Warhammer 30K roleplay IC

(I do not believe this is a worthwhile use of time.) (So what? It barely takes any time, anyway.) (It would likely be wise not to push the limits of our time within each instance, guys.) (Curiosity is a worthwhile cause, and there is only a low probability of this resulting in negative effects.)

Sophos rolled his eyes. There was no need to argue over this so much, not over something so simple, but such was life. More time had been spent discussing the issue than had been spent actually addressing it. He knew this because he'd already sent the message to Yraxia. It wasn't worth debating it like this.

>How do metals actually taste to you?|

The response was quick and perhaps obvious for what it was, "How would you explain to me the taste of organic flesh?"

>Fair. I suppose part of the issue is that the terminology used to discuss senses are typically developed to be comprehensible to those that share the sense in question, rather than those without it.|
>Would it perhaps be possible to convey it through simulations? I am capable of simulating the tastes of things that a human would experience, and while I have no idea if an attempt to provide that input to you would function at all, I suspect it would at least have a greater probability of working than attempting to explain ourselves with words that mean nothing to each other.|
>Is it also fair to presume that you, too, are capable of simulating Exatari tastes for yourself?|

The response came slightly slower this time, "Unknown, willing to attempt the experiment. Will attempt to share my sense of taste with you. I do not believe this will work, from my study, human and therefore your own senses are derived from a fully separate paradigm from my own."

>I wouldn't be surprised, but it seems unlikely to have negative repercussions, could prove interesting, and may have beneficial results if we're able to make it work.|
>I'm sending you a datapacket with a human taste simulation. There will be both simulated foods with an array of flavors as well as corresponding buttons that would, at least for a human, cause them to taste the food's flavor independently of consumption. The texture and consistency of a meal is somewhat important to the human experience of eating and tasting foods, so it may be valuable for you to attempt to actually consume the foods, but the buttons are likely to be more effective for the experiment.|

Yraxia didn't respond for a few minutes before a message came through, "I do not have a sense of pressure or the ability to detect texture in the manner of humans. The metal I consume is directly pulled into the my stomach analog which uses complex magentic fields and induction heat from my fusion heart to melt the metals and turn them into the needed materials for my body."

Sophos considers that for a moment, thinking of the properties of inorganic materials.
>Was there never a need to distinguish between relatively loosely-packed surfaces and more solid materials? Sands and stones may be made of the same materials, but interactions with them obviously must be conducted in distinct manners. There's also the different malleabilities of metals, for that matter.|
>As for the means of your 'digestions', I suppose that would indeed obviate the need for most senses associated with consumption. Would it be correct to assume that your senses are primarily geared toward identifying the elements you require? Or are there compounds that you need in your diet that cannot be internally manufactured?|
>Actually, are there any important nutrients that we haven't been supplying you? I don't want you to suffer any health issues from our ignorance.|

There was a pause before another reply arrived, but it was much the same as previously, "My fusion heart along with phase organs is enough to transmute the needed materials that I can not acquire beyond the Homeworld. Determination between solid and particulate matter is done by analyzing vibrational intensity within the region around us or against our limbs." A moment later another message arrived this time of atomic structures that detailed super heavy elements with atomic weights well into the upper hundreds, "These are the lightest elements that I currently have to synthesize, the technology of humanity is insufficient to achieve economic transmutation of these elements. If you can discover a means to synthesize these I will reveal the next elements that I currently lack direct access too."

Sophos notes the weights. The heaviest element he had knowledge of was Adamantium-350, which… well, there was a reason why the Emperor had declared it standard for Primarch armor and absolutely nothing else. Making these would be a long undertaking.

>Humanity is indeed presently not capable of producing elements to your needs, though I am glad that you are capable of producing them yourself. However, considering the atomic mass of the materials you are working with, I must ask: can you provide any information regarding the composition of my own armor? My attempts to study the materials it is constructed of returned inconclusive results, indicating that the involved elements are not known to modern human science, and I could not afford to attempt any more invasive methods of study due to the risk of irreparable damage.|

Yraxia returned a reply quickly, "Indeed that is something that I can provide easily. There is no cost for this for there is no labor of mine to recompense." A moment later a datafile came through with several files listing various elements the heaviest of them being listed as an element with one thousand twenty five protons and twenty five hundred sixty eight neutrons. The rest were scattered between that extreme and 250 atomic weight, including several that had more protons than the heaviest but containing fewer neutrons.

Sophos stared at the files for a moment. (Just a few milliseconds, it's all fine.)
"…stars above…"
So. This was proof that humanity had been able to produce these elements once.

Another thing they had lost. Another thing that could be found again.

>Thank you very much. I do not know when we might be able to produce these elements again, but I promise that I will be working to reclaim this knowledge.|
>…also, have you attempted the flavor simulation yet? I know that we've drifted from the original topic, but I would still like to know if that worked at all.|

"I have attempted it and as expected it has resulted in nonsensical data. I have attempted to correct it, but it has remained unreadable. I expected this result, perhaps you will have superior results as your neural construction is more pliable than my own." Yraxia's response came through a bare few seconds later.

Sophos, other avenues of interest sated (for now), attempts to make use of the first datapacket Yraxia sent him.
There were no flavors, his mind tried to force flavors onto what he was sensing but there were no flavors. It was instead direct and absolute awareness that what he was encountering was iron oxidized with oxygen at a low percentage of completion. It was flavorless and yet it had a visceral response. Every data packet was the same, just weirder and even harder to process.

Sophos had to take some time to recollect himself after each... 'taste'. It was odd.
Though thinking on it, it was not wholly dissimilar to how a highly-advanced technological sensor would likely parse such materials. Full detailing of their composition and the various transformations that were affecting them.
>That was certainly an experience. I was made aggressively aware of the precise composition of each material. It's very *objective*, I suppose. Human tastes are much more subject to variability from person to person, with a few overarching flavors that may be noted based on if one of several compounds are present, as well as being modulated by our sense of smell - another sense I presume you lack a clear analogue to.|
>I digress. Thank you for humoring me. This has been quite interesting. If you have any of your own inquiries, feel free to notify me.|

Yraxia's reponse came only a few seconds later to no surprise,"I am surprised that you were able to parse the data. Your offer is accepted, and I do have one question. Do you have a genome?"

>My understanding is that I do, although I will direct you toward Tiamat if you want more details on that topic. I am fairly certain that a significant amount of the details of my nature is encoded psionically rather than biologically, however.|

"Interesting, I will converse with Tiamat on this matter. This has been an interesting conversation Scholar Sophos. I hope to have more in the future." A moment later the line went dead as Yraxia disconnected.
Thousands flickering stars hang in the void, the engines of an entire warfleet, moving to engage a fleet lightseconds distant. The human eye cannot perceive across those distances. But this is no issue for the sensors of starships and the Astral Powers of Arcturus. The enemy is perceived in different ways to different senses. To psychic senses it's a network of burning fires and the cold patches of Blanks, wrapped in a thin filament of Soulstuff, strangling individuality and turning all things to itself, if one could see through potent psychic defenses at least. To thermal sensors the pinprick lights of charged Lances, the shooting star lights of fighter engines, the dull warmth of active sensor systems, and behind it all the blooming light of drive systems, an island of burning heat in a sea of nothing. To the electronic systems it's eerily quiet compared to their own fleet, non of the steady hum of command signals and guidance that one would expect from an advanced navy, none of the passive noise indicative of individuals working together.
Days and weeks of maneuvering in system had lead up to this, small skirmishes involving small escorts and fighters and picket forces, but now, the main bodies of both fleets had stopped jostling for position and were moving in to close the distance. The discord hummed in the back of Kaiben's mind as he called upon its knowledge of combat and tactics to aid him now. The "bridge" of Arcturus was a strange place to command a battle from, the Nerves of the City designed more for bureaucratic functions than command and control, but they served that purpose well enough, courtesy of their extensive connections to the rest of the city, able to command every weapons system, receive data from across the city, the fleet and the sensor networks of both and holding the capacity for the Cogitators and personnel to process that data into something usable.
The "Bridge" such as it was, was originally more of an observation deck, a portion of the nerves which stuck up out of the hull enough to get a view of the outside. Desks and filing cabinets were replaced with viewscreens and terminals, with a massive command throne and warplanning table taking up the center of the room.
Staff will occasionally wander in and out of the room, a calm before the storm, even as a sense of unease and tension filled the air. This would be the first time Arcturus would enter combat, and everyone was anxious about it.
Normally, it would be several hours yet before either side's main forces could even think to open fire on the other. But Arcturus wasn't a normal vessel, and its crew were even less so. "Giovenco, having you completed the targeting algorithms based on your divinations?"
"Yes my lord" Giovenco replied
"Good, main battery status?"
Across Arcturus arcane and strange arrays of weapons the like of which had never even been conceived of by man before shone with power as the might of a caged star is directed into them.
"Charged and ready."
With that one word the darkness of the void, for a single instant, was as bright as day on mercury. Beams of impossible darkness and searing light soared forth. Arcturus' might reached across the void, enveloping the tiny lights of enemy vessels, and snuffed them out.
Before the enemy fleet was merely maintaining basic readiness, but when the wave of fire from Arcturus reached them, they split and scattered like a school of fish, attempted evasions too late for this barrage. Shields and weapons spooled to full readiness as the enemy attempted to close the distance and end the threat before it could end them.
The next few hours were both frantic and calm, as Arcturus maintained its barrages while slowly slipping towards the back of the formation, Kaiben's Glorianna interposing itself in front of the mobile city, a stalwart guardian, an iron wall the enemy would have to get through to threaten the ship pounding away at their capital class vessels. The Gyre tightened as the enemy closed the range.

The tattered remnants of the enemy fleet were what reached the front of Kaiben's own formation, entering the range of the Imperial fleet in a ragged desperate charge to reach the ship that had wounded them so much. Kaiben's fleet danced around them, as he channeled his own knowledge and that of the Psynet. He made them pay for every inch of distance in blood and chrome.
Then they ran right into the Gloriana, and the fight was over before the Gloriana had fired its first shots.
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Hey gang, I'm still invested but the mind goblins have been kicking my ass on actual turn design. General vibe is getting my crazies up on my mountain where the angry mobs can't get them and then continuing my contemplation of the stars.
Turn 7: The Rangdan War Continues New

The Rangdan War continues, the Imperial army valiantly under the Emperor's command holds the battlefront as the Adeptus Astartes marches forth under the command of the recovered Primarchs. The twin warmasters of Rogal Themis and Sophos leading the charge now turning towards ensuring the holding of the recovered space and to bring low great enemies of humanity that come forth.

A golden craft bearing a Custodian of the Emperor arrived on time as expected, there was no great event to come, merely knowledge that the time had come for the world to be left behind and for plans long in motion to be pushed forward.

With the insight from the network at hand it was not to a sight unexpected that a ship of golden metal blazed a path down from the heavens. The Emperor was not aboard but instead one of his custodians piloted the mighty craft to bring him to the front and his sons.

The heavens awaited as a ship entered the system and was quickly detected, radiant gold, burning with power and wards beyond understanding graced its hull. A singular mind of unmatched design piloted it as a Custodian came on orders of Father to retrieve the eleventh primarch for the ongoing war.

A dream came, a dream of Fenris where dark squids infested the pure waters, the ice fell upon them and a hatred never before felt echoed forth from the image as the squids fled from the sight into the dark below. The dream shifted as men and women of Fenris turned their weapons upon other people of Fenris that had squids latched onto their heads acting as dark puppeteers.
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3 Relic Yearlies: Earendil's plan for true core. Orphic Arts: Core. 1 charge expendee. Secondary: Cyclic Casting, Empyrean Finesse, Warp Reservoir, Multi Threaded Casting. 4 more charges expended.

