Warhammer 30K roleplay IC

The Emperor shook his head in negation, "THERE IS NOTHING AT PRESENT THAT REQUIRES US TO REMAIN ON PLANET. I CAN INFORM YOU OF MORE ON THE JOURNEY TO YOUR BROTHER." The man waved a hand and a hole in the world tore open in radiant golden light, casting radiance across the land, as he walked through it and gestured for the others to follow. Lion noted that the ground under the hole was slowly transmuting into gold, streaks of the metal racing outward.
Lion nods and turns to his children and says "okay you 3 stay by my side."
the 3 girls nod and stay by his side as they, his wolf-lion fenrir and his guards walk over to to the hole and go through it. once through it Lion looks around and sees the blackness of space through one of the windows while all 3 of his daugthers gasp and start to walk around, he turns to the stranger as he enters the portal and asks "how did you mange this and that whole hiding your body thing you did?"
System Planets Discovered said:
4 - Hive (High Interstellar Tech/Infra)

75 - Death World (Modern Tech/Infra, both the biosphere and geological are awful and would count as a deathworld)

72 - Garden World (Industrial Tech/Infra)

64 - Cathedral World (Exotic Deposits: Duralium, exceptionally low psyker presence due to extremely harsh training, worships a God Queen psyker that draws authority from the Sun/Stars that tolerates mutants with non major mutations and has many subbranches but has problems with others from outside the religion, system has five stars within its borders and the ruler is an Alpha- Singer who is personally exceptionally kind and has a high level of integrity, but will do anything to protect her people even harming them to ensure a future, current tech and infrastructure are comparable to Low Imperial worlds, has currently understood to Hear the Stars Above and rolled out Songs of Life, Light, and Sol)

98 - Xeno Homeworld (populated by a very young species of snake analogs that are below human in quality tier and lack potent souls, their world is exceptionally large and fertile with a single planetary biome across the vast majority of its surface, still solidly in the Paleolithic, mentally predisposed towards Order and mentally equal to Humanity but lack almost all ambition)

77 - Frontier (Exotic deposits: Fascium, large psyker presence, colony of the cathedral world and where all its psykers are trained, psyker training regime provides the following effects: 1 in 10k survive, survivors lose chaos malus due to psyker status, gain +60 vs Chaos corruption, upgrade psi rank by one level to a max of alpha, are massively scarred by the process)

On the bridge of the Lead Ship within the Expeditionary Fleet, as the fleet makes the transition back to Real-Space, Omegon ponders on what tone to take with any potential human survivors.

The Void Dwellers had a Station and a Fleet but the former hadn't been restored to full functionality and in any case wasn't a shipyard. Replacing Crew would be a difficult enough task, to actually build new ships was still beyond the Dwellers. Unless absolutely necessary, engaging in any naval action was to be a last resort. Similarly, Voidsmen, though reliable, were not regular infantry and in any case there was a distinct lack of vehicular and air support for any sort of ground invasion.

However blunt, Invasion was a useful tool in its own way and to have to completely rule it out as an approach grated on Omegon's thoughts. That left diplomacy, deception and espionage. All areas in which he was well trained and experienced by this point, but diplomacy required that the other party was willing to engage and the latter two could backfire in dangerous ways. No one said restoring Humanity was going to be Easy, the transhuman giant supposed.

"As we explore the system, have a message broadcast on regular intervals, that we come in peace and in search of our fellow kin and survivors of the Warp Storms."

Preliminary scans of the system had indicated that ships of unknown make and allegiance were present in the system as were basic naval defenses scattered around a few planets. This was an inhabited system. Omegon had no doubt that the broadcast would be picked up and soon he would be negotiating with another independent faction, one powerful enough to maintain its own fleets.
Preliminary scans of the system had indicated that ships of unknown make and allegiance were present in the system as were basic naval defenses scattered around a few planets. This was an inhabited system. Omegon had no doubt that the broadcast would be picked up and soon he would be negotiating with another independent faction, one powerful enough to maintain its own fleets.
Moments later a broadcast came from the forces in the system, and a new problem rose its ugly head, linguistic drift. The language that they spoke was unlike anything spoken upon the Station or the Fleet, if Omegon has not been present it would have taken years to begin to translate the words spoke, but he was present and it only took a few minutes for him to crack the language by tracing back the drift that it must have suffered to reach this point.

"This is the Celestial Dominion's space, if you come in peace then stay at system edge. If you come to wage war know that we are merely a colony." The voice was calm, cold but not unfriendly merely resolved to the chance of battle and it was human.

Lion nods and turns to his children and says "okay you 3 stay by my side."
the 3 girls nod and stay by his side as they, his wolf-lion fenrir and his guards walk over to to the hole and go through it. once through it Lion looks around and sees the blackness of space through one of the windows while all 3 of his daugthers gasp and start to walk around, he turns to the stranger as he enters the portal and asks "how did you mange this and that whole hiding your body thing you did?"
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Lion nods and thinks, huh, so I am making my swords better then they should be because of something I should inquire about this more later but first. He turns to his kids and says "its best to find our rooms and settle in who knows how long till we reach our destintion." The 3 kids nod and return to his side and he turns back to the golden figure and says "can you show us to our room. and how long will it take to reach my brother?"
The Beginning of the Crisis: Rangdan War
Since the beginning there had never been a time when all the Primarchs thus far found or know were brought together, but in the year 30,865 that changed. The northeastern region of the galaxy wiped clean as an endless swarm washed over the worlds and sectors within its depths. Countless human worlds consumed and added to the ever growing swarm intelligence, countless thousands of alien species lost and consumed all the same. Those few that held firm for a time were washed away by the tide of flesh that came to consume them all.

The Emperor walked with heavy footsteps, his every step echoing through the halls of his grand flagship as he came to the war council of the imperium. At a table of auramite, twenty grand thrones decorated with the sigils chosen by the Primarchs stood in silent testament to the might of the Imperium and the crisis at hand for of the thrones all those that were found were occupied. The Emperor arriving last to bring the last retrieved of the family back into the fold. With him came Lion from Caliban, Lorgar from Colchis and finally Magnus from Prospero. To join those present: Leman of Fenris, Kaiben of Arcturus, Ferrus of Medusa, Rogal of Inwit, Vulkan of Nocturne, Fulgrim of Chemos, Roboute of Macragge and lord of Ultramar, Sophos from Olympia and Horus of Cthonia weary and aged.


Expeditionary fleets ranging outward to bring ever more worlds into the fold, even as what was became more pressed. Several Sectors on the map glowed a brilliant gold as the eyes fell on them the Emperor spoke once more, "AS WE HOLD THE LINE AND YOU PUSH THEM BACK, THE CUSTODIANS THAT ARE NOT IN COMMAND WILL BE SEEKING YOUR ABSENT BROTHERS."

A wave of his hand saw tablets on each of the thrones activate revealing details and offers from him for the coming war to drive him the seriousness with which he viewed it.
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I look over the notes on the creatures, a living virus that can control the very souls of their hosts and feed upon the death of others. Unending tides of bodies... I'll need to brainstorm ways to negate these threats to the legions later. And the page about the Vision, the metals in this object are beyond me... An ancient relic, who could he have made this for? He couldn't use this himself, but it's so mighty that so few could wield it... Not the time, back to the matter at hand.

"Father, I accept this relic, and thank you with trusting me with this. I will not waste it."

I pull up an orbital image of Tizca on a nearby screen.

"I trust that you noticed the network of portals scattered across Tizca before we left? I would like to set up a network between the Glorianas and the Bucephalus."

Ah, I'll have to introduce myself to my brothers as well, damn, so many things to juggle.
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Moments later a broadcast came from the forces in the system, and a new problem rose its ugly head, linguistic drift. The language that they spoke was unlike anything spoken upon the Station or the Fleet, if Omegon has not been present it would have taken years to begin to translate the words spoke, but he was present and it only took a few minutes for him to crack the language by tracing back the drift that it must have suffered to reach this point.

"This is the Celestial Dominion's space, if you come in peace then stay at system edge. If you come to wage war know that we are merely a colony." The voice was calm, cold but not unfriendly merely resolved to the chance of battle and it was human.

"Very well, Dominion Colony. We have no intention of waging war against our Kin, though we are prepared to defend ourselves. We travel the void to find survivors of the Old Night...and those would trade with us. We would be open to negotiations for such, if you would be willing to pass the message to your superiors."

What the Void Dwellers had were basic archeotech, an operational shipyard and high grade fuel produced an archeotech harvester. To actually offer the services of the shipyard was right out. Nothing short of an ally would be actually allowed anywhere near the Station and the Shipyard. Not when that was their home 'world' and best 'card' to play, but any civilization that had some form of spacecraft could make use of the high grade fuel that the Dwellers produced.

Omegon was taking a risk by communicating beyond the absolute minimum required with the Dominion and as his gazed turned to the various agents of his prowling on the deck and keeping a close eye on the crew, he also considered that espionage was not out of the question...but he had solved the vast majority of his problems till now utilizing diplomacy. In time he would have to fight, the Dwellers would have to fight. He just prayed that it wasn't this day.

He commands his fleet to remain at the system edge as instructed, but also arranges them in as defensible a formation as he can muster at this time. Hopefully if this bears fruit, he can go investigate the other planets as more and more information pours in from the long range scanners.

A Hive world, a Garden World and even a Death World! All inhabited as well, near as the long ranged scans can say. Fascinating!
Omegon was taking a risk by communicating beyond the absolute minimum required with the Dominion and as his gazed turned to the various agents of his prowling on the deck and keeping a close eye on the crew, he also considered that espionage was not out of the question...but he had solved the vast majority of his problems till now utilizing diplomacy. In time he would have to fight, the Dwellers would have to fight. He just prayed that it wasn't this day.

He commands his fleet to remain at the system edge as instructed, but also arranges them in as defensible a formation as he can muster at this time. Hopefully if this bears fruit, he can go investigate the other planets as more and more information pours in from the long range scanners.

A Hive world, a Garden World and even a Death World! All inhabited as well, near as the long ranged scans can say. Fascinating!
The Dominion fleet remained stationary in orbit over the world they held, but within the month a small ship was detected heading towards them. Accepting a message revealed a human man with tattoos seemingly carved into his flesh on the other side, "I am Interrogator Orius, by order of the Dominion all possible trading partners are to have their minds examined before negations can begin. Refusal of this will simply prevent the forming of a trade alliance and result in our space remaining closed to your ships, however as per our legal rules the outer system space will remain open for warp transitions." The ship would arrive within a matter of days and a choice would have to be made.
The Dominion fleet remained stationary in orbit over the world they held, but within the month a small ship was detected heading towards them. Accepting a message revealed a human man with tattoos seemingly carved into his flesh on the other side, "I am Interrogator Orius, by order of the Dominion all possible trading partners are to have their minds examined before negations can begin. Refusal of this will simply prevent the forming of a trade alliance and result in our space remaining closed to your ships, however as per our legal rules the outer system space will remain open for warp transitions." The ship would arrive within a matter of days and a choice would have to be made.

"As things stand, Interrogator, that is simply a bridge too far. There are far too many unknown variables at this time. For what its worth, nonetheless I am heartened to see that our fellow kin survive."

And with that, communications between the Void Dwellers and the Dominion would cease for now. He wasn't lying when he said there were too many unknown variables. If he could have parlayed with the leader or leaders of the Dominion, spoken to them and understood some more of the Dominion's culture and society, perhaps then he would've been ready to have his mind invaded in this way but such a thing could only come *after* a discussion. As a prelude to any talks, it was unacceptable.


98 - Xeno Homeworld (populated by a very young species of snake analogs that are below human in quality tier and lack potent souls, their world is exceptionally large and fertile with a single planetary biome across the vast majority of its surface, still solidly in the Paleolithic, mentally predisposed towards Order and mentally equal to Humanity but lack almost all ambition)

Deciding he wanted to avoid anything too complicated at this time, Omegon would take the expedition towards a curious planet in another system. A planet inhabited by primitive Xenos. Scouts had claimed that these snake like Xenos were mentally equal to Humans but appeared to lack almost all ambition. Fascinating!

Of course, Xeno anthropology wasn't the only reason to explore and claim the world. Exceptionally fertile, this planet had the potential to end any future woes about food supplies (and variety...) in both the Station and Fleet and could hopefully serve as a fine outpost where the populace of the Dwellers could grow without any worries about space and resources.

As soon as the fleet reached the Planet and system, assuming no complications arose, Omegon intended for a base camp to be set up on the surface and to go meet these Xenos....
15k marines on caliban
allowing rogal to command over the lion and the 1st legion

1 major action diplomacy with aliens assign secondary charisma and dipolmacy
reach out to many races in danger of the rangdan and convince them to join and help the fight under the protection of the first legion the races in question(hopefully sangehelii (elites) and Jiralhanae (brutes) and also reach out to any eldar(exodites, craftworlds or other) in the area to see if they are willing to help
2 yearlies into getting diplomacy to tertiary
1 major action getting diplomacy to secondary

1 yearly action into training erza, beneditka and sorano how to fight

1 yearlly into learning command and strategy
1 yearly in teaching beneditka and sorano governance

1 yearly into learning robotics , Engineering
2 yearlies into getting engineering to teritary
2 yearlies into getting construction to teritary
1 major to get tactics to secondary

1 major into war effect Charybdis, 1714
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1 Grand action breaking through on 0508(Harder)-0707(Easier)
1 major Action used to Buff all combatants and raise morale. (Using Divine Caller. Use either the Emperor's power, if applicable, or the Constellations, life to fight off the virus and use Revelation of Astral Light - Warhammer to enhance the buffing, if possible)
1 major Action used to raise Narrow Skill Military Strategy (Constellation Boosted Troops) to Secondary
2 Yearly actions spent raising Diplomacy to Tertiary
2 Yearly actions spent raising Logistics (Supplies) to Tertiary
2 Yearly actions spent raising Narrow Psychic Skills (Biomancy - Regeneration) to Tertiary
2 Yearly actions spent raising Persuasion to Tertiary
2 Yearly actions spent raising Constellation Skill: Life to Tertiary

In the dim light of the strategium, Lorgar stood before his legion, the Imperial Heralds, the Imperial Army and Navy, their faces shadowed by the weight of the upcoming battles. They were to fight in, what would later be known as the first Rangda war, tasked with winning two major battles at key locations to support Magnus and his forces.

Lorgar looked at them and found only men and women condemned to die.

"Then hope I shall give them," Lorgar replied, his eyes blazing with determination.

With a gesture, he summoned the power of the Emperor and the Constellation of Life, channeling it into a blessing for each soldier, from the lowliest recruit to the most seasoned veteran. As he spoke, his voice carried the weight of centuries of tradition, of battles fought and won, of sacrifices made in the name of the Imperium.

"Soldiers of the Imperium," he began, his voice resonating through the room like a clarion call, "today, we stand on the precipice of history."

He spoke of duty, of loyalty, of the importance of their mission. He reminded them of their resilience, their mastery of tactics, their ability to survive against all odds.

"I stand before you not just as your commander, but as your brother," he continued, offering them the blessings he had channeled. "With these blessings, you will find strength, courage, hope. Each of you will have a chance to survive, to fight, to emerge victorious."

The soldiers listened, their eyes shining with newfound resolve. They knew the battles ahead would be tough, but they also knew they had been given a gift, a chance to make a difference.

"Let us go forth," Lorgar declared, his voice ringing out with authority, "let us fight with honor, with courage, with conviction. Let us show the galaxy the true might of the Imperium! For the Emperor! For the Imperium! For victory! With the shield or on it."
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The Emperor lead Lorgar through his ship, the grand vessel gleaming and crewed by the Custodians each a beacon of power and light within their armor. For miles they walked in silence through the gilded halls upon which hung the glorious history of man. Images from all eras decorated the ship, a museum in its own right, their footsteps silenced through the ingenious design of the flooring and carpet. Eventually the pair came to a door and the Emperor slide it open revealing an observation deck. Massive windows to the open void surronded them, made of something far surpassing diamond in toughtness and clarity. Already present was another, a tall broad fighter, with a greatsword upon his back burning with power that Lorgar could see clearly.

Chairs were waiting for them, crafted for their great frames and at their sides rested various plates of refreshments. Freshly baked and clearly at the perfect temperature to be properly enjoyed, as the Emperor and Lorgar walked into the room the stars overhead and the sun in the distance a clearly visible sight. Below them to Lorgar's eyes a Constellation of power burned above his world, a testement to his victory and in the sky above he saw a million million constellations beyond his understanding.

As Lorgar stepped onto the observation deck, he was struck by the breathtaking view before him. The vast expanse of space stretched out endlessly, with stars twinkling like diamonds against the velvet backdrop of the void. Below him, he could see the Constellation of power, a symbol of his victory and the unity of his people.

As he took a seat and reached for one of the refreshments, Lorgar couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder at the beauty of the universe and the vastness of the Emperor's domain. He knew that great challenges lay ahead, but in that moment, he felt a deep sense of peace, knowing that he stood on the brink of a new era, guided by the Emperor's wisdom and strength.

"My........I wanted to know which of my brother am I about to meet but I just realized that I never asked for your name. I apologies for the lapse. What do you want me to refer to you as?" Lorgar asked the Emperor.

The Emperor inclined his head, "IT WOULD BE EASIEST TO CALL ME EMPEROR, IF YOU SEEK A NAME THEN [REVELATION] SHALL DO." Upon the word [REVELATION] a surging tidal wave of meanings, intents, and even visions assailed Lorgar, the man before him flickering between an infinity of forms and guises, a man, a woman, a machine, a monster, a tyrant, a hero and countless more all revealed before him.

Lorgar staggered back, temporarily overwhelmed by the flood of images and sensations that assaulted his mind. He felt as though he was being pulled in a thousand different directions, his senses reeling from the sheer magnitude of what he had just experienced.

As the visions subsided, Lorgar found himself on his knees, gasping for breath. He looked up at the figure before him, now shimmering with a radiant light that seemed to emanate from within. "Revelation," Lorgar whispered, the word heavy on his tongue. "I... I understand. Hits you like a Warhammer indeed."

Lorgar shook his head and gathered his composure. He looked up at Revelation.

"Thank you for the revelation" Lorgar said with an amused smile, "but I now find myself seeking knowledge of a different kind. Which of my brothers am I about to meet, and what can you tell me of his nature, his family, his... essence?"

Lorgar was not sure why he added the last part or even what he meant by that.

Then lets hear it from the horse's mouth." Lorgar said in agreement.
The Lion who was watching approaches over to the two and saying "I was here right before you got distracted by the stars, names Lion how about yours?"

Lorgar rose to his feet, extending his hand in greeting. "I am Lorgar, King of Zerzura ," he replied, his voice steady.

"Please, tell me more about yourself," Lorgar invited, his tone respectful yet curious

Lion grabs the hand for a shake before removing his hand and sitting down before answering " well I am the king of caliban, I built a city so the people would be safe from man eating beasts, I have 3 children, a loyal friend in my wolf-lion fenrir and I got this sword that I got through sacrifice. as for me personally well I like my friends don't like selfish pricks who only care about their own ego and pride like a certain old annoyance of mine who only cared about being the hero of his own delusion yourself?"

Lorgar chuckled softly at The Lion's candid response, nodding in understanding. "I can relate to your sentiments. It takes a true leader to prioritize the well-being of their people over personal glory," he replied, a hint of admiration in his tone.

"As for myself," Lorgar continued, "I am Lorgar, King of my own City and I suppose King of Colchis too, though our customs differ greatly from those of Caliban. I have faced many challenges in my rule, but I strive to lead with compassion and wisdom, much like yourself."

He paused, reflecting on The Lion's words. "It seems we share a similar disdain for those who seek only to elevate themselves at the expense of others. As for family......." Lorgar smiles. "While I have no sons and daughters, I have many brothers and sisters. The tales I could tell you of our initial struggle are many, but we succeeded together."
No Fluff for now but I kind of need to get my math done before the war properly starts. Most of my math anyways. I know I still need to edit in the math and what I'm doing with my Yearlies after the Rangdan war starts, but the math gets weird.
1 Major action is used to take Arcturus and my Gloriana to go smash the enemy.
1 Grand Action is used to construct 23 Custodian quality Ostentatious Relic grade, Astral-Psi type 2, Tier 3 Calamity narrative, Medium object Calamity Weapons. 8 Shall be Staves, 2 are a set of Gauntlets, 8 Shall be Swords, and the 5 incarnate reagent weapons will be the following, each flavored for a different flavor of nature's wrath: Axe Guitar, Thunderstorms. Bow-Harp, a weapon that imitates the might of the Falling Stars. Hurdy Gurdy Energy weapon, Drought, the wrath of the sun. The Apocalypse Horn, which calls upon the memories of Fire from the Sky, of Volcanic eruptions. Drum Hammer, Earthquake.
1 Major from the artifact courtesy of Sophos Is used by Kaiben to produce 53 Astartes grade, Low imperial tech level, relic level 2 dark matter lances.
Arcturus will use its production to produce miscellaneous supplies and munitions for its fleet.
4 yearlies before the outbreak of the war will be used to reorganize Arcturus and attempt to establish a proper legal system.

1st yearly post Rangdan war used to make a narrative tier 1 medium object Calamity Volkite (Space marine quality) for Ezequiel to reverse engineer.
2nd yearly is spent talking to the incarnates and convincing those nearing the end of their lives to volunteer as reagents for the calamity weapons.
1 yearly spent working with Giovenco on some Infosec defenses for Arcturus
2 yearlies spent on making the Ark of Paradise, an astral medium structure Psitech Extravagant Relic with a Tier 3 magic gemstone Narrative with the help of Ferricus, taking some time to tell him and Caeso about the situation with dead souls in the warp and the original intent behind the Ark, Covertly.
As war approached Kaiben sat and pondered. This would be a brutal war. And a situation that required specialization, due to operating with so many primarchs. The path to walk was obvious to him. Arcturus was a second Gloriana level space asset, and could be made even greater, the path of Naval Command would be the way to go for this war. Before that though he needed to get Ezequiel started on his project.

As he was making the weapon, he would begin reaching out to the Incarnates.

Those who were touched of the stars. Their voices sang in the Astral, and the world obeyed. By using them as Reagents unique weapons could be made, things that would be beyond the normal capabilities of his crafting. And so he sent out a call, and the vast majority answered. Each would be forged into a unique fusion of Instrument and weapon. Shaped by this, each one would become a potent weapon of war.

And so would 5 weapons whose presence would shape the war, and create new legends be forged. Each taking the name and soul of an Incarnate, and each shaped by a form of Nature's wrath.

Each would be tested upon their completion, on a barren no name planet.
The Axe Guitar would cleave through all in its path, and called down the wrath of the storm, lightning falling without pause or reason from clear skies.
The Harp Bow's arrows flew like shooting stars, either one by one hitting with the force of a meteor impact, or in grand storms that covered entire battlefields in astral projectiles
The Hurdy Gurdy was innocuous at first, until it was played, and began to manifest intense heat across an entire battlefield, accompanied by a false sun and beams of burning light.
When one blew the massive horn that was the apocalypse, fire would begin to rain from the sky as ash clouds began to blot out the sun and clouds of toxic gas rushed out.
The Drum hammer caused the test targets to be devoured by the earth, as it split open and shook with great force.
The composition of the Ark of Paradise. This is it's name, for names are important, and while the deception exists elsewhere a thing whose name and purpose are misaligned rarely thrive. A building built around a massive gemstone, the outer layers are insulative, using voidlight in to devour outside influence and dampen their power, and Solar to burn anything unclean that attempts to access the gem. The gem itself has an intricate crystalline structure and delicate star shape. Starlight is used on the outer layers in order to achieve two distinct effects by using its association with the vast distances of space. Two seemingly paradoxically opposed tasks are done as one, increasing the distance between the inside and the outside, and the distance between the different walls of the gemstone, making it somewhat larger on the inside than the outside. The inside of the gemstone is a mixture of gentle sun, moon, and planet light. The gemstone is designed to form an inner sea of Warp energy, a mini warp of sorts, with the intended capability to hold souls, it'll probably be a tight fit though.
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Pre-Rangdan (prototype armor):
-One personal Grand: Learn Command Principle Alteration at Core
-Two personal Yearlies (1 Major): Train AI Understanding to Core
-Two personal Yearlies (1 Major): Fix 4th Legion culture
-One personal Yearly: Train Diplomacy to Tertiary

Sophos moved, and time moved with him.
Thoughts sped across an expertly-engineered brain as he learned - learned how to command the unexpected, learned to commune with the peoples who he would be tasked with bringing into the Imperium's fold, learned how to think, to wield that expertly-engineered brain in the most efficient manner possible.

(He efficiently disregarded the Emperor's distaste for the Terminals as he maintained an open channel with Tiamat, Solomon, and Cynthia while in Sol. Learning to truly understand artificial intelligences - their needs, their wants, their functionality, their speed - was of the utmost importance, and would aid in all of his future endeavors. To protect humanity and improve the galaxy, there was precious little better he could do.)

With all this time, there was precious little he couldn't do. There was no such thing as too much time, for there was always something new to work on.

...including some things for which 'more time' was not quite so clearly of help.
The amendments to the Star Tyrants' tactical profile had, frankly, gone smoothly. The legion had easily adopted the methodology of hit-and-run warfare he had developed, supplemented by rapid fortification and artillery support. The Void's Eye company was also developing nicely; having a stealth-specialized force available to deploy for infiltration and the softening of targets would be helpful. No, it was the cultural aspect that had Sophos troubled.
He took stock of the stocks of the Manifold Dawn with a sigh. Materials for creation had been taken, yes... but mostly turned toward the improvement of arms and armors. Paint, cloth, and other such substrates of softer shapings were largely untouched, and the databanks dedicated to the collation of the legion's works of written word were sparsely populated, with most submissions beside his own being tactical treatises.

Astartes were not truly meant to be people, he was finding. They were... flat, for lack of a better word. The Star Tyrants had been forged in his image, but it was only an image, a surface-level construance of his story. He could feel them echoing him within the psionic plane, but it was only that, an echo, reflecting the dominant patterns while losing the underlying details. He innovated, and so they dedicated themselves to innovation, even as they failed to consider that innovation could include going beyond your craft. Or that innovation was a means to an end, rather than an end unto itself.

This needed to be worked on.

There was a notification in the comm network.


All members of the Star Tyrants are encouraged to spend four hours a week
engaging in creative exercises not related to combat or strategy.

Practicing artistic expression is known to foster the
development of the following non-exhaustive list of skills:
-Visual precision
-Verbal precision
-Hand-eye coordination
-Situational reaction speed
-Communication skills
-Creative/out-of-the-box thinking
-Psionic awareness and channeling

Some possible activities:
-Writing poetry -Tailoring
-Writing prose -Writing music
-Debate -Playing music
-Sculpting -Gardening
-Pottery -Performing theatre
-Painting -Architecture

Maybe it would work.

Post-Rangdan (command armor and extra-time uber-relic):
-Receive Time Management at Secondary, receive increases for Combined Arms Tactics and Command Improvisation to Core
-Two Relic Majors (10%): Fix Sedna
-One Relic Major (5%): Fix 4th Legion culture
-One Relic Major (5%): Train Diplomacy to Secondary
-Two Relic Majors and one Relic Yearly (11%): Designing blueprints for suites of Ascendant Imperial Dimensional-Temporal equipment
-One Relic Major (5%): Train Logistics to Core
-One Relic Major (5%): Work on setting up the Aegis Borealis program (hopefully benefits from the command armor?)
-One Relic Yearly (1%): Introduce the Adapted Logic astarte to Tiamat and facilitate initial communication
-One personal Grand: Anti-Rangdan command
-Five personal Yearlies (AKA 1 Major): Visit 0616

Donated time:
-1 Major for Magnus (5%)
-5 Yearlies for Magnus (5%)
-1 Yearly for Leman (1%)
-2 Yearlies for Rogal (2%)
-1 Major for Kaiben (5%)

Current integrity: 40% (Will be 45% at the start of next turn? Or year 5 of next turn?)

Depths of Tartarus, there was absolutely such a thing as too much time.

Damn the Rangdan. Damn them, let them rot in the deepest shadows, let them consume themselves as they consume all other else, let them suffer, let them stop being his damned problem!

There was so much he had to do. And he did not know if he could survive the time in which to do it.

