Warcraft: The Rise of the Mag'har

the idea that azeroth is insignificant in the larger scheme of things is inconsistent simply due to the fact that azeroth is holding back a demon army created by a former titan and part of the soul of that same titan is incarnated in a human on azeroth.
It is insignificant to the Titans. From an objective standpoint, that fact that in a little over 10,000 years, Azeroth has kicked in the Burning Legion's teeth twice is a huge fucking deal.

Azeroth is the first and only world to have been able to survive the Legion. And they not only survived it, they did so twice while also doing irreparable damage to the Legion in the process, by killing some of the most powerful and significant members of the Legion's leadership. One of the guys from Azeroth cut Sargeras.

Azeroth is by no means not a super fucking special and amazing world, it's just not important to the Titans. They've done nothing more for Azeroth than any other of the worlds that the Burning Legion has tried to destroy; that is to say, they ain't done shit. Everything that makes Azeroth special is because the peoples of Azeroth are special.
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I only count two. The Draenei are from Draenor, because it's easier to associate them with it and it means I can ignore the outrageous bullshit of them having space ships.

And at this point, it's fairly easy to just say that the orcs are from Azeroth, because that is the place their race considers home now. (Not including the Mag'har, but we're trying to hold ourselves seperate from the orcs that went to Azeroth anyways.)
It is insignificant to the Titans. From an objective standpoint, that fact that in a little over 10,000 years, Azeroth has kicked in the Burning Legion's teeth twice is a huge fucking deal.

Azeroth is the first and only world to have been able to survive the Legion. And they not only survived it, they did so twice while also doing irreparable damage to the Legion in the process, by killing some of the most powerful and significant members of the Legion's leadership. One of the guys from Azeroth cut Sargeras.

Azeroth is by no means not a super fucking special and amazing world, it's just not important to the Titans. They've done nothing more for Azeroth than any other of the worlds that the Burning Legion has tried to destroy; that is to say, they ain't done shit. Everything that makes Azeroth special is because the peoples of Azeroth are special.
Those victories does make me wonder a little about what makes Azeroth different from the other worlds in not ending up destroyed by the Burning Legion. Like Diablo with the worldstone would part of it have something to do with the well of eternity that changed life? Or was it the guardians they set to keep watch on the world and the Old Gods?
It was probably a whole bunch of little things that all added up to giving Azeroth a chance of defying the Burning Legion.
This, basically.

The dragons basically imploded, what with the Old Gods corrupting 1/5 of them, and using them to exterminate another 1/5 and cripple the other 3/5. It was only specific individuals that contributed meaningfully to repelling the Legion the 1st time. And the Well mutated some of the trolls to become night elves, but ultimately that was the cause of the invasion as much as it was one of the thing that turned it away.

The 2nd time around, it was a combination of races brought together by overwhelmingly charismatic and powerful individuals that managed to claw the throat out of the Legion after getting sucker-punched to the ground. The dragons and Well of Eternity (2.0) didn't contribute at all that time
Eh it probably goes back farther than that. I think the fact that this world had old gods started it. Since the Titans had to put in protectors like the Dragons. Not only that, but because the old gods wanted to escape out of their prison. They corrupted some of Azeroth's protectors into what will eventually become the races like the Humans, Dwarves, and Gnomes.

The Trolls shattered the kingdom of the Old God's Bug Servants.

While the Well of Eternity did it's thing and the dominant race of trolls became the Elves . Which alongside the Titan Protectors like the Dragons as well as the Gods *No idea where they came from though*. Pushed back the Legion the First time.

Course The legion also went after Draenei on Draenor by using the orcs Which involved Draenor in Azeroth's Shenanigans and brought things like the Ogre's, Mok'Nathal, Orcs, and Draenei to Azeroth

And then because of the old god's and Legion's Scheme's the Legion was pushed back a second time.

Basically the entire history of Azeroth and Draenor both good and bad influenced Azeroth enough so that they could fight things like the Legion and Old Gods.
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Pretty much.

And yeah, I was definitely weirded out by the "Suddenly, Demigods of Azeroth!" thing. I think that was originally an authorial fiat thing of Richard A. Knaak, and it got used as canon later by Blizzard. Before that book series, it was just Cenarius as a singular immortal associated with the Night Elves (who also was the progenitor of the dryads and keepers of the grove, and possibly the centaurs).
Well, Considering a Keeper of the Grove gave birth to the Centaur. Cenarius is kind of like a Grandaddy to the Centaur. And Malorne is the Great Granddaddy.

