Walk of a Phantasm

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Hello and good day dear reader and thank you for joining me on my first Quest. A quest with Magic, Elves, intrigue and (hopefully) a lot of fun. I hope you'll give me a chance to entertain and have some fun with you all!
Introduction, background and character
Hello and good day dear reader and thank you for joining me on my first Quest. With that in mind, please excuse any mistakes I make in the course of playing.

The idea for this thread is basically to give me a chance to work with an original fantasy world I invented for an original work I plan to write at some point, see what works, what doesn't and so on. With that in mind, some background.

The world is Anima, inventive, I know, a world where Magic is common place, a wide variety of critters and all the usual things you'd expect from a Fantasy world. The Player Character is a Phantasm, basically a Human summoned by Anima in response to Mortal performing a Summoning Ritual so as to create a powerful protector, just in case the Summoning goes horribly wrong. Phantasm's are basically composed of pure Magic, making it incredibly easy for them to learn just about anything and granting them stupidly high Magical ability levels, along with certain...other advantages that will become clear in the first part of the story but I'll keep to myself for now so as to not spoil the surprise.

For now, thats all thats needed. I'll add to this as more things come up, details about the character, world and party. Yes, there will likely be characters tagging along. Should be interesting.

Hellhound: A species of Elemental Beast that resemble enormous hounds and command both fire and shadows. Like most Elementals, Hellhounds are mostly solitary and avoid civilisation, preferring to dwell deep in the mountains. They are highly territorial and aggressive when disturbed and their terrifying Magical powers of fire and darkness, combined with their incredible strength, speed and durability make them almost impossible to defeat by any but the highest level Adventurers or powerful and prepared Mages. For most, encountering a Hellhound is a death sentence.

Simple clothing
199 Gold 75 silver
Mysterious crystal
simple leather armour
simple longsword
Elven Armour
Elven ring (poison resist)
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First Steps Part 1
Right, I'm assuming that the likes were interest, so lets get started. I'm not entirely sure how I should set out the choices, so let me know if I should change it.

Waking up hurt. You aren't surprised by that considering your last memory was being struck by lightning. you groan as you sit up, struggling a little due to the pain from both your muscles and stomach. For some reason, you are hungry, more hungry than you'd ever been in your life. How long had you been unconscious for? You open my eyes and look around. Considering the amount of pain you are in, it takes you a couple of minutes to realize that there was something wrong with your surroundings.

You are in a clearing in a forest, but there is something...strange about it. The leaves and grass was a little too green, the flowers to vibrant and the air itself felt...strangely heavy. Not only that, but the sky was completely clear of clouds and you are naked. Considering how much pain you are in, that didn't register quite as much as it probably should have, but you really can't bring myself to care about a little nudity when your muscles felt like they were ripping themselves apart, your bones like they were about to explode and your stomach seems to be trying to digest itself.

You groan in pain as you slowly push yourself to your hands and knees and then your feet, using a nearby tree as a crutch. No matter how much your body hurt, you know you can't stay where you were. You have no idea where you are and something was clearly wrong with you, so you had to find a trail or something where you could be found by a passerby. And if you found something safe to eat before then, that would be nice as well.

You look around again, straining your ears and eyes through the pain. In the distance above the treeline, you can see a thin pillar of smoke, while off to the right is the sound of flowing water. The stream is clearly closer and will likely eventually lead to civilisation, while the smoke is a clear sign that someone is over in that direction, but is a lot further away. Either option would be good, certainly better than staying put. You hesitate for a moment, before making a decision.

Which way will you go?

Towards the smoke.

Towards the stream.
[X] Towards the smoke.
Onward towards food, clothes and possibly humans
First Steps Part 2
Right, thats long enough. I guess we're heading to the smoke.

You quickly decide that the smoke is the better option as, although its further, there is more likely to be civilisation close by as opposed to the stream where you may have to walk for a while to find anything. You start moving, each step drawing lances of pain from your screaming body and nearly sending you crashing to the ground if you weren't holding tightly to the trees as much as you can.