Time moved, and Sophos moved with it, like a leaf on storming currents. But he could keep afloat, above the roiling depths. He could, because he had to. There was no other choice, to protect humanity - no, to protect the whole of the galaxy.

His mouth felt coated with oil, and pitch-black smoke poured forth from his mouth and nostrils. He knew Crystial had been by (why - how - she was on his ship (she was on his ship, right?) he did not think he wanted to know (why not (can we please not argue about this?) ?) .) - ow. Was this his punishment for hubris? A man taking more time than allotted to him, granted more than could safely be worked with.

Sophos breathed in. Motes of dark matter from across Sedna shifted imperceptibly toward him.

Sophos breathed out. Within the Curiosity Foundation's labs, dark matter fell from its momentary hold.

He knew that Crystial had been by, and had given him another one of her soups - this one made from a 'heldrake', apparently - and he had partaken of it, but his only memories of it were his personal mental records recorded concurrently. This missing time was a plague.
The most annoying part was the inconsistency of it, in truth. He'd been marking the records that he had direct memory of, and they weren't sticking. Yesterday, apparently, he'd remembered an entire period of diplomatic training that was currently missing entirely to him, even though he still rather clearly remembered yesterday. Time was phasing in and out, and it didn't even care to do so in a manner connected to any other part of itself.)

There was a Rogue Trader in front of him. Sophos mentally backpedaled, recalling what had brought him here.
Aegis Borealis. That was his effort in the local possibility space, right. (Your sons still desperately need to be socialized.) This is not the timeline for that. We are working on that elsewhere. If any of them prove capable of actually talking to people, they will absolutely be included.

People would understand in time why working with alien civilizations to beat back the Rangdan would be worthwhile. The Aegis was not only a shield against the horrors of the Rangdan. It was a shield against becoming just like them.

(You know what would be helpful?) Yes, and he knew it wouldn't work. (Being able to use non-Warp FTL.) He was well fucking aware. (Warp logistics is a damned nightmare.) I know that, shut up, you know damn well why we have to use that. We have places we need to be, and having the Navigators not only hating us but actively trying to kill us is not something we can deal with right now. (Fine, fine. More blueprints, just make sure Sedna's ready.) I am working on logistics. I am not even on Sedna. Please stop distracting me.

Innovation was tempered. Perfectionism was excised. To strive for the pinnacle was good; to cast out anything not already there was not. The perfect is the enemy of the good. To properly apply change, it must be tempered by reason and precision. Improvement was a process that stood upon the successes of what is past, rather than aiming to make the whole of the journey by itself. Context considered; time and place (time ticking toward ) shut up.

Sophos drank another cup of hongcha. He could see the concern on Gadiel's face, but he couldn't really do anything about it. His gene-son already knew what the source of the issue was. Explaining that it wasn't just headaches but intrusive thoughts (that one definitely didn't come from him, it didn't make any sense, was time itself thinking at him?) would extremely not help the situation.

The brief bouts of prescience that he'd been having all decade certainly weren't helping to keep proper track of time. Had they had the conversation yet? ...yes. Yes, they already discussed this all. Good.

"Once more, Gadiel, thank you for taking charge on this. In truth, your finger lays closer to the legions' pulse than mine does. Your assistance has been invaluable."

His son nodded briefly. "I am glad that I am able to provide it. The Manifold is certainly more... lively, now." They share a smile.

Gadiel's clockwork sculpture ticked outside the chamber, the shield and hammer protecting the varied figures upon the central mountain from the myriad monsters that, cycle after cycle, attempted to ascend it.

(By the way, Tiamat is ) Yes, yes, understood. Help the kid with his peopling issues, good. There's other problems to deal with.

It wasn't even the Rangdan, right now. Though stars knew how much brainpower he'd been putting toward that.

No. The issue right now was sector 0616, designated Ereshkigal. Which was notably devoid of Rangdan.

He had no idea what he was about to get into.
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"You see, somebody decided during my creation that it was more important that I have a natural antipathy for religion than that I have proprioception."

Much of the Emperor was engaged with his son Sophos, but one thread of the chorus of his mind fixated on one particular detail. His thoughts were as ever beyond mankind, factual and multilayered in a way that only the most brilliant of poets and madmen could hope to approach, but if one were to simplify them so that they could be mostly understood, they would be as such.

The fuck does he mean he doesn't have proprioception!? He needs that! His physical imperfection was supposed to be a missing limb! Something narratively important and easily rectified! He had hunted down an Aeldari wondersmith for her hands! Every aspect of his dexterity should be flawless!


The thought was foreign, a small mimetic flourish woven into an encounter, an intrusive thought timed to emerge in this exact situation. There was exactly one being in the galaxy who could do that to him. That, fucking CLOWN! She had not been some dominion misery tourist! She'd been one of his! He had put a harlequin's hands into his son! His horror was strangled well before it made it out of the deepest depths of his soul, but quite suddenly his son made much more sense. He could only hope that the clown's joke was concluded, and that no more mischief would come of this.


The Eldar woman sniffed and looked up from her paperwork.

"Someone important is thinking of me."

Around her, the rest of her troupe reacted with appropriate dramatic flair.

"Fetch me my mask, my cape and my silliest hat!"

With a shake of her shoulder she shed her dull robes, striping down her simple body sleeve. strutting towards the bolthole's door as her troupe clad her in her extravagant costume in a long practiced maneuver. With a confident stride she slipped her feet into her highest heels, she dipped her head as two of her stage hands struggled to lift the massive feathered hat onto her head. With a click the cape of many colors was affixed to her shoulders.

Her senior most aid approached, holding her mask reverently before sliding it onto her face. With a dramatic pose she engaged it, the mask melded seamlessly with her face before fading from view, becoming a secret joke between her and her god. Unseen by any other, unless it would be funny.

"I go now to meet my destiny! For the fate of the galaxy! For the future of our people! And most importantly of all! Seeing how much we can annoy Goldilocks!"

With a dramatic flourish, her cape flew from her shoulders before exploding into a swarm of holographic flowers and she was gone.

The woman before Sophos was strange, clearly inhuman yet standing in his home as though she was supposed to be there. She wore a strange bodysuit, covered in diamonds of alternating purple and white, golden accents adorned her joints, and atop her head was the most ridiculous hat Sophos had ever seen, the massive millinery pulling his eyes away from the equipment schematics he was working on. It was a series of nested gears, each ticking along in sequence, its axis appearing to be a miniature copy of Olympia's star. As the gears turned, making the bells adorning the teeth jingle a somehow coherent tune, Sophos realized he was looking at a clockwork rendering of the Olympian system. Each version in every timeline, had the relative positions of the worlds correct down to the micrometer.

"Son of the Anathema, Void Tyrant of Olympia, I come to discuss urgent and weighty news."

Clearly, if she'd somehow managed to get into his private quarters on the Manifold Dawn.
(Stop. Think. Where are you?)
He was… on Sedna? But he'd been negotiating with the Rogue Traders on Terra…
Timecheck. Prime: 418. Aleph: 742. Vet: 396. Gimel: 67. Daled: 825…
And yet in every single instance, every location and perspective, this woman was standing right in front of him, waiting for a response.
"...who are you?"

The woman responded with an elaborate bow, "I am Valua Gift-Giver of the Aeldari, Crafter, Fool, Priest, Harlequin and Troupe Master of the Stagewright Troupe, but I repeat myself." she rose easily despite her comically impractical… glass (why?) shoes.

Sophos thinks about what the Emperor had told him.


Absolutely nothing of any use. He thinks about his experiences with strange, inhuman-looking women (Crystial and Tiamat), narrows them down to the experiences that have anything in common with this one (Crystial), and decides that he's not going to get anything else of any use from trying to ask for clarification.

"Why are you here?

For a second, she merely stared at him, and then she burst into motion. Holographic curtains rising around her as her location across the timelines scattered and then, she… began to monologue? No, not monologue - she was responding to herself. It took him seconds to realize what he was looking at, she was putting on a play with each timeline version of her playing a different character.

The play was short, but if anything more confusing as a result. The cultural assumptions were entirely wrong. It took him time to realize that mountains were not rulership, but divinity. His new-found knowledge of ancient history helped him put it together, somewhat. The idea that horse nomads inhabiting plains were common, and seemed to be the dynamic the play assumed everyone knew? He was still not sure if the reference to those who spoke from the mountains were supposed to be gods or kings, but the general events of the play were comprehensible enough. The last fragmented remnants of an ancient and mighty kingdom seeking an alliance with a barbarian warband? Some new city? He was not quite sure what "khan" meant, but the idea of the old and broken seeing to ally with the young and rising was clear. The foe was… vague, and steeped in too-foreign symbolism. It seemed to be monstrous, rather than merely men, but he remained uncertain.

She looked at him expectantly.

Harlequin and Troupe Master of the Stagewright Troupe

…he felt as though his eyes opened again. This was not a window into one foreign culture, but two. One that had been put on display, and a second that was the display, itself. Or perhaps it was the culture superficially shown that was meant to act as the display for a culture of artists.

What forces would demand such a culture of obfuscation, however?
…a life among those who needed their lessons but would reject them, perhaps.

Fool, Priest

Was it not known that in some courts, the only one who could criticize the Tyrant without fear of reprisal was the hokan, whose wit was barbed in iron and whose criticisms were veiled in humor? For such a mode to become the default method of interaction… had he any less control over his body, he may have shuddered. The implications were painful to consider.

"I… believe that I understand what you wish to convey. A proposal of alliance, if I read your writ right. But I prefer to make my agreements to proposals explicitly stated. You need not wreath your intentions in symbolism and story; I wish only to deal fairly with you, and ensure there are no misunderstandings. I am no Judge, to punish you for saying things I do not wish to hear; there is nothing to fear here from speaking straightly."

For an instant so small, even Sophos barely caught it, her control seemed to break, and she seemed to show an unguarded expression of shock… but then the mask slid back on, as she became indignant.

"Safe? You think I speak as such because I am afraid of you? Truly you are your father's son to speak as such to the priests of the Laughing God." she let out a haughty sniff

Fool, Priest

...this was why he was studying diplomacy in one instance. To not make mistakes like this when interacting with unfamiliar cultures.

He raised his hands gently in front of him. "My apologies. I got caught up in a train of thought and neglected to consider anything else. I mean no offense."

He wracked his brain for a suitable manner to apologize.
...no. Without knowledge of her culture, any attempts in ways that would come to his mind would be shots in the dark at best. There was only one correct way to do this.
"What would be the proper manner by which to make amends, here? I do not wish to assume more than I already have."

"Ah, well intentioned ignorance? You are indeed his creation but perhaps not his Son then."

She began wandering, the various instances of her weaving together into an oddly intricate pattern. "Half an insult, half an attempt at kindness. A full apology would be entirely wrong, I would owe you half an apology back, and I don't think you'd know how to make change."

While she was correct, in that he had no idea what 'half an apology' could possibly mean, Sophos was pretty sure this was a joke at his expense.

"Ah! Of course! A double or nothing! I shall wager my half apology against a similar boon. So tell me, Sophos of Olympia, Son of the Emperor and heir to his horrors, what would you bet against half a sorry?"

This was almost certainly a test, and he was certain he was already in the process of failing it. Seriously, what in the depths of Tartarus was 'half a sorry', and how did one bet against it?

He tried to focus on one of the woman. Time was… blurring, in ways he was quite certain the relic he had been provided was aggressively not meant to operate, but he managed it.
She was grinning.
…this wasn't a test. It was a set-up. It was a joke. Of course.

He straightened up, put on his most serious face, and exaggeratedly stroked his nonexistent beard.
"Ah, and once more you set about speaking in circles, circuitous courses carrying us ceaselessly in orbit or orderly expression, ever in sight, ever out of earshot. I do so wish that we might have an ounce of clarity."

"Clarity then? Hmm, a fine wager but not quite half an apology, perhaps two thirds." She made a show of pondering "then I shall balance the scales. Should I win I shall make a request with all the obligation of your misstep behind it, should you win I shall be clear, but make the same request with only what weight you feel it deserves. A fair wager to my ears, what of yours?"

Sophos sighed in a dramatic fashion. "I suppose such stakes sound sufficiently square. Might I merit material particulars per the preferred nature of favor, or must I make marked time 'til this wager's waged 'er way?"

"It shall be up to you to weigh those scales, so shall we begin? I believe it's known as šarraḫūtu among your people? You will say something, and I will say something that can defeat it, and so it goes round and round until one of us stumbles."

He knew of no such game by the name, but perhaps that was, itself, the point. He belonged to more than only Olympia now.
But if there were an answer to 'what bests what'? Well, there was already one such question troubling him. And, frankly, he was quite certain it would be both an intelligent and entertaining start to the game.
Putting on an exaggerated stature of imperialism, and an expression of one too clever for his own good, Sophos asks, "What warrior, we request, repels the Rangdan?"

She gave him a look of amusement before she began to, dance? Weaving amongst her various selves song the timelines in a chaotic swirl, and then with a scream of rage fell into a vicious military cadence.




Her absurd hat shifted, rising above her and becoming a rendition of Olympia gone mad. The stars choked with defense stations and fleets, worlds visibly crumbling as more and more was torn from them to feed the endless appetite of the military. Flashes of light as fleets fought pointless battles for the sake of battle. A society consumed utterly by the military and drowning in rage.

Sophos was almost physically pushed aback. This was- this was not at all what he had thought this would be.
This was horrifying.
(Fire and spice and copper and blood blood blood-)

Sophos took a breath, and the fundament of the universe held him.
Sophos released a breath, and once more he stood firm.

The fires of war were fueled by all those touched by them, and they consumed friend and foe in equal measure. But to attempt to quench them wholly was folly, for it only took one side's desire to keep it alight.
To be measured in all things… the star that spun above him shone, trying to radiate intent.
"Wisdom." The wisdom to know what is right, to know what is true. To do what must be done without forgetting what should be done.

Valua reeled back, all instances of her, and began to hum. A strange discordant tune as she began to sway and twitch and dance, first in a spiral, then in a square then a circle then, seeming to change style between each step, and then she spoke. From a single thought came a hundred thousands words jumping over one another concepts and names and warnings and more besides. It was only Sophos' impossible sense that he could make out clearly a handful of constants among the cacophony.

[change,{Consuming Hope(MADNESS) Confusion} Ambition]

Once more the diorama of Olympia atop her head shifted. A dozen space elevators sprouted from Olympia, each a new and better version than the last, yet each seeking to replace the others; new orbitals flicked into being only to be abandoned, half completed, to begin a new and better version; a dozen projects of impossible scope cluttered the very sun, crowding each other out. Fleets disintegrated into chaotic mobs as tactics and classes were abandoned mere days after their adoptions. A society became a mad endless churn where today was swallowed forever by an ever distant tomorrow. Change for change's sake, taken to such an extreme that nothing would ever actually be accomplished. It was horrifying, yet something of it was familiar.

This one… this one just made him mad.
After all, he had already been spending years beating this particular form of idiocy out of his gene-sons.
True change - true accomplishment, true improvement - required direction. This, chaos was no better than Olympia's old stagnation - was worse, perhaps, for it drove itself backwards rather than merely remaining where it could reach. He could see, in the dance, promising opportunities abandoned for short-sighted advancements, all as the foundation swiftly rotted, all attention pulled away from it to tend to vanity projects driven by pure ego.
(-probably mostly wanted to show off the new things she could do-)
He was disgusted. It was a mockery of improvement, without any care to protect the essentials.
And with that, he knew his answer.
"Structure." To protect what must be, such that what could be may be built. A memory of today, so that the tomorrow we wish for may truly dawn. To not only blaze a trail that others can follow, but to tend it and ensure it remains, to bring the heights we aim for into eternal reach.

Valua responded with a bow, and for a second he thought she was conceding, but then, she once more began to move. A slow, repetitive dance, looping through the same motions again and again, somehow feeling like it was dragging on for hours in mere moments. Each repetition a bit slower, a bit sloppier, a bit less impactful. The clockwork rendition of the Olypmia system stuttered, and ground to a halt as its gears rusted, and then Valua opened her mouth in a long low moan…


The orbitals above the worlds rotted to nothing, for why maintain them in the face of eternal entropy? Why bother filling out the paperwork when the best that can be done is treading water?

…this was wrong. Something was wrong.
The first two answers were… odd, and over-detailed, but nothing about them had stood out as disconnected. This, however… while stagnation, even perhaps apathy, followed from an exaggeration of structure much as the ambition and change of Valua's prior answer could follow from an ideal of wisdom taken past the point of understanding what it meant, the rot… it felt like something… deeper than the mere decay of a stagnant structure.
Something virulent underneath the surface.
It seemed disconnected, yet it was how she elected to answer him. And it was clear that she did not send these messages - any messages - without intent. This meant something.
He didn't know what, yet.
But it did not seem like she aimed to leave him in the dark for long.


His mouth had already spoken as he considered. It was an obvious answer, after all.
His mind was focused more closely on what she would respond with.

Valua once more sprung into motion, stepping into an oddly familiar dance of smooth and precise motions. Every instant the dance grew more and more intricate, more complex, yet soon it was becoming difficult for the sake of difficulty. Technically challenging yet unimpressive maneuvers, more and more the dance was not for the audience, the props, but for the dancer, the one who was moving and feeling and striving. Valua was barely looking at him, absorbed utterly in her dance. Yet he was not forgotten, the rendition of Olympia on her head began to shift and change, new stations being built, new ships leaving berths, ever more and more mining vessels appearing as the dance approached a fever pitch, and then instead of speaking, she violently thrust her arms, sending fireworks out to explode into words of fire.


That he had never seen the language before did not seem to matter, he understood these burning words completely. The rendition of Olympia began to wane, worlds, stars, the people themselves broken apart for raw material for grand art projects and insane hedonistic excesses. Focus turned inward towards pursuit of art, or excellency or grand projects regardless of the cost. Obsessive pursuit of perfection and pleasure becoming the only thing anyone could ever care for.

It was… an answer to improvement, yes. The trap, to think there was some objective ideal, or to rest upon one's laurels.
But this was not the point. It had never been the point, he had realized.

And so he looked deeper.

It was not Olympia.
Or rather, it was only Olympia in the same manner that the initial play had been that foreign land of plains and khans. It was a symbol - a beacon of civilization and technology amid a roiling galaxy. A place of power and knowledge that stood above the rest.
And it was not the Olympia that he knew, for no shattered ring surrounded it.
This was Olympia of the Age of Technology, ancient and advanced.

See how it falls. See how hubris takes it. See how it turns inward until it turns itself inside-out.

The last fragmented remnants of an ancient and mighty kingdom


This was the fall of the Aeldari empire.

And it was more than that. It was a… a force, a presence in the psionic plane. He had had his attention drawn to it…
…as it had had its attention drawn to them.

The rooms were cast in a harsh green light, as Sophos' crown shifted to affirming the barriers between reality and the psionic plane, and timelines misaligned decoupled once more.
Sophos wheezed for a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. (Extremely concerning, but what about this wasn't?)
He thought back to the earlier three, and thought to what he had felt in the psi-dense regions of the research facility. There were… resonances, there, that he hadn't known. Patterns he had felt, but without any way to recognize or identify them.
(Patterns that he'd felt dancing in the edge of his senses when Crystial was around. Until the last time. Last time had been almost worryingly silent.)

As he gathered himself, his instinct was to respond with 'care'. Attention paid to what lay beyond the walls. Interest in what should be rather than simply what could be. A willingness to give to others when there was no need to do anything but take for yourself.

But that was not the point. To address only one of these malignant patterns was to miss the point.
You could not address only one. In every case, where he had addressed only one, it had led directly into another.
You had to address them all at once.

Slowly, the light shifted. The cool shade leaked out as warmth crept back in.
Bronze suffused the room, and so did a thought.

Protect and Improve

Sophos was bent over, breathing heavily, leaning on his blade.
"...something better. There must be something better. And if there is not, then I will make it.
I promise this."

Valua… began to laugh, loud uncontrollable mad laughter, her mirth too much for mere sound as she began to circle Sophos, making great leaps and flips.

"I yield! For what answer could beat such a thing? What boor would shatter such a grand jest? Oh son of the Anathema, you shall be either the greatest joke or the darkest tragedy I have seen for a thousand years." Her mad dance came to an end as she landed before him in a deep bow.
"I declare you the victor, I shall speak so as to be understood, save when my secrets are not mine to reveal. So ask your questions, O tyrant of a wondrous tomorrow."

(Sophos was sorely tempted to demand that she cease laughing at him. Logically, he knew that not only would this fail to achieve anything, it would likely cause her to laugh more. But nonetheless.)
(He supposed that to her, he likely sounded like a child declaring they would make world peace. But he'd done that, had he not? And yet there were so many more peaceless worlds…)

Sophos breathed in, eyes closed.


Breathed out. His eyes opened once more as he moved into a more comfortable sitting position.

"...I would first like to confirm the assumptions that I had already made. Was I correct in that you represent some portion of the Aeldari, and are seeking to establish an alliance to combat the Rangdan? …or, perhaps, against the fourfold abomination you conveyed to me?"
Sophos tilts his head.
"Actually, no. Delay that a moment. My first question is what favor you had intended to ask of me. You had mentioned that it would be expressed regardless."

"Oh, a small thing all told, your maker stole something of mine when looking for parts to create you. Though I admit, after seeing what he has made from it I can not say it was ill used. Though your aid in crafting a replacement would still not go amiss."

Sophos frowned. "I cannot promise much until I know what a replacement would entail, but I should be able to offer a hand if nothing else." …the word choice felt… odd. Why had he…

Valua smiled. "Ah, perfect!" with a flick, the stiff wraithbone gloves she had been wearing flew to his face, revealing a wraithbone-capped stump at the end of her wrist. "Though if I could impose by asking for a pair? For symmetry's sake, if nothing else."


Sophos just… stared for a moment. He could not have looked away if he had wanted to.
There was no space for such a desire in his head, however, for simultaneously slowly and oh-so-rapidly, something built within him. Like a mountain… or, more accurately, a volcano.


His teeth clicked together like a released escapement, and breath whistled through them like a steaming engine.


He was not the Harlequin. He could not laugh off crimes such as this.


"...what needs to be done to fix this?"
The words rumble out, like the first warning of an earthquake that would shake the heavens.
This is not a question of repair or restoration, for there needs be no question of them.
This is a question of punishment.

"Either the direct attention of a God, or a token effort from yourself. The theft was as much a thing of the Psionic plane as you would call it as anything else, so even a crude set made by your hands would be enough."

"That is not what I was asking."
(And it was not as though he would be content with giving her a 'crude set', but that was beside the point.)

Valua chuckled. "Well, who am I to decline an opportunity to brag?"


"It was quite possibly the single greatest performance I have ever put on," Valua spoke with open pride. "It took decades of preparation, years of submerging myself in the role of a wandering wastrel, the memory alterations were the least of it." She let out a chuckle. "I had to spend a year and a day without touching comedy or joy in any way just to sever my connection to Cegorach, to this day no other role has pushed me like that one did." She sighed. "Alas, many of the tricks I used are trade secrets so I can not properly boast about it. But I can assure you, fooling the Anathema into putting the hands of a harlequin into his crafter despite his paranoia was quite the trick."

She smiled warmly as she looked directly into Sophos' eyes. "But seeing the results? It is more than worth it."

And that expression looked disconcertingly similar to the sort of look Crystial would give him and he did not care to consider that thought further, there were more important topics such as the fact that "You were deliberately trying to get the Emperor to take your hands?"

Her smile transformed into one better suited to a cat. "Yes!"

Sophos pinched the bridge of his nose - he'd heard that it was supposed to help with headaches, though he didn't think it was working.
Why would she want the Emperor to take her hands? Why would the Emperor want her hands to begin with?

fooling the Anathema into putting the hands of a harlequin into his crafter

…and she had convinced him that she was a non-harlequin, some other variety of Aeldari. And he had seen her physical control in the dances she had performed. A human simply wouldn't be able to make many of those movements.
Contrast his lack of control over his own body right up until the point where he had the two options of either figuring it out or dying.

His eyes met Valua's, lids narrowed (though it was difficult to notice beneath the bonecrown's brow).
"This is why I lack proprioception, isn't it. Because it would be funny if the intended result was wholly inverted."
The words are delivered as dryly as a desert.

She let out a borderline mad giggle. "And it somehow ended up being the least of the grand jest."

One eyebrow rises. "How much do you already know about me?"

"I know some of what you found in the tomb of brilliant twisted madness your wife hails from, I know of the ideals you cast against the galaxy, I know that whatever secret radiance that has coiled itself around your blood was not of your maker's design…"

Her smile once more turned manic. The pause was brief, yet dragged out just long enough to ensure that Sophos knew he wouldn't like what was said next.

"...and I know of the creature that has bet its heart against yours, and that whatever comes of that strange wager could shake the stars themselves."

Sophos slowly released an aggravated sigh. "Because of course you do. As that would be, in some capacity, cosmically humorous." Likely for much the same reason he found himself surrounded by extraordinarily dangerous women.
"Given that you clearly have an understanding of the psionic plane that surpasses mine, and you appear to have an awareness of my assorted difficulties, could you potentially provide some measure of insight on what to do about the anomalous ideoform that has elected to pursue me?"

"I am constrained here, your maker seems oddly protective of your ignorance of such matters, and assaulting your innocence in such a way may endanger the alliance I am here to build. This makes speaking of your ideoform chef in ways both true and sensible even more difficult than it would otherwise be."
(One iteration of her breaks away from the group, hand beside her mouth in a stage whisper. "Truly, I could not tell you anything sensible about this topic regardless, as nothing about this topic is sensible.")
"I can offer but one piece of advice," she says, continuing as if nothing had happened, "and this may be the most important thing I say today. Growth" - the word pushes with the same underlying force of Sophos' earlier answer - "is foreign to her nature, so your aims will require more than merely seeing her find the completeness she seeks. You will need to carve a path from the Pit to the Pinnacle for her to tread, but beware, Tyrant, for such a path would work both ways. Ensure it can only be walked by the willing lest you endanger us all."

…'a path from the Pit to the Pinnacle'. From the chaotic currents of collective unconsciousness that presently held her to the realm of order, structure, and growth. And the structure of her being would defy typical endeavors to improve oneself in the manner necessary, just as much as he was fundamentally contrary to the concepts from which the psionic plane was built.
…but the psionic plane, a place of conceptualization, ideation, belief… had patterns that could be built off of.
Equivalent exchange. Risk and reward. Law overriding natural behavior.
A contract, wherein two stake their beliefs, their core natures, against each other, a contest of wits and wills, until one sees the light the other clings to-
-he takes a breath.
"We have diverged far from where I first intended us to begin. Is it correct that you came to me in aims of acquiring an alliance? And if my assumption with that had been correct, is the alliance intended to be against the Rangdan specifically, or does it bear a wider aim?"

She quirks an eyebrow. Somehow, it is sarcastic.
"Ah, so quickly to come to the heart of the matter. So you ask if forging an alliance between the desperate scattered but still mighty remnants of my people, and the rising power of the Anathema and his twenty… gene wrought constructs," her voice a perfect match for the first time Sophos met Terminal Solomon, "has any aims beyond solving the short term threat of the Rangdan?" She paused for a moment. "No, clearly there would be no wider diplomatic aims or longer term plans, everyone knows diplomacy is the art of solving exactly one issue at a time."

Sophos' eyes were narrowed, not in an aggravated manner, but an exhausted one.
Then they narrowed further, dangerously, as an idea struck the primarch.
"Well," flippant voice perfectly imitating Valua's, "sometimes one issue is pest control on a biohorror infestation, sometimes one issue is conducting repair on the galaxy's psionic ecosystem. 'Tis but a small difference, surely? Though one must wonder what wielded authority authorizes all our agreements, aye? What weight lies behind thine designs?"

"In this, the Stagewright Troupe speaks with the voice of the Laughing One himself. Only the most heterodox or mad of the harlequins would overtly act against us, and should we find success we might draw ever more of our fragmented people into our grand stage play."

So… some of the harlequins would listen, but most would join in only after the cooperation started to see success. It was, in short, politics. But the size of the initial faction was still important.
Sophos' voice falls back to its typical tenor, having failed to get a reaction from the woman.
"How many of the Aeldari do you represent, however? A vast majority of the harlequins, you have expressed, but what does this mean for your people as a whole?"

