Warcraft: The Rise of the Mag'har

we might even get to ask her why she told us about the horde in the first place
Hellscream, Hellsad: Garrosh spoke to Greatmother Geyah earlier, and left her home a broken man. What was said to break the normally energetic and rambunctious young man who is a few years your elder? You know of your own father, and plenty besides, but your precise knowledge of the one known as Grommash Hellscream is not very expansive. You should speak with the Greatmother about this, if only to know if there is anything you can say to your acquaintance. Reward: Knowledge of Grommash Hellscream, other information that might make you sad/mad at your father.
Basically it was to get context on why he was sad, in order to figure out how to get Garrosh's spirits back up.
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She told us about the Horde because we asked her in order to help Garrosh.
Basically it was to get context on why he was sad, in order to figure out how to get Garrosh's spirits back up.

Actually. Dranosh was really confused on why she told him Exactly what she said to Garrosh.
You see the orcs, and are they the true orcs now, because there are so many of them left and so few Mag'har? You cannot say, you cannot say and it hurts to know that you are the son of a monster, that the Blackrock are monsters, that orcs are monsters. What did Greatmother Geyah seek to accomplish when she told you these things? That you could change, return to peaceful ways if only the spirits would speak to you again? If you made sure to never court demons again?

Basically, we kind of forgot about it after everything. But yea, she apparently could have gone about it a different way. So we could finally take the time to ask her about it now.

On top of everything else we should probably ask her. Like things about the Ancestors and stuff.
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Um, another way to look at it would be to look at Azeroth's own Elementals and how they act and what they did, especially before the Titans came along and imprisoned the Elemental Lords.

Namely, it's the fact that Azeroth's elementals apparently all warred on each other. How'd you like a world with Ragnaros loose and triumphant?
There's also the Old Gods imprisoned in Azeroth. I think from some of the sources they would even make the Burning Legion lack in comparison and have Sargeras wet himself.
Aren't the Titans equals to the Old Gods?
The old gods actually say that they're stronger than any one titan *though this could be hearsay. But I think they're probably being honest*. So Sargeras is probably fucked if all of them are released and Sargeras tries to invade. Even when the entire Titan Panethenon was around, fighting the Old gods wasn't easy.

Whether or not 1 Titan = 1 Old god. Who knows?
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At full power and in their own territory, maybe, but as shown the Old Gods can be beaten by simple mortals if they don't choose the battleground and have been weakened by being imprisoned for thousands of years. So yeah, I'm gonna say that Sargeras could take them with the Burning Legion on his side, the Azerothian ones at least. They would be all 'bwahah we are free' and Sargeras would go 'lol no y'all been locked up a long time and got weak as shit DEMONIC TITAN SHAZAM' then look at Azeroth and say 'yeah, no it's your turn. Bend over'
At full power and in their own territory, maybe, but as shown the Old Gods can be beaten by simple mortals if they don't choose the battleground and have been weakened by being imprisoned for thousands of years. So yeah, I'm gonna say that Sargeras could take them with the Burning Legion on his side, the Azerothian ones at least. They would be all 'bwahah we are free' and Sargeras would go 'lol no y'all been locked up a long timetime and got weal as shit DEMONIC TITAN SHAZAM' then look at Azeroth and say 'yeah, no it's your turn. Bend over'

honestly i'm pretty sure they should just purposefully invoke algalon and planetary re-origination in the that case.

it'd be less painful than either the burning legion or the old gods doing their thing.
Yeah, Old Gods are bad juju, but they're not going to beat the Titans in a straight fight.

Their whole gimmick is being a pain in the ass to root out, not actually being invincible uberbeings in their own right. The Titans killed a couple, and realized that cleaning the mess up from their corpses would be more of a hassle then just imprisoning them, and being efficiency-minded deities, they took the path of greatest optimiziation of their time and energy.

Which is to say, lock them up instead of blow them up and then have to play clean-up, setting their timetable back by a few millenia. Let's not forget how much of a pain in the ass Y'shaarj's corpse was--it was a magical equivilent of a dirty-bomb that created self-propagating elementals of Bad Thoughts right up until 25 murderhobos rolled into town and killed the prime manifestations while it's remains were being sucked dry for evil magic (And the one doing so subsequently beaten down by said murderhobos), leaving the Sha nothing left to spread from.
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At full power and in their own territory, maybe, but as shown the Old Gods can be beaten by simple mortals if they don't choose the battleground and have been weakened by being imprisoned for thousands of years. So yeah, I'm gonna say that Sargeras could take them with the Burning Legion on his side, the Azerothian ones at least. They would be all 'bwahah we are free' and Sargeras would go 'lol no y'all been locked up a long time and got weak as shit DEMONIC TITAN SHAZAM' then look at Azeroth and say 'yeah, no it's your turn. Bend over'
True, but the old gods were never really that good at direct combat. They seem similar to the Naaru in that they're MUCH better convincing Other people into doing what they want. And Sargeras was already convinced to turn evil, what's to say the Old Gods couldn't corrupt Sargeras into following them too eventually.
His corpse was not the problem.

That the Titans were stupid as all hell "scientists" and kept his Heart for study, and thus kept the Sha alive was the problem.
Hell, as shown with Yogg-Saron even Saronite stopped being unwieldable by mortals once he was slain.

They simply rated !SCIENCE! higher than all life on Azeroth.
True, but the old gods were never really that good at direct combat. They seem similar to the Naaru in that they're MUCH better convincing Other people into doing what they want. And Sargeras was already convinced to turn evil, what's to say the Old Gods couldn't corrupt Sargeras into following them too eventually.