Earendil has come up with clever system that involves all of us learning from father with the same relicborne time chunk and a charge from the Psynet. It'll be interesting to experience. I'll personally be working on the arts of music derived magic. I'll also go ahead and use my other psynet charges. And to think, if this is what father can teach in this span of time, what awaits when we're finally free to properly learn? - Book of Magnus, Footnote 1, Entry 7

Yearly 1: Make 4 Ship-Portals

I'll be making some more portals to aid my and Earendil's plans. Mobility will be key in our efforts to track down craftworlds. For you see, father has enlightened us to their skill. Earendil, being part Aeldari, would benefit from their wisdom. I, being a psion, also would. Thus we endeavor to gain their tutelage. - Book of Magnus, Footnote 2, Entry 7

Yearly 2-4: Warp Research

Next on my list is improving my understanding of the warp in order to create superior spells, and especially wards. Language, Narratives, Mathematics, Songs, all things I can apply to my spellwork and potentially that lab I'll be building with my brothers.- Book of Magnus, Footnote 3, Entry 7

Narrative Principles
Impact of Narrative
Invoking Narratives Directly
Narrative Sigils
Narrative Condensation
Narrative Numerological Calculation
Veil Principles

Warp Shaping
Narrative Weaving
Warp Reflection
Warp Invocation

Mundane Narrative Construction
Narrative Alteration Principles.


Numerological Principles
Value of 1
Value of 2
Value of 3
Value of 4
Value of 5
Value of 6
Value of 7
Value of 8
Value of 9

Human Spellcrafting Principles
Refined Spellcrafting Principles
Spellcrafting Protocols.
4,613 (overflow taken by relic yearly 5)

Yearly 5: Astral Song and Melody Research:

It's time to do some proper research into the astral, if only to insure that the Soulwards are in tiptop shape. I've already found new songs and the cadence of many things and requested three astral spirits from Kaiben. The sheer insanity I can get up to with these is Very exciting. In darker news, the custodes Need a way to escape getting captured by the enemy. The Rangdan getting their hands on custodes genetics would be a disaster. - Book of Magnus, Footnote 4, Entry 7

Astral Songs Tree:
Song of Stars
Song of Grave
Song of Life
Song of Light
Song of Void
Song of Sol
Song of Starlight
Song of Death
Song of Entropy
Astral melodies tree;
Cadence of The Astral
Cadence of Stars
Cadence of Planets
Cadence of Rogues
Melody Alteration
Countering Melodies

Realm of Webs
Soul: Create, Manipulate, Purification, Empowerment, Potency
Energy: Condense, Produce, Shape
Daemonology: Protection, Transmutation, Vortex
Theosophy: Protection, Conviction, Sealing, Banishment.
Astral: Star, Void, Firmament, Singularity.
Reach: Galactic
Range: Self
Volume: Thunderous
Power: Extreme
Skill: High
Rank: Zeta
Safety: Perfectly
Complexity: Crude
Songs: 4

A spell intended for use in psiastral tech, specifically that which uses Emberforging or Spiritforging. It takes the ember to create an astral spirit of Void, Star, Firmament, and whatever the original ember's song was. This spirit, being of deep void, acts as a condensed "space* around the soul of the target, a vast realm. Within this realm is a nebula, one of many webs and patterns woven of flame and firmament. When a daemon enters this realm while trying to devour the soul of the Seawalker, they'll be constantly burned and supressed and harassed by the patterns of daemonology and theosophy within the maze of webs. The burning will sustain the spirit (beyond just the normal intake of warp energy being transmuted into astral energy, especially by tapping void paths if in close enough proximity), as it's psionic energy is transmuted into astral, like oil in a realm of sparks. The longer the daemon remains, the stronger the spirit gets.

The realm is a maze of firmament, constantly twisting the paths to misdirect and delay the daemon on its path to find the soul. All of these factors get harsher the further in you get, and it's always easier to turn back and leave than it was coming in. The relative location of the soul itself also shifts as space is warped within the deep void. All these changes according to the will of the protective spirit of this realm, in the name of protecting it's charge. With the addition of the Song of Singularity and Vortex, the realm grows far more deadly as it can only be approached from a portal that takes the form of a black hole.
Psiastral tech
Divine grade item
is blueprint
3 Realm of Webs items

Precipice's Slingshot
Sol, Death, Firmament, Life
Skill: Novice
Reach: Segmentum
Songs: 4
Volume: Thunderous
Small Object
Grade: Custodes
Item Relic grade: Extravagant
Blueprint relic grade: Extravagant

Functions like rubber band, the longer it goes without being used, the more certain the death, or the further from the emperor, the more extreme the effect will be. Upon the holder's imminent death being detected by the Song of Death, the band will "snap," flinging the custodes across the void paths to the Emperor while healing them. Upon use, the band is broken, and is inert.

Moon's Vigilance
Songs: Radiance, Life, Light, Entropy
Volume: Thunderous
Songs: 4
Skill: High
Reach: Subsector

Deception and shadow are the dominion of the moons. This song laces the user's senses with the light of the lunar song, breaking down all deception with entropic vigilance.

Firmament, Starlight, Grave, Light
4 songs
Highly skilled
System range

A teleportation spell can send the user anywhere within a system via a void path assisted by the songs of starlight and light. It will automatically teleport the user away from incoming death should they have cast it recently.

Sol's Warmth
Sol, Life, Light, Firmament
Reach: Galactic
Skill: High
Volume: Thunderous
Songs: 4

The warmth of Sol restores and sustains, bound together in flows of light and life.

Sol's Warmth Item.
Human grade
Divine relic blueprint
Small item

Lunar, Starlight, Void, Life
Reach: Galactic
Volume: Scream
Songs: 4
Skill: High
Thickens the veil around a psyker or psykers through the use of Void energy saturation. Lunar hides their soul from the warp and calms them, the light of beholding the Astral of the galaxy centers their mind


Yearly 6: Spellcrafting some more. Taking the overflow from yearly 4

Now I've prepared a spell to win us a battlefield advantage against the Rangdan and offer superior boarding. This functions by saturating the entire system with astral energy and astral winds. The energy is gathered via a black hole that exists both in the materium and immaterium. It also has a release valve to keep the singularity from escalating, bathing the system in Lunar light. It's more like a white hole than a black hole, in truth. - Book of Magnus, Footnote 5, Entry 7

Hecate's Garden:
Telekinesis: Micro, Macro, Teleportation, Vortex
Daemonology: Teleportation, Protection, Transmutation, Vortex
Theosophy: Seal, Banish, Conviction, Protection.
Passive: Transmutation
Energy: Condense, Shape, Produce
Astral: Firmament, Starlight, Lunar, Light, Singularity, Void, Entropy.
Volume: Thunderous
Power: Extreme
Songs: 7
Complexity: Twisting
Skill: Paragon
Rank: Alpha+
Reach: System
Scale: Self (tricking the warp)
For this one, you transmute warp energy into astral (mainly firmament) energy, pull a lot of astral energy with Singularity, and saturate the region with it. Allowing for a *lot* of quite large portals to be opened within it. You can also (it'll have twisting) turn things *into* astral energy for a duration, allowing them to fly on the void paths/around as a tiny living void path of firmament, lunar, and light. The power of Entropy breaks down warp energy captured by the black hole into the glory of Starlight and Firmament and releases it into the materium as moonlight. Anyone would find it *much* easier to use astral portals here, and teleportation is also an option. Two into (Shadow(two-(as)-one)Light) into two. Many paths gather into a place of Singular Duality before once more scattering into many once more. 3 moves as 5 and 6.

Pyromancy: Pyro, Shield, Transmutation
Biomancy: Bioelectricity, Life Drain, Transmutation
Energy: Shape, Condense, Produce
Theosophy: Seal, Conviction, Protection
Daemonology: Protection, Transmutation, Vortex
Blood: Link, Harvest, Sacrifice
Telekinesis: Micro, Macro, Vortex
Astral: Sol, Starlight, Star, Firmament, Light, Death, Radiance, Expulsion, Grave
Reach: Segmentum
Scale: Touch
Power: Extreme
Volume: Thunderous
Complexity: Average
Songs: 9
Min rank: Alpha Plus
Skill: Paragon
Relic: T2 Sword of The Sun, T1 Consumption: Burning
A black hole inverted, where once dark devoured light, now the light devours the dark. Evil decays away into good. Anything that the user is touching can become or be coated with a white hole, pure condensed energy, The King of Suns. It draws power from the warp, which is then burned away into pure and radiant astral energy and winds. It glows brighter, stronger, in the presence of the evil that it burns away. This object is a source of celestial energy and is composed of it in both the material and immaterial senses. Its lattice is composed of fractal wards and sealings and is laced with golden Conviction. It is the singular ideal of the concept of The Sun and wields both it's material power and it's empyrean authority. A perfect synthesis of all that stars mean in both the materium and immaterium expressed in the most exalted sense.

One and False One, the Beginning and the End, the First and Final, Two in Singular Totality. This weapon calls upon a shard the truest of the true suns to invoke it's Absolute light to burn away maddened darkness into Light. 3 Aspects of Power called upon. One-and-two-as-three, Absolute Beginning and End brings Power and Growth. This sigil burns into a FalseNine-by-Nine, Ruin upon Magic touched . A Fivefold sigil of two parts. Seven. From Doom Upon Magic by Absolute End and Beginning Comes Power and Growth to new Magic, Power, and Life. The crystal's lattice is specially formed to invoke numerological truths.
−52,332.75 (will be completed later)

Relic yearly 1: Starforge

Now that I finally have some mental grounding, I have elected to finish what I started with Sophos' gift. It's not as good as it could've been, so I'll be improving it with his assistance. I'll be adding the new song I've developed to allow for the creation of Anomalous materials that only black holes can produce. Also makes it a lot easier to charge. We'll be doing this by stretching out the time I spend spell making to cover for this instead of temporal splitting, should be a lot less jarring. - Book of Magnus, Footnote 6, Entry 7.

Telekinesis: Micro, Macro
Energy: Condense, Shape, Produce.
Technopathy: Construction, Restoration, Improvement, Mind to machine
Daemonology: Transmutation, Protection.
Biomancy: Flesh shape, regeneration, bioelectricity, transmutation.
Astral: Light, Star, Singularity, Starlight, Lunar, Gravity
Songs: 6
Complexity: Twisting
Volume: Thunderous.
Power: Extreme
Reach: Interplanetary
Scale: Self
Rank: Alpha Plus
Skill: Grandmaster
Safety: Normal
38,438.85 (taken by World Spirit research)

Relic yearly 2-4: World Spirit Research

Khan, Earendil, and Leman have joined me in order to discover the secrets of world spirit binding. I have seen how stable Leman's runepriests are, and wish to spread it throughout the imperium, or at least the isles of sanity. - Book of Magnus, Footnote 7, Entry 7.

World Spirit Psyker Intrusion
World Spirit Psyker Binding
World Spirit Psyker Full Binding
World Spirit Psyker Connection
World Spirit Psyker Influence
World Spirit Psyker Powers
World Spirit Psyker Protection
Generalized World Spirit Psyker Theorum
Foundational World Spirit Shamanistic Principles
World Spirit Rituals

Relic yearly 5:

Now to finish Sunfang. This spell will be very helpful towards both enhancing my own melee capability and protect my brothers from Maddened Ideoforms via the tools I can make with it. The ability to turn any weapon into a shard of the highest example of a Sun in both the materium and immaterium will be glorious. Father wants to inspect it, which is very promising since it means that I have at least one person to peer review my work. Perhaps I should contact Kaiben more often for this kind of thing. -Book of Magnus, Footnote 8, Entry 7

Pyromancy: Pyro, Shield, Transmutation
Biomancy: Bioelectricity, Life Drain, Transmutation
Energy: Shape, Condense, Produce
Theosophy: Seal, Conviction, Protection
Daemonology: Protection, Transmutation, Vortex
Blood: Link, Harvest
Telekinesis: Micro, Macro, Vortex
Astral: Sol, Starlight, Star, Expulsion, Light, Death, Radiance, Grave, Firmament
Reach: Segmentum
Scale: Touch
Power: Extreme
Volume: Thunderous
Complexity: Average
Songs: 9
Min rank: Alpha Plus
Skill: Paragon
12,860, T2 Sword of The Sun, T1 Consumption: Burning
A black hole inverted, where once dark devoured light, now the light devours the dark. Evil decays away into good. Anything that the user is touching can become or be coated with a white hole, pure condensed energy, The King of Suns. It draws power from the warp, which is then burned away into pure and radiant astral energy and winds. It glows brighter, stronger, in the presence of the evil that it burns away. This object is a source of celestial energy and is composed of it in both the material and immaterial senses. Its lattice is composed of fractal wards and sealings and is laced with golden Conviction. It is the singular ideal of the concept of The Sun and wields both it's material power and it's empyrean authority. A perfect synthesis of all that stars mean in both the materium and immaterium expressed in the most exalted sense.