A cheshire grin spreads across her face.
"A complicated question, with many answers that could be seen as true, complicated further by how this alliance could well change the answer. You truly have a talent for finding the most interesting questions."

…she is stalling for time. He does not know whether or not she meant for him to see a crack in her mask here, but she is stalling for time.
What the hell is this question that this is what makes her stall for time?

"For our purposes today, we are the thin thread of tradition and faith tying the disparate factions of our people together. Seldom heeded, but always heard. As for the aid we can ourselves provide, we lack the numbers to meet our mutual foes in open battle, and I will not insult you by implying you think that alone would make us weak."

A single assassin could bring low the whole of an army, after all. Though he had the impression that the harlequins would prefer more oblique solutions.
But regardless.


"And what would these 'disparate factions of your people' be, precisely?"

"Hmm, the ones that matter would be the Craftworlders, the wanderers, and the… Lost." The word is stated simply, yet the underlying disgust radiated through the psionic plane. "The wanderers are less a faction, and more those without one. Bandits, mercenaries, adventurers, all those who make self-interested violence their profession, but cannot do enough of it to claim a crown. Their reasons and foibles are too diverse to truly explain, but they will be drawn to the scent of success and profit like predators to blood. They will fight for coin, glory, or whatever whims the winds will."

…and these outlaws were worth mentioning as a faction. When Olympia rarely had banditry worth more than a footnote unless a city had outright collapsed.


…broken, indeed.

"The Craftworlders are not truly a single faction, so much as a template for a faction. Each Nomad fleet has a part worth crediting in the playbill. They are the closest folk to nations as you would understand it amongst our players. They seek a path forward for our species, but many are too terrified to look past their own survival. If we can convince them an alliance with your people will protect them, they will come to us seeking safety. When they inevitably lash out in fear, do not judge them too harshly, the nightmares that stalk them and their children are dark indeed."

And these were the ones she aimed to pull into her orbit with the showing of the war. Some of the wanderers were assumed, presumably, from the flow of individual wants, but these were the actual blocs that she was aiming to sway, each akin to one of Olympia's great cities perhaps.

Something shifted in Valua's tone as she continued, though, and Sophos saw frost creep across the hat she still wore.
"Finally, the lost. They are not potential allies, they are an obstacle. They are, in every way that matters, fanatical slaves of excess and cruelty. They revel in the madness that cast down my people, and squander the inheritance of our forebears that they squat upon. They would spoil our alliance for whatever petty cruel amusement they would take from seeing hope die. There is no word in any human tongue for how detestable they truly are, and should I speak in the way of my people, it would be an assault upon you that you do not deserve."
For once there was no humor or joviality in her manner, merely hate deeper than anything Sophos had ever seen. "Know this of them, it is my deepest wish that our alliance may see them burned from the stars and slain to the last."

Valua took a deep breath, and once more was the grinning clown. "Those are the players, but now let us discuss the script. What I can offer you, and what you can offer me.
For the first act, I can offer you insight into the Rangdan, and a warning of what could have come to pass. Beyond that, we will need to pass the role of benefactor and beneficiary between us."

Sophos… took a moment to breathe, dealing with the whiplash.
There was a faction of the Aeldari that were, per this woman's words, irredeemable monsters. He… still did not have proof of this, but this testimony was much more convincing than the Emperor's deflections.
So. Wonderful.

He took a breath, and released it. The negotiations.
"So, you are offering an open channel for quid pro quo, and a taste of information to sway me toward its sustained use? I will not claim that such is not valuable, but understand that understanding what I have gleaned to be your typical type of informing informs me that these interpretations take time, while the Rangdan prey upon preparations unprepared, leveraging losses to lead into swift success. That is to say, we will not have the time you and yours would prefer for these games. I must request that in future communications, clarity must be maintained, making manifest our intents and enabling our endeavors swiftly, surely, and successfully."

"Oh my." Valua took a step back, bringing the stump of her wrists to her face in an exaggerated parody of shock. "To so boldly propose such a thing!"

Sophos' face instantly shifted to an expression of confusion. "What are-"

"Very well, Tyrant, I accept your Proposal."

Sophos knew, deep within his bones, that he would look back on this occasion in the future with a similar feeling to his original encounter with Crystial.

"You shall be the Philosopher to my fool, and I shall be the Boke to your Tsukkomi." Oh no. "Until the act is concluded I shall speak to be understood, and you shall be the second star of my act."
With that she fell into a classic actor's bow.
"Truly, you have a talent for binding powerful women to you and your cause, oh husband of Tiamat and obsession of the Pretender to the Roiling Throne."

Sophos just… stared at her for a moment.
Then he raised a hand to his face to massage the space around his eyes.
"There is not a single person in the galaxy who both could and would inform me with any accuracy whether or not you are being serious right now, is there?"
It was not truly a question.

In response, the harlequin simply smiled.

Alliance against the Rangdan between Sophos and the Stagewright Harlequin troupe
Intelligence regarding Rangdan capabilities and thought process provided
Sophos given one copy of The Breaking of the Rock of Judgement, written by Perturabo
Channels for future diplomatic opportunities made available

Sophos spends 500 points of airship production (the full decade's allocation) to creating Ascendant Imperial hands for Valua.
Last edited:
Focal, Yearly 1: Create Discord, Curse, Nebulaic Aura. Research Nymics (2880)

I have begun work on a system of compressed mini songs aligned with words, such that you can pronounce the words to "sing" this song, drawing the suitable energy, reinforcing it. I intend to utilize this to create a self sustaining system of astral within the psychic noosphere, reinforcing its every action. Relatedly, father has given me something... Beyond complex. The stories were no exaggeration, it's a labyrinth to work with, every step toward is a step 7 degrees northwest, but only on a Sunday where three birds mourn amongst red leaves. This... Is monstrous. I love it. It's almost like making art in a way. Every drop of water, every beam of light, everything in your surroundings, thoughts, and feelings can shape this language. Anyway, I've begun the careful task of taking every word, every symbol and possible meaning, and transforming it into a nymic, a miniature song that will call out its meaning to the astral. Every ebb, twitch, and flow of this language will shape the Sky's power in its image, creating a shadow in it, one that will enforce the warp side of things, which will in turn speak its nymics once more, push and pull, back and forth, a self reinforcing shape. - Book of Magnus, Footnote 1, Entry 6.

The Emperor unlike most such events did not wait in orbit, instead a shuttle quickly breached the atmosphere as he followed the band of light that linked him to Magnus the son that had been the closest to him ever since the scattering. Even Horus was more distant in some ways than Magnus, as the shuttle landed he stepped out onto the ground of Prospero and could feel in the warp the strange serenity seemingly fading away slowly. It was no concern to him for he knew that his son would be easily able to handle any problems that might arise from the slowly increasing chaos of the local warp.

Sensing the great golden beacon that is my father in the Sea, I whistle, falling through a portal within the firmament. He's here early, why? I'm glad, of course, but him being here this early means something has necessitated this.

I fall out the river of strings and symphonies, and behold my father.

The Emperor smiled as his son materialized before him, pure and strong, a flicker of a vision of another overlaid his sight for a moment before it was gone and almost forgotten. "I AM SORRY BUT YOUR POWER IS NEEDED FOR THE IMPERIUM, A THREAT HAS ARISEN THAT REQUIRES YOUR SECLUSION TO END." He extended a hand towards Magnus, his form one of his more standard ones, no golden warlord, no impossible vision of perfection, just a man if on a scale beyond any other.

"I had figured from your early arrival. Between the ruling of the Empire and looking for my brothers, going out of your way to retrieve me in particular speaks of ill winds, discounting the dark echos in both the sea and the astral. There are many things I had wanted to show you, but it seems that will have to be delayed, Mankind's safety cannot wait."

I reach out and grasp father's forearm in greeting. "I can only hope that I learn the ways of war quickly enough, Prospero has been peaceful, perhaps too peaceful for my own good." I chuckle." Nonetheless, I will help in any way that I can. Let us begin."

I reach out mentally to my friends and teacher. 'Master Atena, Hadis, Vahid, Hadid, I'll likely need your help in the near future, I ask that you come with me to Terra, my father's homeworld.' I make sure mentally inform the council that I will be gone for a while, a great darkness rises and I must be there to help.

The Emperor nods at Magnus words, "I AM GLAD YOU UNDERSTAND, FOR THERE IS NO TIME TO WASTE. FOLLOW ME TO THE MEETING OF YOUR BROTHERS." The Emperor exerts his might and tears open a pathway to his ship from the ground while teleporting the shuttle back to space at the same moment.

Post war-meeting:

The meeting had went well enough, I hope Vulkan finds some measure of peace. Now, I head to my Gloriana with a whistle, falling into the familiar rapids. Soon enough I come out on the other end with another whistle parting the current, within what I've read is the equivalent of the standard welcome area.

In the chamber waiting for the arrival was a strange astartes, withered and aged, with cracking skin as power burned within barely contained. "Greetings Father." Bevon spoke in his spectral voice, seemingly halfway into the grave yet still clinging to life, "I have been waiting for your arrival, the tides whisper of great changes to come in your wake. Forgive me if I fail to stand in your presence, but this withered body of mine is fragile." For all his words there was a sense of vigor to the astartes even as he burned with a power that precious few could even come close too, let along reach.

"My eyes go wide seeing the half dead man in front of me, "Aleh!" I curse.

I immediately begin weaving biomancy and the song of life to help him as I grab him and help up the 8 foot warrior with far to much strength for my human size. It'd be comical if he wasn't withering away.

"Hells, how long have you been half dead?"

He chuckled sadly, "For fifty years, since Sedna. I broke my limits and this was the cost. I was a mere epsilon before the war, by the end I had become what you see before you. The Emperor doesn't understand my survival, and has had his custodians attempt to heal my flesh but this little vigor that you have given is more than I have ever felt. It wont last, but at least for a few hours I can stand on my own." He sighed, morosely, "My brothers pity and revere me for my might, not seeing the cost that comes with it. I worry for the legion, they care greatly for understanding but they also cherish power and fail to understand the burden that it truly is. They are nearby waiting for you, but gave me the honor of meeting your first." Bevon sighed as he finished speaking coughing slightly as the revitalized flesh began to wither in real time once more.

"Ahriman is the worst even though his natural born brother Ohrmuzd attempts to keep him restrained, but I worry for him if Ohrmuzd ever dies in battle." Bevon spoke slowly seemingly unsure of breeching this topic in the first place, but it was the only chance he would get and he knew that.

I nod, taking in the information.

"... You've done a fantastic job so far, and you are right to encourage caution and control among the legion in matters of the warp. I will speak with Ahriman and Ohrmuzd."

I pause, considering his work.

"Despite your withering flesh, you've cared for them as best you can, I cannot have asked for a better leader in my stead. The honor is mine."

As I help him through the halls leading to the others, I wonder if this is how father feels, juggling so many problems and issues- wait, manners.

"Ah, apologies, I've forgotten my manners, I am Magnus. It is nice to meet you."

Bevon smiled sadly, "We have always known your name, but I accept it in the intention intended. Other legions are blind to the chains from astartes to primarch and primarch to astartes, but to us it is all too clear. I do thank you for the praise, but it is only due to my withered flesh that I am not the worse of us all with pride in my own power."

I speak as we walk.

"There are hidden blessings to many things, but only if we care to make them. Others perhaps would have grown bitter in place of gaining humility, but what ifs aren't important. What is important is what we do now. I have a few things that might help in distracting them from the allure of deeper power, for now, at least."

Bevon nodded slightly, "I hope so, as with all the legions we suffered greatly upon Sedna, and I have done my best to ensure that the legion did not stray far from the roots that we were created from. We were a legion of scholars from creation, risen to astartes during a brief spat of warpstorms around Sol. However, in recent years the lure of power has drawn more interest than the quest for knowledge."

I pause for a split second.

"What means are they utilizing in their persuit of power?"

Bevon frowned as he leaned against a wall to catch his breath, "Primarily through diving into the Immaterium and in Ahriman's case invoking rituals. I have managed to ensure that no warp born creatures have been tolerated but I am unsure how much longer I can ensure that state of affairs." His eyes narrowed, "The spat of mutations in the past drove my brothers deeper into the warp in search of answers, it was right for Horus to command the worst to be put on ice, but the legion as a whole does not view it in that light. Of all the primarchs Horus is the least liked among the legion currently."

"... I'll make sure they know that the warp born is the natural enemy of the psyker. As for Horus, yes, when you have people you can't treat, you delay their death for as long as possible. In fact-"

I reach out through the Sea, looking for Horus' presence, he should surely still be nearby, it hadn't been that long since the meeting.

Horus was nearby and was radiating shame and self loathing into the warp, his psychic power strong and yet also weakened. It would be easy to connect with him, but even from this light touch it was clear he was lost in memories.

"Yes?" Horus's voice came through though it was clear he was not overly happy with being disturbed by the communication.

"I'd like to thank you for saving my sons from the mutation, brother. With your order to put them in stasis. I doubt many of those who had been entombed would still have a chance if you hadn't done that. Thank you, sincerely. I owe you a debt."

Horus sighs mentally, "I do not deserve your thanks or the debt, but I thank you all the same brother." There was an undercurrent to the thought that was clear but it was buried deep and Horus seemingly did not wish to share it.

"I've got a list with the names of ten thousand souls on it that says you do, so nonetheless, they and I owe you. I'll leave you to your meditations now. Farewell, brother. "

I withdraw from the connection, returning my attention to Bevon.

"There we go, he has been properly thanked. Anyway, we'll figure out the mutation in time, Bevon, for now, we cannot keep the legion waiting."

Bevon nodded before sighing before levitating into the air to move rather than relying on his failing body. A grav platform quickly moving to catch him, a sigh escaped him, "Even revitalized I am fragile." He frowned noticeably, "I am unsure of this but I believe that the 4th legion has been contacted by a warp born creature of some form, I have not found proof of it but the thoughts that I sometimes recieve from them imply a figure in their dreams." He sighed once more at the admission of worry.

I breathe in deeply.

"I'm going to bury that for later. For now, it's time to meet the legion."

Bevon nodded, a few minutes later they reached a large room where astartes were mingling. Psychic sigils were floating in the air as individuals bebated with each other and in the middle of the room a large ritual circle was flaring with energy. Bevon sighed, "Ahriman what have I said about rituals?" The ritual caster shrugged seemingly unconcerned, "Its fine, I know what I am doing."

One, three, four, one, three-

I calm myself by focusing my hearts into the cosmic rhythms as I come out from behind Bevon, eyes glowing with psychic power as my witchsight peers into what exactly The Sorcerer Arhiman is meddling with.

"Then you will not mind sharing, Ahriman."

Ahriman jolted as he turned to see Magnus and a smile formed on his face, "Father, welcome I was just about to commune with a sprite relating to mystical knowledge. It took me a while to discover it and find it, but thanks to our cousins in the 4th and 2nd I was able to figure it out. We need more understanding of our powers, the mutations that have plagued us might be fading but who could know if they will return. We must learn more and where else can we learn other than the beings that live within the immaterium?" His voice was firm and solid with conviction in his actions even as he spun mystical energies into the runic sigils on the ground, the astartes around him taking detailed notes on what he was doing and how, with a small selection supporting his work.

It burns in my veins, the urge to break him down here and now for dealing with Them. Breathe, focus. One, three, four. My hearts drum on.

In, out

He doesn't know, he doesn't comprehend, a child does not know a fire burns, and so Ahriman does not know the true nature of them. He has not seen what I have seen. He must be taught.

"Ahriman. What are the most common causes of death for psykers?"

He frowned, "Being untrained in the usage of their powers, secondary mutation from inperfect casting, random curses from their own power and so forth. I suppose you could argue that being outside during warp storms and other such events would also count, but that applies just as readily to non psykers as psykers." The others around him nodded in agreement even as Bevon sighed shaking his head sadly.

"You're right on account of being untrained and random curses. However, they're not always as random as you think, and a strong understanding and might of one's spirit is important for more reasons than you know. You are aware of the phenomon of psykers hearing voices that do not belong to the mouths or minds of the beings around them, yes?"

Ahriman shrugged, "An issue yes for the untrained and the unintelligent or those that can fall prey to their inner delusions. There do exist beings within the warp, xenos of a sort but there is no clear reason to distrust them more than any other xenos." He wove the energy around again maintaining the ritual in a half completed state in a display of mastery beyond what others could likely achieve.

"We have all heard the whispers in our minds, but is there any proof that those whispers come from external forces than our own internal thoughts for as we train and grow the presence fades as we learn and grow."

I ready a sealing spell to chain whatever miserable creature comes out of this.

"The Warpborn feed, they require sustance just like any other being. Knowing that the warp is a place of emotion, spirit, and thought, we can conclude they feed upon such things. One might assume that they can live off of the ambient streams of psyche alone, and perhaps they could, but they don't. Just like a real ecosystem, there's far more than filter feeding. What are the biggest sources of what I described earlier? Spirit, thought, emotion."

Ahirman nodded, "Exactly, they are the natural users of psychic powers. As such it is only sensible to learn from them to improve our mastery over the warp. If one's mind is calm and collected, hardened through training and mantras any possible influence is prevented and the knowledge that can be gleamed becomes a great bounty." He frowned, "Father why are you so paranoid about the warp xenos? For one of your might and fortitude I find it difficult to believe that you have fallen prey to the superstitious fears of such beings that plague most humans."

Ahirman nodded, "Exactly, they are the natural users of psychic powers. As such it is only sensible to learn from them to improve our mastery over the warp. If one's mind is calm and collected, hardened through training and mantras any possible influence is prevented and the knowledge that can be gleamed becomes a great bounty." He frowned, "Father why are you so paranoid about the warp xenos? For one of your might and fortitude I find it difficult to believe that you have fallen prey to the superstitious fears of such beings that plague most humans."

There is nothing superstitious about understanding the threat of that which eats psyches, and psykers. One of my first sights in this world was the warp, during the scattering, it felt like eons. In realspace it was probably a few months."

I pull out a psychnuin skull, from my collection on the shuttle, looking at it. "Nine hundred and sixty seven."

Ahirman stared at the skull, "A creature I assume of some form that preyed on psykers?"

"Purged my homeworld, prospero, of all human life save for one city, yes. It's how they reproduce. Or was, anyway." I put the skull on a nearby table.

"Tame, in comparison to what hunts beyond prospero, I've found. Tempered only by the stronger Veil. Just during my trip here, I have felt nine hundred and sixty seven psychically capable souls get torn apart by warp sprites and entities."

Ahirman flinched as did the other astartes in the room at the statement, "That only shows the need to further understand the warp, to further our knowledge. Does that not mean that we should learn from those that call the warp home and ensure that all psykers can be trained to avoid such a fate? We are not the same as the creatures beyond the veil, we do not understand them but we need too if we seek to truly learn to master our powers." Ahirman proclaimed as he continued maintaining the ritual in the current half activated state.

"They are creatures of an environment of thought, of specific emotions, they do not play by the same rules as our souls, their perspectives being inherently limited, and perspective is everything in the Sea."

I project my Sight to them via my telepathy, allowing them to see through my eyes the darkness clinging to them. The Flesh Change. Roiling madness incarnate.

"To use their knowledge of the sea is to live within their perspective. To see the sea, and yourself, as they do. They are not complete souls, but rather specific ideas concentrated, taken to the extreme, to obsession beyond obsession. For they live and breathe these energies just as we do water and air."

"Their knowledge is not the solution. The protection of your souls must come from your own truths, not theirs. We cannot best this darkness within its own dominion, with its own perspective. Madness cannot be beaten with madness."

Ahirman shook his head, "How would you know? By your own words you have refused to even attempt to understand. A scholar that does not seek understanding is no scholar, yes the Flesh Change has plagued us but that only showcases how little we do understand of the warp. To learn from both our own work and the lore of those beyond is the only path to true understanding. Perhaps they are inherently hostile, then we should capture them and tear the knowledge we seek from their cooling corpses. Bind them into service to extract every iota of lore that we can before throwing them aside and repeating the process again. To deny all that we might learn from them on the foundation of supersition and guesswork is folly."

I thrust my hand out and grip a fury from the warp, tearing it out of the sea. It writhes and screams in my hand. "This, is the type of being you speak of, yes?"

Ahriman shook his head, "If I wanted something so mundane then I would not have needed a year of study to target this ritual." As the fury thrashed in Magnus' hand Ahriman glared at it with barely contained disgust, "The wretched things have plagued us and we have had to deal with them fairly commonly during warp travel."

I pull it part to reveal its internal nature, that primordial insanity I saw in the pod. The same insanity that clings to my legion's souls and flesh. "Every time, this is what you would find. Magic, warpcraft, is much like an argument, in nature, saying why it should be a certain way. You're trying to argue with an insane person with their own insanity, allowing them to drag you down to their level where they can beat you with experience. Even if you succeed for now, it's ultimately still within their dominion, something of theirs allows you this."

I pull a few more furies from the warp, sealing them in a bubble and dissecting them. All for a wider data pool. While highlighting where it's 'sense' shows up in the circle. And then the inconsistencies, yet consistent madness, between them.

I take a look at the rotting oil of the Change, projecting it as well. All within the same paradigm. That core madness.

"Their knowledge is far from a science. They do not operate on such levels."

Ahriman nodded, "Yes, that is why you choose the targets with care. It is indeed folly to attempt to make use of any random warpspawn, but just as there are horrors within so are there dreams. To cast all within the warp as the same is folly without proof, even if the predominance is one does that necessity mean that all is the same?" He gestured towards the ritual glowing with contained power, "This is no ritual designed to call forth a horror as you would term them, but instead a spirit of magic."

"Summon it, then, all I have ever felt from the warp has been this. From spirites to furies to their greaters" I gesture to the sprites. "Even now it screams, but perhaps you've found something unique. Let us see if it's inner nature is any different."

Ahirman nodded as he let the ritual collapse into activity as a whole in the veil split open carefully and elegantly, no radiant spikes of energy lashing fre, no it was a clean cut in the fabric of reality through which a small spherical form drifted through. A creature of the warp that drifted seemingly harmlessly within the ritual circle, with sigils of magic crossing its inhuman geometric form and then the hole it came through sealed closed behind it without a sign of its passing.

The creature seemed entirely absent any motive, it simply floated in the air unmoving, empty of action.

I tilt my head. Looking closely with my carefully honed senses.

It was a creature of the warp, it was different, not infected with the madness so typical but it was also absent any true mind. It was less than even most pests that lived upon worlds and within ships. It could be bound to a psyker to improve their power, and spells but that was all it could achieve. It had no mind, it had no soul or even a chance at becoming something more, it was born from a dream of harmless magic without an overriding intent to it. It was a spirit of magic in a most primal form such where it was in many ways a spell frozen in the moment of its creation.

Where... Did this come from? Anything this docile would've be been eaten, an isolated ecosystem, perhaps?

"And where did you find this again?"

Ahriman stared at it with disappointment obvious in his expression, "The very shallows of the warp, or perhaps the depths, hard to explain in this language. But regardless it has been a waste of several years of work considering how empty it is."

"I find it suspiciously docile. Perhaps it's akin to an anglerfish? Or... Can warp spawn create lesser warp spawn? It shouldn't have survived in the sea."

*I reach out across the system to my father. For the weekly conversation.*

'Hello. Father, I am currently teaching my legion of the Warp's dangers, however, one of my marines has summoned something that shouldn't have been able to survive in the warp, seemingly docile and without the common madness. My theory is that it's akin to an anglerfish, a mask of harmlessness. I trust you recognize this variety of warp predator?'

I project an image of the creature.


'In part, a fury of his own thoughts, then?' "It seems you've accidentally protected this one from madness and stabilized it by projecting your psyche on it in your focus on summoning it."

Ahriman nodded, "That does make sense, regardless this ritual is a failure, I will have to start again."

This.. This has potential. The Spawn are formed from the pain and madness native to the warp. If they become so alien, why not beat the madness to it and make them akin to us? Children of the human soul, carefully isolated from the sea. Perhaps Ahriman has something he can use.

I raise my hand, stopping him, tilting my head to signal that I'm speaking on the proverbial comms.

'How plausible is it to shape psionic entities from one's own thoughts and protect it from madness via these sorts of methods? Ahriman seems to trust the warp at large, and his own capacity in manipulating, it too much, so I'm hoping I can redirect him onto a better path.'


"I see."

"No. I think you've stumbled upon something great. Normally, this wouldn't be of much use unless a lot of effort was put into making many of them. However-"

I whistle, and a ball of astral flame appears over my hand.

"We might be able to more easily make them stronger by introducing astral energy during the summoning process without compromising stability and sanity. I trust you've heard of the energy?"

Ahriman nodded, "I have heard of the astral energy yes, but its nothing compared to the power and versatility of the warp. It is perhaps safer for the average psyker to use, but for a trained psyker why waste time learning it when one can do much more with the warp?"

The fire splits into a multitude, modeling the local group of systems, "A few reasons. For one the stabilizing nature of astral may allow you to more quickly make stronger instances of this creature. Second, it resists null devices, that explains itself. Third, it's nature lends itself to a scale of operation that the warp struggles with. Fourth, it's peri and postcognition are far more trustworthy, and harder to block. It's Precognition, too, is always accurate, though it isn't as informative."

I hum, summoning the Call. The responses ring out in turn around us.

"It's how I found the sectors my lost brothers were in thirty years ago. When my father's divination failed to. Astral is not a replacement for the warp, but the key to better utilizing it. It breaks the rules, and thus one's workings can be all the better for it. The fact that I'd likely be able to make stronger spells than I could without it helps." I weave pyromancy into the spell, it grows brighter and stronger, yet still dancing to the pattern of the spheres above.

Ahriman tilted his head in surprise, "Hmm, I suppose I might have dismissed the Astral too soon in that case." He turned towards the floating orb and gestured with a hand as it was thrown back into the warp with a silent scream as it quickly ceased to exist, "That road leads nowhere, I will have to refine the rituals to actually find a viable spirit."

"Very well, I will not ban the practice in entirety, for you do have good points. However, it must have the same stability and purity showcased in this individual. Anything showing the same chaotic nature of standard warpforms is forbidden. Hopefully the astral can allow you to accomplish this. Speaking of, I have a Psychic discipline designed to allow psykers to utilize it. It's not as good as a Singer, but much better than nothing. I expect you all to gain some grounding in it, the foe has been known to utilize null extensively."

I pull out my notes on the topic and pass them to Bevon. "Bevon will remain my second in command. I expect you all to treat his word as if it were mine. If any of you have any complaints, you may bring them to me"

I return my attention to Ahriman and his group. "As an aside, my brother, Leman, and his legion have access to something that might interest you. Psychic entities native to Fenris due to the planet's unique nature. All together quite stable. I could ask if he'd allow you to study with him, if you'd like?"

Now that the sorcery situation is, hopefully, handled. I turn my attention to Bevon's suspicions. I reach out across the immaterium towards my brother. As with Horus, I knock.

A sharp *tak* resounds through celestial tick-tocking clockwork, and Sophos blinks. As the Immaterium sifts through the spokes of his crown, he catches a song of sands and psionics, arcane arts lost to time but preserved in the desert. Magnus. [Salutations, brother. What do you require?]

Interesting telepathic expression, I will follow suit. {My son, Bevon, has detected concerning phenomon surrounding your legion. No solid proof, but he suspects a Warpborn is entering their dreams to contact them. Have you noticed anything on your end?}

Sophos is already repressing a sigh by the time Magnus mentions a 'warpborn'. [I am aware of the issue and am doing what I can to address it. If you have advice, it would be greatly appreciated, but I suspect that I need to handle this myself, unfortunately.]
The message carries a tone of long-suffering annoyance.

Ah, as I figured, he's already aware and addressing it. {While the arts of truly slaying such creatures are unfortunately beyond me, wards and banishments are plausible with the arts of Theosophy. Astral may have uses as well, due to being more foreign to them. Null could also help should Theosophy fail. I can send over some notes on the subject of the first two if you'd like, or perhaps lay down some protections myself. Pleasure to meet you, by the way. Didn't have a chance to greet you properly during the meeting}

[Your notes would be quite helpful, thank you. And it is good to speak with you as well. What projects are you working on, if I may ask?]