Eh, let's not look down too much on the Old Gods, even handicapped like they usually are, the two times PCs have actually fought Old Gods, it's usually been some pretty hellish fights.

C'Thun was literally unkillable until he was nerfed twice, and Yogg Saron with Zero Keepers (Which is to say, fighting him with mortal strength alone) I think was Never actually killed until people had Trial of the Champion level gear.

EDIT: Correction, not Quite Trial of the Champion level (ToC was released a month after the World First), but he still cockblocked the world for Three Months, even with modern raiding methodology fully in play. (Which is to say, Ulduar was released in early April, the first Alone in the Darkness kill was early july)
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When you've all the planets in the universe...one might not seem that important. Just saying, there are probably a lot of them. Oh man, we lost that one planet. That one that has old gods imprisoned on it? Yeah, you know , number 14642324. Is that the one where we gave Lizards powers? No, that's 147482991047. Ah, right.
When you've all the planets in the universe...one might not seem that important. Just saying, there are probably a lot of them. Oh man, we lost that one planet. That one that has old gods imprisoned on it? Yeah, you know , number 14642324. Is that the one where we gave Lizards powers? No, that's 147482991047. Ah, right.

The Old Gods required the entire Titan pantheon to defeat, when they first clashed. There have been some changes since then though.
  • The titan host doesn't have their heavy hitter (Sargeras) anymore. They would have a fighting chance against either group, but would have a fair amount of trouble regardless.
  • Sargeras might be more powerful since he became a demon god, but he's still not the equivalent of the entire Titan host. He'd absolutely need the full might of the Burning Legion to stand a chance against either other group.
  • The Old Gods are weakened from eons of improsonment, and would have to gather and muster up the Elementals and their other minions again since they aren't in command of them anymore (excluding the Faceless Ones). They'd have a bitch of a time against either party initially, but would be a credible threat that gets far more dangerous the longer the conflict goes on.
So really, at this point, it's a pretty vague toss-up on whether or not the Old Gods, Burning Legion, or Titans would win in a fight.

And really, the Titans are basically out of the equation (for us anyways). @torroar is being overly generous with that little statement that indicated the Titans keep track of the worlds they make. They don't.

And I will explain why, with bullet points for neatness.
  • The Titans go around terraforming worlds and then leaving.
  • The Burning Legion butchers and burns every world they come into contact with, and Sargeras is explicitly targeting worlds that the Titans made.
    • His entire goal is to unmake everything the Titans have done.
  • The Burning Legion has never failed to destroy any of the worlds they targeted, except Azeroth.
The Titans don't give a shit about Azeroth. They aren't the valiant cavalry coming in at the final hour to rescue everyone. They aren't the heroes. They never were. There is no salvation save that which you make for yourself, little mortals. Will you rise once more to fight back the burning shadow, or be consumed like countless worlds before you, a dead and forgotten husk?
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When you've all the planets in the universe...one might not seem that important. Just saying, there are probably a lot of them. Oh man, we lost that one planet. That one that has old gods imprisoned on it? Yeah, you know , number 14642324. Is that the one where we gave Lizards powers? No, that's 147482991047. Ah, right.
Well there was those countermeasures put in place that Algalon was supposed to do on Loken's death. They do care a bit except the end result involves purifying everything in remaking Azeroth.
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When you've all the planets in the universe...one might not seem that important. Just saying, there are probably a lot of them. Oh man, we lost that one planet. That one that has old gods imprisoned on it? Yeah, you know , number 14642324. Is that the one where we gave Lizards powers? No, that's 147482991047. Ah, right.
IIRC the well of eternity was unique or at least extremely rare.
Purging an entire world of life is not "caring". It's murder.
When I meant caring it was more in the sense that they acknowledge there's a problem that requires their attention. Doesn't make it the right one although they clearly underestimated the influence of the Old Gods in subverting those they made Azeroth's guardians and that countermeasure was a failsafe yet very extreme. I do wonder if this failsafe was made just for Azeroth due to the Old Gods or does it apply to other planets the Titans were involved in.
the idea that azeroth is insignificant in the larger scheme of things is inconsistent simply due to the fact that azeroth is holding back a demon army created by a former titan and part of the soul of that same titan is incarnated in a human on azeroth.
When I meant caring it was more in the sense that they acknowledge there's a problem that requires their attention. Doesn't make it the right one although they clearly underestimated the influence of the Old Gods in subverting those they made Azeroth's guardians and that countermeasure was a failsafe yet very extreme. I do wonder if this failsafe was made just for Azeroth due to the Old Gods or does it apply to other planets the Titans were involved in.

Likely just to Azeroth. To all knowledge, having to wage war on a force like the Old Gods was something they'd never had to do on a world they wanted to play around with before, so putting in a couple things in to keep the Old Gods from completely dicking things up again was probably something they put a little thought into.
the idea that azeroth is insignificant in the larger scheme of things is inconsistent simply due to the fact that azeroth is holding back a demon army created by a former titan and part of the soul of that same titan is incarnated in a human on azeroth.
That does make me wonder what the Titans were doing when they found out their fellow Titan founded the Burning Legion.
the idea that azeroth is insignificant in the larger scheme of things is inconsistent simply due to the fact that azeroth is holding back a demon army created by a former titan and part of the soul of that same titan is incarnated in a human on azeroth.
Less incarnated and more possession. And Sargeras got kicked back out into the twisting nether when Medivh got killed the first time.
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