Seal of Sol:
Medium object
Primarch grade
Psiastral tech
Is/has blueprint

A flexible covering meant to be a fixed to the palm over a glove or gauntlet. On the palm is a small plate of Regal Aurum provided by The Emperor, a complex numerological seal is carved on it, glowing with brilliant, unreal light.


Djinn's Drum
Pyromancy: Pyro, Shield, Transmutation.
Energy: Condense, Produce, Shape
Passive: Harm, Curse, Transmutation.
Astral: Light, Star, Sol, Death
Volume: Thunderous
Skill: Paragon
Power: Extreme
Rank: Alpha plus
Scale: Interplanetary
Safety: Risky
Songs: 4
Complexity: Twisting
Relic: T3 Starscorched Bones, T3 Ifrit
To become the avatar of the wrath of suns, one's heart must beat like their pulses, one must live as they do. A beat borne in light, fury, and life. The thrill of battle, of rage, of joy. To be truly alive in the midst of darkness and ash. Then, one may harness the fury of stars, fury from which there is no return from for the foe (This is referencing the curse/harm part). Once achieved, one may become and shape sunflame as they please.

Dance of The Heavens:
Concentration: Augment, Transmutation
Telekinesis: Micro
Biomancy: Bioelectricity
Energy: Condense, Shape, Produce.
Divination: Prophecy, Precognition, Scrying, Postcognition
Astral: Firmament, Gravity, Starlight, Life, Death, Sol
Songs: 6
Complexity: Twisting
Volume: Thunderous
Power: Extreme
Min rank: Alpha Plus
Skill: Paragon
Scale: Touch
The essence of this spell is the movement of the heavens, to take on a life emulating it. Allowing the spiraling and sudden movement of the spheres above to guide your movement. The great speeds and gravitational slingshots, the sheer force of the pull and tidal forces, the precision of the disorder emerging into order, all things that the user flows with. The song of graves and death sees the order that shall arise from the heat of battle, and will guide the user in shaping the chaos into an order that suits them. With this, you fight with the ancient wisdom of the heavens.

Sky's Mantle
Primarch Grade
full body
no blueprint
Psiastral tech

A Cloak seemingly woven from the night sky, with great swirls of nebula flowing around as gravity acts on them and get pushed around by supernovas. Stars live and die as the forces of the universe fling the celestial matter around. The cape itself blows as if the solar winds were an everpresent breeze.

Immediate proximity
Needlehole size.

Small object
Divine blueprint relic
Human grade
Is blueprint

Eclipse's Power
Biomancy: Flesh Shaping, Transmutation, Bioelectricity, Regeneration.
Astral: Lunar, Life, Sol, Light, Star, Void.
Reach: Self
Volume: Thunderous
Power: Extreme
Safety: Risky
Min Rank: Alpha Plus
Complexity: Twisting.
The power of a celestial event flows through the user's form, strengthening their flesh. They take a part of the nearest sun's energy, just as the moon does during an eclipse, and use it to shift and morph their flesh. Healing, durability, strength, senses, speed, etc. The user becomes as one of the moon's huntsmen during it's strongest time. Shapeshifting comes naturally, as the phases of the moons are yours to wield.

Two More Seals of Sol
444 + 4613 (old overflow)

Sol's Arrow
Pyromancy: Pyro, Transmutation
Energy: Condense, Produce, Shape
Daemonology: Protection, Transmutation
Telekinesis: Macro, Micro
Astral: Dying Light, life, Death, Entropy, Star, Light, Sol, Grave, Gravity.
Songs: 9
Complexity: Average
Volume: Thunderous
Reach: System
Scale: Close
Complexity: Simple
Rank: Alpha Plus
Skill: Paragon.
The user draws astral winds and energy into a sun in front of themself, steadily increasing the size and of the star to charge it. This sun, being woven with the Song of Dying Light, wants to burst. Once the protections of Daemonology fail, as they're designed to once it has reach the power of a solar flare, it will burst and fire a lance of pure energy across the system.
Note: It takes four combat turns to charge this spell.

Mists of The Forgotten
Pyromancy: Cryo, Shield, Transmutation
Concentration: Augment, Curse, Transmutation
Theosophy: Protection, Seal, Banish, Conviction
Daemonology: Transmutation, Protection
Energy: Shape, Condense, Produce.
Astral: Lunar, Starlight, Void.
Reach: Continental
Scale: Self
Power: Extreme
Volume: Thunderous
Complexity: Crude
Songs: 3
Safety: Normal
Min rank: Alpha
Skill: High

Mists of frost manifest in the air, touched by the void and moon. Only the user and their allies can use their senses properly here, as Starlight clears their sight. The frosts are thick, deep, forgetful, they deaden the magic- especially scrying magic- of the foe. Things are lost in the mists, even projectiles tend to forget their mark without the Starlight guiding them.

Reach: Galactic
Power: Thunderous
Skill: Novice
4 Songs

Human grade
Is blueprint
These shining jewels outwardly don't do much beyond simply look wonderously beautiful. Being a shard of celestial light plucked from the sky and cut into jewels of manifest wonder. However, they possess a very subtle power, the power to grant perspective, the possibility to improve. Over time the path to true nobility will be revealed to the wearer, but it is up to them to walk through it.


Relic yearlies 6-7: Jerryrig The Call to detect Aeldari.

Me and Earendil have decided to attempt diplomacy with the Craftworlders. Our plan is to utilize his personal song to locate Aeldari by tuning the call towards them. Then, we'll look for craftworlds that are in danger, preferably ones that have father's old friends aboard. By saving them and showing discipline, skill, and power, we hope to earn enough respect for them to hear our offer. - Book of Magnus, Footnote 9, Entry 7.

Relic yearly 8: meeting Radiant Yraxia

Sophos has invited me to exchange astral lore to the exatari and study a black hole, very exciting!

Relic Major Lab-Forge:

I've started a project with Kaiben, Leman, Sophos, Ferrus, Fulgrim, Earendil, and Vulkan. We will build a great wonder, a place of learning and craftsmanship. I've volunteered my narrative as Fatebreaker to the project, luckily Kaiben can avoid using up a narrative once, so it's no big loss. I do not know where Kaiben will take the project, but it will be beautiful. - Book of Magnus, Footnote 10, Entry 7.

Major: March on Ulan

Konrad has requested my aid on capturing an attack moon. I see no reason to deny myself a good fight and it will help against the Rangdan capital fleet. - Book of Magnus, Footnote 11, Entry 7

Yearlies 7-10: Ritualize The Feasting Curse

With the new skills I have gained from Crystial's meal, I can convert many of my spells into rituals. This will allow my legion to cover far more ground for me. The Feasting Curse first and foremost. I am very glad I can stop sustaining these spells and free up my schedule. Some of these will have to be restricted to the imperial family or even my own legion in order to make them cost effective, unfortunately. In the case of Starforge only Sophos can use it. - Book of Magnus, Footnote 12, Entry 7


Curse of the Feasting Song, Starforge, Carcossan Stars, Eclipse's Power, Voidshard Shell, Fractal Herring.

Major: Create The Librarius

My nephews are in dire need of tutelage. Horus and Vulkan have come to aid the creation of an establishment to organize the psykers and singers among the Adeptus Astartes. I have also created some baseline astral spells for them. Each Librarius will be unique to its legion, especially formed to its primarch's desires and organized in the numerological ways of threes and fives. - Book of Magnus, Footnote 13, Entry 7

Size: Planetary
Types: Psyker, Astral, Research, Military, Government
Very complex
Amount: 19

Major: Aegis Borealis: Craftworld Eldar

The time has come to attempt to win the Aeldari over, should they be as decent as Earendil. If they aren't... We'll have to see. Hopefully they are and we can earn their respect and trust. Sunfang is ready, I have my Seal of Sol. Eclipse's Power and The Dance of The Heavens will come at my call. Hecate's Moon will rise to my will. Djinn's Drum is beating louder than ever. I have prepared all I can to face whoever could imperil the aeldari of today, now is the time to put it to the test. I find myself eager for battle. Hopefully at the very least we can earn their assistance at the Rangdan War. - Book of Magnus, Footnote 14, Entry 7

Major: Fight at 3 Pandora Sectors and Basmu.

Once more unto war. The last battle was easy, but I must temper any over confidence despite my surprising taste for battle. I must remain vigilant. - Book of Magnus, Footnote 15, Entry 7
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1 Grand - training the imperial guard, cain (sophos son) and my adoptive child erza
apply skills Secondaries: defensive training offensive training Survival training. teirtary: eldritch dueling

The Lion will train the guard, sophos son cain and his own child Erza in the arts of war and defence and how to fight eldritch monsters like the rangdan

1 major war with ulan
Konrad has asked for lions help with this and he has accepted his brothers request

1 major war in pandora

5 yearlies =1 major train child how to rule caliban in his absences
apply skill teirtary knight king, secondary:diplomacy
Lion will train his child Sorono how to rule in his absence as she is the child he thinks will be best to rule when he is away on campaigns

1 yearly into learning vi understanding, parenting at lesser
1 yearly into spending time with all my kids
1 yearly into learning spycraft, superior slayer
1 yearly into training beneditka spycraft
assing skill spycraft

1 yearly into creating a education system for caliban
'3 Relic Yearlies + 1 Psynet Charge - Training program to get Hero Slayer at Core'
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The Rangdan War continues, the Imperial army valiantly under the Emperor's command holds the battlefront as the Adeptus Astartes marches forth under the command of the recovered Primarchs. The twin warmasters of Rogal Themis and Sophos leading the charge now turning towards ensuring the holding of the recovered space and to bring low great enemies of humanity that come forth.

A golden craft bearing a Custodian of the Emperor arrived on time as expected, there was no great event to come, merely knowledge that the time had come for the world to be left behind and for plans long in motion to be pushed forward.

Once Konrad is with the Emperor he immediately asks him to unlock his psychic potential, making Konrad an Alpha + Psyker this turn, albeit while forcing him to eat some minor maluses from disorientation.

Then Konrad will use his starting 1 Emperor favor asking for this spell:

Type: Telekinesis/Concentration
Subtype: Telekinesis (Macro), Telekinesis (Teleportation), Telekinesis (Vortex), Telekinesis (Micro)
Safety: Risky
Power: Extreme
Complexity: Twisted
Scale: Subsector
Precise targetting: Subsector

Now this spell is meant to essentially be all-purpose spatial distortion spell capable of producing a bunch of different effects (albeit not necessarily all simultaneously on full tilt) by way of warping space with Telekinesis

They are:

1) creating spatial distortions that mess with the direction that the object interacting with the distortion is heading in.

(For example some guy tries stabbing/shooting it and ends up stabbing/shooting himself as the distortion redirects the attack into him)

2) Creating spatial distortions that contracts or stretches space, making the space within the distortion bigger or smaller.

(For example creating a spatial distortion that would allow Konrad/others to hide behind or inside of things that would ordinarily not be big enough to hide in/behind.

Or the opposite where for instance Konrad makes it so that someone or something gets a body part stuck in between two objects like prison bars while they normally wouldn't.