I whistle, and and a few volumes of my writings on the shelf fall through reality, landing in a neat stack on his desk. {Hopefully they serve you well. As for projects, mostly things relating to the coming war. More loosely I've been working on hybridizing Singing and Psykery. Though, just recently I have tuned the pronunciation of a programming language to invoke the astral, each term calibrated to invoke the closest equivalent of its meaning within it.}

Sophos raises an eyebrow at the arrival of the selection of readings as he paces the room. That is a... *casual* use of the psionic plane. Or did Magnus make use of the Astral for this purpose? Hmn.
[Thank you. And a programming language? Quite interesting. I and the Terminals may actually be able to make use of that, in truth. Do you have notes on that project as well, or do I need to wait until it is completed?]

{I'm afraid it would likely brick their hardware, it's designed to run on the psionic network. That and it's all around built like a warpy labyrinth. Akin the Maze Doctrine of fortress design, but with psionics making it even more esoteric. It's a DAOT language provided by father. However, you may find the notes on nymics themselves useful. That, and I could tune a programming language of your own. Though, the language itself is complete, so I'll send you a copy. It was Interesting to work with}

I whistle again, and another few volumes fall on his desk. At times like this I'm glad my brothers seem to favor massive furniture.

[Unfortunate, but very well. Thank you.] Sophos looks at the *second* pile of books landing on his standing desk, forcing the clockwork to *tock* down a peg under the force. [If you send anything else over, it would likely be best delivered to the floor. I do not actually have that much furniture meant to hold documents, and yours are quite weighty. I do most of my work digitally.]

{Psionic lore tends not to play well in digital systems, so I got into the habit. Apologies. Anyway, I heard that you've already interacted with the astral?}

[Only somewhat. I have only really been able to use it as a meditative aid.]

{Oh, you do that too?}

[I have needed it on numerous occasions.]
The same sense of long-suffering annoyance from earlier returns.

{I can relate. Anyway, the key to Singing is, as the name implies, creating the right sounds to get it to react. The Call, which father used to find you early, was created using the principle of positive interference, for instance. So you can apply many sound and music based principles to it. Those portals required me to physically whistle.}

Ah, so it was Astral teleportation. Likely more stable than psionic methods, from what he understood of the topics.
[So it is a matter of musicality, then? I see. I will need to train my skills in that field, I suppose. On a side note, what do you mean by 'the Call', or finding me 'early'?]

{The Call to The Epics is an astral spell that provides the caster with information on the "stories" of their kin, piggybacking the information off of the constructive interference of what the targets' and caster's personal songs, the ticking gears of you and the sands of myself, have in common. Father would have found you eventually, but this accelerated the process. Narrowed his search from anywhere in the galaxy to the sectors each of us were/are in.}

Sophos raises an eyebrow. [Potent, albeit limited, it sounds. Would you be able to use such a process to identify the locations of Rangdan commanders and other members of their leadership, should we acquire a sample of their, ah, 'related stories'? Or perhaps a means of locating similar sites to places of interest? Both seem like they may be useful products of such principles. Though I must ask: the relation of the process to 'stories' sounds rather more like psionics' usage of the psionic plane than it does what I know of the Astral. Why is this?]

{Personal Songs are complex things; they are the astral's awareness of your life, and since the astral is everywhere, your entire life is recorded. It's much like how an opera can be both story and song. For the former question, that's an excellent idea, I'll likely work on it when I get the chance to. Right now I'm prioritizing dealing with their major advantages.}

[Quite fair. I suppose I will need to look further into the topic in the future. On my end, I am intending to design some equipment to assist in harnessing dimensional and temporal forces, begin rebuilding Sedna, command a segment of the anti-Rangdan operations...]
He trails off. He already sounds tired.
[...I can quite understand focusing on dealing with the major issues first.]

...Wow, he is advanced. {Temporal and Dimensional technology? Impressive. I have designed one of the major war spells with dealing with attrition in mind, making our forces get stronger and heal with inflicting casualties on the enemy. The anti bioweapon one removes the energy from foreign elements.}

[Those do sound useful, yes. I wish you well in bringing these designs to reality. I am afraid that I really must get to my own workings, however.]
There is a sense of dread, like he knows what is to come. [I think... I think time will be in both far too short supply and more extensive than can truly be handled. I need to speak with our creator as to how to properly make use of the relic he has provided me. Farewell for the time being, and good luck.]

{The same to you. We'll all need it.}

Yearlies 2-4: set up the Gloriana portal network.

Before continuing work on the Psynet, I decided to set up a system of portals between the various Glorianas at the command of me and my brothers. Mostly so that I may contribute to the war effort directly while still utilizing father's laboratory. - Footnote 2, Entry 6

Free action: Get Emps to turn Warp Studies (Secondary) into Warp Lore (Core), have Emp's shove Pyromancy, Soul, Passive, Technopathy, Biomancy, Divination, and Energy in my head at Tertiary. Have Emps shove Secondary Psychic Storm in my head.

Focal (Same focal as before, it was just interrupted): Create Imperial Psynet, Create The Feasting Curse, create the Nebulaic Aura spells, Djinn's Drum. 927,913.5 progress x 2 = 1,855,827 (warp savant)

Imperial Psynet:
Technopathy: Empowerment, Restoration, Mind-to-Machine, Improvement, construction.
Telepathy: Read, Send, Alter
Passive: Augment
Blood: Link
Astral: Life, Light, Star, Firmament, Void, Grave
9,727 base cost

Range: Galactic (blood Link)
Astral Reach: Galactic
Safety: Risky
Power: Extreme
Volume: Thunderous
Complexity: Twisting
Rank: Alpha plus
Skill: Paragon
Relic: Tier 4 Understanding, Tier 4 Knowledge, Tier 4 Familial Support, Tier 4 Family is One, T4 Library, T4 Brother Supports Brother,
10,213 x 48

Based on the noospheres of old, this spell creates a psionic network system with its own complex computational abilities and UI. It's inbuilt OS and coding language, designed with aid from the Emperor, are comprised of Nymics, words specifically tuned to the astral songs. This allows the Psynet to perpetually have its actions reinforced as it "sings" with it's every action and calculation.

It is only accessible to individuals related to the Emperor on a genetic and symphonic level. However, those who can access it can convey incredibly complex information to each other, surpassing even the likes of Full-Dive VR, to convey as much information as possible. Users can write programs for the psynet, allowing others to use far more of their expertise from afar at any given time.

Remainder -25% = 1,024,202.25

Curse of The Feasting Song
Soul: Purification, Empowerment, Potency
Biomancy: Flesh Shaping, Bioelectricity, Transmutation, Regeneration.
Passive: Curse, Harm, Augment, Transmutation.
Blood: Harvest, Sacrifice, Link
Astral: Life, Light, Grave, Void, Firmament, Star
Volume: Thunderous
Reach: Interplanetary
Scale: Interplanetary
Power: Extreme
Skill: Paragon
Rank: Alpha Plus
Songs: 6, Effective 7
Complexity: Difficult
Narratives: Blood Price, Baptized in Blood
109662.84 x4

A Symphonic curse, songs of life empowered by the grave. Life empowered by Rangdan death and life. As Rangdan blood is split on this world, the biosphere becomes it's enemy, and it's enemies grow stronger and heal.

Every Rangdan on this world has their Lifeforce drained, especially when they die, where their lifeforce and blood are drank deeply. This power is used to fuel it's restorative and augmentic properties so their foes grow stronger, faster, smarter. Old relics in genomes have greater chance to reawaken. Mutated beasts emerge, targeted solely for more Rangdan blood. Their own blood is used to turn their fleshlore against them. In addition, even the soul is empowered by the act of purging Rangdan from this world, purifying/redeeming it in their blood and death

Remainder-25%= 439,165.6875

Nebulaic Aura:
Soul: Purification, Empowerment, Potency
Biomancy: Flesh Shaping, Bioelectricity, Regeneration, Transmutation.
Telepathy: Alter
Daemonology: Transmutation, Protection.
Passive: Augment, Transmute.
Energy: Condense, Shape, Produce.
Astral: Light, Star, Life, Firmament, Void, Grave.
Volume: Thunderous
Power: Extreme
Reach: Interplanetary
Scale: Interplanetary
Skill: Paragon
Rank: Alpha Plus
Scale: Self
Complexity: Twisting.
Safety: Risky.
Relic: T4 Shining Soul, T3 Starborn, T1 Power

Lifeforce and Song entwined, the image of the soul inherited in its essence. This spell captures the soul's light and imparts it's strength upon the body with a power formed of it. It transforms, nourishes, heals, and strengthens the Body and Mind in the image of the Spirit. Cloaked in power, let the physical reflect the immaterial. It will become whatever body and mind require to act as closely to the soul as possible.

(more literal description: It combines Soul-light, Bioenergy, and Astral energy into an energy cloak that buffs the individual by giving them a way to unify their strength.)

Reminder -25%= 230,194

Nebulaic Aura step 2
Theosophy: Banish, Conviction, Seal, Protection.
Daemonology: Protection, Transmutation.
Passive: Augmentation, Transmutation
Blood: Link
Energy: Produce, Condense, Shape.
Astral: Void, Life, Star, Light, Grave, Firmament
Volume: Thunderous
Power: Extreme
Skill: Paragon
Rank: Alpha Plus
Complexity: Twisting
Scale: Self
Relic: T3 Mystic Nebula, T1 Unity of Self
3266 x8

Power without connection is nothing, what use is power that is not true to it's inheritance? This spell binds the Cloak to body and mind more closely, and ensures that it is close and true. With connection to body, mind, and soul, the Cloak can now act to harness and refine warp energy in the image of the cloak and the astral energies within, creating Winds of Magic and holding them close. All while guarding the user in its strengthening light while casting.

Remainder -25%= 145,338

Djinn's Drum
Pyromancy: Pyro, Shield, Transmutation.
Energy: Condense, Produce, Shape
Passive: Harm, Curse, Transmutation.
Astral: Light, Star, Void
Volume: Thunderous
Skill: Paragon
Power: Extreme
Rank: Alpha plus
Scale: Planetary
Safety: Risky
Songs: 3
Complexity: Twisting
Relic: T3 Starscorched Bones, T3 Ifrit
8150 x12

To become the avatar of the wrath of suns, one's heart must beat like their pulses, one must live as they do. A beat borne in light, fury, and life. The thrill of battle, of rage, of joy. To be truly alive in the midst of darkness and ash. Then, one may harness the fury of stars, fury from which there is no return from for the foe (This is referencing the curse/harm part). Once achieved, one may become and shape sunflame as they please.

remainder -25%= 35,653

Fractal Herring:
Divination: Prophecy, Precognition, Scrying, Postcognition.
Theosophy: Banishment, Protection, Conviction
Passive: Curse
Daemonology: Protection
Blood: Link
Astral: Star, Light, Void, Grave, Life, Firmament
Reach: Galactic
Scale: Close
Power: Extreme
Volume: Thunderous
Safety: Risky
Minimum Rank: Alpha Plus
Skill: Paragon
Complexity: Twisting
Songs: 15

This spell is designed to misdirect foes that can detect divination and prophecies while gaining intel on hero unit locations. Parts of the astral portion collects arbitrarily selected details and feeds it to the warp portion, which then uses it to generate a deluge of various prophecies and precognition targeted at the enemy force at large, sometimes cooperating and sometimes competing, supported by truths to make them convincing. All of this being a cover for the simple task of tracking down heroes and getting a read on locations. A nebula of distractions, only 6 of the 15 songs are actually true songs, with the rest being additional layers of Obfuscation.

Remainder -25%= 9,724.5

Light, Life, Star, Void
Volume: Shout
Skill: Highly
Reach: City
Songs: 4

Creates an army of warriors formed from the power of light, life, and void, each capable of unleashing stellar fury upon their enemies from afar and in melee.

Remainder -25%= 2,284.875

Coronal Burst:
Star, Light
Volume: Scream
Reach: Interplanetary
Skill: Highly
Songs: 2

Remainder -25%= 784

Void shield:
Volume: Thunderous
Reach: Self
Skill: Highly
Songs: 1

Psynet core skill storage loadout:
1: Logistics
2: Apex Dueling
3: Grand General
4: Meditation
5: Battle Endurance
6: Command Principle Alteration
7: Learning
8: Self Awareness
9: Fame Management
10. Forethought

Vision and Garden reveal Storms, Seven storms, storms that weave the winds that weave the Nine stars that weave the storms. Endless insight, carried only on the sails of song of light and doom and life and movement and the darkness. Songs that confuse and reveal, Songs that burn and rage, Songs that strengthen and restore, Songs that connect and bind, Songs that cut and drink, Songs that purify and endure, Songs that weave and focus, Songs that raises the breath of suns. Songs that shield with the vast empty. આ ગીતો મારું વહાણ છે, ઊંડાણથી ઉપર, જે પ્રકાશના સ્વરૂપો પર ચીસો પાડે છે અને તેમને ધિક્કારે છે. અનંત સત્યો અને જૂઠાણાં અને દ્વેષથી ઉપર જે બધું જ સાચું છે અને નથી, તે અનંત છે, પહોળાઈમાં જે મને કાર્યથી દૂર રાખશે. ሰማያውን ቀይሕን ቀጠልያን ቀይሕን። እቲ ቐይሕ ዝፋን ደም ማለት ዝፋን እቲ ዚቘርጽን ዚሰትን እኳ እንተ ዀነ ነቲ ኣብ ዓለም ማእለያ ዘይብሉ ሓይሊ ዜምጽእ ፍጥረትን ህይወትን ኣየስተንፍስን ወይ ኣየስተንፍስን እዩ ።. ᑐᖑᔪᖅᑕᖅ ᓇᓗᓕᕈᑕᐅᓇᓱᒃᐳᖅ ᐊᒻᒪ ᐅᖃᖅᑕᐃᓕᒪᓐᓇᖅᖢᓂ, ᐃᒪᕐᒦᑎᑕᐅᖏᓐᓇᖅᖢᓂ ᐊᖅᑯᑎᒃᑯᑦ ᐃᓱᒪᑦᑎᐊᕐᓇᖅᖢᓂ ᓱᓕᔪᒥᑦ ᐅᖃᓪᓚᒃᖢᓂ.
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Relic Major: Create Carcossan Stars. 219,240

Carcossan Stars
Daemonology: Vortex, Protection, Transmutation.
Biomancy: Life Drain, Transmutation, Flesh Shaping, Bioelectricity, Regeneration.
Passive: Augment, Transmutation
Blood: Harvest, Link.
Energy: Condense, Shape, Produce.
Astral: Life, Void, Grave, Light
Range: Region
Power: Extreme
Volume: Thunderous
Safety: Risky
Skill: Paragon
Rank: Alpha Plus
Complexity: Basic
Songs: 4
Relic: T1 Baleful Light, T2 Ravenous Hunger

This spell creates microsingularities of power, ones that suck in the energy of all unwelcome things within or touching their users to sustain themselves. A marine/primarch may tap into the accretion disk of their microsingularity to regenerate and buff themselves, and psykers, depending on their strength, can pull more from within their microsingularity. The caster can pull from the singularities in general.

Generally, the black holes default to releasing hawking radiation as baleful light that harms all foes, but *especially* ones that attempt to invade the marine's body such as bioplagues, nanobots, parasites, and magic/curses.

Remainder -25%= 136,858.5

Undying Flame:
Soul: Purification, Manipulation, Empowerment, Potency.
Passive: Augment, Transmutation
Biomancy: Regeneration, Transmutation, Flesh Shaping
Energy: Shape, Condense, Produce.
Astral: Life, Star, Light, Void, Grave, Firmament
Songs: 6
Complexity: Twisting
Power: Extreme
Volume: Thunderous
Scale: Touch
Safety: Risky
Rank: Alpha+
Skill: Paragon
T4 Undying, T4 Rebirth, T3 Starborn, T1 Healing
5460 x24

- 4,350

Relic Yearly 1: Undying Flame Spell, building the brazier, and finishing off with making Flowstep. 38,210. Relic Yearly 2: Then channeling the excess into the Carcossan Stars.

42,756 - 4,350

Remainder -25%= 21,645

Custodian Grade
Psiastral tech
Small structure
14,400 cost.

Remainder -25%= 28,804.5

Void, Firmament
2 songs
Highly skilled
Interplanetary range

Remainder -25%= 17,643.375

Telekinesis: Micro, Macro
Daemonology: Transmutation, Protection
Energy: Produce, Condense, Shape
Astral: Star
Reach: Galactic
Scale: Touch
Volume: Thunderous
Songs: 1
Complexity: Twisting
Safety: Normal
Min Rank: Zeta
Skill: Grandmaster

A spell made to be a gift for my brother, Sophos. Designed with mostly physical and astral principles in mind. Utilizing psyker powers with as little esoterica as is possible.

Remainder -25%= 2,297

Voidshard Shell
Theosophy: Conviction, Protection, Banish, Seal
Astral: Void
Reach: Galactic
Scale: Touch
Volume: Scream
Power: Extreme
Safety: Perfect
Minimum Rank: Zeta
Complexity: Crude

A simple casing. This spell captures the will/faith of the target, or beings in the target, over time, with a shell of void energy keeping it contained. The willpower will cause the void to crystalize into a sturdier form. Allowing both forces to act in tandem to defend from and vanish enemy workings.

Remainder -25%=375

Voidshard generator
Small Structure
Is blueprint
Astartes Grade

My... Experience, with the garden took it's toll, I do not even remember a large chunk of it. Er, rather I do, but it's incomprehensible to me, chained to the tip of my tongue. Perhaps for the better. Thanks to Master Atena and the Songs I was able to stay grounded enough to continue throughout the ordeal, as with Hadid and Vahis. Nonetheless, the results are, hopefully, worth it. Next, I will create two spells, one for Sophos and one for Themis. The latter is meant for a design that I hope he'll be able to produce in decent quantities. Regardless, after that Ill be building something to give hope to the Lost, kaiben's embers have great potential in the war against the flesh change, if I can tame them, that, and I'd need to uplift them into Herodom if I want them to survive for long. Luckily, Humanity's Glory is at my fingertips. Perhaps Ferrus will appreciate the extra heroes too. - Book of Magnus, Footnote 4, Entry 6

Relic Yearly 2: Aegis Borealis support

I've taken to aiding Sophos on his mission of gathering allies for the War. Perhaps I should focus on psionic races? While I was at it, I've sent Hadis to teach Kaiben the ways of the firmament, along with my own marines to learn and teach various things with his people. Under the supervision of Bevon. - Book of Magnus, Footnote 5, Entry 6

Yearlies 5-6: Cast Carcossan Stars on the legions, cast the Feasting Curse on the battle grounds.

While my legion performs their studies, I prepare the battlefields and ward the Adeptus Astartes. The extra energy from Ignition is vast, the Carcossan Stars will be incredibly effective for now. Balelight like miniature suns. The Curse has an almost tangible feeling in areas where it's cast, even without active battle, like a beast eagerly awaiting it's prey. - Book of Magnus, Footnote 6, Entry 6

Yearlies 7-10: Fight/Hero Hunt at Major Extremisi Tigris, Typhon, Dragon, and Charybdis. Legion assigned to Tigris, trigger Humanity's Glory there.

As Photep, my legions' Gloriana, enters the sector, I send the signal for the volunteers and the Lost to prepare for Ignition. All the whole I pull out Humanity's Vision, and ready to unleash it's grandest and most costly power, Glory. As it shines with golden light, Ignition, and soon the battle, will begin. - Book of Magnus, Footnote 7, Entry 6.
Last edited:
The Manifold Dawn warped into realspace once again. A degree of pressure eased away from Sophos' mind.

He still didn't like having to travel through the psionic plane. It felt... it felt like the Scar covered the whole of the sky, and not even clockwork was enough to shut it away.

No matter. That wasn't the key issue right now.
"Bridge, report. Are there any contacts, Rangdan or otherwise?"
The key issue is that they were looking for something. Hopefully, someone that would help.

A moment later a signal was received from a space platform only a mere few million kilometers distant from the Manifold Dawn, unfortunately it was gibberish as all such first contacts were, because why would people have one language after thousands of years of divergent evolution.

No worse than what he'd heard about from (me, handling the Aegis Borealis program) yes, he'd been getting to that. (The Rogue Traders run the gamut from extremely helpful to massive pains in the ass.) You've already had that rant. (Right, right, fair, here's some of the protocols we've been establishing-) Ahem. (Fair.)

Even as the part of his brain that he'd dedicated to temporal coordination argued with its parallel selves, Sophos was analyzing the data.
"Prepare a hail. Medium 12a, frequency 96.125. I'll have the translation running shortly."

The translation of the message was short but to the point, "This is the system of the Helios Hive, submit identification or be considered an enemy. Note that any genocidal empires need not submit identification as they are declared as enemies in perpetuity."

Fair enough.

Salutations. I am the Primarch Sophos, from the Manifold Dawn, the flagship of the Star Tyrants legion and fleet, representing the Imperium of Man. We come seeking allies to defend against the Rangdan. Is it correct that it is your forces that have so effectively kept them out of this sector?
Sophos pauses a moment, before including an addendum.
I am aware that the names we have chosen may be concerning. At least for the name of the legion, I would like to note that on my homeworld, the title of 'tyrant' is bestowed only upon highly-capable rulers able to ensure the security and prosperity of their subjects, rather than the iron-handed and monstrous rule that I understand it refers to in most other locales. We truly are present for diplomatic reasons.

There was a gap of time before another message was received, "This station has authorized your passage into the system. Transmitting travel corridor, do not deviate." Before falling silent once more as a travel path showed up on the systems of the Manifold Dawn.

As the translated message followed the original through the Manifest Dawn's network, Sophos spoke to the crew once again. "As you can see, we are approved to proceed. We have our route; begin the approach."

Two days passed before the Manifold Dawn reached the second world from the star which was denoted as Helios Hive and it was anomalous to Sophos' eyes. There were devices that did not conform to any human style he was aware of or had ever seen before. As the Manifold entered high orbit with several cruiser analogs covering it in a clear deterrence formation a hail from the planet arrived.

It revealed a massive creature, almost as tall as a Primarch with the same general body shape as an arachnid from Old Earth. Lacking any form of clear eye beyond a few small indents in its apparent face, the last thing notable was the fact that it seemed to be entirely formed of metal.

"I am the current elected ruler of Helios Hive, my name is Yraxia. Refer to me as a Radiant Scholar or Radiant instead of Ruler. Why have you arrived in my system?"

...hmn. Even the most augmented 'tech-priests' of the Mechanicum (bunch of fucking assholes (not important right now)) were recognizably augmented rather than wholly metallic. That was (a topic to be looked into later) interesting.

Sophos stood before the screen, hands held loosely behind his back. Hopefully, he looked regal and respectful, rather than awkward or intimidating. He'd been studying diplomacy (we probably should have done this earlier), but he was still uncertain if he had the intricacies quite right.
"Salutations, Radiant Yraxia. As I expressed in our response to your earlier hail, we have come seeking allies to fight against the Rangdan on their recent offensive. Our scouts noticed that their concentrations were drastically reduced in this sector compared to the surrounding area; we simply went to where we calculated the center of the gradient was. I was heartened to hear your opposition to genocidal forces, and I hope that we might be able to assist each other in stopping the Rangdan from ravaging the galaxy."

The strange being seemed to consider it for a moment before dipping her(?) body in what seemed to be a strange form of nod. "Yes the swarm intelligence is a threat to the galaxy. I will provide assistance. Prepare for my arrival aboard your vessel, direct connection is needed." The transmission ended then as a shuttle began to burn away from the Hive below.

Crystial frowned as she stood away from Sophos side, "That is no human, its soul burns with silver energy, attuned not to the madness of the warp but the veil that divides the realm eternal. Its flesh is forged not of blood and carbon but of metal and stranger materials."

Sophos blinked at the closing transmission, before shutting them entirely at the sound of Crystial's voice.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

"Crystial, when did you get here?"

She narrowed her eyes as she peered into the distance, "The madness of the great ocean has no claim upon its mind and soul. My kin's madness shall find no purchase within its mind of metal and logic, shrouded from the touch of mutation impervious to madness." She turned to Sophos, "I have been here ever since you left your Creator's side."

Sophos massaged his eyes. "Of course you were." ('I am aware of the issue and am doing what I can to address it', he says.) Shut up.

He turned toward the rest of the bridge. "Figure out a suitable entry point for the Scholar's shuttle. We will need a suitable meeting location near it. Standard meeting rooms likely won't be suitable, but large cushions may be more suitable for their equivalent of seating. Keep me updated."

With that, Sophos set out toward what he expected to be the most likely docking site. He didn't have to look behind him to know that Crystial was certainly trailing him.
"Could you elaborate on the topic of the 'veil'? I would have assumed that it was simply a manner of describing the division between the psionic plane and material reality."

Crystial sighed as she shook her head, "The veil is that and so much more, it is where the greatest of workings are done. It is the barrier between this and all other realities. It is the dividing line that prevents my lords and masters from entering this reality. It is an anomaly for a species to have a Soul attuned unto the Veil directly, Humanity possess souls of immense flexibility while the Aeldari have souls of power and connection. Blanks and Psykers are but two sides of the same coin in most events, however there are species that bear souls attuned not to the warp but to the material dimensions and the gods thereof. This being bears a soul that can bend both towards the warp and the mundane, impervious to mutation, resistant unto the influence of the warp, a master of science beyond any bar yourself perhaps, more than able to fight your sons evenly." Crystial frowned minutely here, "I would wish not to engage it in combat, its technology inverts the standard formation of principles at play."

A small huff escaped Sophos' nose. "Don't get in a fight, then. This is common sense, is it not?"
The rest was interesting, of course (and as was usual for Crystial, stuffed with statements that continued to make him want to just... stop the psionic plane from doing things), but not exactly actionable.

Crystial smirked "Yes common sense as you say, but how many would view it the same? Is it not common sense among most of the Imperium to slaughter anything different from the mundane?"

"Crystial, every time you have opened your mouth to say things about the psionic plane, it includes things that are horrifying. Or did you not just mention that the Scholar's nature, in contrast to everybody else, renders them immune to the 'mutation' and 'madness' inherent to that realm? It would not have been common sense to spare the Terminal Apostate and the Engram Euphrates when they sowed the same.
"Sophos shivered, remembering those encounters. Depths of Tartarus, those had been horrible.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
"I'm not foolish enough to imply that defending yourself when attacked is wrong; my point was to avoid taking actions that would cause a fight. Okay?"

Crystial just smirked again "My statement remains true for most individuals within the imperium. Their common sense would be to wage war upon all that differ from their limited sense of human normality. And yes, for a human to walk through the warp without protection would result in their body and soul becoming rapidly mutated and driven insane, even one such as you or your brothers would not be immune to the warp if you walked through it unprotected. The creature that soon will arrive can walk through the warp unaffected without technological protection."

Sophos sighs. There is not exactly an argument to be made there, beyond the fact that he was working to change things. But they both already knew that.
He sent a signal to the bridge. ETA for Radiant Yraxia?

The shuttle landed and with a clang of metal on metal Yraxia stepped out of it revealing that there was no one inside of the shuttle other than the alien. Crystial twitched as the being emerged fully, "A warp manifestation. Stronger than majority but not superior, it shall be Unmade." The cold voice echoed from the massive spider like being as it turned towards Crystial and its skin flexed as it shifted and machinery emerged. In a moment everything shifted, gravity pressed upon him and the others throwing them to the ground, his body weakened as if something had been robbed from him even as Yraxia seemingly grew in might.

Crystial screamed in what could only be pain as her body began to seemingly dematerialize flowing into Yraxia. "Interesting, anomalous defensive properties detected, accelerating the power cycle of phase reactors and weight manipulators. Unmaking shall proceed apace." The near silent hum of machinery grew louder as the pain that was weakening him grew stronger, until Sophos could barely maintain a half kneeling position while his sons were laying on the ground their strength robbed from them. Crystial was suffering the worst as she gestured with a hand and barely managed to slip into the warp.

The draw ceased the moment she vanished, "Annoying, will have to design and fabricate systems to deal with the warp entity in the future. I am Radiant Scholar Yraxia and I seek direct connection with Primarch Sophos."

"-be me."
Sophos stood-
-blade in hand.
(Saying that's 'in hand' is a misnomer, you're leaning on it.)
Shut up.
He knows that.
Sophos manually unclenched his jaw.
"Why, precisely, should we accept any such thing after your attack?"
The words are practically growled out.
(Did you not just explain why attacking ideoforms is sensible?)
There was a reason why they had a chance to explain.

