Warcraft: The Rise of the Mag'har

The orcs culture is poisonous to them restoring their good name. They don't want to. Thrall may be an exception, but even he couldn't and didn't want to drag them out of their barbarism.

Orcs don't have a good lobby on a forum that generally prefers science and technocracy.
They're just missing the possibility of steampunk shaman orcs.
Getting to play as Alterac also means we could potentially end up saving Dwarfs.
And given how much land isn't actually controlled by a state-level entity, that would give us plenty of opportunities to expand as we keep improving.
The orcs culture is poisonous to them restoring their good name. They don't want to. Thrall may be an exception, but even he couldn't and didn't want to drag them out of their barbarism.

Orcs don't have a good lobby on a forum that generally prefers science and technocracy.

I dunno, That doesn't look technologically stunted to me.
All it needs are Orcs at the Helm that actually Represent what the Horde Should be.

Getting to play as Alterac also means we could potentially end up saving Dwarfs.
And given how much land isn't actually controlled by a state-level entity, that would give us plenty of opportunities to expand as we keep improving.
I don't think the Dwarves need saving? Unless you're talking about the Dark Iron, but they were kind of dicks.
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I think those are from Garrosh's goblins.
Actually, all of that equipment was made by orcs.

It's just the plans came from the future. So it's kind of everything the horde had discovered until garrosh got sent back in time. *Yea, I know. It sounds silly to me too*

Anyway, The main argument was that Orc Culture prevented them from being technologically advanced. When it's proven that they Can be a technological powerhouse if you provide them the impetus to.
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Goddammit, why don't people want to play as Alterac.
Redeeming the fuckstupid idea of ever joining the Horde would be fantastic!
[x] The Skarnjar Clan

Vrykul! They're huge! They're Viking-ish! They're great, what's not to love here?
The Skarnjar Clan: Your people were once mighty. A vast and prosperous nation that ruled all of Northrend. But, one day, under the leadership of Ymiron, your King, your people retreated. Into solitude, and for many, into complete and utterly sleep that was magically induced. But your people, the Skarnjar, have always had a bit of a rebellious streak, against both him and even the general rest of the Vrykul race. Ymiron did not build his nation with kind words, but with bloody fists and your own broken bones. But he's gone now. Most Vrykul slumber now, meaning that their lands are open. Ymiron slumbers, and so he cannot control you any longer. Led by you, your people are poking their heads out of the snow and caves for the first time in millennia. No one can tell you what to do. Or how to do it. There's a word for this: Perfect.

- Begin as a Vrykul Clan, disloyal to King Ymiron. Northrend awaits…

1) Early Bird Gets The Worm: The rest of the Vrykul race have retreated into slumber at the orders of King Ymiron so long ago. Others have hidden away into the darkest and deepest holds. You, on the other hand, have not. Your peers are not awake or present. That means that a lot of land is yours for the taking. Be cautious however, as Ymiron is not incapable of noticing and waking if you should do too much too quickly. (Can do much, so long as you don't wake up Ymiron who could crush you with the rest of the Vrykul race under his command.)
2) Large And In Charge: Your people tower over the majority of Northrends inhabitants. Your physical power is undeniable. Each individual Vrykul is more than a match for entire handfuls of the tiny races of the world. (Naturally stronger, combat bonuses. Manual labor bonuses)
3) Divergent: The Skarnjar are atypical Vrykul. You were one of the very last independent clans, and even then Ymiron could not stamp out your culture and beliefs. For instance – the idea that manual labor is beneath you, a concept spread that Ymiron and his constant barrages about Vrykul superiority, is in the general Skarnjar opinion – stupid. Everyone works for the community, Ymira-idiot. (Do not have traditional Vrykul values)
1) Unfavored: You were one of the loudest opponents of Ymiron. You also…lost. Unlike most other loyalist clans, you were not given clutches of Proto-Dragons to raise and use, or any of the better metals and equipment. But no matter, with no one else around, you can get your own, so there! (Start with less fun Vrykul stuff)
2) Large and Scary: The Vyrkul are big, scary, and notable in the history of Northrend for being pretty brutal and mean. Even if you don't really care about other groups, that doesn't mean that they don't care -negatively- about you. (Reduction to Diplomacy with other Northrend Groups)
3) From Scratch: When your people up and abandoned everything on Ymirons order…you really abandoned it. (Start with zero infrastructure)
3) From Scratch: When your people up and abandoned everything on Ymirons order…you really abandoned it. (Start with zero infrastructure)
Hmmm... Hey, when you say "From Scratch", does that mean these Vrykul are still nomadic -- or at the least, that they just left and are travelling and not really settled down yet?

If so... Is there anything stopping us from building or acquiring ships, and sailing out of Northrend? (In fact I think the Vrykul start to do just this in Cataclysm, with some of them showing up in coastal areas. So we would just be doing this sooner than usual.)
:( It looks like another Human group will win. I'm switching my vote to try and keep them from winning.

[x] The Skarnjar Clan
Goddammit, why don't people want to play as Alterac.
Redeeming the fuckstupid idea of ever joining the Horde would be fantastic!
Because I don't have an attachment to the old Alterac quest, having not been around these forums while it was running and not bothered to look for it, and that's basically the entire draw. Plus sides are entirely meh and they're landlocked with a major diplomacy malus to everyone.

EDIT: My entire attachment to Alterac is from questing in the Arathi Highlands. As a Horde character. Back in Burning Crusade when questing was horrible and you didn't have a mount by then. It was agonizing and if I never see that place again it'll be too soon.
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Never get to play as someone originating from the Alliance...
Not really sure what you're complaining about. Alterac is winning.

And there's also a quest where you play as PCs from the Alliance already on SV.

Not to mention the fact that people in Arcman's Kingdom Quest are probably going to ally with the Alliance as well.
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[X] The 'Kingdom' of Alterac

We would create this kingdom anew in our(SV) own image muhahahhahaha

edit:also if this wins i want us to be a priest so that we would be something like a pope-king or something
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