And I thought the gods were cool. No idea how they came about, but cool. Like the Furbolg god, the Harpy god, the Quillboar god...

I mean, you do have Elune. So there is kind of a precedent.
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Oh, the demigods are definitely cool. Their introduction to existence just always seemed a bit abrupt to me.

Speaking of pseudo-divine beings, I think that the relations the Mag'har have with the Horde will be deeply affected by the fact that the Tauren and Trolls are deeply spiritual races with strong connections to the spirits of Azeroth.

Talking and connecting with them, and realizing that these peoples who are so very similar to the Mag'har see worth and merit in the orcs of Thrall's Horde will probably be the actual catalyst for peaceful interaction and any potential alliances between nations. (I still want us to remain separate from the Horde, but being friendly neighbors wouldn't be so bad)
Turn 7
7, Month One AA
Turn 7

Hmm. Another year approaches, and with it, new problems.

Garrosh has yet to return from the temple of the Aldor in Shattrath City. As far as you know he could be dead, and considering that before he was allowed in those with the keenest eyes observed them attempting to kill him that possibility is disconcerting indeed. You both arrived at the ruins of that city early last year, and considering that a few months later he approached the Aldor that would put his absence at a very disturbing five months now. Messages are apparently still being delivered between Hellscream and his clan through extremely wary draenei which approach the edge of the Warsong Reconstruction Efforts and fire an arrow containing terse and simple messages which all amount to generally saying that their efforts are to continue and that no one is to approach the Aldor.

You trust Hellscream, but still.

With the rest of Talador itself, you've ruin into the problem of what are apparently its most populous element: the Arrakoa. You've spoken with Greatmother Geyah and some of the other elder orcs who might have known something about the bird men and as it turns out information is sparse. There were three Gods, noted to have physical presences at one time or another, and each had their own realms. The first was Ruhkmar, for the Sun. Anzu, for Shadows and Ravens, and apparently a generally just evil third named Sethe. Who was killed by Anzu…and cursed him. Then there was a bit of a civil war between sects of all three. That is about all you know. Mythology of the birdmen aside, they have been attacking the Warsong caravans to Shattrath which carry valuable supplies and peons while simultaneously assaulting Gul'rok from the south. Jorin, by the by, is quite unamused by this.

In the meantime, Kaz has come up with something after conferring with the rest of her clan. She has a bit of a stunning idea. Since you seem so dedicated to trying to make peace with enemies of the orcish Horde and the fact that it seems to have worked out with Telaar and perhaps the Aldor, she has brought you another group which has some grievances.

The Alliance. They still exist on your world, and apparently in the past the Laughing Skulls once fought alongside them under Mogor's orders. Based on those Laughing Skull fighters who were there, Kaz included, your significant other believes that she might be able to trace back the humans, dwarves, and 'elves' who still exist on your world. It's a fascinating idea, and one that you would love to work. The apocalypse has already happened, you don't need to add on conflict with the Alliance on top of it. You have plenty of demons to fight, and you really don't want to spend time and effort on a fight that you would feel morally and personally opposed to committing to.

Hellscream. The Arrakoa. The Alliance. The neverending fight against the demons….yes.

A busy year it will be indeed…

Military: Garrosh has been rather inspired lately, giving speeches about redemption and forging new paths. All traces of his previous depression has disappeared beneath his new outlook on life. (Choose3):

To The North: Zangarmarsh, as you've decided to call it, is a complete unknown to you. As it is the direct border of Dranosh'ar, it would probably be a good idea to check on it. The Laughing Skulls are good at creeping around, which is honestly a very good thing, because for all you know that entire area is filled with the plant creatures which infested the world in times past. Or other such monsters. Regardless, you need some people out there, and soon. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Zangarmarsh explored.

Increasing Defenses: There are tides of demons apparently striding across the remains of your world. Though you may have nearly finished cleansing Nagrand of their taint, you can't be assured that they won't try and take it through more overt means. As such, both Jorin and Kaz agree that your settlements could do with more defenses and in fact that you could do with propping up more defenses at the north eastern watch and at Gul'rok as well. It's not the most glamorous thing to do, but if it helps you beat back any potential assaults by foes in the future then it is well worth it. Cost: 1500. Time: 3 Months. Reward: Nagrand gains much better defenses.