Yraxia dipped its body in response, "I desired to remove the pest before it caused any annoyances. I did not expect a significant response to my use of inversion arrays and drain engines. That I apologize for. I had assumed the local amount of flux present was due to the pest rather than you and your soldiers with you. What do you wish in exchange for this not devolving into battle?"

Sophos narrowed his eyes, looking over the being.
...not that he knew what to look for. He didn't exactly have any insight into their psychology, nor any way to identify any tells of deception.

Breathe in.
Breathe out.

This required a proportionate response. (No matter how tempting it would be, asking for the full records of their technology would not be proportionate.) He was aware. Most of the other ideas he could come with weren't proportionate either - either the demands were unreasonably high (demanding they join the Imperium would likely just prompt them to attempt to actually kill us), or they were far too low to maintain any diplomatic leverage (concessions in negotiations were too small, and any trade proposals would be practically non-sequiturs to the inciting action).

However. There was one thing that might work.

"The weapon you used." He used a lightened version of his earlier enraged tone; hopefully, it would lend him more believability. "I want
/You will regret this/
Sophos paused for a moment, a millisecond. Reconsidered.
"...I want a full explanation of its functionality, the underlying principles of its function, and the details of its production, including schematics. Am I understood?"

Yraxia tilted the core of its body in what seemed to be surprise, "The inversion array? It is a standard piece of technology I have provided to Helios Hive. In simple terms it inverts the significance of individuals the more important the more it impacts them. It then confers that energy to the user in question. Give me a moment to condense the zetabytes of information you have requested into a data crystal." Only a few minutes later the being shifted as a piece of metal emerged from its flesh and was gently moved through the air towards Sophos, "The full details of the Inversion Array, I have not included the technical secrets that allow for its functionality, but I have provided the secondary details that branch off from the core aspects."

Sophos grasped the data crystal (not traditionally crystalline like the ones at home (metals can be crystals too)) and swiftly sifted through it.
This was... extensive. And, frankly, something he would need to look through in notably deeper detail, as he did not understand these schematics. But from everything he could tell, it was legitimate.

If it was a 'standard technology', with what it could do, the additional data would likely allow for a wide array of new innovations, though it was a crying shame that the core details were restricted. Hopefully, those could be earned through trade later on.

He nodded as he pocketed the data crystal. "This... should be acceptable recompense. Thank you."
Breathe in. Breathe out. Visibly calm and display that this 'evens the score'.

"Now that we are past that... explain what you meant earlier by 'direct connection'."

Yraxia lowered its core and spread its legs wider as it gestured with its two front limbs, "I possess the ability to directly interface with machines. A direct connection would be for us to meet each other in a direct linkage through a data web. Is this acceptable?"

Sophos thinks for a moment, then nods. "It is acceptable, yes."

Yraxia nodded, "Where do you wish to do this link?"

There were a few obvious answers, but they weren't truly suitable. Both the command center, where the majority of the communicative computing power was centered, and the war room, the secondary nexus, were stores of data that he'd rather not make immediately available. A closed network could likely be constructed, but would not allow him to draw upon any external data.
What would have a suitable balance of non-sensitive data that would still be useful...

...he wanted to facepalm. This idea shouldn't work.

"There is a site where we run most of our training simulations." (Is that the name of the wargame you invented with Calliphone?) Fuck off. "It should likely be suitable for such purposes. Follow me."

Yraxia bowed before following after Sophos, "I do admit that I am curious about your nature. A mundane being should not be shedding the amount of flux that I am reading from you. Your soul could produce several kilotons of high grade alloys per cycle in a phase forge. Can you please explain this anomaly?"

Sophos waves a hand dismissively. "I was created, not born; my understanding is that psionic archetypes were involved in the process, but such things are not my specialty."
Then the rest of the statement caught up to him, and he stopped short."My soul could produce what? How can souls 'produce' anything?"

Yraxia just continued to walk, "Within a phase forge your soul could power its systems to weave the flux you produce into approximately 1.917 to 3.97192 kilo tons of high grade materials per cycle. It is less a matter of the soul itself and more the value of the flux/potential of the soul in question. It is the same principle as behind my phase reactors and shields."

...well, it was some variety of information? This Scholar's technology was rather clearly operating off far stranger principles than he had knowledge of.
Sophos filed that away for later, when he would hopefully have more context, and instead continued on his course.

Yraxia remained silent until they reached the room and Sophos connected to the network. With a nod Yraxia leaned down and let its legs slip into the systems connecting its nervous system to the ship.

The ship dataweb was complex but also basic Yraxia considered as they entered it fully, preparing for war as a matter of course. An armor of phase forged Invoked Laws and Abyssal Ingots encased their body as they materialized within the digital realm, the scope of their mastery becoming clear as they peered through the various protections to find the Primarch waiting for them. It seemed that within this place they were equals in speed of thought, Yraxia nodded to itself as it considered the implications of that. No matter the meeting would continue as it let itself materialize in full before Sophos waiting for him to speak.

Atop the peak of Mt. Telephus, Sophos breathed in the simulated air. He stood there, garbed in a stained set of mechanic's clothes, wrapped in one of his earlier clockwork toolsets. The horizon stretched out, showing the advances of Olympia, and the planet's ring stretched overhead, but neither were the target of his focus.

He felt as Radiant Yraxia strode through the network toward him at speed. At his speed. His speed, which was augmented by the command armor he wore in realspace.
It was... well. He had encountered others who could do the same, but they all had been made. This one did not feel as though they were.

They did not even attempt to hide their alien nature, not that it truly mattered.

He watched them come into visual view.
"Salutations. Is there a reason why you have felt it necessary to armor yourself so?"
Gone are the performative emotions of earlier; Sophos' words carry only mild tones of interest, an overture of peace, the slight hint of sardonic wit, and an underlying melody, unwillingly aired, of exhaustion.

Yraxia turned and conveyed their emotions in turn, "I come in my craft. I am a Scholar of Radiance, I wear a digital recreation of the greatest of my work thus far upon the Homeworld. I stood against the Swarm as a Scholar of the Forge, they Broke me and I have remade myself as a Scholar of Radiance. You seek assistance to bring an end to the swarm, you came to me because I swept them from my system." The being turned towards the simulated land and slammed its legs into the ground and the simulation quaked.

"I shall reveal to you Primarch Sophos my truth." The Simulation shivered and began to shift, in the distance on the other side of the mountain a shift formed revealing a great cavern larger than most hive clusters filled with beings like Yraxia toiling at labors. "My Forge Nexus, that which I left to walk the galaxy to ensure that the Homeworld is aware of what happens beyond its borders. I am of the Exatari and we have common cause at the moment. You are a crafter I can sense it within this place, information for information I offer."

Sophos stood at the cavern's mouth, taking in this reflection of… 'the Homeworld'. The actions and mechanisms on display were indecipherable - not from distance, as that was immaterial here, but from obvious abstraction, as animations cycled and structures operated as black boxes. Nonetheless, he could feel the data on their functions just out of reach; this was no bluff. He did not push the barriers; it would be diplomatically unforgivable, and he doubted he would understand it regardless. He simply took a moment to take in the sight of the grand and beautiful working before him.

He turned once more to face the Scholar, and nodded. "Information for information should be acceptable, yes. Do you have something particularly in mind?"

Yraxia nodded gesturing towards the stars above in this simulated land, "Give to me the secrets of naval design, and in turn I shall give to you the designs for a phase reactor and my direct assistance with your mission. As with the Inversion Arrays only the design shall be given, and I ask only for the designs in turn."

Sophos... paused a moment, to process that. Helios Hive had had vessels in orbit, and they had been projecting power within the sector, fighting the Rangdan. So it couldn't be that Yraxia lacked access to spacecraft.

...but the Iron War, and the Age of Strife after it, meant that the knowledge of how they worked was lost. Was it not the case that so many of the Imperium's most powerful ships were relics? She sought understanding.

...but wait.

"...if you are requiring information on naval design... how did you get here? It is quite obviously not your Homeworld."

Yraxia looked at Sophos before twisting the simulation once more this into the madness of the warp. "For an unknown period I walked the warp until my sensors found a flux point indicative of a planet and I used the single use warp rift device I posses to return to real space. Thus I ended up here."

Sophos recoils from the image of the psionic plane, the green light of his crown's null star cutting through the simulation.
He stared in horror at the Exatari.
"You walked through the psionic plane? Do you- do you have any idea what that does to people? Evidently- evidently not to you-" he is gesticulating in baffled horror "-but anybody else - I would likely die instantly if I bodily entered that without a Gellar field protecting me, do you understand me? That is not- that is not something that people can survive. It is a roiling bed of chaos, and if one is lucky they will die quickly rather than slowly mutating to death. Do you understand?"

Yraxia just radiated pure confusion, "The most annoying aspect of being within the warp is that it is difficult to keep footing due to constant terrain shifting, otherwise I am unaware of what you are referring too. Do you not travel through the warp yourself on this vessel? What is a Gellar field and why is it so important to you? Is this related to the pest that was bothering you when I arrived?"

Sophos slowly covers his face with his hands.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

Uncovers his face.

"A Gellar field, in simplest terms, forces reality within its bounds to continue acting like reality rather than being permitted to do whatever the fuck it wants, as it is otherwise naturally inclined to do within the psionic plane. I will be including in the data transfer a full explanation of what a Gellar field is, how we believe it works, and records of what has happened when vessels had damaged Gellar fields or lacked them altogether. Promise me that you will never create a warp-drive-equipped vessel intended to carry non-Exatari that does not have a Gellar field. Understood?"

Yraxia nodded, "The information I seek is for the Homeworld, we have no naval ability currently and that is a concerning issue due to the current state of the galaxy. The cyclic cycle of history is repeating and I wish for my kind to be able to grow. What do you wish in turn for the information on naval designs and principles?"

Breathe in and breathe out.

Calm down.

The Scar is pushed away, out of sight and simulation.

"In truth, I need to know what potentially is available for offer. The simple fact of the matter is that while you have insights on what I can offer to you, I do not actually know what it is that you are able or willing to offer me. This said, I do wish to ask: is there any manner in which I could be marked as a friend, or at least an ally, of the Exatari? I believe that the opportunity for ongoing diplomacy and trade will be worthwhile."

Yraxia seemed to frown in the digital realm, "There is no principle by which I can achieve that on my own authority. My position is anomalous, we prefer to remain unknown to the planets we inhabit if they are inhabited. Helios forced rulership onto me when I repulsed the invasion. You do not understand what I can offer, nor do I understand what you can offer. I propose that we use this digital simulation to craft the greatest example of our technological bases to gain a clear picture of what can be offered."

"...I am unsure that the 'greatest examples' would necessarily be the most suitable examples for demonstrating the nature of our technology, to be honest. I have developed designs for orbital structures, for instance, but they are dependent on the long accumulation of technological knowledge. If you do not understand the construction of voidcraft, you are not likely to understand the larger projects I have planned. Instead... basic technologies, I think. Consider the technologies that you most frequently make use of in day-to-day life, and the underlying mechanisms that allow them to function. Then we can display the wonders we know how to build. Do you agree that this may be more useful for shared understanding?"

Yraxia nodded, "That is more sensible indeed though you have already recieved one of them in the Inversion Array." The simulation flickered as machines of alien design flashed into existence before them, five in a row, "The phase reactor the core of our technology, the basic phase shield, the phase forge, the meta forge and the Inversion array" Yraxia declared indicating the machines in order.

"The Phase Reactor can be tuned to output energy or matter, the phase shield is as it is termed it produces a shield of energy around the user, the phase forge which is the primary foundry of material able to turn materials into another form with no notable loss if given enough flux, the meta forge used to produce our most advanced alloys, and finally the Inversion array as you already know."

Do not yell about the inversion array. That would be counterproductive.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Analyze them.
With the exception of the 'meta forge' and potentially the 'phase shield', they all appear to be variations on the same theme: taking 'flux' - psionic 'importance', or 'weight', perhaps? - and transmuting it into usable products, be it energy, matter, or something in-between. Of course, he had nowhere near enough further information to identify how this was done, so it wasn't particularly helpful, but it did provide some hints as to what he might expect their higher-level technologies to do. Did they have ways to produce 'flux' in the same manner? They should have ways to measure it... hmn.

Not exactly satisfied, but at the very least finished with his analysis, Sophos set about putting together his own array of example technologies. A basic computer, a half-body prosthetic, a resource scanner similar to those used by Olympia's mining ships, a print-fabricator, and - uniquely Imperial among the suite - a lasgun all appeared around them.

"First, this is a computer, quite possibly the most key technology. Strictly speaking, it is simply capable of doing calculations extremely quickly, but properly programmed... well, you are seeing some of the upper bounds of what can be done when computers are powerful enough and are properly programmed. In essence, all automation, of any and every kind, is derived from computers.
Second, we have a prosthetic designed to replace most of the left half of a person's body; it is rare that such extensive prosthetics would be needed, but it provides the opportunity to display how it works. In addition to the mechanisms that permit the replacement limbs here to function with equal or greater ranges of motion to the originals, there are small computational nodes that allow it to connect to the nervous system and parse inputs to move the limbs normally. The third, nonstandard limb - termed a 'mechadendrite' - is a common addition, and it is similarly designed to respond in the same manner that a natural limb would.
Third is a sensor; this one is primarily designed to locate concentrations of usable resources, and would be used in a personal void mining vessel, but the difference between this and any other type of sensor ultimately boils down to what in particular it's sensitive to, and many sensors can be reprogrammed to prioritize or filter out a different set of inputs, rather than needing to acquire an entire additional sensor.
Fourth, we have a print-fabricator; this one is small, but they can be made at a wide array of sizes depending on what you intend to make with them. They require materials fed into them, as well as the details of what needs to be produced, but once those are provided, the computer is capable of calculating the best method of production and creating the item requested, with minimal variance between prints. While not all items are suited to be wholly print-fabricated, most Olympian products are at least assembled from print-fabbed parts.
Finally..." Sophos trails off for a moment. "...this is a Lasgun. Unlike the other four, this is not Olympian-designed, but is rather copied from a Standard Template Construct, which are the remaining technological records of the Age of Technology. While it is fundamentally an energy-projection weapon, the key to it lies in its power production and storage method. The energy cell it use to power itself is capable of taking in very nearly any form of energy as fuel, so while charging them with electricity is standard, they are capable of constantly slowly charging from ambient light, or even from being placed in a fire, though that risks damaging it."

He took a breath. Released it. (You may have gone overboard.) Shut up.

Yraxia seemed to frown, "This sensor is below standards, it is notably primitive. It would be unable to detect spectral lines of unknown resources through terrain to aid in mining. It would also be unable to perceive the innards of other forms. My sensors even without the use of phase technology can easily perceive the atoms of materials near them, can with proper tuning be used to examine the internals of most beings. You have proven to be resistant to this." Before moving on to the cybernetics, "Where is the interface? It bears little resemblance to what we understand to be cybernetics. As a hypothetical here is an example of what I would consider to be viable for a human." Yraxia tilted its body as another item flowed into existence, the machine seemingly living in some fashion, perfectly able to mesh with biology there were flaws of course, but it was far better than it should be.

Then they reached the computer, "We do not have anything similar to this, we serve the same purpose as this does for you. Upon the homeworld we link to our machines and direct them in the fashion I am with you." Turning to the point fabricator Yraxia frowned once more, "A simple matter realignment forge is not that difficult to produce and it would be able to do much more than this." The final device the lasgun seemed to interest them the most.

"Impressive designs, I can see how it functions at the core. Energy through the battery into the coils to produce an energetic feedback loop resulting in a negation of local entropy thereby allowing for the weapon to function from a low power state into a high power fire state. It should be possible to improve the entropic flow variable with enough effort." Yraxia mused as it carefully unmade the lasgun seemingly lost in thought as the parts drifted around it.

Sophos sighed. The response was... not unexpected, in truth.
"I will say that, barring the lasgun, the examples I provided were simple ones, intended to aid in understanding the basic capabilities; we have more advanced versions of each of these. That said, it sounds as though only the highest-end sensors would match your expectations.
The fact of the matter is that humanity has lost knowledge of how much of our technology works. Olympia is unique in that we have technology similar to the rest of the Imperium that we truly understand; for the rest of humanity, more often than not, they are relying on what scraps they were able to maintain over five thousand years."
Then, he grinned.
"This being said... Olympia's understanding has allowed us to explore some non-standard technological pathways."
With that, Sophos generated clockwork equivalents to each of the four Olympian designs displayed earlier, as well as a basic temporal manipulator, dimensional manipulator, and null field projector.
"Olympia's metals were long ago used in the creation of an orbital ring, which was then ruined during the Iron War and further decayed over the Age of Strife. Until we could construct voidcraft to harvest the ring's remnants, we had to do without, and so we developed stone alloys and clockwork to fill many of the same functions. Though it is less common now, artisanal and artistic works are often still made with clockwork.
Furthermore, we have access to some more esoteric technologies. These first two manipulators allow for basic alterations to time and space, respectively; while these ones are weak, mostly allowing for slightly accelerated subjective times and the expansion of internal spaces, more advanced and potent manipulators are capable of far more drastic effects, practically tying spacetime into knots. The last here is a null field projector, reinforcing reality and weakening the influence of the psionic plane. There is a psi-amplifier, too, but it is... hazardous."

Yraxia turned to the null field projector seemingly confused by it, "Similar I assume then to the principles of the meta shield, but different. Interesting to be certain, though unneeded for my people the pests of the warp are no problem. The amplifier might be helpful for a subset of my kind. We do not have anything that directly manipulates space or time, we can breach into those realms via the usage of Meta Forged alloys and the nature of Invoked Laws and Abyssal Ingots but baseline our technology does not extend that far."

Sophos raises an eyebrow. "What, precisely, are 'Invoked Laws' and 'Abyssal Ingots'? Naturally-psionic materials of some variety?"

Yraxia twitched in annoyance, "They are derived materialized concepts from the warp and reality drawn into reality through our psykers and blanks as you term them. We then use meta forges to forge them into our alloys providing the materials with the anomalous effects. The armor I wear has been meta forged with Ingots of defense and durability, and Laws of time and power as an example."

Sophos stares at the armor for a moment. "...you are taking concepts, and turning them into crafting materials. Am I understanding that correctly?"

Yraxia nodded. "That is the case."

"That… how-"
Sophos cuts himself off. Recenters.
"Are you at liberty to talk explain how the fuck that works? Because that-"
He cuts himself off again, and pinches his brow. 'Incarnated archetypes of humanity'…
"…that might explain some things, actually. I think I will need to ask the Emperor some questions on the topic."

Yraxia seemed to shrug, "There is no great secret those that dedicate their lives to the Trinity of Creation in the most absolute of forms learn in their sanctuaries the methods of reaching into the depths of reality from which the unworked primordial resources are extracted. We the Scholars of the Forge then refine and divide them apart into the desired concepts."

Translation: it's definitely psi-related in some capacity and it's best to ask the Emperor about it later.


Sophos nods.
"Okay." (Okay.) Don't be an asshole.
"...I believe that we can now move to the 'wonder-working' part of showing off the most impressive thing we can think of with our techbase? Seeing as we have established the basics of what they are each capable of."

Yraxia nodded before turning to the phase shield and changing it into a new device in a matter of moments, "The Meta Shield, an absolute defense against external threats. Anything that is metaphysically weaker than the user is barred from interacting with them. It is one of the greatest tests to build a single such device."

...oh, that had implications. Not that he had any illusions of such an item being easily replicated in reality - he could feel the data density, detail, and psionic weight of the item - but with what he understood... if he or one of his brothers had one of these, they would be nearly untouchable.

(Not that that's actually terribly useful for us, considering we prefer to fight from several milion away.) Counterpoint: Euphrates' domain. (Very fair, point rescinded.)

Sophos mentally shook himself. We have our own wonder to work here.
A shadow manifested across the peak as the sky was filled by a new interloper. An enormous vessel came into existence, several hundred milion above the world, yet space bent to permit Sophos and Yraxia to simply walk aboard from where they stood. The chamber they would enter to was larger even than the Forge Nexus that Yraxia had shown him, an enormous manufactory controlled by a swiftly-assembled facsimile of Terminal Solomon. [Not even he could make an actual AI this swiftly, nor would he do so and bring a life into the world for so temporary a function.] The area was, in fact, larger even than what the ship should have been able to produce; dimensional technology had been used to expand this space, and duplicate it, such that a second chamber like this one was also present, in addition to the systems and lodgings necessary to staff, run, and defend the ship. Meanwhile, temporal technology allowed the ship's interior to experience ten seconds for each that the outside world did, all as it produced more and more. A panoply of creation flowed from these halls. From one area, enough technology to arm the 4th Legion was being constructed; in another, an endless cascade of civilian goods, necessity and luxury both, flowed forth. On the distant horizon, a Gloriana and accompanying fleet were being assembled.
And, Sophos knew, along with the engines, along with the warp drive, was a dimensional shift-drive of his invention.

"This... this is something I have been wishing to build for many years, in truth. It is a factory ship, admittedly something beyond the Imperium's means. Beyond Olympia's means, presently, but we have the knowledge to reach it. If I could show this to the people of Olympia, it would be understood, not merely recognized." He grins sheepishly. "Admittedly, this is... perhaps impractically large. Not for effectiveness' sake, I should note - our technology is quite effective at scaling. But the costs of producing something this large, especially with temporal and dimensional technology involved, would be exorbitant - I expect not unlike your Meta Shield. Nonetheless, a construct such as this should be the last word in production and logistics, anywhere in the galaxy."
His grin grows sharper. "And frankly, this is what I know can be done with my current knowledge. In truth, I expect that by the time I am approaching such construction as this, I will know more."

Yraxia turned towards Sophos and seemed to consider something, "Do you personally know all of the designs and secrets of your people? This design is impressive, but I question its worth. A simple matter forge would be enough to achieve much the same result in a fraction of the time if you wish to be able to produce designs in bulk."

Sophos looks at Yraxia.

Then he closes his eyes and sighs.

"...not all, but the overwhelming majority, at least for technology. And... I understand. A vessel such as this one... during the Age of Technology, thousands of years ago, something like this would have been commonplace. Humanity used to be much more powerful, much more knowledgeable. As I mentioned, the lasgun is a remnant of that time; we make use of it, but we do not truly understand how it works. The Standard Template Constructs were standard, ubiquitous, known. Now they are ancient relics, sought out and fought over, because people do not know how to share power. Precious few understand our technology, and I was created to be among them.
...in truth, I believe that we are being deliberately stymied by some force within the psionic plane. When I rediscovered this technology, an array of wildly improbable events followed: nearly every other Great City of Olympia electing to wage war against us, several of their Tyrants spontaneously manifesting extremely potent psionic capabilities, and our own soldiers suddenly showing absurd, suicidal incompetence with advanced weaponry that many of them had already proven to comprehend and handle perfectly well, with the last ceasing immediately upon the attainment of peace. We know what can be accomplished, because it has already been accomplished once before, and the past is proof of precedence, but as we stretch a hand out toward our old accomplishments, we find it pulled out of reach."
Golden light radiates like a flickering flame. "It is infuriating. What I am for is to protect and improve, yet reality itself pushes against me and my efforts. We could be better, should be better, but we are not allowed to be better. It rankles, and all I can do is push as hard as I can against reality, until one of us breaks. But I refuse to break first, no matter how long this might take."

Yraxia seemed to ponder it for a moment before coming to a decision, "I hear and judge. Scholar Sophos, we the Exatari do not command the breath of technology that you claim heritage to, but we claim mastery over the deepest lore of physics. The boundaries that exist fade as we stand upon the same threshold. Peers in our mastery of our respective technological bases, you know all that is known for humanity as of now and so do I know all that has ever been invented by Exatari labor. The deepest secrets must still be gained through personal labor, but I can share more."

Scholar Sophos

This... this was important. He wasn't sure quite how important, but it was clear in Radiant Yraxia's words that it is.

I hear and judge
Do not react. The galaxy is not Olympia. Yraxia does not know what they mean to you. Or would you let others measure you by their definition of Tyrant?

Sophos straightens, and turns in full to Radiant Yraxia. And he bows his head.
"I would be honored to learn from and with you, Radiant Yraxia. Thank you."

Yraxia inclined its body to him even as it remained examining the technology on display, "We are slow it seems, we think fast but we act slow by your standards. How long have you lived Scholar Sophos?"

"...approximately seventy years, per the Imperial standard." Which quite fortunately lined up with the Olympian standard. That was probably the fault of the Age of Technology. (Focus.) Yes, yes.
"I do not actually know specifically, as I am... missing my early years. My first solid memory is of ascending Mount Smolikas, toward the walls of Lochos. I have been able to bound the duration somewhat by the use of folk tales and rumors that I suspected might be connected to my arrival, but I only truly began looking into that after a decade and a half into my remembered life, and by that time, things had been... distorted, as rumors and tall tales often are."

Yraxia radiated surprise and a touch of fear into the simulation, "Seventy years to learn all that your people know, a feat far beyond any measure of consideration. I am over three thousand of Helios years old, and I only became a Forge Scholar after two and a half thousand years, fifteen hundred of which were spent within the Forge Nexus."

Sophos just... looked at Yraxia for a moment, before releasing something between a chuckle and an exhausted sigh.
"Then you are likely older than practically every human polity left in existence. Perhaps one in every thousand stretches back further - perhaps fewer, even. Olympian history more than a thousand years back has faded to myth. Five thousand years ago, my knowledge would have been wildly insufficient, barely begun in learning. And in truth, I cannot even truly claim credit for it."

The factory ship... does not disappear, but it loses focus. Instead, the halls of the research facility surround them.
"As I said, I was created to understand technology. But even beyond that, I had the fortune to find records, and teachers. Without them..." He shrugged. "When the Emperor came to Olympia, and we joined the Imperium, we stood on even footing with them. Without the aid of the Terminals, however, my efforts to make our way to space would still have been underway. Perhaps I could still have accomplished it, given many more decades or centuries, but... no. My feats are not truly as impressive as they seem. They are the products of luck and assistance, in a world where 'all that my people know' is a bare fraction of what it once was."

Then, his face takes on a soft smile.
"If there is one to truly consider exceptional... my brother Andos." An image of him appears before the two of them - well into adulthood, with hair beginning to grey. He had requested it from Tiamat, to remember that the time he had been given was more than he could have hoped for naturally. "Not by blood, in truth; I was adopted into the family of the Tyrant Dammekos. They were not made, as I was, not created to be exemplars. But despite that, Andos has been at my side perpetually. He understands technology much as I do. I am glad to consider him not just a brother, but a friend."

Everything fades away once more, and Sophos... simply looks to the stars.
"...how long do Exatari live?"

Yraxia turned to Sophos fully, "We do not die from time. If I have the drive to live I will be here to see the collision of galaxies, I will see supernova of yet forming stars. I will stand unchanged even if a million years might pass. We are ageless, untouched by time and decay. To not know the past is something beyond my ability to envision, my people yet hold a perfect record of memory from the first era to the present, all two hundred thousand years of progress is known to us. Only the darkness of the age before civilization is forgotten and even now we find slumbering Exatari from that age unaffected by the passage of time buried within rock and metal. This is the duty of the Scholar of the Forge, we know everything that our people have done and achieved, I alone could rebuild our entire species if so needed, it might take eons by your reckoning but it would be done." Yraxia laughed slightly, "It is the rare Exatari that can find the motivation to act for longer than five thousand years before they seek the peace of slumber eternal, but even of them there are those that awaken on their own eons later to see what has changed."

Sophos slowly nods.
"...humans naturally only live a hundred years or so. Less with lower technology, longer with better. I have watched my siblings age. I... have not. I suspect I must have, to some degree, during the times I have lost, but... I have been much as I am now, the whole of my remembered life. I do not know how long I might live. It may be that I am like you."

Breathe in, and feel the weave of the universe.

Breathe out, and let it return to the stars.

"My people... they are not ageless or eternal. They are fragile, and short-lived. But each one is a candle flame, a spark of hope in the universe. There are forces that would seek to snuff out their light, or turn them against themselves. I do not think that I can afford to live as you do; what I am for is to protect and improve, and my people cannot wait for the aeons to pass. And with what we have lost... I think I, too, am aiming to rebuild my species. I do not know how long it will take, but I am willing to work at it for eternity."

A pause.

"...I do not think I can envision the rest you speak of. I do not sleep. I am not certain that I could ever decide to stop. I do not think I would know how.
...is this a failing?"

