telepathic communication and smirked, shaking her head. It might seem frivilous, but Yolanda - as ever - had her eye on the long term goal. Another Magus would aid the cult immensely, and ensuring that the interrogator had every mother's instinct burning inside of her to keep herself and her baby safe would ensure no...relapses. She had never heard of a relapse before, but if anyone was going to do it, a biokinetic telepath working for the Ordo Xenos was going to be the one to do it.

"Well, you can talk while Menk is doing his cultic duty, isn't that right?" Yolanda asked, giggling. "C'mon, Shexia, it's not as if you want to say no...right?"

Shexia bit her lip, her hands touching together. Menk, for his part, was standing very still and looking rather alarmed. "I-I'm gay," he stammered, clearly trying to pick a way between various risks and dangers. Yolanda blinked, somewhat, while Xandra barked out a laugh.

"Y-You allow...such..." Shexia hesitated - confused.

"Well, when the Day of Ascension was in our future, there were some...strategic choices we had to make," Xandra said, then hissed as she felt nerves surge and tingle through her legs. THe doctor pulled away, nodding and giving her a triple thumbs up. SHe swept her blankets off and stood, completely bare and shameless, stretching her arms behind her back as she enjoyed the total return to her former mobility. She enjoyed Yolanda and Shexia's eyes on her. "Breeding is important - but so is rearing. A cult child needs just as much caring for as a normal human infant - more in some cases, depending on how the genetic blending has worked. Some have such terrible trouble with claws, it's so easy to cut yourself." She clicked her tongue. "The Star Children assisted us in maintaining the right balance of breeders and caregivers - and since...to be blunt...fucking is what keeps us together as a species, the Star Children were quite eager to adjust sexualities as needed. When we needed more caregivers, some would find themselves attracted to their fellow sexes, and when we needed more breeders, then the more Imperially approved-"

"Actually, uh, it's...it depends on which world," Shexia said. "Thedias' opinions on same-sex love is heavily influenced by your founding as a prison world - but in at least three planets in the subsector, there's no issue."

Xandra frowned. "Really now?" She shook her head. "Well, either way...since you killed the Star Children and made our lives much harder-"

"I did...n...why...damn it, why do I feel guilty about that!?" Shexia hissed.

"Becuase you're one of us now, my love!" Yolanda said, chuckling, then whispered in her ear. "You now see them as beautifully as we do. I bet you want to meet a male Pure and-"

"No!" Shexia said. "Yes! Maybe!" She hissed. "I came to tell you of something important, damn it all. The Star Children are not what you think."

Xandra frowned. "This again? Those lies exist to-"

Shexia frowned, then closed her eyes. "Read my mind then. Take it from me. My shields are down."

Xandra glanced at Yolanda, then rubbed her chin.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Shexia gasped, her body rocking in time with the brutally powerful thrusts of the miner Jansen, his hips and hers slapping together as they rocked the table. Across the room, gathered around one another, were the four Magi, their backs half turned from the third male to take his shot at knocking the interrogator up. Trilla shook her head slowly. "I..." She hesitated. Yolanda was wringing her hands.

"What do we do?" she whispered.

"I don't know," Xandra said, looking from Yolanda and Trilla to Liliand. Liliand was always the quietest of the group...but when she spoke, her decisions were final, concrete, and focused. She frowned as she rubbed her finger along her ever so slightly purple jaw. Her eyes narrowed to thin slits.

"Oh Star Children!" Shexia's moan was shocked - she had alternated between crying their names despite herself and sometimes moaning out the Emperor's name when orgasm rocked her. Yolanda, who had smiled at first at such words, bit her lip instead. She felt her stomach flip, slowly.

"Maybe she was lied to too?" Xandra said, softly.

"No," Trilla said.

They had all seen the images now. No. Seen was too small a word. Shexia had opened her mind to the Magi, with the pure trust only one telepath could show another. They had swept into her and filled her with their own soul, the connection deeper and more profound than even sex - and instead of the joy and communion that the Magi were used to...they found horror. Betrayal. A shocking, alarming betrayal, deep, deep inside of their very genetics. The Star Children...the Hive Mind...it saw them as nothing but semi-autonomous tools, drones to be disposed of and recycled once their task was complete. The Pure would have turned upon them in a single moment of agony and confusion, tearing them down into shreds to complete their...Day of Ascension.