Talador Patrols: The Warsong are personally funding the reconstruction of Shattrath. As they move materials and peons through the forest, they are finding themselves under attack by Arrakoa who burst from the trees and wildly rip and tear at your orcs. This is unacceptable. More than half the time the bird men are killed in the attempt, but the point remains that it is a distraction and is taking away from the healing of Shattrath. Setting up a few patrols along the path from Nagrand to Shattrath would do wonders for speeding up the reconstruction process. Cost: 500. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Arrakoa suppressed, prevented from attacking Warsong caravans. Shattrath reconstruction boosted.

Gul'rok and Roll: The Arrakoa have begun raids against Gul'rok from some small base of theirs to the south. This is unacceptable, especially as Jorin absolutely refuses to allow his home to be destroyed again. He is requesting permission to lead the Bleeding Hollow against their ancestral enemies to teach the blasted bird people that they should stay away from the clan they nearly drove to extinction in the past. Because the situation that gave rise to Kilrogg will never happen again, not so long as Jorin lives. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Unnamed Arrakoa base to south of Gul'rok destroyed, Arrakoa raids on Gul'rok stop.

Diplomacy: If there's anything that Greatmother Geyah has taught you, is that not all things can be conquered by a warriors strength. It was with words that the first shamans parlayed with the Furies, the sentient elementals of Draenor. It will be with words that you accomplish more than just a good axe. (Choose 2):

Minors: You are greatly respected by the people for your fiery voice and honorable reputation. All amongst the large clans of the Mag'har are sworn to you by blood oaths, and some took it even farther. But something that you've realized that you feel a bit embarrassed about is the fact that you don't know about any of the minor clans. Even then, you are struck with the feeling that even that denominator is a bit insulting. 'Minor' clans. As opposed to what? They are all orcs. Proud. Strong. They deserve to know that as well. Time: 3 Months. Reward: Mag'har further unify internally.

Aggressive Diplomacy: Cho'war is waffling over attacking the Mag'har and not attacking the Mag'har. You need to ensure that he decides on the latter. For now he has been keeping busy attacking and pushing out the Boulderfists and the Gronn, but based on the rate he's going in a few years the Boulderfists will be pushed out completely at which point he'll more than likely search for another foe to fight. Or maybe he won't. It is hard to tell with a being who is supposed to be magnitudes more intelligent than normal ogres. But how smart is he? You can't be sure, which means that you'll take Kaz's advice when it comes to ogres. You will start by telling him that there will be no fighting between your people. This will involve violence. Kaz is coming with you for this. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Cho'war does not decide on attacking the Mag'har. Warmaul get to appreciate strength of Mag'har.

Telaar Dislikes Boulderfists: It is true. The Boulderfists no longer have anywhere to go. They could simply allow Cho'war to lead them, but they seem quite dedicated to not upgrading from holding rocks in their hands. As such they have begun pushing out for more territory. The issue with this is that this means that they might perform another Gul'rok on your other settlements in Nagrand. Even worse, they have begun initial raids on Telaari territory, which is unacceptable to you for multiple reasons. However, the ever pragmatic Jorin declares that this is a multi-pronged opportunity. He wishes for the Mag'har to make contact with Telaar to sign a mutual agreement against the Boulderfist in terms of supplies and mutual warrior patrols. It's a daring move, but one that could result in much better relations between your peoples. Time: 2 Months. Reward: Telaar relations boosted significantly. Boulderfists pushed off of Telaari land and further dis-encouraged from encroaching on Mag'har lands.

Stewardship: Garadar simply cannot hold all of these people. Your supplies strain already, and as more and more orcs grow healthy once more the amount of food and housing required will far eclipse what the small city can hold. This must be attended to, and quickly. (Choose 2):

Expanding Garadar: Garadar has done quite well, but with the growth of your other settlements it has come to your attention that perhaps the place which serves for better or worse as your capital should be better off than just the original quarantine city it had been before. As such you have spoken to some of the elder Blackrock smiths and they have some ideas about putting up some better walls and watch towers around Garadar. At the moment Garadar seems to only possess light defenses, and that is something which you would prefer changed quite quickly considering the fact that there are demons about. But more than that, Garadar needs to be expanded just in general, as in more houses, farms, and some small docks along the lake for fishing. Cost: 1500. Time: 3 Months. Reward: Garadar expanded, better defenses. +500 Fishing, +500 Farming.