Yraxia shifted the simulation revealing an Exatari similar to them but different in certain forms it was simply moving with purpose towards a cave where it fell inward and ceased to move, "This is one of two paths that happens when we lose the drive to act another day. We find a place of safety and simply let our minds turn off and we fall into a dreamless stasis where if we are awakened we return to full awareness instantly. You have seen only seventy years, our hatchlings of your age are similar in drive, when you have lived for thousands of years events begin to flow the same. Chains of logic begin to become clear and the novelty of the universe begins to decay into inescapable understandable conditional statements. Perhaps your psychology will not suffer this ageing, but for us as we age we become bored and this boredom consumes us. There is no failing inherent to letting go or of remaining alive, those that hold to the drive and hold off the slumber are celebrated just as those that allow themselves to slumber or die are mourned."

Breathe in.

Breathe out.


Recenter yourself.

"That... that is fair."

Sophos looks once more to Yraxia.

"...we have drifted well away from the original topics we had intended to discuss, I think."

Yraxia nodded, "What do you wish to dicuss?"

Sophos smiles wryly. "I did come here to negotiate for assistance with war against the Rangdan, and while you did agree to help, I do not believe that we have actually specified any of what the alliance would entail, nor anything on how we intend to proceed after the war. And I should warn you now, Imperial policy is to assume rulership of all human-populated worlds, so we would likely be best off figuring out how we hope to handle that now so as to ensure that the bureaucracy does not come crawling down our throats after everything else. I should have ways to ensure it does not become a problem, but they're best implemented sooner rather than later."

Yraxia nodded, "I have no personal investment of note into Helios or true interest in remaining in a command position. I will do my best to allow another to be elected over me once it is possible. The only value it provides is a source of consistent and large influx of materials, as long as I can retain access to such materials in bulk I have no need to remain bound to the planet. I offer my assistance as an adjunct I believe is the word to you in building and research. If I must I will fight, but know that if I fight there is a high chance that I will fall prey to the Bloodsong."

Sophos nods along until Yraxia reaches the end. "The what?"

For the first time the emotions shifted from soft interest and flashes of confusion or realization to overwhelming sorrow and fear, "It is our greatest weakness, I have learned that humans indulge in many substances that evoke pleasure responses when consumed. We do the same to a degree, to consume a sample of the Primordial Metal is something that has few if any comparisons, but the Bloodsong is worse." Yraxia shifted the simulation showing men and women suffering the effects of drug addiction and their madness resulting of it, "This is nothing compared to the Bloodsong." The simulation flickered revealing an Exatari, only this one was different. Flesh clung to it as it tore through beings, Exatari and other alike, it laughed as it murdered joyously everything was devoted to battle, it danced through blood coating itself in thick layers. There was no sanity left to its behavior it was an addict of the highest level that indulged not in substances but in the mere act of combat and bloodshed itself, "This is only the early phases of the Bloodsong. You do not deserve the horror of what comes later."

Sophos' brain tried to square the vision he was shown with Yraxia.
He could not. The only thing they shared was form, and even then, it was hollow.
Sophos' face paled, and he looked away.
"...yes, that... yes. Thank you for sparing me." (The Emperor did not.)

Breathe in. Breathe out.
The simulation was wiped clean. He did not want to see any more of that nightmare.

"I will never force you to engage in anything that might risk such a fate for you. I promise you that."

Sophos takes another breath as the simulation shifts around them once more, returning to Olympia's landscape - but now, instead of being situated on Mount Telephus, they rest atop the old walls of Lochos. Though the city now sprawls far beyond its old bounds, the mountain's slope permits them still to see far off into the distance.

"I would be happy to bring you to Olympia once you have concluded your business on Helios, where we will be able to work together. I have endeavored to return there frequently, both for research and family. Beyond that... I should be able to claim Helios as part of my domain, where I can ensure it will continue to be governed fairly and your work is not put to waste. Is this acceptable?"

Yraxia nodded, "That is acceptable. If you wish to learn more about the Bloodsong you only need to ask, Scholar Sophos. It is something that you should know if I am to work with you close to battle. What is your dietary situation I am aware that humans eat carbon based materials, is that the same for you?"

Sophos waved Yraxia off. "Quite honestly, I have no desire to learn more about the Bloodsong, and I do not intend to put you in any position close to battle if I can help it. Olympia is peaceful; there should be no need for you to be in a position where such a risk would arise."

Then, he registered the abrupt change in topic. (Please please please do not offer to cook any sapient beings.)
"...yessss? Technically speaking, I am given to understand that I would be able to consume nearly anything, but my tastes are similar to that of baseline humans. My sister tried to make me eat rocks once and I found them as unpalatable as my brothers did."

Yraxia sighed, "Annoying, I was hoping that your dietary needs would be closer to mine. It seems that I will have to keep using a phase forge to produce my food. Why do so few beings in the galaxy eat metal? Is it really that odd for steel, titanium and other such elements being the food source?"

Sophos shrugs in mild bafflement. "I know that some amount of iron, copper, and other metals are required in the human body, but we are still primarily carbon-based, as is, to my understanding, the overwhelming majority of all life in the galaxy, and so we primarily require carbon and the related organic molecules. If I should come across any other metallic ecosystems or species, I shall make sure to let you know."

The sigh that came from Yraxia could be felt, "Another curse to be the sole species born of metal and powered by plasma in a galaxy of carbon and fluid it seems."

-Helios Hive will be working with the Imperium to fight off the Rangdan, and will join Sophos' domain
-Yraxia and Sophos have been introduced to each other
-Yraxia will be going to Olympia to join the nerd squad and teach Sophos physics
-Sophos now knows what an Exatari is and exactly why you should not fight the spiders
Last edited:
The Golden General Turn 6

Rogal Themis


  1. Golden General - Improves mod of command skills from 1 to 1.5, Heroes arise at a slightly increased rate, Heroes are slightly stronger, can command on the subsector scale, reduces tactical countering of foes by 1 stage, negates force countering by foes.
  2. Adamantine Will - Grants 4 soul wounds, stabilizes emotional shifts, and enables Atrocities without guilt, can use Extreme Tactics without narrative reasons.
  3. Titanomachy - Knights and Titans are produced at 0.5 cost of normal when personally involved, Knight and Titan that are constructed personally have their mods improved by 2, all Titans and Knights under command have +1 to their mod.
  4. Militarized Logistics - Supply falls slower in combat, supply can not fall below Understocked when not beyond supply lines, Logistic skill applies to forming military groups at 0.75 nominal value and production of Vehicles/Knights/Titans at full value, reduced to 0.1 value for non-military groups.
  5. Hard Worker - Costs to upgrade skills halved (does not apply to Ascendant and higher), and actions provide an additional 0.5 mod.
Core Skills (4/5):

  1. Command (Defensive Warfare) T2
  2. Duel (Grand Machine Piloting) T3
  3. Engineering (Ruin Restoration) T3
  4. Command (Logistics) T4
Secondary Skills (1/10):
  1. Command (Legion Training) T5 - ?
Tertiary Skills (11/15):
  1. Command (Military Logistics)
  2. Command (Creeping Fortress Tactics)
  3. Command (Grand Machine Command)
  4. Command (Legion Command)
  5. Influence (Delegation)
  6. Engineering (Engineering)
  7. Engineering (Machine Engineering)
  8. Engineering (Grand Machine Engineering)
  9. Engineering (Civilian Logistics)
  10. Engineering (Titanic Construction)
  11. Engineering (Warp Influenced Titanic Construction)
Lesser Skills (10/20):
  1. Command (Frontal Assault Tactics)
  2. Command (Terror Tactics)
  3. Command (Grand Machine Compositions)
  4. Command (Work Flow Organization)
  5. Duel (Self Defense)
  6. Influence (Paternal Enforcement)
  7. Influence (Leadership)
  8. Influence (Governmental Organization)
  9. Engineering (Fortifications)
  10. Engineering (Artisinal Crafting)
New Inwit Empire Army
Type: Military
Awareness: Open
Complexity: Obvious
Size: Planetary -> Subsector
Doctrine: Defensive Warfare
Composition: Combined Arms

Scale: Half-Planetary
Force Type: Human
Manpower: ?
Tactical Confidence: ?
Technology: Interstellar
Supply: ?

New Inwit Empire Navy
Type: Military
Awareness: Open
Complexity: Obvious
Size: Planetary -> Subsector
Doctrine: Defensive Warfare
Composition: Combined Arms

Scale: Inner System -> Outer System/Subsector
Force Type: Human
Manpower: ?
Tactical Confidence: ?
Technology: Interstellar
Supply: ?

New Inwit Empire Government
Type: Government
Awareness: Open
Complexity: Obvious
Size: Planetary -> Subsector
Holdings: Inwit
Claims: Clan Space
Technology: Interstellar

The Honor Resurrect
Type: Knight Titan
Tech Level: Interstellar
Relic Level: Adorned
Modifiers: Titanomachy Improved, Command and Control Specialization.
Effects: Provides 1 Core skill to Planetary command when used, provides 2 Cores to Command when used for Half Planetary, 3 Cores for Continental and lower. In duels provides 1 Core skill and has 10 wounds, increases both duel and command skill mod by 0.5. Can only be used by Heroes with Iron Will.

1 Grand to training Artillery to Core.
1 Grand to fighting the Rangdan.

1 Yearly to try and tap the Mechanicum for Titan-building assistance, failed.
3 Tearlies to fixing the beaurecratic fuckup on Inwit (send some of our Astartes over to ensure it gets done ffs).
1 Yearly on initial command of our legion.
1 Yearly to designing the blueprints for our astartes knights.
4 Yearlies dedicated to making more Knights, since this will occur past the Rangdan event emps won't be in Terra for that time, and so Regalia will assist, allowing us to make 754 more Knights total.

Temporal Distortion actions:
2 temporal distortion Yearlies to constructing Knights, raises total Knight count to 1325, more than enough to fully screen for the Titan Legion.

Free Actions:
Request Command Titan from Emps.

The world had been ruled by madmen, a techno-cult declared heretical by the otherwise near-identical Mechanicum, legions of servitor slaves led by generals selected more for their skill at politicking than war. Yet their slaves were each coated in thick armor and armed with what would be crew-served weapons for mortals, brute strength and mindless ferocity doing much to compensate for their lack of skill. Rogal has thought it would be an ideal place for him to blood himself in his maker's service. He had ensured that should some unforeseen disaster befall him he would have reinforcements and orbital assets to fall back on, for even Primarchs were not invincible. Some five hours after he assumed command Rogal felt vaguely silly for his caution.

"That was the last regiment within range to protect the capital, sire." Leothos wryly observed.

Rogal stared at the map. It had taken him five hours, and two of them had been travel time.

"Have they given any indication of surrender?"

"No sire. They seem convinced that their god will grant them victory."

"Then I may as well get some use out of the trip."

What Rogal had worried would be a bloody affair soon turned into an impromptu live fire training exercise. He had not truly understood just what it meant to command his sons, what it meant to lead an army of transhuman soldiers. He had led them in war games, but they had not truly proven what it was to command such troops, for he had drilled with them against simulated peers, worthy foes, and dire threats. He now understood as the last hive fell, that such fights would be rare. Much of his duties would be to win as efficiently as possible against foes he utterly outclassed.

Rogal scowled as he marched through the yawning halls of Mars, flanked by the stoic forms of his most trusted Fists. 'Costly expenditure', they said. 'Primary tasks take precedence', they said. 'Waste of time', said one particularly insulting response from a Mechanicum enclave. As if anything they had to do was worth more than his own plans. It was a frustrating delay, ensuring that he wouldn't be able to complete the Knight force necessary to screen his Titan Legion in time to fight the Rangdan. Now, because of the arrogance of the Mechanicum, he would have to settle for an insufficient force, ensuring who knew how many avoidable deaths soon in the future. But they were still stuck in the mire of cold statistical estimates he could surpass many times over.

The airlocks to Forge Block Delta-3F hissed open as he stormed in, scanning over the titanic hanger bay filled with manipulators, forging arrays, hanger bays and lesser techpriests. His favour with the Mechanicum did, at least, have returns here. Delta-3F may not be the most prestigious of Mars' great factories, but it was well suited for the production of walkers up to that of a Knight, and everything was kept in well repair. Even the techpriests were appropriately cowed by his frustrations.

Focus. He breathed in, activating the neural link to the Dimensional Harness, feeling the buzz of distorted spacetime play across his skin and his view of the factory distort and fragment as light was scattered into multicoloured sprays. He frowned as it took some time longer than usual to stabilise, but attributed it to the aftereffects of the temporal chamber Sophos had allowed him to make use of. He had seemed rather… scattered, the last time Rogal had seen him, and he was privately relieved he had not dived so deeply into the use of the chamber as Sophos had.

"Well?" He spoke, and the techpriests instinctively straightened up as he looked between them. "You have all seen the blueprints I have prepared for this project. In five hours we will have our first delivery of shattered Knights delivered from the halls of Terra itself, and it will be our duty to not just repair them, but to rebuild them, greater than ever. I will construct what you cannot, but of what you can I shall expect perfection." He looked at his guard, and they moved without a word, already briefed on their roles to coordinate the reconstruction efforts. Rogal, looking around the hall as it began to awaken into life and motion, nodded once, and set to his own work.

Time rushed onwards as the project continued, Rogal making what small improvements he could here and there, presenting an improved production path of the structural alloys of the Knight's upper joints, and tweaking the shield emitters of the Knights to prevent self-interference in pitched battle, but so much of his time was consumed with quantity that there was simply very little for quality. His attempts to replicate the stabilisation mechanisms of the rebuilt Glory Eternal were a dismal failure, taking up much of the time he had set aside for designing improvements to the line of Knights as attempt after attempt was wasted without results.

So, instead, he found himself deep in the guts of another Knight, rebuilding it as efficiently as possible. From a scale that stood eye to eye with the Knight, hands the size of a micromanipulator effortlessly rewove broken wiring, refitting what could be reused and replacing what couldn't. Idly, he considered the assembly of computational strata that linked to the Throne Mechanicum. A few ideas flew through his head to remake it, all half- baked, and none he could consider applicable in this case-

-perhaps if the subject itself was given a custom fitted neural port, then the high bandwidth main channel could be used to its fullest extent-

Rogal paused for a moment, hands frozen midway through sealing the final connection. That wasn't his own thought. He considered it, visualising the construction of the Knight he was fixing and imagining the introduction of the neural port, the design of which had leapt into his mind. It would work, undeniably, but it wasn't what he would have made. It was an idea reliant on the perfect subject, one he would most likely find within his Legion, but not workable without them.

There was the briefest sense of… chastisement? Not directed towards him, but inevitably passing past him. What was happening?

He remembered the war conclave, what Magnus and Sophos had spoken of. Ideoforms. Could this be such an entity? Something existing on a plane of thought, rather than matter?

He shook himself from his thoughts, finishing the connections and allowing the Harness to snap back to normalised spatial dimensions, waving for the techpriests to come forward and finish the lesser work on repairing the grand machine. He had some time, all the current Knights filling the hangar bays already saturated with the work of the Mechanicum priests and his Legion's management, which meant he could try to find the source of this foreign influence.

It was that book again. 'On The Principles Of Probabilistic Design'. Lying unassumingly on his workbench, it stood out among the clutter of components and blueprints as the one thing he didn't place there. Cautiously, he opened it, and ahead of the chapters he recalled there was a single slip of paper. 'Call for me if you want to talk. -Regalia'.

His eyes widened in shock. The very same Regalia? That was… He examined his room. Nobody was inside, his honour guard standing guard outside the fortified door to prevent unwanted intruders, and he'd long made sure the Mechanicum understood the limits of his patience were there to be any spying implements found within his personal workplace.

"Regalia." He called out, casting a cautious eye around. Nothing… No, there was something. The slightest lick of phantom flames on his skin. "Regalia." He felt the heavy thump of artillery in his bones. "Regalia."


"Hey there."

He spun around. Where once there had been nobody, there was now a figure, almost as tall as him, encased in blood red plate as thick as any vehicle's armour, encrusted with runes that glowed with a strange, ethereal blue. Despite the bulk of their armour, they moved with an effortless ease that should have been impossible, pieces of plating phasing in and out with each other as the figure shifted lightly andas the silence dragged on. Strangely, despite the undeniably imposing figure they cut, he had an undeniable sense of certainty that she had no desire to fight.

"...You wrote this?" He settled for asking, holding up the book.

There was a hint of amusement underneath their armour. "Yeah. All the blueprints, too." They muttered something, 'that fucking reactor' under their breath, and Rogal couldn't help the spike of sympathy he felt for their shared loss of time. "I'm sorry that I couldn't give it to you personally, but… there were, and are, extenuating circumstances. Not to mention that you wouldn't have trusted me."

He wasn't sure if he trusted them now. His creator's reluctance to discuss the nature of entities like them spoke of many dangers. "Then why speak to me now?"
"The Rangdan," They said, and Rogal grimaced at the reminder. "If it was up to me, I would have tried to make this meeting on better terms, but I decided that I had to contribute what I could to your efforts. To do that, I had to come closer to the world, and in doing so I was… sloppy. I apologise for letting you hear my thoughts."

Perhaps he should have been more worried about her clear presence in his life, but from all the reports he'd been getting of Glory ResurrectRessurect that had nothing but glowing praise for its performance, and all the measures he'd taken to ensure Regalia's assistance was not a poisoned chalice, he had some small measure of trust that they were, at least, working to help him. That didn't mean he knew why. "I would be able to better understand the mistake if I understood why you are here, Ideoform."
"Ideoform? So Sophos has mentioned us." They paused for a moment in consideration. "Others of my kind will lie to you, freely, about countless things, only acting in their own self interest. I am different in many ways, most pertinently that I am tied to you. I am… a potential path for you. Or for entities like you, which for now only encompasses you."

"And what is that path?"

"Conquest." For an instant, the blood red of her armour dripped with gore and blood, the sigils on the armour shining with blazing light that would sear the eyes of any mortal man, from empty corners and shadowed spaces silently screamed the victims of endless, eternal war. "The path of endless construction for the sake of endless victory, endless lands bowing the knee to your rule, to the rule of your lord, to the rule of your subjects, looking outwards infinitely and inwards eternally, crushing all thought of rebellion and consuming all weapons that might once have been wielded against you." Then the vision was gone, as if it never was. "It's the role you were given, and the one you took with pride."

Rogal agreed. It was his role on Inwit, and it was the role his creator had given him. Some unknown feeling sat heavy in his gut as he considered it, but he pushed it away. "So you help me because it empowers you?"

"Partially. I also just enjoy working with you. These machines, Knights, Titans, the Deus Machina… They're entrancing. Each and every one of them masterworks in their own right, capable of crushing lesser foes by the legion." They gestured towards the sheer heavy mass of their own armour. "I suppose you could say I was born defined by them as much as I was defined by you. Quite a fortunate combination, I think."

Without her, Glory Eternal would have not reached nearly the heights it had. She was undeniably almost, if not as, talented as him in the field of constructing the grand machines. He considered his timetable, tight as it was, undeniably leaving him lacking in all the Knights he would need to properly prosecute the war he needed to win. With her active help, perhaps he could change that.

She looked at him, and Rogal knew she understood what he was thinking. "I can't help you too blatantly, Rogal. There are forces at work that would take years upon years for you to understand, narratives that restrict the aid I can give you. Chief among them your Emperor."

Rogal minutely frowned. "Would you be at odds with him?"

"If all goes well, no more than you would be. But He cannot know of my existence, it would endanger countless aspects of the Immaterium just by His knowledge that I exist. Perhaps in time, but not now. But if you ask, I'll help you as best I can."
Rogal hesitated. His instincts warned him he was taking a risk, that he didn't know everything about Regalia, that her own influence could lead to dangerous things further down the line.

But he couldn't fail now.

"Then I, Rogal Themis, ask you for your aid, Regalia, in exchange for the vow that you will never work to undermine my oaths, nor my work."

"I, Regalia Titania, vow you this: I will do all in my power to aid you until the bitter end."


The Inwit and Rangdan issues will be handled in a separate interlude.
"As things stand, Interrogator, that is simply a bridge too far. There are far too many unknown variables at this time. For what its worth, nonetheless I am heartened to see that our fellow kin survive."

And with that, communications between the Void Dwellers and the Dominion would cease for now. He wasn't lying when he said there were too many unknown variables. If he could have parlayed with the leader or leaders of the Dominion, spoken to them and understood some more of the Dominion's culture and society, perhaps then he would've been ready to have his mind invaded in this way but such a thing could only come *after* a discussion. As a prelude to any talks, it was unacceptable.


Deciding he wanted to avoid anything too complicated at this time, Omegon would take the expedition towards a curious planet in another system. A planet inhabited by primitive Xenos. Scouts had claimed that these snake like Xenos were mentally equal to Humans but appeared to lack almost all ambition. Fascinating!

Of course, Xeno anthropology wasn't the only reason to explore and claim the world. Exceptionally fertile, this planet had the potential to end any future woes about food supplies (and variety...) in both the Station and Fleet and could hopefully serve as a fine outpost where the populace of the Dwellers could grow without any worries about space and resources.

As soon as the fleet reached the Planet and system, assuming no complications arose, Omegon intended for a base camp to be set up on the surface and to go meet these Xenos....

actions said:
1x Grand Action on colonizing the exceptionally fertile planet with the Snake Xenos on it. Tentatively named 'Grassroots' for now.
1x Major Action to train Command (Infiltration) to Core (Hard Worker)
1x Major Action to deepen relations with the Xenos. Though lacking in ambition, their mental faculties are not lesser than humans. Would any of their number be willing to come return to our Home-Station and learn of higher technologies? Perhaps even study how more advance civilizations run their governments? We in turn merely ask that we be allowed to document their species through non-invasive studies. (i.e. we're abso-fucking-lutely not going to kill and dissect any of them)

5x Yearlies to train Weakpoint Recognition to Secondary (Hard Worker trait, Sub 5 Yearlies for a Major)
2x Yearlies to train Colonization to Tertiary (Hard Worker)
2x Yearlies to meet with the Snake Xenos and introduce ourselves...and to reassure them that we're not here to commit xenocide.
1x Yearly to train Colonization and Military Logistics to Lesser (Hard Worker)

Although he understands that the Void-Dwellers don't necessarily need the extra food, Omegon nonetheless uses the majority of the decade to colonize 'Grassroots', as the crew have taken to jokingly call the exceptionally large and fertile planet. Appealing to the need of the people isn't the way to go, but rather to appeal to their desire, particularly those among the younger generations looking for a change of pace and scenery. Colonization isn't any easier than maintaining the station or fleet, the new colonists will learn, but with how fertile and relatively safe the planet is, Omegon hopes this will be a good opportunity for the other-wise inexperienced colonists and future would-be colonists among the Void-Dwellers.

Secondarily, there is also the Xenos of the planet to engage with. Observations have revealed that the Snake-like Xenos appear to have some form of civilization, albeit at an extremely primitive stage of development. Further observations, including limited contact by the most daring of colonists and scouts, have further revealed that primitive though they might be, the Xenos are no less in the potential of their mental faculties than the average Human. Furthermore, sociologists and psychologists among the fleet hypothesize that the Xenos appear to be predisposed, strongly so, towards Order and appear to lack ambition.

These traits, combined with their primitive level of development, have convinced Omegon that a tentative hand of peace be reached out to the Xenos, eventually even including an offer to take some of their number back to the Station and Home-Fleet to show them how the Void-Dwellers live. What the Primarch hopes to gain from this, he himself isn't quite sure, the various ideas coming to him quickly and being discarded equally swiftly. Time will tell what might be made of this relationship, if anything can be made at all.
Last edited:
Illyeus roused from slumber instantaneously, on alert.

A young woman Calliphone, de facto tyrant of the planet, was grinning dangerously at him. Zanxe, Xararoth, and Kharsus were awkwardly standing behind her.

"Good morning, Illyeus~𝅘𝅥𝅮" Oh no. "Your assignment begins today."

There had been no mention of an assignment. He would have opened his mouth to begin stating this, except that Kharsus caught his attention. His eyes, silent though they may be, were wide with meaning.

Very well then.

Illyeus brought himself to his feet, and began readying himself for the mysterious day. "Would you be willing to elucidate me as to the details of the assignment, Dark Lady?"

If possible, her grin grew. He could have sworn that it rivaled Lady Tiamat's.
"Destructive strategic and tactical analysis. You will join me in the Liar's Domain." And then, suddenly, she disappeared... save for her grin, which eventually faded away as well.

The four young astartes briefly stared at the spot that she had previously occupied, before Zanxe began to set off to the simulations chamber, and the other three followed.


Xararoth despairingly observed the words for the twelfth time. Calliphone's face had not wavered once from its taunting grin. It was as solid a poker face as any blank expression, giving away only a smug sense of superiority... which, frankly, had been shown to be built upon an objective assessment of their relative capabilities.

Especially considering that she had been commanding in engagements against all four of the astartes simultaneously, and had yet to see defeat in any encounter.

The sound of footsteps approached, as the simulation was reset once more.

"...you all know that Sophos gave her a copy of his doctrine documentation, right?"

Calliphone's smile fell at Herakon's voice, becoming a cheated pout. "I was going to tell them at noon, you asshole. I wanted to see if they'd figure it out, and in the meantime get control data."

Kharsus saw Herakon raise an eyebrow, before the man shifted to catch his attention.
"How many simulations have you run so far?"
"I have been through fourteen. I believe there have been fifty-three in total thus far."

Herakon rolled his eyes. "Right, everybody, take a break. We'll return to this in half an hour. I need to have a discussion with my sister."
With that, he strode into the room, picked up his sister - who was doing a convincing impression of a cat, offended that its toy (dead lizard) had been taken away - and left, lecturing her once more on how to interact with normal people.

Zanxe sighed.
They still probably wouldn't be able to find good ways to counter Calliphone's counter-tactics, but they could start putting in better efforts now. And they could stop feeling embarrassed about the failures.

It was a typical day on Olympia.
Link to Turn 5

Turn 6

Research Average and High Imperial, build remaining Primers for Feudal -> High Imperial, research Cybernetics up to Expanded Knight Pilot Affinity and Undetectable Cybernetics (with Neural Augment expedited Codification 50%), Parent, get a pair of Psynet Secondary Skills, and interact with the Psynet.
Research Costs:
Technology: Average Imperial = 3840 -22.074 overflow from Turn 3.
Technology: High Imperial = 3840.
Primer: Feral -> Feudal = 20.
Primer: Feudal -> Modern = 120.
Primer: Modern -> Interplanetary = 240. Already done on prior turn.
Primer: Interplanetary -> Interstellar = 400. 76.62 progress prior turn.
Primer: Interstellar -> Low Imperial = 800.
Primer: Low->High Imperial = 2240.

Research capacity: I've got 24x1.5 (Uplift Research) + 24 (Machine Spirit Studies) + 24x0.5 (Psy Awareness) + 12x0.5 (Physics) + 2x4 (Tertiaries) + 7x2 (Lessers) + (12-2-7)x1 (Commons from Core/Secondary overflow) = 103. There are two conditional -1's, and with one exception, exactly one of them will apply at any given time: Homeworld Research only applies up to Low Imperial, and Cogitator Science only applies starting at Low Imperial. So 102. Times 1.5 for the Theoretical Polymath Trait, equals 153.

The one exception: Cogitator Science applies at 25% (combining with Basic Computer Science to count as a 1.25 mod skill) to the Interstellar -> Low Imperial Primer, which is the only Action which benefits (somewhat) from both conditional skills. All other actions benefit from exactly one of the two.

Research Organization is effectively Planetary Cyborg: 4.4*40=176 bonus skill points; +0.733 mod.

Overall, I'm making "153+176 * actionMod * 1.7333" progress per action. That's 342.16 per Yearly, and 11690.466 per Focal.
Though any Yearly going into the Interstellar -> Low Imperial Primer instead gets 342.55 progress, due to Cogitator Science.

Focal Research: 11690.466+22.074 = 11712.54. -3840 (Average Imperial) = 7872.54. *0.9 (Overflow) = 7085.286. -3840 (High Imperial) = 3245.286. *0.75 (Overflow to different task) = 2433.9645. -2240 (Low to High Imperial Primer) = 193.9645. *0.75 = 145.473375.