"T-The children, we almost let that happen to the children," Yolanda whispered, her hand going to her mouth.

"So, we're stuck between two Imperiums," Trillia said, quietly. "I mean, the St...the hive mind would reprocess us - but what is a servitor?"

They all considered that.

Liliand spoke. "We have to learn what the Pure think."

Everyone looked at her.

"O-Oh Emperor...ah...I didn't know I could take that much cum...fuck...I think...oh Star Children, oh Emperor, oh..."

Everyone glanced back at Shexia, who had slumped half off the table, looking quite dizzy.

Everyone looked back at Liliand. She frowned, intently. "The Pure are a part of us - but they are also one step closer to the Tyranids. They have also been disconnected from the hive mind - and they follow our orders for now. BUt we need to know what their goals are. Do they wish to stay free, with us? And if not...can we convince them? If we can convince them, then what is our goal then? The Child...can she be turned to our new aims, or shall she be abandoned?"

Trilla nodded, slowly. "Our immediate goals remain the same, though. Freedom. Liberty. The Stars." She smiled, slightly. "We'll worry about the Hive Fleets at the same rate as the rest of the galaxy."

"M-Maybe we can be the...thing that turns the tides?" Yolanda whispered. "What if we can do to other cults what has been done here? Imagine if every genestealer was freed from the hive mind!"

Everyone looked at her this time. Liliand reached out, placed her hand on her shoulder, squeezed...and gave her a sad, sad smile.

"Oh, I know the Imperium would still try and kill us, but it was at least an idea..." Yolanda muttered, grumbling as she crossed her arms over her chest.

Trilla patted her head. "Why don't you go lick up Shexia?"

Yolanda stuck her tongue out at Trilla, teasingly.

Then she went to do just that.

Interrogator Shexia Af-Baru returned to work after her short excursion as secretly as she had left - but few people noticed much difference in her character, save for a driving energy that pushed her into efforts to clean up the cult and its leftovers. No one in her staff knew that when she was alone, she rubbed her belly and smiled warmly, thinking of the corrupted, xeno-twisted child growing within her. The implanted genestealer organelle that threaded into her body like a fibrous mesh worked into her nerves and pulsed her brain with warm, maternal happiness, protective urges, and a deep sense of peace. She knew it was artificial...and yet, it felt so good. After a lifetime of brutal dedication and cold, unfeeling detachment, she was swallowed by love. Yolanda sometimes brushed against her mind telepathically, and she felt years of torment easing within her with every day.

This drove her to be...

Most thorough.

Getting the data-slate to her lover and her sisters in the cult was actually fairly difficult, considering the sensitivity of the information and how grave Annaelsa, her sage, and Lot considered it. She didn't mind admitting that she agreed with them entirely - even as a new member of the Sisterhood, she found what she had discovered quite alarming.

It seemed that the enemy of an enemy was also, sometimes...

An enemy.

"The Marks!?" Xandra exclaimed, reading the data slate. "How did you miss this, Yolanda?"

"They did suggest the symphony of pain idea, but it was couched entirely in imperial ideology, I had no idea," Yolanda said, shaking her head.
"They did hide it well," Liliand said, her voice soft. "No disappearances, no murders, no sacrifices. I think they are biding their time even better than we were." She considered. "We did have more of a dead..." She trailed off - wincing. Clearly, the idea of the Day of Ascension being a deadline hit differently now that they knew.

Trillia shook her head. "How did Shexia find this out?"

"Some minor telepathic scans, attentive paperwork, all part of her cover for trying to find us - she also found her sage, Annalese investigating the three dead Skavtz gangers to make sure that their deaths lined up. Apparently, the sage got it into her head that the firefight was not entirely plausible, but Shexia was able to talk her out of it without too much trouble." Yolanda said, smiling brightly.

"We should turn this sage," Xandra muttered. "If she's that smart."

"...I mean...she is cute in a kind of...sheltered academic way, you know?" Yolanda murmured.

"Focus, sister," Trilla said. "We-"

The door burst inwards. A shouting voice, a commotion. The sisters lifted their heads - as Krull and Ophelia came into the room, flanking a terrified looking slender woman in red and black. She was a ganger, with short cropped hair, goggles, and several burns across her arms and shoulders, and a bleeding cut on her cheek. She pointed. "I fuckin' knew it!" She said, panting. "Do whatever you want to me, just help!"