Or even just for effectively making Konrad faster by contracting the space in front of him, allowing him to cover far more ground at the same speed

Artificially increasing Konrad's range by decreasing the distance between Konrad's weapons and his opponents)

3) Creating spatial distortions that create portals that are essentially just wormholes created from folding space for quick transportation.

(The use cases for this is mostly just general "now you're thinking with portals stuff" but mostly transportation and redirecting attacks in Konrad's case)

Then 1 Major action to go to war against Ulan Huda with Magnus and the Lion, with Konrad's newfound spell, Spatial Hegemony, he'll teleport the strike team (Consisting of Konrad, Magnus, the Lion, 8th Legion hero Mori Audoth and who'ever else Magnus or the Lion want to bring) onto Ulan Huda where our conquest can begin.

1. Firstly Magnus will psychically entrall the vast majority of the denizens of Ulan Huda with his sheer power + his skill in Telepathy.

2. Then Konrad will start teleporting the team with Spatial Hegemony ontop of anything that can resist Magnus' psychic might, in order to swiftly eliminate it with the combined might of the strike team.

3. Once Ulan Huda is succesfully conquered, we'll travel to Nostramo with Ulan Huda, whereupon the previously planned for decades at this point (Innate divination FTW) evacuation of Nostramo's populace, as well as an assortment of supplies along with everything valuable that isn't nailed down (as well as a lot of stuff that actually is), will take place all across Nostramo as everyone is brought over (Mostly by way of teleportation curtesy of Konrad and Magnus) to Ulan Huda.

Once the evacuation is complete, Ulan Huda, being a Predator-world shall be made to destroy and eat Nostramo, upon completion of which Ulan Huda itself shall be renamed to New Nostramo.

We'll then travel back to Imperial space onboard New Nostramo, whereupon Konrad will spend his 1 starting Boon (because every Primarch gets a gift and a boon to start) to have New Nostramo be refurbished.

Meanwhile most of the old citizenry of old Ulan Huda would be purged (barring mostly children and other civilians judged on a case by case basis) they will not be simply deposed off however, instead Konrad and his Legion, now dubbed as the Night Lords, (barring cases where doing so wouldn't be safe for one reason or another) shall systematically start eating the flesh of those of the denizens of Old Ulan Huda who were condemned to be purged.

In doing so, through the Omophagea space marine organ, Konrad and his Legion will gain a great deal of insight into the operation of New Nostramo.

Konrad will also use a free action to order his Legion to switch over their aesthetic to that of the Canon!Timeline Night Lords.

Meanwhile, Konrad while waiting on Ulan Huda to be refurbished, Konrad will spend 1 major action on raising Organizational (Mundane Corruption Countermeasures, 2/6) up to Core, rendering it a slotless Core in the process.

Additionally Konrad will spend 1 of the two favors gained from taking Ulan Huda on a divine relic psychic hood (the one that would give Konrad +50 to his effective psychic power)

Then use 5 Psynet Charges to download all 5 Law Magic skills as Secondary skills.

Then he'll use the Learning Core from the Psynet to gain Niche Psychic (Telekinesis: Spatial Hegemony) at Tertiary.

Then use 4 yearlies on raising Willpower (Concentration) and Specialized Psychic (Concentration/Passive) up to Tertiary from Lesser.

Then use 6 Yearlies on creating a new specialist role within the Night Lords Legion, the Terror Seer's, containing all those members of the Night Lords Legion who have been blessed with Innate Divination from the Primarch.

Their responsibilities include divining for threats and/or oppertunities to/for the Legion and Imperium, collating every single scrap of information that be gleamed from their divinatory blessings, as well as further polishing their divinatory talents for the good of the Legion and Imperium.

Terror Seers who already posses prior specialist roles such as that of an Librarian or Apothecary, will now to a degree serve double duty, dividing their time between their 2 roles.

The Terror Seers will furthermore be divided into ranks based the strength of their divinatory powers, important however to note is that these ranks only grant a measure of authority within the ranks of the Terror Seers themselves, a given Astartes for instance may be a mere Augur among the Terror Seers, but hold the rank of Captain outside of their organizational structure.

The Ranks of the Terror Seers from lowest to highest are:

1. Augur
2. Oracle
3. Great Seer
4. Grand Prophet

With the Grand Prophet being the overall leader of the Terror Seers, possessing a role much akin to that of a Chief Librarian.

Then 1 Grand action on using the newly refurbished New Nostramo and taking the fight to the Rangdan Capital Fleet codenamed: Pandora.

My game plan for the fight against Pandora is as follows, firstly at the start of every engagement the Imperium's strike force engages in on the way to Capital Fleet Pandora, Konrad will use the Crisis Relic the Emperor has granted him, Legal Sanction, in order to forbid both sides from engaging in any bording actions, this will force the Rangdan to try and defeat New Nostramo in a pure naval slugfest, which just so happens to be a terrible idea when facing a Attack Moon/Predator World in combat.

Furthermore during every engagement the Imperial fleet will make full use of the overwhelming range advantage New Nostramo has thanks to the power of the Spatial Hegemony spell, delaying true contact with the enemy so that New Nostramo's Lasers can whittle down the enemy for as long as possible.

When the Imperial Fleet arrives in Capital Fleet Pandora's resident system, Konrad will first use Legal Sanction to forbid the use of boarding actions. Then he will call upon his innate divination to locate the propulsion systems of the Rangdan Attack Moon that Capital Fleet Pandora has in it's possession, and depending on what he sees, act accordingly.

Scenario 1:

If the enemy Attack Moon's propulsion system is outward facing (That is sticking out of the surface of the Attack Moon like giants rockets as a propulsion system would) then Konrad will use Spatial Hegemony in conjunction with New Nostramo's Lasers in order to prioritize disabling the enemy Attack Moon's propulsion system above all else.

Once the enemy Attack Moon's propulsion system is disabled, the Imperial Fleet will disengage from the Enemy Attack Moon's effective firing range, leaving it dead in the water and unable to further contribute to the Rangdan's war effort in the battle against Capital Fleet Pandora.

With the Enemy Attack Moon disabled, the rest of the Rangdan Fleet should have no realistic way of besting New Nostramo in a naval slugging fest (Which they are forced to engage in due to boarding actions being banned by Konrad's usage of Legal Sanction) eventually brining victory, and allowing Konrad to fully destroy the enemy Attack Moon from extreme range once the battle proper has been concluded.

Scenario 2:

If the enemy Attack Moon does not have a outward facing propulsion system and thus has to be destroyed outright to be taken out of the battle, Konrad will still use Legal Sanction in order to ban boarding actions, simply trusting in New Nostramo's nature as a Predator World, as well as all the damage it'll be able to inflict before the Enemy Attack Moon can get within range due to the Imperial Fleet playing keep away for as long as possible in order to give New Nostramo's Spatial Hegemony range enhanced Lasers more time to damage the enemy attack moon, to ensure the Imperium victory.

Once the enemy Attack Moon is destroyed, the enemy should no longer have an adequate answer to threat New Nostramo poses, ensuring the Imperium's victory in the ensuing Naval Slugfest which due to Konrad's usage of Legal Sanction cannot be broken up with the use of boarding actions.
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Link to Turn 6

Turn 7

* Aeldari Genetics (Beta psyker, can build psitech, innate Secondary Skill for Dueling (does not take a slot, cannot be upgraded), amplified emotions, natural fewer Soul Wounds/Density (2 originally; 6 after system update?), under constant attack by Slaanesh)
* Agile
* Adamantine Will+ (+5 Soul Wounds; no other effects).
* Energy Weaver (can learn to weave various forms of power/energy into physical form)
* Theoretical Polymath: provides 1.5 action value to research actions, halves time to bring research skills to Core (anything below Ascendant).
* See Through The Veil: Can sense the nature of daemons beyond the Veil providing a narrative resistance to being tricked, can examine mortal souls in the same manner. (This is not unblockable, but it will work without fail on normal daemons below Favored.)
* Hard Worker (the trait; the myth; the legend)
* Minor Blank Adaption: reduce malus taken from being near a blank slightly on the narrative level
* Escalating Uplifter: every distinct Primer Eärendil creates (or has ever created, including Warp Relics though not cheap copies of Warp Relics) reduces the cost of 'whatever technological level is directly above Eärendil's highest Primer' by 0.5% to a max of 50% reduction. All of Eärendil's Primers reduce the Infrastructure cost for sub-Primarch Uplifts by 25%.

Core Skills: (2/5)
-Self-Discipline (slotless; Corruption Resistance / Emotional Control; bonus to getting Hard Worker)
-Uplift Research (Narrow) (slotless)
-Machine Spirit Studies (slotless)
-Psychic Awareness (slotless; aka "I'm semiconsciously aware of my surroundings at all times"; prevents surprise; counts as a 0.5 mod Core skill at everything; Null is now miserable; disadvantage fighting Daemons)
-Psychic Combat (slotless; Combat skill; all Psychic skills now count fully as Combat skills)
-Parenting (slot - gained Turn 5)
-Physics (slotless; Research / Crafting; 0.5 mod but applies widely; Laser and Antimatter research difficulty reduced a tier (stacking with other such reductions))
-Psychology (slot - gained Turn 5; Research / Influence; narratively better understanding of people, boost to diplo actions, Archetype Bonus: also applies to xenodiplomacy)
Secondary Skills: (6/10)
-Dueling (Innate Skill; slotless; cannot be upgraded)
-Celestial Navigation (slotless; Research / Space Fleet Command)
-Military Theory (slot - gained Turn 4; Research / Military Crafting (especially Blueprints) / Military Command)
-Philosophy (slot - gained Turn 4; Corruption Resistance / Emotional Control / Influence)
-Training (slot - gained Turn 5)
-Cybernetics (slot - gained Turn 6; Research / Crafting; Psynet Token skill)
-Cogitator Science (slot - gained Turn 6; Research / Crafting; Psynet Token skill)
-Mathematics (slot - gained Turn 6; Research / Crafting)
Tertiary Skills: (4/15)
-Influence/Other: Psychic Empathy (Psy / Influence; disadvantage fighting Daemons)
-Uplift Research: Materials Science
-Learning, Time Management
Lesser Skills: (19/20)
-Warp: Empyrean-Safety, Warp Studies (this one's usable for Combat thanks to Psy Combat)
-Uplift Research: Applied Mathematics, Theoretical Physics, Applied Physics, Reverse-Engineering, High Energy Physics, Homeworld Research (the state of my Homeworld's research and researchers; Research caps at my planet's Infrastructure level)
-Research/Social: Decision Theory, Theory of Negotiation, Oratorical Principles
-Military: Theoretical Warfare Analysis, Concepts of Low-Imperial War, Organizational Studies, Military Command
-Combat: Telekinesis
-Psychic Materialization (can turn Magic/Emotions/etc into physical items)
-Blank Trainer, Chaos Adaption (basically a skill that provides bonuses in exceptionally chaotic situations)
-Conviction: Chao Delenda Est (Chaos must be destroyed; as a Lesser, Eärendil still remembers the 'or at least locked away - or resisted and opposed insofar as it can be' caveats; inherently slotless)

(List of dropped skills, kept for my future reference: Quantum Mechanics, Computer Science (caps at ~High Interstellar), Stealth.)

Psynet Core Skills: Logistics, Apex Dueling (+20 to duels base; win duel ties and negate critfails), Grand General (+20 to military command; ignore command malus if your troops are one tier lower than your enemy's troops), Meditation (chaos-resist, being Zen, actively Meditate to Unlock/Strengthen Psy stuff), Battle Endurance (exhaustion penalties start round 10 (+3) and increase more slowly; no other effects), Command Principle Alteration (Command +10; being countered isn't as bad), Learning (free Tertiary per turn; reduced Learning time cost), Self Awareness (better traits +narrative +chaos-resistance (+20 to cr threshold and rerolls to failed cr rolls at breakpoints); possibly a diplo skill in weird conditions (by being self aware of what not to do)), Fame Management (people don't tend to hate you), Forethought (0.5 mod - Diplomacy and/or Organizational; reroll one critfail per campaign).