You quickly loose track of time as you make your way through the trees, using a fallen branch as a crutch as best you can. You slow down as you continue as the pain increased, made even worse by the bizarre hunger that makes you more and more willing to do something stupid like chow down on some rather dangerous looking red mushrooms. Fortunately, you resisted the urge, but it was getting to the point where you'd be willing to eat one of the obviously poisonous mushrooms, just to get away from the pain you are in.

As you draw closer to the smoke, the scent of the fire begins to reach your nostrils, accompanied by a strangely appetising coppery smell you cannot identify. You pause for a moment to rest, but before you can do more than lean against the nearest tree, the wind chances and carries four distinct yet delicious scents to your nose.

The first is off to the right, down a dark trail that leads towards a small hill and reminds you of the scent that comes from the damp earth after you flip over a rock, accompanied by a bittersweet smell that is simultaneously inviting and terrifying.

The second is off to your left, a smell of swampy water mixed with a faint smell you vaguely recognise from when you were a child and visited a farm park where they had kept horses.

The third is from just off to the side from the smoke you were heading towards and reminds you of the fresh scent of the air after a thunderstorm, mixed with the distinctive smell of ozone.

The final scent seems to be coming from the source of the smoke and, fittingly enough, is a hot, smokey smell, mixed with the bizarre smell of wet dog and brimstone of all things.

Despite the fact that any one of the smells would normally repulse you, you find yourself unable to resist and somehow know that any one of them will lead you to the most delicious meal you ever had in your life. The question is, which is the best choice?




We have the choose of
1. a Hill (Earth)
2. water/ horsies (WATER)
3. Storm direction (AIR)
4. Wet dogs and brimstone, HELLL!!! (FIRE)

[X] two
Maybe let's find the horses
First Steps Part 3
Thank you for the tiebreaker! Guess we're heading for the smoke. Oh, and if you're squeamish or like dogs you might want to brace yourself. This is where we discover what makes Phantasms so unique.

You continue through the woods towards the smoke, the small amount of reason left under the pure instinctive desire to eat indicating that the presence of smoke indicated Humans and safety, in addition to food. You quickly begin to move faster, all thoughts of the pain fading in favour of finding the source of that incredible scent.

Eventually, you burst from the trees and find yourself stood on the edge of a large clearing and slamming back to yourself in shock and horror as the true source of the smell became apparent. You have technically found Humans, but there aren't any left alive. Instead, it is a battlefield, inhabited by nothing but crows and other scavenges, all picking at the corpses of armoured men and women, all in various states of dismemberment or burnt to a crisp. A part of you notices that some of the bodies don't appear entirely Human and all were armed and armoured with equipment straight out a fantasy game, but most of you had quickly focused on the enormous body in the middle of the clearing, apparently the thing responsible for the massacre and the source of the smell that had lead you here.

It looked like a dog, but no dog you had ever seen looked quite like this one, nor were they the size of a garbage truck. It was quite clearly dead, but that did nothing to hide the sheer size and strength it clearly had in life, nor the fact it had teeth and claws the size of swords that looked capable of ripping through plate armour like paper, a fact backed up by a few of the knights that looked like they'd been used as chew toys. Its eyes were a blazing red, even in death, and the blood leaking from the many wounds that covered its pitch black hide were leaking glowing orange blood that looked more like larva than anything.

You jerk back as you suddenly realise that, without realising it, you had approached the great beast and placed a hand on its side. You yank your hand away and find it covered in warm, orange blood. For a moment, you stare down at your hand, before, without fully thinking, you lick a bit off.

It is like a bomb goes off in your mouth. You are unable to fully describe the flavour, but whatever reservations you might have had a moment ago were gone. Heedless of anything else, you rip into the corpse, its flesh literally melting in your mouth and filling it with the single most delicious thing you have ever tasted. Anything else pales in comparison and the entire world falls away as you gorge yourself past the point where you should have been full or choked to death on something inedible as you don't even stop for the bones, teeth or claws.