So the Focal got us to High Imperial technology, and wrote the Low->High Imperial Primer, with 145.473375 overflow available to the next task.

What remains:
Primer: Feral -> Feudal = 20.
Primer: Feudal -> Modern = 120.
Primer: Interplanetary -> Interstellar = 400 -76.62 progress prior turn.
Primer: Interstellar -> Low Imperial = 800.

342.16 per Yearly. 145.473375 allocatable overflow.

1 Yearly finishes Interplanetary -> Interstellar. 342.16 - (400-76.62) = 18.78, *0.75 = 14.085 overflow.
2 more Yearlies and 145.473375 overflow (from Focal) finish Interstellar -> Low Imperial, with 342.16*2 +145.473375 -800 = 29.793375 *0.75 = 22.34503125 overflow.
Take the 22.34503125 and finish Feral -> Feudal, with 1.7587734375 overflow.
1 final Yearly finishes Feudal -> Modern, with 166.62 overflow.

6 Yearly Actions remain. 14.085 + 1.7587734375 + 166.62 = 182.4637734375 overflow remains.

The Psynet activates before I properly start on Cybernetics research.
Spend 2 Charges to get Cybernetics and Cogitator Science skills at Secondary.
Spend all 3 remaining Charges to get Emps' notes on Neural Augment, Undetectable Cybernetics, and Expanded Knight Pilot Affinity. This reduces the difficulty of each by a rank, from 576 to 144 or from 36 to 9.

Cybernetics tech-tree research: 24x0.5 (Psy Awareness) + 12 (Psychology) + 12x0.5 (Physics) + 12x1 (Cybernetics) + 12x1 (Cogitator Science) + 2x4 (Tertiaries) + 4x2 (Lessers - 3x2 if exceeding Zetaron B's level) + (11-2-4)x1 (Commons from Core/Secondary overflow) = 75. Times 1.5 for the Theoretical Polymath Trait, equals 112.5 (111 with the conditional -1).
Note that conditional -1 kicks in after Universal Cybernetics.
Locking in Research Organization as Industry(Uptech) / Cybernetics, as the two specializations.
Research Organization is effectively Planetary Cyborg: 4.4*40=176 bonus skill points; +0.733 mod.
I'm making "112.5+176 * actionMod * 1.7333" progress per action. That's 300.04 per Yearly; 298.48 per Yearly after Universal Cybernetics.

Items to Research
Neural Augment: 36->9 cost, 288 cost with 5x Fast Codification.
Universal Cybernetics : 36 cost
Mass Production of all Cybernetics: 36 cost
Universal Improvements to Cybernetics: 36 cost
Uniform Cybernetic Production Standards: 144 cost
Undetectable Cybernetics: 576->144 cost
Machine/Biology Link: 36 cost
Improved Mind Impulse Unit: 144 cost
Expanded Knight Pilot Affinity: 576->144 cost
Overflow to Knight Connection Improvement.

Yearly, Universal Cybernetics and below: 300.04
Yearly, After Universal Cybernetics: 298.48
Uptech Overflow, 25% overflow and Uptech->Cybernetics penalties already included: 138.37

Put in a Yearly (5 remain) and the Overflow to Neural Augment. Overflow is 150.41.
Universal Cybernetics, overflow is 114.41. Note that effectiveness now diminishes slightly (300.04/298.48 as effective) due to exceeding Homeworld Research.
Mass Production of All Cybernetics, overflow is 77.82.

Put in a Yearly (4 remain) to Universal Improvements to Cybernetics. Overflow is 264.04.

Take the Overflows from both previous. These apply fully to Uniform Cybernetic Production Standards. Overflow is 197.86.
Undetectable Cybernetics. Overflow is 53.86. We now take the -25% overflow penalty.
Machine/Biology Link. Overflow is 4.39.

Add in a Yearly (3 remain), plus the overflow from Machine/Biology Link. Improved Mind Impulse Unit. Overflow is 160.43.
Expanded Knight Pilot Affinity. Overflow is 16.43.

16.43 progress to Knight Connection Improvement.

Three Yearlies remain for Parenting - with the possibility of switching one over to Ruling if necessary.

I won't be adopting any new children unless something unexpected happens. Better to just parent the ones I have, and do a fairly good job until they're grown (which is basically happening across this turn).

Parenting is done with Parenting Core, Psy Awareness Core, Training Secondary, Philosophy Secondary, and Psychology Secondary. Also various Minor skills - particularly Chaos Adaption and (when parenting Benjamin) Blank Trainer.

Exploration Details, copied from two turns ago: [100d100k1 (100 100 99 98 98 97 97 95 95 95 94 92 91 90 87 86 85 83 83 83 83 82 81 79 79 75 74 72 71 71 71 71 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 64 62 59 59 58 57 56 54 54 51 50 50 48 46 45 44 42 41 41 40 37 37 37 36 36 36 34 34 33 31 31 30 29 28 27 25 23 22 19 19 15 14 14 14 13 13 11 11 10 10 9 8 7 6 6 5 5 4 3 1)]
12-24 means "reports back turn 6."
Only 2 found some sort of - not immediately helpful - civilization.
But all our craft have reported back - or we're reasonably confident they're dead.

4 Planetary Actions: Build Sys Defense Craft. This uses the Blueprints and thus has a 1-tier quality bonus. This should produce 600 SDC's, aka 1.5x (Blueprint) of 1x (Planetary Economy) of the nominal expected value (100/action), aka an Average-manpower Mid System fleet.
5 Planetary Actions: Improve the economy.
1 Planetary Actions: Build enough infrastructure about Cobas to make life easy on the ship garrison there.

Benjamin: Training continued.
Lumillia Cobbilus: Ruling.

Hive Vincent's reaction this decade: 1d100=84.
...I'm not convinced that's a surrender but they might actually be willing to negotiate. Huh.
Negotiating with Hive Vincent - first die is Lumillia and second is Eärendil helping (Eärendil's being far higher would force him to use a Yearly to stabilize things) - average results are along the lines of "we now have diplomatic contact again." 33 [2d100kh1+5 (28 2)].
Not good, but not catastrophic. Eärendil's non-presence is a mild hindrance.

Ship placement: 600 SDC's produced, and 6 lost in transit to Cobas. Last turn had 584 SDC's. So 1178 SDC's.
Send enough to Cobas to hopefully get them 100 total after losses. (6 lost en-route.) (This is in excess of treaty obligations - but, then again, so is our economy / production. Tell them the logic, to make sure nobody freaks out.)
98 total at Cobas.
Exactly 1080 remain active and in the System.
As Eärendil entered the sixth decade of his life, he felt the number resonate somehow with The Hunger And The Hand. The thing that was constantly trying to devour his Soul was empowered, somehow, by - by the number six itself, or such was his best guess - and the pain of its attacks grew. So, too, did the need to always avoid Excess, always remember his own Imperfection (and the gifts thereof), and so on.

It was a difficult decade, but also a good one - for two reasons.

First of all, this decade, he had already planned to focus primarily on Research, which was both one of Eärendil's favorite activities, and not a thing that fed the Hunger in any way. Second of all, Eärendil was slowly growing more used to Benjamin's Warp-devouring aura, and the Hunger and the Hand hated it. They hated Benjamin's presence, hated his aura, and faded away before both. This was, in Eärendil's mind, excellent reason to spend extra time around Benjamin.

He, for his part, was rapidly growing up. A single decade took him from a child of 8, to an adult of 18.

Eärendil - and Benjamin, electronically - kept an eye out for anyone (else) who could stand his aura - particularly anyone similar. He'd heard a few tales suggesting others in bygone eras had possessed such powers, albeit far weaker than Benjamin's, but it seemed none lived on New Menor today. He'd heard a tale that sounded similar from Ice 'n Guard. From Cobas, he'd even heard tales - in their characteristic style, absurdly detailed accounts for a millennia-old oral tradition - of three distinct Warp-Devourers (as they called them), and heard that the weakest of the three had saved a large tribe from a "Demon," and been loved (though cringed away from) ever after. But no confirmed cases in this era.

There wasn't, truly, even a guarantee* that a weaker Immativore wouldn't cringe away from a stronger. And Benjamin was stronger than any such tale, in all the history of every world that Eärendil had heard from. But it was worth the attempt, and a good guess as far as anyone could figure.

* Confirmed by Emps, Eärendil year ~56, that this is how things normally work! Also, the official term for Warp-Devourers or Immativores is "Blanks."

Eärendil and Benjamin - increasingly trusted with maintaining his own mental wellbeing as he aged, though Eärendil had no plans to ever stop teaching and helping - both worked fairly hard on helping Ben stay psychologically and emotionally healthy. Doing so when he could only really interact with people through text*, aside from Eärendil, made it difficult, but not impossible - far from it.

* Video was also an option, but still tended to produce feelings of revulsion. Lumillia (rising to the challenge) had reached the point where she could shoulder through the feelings for a call occasionally, and so had Sam (stubbornness), and Azalea (not wanting her brother to be lonely). Indeed, so had Eärendil's own parents. But those five were the list, and Benjamin had only dared try meeting non-Eärendil people directly once. Nobody died, but Eärendil had to rush Ben back to safety, much to both of their disappointment.

Obviously, Eärendil also continued to teach Benjamin to control and harness his power. This - and general learning - were Benjamin's primary tasks this decade, and in Benjamin's own words, "I got my willingness to work hard from you, Dad."

By reversing the 'increase drain' exercises, and trying again and again at great length and with no end of persistence, he'd gained the ability to reliably decrease his drain slightly, against a single 'friendly' Immaterial effect at a time. It was harder than increasing it - significantly harder - but not impossible.

Eärendil wanted to focus - almost but not quite hyperfocus - on Research for a turn. He had two other duties: parenting, and ruling New Menor. The first couldn't truly be delegated (though he could ask his own parents for extra help). The second couldn't either… wait. It could, actually, couldn't it?


"Yes, dad?"

"I want to hand the throne to someone else for a decade. You're the most likely of any of us to keep the place running and working together for that decade."

She turned and looked at him - all eleven feet of him - and slowly (very slowly) raised first one eyebrow and then the other. "…What exactly brought this on?"

Three weeks of careful consideration later, she'd accepted the task. Their whole family came together to ensure the 'Decade of the Princess Regent' would succeed.

Three weeks after that, an hour before the big Coronation, Lumillia was pacing back and forth. Frantically going over everything - every contingency, every way to rephrase the speech.

Eärendil stepped into the room, gave her an understanding half-smile, and said: "First of all, I want you to know that, however this goes, I will always love you, daughter. Second of all, I want you to know that I'm extremely confident you'll do spectacularly."

She gave as much of a smile as she could manage. "Thanks, Dad."

Sensing her considerable remaining trepidation, and carefully selecting his tone and phrasing to pick the right words for her, he continued, "Third of all… if you don't think you're ready, well - it's not too late to back out." The tone was challenging - indeed, he was copying one of her frequent tones.

Her smile steadied. Confident. She looked him in the eyes and replied, "Not on your life! I was born and raised for this, father."

His smile was proud beyond words.

The actual ceremony took several hours. The Press commented that it was one of the longest ceremonies the famously (notoriously?) efficient King Eärendil had ever authorized. Then again, three-quarters of it wasn't even set up by him.

Rather, after the fifteen minute speech (one of the best speeches anyone had ever heard - but then it was Eärendil), there was half an hour of oaths*, followed by a two-minute crowning ceremony (that analysts quickly realized had been carefully designed to not make Princess Regent Lumillia look tiny next to the gargantuan King).

* The oaths, like all good New Menorian oaths, bound both ways - Hives (and various leaders thereof) to Princess Regent, but also Princess Regent to Hives (and various leaders thereof).

After that, Eärendil's designs ended (save for a few suggestions), and the ceremony became a meet-and-greet between the new Princess Regent and her people. Her charm and tact - combined with a spectacular memory, nerves of steel (if not yet adamantium), and a great deal of technically-legally-acquired intel on all the other participants let her sway many of the others to her favor.

…And if the event was deliberately designed to be so interesting that the media would be replaying it almost until the decade was over? What of it?

Twenty-five days later, Regent-Princess Lumillia looked down at the paper she was signing. She'd had to type out "...the Organization!" dozens of times, write it several, and see it thousands - and all of that per day.

That was the day a family in-joke died. Or, maybe, mutated further.

All paperwork, thenceforth, started referring to "...the Organization!" as "Ellipsis."

The news spent a hair under ten years wondering how exactly Eärendil was going to react.

(He did, technically, find out almost immediately. In reaction, he sent her a quiet text message - "'Ellipsis'? Snrk. 👍" - and went back to his research.)

Eärendil sat in the middle of a vast research nexus. His site covered everything within roughly 50 miles. And he was going to use that!

His immediate team was: Lord Anthony of Misty (a brilliant physicist and minor hereditary nobleman), Halbarad and Celebrían (a cybernetic renaissance man and woman from Zetaron and Ice 'n Guard), Artemis and Nathaniel and Ada (three brilliant experts in mathematics, applied mathematics, and theoretical mathematics from Cobas), his adopted son Zach (who had truly taken to his technology lessons), old Ogion (a Theta of few words who was the closest they had to an Immaterial expert - barring Eärendil himself), Thea the explorer (expert on archaeotech), Materials Scientist Marie, omnidisciplinarian engineer/tinker Sprocket, and tech writer Christine. They could routinely be found collaborating and directing different teams around the massive main laboratory.

A typical workday (for this team of obsessed scientists) was two five-hour periods, with a break between them. Eärendil, however, typically worked about twenty hours a day, and could be reached at any time by any member of the team - after all, he only needed an hour or so of sleep per day*.

* (Yes, technically he knew he'd be fine with none. He also knew his mental state was better with regular sleep, and that was easily worth a single hour per day.)

Eärendil had positioned dozens of teams of researchers and engineers - charged with taking various smaller projects and analyzing them in depth - within the range of his sight from the main research facility. Since his sight had a roughly 50 mile radius, and in a hive you could distribute teams three dimensionally, this was unsurprisingly trivial.

One day collider team W would have a miscalibrated sensor, and Eärendil would give him a quick note to fix it before it ruined days of work. The next week, collider team C would have an odd blip in their data that they overlooked, until Eärendil pointed it out and suggested they run tests to isolate it, proving a new postulate about quantum mechanics.

One week he would send a quick patch update to the simulation team's software, to fix a bug that might've frustrated them for months. Another week he'd pull a few people aside for half an hour, to shortcut corporate drama that might've caused no end of chaos. A third week he'd give bonuses and days off to all the engineers that stayed overtime to get the software running by a deadline. And the fourth he'd engineer a particularly stubborn class of problems into a set of children's educational games, which took 3 1/2 months to solve them, but ultimately led to a particularly elegant and beautiful class of solutions.

One month he'd give a seminar on advanced fluid dynamics to the aircraft design team, the next he'd himself attend a massive symposium on Material Science - as perhaps the best speaker there, but far from the only, and as one very happy to listen to several of the presentations. The third he'd relay thoughts from the minimal-yet-present Machine Spirits of an oddball collection of prototypes, giving a decidedly non-human perspective to the design work that produced equally odd-yet-profound improvements.

His absolute greatest single focus was Physics, and learning to model it mathematically. For not every implication of quantum mechanics had yet been analyzed. Not every high-energy reaction had been studied. The implications of various Immaterial interactions were inherently difficult to compute, but certain extremely simple and minor cases could be analyzed until they would reliably work. The technique resembled what Eärendil had seen in Archeotech: Ignore most Warp interactions, but take a case so incredibly simple that it was actually fairly predictable, and then exploit that repeatedly and in great bulk. And, thus, with a minor exception sufficiently memorized and codified, it could be added to the equations - and the simulations.

One of Eärendil's first big projects - one with an entire team backing him - was a really good simulator, which ended up needing better computing hardware to run performantly. Every quirk they found in physics, he ensured was emulated flawlessly - as faithfully reproduced as possible. Every bit of improved design methodology, he ensured went into the software, as tricks and templates and autocompletes and suggestions and reference diagrams. Because every single design group worked with the software. Every improvement he could make, made their lives easier and more productive. The software could run anywhere, but one particular server-cluster had developed (with slight nudges of assistance) a strong and helpful Machine Spirit - so of course it was the favorite to work with (remotely or otherwise) when possible - giving noticeably better results than its peers.

And so the research groups researched and the design groups designed, and by the end of the decade they had significantly increased scientific understanding, across virtually all known fields of study. And they had meticulously documented everything, along the entire way.

Now: it remained only to put their new understanding into an easily digestible format. It remained only, to make this knowledge easy to learn.

(Imperial Family Discord / PrimarchChat stuff will be edited into here, once it exists. Or at least a link to the post(s) in question will.)

(This should include dropping a fair chunk of info onto the web locally. Including ensuring that Leman's better Rejuvenat is available. A mostly-corrected copy of Tolkien's collected works, courtesy of Emps recreating it from the mostly-correct semi-corrupted copy that New Menor retained - New Menor rejoices at the complete works (doubly so since Emps was also able to grab a bunch of other works including D&D) but is vaguely sad they didn't actually happen.)

{PM: Eärendil to Sophos: When I return to our Father's side, is there any chance you'd be willing to let a few people from my homeworld observe your command and - if they can manage it - help your efforts, if only by carrying papers around and making coffee? I can think of thirty to fifty cyborgs that are the best my planet has for tacticians - barring myself, that is - and would try to murder me, as unlikely as they'd be to succeed, if I didn't at least ask.}
{PM: Sophos to Eärendil: I see no reason to refuse.}

Eärendil had considered ensuring some people would have The Technology Primers as their first exposure to higher technology. In the end, he didn't need to ensure it - getting people to seriously read the ongoing works was rather the challenge. Cobas were an exception of sorts - a lot of their smartest people happily devoured every iteration of The Technology Primers that he came up with (from v0.001 to the final v1.0), and threw critiques aplenty at him to boot.

It was great! Sadly, just like Eärendil himself, they missed some obvious flaws in the writings - "filling in the blanks" subconsciously. So he ran the Primers past random civilians, people from Turavilya A, the crewmembers of the latest ships from Ice 'n Guard*, and everyone else.

* As the decade drew to a close, the ships from Ice 'n Guard were steadily sounding more concerned about two things: First, just how insane Eärendil's actual research capacity was; second, some sort of invading Xenos jellyfish. But nothing had officially been brought to his attention, he had enough on his plate as it was, and it sounded like the concern was long-term not short-term. In both cases, really. Something to handle once he wrapped up his work here.

By the end of the decade, Eärendil and "…The Organization!" had finished a series of books* designed to teach everything he and New Menor had learned so far, from the ground up. While there might be minor hitches, the series should function even for very alien cultures, very unexpected sets of available resources, and possibly even genuinely alien beings. (Sophos reported that Yraxia the Exatari had understood them easily enough, but then again she was apparently a near-Cosmic (near-Primarch; that's the proper word) genius, so that wasn't much of a baseline.)

* The first Primer was a set of tomes; the last was a massive series of files only interpretable with an advanced cogitator; the others varied betwixt and between.

Eärendil considered adopting more children yet - with the hundred billion odd souls living in New Menor, having millions of orphans was functionally inevitable. Thankfully, his own focus on adoption had somewhat swayed the general populace of New Menor - adopting children (assuming you could and would raise them well) was considered a particularly noble action.

On the other hand, after some thought, as much as he wanted to - it wouldn't be right. He didn't have the time right now. In another decade, that would likely change, but at the moment, his research kept him busy enough he could barely do a good job of parenting the children he had already adopted.

Then again, in another decade, he'd be nearly an empty-nester again. Or at least all of his children would be old enough to live on their own. So… give it a decade, he decided.

His parents were willing to help some - as were various extended family-members. Still, extremely helpful as they were, this occasionally led to moments like:

"Mom, Dad," he said, having pulled them aside for a moment, "I greatly appreciate your help. But… Azalea already struggles with perfectionism. Picking the 'wrong' kitchen blender for this meal, genuinely doesn't matter, in the grand scheme of things. Please don't try to help her too much, OK?"

As he knew full well they would, the moment they understood their mistake they were quick to change. For that was his parents - not perfect, but always willing to learn and grow, for the sake of those they loved.

Five years and over three hundred Live-Action Role-Play sessions later, 'the Heroes' (years older and far cleverer) finally defeated their recurring Nemeses the self-proclaimed "GALACTIC DEFENDERS" (more like Galactic Menaces) for good.

"Could you repeat that," Azalea asked Benjamin. "Because I'd have sworn you just told me the 'Defenders' were basing all their anti-Robot plans on a Robot-built Oracle Cogitator."

> SADLY. YES. That is exactly what they were doing.

Azalea looked vaguely lost.

Annabeth took over, and roundly asked Eärendil, "Are you sure their leadership had a single functioning brain cell between them?"

Eärendil replied, solemnly, "Despite considerable work to the contrary, I myself am prone to foolish oversights every now and then. And - from my Sight - yes, this isn't that unrealistic. Sadly, I was only simulating the GD leadership as INT 16, WIS 6."

Annabeth questioned, "Even with a near-complete lack of self-awareness, how did they never notice that the Robots controlled the 'miraculous' Oracle Cogitator?"

"Because it gave visibly correct results for every test-case they used. They took out multiple Robot armies with hardly a scratch, using it. So they came to trust it, even against the obvious threat, to the point that when it told them, 'long term, the Robots must conquer the galaxy for the Robot threat to stop,' they believed it."

"A long con," Sam spat. "The bloody GDs were stupid enough to fall for a simple long-con."

"Hook, line, and sinker," Eärendil replied.

Things done under the reign of Princess Regent Lumillia, a short list:
  • To promote planetary unity, the Pinnacle Sports Festival. Set up to occur every five years, on the turn of every decade and the halfway point of each, this system-wide sports festival was a chance for the different Hives to compete withoutcoming to blows.
    • Sports ranged from ice-skating to marathons to zero-gravity-paintball to hoverboard obstacle-course speedrunning to speed-cybernetics-crafting. That last one was a traditional sport on Zetaron, and they were very pleased to have it included.
    • Zach and Rock handled 90% of the practical setup and design. But not the 'getting people to agree to it stage' - as usual, that was Lumillia (with suggestions from Azalea and Arassuil).
      • Annabeth was a lead graphic designer for the advertisements. Her college tried to give her an honorary degree for the sheer beauty and deep consideration of the work. She accepted in exchange for getting to still finish the degree - she may have extensive skills, but they weren't beyond further improvement.
  • The economy continued growing. There were, thankfully, not terribly many drains upon it.
  • The navy built a tiny space base about Cobas. It wasn't much, but it made it easier to keep the System Defense Craft stationed there.
  • New Menor gained an official working planetary defensive spynet, built to keep hostile spies from causing New Menor problems. They alsostarted training their first proper spies (ignoring, perhaps, Lumillia herself) for surveying other polities.
    • Eärendil had never really seen the point to putting much effort in, as long as his Sight outdid any but the best of spynets. But if he wasn't in charge? Provisions in the oaths and legal documents allowed for such a thing; this was just a matter of putting them into practice.
  • Hive Vincent started to interact with the rest of New Menor, if very verytenatively.
    • Lumillia's spies briefly suggested that their leadership had suffered a coup, leading to the change in policy. Further analysis revealed that their second-highest level of leadership had, in fact, merely started working together to outright lie to their two (particularly out-of-touch) highest leaders, and make decisions that were somewhat less nonsensical.
    • It's fairly clear that even the saner leadership of Hive Vincent categorically distrusts the rest of New Menor, and particularly everything to do with Eärendil.
    • Of course, his absence wasn't good news for them either, because they can't make things easy they felt paranoid about what he was up to.
    • All in all, Vincent still doesn't have normalized diplomatic relations with the rest of New Menor, but talks are ongoing.
    • They've also taken a copy of the Modern -> Interplanetary Uplift Primer, and are apparently actually studying it (instead of, say, burning it, or trying to exorcise it) (…technically they studied it after trying to exorcise it, but good enough).
    • Their Hive can't be far from catastrophic collapse, whether due to Fungus or Technology. It can't.
  • New Menor started to make contingency plans for handling billions of refugees if Hive Vincent does collapse.

On the subject of Ellipsis, the main reaction the news got out of Eärendil? Was simply this: He put "Ellipsis" as the organization primarily responsible for The Technology Primers.

No other comment.

"Of course he did," was the general reaction. "He probably thought it was hilarious. …Why were we even worried?"

As the sixth decade drew to a close, the weight of The Hunger and The Hand upon Eärendil returns to normal, much to his relief. A faint lethargy - noticeable only because he was watching meticulously - was present in its place. Some ever-so-faint echo of a much more distant thing, Eärendil suspected. Something, he guessed, affiliated with the number seven.

This was negligible, thankfully. A thing he almost certainly wouldn't have noticed, if his Sight didn't pierce the Veil. Vastly lesser than the curse upon the sixth decade.

…Though he was not looking forward to turning sixty-six. That was not a pleasant thought.
Temporal, Dimensional, Psionic Biology, Nulltech - unlocked from Sophos.
A chunk of Psyker and Astral Tech-Tree Research from Magnus.
Expanding Human Sanity, Impact of Cultural Archetypes on Insanity, Cultural Progression Modeling, Principles of Insanity Recovery, Cultural Faultline Analysis and Cultural Recovery of Insanity - from Basil, assuming he's willing to share.
Astral Interface Psi Discipline and "A small tune to lock down your own Primarch aura" (control a heartbeat to use - viable thanks to Core Self-Discipline) from Magnus.
Basic Exatari Tech: Atomic Sensors, Transmutation Forges (Altered), Material Alloys, Physics Package. Exatari Tech: Living Cybernetic Principles, Exotic Physics (dark energy/matter, entropy).
"Scholar" title recognized by Scholar Yraxia of the Exatari.
The Warp is starting to consider Eärendil, to some extent, "The Uplifter." Thus, he has a narrative claim to make Uplift Primers beyond High Imperial - though expect Pattern pushback. It would be wise to work with Sophos on such things…

Gain, Lesser Conviction Against Chaos: Chao Delenda Est (Chaos must be destroyed; as a mere Lesser Conviction, Eärendil still remembers the 'or at least locked away - or resisted and opposed insofar as it can be' caveats).

3 research skill upgrade tokens
-Physics Secondary -> Core, Psychology (used in Cybernetics) Secondary -> Core, Mathematics Tertiary -> Secondary
1 research skill merge token

New Trait: Escalating Uplifter: every distinct Primer Eärendil creates (or has ever created, including Warp Relics though not cheap copies of Warp Relics) reduces the cost of 'whatever technological level is directly above Eärendil's highest Primer' by 0.5% to a max of 50% reduction. All of Eärendil's Primers reduce the Infrastructure cost for sub-Primarch Uplifts by 25%.

Lumillia Cobbilus gains a Hero Rank (now 2 ranks above Hero Candidate). Abilities upgraded. It seems the challenge of ruling a world suited her well.

New Menor Population is currently officially Planetary (it had previously been listed as Hive Cluster).
* Aeldari Genetics (Beta psyker, can build psitech, innate Secondary Skill for Dueling (does not take a slot, cannot be upgraded), amplified emotions, natural fewer Soul Wounds/Density (2 originally; 6 after system update?), under constant attack by Slaanesh)
* Agile
* Adamantine Will+ (+5 Soul Wounds; no other effects).
* Energy Weaver (can learn to weave various forms of power/energy into physical form)
* Theoretical Polymath: provides 1.5 action value to research actions, halves time to bring research skills to Core (anything below Ascendant).
* See Through The Veil: Can sense the nature of daemons beyond the Veil providing a narrative resistance to being tricked, can examine mortal souls in the same manner. (This is not unblockable, but it will work without fail on normal daemons below Favored.)
* Hard Worker (the trait; the myth; the legend)
* Minor Blank Adaption: reduce malus taken from being near a blank slightly on the narrative level
* Escalating Uplifter: every distinct Primer Eärendil creates (or has ever created, including Warp Relics though not cheap copies of Warp Relics) reduces the cost of 'whatever technological level is directly above Eärendil's highest Primer' by 0.5% to a max of 50% reduction. All of Eärendil's Primers reduce the Infrastructure cost for sub-Primarch Uplifts by 25%.

