Warcraft: The Rise of the Mag'har

There's also nostalgia for the previous Alterac quest that died on SB.
Yeah, this too.

Edit: Also, Krain just likes the Alliance and dislikes the Horde.
I'll admit I heavily dislike what the Horde does in WoW.
Garrosh should've been dragged off in chains to be killed, the Forsaken should've been beaten down when they proved they couldn't have enough internal security to make sure the assault didn't go to shit due to jackasses in their ranks, etc etc.
Why do people want to play as the remnants of the weakest human kingdom again?

1.) It's a challenge
2.) SB Alterac Quest
3.) No other Warcraft Dynasty Quests with humans(to my knowledge at least)
4.) Orcs are fine but those ones annoy me, maybe if it was the Blackrock Clan
5.) Totally not because I want an Alterac Priest-King called Snowflame.
Humans are fine, it's Alterac that drives me away. That place has nothing going for it beyond the challenge. The land sucks, the people suck, the neighbors hate them or want to kill them, and there's nothing left of it but a few ruined towns. It's just a redemption story if we go for that.
Yeah, this too.

I'll admit I heavily dislike what the Horde does in WoW.
Garrosh should've been dragged off in chains to be killed, the Forsaken should've been beaten down when they proved they couldn't have enough internal security to make sure the assault didn't go to shit due to jackasses in their ranks, etc etc.
Garrosh was a mistake Everyone agreed on.
I don't want that warmongering dumbass Garrosh Hellscream to be my Warchief. Rumor is, he's replacing Thrall. Well, I went a head and made a short list of better potential Warchiefs than Garrosh. I would rather have any of the fallowing be my faction leader instead of him.

1. Vol'jin
2. Cairne
3. Saurfang
4. Silvanus
5. Hogger
6. Lor'themar Theron
7. Gorge the Corpsegrinder
8. Jeremiah Payson
9. Thathung
10. Saurfang The Younger's bloated corpse
11. Duchess Mynx
12. Mickey Levine
13. Megzeg Nukklebust
14. Gharbad the Weak
15. Mankirk
16. Mankirk's wife
17. Gurky
18. Lurky
19. Murky
20. Basic campfire
21. That unclickable goblin girl who petal-powers the Northrend zeps.
22. Gamon
23. Ganoosh
24. Ukor
25. Salandria
26. Lou the Cabin Boy
27. The Leaper
28. Noggle Ficklespragg
29. Egbert
30. Bloated monsterbelly
31. Ug'thor Bloodfrenzy
32. High-Oracle Soo-say
33. Crewman Shubbscoop
34. Clarice Foster
35. Lost Barrens Kodo
36. Kekek
37. A Death Knight ghoul named Bonegobbler
38. Westfall Chicken
39. Shambles
40. Princess
41. Half a stack of peacebloom
42. The login dragon
43. Sarkoth
44. A Steamy Romance Novel: Forbidden Love
45. Tiny Snowman
46. Farmer's Broom
47. Erlan Drudgemoor
48. Chocolate Celebration Cake
49. High Tinker Gelbin Mekkatorque, King of Gnomes
50. Sickly Gazelle

The list goes on and on. This is just the first 50.
List compiled by Horde players of the time. And it went up to 250 things.
Didn't that actually happen? I thought the Pandaren were taking him for a trial In their lands, then they were going to execute him>
This is true. Actually, wasn't Varian the one that stopped Thrall from caving Garrosh's skull in?
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Didn't that actually happen? I thought the Pandaren were taking him for a trial In their lands, then they were going to execute him>
It should've been more than just the Pandaren.
He should've been brought out, humiliated and all his beliefs mocked for the world to see, until there was no one who could stand the thought of ever being associated with him.

Garrosh was a mistake Everyone agreed on.List compiled by Horde players of the time. And it went up to 250 things.

This is true. Actually, wasn't Varian the one that stopped Thrall from caving Garrosh's skull in?
Pretty sure Thrall refused to let Varian bring him to answer for his crimes.