Notable Gear:
-Orb of HATRED D:
-Blueprints: 'Relic-4 Cyborg SDC' and 'Relic-4 0.5-grade Mold Control'
-Omicron Crafting Base, aka Great Structure of semi-Relic Tools: +1 Secondary for Primarch or Heroic Astartes, +1 Tertiary for Hero or Astartes, +1 Lesser for others. Has issues crafting large items (Knight and smaller is fine).
-The Technology Primers: Feral through Feudal, Feudal through Modern, Modern through Interplanetary, Interplanetary through Interstellar, Interstellar through Low Imperial, Low Imperial through High Imperial.
--All were made with Core Skills of Uplift Research, Machine Spirit Studies, and Psychic Awareness plus Secondary Skills of Physics, Military Theory, Philosophy, Psychology, and Training.
--All except Modern through Interplanetary were additionally made with effective Core Skills (from the Discord) of Logistics, Learning, Self Awareness, Forethought, Fame Management, Grand General, Command Principle Alteration, and (not sure this one's relevant?) Battle Endurance.
--All were written by Eärendil, The Hybrid, and are thus relatively comprehensible (or at least somewhat less incomprehensible) to the various xenos races.

Cybernetics up through Undetectable Cybernetics and Expanded Knight Pilot Affinity. As things stand, New Menor is expected to finish Codifying Neural Augment tech two years before the end of turn 9.
Temporal, Dimensional, Psionic Biology, Nulltech - unlocked from Sophos.
A chunk of Psyker and Astral Tech-Tree Research from Magnus.

Astral Interface Psi Discipline from Magnus. WE'VE GOT ASTRAL BACK!

New Menor System
-Planet of New Menor, controlled, mostly friendly, Low Imperial tech and infra
--15 surviving Surface Hives, 14 controlled and mostly friendly
---Eärendil nominally lives in Hive Oroshral.
--Hive Vincent, damaged Surface Hive, hostile
--Orbital Hive Cluster Zetaron, Hives B through D, controlled and somewhat friendly
---Zetaron B has some surviving unusually high-tech stuff, particularly cyborg/warfare/mental.
---Zetaron D is deeply friendly.
-Moon of Turavilya A, semi-controlled, mostly friendly, Interplanetary tech and infra
Ice 'n Guard System
-Allied, cautiously friendly.
-Capital of a 5-world polity with Interstellar technology and a technocratic government.
-Ruler is The Clever One.
Cobas System
-Semi-controlled, cautiously friendly, human Protectorate.
-Planet of Cobas, low-tech but has rare functional remnants of DAoT Genemods, giving a bonus to research.

Eärendil's adopted family
-Overall: An extensive and relatively wealthy clan, they were relatively large (and generally productive / helpful / non-evil) names within a single district of Hive Oroshral until they adopted Eärendil, the Cosmic (local term for Primarch And Other Crazy OP Shenanigans) Hero. Now they're effectively royalty within Hive Oroshral, albeit somewhat reclusive.
-Eärendil's Parents are assumed to have a Primarch-grade Parenting-or-similar skill just from trying to raise Eärendil.
-Semi-adopted (shared with second cousin): Lumillia and Lyon Cobbilus. Lyon is a sub-hero Combat specialist. Lumillia is a Cyborg Intrigue/Diplo Specialist (2 ranks above hero candidate; +10 to Spy rolls and +10 to Diplo rolls) (Enneagram: Challenger).
-Fully adopted: Zach, Rock, Annabeth, Azalea, Samuel Vimes (berserker tendencies - needs active therapy to remain stable), Benjamin (Sister of Silence level Type 3 Blank) (Enneagram: Loyalist).
Arassuil - a sidekick of Eärendil's, within the planetary organization.

Corruption Tokens: 21 Repulsed (I think?); 1 each at 0.25, .5, .75.

Turn 7 summary:
  1. Goodbye, New Menor. (A speech that I threw together and a ton of talking with Lumilla - who is now a grade higher hero but also in charge; good luck!)
    1. I probably need to ask the Emperor - or a brother - to dispatch a small but meaningful force here to make sure my region is safe enough for now. I mean, Ice 'n Guard has been reporting concerns.
  2. Three Relic Yearlies +1 Psynet Token: Core Xenodiplomacy.
    1. Adds +30 to rolls for interacting with aliens and prevents critical diplomacy fails with them. Counts, otherwise, as a normal Core Influence skill.
  3. 1 Favor: Give Psychic Awareness an Off-Switch.
  4. 3 Tokens: 2 Secondaries (Diplomacy and Xenopsychology) and 7 (I think) Tertiaries. Reverse-Engineering and Mind Palace and Warp Control (or equivalent) and Xeno Understanding and Decision Theory and Alliance Creation and Making Friends Out Of Mutual Enemies.
  5. Roleplay: Meet my legion. "My father, your grandfather, designed you for two things…"
  6. Possibly get Relic(s)?
    1. Also need to ask what Exatari tech stuff gives us.
  7. Join Magnus for "Relic yearlies 6-7: Jerryrig The Call to detect Aeldari." Obviously I'd barely contribute beyond "an example."
  8. Join the 3-Relic-Yearly World Spirit Research with Magnus et. al.
  9. Join Magnus et al on Relic Major Lab-Forge.
  10. Join Magnus and Sophos and Yraxia on Black Hole study.
  11. 1 Focal +1 Psynet Token: Aegis Borealis.
    1. Make sure this includes 'getting xenos traits'.
    2. Make sure this includes 'getting genetic, biosphere, and cultural backups of everything you can.'
  12. 5 Yearlies -> 1 Major: Rangdan.
  13. 5 Yearlies -> 1 Major: Magnus and Aeldari.
Things I can probably actually roll:
  1. New Menor events.
Things that need rolled and/or roleplayed:
  1. Meet my legion
  2. Get relics
  3. Focal on Aegis Borealis. Note that this includes getting Xenos traits from pretty much every Xeno I can find, including Leman Russ's species.
  4. Major: Rangdan.
  5. Major: Magnus and Aeldari.
  6. 3 Group Projects (World Spirit Research, Jerryrig The Call, and Relic Lab-Forge) - that you can roll as part of other players' turns or mine or whoever's.
Things already rolled and/or roleplayed:
  1. Group Project: Black Hole Study.

Note that skills and items gained and altered are:
Exatari tech?
Psy Awareness gains an Off-Switch.
Core Xenodiplomacy.
Secondary Diplomacy and Xenopsychology.
Tertiary Reverse-Engineering (upgraded from Lesser), Mind Palace, Warp Control (or equivalent), Xeno Understanding, Decision Theory (upgraded from Lesser), Alliance Creation, Making Friends Out Of Mutual Enemies.

(This is the summary; details need calculated and written up.)

Focal into Aegis Borealis, with possible Relics, and all of the following relevant skills:
Core Xenodiplomacy, Psychology, and Psychic Awareness.
Psynet Core Self Awareness (raises the lowest result), Fame Management, and Forethought.
Secondary Philosophy.
Secondary (Psynet Charge) Diplomacy and Xenopsychology.
Tertiary Psy Empathy, Xeno Understanding, Decision Theory, Alliance Creation, and Making Friends Out Of Mutual Enemies.
Lesser Theory of Negotiation and Oratorical Principles.

Please note, for the record, that I will calculate out all the mods for this. But I'll need to know what Xenodiplomacy and Xenopsychology even do, first.

Aside from that, Diplomacy and Xenodiplo should give better "thanks to this skill, things are less likely to go terribly wrong" bonuses. Whereas Psychology and Xenopsych should give better Mod values (theoretical numeric progress) but worse bonuses for diplomatic purposes.
-See Through The Veil: Can sense the nature of daemons beyond the Veil providing a narrative resistance to being tricked, can examine mortal souls in the same manner. (This is not unblockable, but it will work without fail on normal daemons below Favored.)
-Minor Blank Adaption: reduce malus taken from being near a blank slightly on the narrative level

* Aeldari Genetics (Beta psyker, can build psitech, innate Secondary Skill for Dueling (does not take a slot, cannot be upgraded), amplified emotions, natural fewer Soul Wounds/Density (2 originally; 6 after system update?), under constant attack by Slaanesh)
* Agile
* Adamantine Will+ (+5 Soul Wounds; no other effects).
* Energy Weaver (can learn to weave various forms of power/energy into physical form)
* Theoretical Polymath: provides 1.5 action value to research actions, halves time to bring research skills to Core (anything below Ascendant).
* See Through The Veil: Can sense the nature of daemons beyond the Veil providing a narrative resistance to being tricked, can examine mortal souls in the same manner. (This is not unblockable, but it will work without fail on normal daemons below Favored.)
* Hard Worker (the trait; the myth; the legend)
* Minor Blank Adaption: reduce malus taken from being near a blank slightly on the narrative level
* Escalating Uplifter: every distinct Primer Eärendil creates (or has ever created, including Warp Relics though not cheap copies of Warp Relics) reduces the cost of 'whatever technological level is directly above Eärendil's highest Primer' by 0.5% to a max of 50% reduction. All of Eärendil's Primers reduce the Infrastructure cost for sub-Primarch Uplifts by 25%.

Core Skills: (3/5)
-Self-Discipline (slotless; Corruption Resistance / Emotional Control; bonus to getting Hard Worker)
-Uplift Research (Narrow) (slotless)
-Machine Spirit Studies (slotless)
-Psychic Awareness (slotless; aka "I'm semiconsciously aware of my surroundings at all times"; prevents surprise; counts as a 0.5 mod Core skill at everything; can and should be disabled when fighting close-range-Null or Daemons - will otherwise give a -100 / -40 penalty)
-Psychic Combat (slotless; Combat skill; all Psychic skills now count fully as Combat skills)
-Parenting (slot - gained Turn 5)
-Physics (slotless; Research / Crafting; 0.5 mod but applies widely; Laser and Antimatter research difficulty reduced a tier (stacking with other such reductions))
-Psychology (slot - gained Turn 5; Research / Influence; narratively better understanding of people, boost to diplo actions, Archetype Bonus: also applies to xenodiplomacy)
-Xenodiplomacy (slot - gained Turn 7; +30 to interacting with aliens and prevent critical diplomacy fails with them; otherwise just counts as a normal Core Influence skill)
Secondary Skills: (8/10)
-Dueling (Innate Skill; slotless; cannot be upgraded)
-Celestial Navigation (slotless; Research / Space Fleet Command)
-Military Theory (slot - gained Turn 4; Research / Military Crafting (especially Blueprints) / Military Command)
-Philosophy (slot - gained Turn 4; Corruption Resistance / Emotional Control / Influence)
-Training (slot - gained Turn 5)
-Cybernetics (slot - gained Turn 6; Research / Crafting; Psynet Token skill)
-Cogitator Science (slot - gained Turn 6; Research / Crafting; Psynet Token skill)
-Mathematics (slot - gained Turn 6; Research / Crafting)
-Diplomacy (slot - gained Turn 7; Influence; Psynet Token skill)
-Xenopsychology (slot - gained Turn 7; Research / Influence; Psynet Token skill)
Tertiary Skills: (11/15)
-Influence: Psychic Empathy (Psy / Influence; disadvantage fighting Daemons), Xeno Understanding, Decision Theory, Alliance Creation, Making Friends Out Of Mutual Enemies
-Uplift Research: Materials Science, Reverse-Engineering
-Learning, Time Management, Mind Palace, Warp Control
Lesser Skills: (19/20)
-Warp: Empyrean-Safety, Warp Studies (this one's usable for Combat thanks to Psy Combat)
-Uplift Research: Applied Mathematics, Theoretical Physics, Applied Physics, High Energy Physics, Homeworld Research (the state of my Homeworld's research and researchers; Research caps at my planet's Infrastructure level)
-Research/Social: Decision Theory, Theory of Negotiation, Oratorical Principles
-Military: Theoretical Warfare Analysis, Concepts of Low-Imperial War, Organizational Studies, Military Command
-Combat: Telekinesis
-Psychic Materialization (can turn Magic/Emotions/etc into physical items)
-Blank Trainer, Chaos Adaption (basically a skill that provides bonuses in exceptionally chaotic situations)
-Conviction: Chao Delenda Est (Chaos must be destroyed; as a Lesser, Eärendil still remembers the 'or at least locked away - or resisted and opposed insofar as it can be' caveats; inherently slotless; mod=1 skill for actions opposing Chaos; +5(?) Chaos Resist)

(List of dropped skills, kept for my future reference: Quantum Mechanics, Computer Science (caps at ~High Interstellar), Stealth.)