Decentralization: Jorin has largely been storing the majority of his scrolls and knowledge on the arcane in Gul'rok, but the recent Arrakoa raids upon his home have brought up the fact that should ancestors forbid it fall again that the knowledge gained there should be preserved. So much has been lost already in the apocalypse and under Gul'dan and the Shadow Council's predations. It would not do to lose what new things you have gained. As such, Jorin wants to be a library and some of the more experienced Arcane Warriors in all of your settlements to ensure that should one fall you will not be left without the ability to train more. Cost: 500. Time: 2 Months. Reward: Arcane Warrior knowledge spread to all major settlements, if Gul'rok ever falls you will not lose the ability to produce more.

Looking For Blackrock: The impossibly hard ore which the Blackrock gained their name and fame from was one of the most prized substances on Draenor before the world ended. The largest veins were, of course, supposedly in Gorgrond, but with the general destruction of that area and the distance it seems unlikely that you will be able to extend your reach there anytime soon. Instead, some of the Blackrock Shamans have made requests of Gordawg the great Fury of Earth to help them in finding a few of the veins which supposedly existed in Nagrand but were never tapped previously. He agreed, and they have now come to you. It will take time, but it would be time well worth spending if you can find some. Time: 2 Months. Reward: Blackrock veins located, can create mines for the valuable material. Chance of Success: 75%.

Learning: Jorin and the Bleeding Hollow seem to all be vigorously studying the few arcane tomes recovered from Mogor's little hoard. Though many of them are also at the Throne of Elements, a few core members, led by Jorin, wish to do more with this strange new power that is not of the demons. (Choose 1)

Frost: Jorin seems to have a bit of an affinity with what is apparently known as Frost Magic. He wishes to delve into this more completely, but requires time, supplies, and luck to correctly and successful recreate the knowledge of the 'humans' in these matters. Once that is done, you can record it down and copy it so that future orcs may benefit from the knowledge. Cost: 500. Time: 3 Months. Reward: Beginners Frost Magic added to Orc Arcane Repertoire.

Cavalry Alternatives: The vast majority of your wolf population goes to the Warsong and their famous raiders. With the Scythegore Arm long disbanded, and with its history of Blackhand being one of its most prominent past members, the Warsong have become your main cavalry forces. But with so many of them now in Talador rebuilding Shattrath, it has come to your attention that you might need different cavalry forces. Some people have suggested the Clefthoof. Though the tusk bearing Leatherhide type seems to have disappeared, the remaining Clefthoof have made up for that in their strange bulking size which now dwarfs their previous bodies significantly. It's going to take time however to tame these mighty creatures anew. Cost: 500. Time: 2 Months. Reward: Some Tamed Clefthoofs to experiment on creating cavalry with. Chance of Success: 75%.

Piety: The Furies stand imperiously at the Throne of the Elements. Greatmother Geyah, the overall spiritual leader of the Mag'har, is the overall spiritual leader of the Mag'har, and it is through her that you make your requests of the elements. (Choose 2):

Grant Us Your Blessings: The elements have returned to the Mag'har. Their pain has been soothed. Now, you may once more return to the ways of the past where the spirits helped whisper to the people where to hunt and helped plow the fields and bring the rains. Overall, a great thing indeed that many orcs have been looking forward to ever since the elements returned. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Hunting and Farming income boosted.

Continued Soothing: The Furies have done so much for you already, and they could do with what you can manage as a reward. Your rituals even now can heal their pains, but more than just doing those right before you beg of them some boon or another Greatmother Geyah has asked you if it is possible to put a new system in place. Most of the time shamans are individualistic in their rituals, but you can't afford that anymore. Instead, set aside some supplies and a certain group of hunters and suppliers and shamans who together can continually perform rituals throughout the year for the benefit of the Furies. Cost: 50 per month. Reward: Continual Fury soothing to ease their pain on a consistent basis.

What Can We Do For You?: The Furies are helping you now, but you want…no. You need your bond to them to be unbreakable to prevent what happened before from ever occurring again. So you've got it into your head that perhaps you could ask the great Furies to tell you what they need from you? Be it a quest, or restoring some area, or cleansing some waters, the only way to know what can be done to help them is if you ask them, as based on before it is highly unlikely that they'll tell you of their own volition until it is too late. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Furies can give requests for you to try and solve. Success in said endeavors would likely grant good rewards.