Core Skills: (4/5)
-Self-Discipline (slotless; Corruption Resistance / Emotional Control; bonus to getting Hard Worker)
-Uplift Research (Narrow) (slotless)
-Machine Spirit Studies (slotless)
-Psychic Awareness (becomes slotless as turn ends - gained Turn 3; aka "I'm semiconsciously aware of my surroundings at all times"; prevents surprise; counts as a 0.5 mod Core skill at everything; Null is now miserable; disadvantage fighting Daemons)
-Psychic Combat (becomes slotless as turn ends - gained Turn 3; Combat skill; all Psychic skills now count fully as Combat skills)
-Parenting (slot - gained Turn 5)
-Physics (slotless; Research / Crafting; 0.5 mod but applies widely; Laser and Antimatter research difficulty reduced a tier (stacking with other such reductions))
-Psychology (slot - gained Turn 5; Research / Influence; narratively better understanding of people, boost to diplo actions, Archetype Bonus: also applies to xenodiplomacy)
Secondary Skills: (7/10)
-Dueling (Innate Skill; slotless; cannot be upgraded)
-Celestial Navigation (becomes slotless as turn ends - gained Turn 1; Research / Space Fleet Command)
-Military Theory (slot - gained Turn 4; Research / Military Crafting (especially Blueprints) / Military Command)
-Philosophy (slot - gained Turn 4; Corruption Resistance / Emotional Control / Influence)
-Training (slot - gained Turn 5)
-Cybernetics (slot - gained Turn 6; Research / Crafting; Psynet Token skill)
-Cogitator Science (slot - gained Turn 6; Research / Crafting; Psynet Token skill)
-Mathematics (slot - gained Turn 6; Research / Crafting)
Tertiary Skills: (4/15)
-Influence/Other: Psychic Empathy (Psy / Influence; disadvantage fighting Daemons)
-Uplift Research: Materials Science
-Learning, Time Management
Lesser Skills: (19/20)
-Warp: Empyrean-Safety, Warp Studies (this one's usable for Combat thanks to Psy Combat)
-Uplift Research: Applied Mathematics, Theoretical Physics, Applied Physics, Reverse-Engineering, High Energy Physics, Homeworld Research (the state of my Homeworld's research and researchers; Research caps at my planet's Infrastructure level)
-Research/Social: Decision Theory, Theory of Negotiation, Oratorical Principles
-Military: Theoretical Warfare Analysis, Concepts of Low-Imperial War, Organizational Studies, Military Command
-Combat: Telekinesis
-Psychic Materialization (can turn Magic/Emotions/etc into physical items)
-Blank Trainer, Chaos Adaption (basically a skill that provides bonuses in exceptionally chaotic situations)
-Conviction: Chao Delenda Est (Chaos must be destroyed; as a Lesser, Eärendil still remembers the 'or at least locked away - or resisted and opposed insofar as it can be' caveats; inherently slotless)

(List of dropped skills, kept for my future reference: Quantum Mechanics, Computer Science (caps at ~High Interstellar), Stealth.)

Psynet Core Skills: Logistics, Apex Dueling (+20 to duels base; win duel ties and negate critfails), Grand General (+20 to military command; ignore command malus if your troops are one tier lower than your enemy's troops), Meditation (chaos-resist, being Zen, actively Meditate to Unlock/Strengthen Psy stuff), Battle Endurance (exhaustion penalties start round 10 (+3) and increase more slowly; no other effects), Command Principle Alteration (Command +10; being countered isn't as bad), Learning (free Tertiary per turn; reduced Learning time cost), Self Awareness (better traits +narrative +chaos-resistance (+20 to cr threshold and rerolls to failed cr rolls at breakpoints); possibly a diplo skill in weird conditions (by being self aware of what not to do)), Fame Management (people don't tend to hate you), Forethought (0.5 mod - Diplomacy and/or Organizational; reroll one critfail per campaign).

Notable Gear:
-Orb of HATRED D:
-Blueprints: 'Relic-4 Cyborg SDC' and 'Relic-4 0.5-grade Mold Control'
-Omicron Crafting Base, aka Great Structure of semi-Relic Tools: +1 Secondary for Primarch or Heroic Astartes, +1 Tertiary for Hero or Astartes, +1 Lesser for others. Has issues crafting large items (Knight and smaller is fine).
-The Technology Primers: Feral through Feudal, Feudal through Modern, Modern through Interplanetary, Interplanetary through Interstellar, Interstellar through Low Imperial, Low Imperial through High Imperial.
--All were made with Core Skills of Uplift Research, Machine Spirit Studies, and Psychic Awareness plus Secondary Skills of Physics, Military Theory, Philosophy, Psychology, and Training.
--All except Modern through Interplanetary were additionally made with effective Core Skills (from the Discord) of Logistics, Learning, Self Awareness, Forethought, Fame Management, Grand General, Command Principle Alteration, and (not sure this one's relevant?) Battle Endurance.
--All were written by Eärendil, The Hybrid, and are thus relatively comprehensible (or at least somewhat less incomprehensible) to the various xenos races.

Cybernetics up through Undetectable Cybernetics and Expanded Knight Pilot Affinity. As things stand, New Menor is expected to finish Codifying Neural Augment tech two years before the end of turn 9.
Temporal, Dimensional, Psionic Biology, Nulltech - unlocked from Sophos.
A chunk of Psyker and Astral Tech-Tree Research from Magnus.

Astral Interface Psi Discipline from Magnus. WE'VE GOT ASTRAL BACK!

New Menor System
-Planet of New Menor, controlled, mostly friendly, Low Imperial tech and infra
--15 surviving Surface Hives, 14 controlled and mostly friendly
---Eärendil nominally lives in Hive Oroshral.
--Hive Vincent, damaged Surface Hive, hostile
--Orbital Hive Cluster Zetaron, Hives B through D, controlled and somewhat friendly
---Zetaron B has some surviving unusually high-tech stuff, particularly cyborg/warfare/mental.
---Zetaron D is deeply friendly.
-Moon of Turavilya A, semi-controlled, mostly friendly, Interplanetary tech and infra
Ice 'n Guard System
-Allied, cautiously friendly.
-Capital of a 5-world polity with Interstellar technology and a technocratic government.
-Ruler is The Clever One.
Cobas System
-Semi-controlled, cautiously friendly, human Protectorate.
-Planet of Cobas, low-tech but has rare functional remnants of DAoT Genemods, giving a bonus to research.

Eärendil's adopted family
-Overall: An extensive and relatively wealthy clan, they were relatively large (and generally productive / helpful / non-evil) names within a single district of Hive Oroshral until they adopted Eärendil, the Cosmic (local term for Primarch And Other Crazy OP Shenanigans) Hero. Now they're effectively royalty within Hive Oroshral, albeit somewhat reclusive.
-Eärendil's Parents are assumed to have a Primarch-grade Parenting-or-similar skill just from trying to raise Eärendil.
-Semi-adopted (shared with second cousin): Lumillia and Lyon Cobbilus. Lyon is a sub-hero Combat specialist. Lumillia is a Cyborg Intrigue/Diplo Specialist (2 ranks above hero candidate; +10 to Spy rolls and +10 to Diplo rolls) (Enneagram: Challenger).
-Fully adopted: Zach, Rock, Annabeth, Azalea, Samuel Vimes (berserker tendencies - needs active therapy to remain stable), Benjamin (Sister of Silence level Type 3 Blank) (Enneagram: Loyalist).
Arassuil - a sidekick of Eärendil's, within the planetary organization.

Corruption Tokens: 21 Repulsed (I think?); 1 each at 0.25, .5, .75.

Link to Turn 7
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Turn 6

1 Yearly action to Craft Radiation Armor Suit:
Cost: Personal Item * Full body * Industrial Tech
5 * 1.5 * 0.4 = 3.0
Skills used:
-Crafting (Personal Scale): 4
-Research (Radiation): 2
-Human Biology: 4
Progress: 4+2+4 * 0.6 = 6.0 Complete!
The now mutant-free ruin didn't have much in it besides scrap metal. But for Sanguinius, that metal was a treasure. It was a resource that his people could use to craft many tools that were essential to keep the city running and now running out of them wouldn't be a problem. The only issue was how to safely collect them, as the ruins weren't free of the radiation that plagued the rest of their world.

To fix that, Sanguinius created the Theodosian Suit, a full body gear to protect its wearers from the radiation outside the two cities. It was named after the Primarch's friend Theodosius, who had researched radiation alongside Sanguinius and had died of old age in the comfort of his home in Constanza. He died a happy man, but he regretted he couldn't do more to advance their knowledge on radiation and combat it further. But at least now, every soul who ventured into the radioactive sands of Baal would know the name of the man who contributed to make these ventures possible.

1 Yearly action to Multicraft: Anastasia Blueprint and Theodosian Suit Blueprint
Anastasia Blueprint: Small machine - Car - Industrial
Cost: 10 * 1 * 0.4 = 4 / 4 = 1
Radiation Armor blueprint:
3 / 4 = 0.75 | Total Cost: 1.75
Skills Used:
Crafting (Vehicles): 2
Medical Science: 2
2+2 * 0.6 = 2.4
-Suit Blueprint:
Crafting (Personal Scale): 4
Research (Radiation): 2
Human Biology: 4
4+2+4 * 0.6 = 6
-Total: 2.4 + 6 = 8.4
8.4 - 1.75 = 6.65
6.75 * 0.75 = 4,9875. Complete!
Making a blueprint in order to mass produce the Suit was a very simple task. It took so little time that Sanguinius decided to also make a blueprint for the Anastasia. His medical vehicle had been of great use for him during the nomad years of his life and he thought other healers could benefit from making use of it. Be it to traverse the long roads of his cities to reach their patients, or to rescue injured soldiers from the line of fire.

After he was done, his people could now safely mine the scrap metal in the now empty ruin and receive the proper medical treatment they needed from anywhere in the city. Needles to say, the Primarch was satisfied.

2 Yearlies to raise Medical Science to Tertiary
His family was safe. Sometimes it was hard for Sanguinius to believe, despite seeing it every day, but it was true. No longer did they fear the mutant hordes with the walls of their cities and the Scorpion Guard to protect them. No longer did they fear starving to death with all the water and food they could bring into their city. And most importantly, no longer did they fear all the maladies that radiation inflicted upon them with all the protection they now had. They were safe. There was no denying that.

So why do I feel so lost?

Sanguinius had spent so much time working towards keeping his family safe, that now that he had finally achieved that, he didn't know what to do with himself. He still had plenty of work making sure the city was running smoothly, but that was just administration. Keeping things as they were. Not improving. But how could he improve things further? He wasn't sure what he could do when everyone seemed so content with their new lives.

So he decided to improve himself.

Whenever he had free time, he would further his knowledge of medicine. Healing was a discipline he had a great fondness for, but much to his shame, he hadn't put much focus on it in a while. After all the time spent building the two cities and training for combat, he had become a far better architect and warrior than he was a healer. It was time to rectify that.

From handling more delicate surgeries to prescribing new medication. From creating better medical equipment to coming up with new hygienic practices. Sanguinius expanded his knowledge as far as he could. And by the end of it, while he still thought there was a lot he could improve on, he was satisfied for now.

1 Yearly to learn the Lesser Skills: Biotech and Animal Handling
2 yearlies to tame fire scorpion
2 yearlies to tame a second one

Taming First Fire Scorpion
Biotech * Size: Massive Animal * Industrial Tech Level -> 1.5 * 10 * 0.4 = 6
-Biotech (lesser)
-Animal Handling (lesser)

Taming Second Scorpion
Biotech * Size: Massive Animal * Industrial Tech Level -> 1.5 * 10 * 0.4 = 6
Ever since the two cities were built, the fire scorpions weren't much of a threat anymore. With the walls to keep these beasts outside, the only time when there was any risk of coming across one was when an expedition group went out looking for resources, but Sanguinius' Scavenger Eye would spot these scorpions long before the beasts realized there were people nearby.

Today was a good example of this, as a lone fire scorpion was passing by just outside the main gate of Byzantina. The creature had tried to break it's way inside the city, probably to either escape the sun's heat or because it had felt there was pray inside somehow, but after realizing it couldn't put a dent in the main gate, let alone the walls, it had given up and was now departing back into the desert. Some members of the Scorpion Guard wanted to kill it, but Sanguinius told them not to, since the beast was already leaving and so wasn't a threat anymore.

As he watched the fire scorpion with his third eye, he remembered that before he built the two cities, he used to resent the creature. Not just for being a threat to his family, but because he felt it was
unfair that a beast was perfectly adapted to live in the radiative sands of Baal while his people died to it. Now he felt embarrassed that he had held a grudge against an entire species for something they had no control over. He still would kill any that threatened his people, but he no longer blamed them for having received a better hand by nature, even if it felt unfair to him.

I'm being irrational. It's not like we don't have our own advantages. The Fire Scorpions would never be able to build a city of their own. Sanguinius thought to himself. Still, it would be nice to have the best of both sides. The exoskeletal armor, the strength, the natural weapons. They sure would be useful to have. But regardless, there's no use to continue to dwell on this topic. It's not like I can make an ally of these creatures or anything.

Wait, why can't I?

After capturing the Fire Scorpion, Sanguinius began to study it. His tribe had stories of how their ancestors had animals as companions and beasts of burden, before the planet became a wasteland. But the knowledge of how they actually accomplished that was long lost, meaning Sanguinius would have to discover it by himself.

The process mainly involved learning the scorpion's behavior and conditioning it to act in a desirable way. The first part was easy, as Sanguinius soon realized that the creature's actions could be all traced back to a strategy of survival. It saw others as either threats or food and its aggressive behavior was a form of intimidation rather than a case of bad personality.

The second part was more difficult, due to the scorpion's low intelligence. But the primarch eventually learned to use the beast's basic desire for survival to make it follow his commands. It involved a mixture of punishments and rewards for behaving against or according to what Sanguinius desired it to do, reinforcing that compliance was better than for it than trying to fight the primarch. Eventually the scorpion became a loyal animal to Sanguinius. Even when not confined to its enclosure, but in the open sands of Baal, it would stay close instead of trying to escape.

A great success, but to be a true accomplishment, I need to teach my family to replicate this.

"Sanguinius, I don't think we can replicate what you did."

The Primarch raised an eyebrow at Bosco's comment. The two were currently standing outside of the enclosure of the second scorpion the former had captured. The beast was currently ramming itself against the door trying to escape, but Sanguinius had made sure it was reinforced enough that such an event wouldn't happen.

"I understand how intimidating the Fire Scorpion can be, but I assure you I won't let anyone come to harm. Once you understand how the beast thinks, taming it will be-"

"No! Listen, we can't do it. I saw you train the other one. We can't do what you did. We don't have your strength, your reflexes or your endurance."

"Bosco, I'm well aware of that. I would never put anyone from our family in a room with a Fire Scorpion and leave them defenseless. The creature will be chained and I will make equipment for-".

"My friend, listen to me. Maybe a few people will have the courage or madness to rise to try to tame a fire scorpion. Maybe some of these few can succeed with all your help and preparation, but we can't replicate this on a large scale like you're hoping and you're far too busy of a person to have the time to train an army of scorpion tamers. We are thankful that you think so highly of us, but it's best to abandon this plan."


"We aren't like you Sanguinius."

"... You're right. I'm sorry Bosco, I won't push the matter further."

"Don't apologize, you were only trying to do what you thought was the best for us. There's no shame in that." Despite these warm words, an awkward silence took place between the two friends. It dragged for some agonizing seconds, until the Fire Scorpion hammered its head against the door again. The loud noise startled Bosco, but also gave the human an idea of how to continue the conversation.

"So what are you going to do with that thing now? Kill it? or maybe release it?"

"Neither. I will train it to obey me like the first one. It wasn't easy to find one of the opposite sex of the first one, so even if not for the original porpoise, I still want to get something useful out of it."

"Why did you need one of the opposite sex?".

"To breed them, obviously. It would be an easier way to get more scorpions than to search for them in the sands."

"Ah, that makes sen- Wait, how do you know it's sex?"

"It's not that hard, actually. See, under its-"

"On second thought, I think I'd rather keep it a mystery." That comment actually managed to get a small chuckle out of Sanguinius, which in turn lifted a weight from Bosco's chest. "Anyway, I'm late to help my father with work, so I'll have to leave now. Farewell my friend." With these parting words, Bosco left to do his duties.

"Farewell my friend." Sanguinius said. Despite not being exactly happy to have to abandon a project, he was confident he would find other ways to help his people. With that in mind, he entered the scorpion's enclosure to tame the beast inside. He hoped he wouldn't take too long with this one.

He didn't know how much time he still had.

1 Major Action to raise the skill Logistics from Tertiary to Secondary
Managing two cities took a lot of work. Resolving disputes, addressing concerns of the citizens, repairing damaged areas and a lot more. Sanguinius could handle it all easily, but there was one job that was becoming more and more challenging even for him: The supply chains across the two cities.

When he began learning about logistics, his tribe was foraging whatever they could find across a vast desert. Now, with their population constantly growing and the vast resources they had, the old methods of managing it all weren't as efficient as they used to be.

Sanguinius decided to make a new system to better manage the supply lines. This involved building new distribution centers, studying the roads of Byzantina and Constanza to learn which were the best routes for the transportation vehicles to take and reorganizing the inventories in a way that facilitated the counting and localization of stored items.

It was difficult at first, but the more time passed, the more used Sanguinius grew to it. Until it wasn't difficult at all, leaving the Primarch satisfied at another challenge he overcame.

1 Major to Craft Underground Farm
Cost: Building * Great Structure * Industrial Tech * Biotech
15 * 8 * 0.4 * 1.5 = 72
Skills used:
architecture (secondary): 1 * 12 = 12
Logistics (secondary): 0.5 * 12 = 6
Biotech (lesser): 1.5 * 2 = 3
Specialized Research (Radiation): 0.5 * 2 = 1
Human Biology: 0.5 * 4 = 2
Medical Science: 0.5 * 2 = 1
12+6+3+1+2+1 * 3 = 75
Crafting Complete!
Ever since Sanguinius created the Scavenger Eye, his tribe had been prosperous. Starvation wasn't a threat like it used to be. But despite that, the Primarch still was bothered by how this prosperity was dependent on him. If something were to happen to him, what would be of them?

Many of his friends would think he was worried over nothing. In his whole life in Baal, Sanguinius never encountered a foe who posed a threat to him.

And yet…

A war on a scale he never imagined. Lakes of blood brought forth by the corpses of giant warriors. Weapons capable of a level of destruction that he struggled to comprehend. And-

… Better safe than sorry.

An underground farm was an ambitious project. The knowledge of agriculture had long been lost to the modern inhabitants of Baal. Replicating that in an environment not exactly traditionally used for farming such as the underground would be a big challenge. But one that Sanguinius was ready to face.

First step was making sure the facility was radiation safe, something quite easy to do inside the walls of Byzantina. Second step was providing the necessary resources to make a plant grow. Water was easy due to the underground lake under Byzantina. Fertile soil was a bit tricky to separate from non-fertile soil, especially in the radioactive sands of Baal, but in the end they managed to settle on something that at least wouldn't poison their food with radiation. And when you lived in Baal, that was a victory. Finally, the hardest one to get was light. Fabricating artificial light wasn't difficult, but getting the right amount of light necessary to keep a plant alive was. The fact that a light source that produced too much heat could kill a plant made things even more difficult. After many failed attempts, Sanguinius managed to succeed in creating an artificial light source that would sustain plants without killing them with the heat it produced. With that done it was time to move on to the third and step, finding edible plants.

Finding any form of vegetation in Baal at all was rare, finding some that was proper for human consumption was even rarer. Even with the Scavenger Eye, Sanguinius had to travel far until he managed to find some. To the point that when he finally did, his cities weren't inside the range of the Scavenger Eye anymore. When he returned to Byzantina he only had a meager amount to show, but the Primarch wasn't worried about it. He would use these few plants to produce more, until the underground farm would have enough to feed an entire city. And when that happened, he would move to the final step of his plan, one that he hadn't told anyone yet.

See, there was a reason for why he had built the underground farm in Byzantina instead of Constanza. The primarch had noticed that as the years passed and the populations of both cities grew, the family bond the tribe once had began to disappear. It was to be expected, as those who lived in one city didn't have much contact with those who lived in another. But the difference in power of both cities worried him. Constanza was in a much better position than its smaller sister, due to its size and proximity to the ancient ruins that they collected metal from. Sanguinius worried conflict might arise between the two cities in the future, so he decided to build the underground farm in Byzantina to give the city a more equal footing with its larger sister. Even if the people of Constanza build a farm themselves in the future, it would probably require the help of those from Byzantina who would at that point be far more experienced on the matter. And until then, the difference in resources would encourage trade between the two cities, which meant there would be more contact and familiarity among its habitants, so the risk of conflict would be far lesser.

But that was for later. For now, Sanguinius would just be content in using the plants he grew in the farm to give his family food, medicine, clothing, and who knows what else.

1 Major Action to raise the skill Diplomacy from Tertiary to Secondary
It was a tragic, but not uncommon sight. Two small groups of nomadic tribes had started fighting over a water source they had found and neither side was willing to give up. It ended on both sides killing each other to the last man.

Sanguinius saw the whole thing through the Scavenger Eye. But when he arrived at the scene with a small unit of the Scorpion Guard to loot the corpses (nothing could go to waste in Baal) and saw it with his normal eyes… The scene was too familiar.

Sick people. Starving people. Struggling people. He dedicated most of his life to changing that scene, but it remained the same outside of his family. He had been aware of it but… He hadn't come face to face with it before. It troubled him.

Before he departed, he asked his men to bury the corpses in the sand. It wasn't much, but it was all he could do for them now.

When he returned home, he began to study diplomacy through a new angle. Most of the conflicts he had resolved were amongst his tribesmen. People he could convince were on the same side and should remain united instead of fighting among themselves. Now, he focused on conflicts between different groups, who lacked the ties his people shared.

And how he could create these ties.

1 Yearly Action to learn the lesser skills philosophy and teaching
Teaching was an unexpected challenge for Sanguinius. Learning was something he had long realized was easier for him than for the rest of his family, so he thought that with his help, comprehending the information would be easier for others. But it turned out to be harder than he thought. Simplifying something that for him was already simple took some time to get used to. And motivating those that didn't have the same enthusiasm that he had was quite frustrating. Still, he eventually succeeded in improving as a teacher.

Philosophy was another challenge, but for a different reason. It wasn't as straightforward as physics where he could observe and confirm how the subject of study worked. It was… more theoretical and undefined. There was no clear conclusion even if a hypothesis made sense and was generally agreed upon, it wasn't an undisputed truth. But then again, most of its topics were things that couldn't be solidly grasped. Morality, Logic, Aesthetics, all things that were more ideas than concrete parts of nature. Yet, they were real and important. So Sanguinius continued to dedicate his time to studying it, as it would be of use for him very soon.

1 Major Action to unify the tribes of Baal
Skills used:
Diplomacy: 12
Empathy: 4
Influence (Negotiation): 2
Philosophy: 2
Total: 12+4+2+2 * 3 = 60
It wasn't a decision he took lightly. He contemplated it for a long while. But in the end, he didn't think he could live with himself if he didn't do something about it. And do something he did.
He knew there would be push back. The tribes of Baal had been warring amongst themselves for too long for it to be something to simply move past. So he came prepared. He rehearsed what he would say weeks in advance, prepared multiple speeches tailored for each person of influence on his tribe and chose the time to approach each of them very carefully. Each of these talks lead to long and sometimes heated discussions, but in the end he managed to convince them. Now he just had to address the general public.

He declared he had a grand announcement to make on the day of the anniversary of the construction of Byzantina. The people waited in anticipation for the day to arrive. And when it did, Sanguinius was waiting for them on a podium with words that came from deep in his heart.

"My people. My family. Today, on the anniversary of our home, I want to say how lucky I am to be here with all of you and how important each and every one of you is to me. Some of you are too young to remember, or weren't even born yet, but I'll never forget the day I was found by this amazing family so many years ago. This city and its twin are nothing compared to what you've done for me that day. Taking me when you had plenty of reasons not to." He briefly paused to observe the crowd around him, all eyes paying full attention to everything he said. "The kindness that you showed me, an outsider with a mutated body, is something I will work to my last day to repay, because of how priceless it is."

Here he took a deep breath before continuing, as he knew how his next words would be received.

"And it is by following the example of this kindness that I come here today to make a request to all of you. I ask that you extend your hands the same way you did to me that day, but for the people outside these walls. I ask that you allow other tribes to join us and live in these cities."

There was a long pause as silence took over. And then the shouting began. Sanguinius waited a few seconds to let them put their anger out of their systems, before raising his voice to be heard over the crowd.

"Please, listen to me! I understand your concern, but this wasn't a decision I took lightly. I would never allow harm to come to any of you if it was in my power to prevent it. This might sound contradictory when I just spoke of inviting our enemies to our home, but look around ourselves and tell how they can pose a threat to us? Can any of their starving warriors match the Scorpion Guard? Can their ramshackle vehicles do any damage to our walls? When was the last time we had to worry about competing with them for food? When was the last time we had to worry about them at all?!" No one could give an answer to that. "They aren't a threat anymore. What they are, is poor people struggling with the same challenges we faced for so long, and will continue to face unless we intervene."

After that, Sanguinius spent the day answering the public's questions about this whole idea. And then he repeated the whole thing in Constanza the day after. The people were hesitant and doubtful, but they weren't rejecting it outright. That was good enough for Sanguinius.

Now, for the final step.

It wasn't difficult to find the other tribes, thanks to the Scavenger Eye.

Sanguinius selected each individual that would accompany him on this endeavor by hand, each one someone he trusted to not escalate the talks into fights, but also capable of defending themselves if necessary.

The small group saw them coming and prepared for a fight, but fortunately, the sight of a flying giant was enough of a shock to freeze them in place for a few seconds. Enough time for Sanguinius to close the distance and try to avoid conflict.

"We don't wish to fight! We come in peace." He said as he landed in front of them "I'm Sanguinius from Those of the Pure Blood. We have no ill intent towards your people, but we bring gifts." He dropped a large bag containing food in front of them. His companions were carrying more, alongside water barrels. "And an offer."

Giving them what some of his family called him 'disarming smile', he pressed on "My family has built a home, one where we can produce our own food instead of scavenging for it, with a source of water that can sustain all of us, and with walls that protect from the radiation that plagues all of Baal. We ask that you join us in this home, that you became part of us. Part of our family."

There. He had extended his hand. Now they just had to take it.
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862 M30
"We are beginning a counterintelligence game, and I have invited some number of Astartes from the other legions to assist me in it. I will not tell you how many, as hostile actors will not inform you how many spies they may have among your ranks. Bring any that you find to me."

Sophos turned off his microphone as the announcement resounded across the Manifold Dawn. It was important to see how his sons would operate in such a situation, and vigilance against infiltrators was good to cultivate. At the same time, undue paranoia would cause problems; he wanted a legion that functioned, not one perpetually suspecting itself of duplicity. It was key to identify what methods of checking themselves would be sustainable without too many issues on a routine basis, even when there was nobody to be checking for.

A task that this exercise would do wonderfully at accomplishing, as 'some number' could be, and in this case was, zero.

He'd tell them at the end of the week.

A chime sounded, signaling the beginning of a shipwide announcement. Gadiel smugly took a sip of matcha.

"Salutations once more. We have reached the conclusion of the counterintelligence game initiated one standard week ago. I would like to now note that the game, in fact, did not have any Astartes recruited for it as infiltrators. I designed it as a means by which to identify how you would all behave in an environment where you are uncertain as to the true allegiances of those around you."

Gadiel's grin grew. He'd already gotten his "I told you so"s out of the way.

"…despite this, I would like to congratulate Squad Gamma of the 12th Chapter's 10th Company, Squad Tsurugi of the 58th Chapter's 2nd Company, and Squad Thaumicide of the 81st Chapter's 5th Company for the identification and apprehension of five members of the 20th Legion, two members of the 19th Legion, a Rimeshield - apparently here on a bet - and a Mechanicum saboteur. The infiltrating Astartes have been reprimanded and the magos is being held under watch. We are also welcoming Scout Varyyn to the Void's Eye.
The measures you have taken over this week will be reviewed for effectiveness and operational impact before standardization occurs. I would also like to make clear that the number of infiltrators located is within typical bounds for an organization of this size, and there is no need for paranoia.
Excellent work, everybody."

Gadiel finished his cup, held out a hand, and was begrudgingly passed a 25-shekel note.
There would be more of those coming his way. Vindication was sweet.