Psynet Core Skills: Logistics, Apex Dueling (+20 to duels base; win duel ties and negate critfails), Grand General (+20 to military command; ignore command malus if your troops are one tier lower than your enemy's troops), Meditation (chaos-resist, being Zen, actively Meditate to Unlock/Strengthen Psy stuff), Battle Endurance (exhaustion penalties start round 10 (+3) and increase more slowly; no other effects), Command Principle Alteration (Command +10; being countered isn't as bad), Learning (free Tertiary per turn; reduced Learning time cost), Self Awareness (better traits +narrative +chaos-resistance (+20 to cr threshold and rerolls to failed cr rolls at breakpoints); possibly a diplo skill in weird conditions (by being self aware of what not to do)), Fame Management (people don't tend to hate you), Forethought (0.5 mod - Diplomacy and/or Organizational; reroll one critfail per campaign).

Notable Gear:
-Orb of HATRED D:
-Blueprints: 'Relic-4 Cyborg SDC' and 'Relic-4 0.5-grade Mold Control'
-Omicron Crafting Base, aka Great Structure of semi-Relic Tools: +1 Secondary for Primarch or Heroic Astartes, +1 Tertiary for Hero or Astartes, +1 Lesser for others. Has issues crafting large items (Knight and smaller is fine).
-The Technology Primers: Feral through Feudal, Feudal through Modern, Modern through Interplanetary, Interplanetary through Interstellar, Interstellar through Low Imperial, Low Imperial through High Imperial.
--All were made with Core Skills of Uplift Research, Machine Spirit Studies, and Psychic Awareness plus Secondary Skills of Physics, Military Theory, Philosophy, Psychology, and Training.
--All except Modern through Interplanetary were additionally made with effective Core Skills (from the Discord) of Logistics, Learning, Self Awareness, Forethought, Fame Management, Grand General, Command Principle Alteration, and (not sure this one's relevant?) Battle Endurance.
--All were written by Eärendil, The Hybrid, and are thus relatively comprehensible (or at least somewhat less incomprehensible) to the various xenos races.

Cybernetics up through Undetectable Cybernetics and Expanded Knight Pilot Affinity. As things stand, New Menor is expected to finish Codifying Neural Augment tech two years before the end of turn 9.
Temporal, Dimensional, Psionic Biology, Nulltech - unlocked from Sophos.
A chunk of Psyker and Astral Tech-Tree Research from Magnus.

Astral Interface Psi Discipline from Magnus. WE'VE GOT ASTRAL BACK!

New Menor System
-Planet of New Menor, controlled, mostly friendly, Low Imperial tech and infra
--15 surviving Surface Hives, 14 controlled and mostly friendly
---Eärendil nominally lives in Hive Oroshral.
--Hive Vincent, damaged Surface Hive, hostile
--Orbital Hive Cluster Zetaron, Hives B through D, controlled and somewhat friendly
---Zetaron B has some surviving unusually high-tech stuff, particularly cyborg/warfare/mental.
---Zetaron D is deeply friendly.
-Moon of Turavilya A, semi-controlled, mostly friendly, Interplanetary tech and infra
Ice 'n Guard System
-Allied, cautiously friendly.
-Capital of a 5-world polity with Interstellar technology and a technocratic government.
-Ruler is The Clever One.
Cobas System
-Semi-controlled, cautiously friendly, human Protectorate.
-Planet of Cobas, low-tech but has rare functional remnants of DAoT Genemods, giving a bonus to research.

Eärendil's adopted family
-Overall: An extensive and relatively wealthy clan, they were relatively large (and generally productive / helpful / non-evil) names within a single district of Hive Oroshral until they adopted Eärendil, the Cosmic (local term for Primarch And Other Crazy OP Shenanigans) Hero. Now they're effectively royalty within Hive Oroshral, albeit somewhat reclusive.
-Eärendil's Parents are assumed to have a Primarch-grade Parenting-or-similar skill just from trying to raise Eärendil.
-Semi-adopted (shared with second cousin): Lumillia and Lyon Cobbilus. Lyon is a sub-hero Combat specialist. Lumillia is a Cyborg Intrigue/Diplo Specialist (2 ranks above hero candidate; +10 to Spy rolls and +10 to Diplo rolls) (Enneagram: Challenger).
-Fully adopted: Zach, Rock, Annabeth, Azalea, Samuel Vimes (berserker tendencies - needs active therapy to remain stable), Benjamin (Sister of Silence level Type 3 Blank) (Enneagram: Loyalist).
Arassuil - a sidekick of Eärendil's, within the planetary organization.

Corruption Tokens: 21 Repulsed (I think?); 1 each at 0.25, .5, .75.
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Roboute Turn 7
Grand: 1 Grand Spent managing Imperial Logistics. Focused on extending and reinforcing these supply lines.

Major: 1 Major Spent attempting to fix the Imperial Tax Code. Have Castious assist me in these endeavors as the first lesson

Major: 1 Major Spent on running the logistics needed for the War Born to get new ships, more equipment, and all the needed supplies to operate as directed by Roboute. Roboute will also assign half the Ultramrian Navy to assist them as needed.

5 Yearlies to make a Major: To spend on the founding of a Forge World within Ultramar Space. Have my Mechanicum trained son help oversee such a project

2 Yearlies to repair Leman's and Rogal's Fleets

2 Yearlies to train Mentoring to Tertiary

1 Yearly to begin instructing the Centurions of the War Born in the basics of Interstellar Logistics.

Relic Actions

3 Relic Yearlies and 1 Psynet Charge to learn a Core Skill

1 Relic Major to instruct Dammekos and Calliphone in Interstellar governance
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Relic usage:
  • 8 Yearlies + 1 Major to Magnus for projects and black hole study with Yraxia
    • Eärendil's involved time: World Spirit research (2 Yearlies), Eldar Call (2 Yearlies), black hole study with Yraxia (1 Yearly), and Lab-Forge (1 Major/5 Yearlies) - total of 5 Yearlies + 1 Major
    • Leman's involved time: World Spirit research and Lab-Forge - total of 2 Yearlies + 1 Major
    • Khan's involved time: 2 Yearlies for World Spirit research
    • Sophos' involved time: Black hole study and Lab-Forge - total of 1 Yearly + 1 Major
    • Other contributors to Lab-Forge (1 Major): Kaiben, Ferrus, Fulgrim, and Vulkan
  • 3 Yearlies for the Core training program, suggested by Eärendil
  • 1 Major to Roboute, to train Calliphone and Dammekos in interstellar organization and rule
Relic will end turn at 24%, will be at 29% at start of turn 8

3 Relic Yearlies and 1 Psynet Charge are used to upgrade Personal Precognition from Lesser to Core.

4 Yearlies: Cyborg-grade Average Imperial Temporal equipment suite designs for the Imperial Army, at Improved for ease of manufacturing, plus non-Temporal equivalents at Average and High Imperial
1 Yearly: Help Yraxia with black hole study


"So, what's the actual thought process here? Of bringing us all along?"

As the Stargazer orbited a black hole, Andos and Sophos were taking a brief and precious respite from their duties.

Sophos chewed on the question, as behind them, the sounds of note-taking in a dozen different media emanated from the sensor room.

"...our knowledge is all, ultimately, derived from the databanks of the Terminals and the Emperor. With the exception of the FTL drives, we are more akin to students than researchers, and the drives cannot even be made known to people for fear that you will be massacred. Yraxia, in simplest terms, knows more than us, not only about technology and science, but about research. About how to do science, how to gain knowledge that was not already known. The Exatari demand that all of their Scholars independently redevelop their technology to a point; with how much has been lost, it is that skillset above any other that we need."

Outside the viewing port, the accretion disc swirled.
At the edges of the gravitic distortion, Sophos could see the Scar.
He wished the singularity could consume it, as it did so much else.

Andos watched alongside him, cup of hongcha cradled in his hands.
"But you don't want her in charge."

Sophos sighed.
"She does not understand humanity well, and the timespans that we work within are too short for her. In a thousand years, a Yraxia-led Curiosity Foundation could be exploring the technologies of the Age of Technology. But in a hundred, she would still be training them. We don't have that time, as much as it rankles me."

"So you want her as an... independent contractor? An advisor?"

A shrug. "Essentially, I suppose. I was hoping to see how you all could work together, what you could learn. But... no. It will not work as I had hoped."

Andos hummed in understanding.
The path stretched on.

5 Yearlies: Yraxia's city (Ascendant Imperial Exatari Small City), High Imperial uplift, Tiamat's city (Upgraded Ascendant Imperial Flora-Bioclock Hive City), Capital District (Ascendant Imperial Temporal Small City)


Even as the flames of war burned, Olympia, that shining jewel of the galaxy, was reforged again to touch a new height. But while new constructions rose across the whole of the planet, three sites saw even greater and stranger developments.

From the Telephus Range, a new mountain grew - not of tectonic stone, nor of ring-sourced metals, but of living wood and mushroom. The capillaries shifted and new flows resulted. This was no untamed jungle, no out-of-control experiment - this was a lab, a computer, a fount of life. All made for the purposes of the Terminal Tiamat, the Fleshmaiden, wife of Olympia's beloved Void Tyrant. A gift from him to her.

But it was not the only gift he gave. As construction in an alien style began at the outskirts of Mount Lochos, rumormongers and yellow journalists claimed the Clocklord had scandalously taken another woman to his side. It was derided by most, of course - it was well known that the marriage of Sophos and Tiamat was purely political, and their relation purely platonic - but as information about Radiant Yraxia, the Curiosity Foundation's newest affiliate, filtered into public awareness, there was much tittering and joking across the planet nonetheless.

But within the walls of Lochos, yet a third gem of the city was built, here in a renovation of the capital district. It did not seem especially odd at first, the halls of government refined with the highest technologies available. And yet. The days stretched in the capital; dawn and dusk did not come when they should. Near the outskirts, clocks drifted, some running hours fast, others slowing to a crawl. A new era had come to Olympian governance, or perhaps had been built for it, for it had long been said that the duty of a Tyrant was a 25/8 job - but never before had such words been so true. And so the Clocklord made true his title, for even time bent to Olympian rule.

1 Major: more work on the Aegis Borealis

As Sophos continued to manage the Aegis Borealis project, making appearances at various planets to meet with more new species, he felt... odd.

It took him a while to place the feeling, but eventually, he figured out what was bothering him: it was too quiet.

The last time he had been doing this, there had been constant interjections from... well, himself, but others of himself. Reflections in time, images through refraction.

It didn't make sense. After all, messages flew through the Psynet constantly. But he still couldn't help but almost miss the old fragmentation. The additional perspectives had been helpful on occasion.

He shook himself. He had those perspectives. He just had to use them.

The Black Emissary approached another world, and he prepared.

1 Major: Counterintelligence training

One quarter of the Void's Eye had been given instructions. So too had one percent of other Star Tyrants. Quietly, of course.

That had really been all that was needed to make all hell break loose, honestly.

Sophos walked past a hallway that had been covered in intricate graffiti. Two scouts were hard at work scrubbing it clean. Sophos noticed that one of them was doing so with a 'cleaning solution' that would remain transparent and 'clean' for a week before shifting to a garish pink; whether the inductee was one of the astartes given subversive orders or one of their victims could be checked later.