Elemental Dawning: The Twilight Gate is a drain on manpower if admittedly a great place for fighting and combat against the damned demons. For all that your people are keeping the demons pushed back and are winning accolades for themselves in that constant fight as the blasted creatures continue to spew outwards, you want it gone and dealt with. The Furies regard these gates as gaping wounds on Draenor, apparently, as unlike the Dark Portal they function as painful tunnels to other worlds instead of the stable bridge of the formers method. You want it gone, they want it gone. Cost: 2000. Time: 2 Months. Reward: Furies destroy Twilight Gate.

Intrigue: Something that you have to admit is that poisonings, skulkings, and general sneaking is something that the Laughing Skulls were forced into becoming quite proficient at. Kaz the Shrieker is skilled at it as well. (Choose 2):

Auchindoun: The orcs celebrate at the foot of Oshu'gun. There they commune with the ancestors and join together in song, dance, and piety. For the draenei, Auchindoun is their Oshu'gun. It is a place deserving of respect and caution, and the Shadow Council is tainting it with their presence! This cannot stand, but you can't simply attack it without any intelligence. Some of the Laughing Skull rogues have volunteered to investigate. Already you have the confirmed presence of the Arrakoa, who you will most likely come into conflict with, but you have not seen any of the Shadow Council. Yet. Time: 1 Month. Reward: Information.

Shadows Of Terokk: You need to know more about the Arrakoa. Specifically, what they are doing in Talador and Auchindoun. You'll settle for getting a reasonable sketch of their settlements in Talador, as you know they aren't in Nagrand. It will take a bit, because out of all the myriad species of your world they were some of the best at secreting themselves away in the world of shadows. Luckily, you can trust in the Laughing Skull to once more make use of their good skills. Time: 2 Months. Reward: Information.

Old Enemy Of Our Enemies: Kaz mentioned something to you a little while ago, something which stunned you. She has met the 'Alliance' who came to this world. Not one-on-one, of course, but apparently Mogor led a detachment of the Laughing Skull in a short coalition with that organization when the Alliance first arrived on Draenor to exact vengeance upon the ones who had attacked them without warning. Some sort of deal involving a very fancy book which glowed, it seems. In any case, she knows, generally, of where they went after that meeting. This is amazing news. She is willing to take a few of her Laughing Skulls on another wide ranging journey to that horrible place which was once the Tanaan Jungle and is now Hellfire Peninsula in search of these 'Alliance' members in order to try and bring about some peace between your two groups. The world is brutal enough without you killing one another, and you refuse to start hostilities against them though you will respond in kind if need be. Time: 4 Months. Reward: ???

Personal Actions: You used to have free time. Now you are responsible for tens of thousands of people's lives. It is an amazingly heavy burden, but your back and legs are pretty strong and you aren't about to give up. But you can still make some time for yourself. (Choose 2):

Spending Time – Greatmother Geyah: The venerable spiritual leader of Garadar. The mother of the now lost Chieftain Durotan of the Frostwolves. Of all the clans, they focused hardest on controlling the blood rage which has been a part of the orcish peoples since time immemorial. But they were also quite spiritual, and though ever clan was spiritual in its own way, you appreciate the cool and serene personality and personality of their own ways. There are, of course, also the hot blooded among any orcish clan, but that is all beside the point. You may not be a shaman yourself, but nothing says you can't speak to one and learn from them. Reward: Better Greatmother Geyah relationship. Reward: +1/+2/+3 Piety and Diplomacy. Chance for Success: 100%/75%/50%

Spending Time – Kaz: Kaz is feeling great, and with your new relationship the two of you seem inseparable. That's great! Even better, she has offered to help teach you a lot more about the Blademaster techniques she learned. Luckily, these are the ones that she learned that have nothing to do with what the Burning Blade later became. These are the solid foundations of the order of warriors that would later become the bloodthirsty beasts of before. It's a more specialized type of training, one that will take your bulking muscles and teach you how to use them faster. While she's at it, she can also give you some of the knowledge she has about being a bit more subtle in things. It's one of the most valuable skills she has, and Blademasters are supposed to be able to cloak themselves in silence even in the midst of battle. Reward: Better Kaz relationship. Reward: +1/+2/+3 Martial and Intrigue. Chance for Success: 100%/75%/50%.

