You are aware I'm using surveymonkey for this quest? In any case:
Turn 1 Results:
Kill them all before they kill you.
Naz'jan, the leader of your personal guard and now the best candidate you have to spearhead all things military in your nation. He is all too happy to serve his beloved Queen though less than happy about the much reduced state of the forces under his command. Only the couple dozen other survivors of your personal guard forming the core of his subordinates. (Pick 2)
Sentries and Patrols: Who knows what lurks within the darkness of the Deeps. Best to keep a constant a lookout to prevent your people from being picked off by the predators of the abyss. Time: 1 Turn; Reward: No population loss to hungry gribblies. Chance of Success: ??
There is
something lurking in the dark, picking off your people one by one. Patrols simply disappeared into the darkness, leaving nothing behind but the occasional spell remnant. Sentries died without a sound, over a dozen people simply vanished in their sleep. Your people have begun to jump at every twitch in the darkness.
Result: -10 Warriors, -20 Population, Morale changed to Scared. Existence of the Lurker in the Dark determined.
Hunt: You salivate at the thought of raw meat, and then catch yourself. Nevertheless, setting your warriors to hunting up some food for your people is probably a good idea. Time: 1 Turn; Reward: Your people don't starve this turn; Chance of Success: ??
When going on the offensive however, your warriors gain more success. Though sealife seems rare they do manage to bring down a few sharks, octopuses and other large fish with their magic. They even manage to bring down a gigantic whale, though it had admittedly been wounded at the time, by what your warriors suspect was an even larger squid of some sort. The whale alone managed to feed for your people for months, it's bones sharpened into spears. Various leftover body parts could serve as potent magical reagents of some sort...
Result: You people do not starve this turn. Whale bodyparts
In the sunken city, he lies dreaming.
Vashj, your foremost handmaiden has been assigned to oversee the affairs of your people, being the most suitable, as sadly the only one of your chancellors to survive the Sundering was turned into a near mindless brute by the process. An unfortunate loss of expertise, but what can you do? You only hope Vashj manages to grow into her new role quickly.(Pick 1)
Grand palace: You require a palace. You require a palace now. One worthy of your magnificence. Who cares if the Naga are worse than unskilled labourers, they've all you got and they better get on building one right now. [LOCKED IN] Time: 5 Turns; Reward: Shoddily constructed palace Chance of Success: 70%
Driven by their adoration of their Queen, your subjects outdo themselves, discovering a hidden aptitude for stonework. Block after block, the palace grows and while the workmanship is still shoddy it is not quite as bad as it could have been.
Result: 4 more turns, somewhat shoddy palace
Fish Traps: Rather than farms, fish traps, particularly shellfish traps may be much more feasible and successful. Time: 1 Turn; Reward: Fish Traps constructed; Chance of Success: 70%
Clever traps weaved of kelp and bone net you several strange looking deepsea fish, crabs and even some sort of strange species of giant lobster. Your people have begun to relish the taste of raw fish, the lobsters in particular are very delicious, though a bit ornery. It has become a prized delicacy, which even you enjoy, though you wish someone would work out how to make fire underwater so that you could cook the meat. Your people now know how and where to make and place the traps, and will continue to do so.
Result: Food! Combined with Hunt no one starves this turn. Delicious Lobsters. Food improved to Large Deficit(People will starve)
"There is a way... there is a way..."
Zar'jira, one of your most intelligent, and powerful, arcanists is positively brimming with ideas that she wishes to implement to meet the challenges of your new home. (Pick 1)
Transcribing knowledge: Whatever books survived the descent into the ocean are by now no doubt unreadable waterlogged garbage. Zar'jira proposes to begin carving the most essential of knowledge into stone tablets while it is still fresh in the mind of your subjects, lest the knowledge be lost to the ravages of time and misfortune Time: 3 Turns; Rewards: Some knowledge is preserved; Chance of success: 100%
The work goes smoothly, your most learned children dictating the basic secrets of math and magic to the novice engravers that had sprung up to meet the demands of the situation. It's slow going at first, and the tools insufficient, until a particularly impatient mage simply heated up his finger to a glowing red, the surrounding water boiling away and burned the letters into a rock tablet. Others quickly took up this practice as well, though it is still an imperfect process. It requires extremely precise control and even so the writing isn't easy. Still progress has sped up considerably.