Sophos hadn't given the orders to put a stop to these defacements, and he didn't need to. Considering that the first had been discovered in a critical generator room, the legion had very swiftly shifted to a counterintelligence footing. Honestly, Sophos would have considered it a failure if he'd had to give any such orders; an enemy would not notify you that they were beginning infiltration operations. He had, however, made access available to literature on infiltration and how to counter it, as well as the details of a simple bioscanner that Tiamat had designed for ease of assembly.

With watches set on critical ship infrastructure, and the rate of 'captures' slowly rising as graffiti events slowed, Sophos knew his sons were learning.

So he'd send out some new orders in a month.

1 Grand: Anti-Rangdan command
Additional: Request better equipment for Cain

Damn the Rangdan, damn their capital fleet, and damn Tuatha. Stars as his witness, damn them all to rot in the darkest pits of Tartarus forevermore.

Seventeen Primarchs had been found.
Roboute was too valuable to Imperial logistics to bring to the front; something about Vulkan made it too dangerous to allow him within the reach of the Rangdan. They were both left on the home front.
Three had been sent to Typhon - Leman, Horus, and the newly-discovered Jaghatai should have the best skills to cover the skulking threat there.
Two attacked Basmu and its surroundings - Rogal and another of his selection. Sophos trusted his judgement.
Sanguinius took on the greatest dangers to the backline, while another would need to hit 0608 to secure the push against being cut off - somebody would need to volunteer.
Magnus would be everywhere, as usual.
That left seven - himself included - to make the main push. To strike through Unseelie and try to break the capital fleet.

He did the math again and again. There were too many variables, too many unknowns. The Rangdan had an 'attack moon'. This couldn't truly be planned for until they could see their enemy.

Sophos growled and turned away. He would make these strategies when the day came to make them.

There was something he could plan for now.

A Rangdan champion was coming for one of his sons. Cain, one of the aspirants who had mutations, and was succeeding wildly on these battlefields. So the Rangdan decided he had to die.
Sophos decided he would not.

A message was sent out, for whatever training or weaponry could be provided for his son, but Sophos set about his own endeavor.

From what Sophos had observed, Cain most needed armor - his skill in melee was great, but he left himself open to wounds confident that he could heal them. Despite that, he was unlikely to accept 'just' armor; the man wanted to just become deadlier. Armor with integrated weapons would likely appeal to him while still covering the aspect of combat he most neglected.

The Airship Mark 1 spooled up its systems. Seven years... they had seven years.
The armor would be complete in six.

As the design was processed, Sophos stepped away once more, and began to brew a cup of hongcha.
He would need it.

Cain's armor with integrated chain-whips: Primarch-grade Improved Ascendant Imperial Full Body Personal Item. 5x7.5x1.5x5 = 281.25. The Airship Mark 1 produces 50 crafting points per year; the armor will be complete partway through 876.M30, before Cain gets attacked.
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Looking up from his microscope, at the stubborn, increasingly drug-resistant bacteria ravaging his refugees that simply refused to stay dead, Leman couldn't help a growl slipping out as Mother Fenris asked him for help. Couldn't the damned crises wait their turn?! But he will not allow the xenos to defile his home. They must be destroyed, immediately.

3 Yearly actions to produce a cure for the (Terran canine) disease ravaging the (fungal xenos) refugees from the Rangdan.
1 Major action going on a bug hunt to cleanse Fenris of Rangdan infiltrator bioforms.

Leman plans to collaborate with Tiamat on his project to supply the Imperial Army and Astartes with better rations, but there's something else to take care of before he can meet with her. After all, she's Sophos' wife, and he didn't get her a wedding present. That simply will not do.

The Wolfson takes a length of bone from the Father of All Krakens and shapes it into a mighty war-pick, carving it deeply with Primal runes. The hammer-head shall draw heat and kinetic energy from what it strikes, freezing all in its path, and channel that energy into the spike-head, to be released inside her foes in destructive, sonic shockwaves inspired by the many echolocating predators of Fenris' deep oceans. A weapon worthy of a member of his family, and of helping her pound her wisdom through his brother's thick skull, he hopes.

3 Yearlies to create Tidesplitter: This Ostentatious kraken-bone war pick carries an armor-piercing back-spike and four-pronged hammerhead to crush plates and tear through soft armor. The hammer bears runes that supercool whatever it hits by drawing kinetic and heat energy from it, with which it powers sonic shockwaves released from the spike when it penetrates foes.

It's past time this was done. The Imperium desperately needs more psykers, and the combination of the planetary census and Leman's geneseed awakening latent gifts has utterly overwhelmed the traditional Fenrisan Rune Priest apprenticeship system with those who have the ability to learn. Furthermore, the Rimeshields have increasingly acquired specialists, like the psyker-slaying Jaeger Squads, and the Thunderhowler artillerists, who need to pass on their skills without the chaos of an active battlefield muddling things through. It's time for Leman to found himself an academy.

1 major to found the Space Wolves' Military Academy on Fenris, a new part of Leman's legion dedicated to training promising Astartes and human recruits as Rune Priests, Psyker hunters, combat engineers, tankers, and artillerists. Due to his lack of experience with conventional classroom settings and not having enough teachers for traditional apprenticeships, Leman will ask his friend and brother Magnus to suggest a few advisors to help him out. Magnus basically grew up at a school, so he probably knows some people, right?

1 yearly to complete the Imperial Ration Improvement Plan with Terminal Tiamat, producing an appropriate blueprint. The new rations will visibly change color and container shape when their tamper-proof seal is broken, and are lightweight, highly shelf-stable, inexpensive, and nutritious. They also come in a wide array of flavors and dishes, each one inspired by the cuisine of a Primarch's homeworld, in order to keep them from getting boring and give our Astartes a little taste of home.

At this time, Leman will also give Tidesplitter to Tiamat.

1 Major to increase Dueling (Close Combat Weapons) to a Core Skill.
2 Yearlies to increase Counterintelligence Operations to a Tertiary Skill.
1 Yearly to gather and preserve the myths, legends, sagas, and stories of the fungal xenos refugees. Though they struggle, they shall not be forgotten.

It's time for Bjorn and Svetlana to get some experience under their belts without Leman looking over their shoulders, and with all Sophos has done for Leman, humanity, and the Imperium, he deserves a favor. Leman's apprentices will be given command of three fast cruisers and their escorts and sent to the vicinity of the planet Olympia. Their mission?

To raid the holdings of the Black Judges, and wreck infrastructure, disrupt supply lines, steal technology, and liberate slaves and kidnapping victims, and return them to the Imperium. Like the longboat-sailing raiders of Fenris' perpetually-fractious clans, they'll make their mark in loot and destruction of the enemies of their family.
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Valua was humming as she lazily danced a broad circle around Sophos. "I recognize the Titan, I even know of the fool who wears it. a madman fallen from grace, who has deluded himself into thinking that they can serve both Vaul and his killer." She spoke airly, like a bored socialite discussing someone showing up to a ball in last year's fashion.

Sophos had somewhat given up on asking when people showed up. "Hello again, Valua. What titan are you referring to?" Other questions could be asked afterward.
He looked around as he asked. There was nobody else on the bridge but the two of them, which had distinctly not been the case a moment ago. He sighed longsufferingly, as the straight man is wont to do.

Her twirling dance shifted into a mock stumble and she let out an exaggerated sigh. "Diviners, never trust them on timing. You will be getting reports of it sooner or later, but now that I've ruined the surprise we may as well skip ahead. The part where it butchers an unprepared army would have been quite cliche anyways. One of the darkest of the Lost burrowed below even my expectations of them, by finding a second horror to sell themselves to."

"...one of the Aeldari is actively working with the Rangdan? That- depths of Tartarus, I thought the aliens we'd found who'd considered that without knowing what it meant were bad. That is… something else."

"Oh, he truly is something else," her mask shifted for an instant into a portrait of fury before returning to a pointedly calm expression. "Expressing my opinion of the man in a language you could understand would be… oh, you have learned the mother tongue of your darling wife, have you not?"

Instead of waiting for Sophos to respond, Valua simply paused and began to whistle, shifting between two tones impossible fast. Sophos wasn't initially certain which was meant to be 'on' or 'off', before it became clear that it didn't matter - one interpretation produced a grand elegy on disgust, while the other was a rumbling drumbeat of hatred.
"I apologize if some nuance was lost, I am not a native speaker." .

Breathe in, let the shade shelter you.
Breathe out, step once more unto the dawn.

"Your accent is flawless. What did this bastard do to earn your unending ire and his trip to Tartarus' deepest confines?" The question is asked without uncertainty; the inquiry was not of magnitude, but of substance.

"You know some of what laid my people low, the endless cannibalistic pursuit of pleasure and blood drenched hedonism that ate us away long before its consequences shattered us, yes? That, thing saw what was coming, shielded from the worst of it as a Priest of Vaul the crafter," the name spoken with a strange mix of awe and grief. "So when he embraced the worship of our Fall, he did so knowingly and without compulsion. That he drags the dead name of our god into the muck alongside his damned soul should be a small thing next to that, and yet…" she trailed off with a shrug. "It is perhaps why I would ask you not merely to kill him, but to trap his soul if you can. To deny him the meeting with his beloved ruin. I have not quite worked out which would be funnier, feeding him to your paramour, or handing him over to the Laughing One for some remedial theology lessons."

…if it was being equated to being subjected to Crystial's conceptual butchery and cooking, Sophos was not sure he would want to know details of such 'remedial theology lessons'.

Not that it was really his problem, honestly.

"I take it that this… individual-" lowest of beasts, anathema of reason, shitpile of inordinate magnitude "-would not simply be anywhere, but would be someplace where they can make the most trouble, likely with one of the Rangdan's expeditionary fleets. Where would we likely find them?"

Valua vaulted over Sophos, slamming a folder down, dramatically spilling its contents onto a table that had not been there when he'd last looked, revealing a report compiled on a new threat. It seemed to be written in the… 'Astra Tyrannis'.

Alternate timelines were a pain in the ass.

Flipping through the documents revealed a distinctly unpleasant set of threats. Notable stealth capabilities, cybernetic-augmented infantry, a titan legion, and… well. The individual.
…he could steal from old mythology again. Call it Tuatha.
"You could have at least given me a dataslate," he groused as he laid the folder - contents now neatly organized within - back on the table-that-may-or-may-not-exist. The latter being rapidly proven as the papers fell through and scattered on the floor.

He gave Valua a look as she grinned back.

"So. This is very clearly a problem. Enough of a problem that these documents do not actually have any advice on what to do about it, because they were too busy losing all of their men. So, seeing as you are expecting us to defeat it, I must inquire as to what actions we can actually take to assist in that endeavor."

There were a few moments of silence, before Sophos sighed.

"What actions can we take to help us defeat the bastard?"

Valua smirked in unstated sarcasm. "I believe you should employ friendship, specifically with your wizard and knightly brothers, and anyone else who might be of use against a titan of such power - don't you know, you never split the party. Advice I am glad to inform you I doubt he has ever heard, as relics of sufficient craftsmanship should lure him from the safety of his swarm, and into a killing field."

"And such qualifying relics would be…?"

"Kaiben's favorite anthology would suffice, as would your rather distinctive headwear, or that sword you still haven't learned to use properly."

Sophos was about to respond, but suddenly, with a swirl of energy, Crystial materialized in the room. "Sophos~ what has been keeping you? I have looked everywhere for you." She turned and glanced at Valua and smirked, "Oh, what is this? Trying to build a harem? What proactivity this is, I am most impressed," she stated, as she danced with equal grace to Valua around the room.

Sophos just pinched the bridge of his nose.
Oh no.

Crystial danced around the room studying the magic woven through the room, "What glorious artifice this is. To phase us into another pocket realm of your own creation. Are you sure that you do not seek carnal relations with Sophos?" She smirked, showing her fangs to Valua.

She turned towards Sophos swinging onto his desk with a glorious smirk upon her face, "To have relations with an Aeldari. Oh what horror and insult that would be to your people. What would Vulkan think if he knew, what would Tiamat think?"