Spending Time – Jorin: Jorin is, by far, your best friend. He is the silent keeper who watches your back. The one who slapped some sense into the Furies and isn't that a hell of a thing to say. He has been a stalwart supporter, and when faced with the possibility of the shamans never returning he went forward and found and made use of a suspect and unbelievable power. His sense of humor complements your own, and though he spends plenty of time running Gul'rok he always makes time to speak with you whenever you request it. Your bond is solid like the bones of the world, forged in blood and fire from the apocalypse. He has much knowledge, and if you requested, knowledge he's willing to share. As the oldest amongst your closest companions he is the one who ran a clan the longest. Reward: +1/+2/+3 Learning and Stewardship. Chance for Success: 100%/75%/50%.
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Increasing Defenses
Talador Patrols
Gul'rok and Roll

Aggressive Diplomacy

Expanding Garadar

Cavalry Alternatives

Continued Soothing
Elemental Dawning

Old Enemy Of Our Enemies

Personal Actions
Spending Time – Kaz
Spending Time – Jorin
To The North, Talador Patrols, Gul'rok and Roll
Get the marsh explored, help the reconstruction and smash that base.

Minors, Telaar Dislikes Boulderfists
Get working on the minor clans and ensure the Boulderfists are beaten down.

Expanding Garadar, Looking For Blackrock
From the description we need to start expansion now and see about finding some metal. The military actions should help ensure Gul'rok is safe for the moment.

Cavalry Alternatives
They might end up as being our heavy cavalry/siege equipment/Oliphaunt expys considering how big the things seem to be.

Continued Soothing, Elemental Dawning
Keep up the support and close that damn gate already.

Auchindoun, Old Enemy Of Our Enemies
Info on the Shadow Council and the Alliance

Spending Time – Greatmother Geyah, Spending Time – Jorin
Jorin is optional for me but I wanted to improve our worse skills.
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For personal time, I'm thinking Geyah and Kaz are the two we should focus on. Being better at diplomacy and piety are things we need, and it's best that if we don't excel in all things, we at least don't lack in them
Military: Garrosh has been rather inspired lately, giving speeches about redemption and forging new paths. All traces of his previous depression has disappeared beneath his new outlook on life. (Choose3):
Very minor nitpick but maybe change the flavor text? Actually don't, I find the thought that Garrosh can still be heard when not amongst us to be funnier.
Shadows Of Terokk: You need to know more about the Arrakoa. Specifically, what they are doing in Talador and Auchindoun. You'll settle for getting a reasonable sketch of their settlements in Talador, as you know they aren't in Nagrand. It will take a bit, because out of all the myriad species of your world they were some of the best at secreting themselves away in the world of shadows. Luckily, you can trust in the Laughing Skull to once more make use of their good skills.
Cost/Rewards/Time missing.
To The North
Talador Patrols
Gul'rok and Roll

Get information about the north of us, protect the warsong, and take out a base.

Aggressive Diplomacy
Telaar Dislikes Boulderfists

Warmaul respect us, better relations with Telaar, and Boulder Fist gotten rid of.

Expanding Garadar

Improve capital and make sure knowledge is spread.

Cavalry Alternatives

Heavy cavalry.

Continued Soothing
Elemental Dawning

Furies get better and no more demon portal.

Shadows Of Terokk

Find the Shadow Council and figure out where the Arakkoa are.

Personal Actions
Spending Time – Kaz
Spending Time – Jorin

Keep training to be a Blade Master and have Jorin make us smarter.
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I think "Old Enemy Of Our Enemies" is a bad choice here. It locks up one of our important slots for a long time and seems generally ineffective at its stated goal. We can avoid conflict with the Alliance by simply not being near them, once we run into them we can just use diplomacy then.

Also getting rid of that portal before the next conflict is important if it is straining our manpower.
I think "Old Enemy Of Our Enemies" is a bad choice here. It locks up one of our important slots for a long time and seems generally ineffective at its stated goal. We can avoid conflict with the Alliance by simply not being near them, once we run into them we can just use diplomacy then.

Also getting rid of that portal before the next conflict is important if it is straining our manpower.

Agreed that is why I think looking at the Arakkoa is a better idea since it has a shorter completion time, they are closer to us, and it helps us deal with them since they are messing with us.