Warcraft: The Rise of the Mag'har

[X] I am the free, that of the Mag'har. Pure, and purified, of the taint of fel things. (Earth)

There's already the symbolism with our companions, this basically completes our little circle.
[x] I am orc. Scion of Nagrand, Land of the Wind. I am no more. I am no less. For that is enough. (Air)

Since the first answer was who we were, I feel the second answer should be similar in its simplicity.
[X] I am unifier, the brother who seeks forgiveness and to heal the pains caused by my kind. (Water)

This seems most like Dranosh to me.
[X] I am orc. Scion of Nagrand, Land of the Wind. I am no more. I am no less. For that is enough. (Air)

No titles or embellishments.
[X] I am the free, that of the Mag'har. Pure, and purified, of the taint of fel things. (Earth)

I've always been partial to Earth over the other elements, and I think the purity here is a nice counter to the Shame.
[x] I am orc. Scion of Nagrand, Land of the Wind. I am no more. I am no less. For that is enough. (Air)
[X] I am orc. Scion of Nagrand, Land of the Wind. I am no more. I am no less. For that is enough. (Air)
[X] I am unifier, the brother who seeks forgiveness and to heal the pains caused by my kind. (Water)
Personally think Water is the way to go since it means we have the best chance to lead our people to a brighter future and heal the damage the Shame has done.

Earth sounds good but it also implies things that have been corrupted like Green Orcs or Broken are not wanted while Water would allow us to accept them and heal them as well.

Also Water is life and we are the Heart so it's a good fit.
[X] I am the free, that of the Mag'har. Pure, and purified, of the taint of fel things. (Earth)

I honestly think its between this and water as the best descriptors for what Dranosh is. He chooses to scorn his forefathers' mistakes, and will never compromise in the belief of doing what's right. To have pure intentions and be pure of heart, to never waver despite the daunting tasks ahead of him. I mean, this is the guy who vowed he would see the Legion destroyed, not simply because they wronged him or his people, but because Evil deserves to be fought, and I have no doubt he will never stop fighting against said evil.
Also keep in mind since Unifier is apart of Water that makes me think we will be more capable of diplomacy and working together with others if we take this path.