"Are you quite done?" Sophos does not sound like he cares a single ounce about the miscellaneous accusations made. One gets used to such nonsense.

Crystial swung herself upside down floating in the air as she peered as Valua, "Curious your soul bears two brands. One of mockery and one of pain, I am curious indeed little Aeldari, whom do you serve?" Her voice oozing with seduction and danger.

Valua froze, a strange pistol in one hand, a knife in the other. Sophos looked over at her and proceeded to grab Crystial by the scruff and pull her away from the harlequin.
"Stop harassing her."

"How have you become so much more than a figment already?"

Crystial radiated pure smugness to the extent that the warp in the vicinity echoed her own smugness in full, "It was a simple matter. I told Magnus a secret and he used that to bring low Tzeentch from whom I tore free a mote of power." She turned even smugger somehow, "I have peered into the Abyss itself and-"
"And almost killed yourself from terminal idiocy."
"Dredged free the Visionary." She pouted up at Sophos before continuing, "I had intended it as a gift for Sophos, but he rejected it."
"I have better uses for it than just eating the thing."
"But you refuse to use my genetic code for your daughter. Which would be a quick path to success." She turned an eye towards Valua with an expression of interest, "Why not use part of her genetic material in your daughter? You could even make her a hybrid like Earendil, use Yraxia, Tiamat, Valua, and myself to give rise to an exemplary daughter."

Valua's hands twitched and were once again empty, as she brought them together in a loud clap, and all but melted into an exaggerated bow. "My apologies for lack of tact, Lady Crystial, I foolishly expected you to be expected. I should have known Sophos' costar would be no less innovative than he."

Crystial, held in Sophos' grip, smiled as she stared at Valua "Oh what tact you have, I must applaud your elegant wordplay indeed. Yet, your body betrays you indeed, shall we not play a play here. What does it mean when one of the dancers of the foil stumbles in their motion? I have a card yet to play." She narrowed her eyes in glee as she reached out a hand and a soup pot fell into being upside down. A truly foul smell radiated from the pot. Sophos actively stopped making use of his olfactory nerves. "Stewed Nurglings, a delicious composition I believe. Do you wish to partake?" She paused, "Or perhaps you would rather meet my delightful Daughters."

A flash of calculation passes over Valua's face before vanishing. "Ah, I would never pass up a chance to meet your darling daughters."

Crystial smiled as she reached out into the warp, "Say hello Daughters." A moment later three forms tumbled into the room, Regalia the first to arrive and promptly hid behind Sophos' bulk waving cautiously at Valua. The next set were the newborn Twins who tumbled into the room laughing and giggling. "Oh, an Aeldari. We want to know so much. What is it like having Slaanesh after you? What does it feel like to eat fruits? How does it feel to walk through the webway? How do you cast magic? We have so so many questions, can we please examine your brain?" They gasped for breath after their rush of questions.

"Quite the personal question to ask, is it not inappropriate to ask to see someone's nervous system before the third meeting?"

The Twins gasped, "Is it? We didn't know? Sorry sorry, we aren't used to talking with other people yet! We were born only a few weeks ago. We are trying, please don't hate us." Crystial sighed, "Children she won't hate you for a simple innocent question you didn't know better to ask."

Valua nodded, "It is the nature of children to stumble as they learn, only the cruel and the foolish would hold such against them."

Crystial nodded, "I am pleased you are wise enough to understand that simple truth." As she hugged the twins under her wings, cuddling them to her. The Twins smiled as they grasped onto her wings as they smiled up at Valua their forms shrinking smaller to better fit under their mother's embrace. Regalia smiled softly at them from behind Sophos who just stood still with a hand on his face, clearly just done with everything.

"Simple it may be, yet before this very moment I had thought it beyond the ability of the sons and daughters of Ruin to grasp."

Crystial frowned, not understanding the words for a moment, then her RAGE erupted through the room. A blood red star in the warp burning into vibrant life even as hatred burned through the room. Her wings unfurling as she phased through Sophos' hand, a hand raised as claws emerged from her fingers, each burning with magic ready to rend asunder souls. Her daughters were pushed behind her with flows of astral song and immaterial energies, protections flaring into being capable of weathering even blasts from Magnus. Her face twisted into a mask of rage as she struggled to hold herself under control. "I care for my Daughters, I seek to see them prosper. Do you wish to test my conviction?" Her voice was a whisper upon the air, the warp roiling with her statement as the burning star drew close to the Materium.

Valua took a step back, and for a brief instant, her once ironclad control slipped, leaving her an open book to all present. Fear flicked across her face before being chased away by confusion and strangely, embarrassment. Before a wraithbone mask faded into existence over her features. There was a tense moment, before her mask faded out of view, and Valua dropped into a deep bow.

"I apologize good lady, I intended to express shock at your family's love, not disbelief." she let out a disgusted sigh "The insult given was given in error by a mischosen word. In three ways have I wronged you, so in three ways shall I offer wergild. For the pain I offer a salve. Painful though it was, you now know of a chink in your armor. Those who would stoop so low as to attack the love a mother has for her children will be able to strike at your heart deeper than such cretins deserve."

"For the shame of cutting so deeply before those you love, I offer a blade. You and your family are the only daemons in this galaxy who can love. Some can play at it with beguiling lies and practiced lines, some can experience a mocker of it, twisted and perverted mirrors of true affection and compassion, but none can love genuinely and truly like you and yours can. All who study scions of ruin know this, and all save those who already know of you and yours believe it impossible for exceptions to exist. Know that when they heap abuse and disbelief upon your family, they do so as a primitive man might sneer at the thought of flight, and against your foes know that almost all will misjudge you in this."

"And lastly, for my gross failure to you, your family, my god and myself to give such an insult without intent, I offer a secret. Ask one question, and I will answer it truthfully and totally so long as the answers are truly mine to give."

Crystial breathed deeply, an affection of mortalkind that was all the more disturbing to witness as her anger and fury receded, once more slumbering under the surface. The bloody sun in the warp fading away, outshone by an aegis of bronze, as she let go of her fury. "Only those beyond reason would see reason to attack me upon this axis. I learn and evolve, in the future I will not be so easily led in dance." She turned towards her daughters and phased over to them, rubbing the heads of the twins and stretched a wing to caress Regalia. She turned to Valua and nodded in consideration. "A worthy trade indeed, the wisdom you may offer is vast for I have seen the book you have provided. I am ever glad to see Sophos and not that fallen counterpart Perturabo, yet, for the question at hand I request the true name of a daemon that would serve as a worthy part of a daughter of mine." She paused for a moment, "If that is beyond your reach, then I seek instead the lore of the Abyss itself."

("Please don't.")

"Fortunately, I should be able to find you a victim, so I will not be in the awkward position of repaying you with knowledge that could well spell the doom of you and all who cherish you. Though I do not keep the True names of daemons in my head, if you tell me what qualities you seek I should be able to give you a Name in short order"

Crystial smiled, "I seek a daemon powerful and skilled in any field of note. I care not for their nature nor their origin."

"That should be of no difficulty, give me perhaps a narrative beat to consult the records, and I should be able to provide you with what is owed."

At the other side of the room, the seemingly-forgotten Primarch is very obviously confused.
"...what, precisely, is a 'narrative beat'?"

Crystial sighed, "It is a measure of fluidic time, a standard principle of working with the warp." She translated roughly into language Sophos could grasp if inelegantly.

"I believe the human term here is' you're lucky you're so pretty?" Valua offered cheerfully.

Sophos pinched his brow, while Crystial's new twins started climbing the handholds on his armor. "Sure. Aside from all this. My creator had concerns about the book you provided me. In particular, what it implied about his own potential behavior. Are you willing to provide greater details as to the events of the work's timeline of origin?"

"For him? Yes, I assume he wants to know why his other self would allow the deeds mentioned in the book?"

"He seemed mostly concerned that his alternate was a bad person."

"Did one of his cabana boys over-oil themselves into a mirror? I can think of few other reasons for him to engage in the self reflection that question implies."

"You know, he actually talks to people these days, and has alternate opinions piped directly into his brain. You can thank Magnus."

Valua blinked in surprise "I think I will indeed, though this does mean my prepared material to mock him might be out of date. Ah well, I think if nothing else today has proven the importance of improv. Speaking of, catch."

Sophos' hand was up before the word was finished, and yet nonetheless he found himself with a holocrystal bouncing off his crown. His psionics froze it a doron away, where he then plucked it down to look it over.

Crystial chucked, "I can't imagine improve would be easy for a prop comic." she had barely finished speaking before in a blue of motion, she had caught a small tube of wraithbone aimed squarely at her face.

"I assure you good lady, whatever joke you would think to make at my noble art's expense is old, and its refutment is within that scroll."

Crystial looked at the holocrystal and then back to Valua, "Are you sure that the play is done with all needed skill? To dance through the timelines of paradox so cleanly, is a feat of grace beyond you. From whence did this creation arise, or perhaps it comes from others?" She twisted a finger and illusions of other timelines ghosted into the room.

"We provided the Stage and the props, and another troupe performed it, it would not be proper for the stagehands to take center stage in such a production after all."

Sophos looks up from the holocrystal. His face is stony, while bronze light weighs down on the room like metal-in-truth. "...he did not care. This was done to one of my brothers and he did not care?" The words land upon the ground like leaden slabs, ringing with sorrow, loss, and rage.

Crystial stared into the crystal with quirked eyebrows, "His soul is different, that is not the same man I have met. Broken, corroded, the golden sheen tarnished beyond repair. He who I have met bears a soul if not of radiant gold then one of gleaming gold. Even through this false display my sight perceives the differences. The one I have met longs for connection, he seeks a restoration of all humanity and himself, he stretches out a hand in blind hope towards those he seeks to have as sons true. But," She paused for a time, seemingly to consider her words, "He does not know how to reach out after so long alone, beyond such bonds." She turned back to the crystal, "He within that timeline had long since lost that drive… no. Not lost, forgotten, buried so deeply that even he himself forgets the truest reasons of his own actions."

"The heart is a muscle like any other, it can atrophy if unused, and that was not the only step he took down that path." Valua's face gives nothing away, but her tone seems vaguely miffed at the 'joke' being explained.

Sophos pored over the recording again, trying to glean any of what Crystial had apparently managed to extract from the performance.
He wasn't seeing it.
"...will the emperor be able to glean that information as well, or can you provide an accompaniment that will ensure he gets the point?" Unstated but clear is Sophos' desire to also 'get the point'.

"He will get enough from it to answer his question, quite generous for a free sample"

Sophos narrowed his eyes and raised his brows in disbelief. "You are asking me to be your salesman?"

Valua shrugged. "Goldilocks is rich enough to pay in things other than favors, and aggressively screens his calls."

Sophos stared at her a moment longer, before rolling his eyes (once more, an invisible gesture to everybody else). "Fine. Fine. Whatever, it'll only take a few minutes when I next see him. Is there anything else?"

"Hmmm, I believe this act has gone on long enough, it is time for me to step off the stage. I'll leave you to your frustrating realization."

Sophos started. "What? That- no, that's-"
She was already gone. Sophos pressed his fingers against the bonecrown, very clearly wanting to run his fingers through hair that he couldn't access that way. "That's not what I meant! She knows that's not what I meant!" He covered his face in his hands and groaned for a moment.

Moment done. He shifted toward pinching his brow.
"Next time, I am asking her who 'Vaul' is as the first thing."

Acquired: "The Breaking of a Free Man": Holocrystal recording of the Emperor's first meeting with Angron, or rather, every 'canon' version of that meeting, all at once, conveyed via a Harlequin performance mind-bending enough to successfully be all of them, complete with psychic harmonics.

Information on a 'weakness' of Tuatha provided; he will pursue Sophos for the Bonecrown, or whoever possesses the Gaol Blade (currently Sophos) or The Chronicle of Man (currently Kaiben). This is likely best used to lure him into an ambush by a bunch of Primarchs on prepared ground.

Crystial and Valua have met. The horror.

Sophos really wants to know who the fuck Vaul is.