Finally, after what must have been hours, you swallow the last morsel of Hellhound and finally stop to catch your breath. Despite everything, you only feel pleasantly full, despite the fact you'd just consumed enough meat to feed a family of four for a month, assuming it was edible in the first place. You swallow a couple of times and stagger to your feet, your leg muscles throbbing slightly from the amount of time you'd spent kneeling, but before you can do much more than look around, the ignored pain abruptly slammed into your body with a vengeance and your vision vanishes in a flash of light.
You awaken to a rather unusual sensation. The pain that had plagued you has mercifully vanished, along with the hunger. You are still hungry, but now its more normal than the gnawing emptiness it had been. Not only that, but you are warm, dry and comfortable. You sigh as you nuzzle deeper into the pillow. It appears that everything had just been a dream. You shift slightly so you aren't laying on your tail anymore and settle back down to go back to sleep.

It takes a moment for your sleep addled mind to properly register what was wrong with that statement, but when it does, you shoot upright and throw the covers aside to discover that you do indeed have a fluffy black tail emerging from the seat of your pants. Not only that, but your feet are covered in black fur and tipped with short but sharp claws, as have your hands, your ears had migrated to the top of your head and become pointed and furry and, when you catch sight of yourself in the mirror above the vanity across the room from you, your eyes have turned a fiery red, your teeth have lengthened into fangs and your hair has turned black and seems to be producing a faint, black haze.

You have two choices.

Scream and panic.

Try to remain calm and try to figure out what in the world is going on.
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You know what they say: "You are what you eat."

You shouldn't be surprised by that fact that is why I choose;
[X] Scream and panic.
[X] Try to remain calm and try to figure out what in the world is going on.
-[X] When that inevitably fails, then scream and panic.
[X] Try to remain calm and try to figure out what in the world is going on.
-[X] When that inevitably fails, then scream and panic.
First Steps Part 4
Guess we're panicking. Fair enough.

Your reaction to discovering your new additions is rather predictable. After screaming your lungs out, you start to hyperventilate as everything hits you at once. Its abundantly clear from both the battlefield you'd found and the oversized mutt you'd somehow eaten that you aren't exactly in Kansas anymore, meaning that you are lost and alone in a world you know nothing about and undergoing changes you can't explain. You have no idea if you can even survive in this world, let alone get home, which only makes things worse for you.

Abruptly, your panic attack is cut off by someone throwing a bucket of water over you, the cold liquid shocking you out of your panic as you instinctively let out a yelp that fits your new canine additions rather well.

"Sorry about that, but you were about to set the linens on fire," says a voice from the door.

You turn, blinking water from your eyes, as the source of the voice and water enters the room fully. At first glance, she appears to be a normal Human girl, clad in a simple, but well made, pale blue dress, crisp, white apron, simple leather boots and what appears to be a headband made of twisted branches keeping her pale pink hair out of her eyes, with the only odd parts of her appearance being the short sword attached to her belt and the woody stems that twine around her arms. However, a closer look reveals that she is anything but Human. Her skin carries a greenish tint and her eyes are the colour of leaves. As in, the entire thing, white, iris and pupil. Not only that, but the stems around her arms and what you first took as a simple headband are actually a part of her, apparently growing from her body, while her hair is actually composed of thin vines, each covered in tiny pink flowers.

The clearing of a throat jolts you out of your shocked staring and you look away with a blush.

"Sorry," you say.

"Don't worry about it," say's the girl, "Frankly, I'm used to it. Dryads are rather uncommon and I'm not exactly a normal Dryad either."

She puts the bucket down by the door and disappears for a moment, before returning with a plate of food that, while simple fare, smells incredible to your newly sensitive nose and is more than enough to set your stomach growling. The girl giggles softly at the noise as she puts the tray on the dresser.

"Here, eat and then come downstairs," she say's, "The Guildmaster wants to talk to you."

She turns to leave, but you catch her wrist before she can. She glances back at you with a raised eyebrow as you try to decide what the most important question to ask is.

Where are you?

How did you get here?

Who is she?

What is happening to you?

I'm...not entirely pleased with this one, but I want to try and get one round out a day, assuming nothing goes horribly wrong. I'm also not to sure how best to do dialogue, especially regarding things like this, so I'm making things up as I go along. Please do let me know if I mess anything up. I'd also like some feedback on what you think of the world and characters as events unfold.