Result: Complete in one more turn, faster method of writing developed.
Sira'kess has some interesting ideas to ensure that whatever dissent may appear is quickly and thoroughly crushed. Not that anything of the sort is likely. Of course. (pick 1)
Informants: Alternatively, Sira'kess grudgingly admits she could settle for the more mundane solution of hiring trustworthy informants to keep a finger on the pulse of your society. Time: 1 Turn; Reward: Informants; Chance of Success: 70%
Sira'kess' work goes smoothly, various members of the group readily agreeing to give her regular reports. Nothing of note has come in so far.
You devote what time you can to the more pressing problems of...a personal nature that concern you greatly. (Pick three)
You have already lost.
Exert your will: Pure willpower should be sufficient to assure your mastery over these interlopers in your head. At the very least it most definitely will help, right?
In order to prevent the Whispers from interfering in your delicate spellwork by distracting you at a critical juncture you bring your full willpower to bear to block them out, rather than simply ignoring them. Immediately you become incredibly strained, back hunched as if bearing a mountain. It is like pushing against the ocean. Difficult to grasp and vast beyond imagining. Still you persevere and slowly the voices dim to barely audible mutters. But it requires constant concentration, with even the barest slip causing them to spring back even louder than before.
Spells of the Mind: Dweomers to protect your mind from foreign influences, the most powerful you can manage. A complete mental lockdown seems in order though this will prevent you from potentially using telepathy for the foreseeable future.
You discard all subtlety and work magics of overwhelming force, struggling to do so while maintaining the suppression of the whispers through sheer power of will. Slowly you wrap a heavy covering of wards over your mind, a thick shield to ward of all intrusion. Even better, during the process you experienced a minor epiphany concerning the workings of your mind, and how best to protect it, increasing your expertise when attempting such. Best, the spells seem completely effective, the whispers reduced to the faintest hum. But such potent protections are not without a cost. Your thoughts feel like they are wrapped in a thick layer of cotton. Your wits have been noticeably dulled, and even worse this is but a temporary solution. It requires constant maintenance to keep its effectiveness, and as such will eat up much of your time. It seems vital to construct a more permanent, and more sophisticated solution, but such shall require valuable magical materials and the help of your subordinates.
Result: Whispers damped. Mind is somewhat impaired, wards require constant maintenance reducing personal actions by one.
Spells of the Soul: Disturbingly, the whispers might be targeting your soul directly, rather than your mind. While your expertise in this regard is limited when compared to the rest of your repertoire some wards on your soul seems advisable. Still, something is better than nothing hopefully.
The soul is an intangible thing, defying study, and is as such a difficult area to master. Yet you try your best, weaving enchantments that had through empirical testing proven to protect against effects that target it. You don't know if you succeeded, and the only way to really test it is to have someone attack your soul, so you're not eager to find out. Overlying these protections you cast a couple of minor cantrips said to have a similar function which you managed to glean from the Burning Legion. Ruthlessly you suppress thoughts on the fate of your husband to be. Now is not the time.
Result: Protections on your soul. Effectiveness unknown. Require minimal maintenance, you think.
(Pick 1)
Honey over vinegar: You take the time to talk with your followers and with your extraordinary charm once more cement your place of dominance in their hearts and minds.
You try your best, but it is hard to relate with converse the tiny gnats as you are. Your loudly booming voice deafens them and you have to strain to hear anything they say. And the difficulty of reading their tiny facial expressions! While there has fortunately no loss in opinion, you have not further improved your people's adoration of you. This is unacceptable. You will have you recreate your glamours, and soon.
Population Growth: 5 little nagalings were born over the last half a decade.