"What?" Xandra asked, frowning, while Ophelia - her belly no longer swelled as she had given birth three weeks before - and Krull grabbed onto the woman.

"Tent, you Skavtz bitch-"

"Help me, I need fucking help!" Tent shouted, kicking and struggling.

"She burst in through a vent, I think she saw one of the orgies too," Ophelia said.

"Do whatever Chaos shit you need to do to me, just help!" Tent said, her eyes blazing behind her goggles. Xandra flicked her finger and Liliand stood, then walked to her. She took Tent's goggles off, lifted her chin with one delicate finger, and looked into her eyes.

"Calm..." the Magus whispered, and Tent's whipcord lean body tensed, then relaxed. She looked faintly dazed, sagging in the strong arms of the two cultists holding her. "Now, start from the beginning. And do not, ever, infer that we worship them." She said, her lip curling in distaste. Tent whimpered, nodding. Her voice had the quiet drone of someone who had been well and truly hypnotized.

"We was doing collection...then a...yellow giant came into the hab. Walked right up to us and started to give us orders. Senti told him to frak off...the giant killed him. There were two others. We shot at them. Didn't work. They just...they just gathered up the whole...the all of us...I ran. I hid. They took em all..."

The magi exchanged looks.

"You went to the surface, why?" Shexia asked, frowning at the vox pict of Captain Helgastram.

"Slaves," Helgastram said.

"...slaves..." Shexia said, slowly.

"Yeah, why? Do you want some? Get your own, then," Helgastram said.

Shexia felt the strangest kind of...double vision. It was like she was seeing two images of herself - the one that would have seen this as utterly normal, and now the one that had been infected by something far more pernicious than even the urge to be mounted and bred by a xenos creature as if she was a mare in heat.

People shouldn't be slaves. You can't just take them from their...homes?

"What are you using the slaves for?" Shexia asked.

Helgastram, who had not removed his helmet, didn't even sign off.

Shexia frowned, leaning back in her seat. The only reason they'd want slaves was for armsmen and logistics operations - the Marines Malevolent were even less healthy about their sexualities than Iron Fists. She rubbed her temple with her finger.

They're going to extract everything from Thedias they can, then leave, aren't they?

She frowned.


Ruh roh! One gang is down - and you didn't even do it!

[ ] Attack BLANK (Might + Treasure VS Might + Territory)
[ ] Being Informed (Influence + Soverignty vs Diff 1)
[ ] Spying on BLANK (Influence + Treasury vs Influence + Territory)
[ ] Influence BLANK to do BLANK (Influence + Treasury vs Influence + Territory)
[ ] Increase your Sovereignty (Territory + Treasure vs Diff [Current Sovereignty])
[ ] Police BLANK (Might + Sovereignty vs Influence + Might)
[ ] Rise in Stature (Sovereignty + Treasure vs Diff [Current Influence]
[ ] Train and Levy Troops (Sovereignty + Territory vs Diff [Current Might]
[ ] Unconventional Warfare (write plan in)
[ ] Wait and Recover

Also, there's a SPECIAL VOTE!

[ ] Talk to Pure (roll Sov flat, modified by plan. Success = the pure join whole heartedly! Fail = CIVIL WAR????)
[ ] Leave off, for now (no roll)

(Cycle 1, Month 3 - the Month of Scampering)


Shexia's Lackys
Fucking Marines Malevolent.

For like 95 percent of chapters they can reload on serfs by holding auditions in good faith - my understanding is that normal chapter serf QoL is way better than average imperial worker QoL on an interesting planet.

But it's these psychopaths. So they do do slave raids.

Flat Sov roll to avoid civil war? We need write in meisters or to delay, we have a 40% chance to succeed sans write in I believe.


I sooooo want to go on a crusade to save other Genestealer Cults.

=][=: What the actual fuck is this shit?
But it's these psychopaths. So they do do slave raids.

What's funny is, mechanically speaking, merging the Marines Malevolent Company and the gang...might have ended up with slightly higher stats, but they wouldn't be higher stats in the areas the Marines wanted (might and treasure), so they just used the attack action, smashed their territory and might to 0 for total conquest, and got +1 to might and +1 to treasure

(If you take out a company with more overall points than you, you get +1 to two stats of your choice, or +2 to one stat if the GM agrees it makes sense.)

So, while they COULD have asked, they got what they wanted by just taking.

Like, the Marines Malevolent are dicks, but they're not stupid, which makes it much worse!