Vulgar Engines: A Game About Robots, Revanchism and (Space) Romans

Rules Update - After Two And A Half Weeks I Hope It Was Worth The Wait
Update up, changelog:
  • Morale is a stat which can be used to buy better training: it is now wholly feasible to have ridiculous posthuman infantry with shitty guns and cardboard armor.
  • Dragon-type Vulgar Engines now come in two varieties:
    • Dragons of the East which are light and fast and have no speed penalty.
    • Dragons of the West which have the old speed penalty, but in compensation receive defensive bonuses equal to their speed penalty.
  • Visitor Adaptation allows you to maximize the benefits of using your own industry to improve your Vulgar Engine, adding a bonus percentage to production-build points conversion.
Projects being worked on. Civic projects, military operations and espionage actions will be covered, and depend on Prosperity, Military Quality+Support and Homeland Support respectively.
Sweet, now to start figuring out the morale stats.

(Everyone's getting 5: Religious Devotion, though. Even the drones.

Especially the drones.)

Edit: The changes to how some stuff works means that I've reduced Visitor Adaptation to increase some other stuff. Namely, we are now transhuman space muslims.

And we have the largest possible military in the game.

Double Edit: Brought military back down to previous levels in exchange for boosting prosperity and homeland support.
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Going to be making some modifications to Enclave and Commune-level nations to make them slightly more powerful.
I think Commune works? If you buy in fully to its discounted stuff you get an effective 7 free points from the Prosperity/VA discount if you buy both to full (Assuming that Prosperity 5 for Communes costs 2 instead of three).
Yeah, Commune largely works, because it can get really cheap Visitor Adaptation and Prosperity. Which functionally puts it at a net 30 points. Not great, but not bad either.

It's the two Enclave types that kind of get screwed over.

That being said, rules as written have it being that Diaspora is objectively the best choice, the drawback to it isn't anywhere near significant enough to compensate for having almost three times the military of Major Enclave and exactly the same amount of base advantage points (Major Enclave gets +2 'Free' points, but Diaspora gets 100 free Wealth and Construction, which is roughtly around +3.5 points of a bonus. And Prosperity is cheap enough that it's easy to compensate for the -2 there.)
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Diaspora and the Orbitals seem reasonably balanced around each other. Generally I think that they all balance at around 31-32 points (Or are meant to), in practice.

Oh, hey, @Exhack, would using the morale rules to make Hero Units be valid?

Like, say, making a 20 point Ace Pilot like so:

Cost: 10+10 Morale
Firepower: 5
Defense: 2
Speed: 3
Electronics: 0
Morale: 5
Discipline: 5
Religious Devotion: 5
Augmented Physique: 5
Ace Pilot: 15
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Does Human Plus have any effects on the battlefield in terms of firepower or defense?
We should also keep in mind that not everything has to be balanced. Nations were always asymmetrical through out history. Some countries are just weaker then others, be that because of location, available resources, poverty, or what have you.
Rules Update - Enclave Buff, Toblerones and Cosmodomes
  • Minor and Major Enclaves can now pick up a flat bonus of base wealth, infrastructure or military support, allowing them to be functionally very good at one thing while remaining fairly small.
    • Some of the intention of this is to make playing a small but specialized city-state in the vein of Venice, Sparta or Detroit feasible.
  • New Advantages:
    • Toblerone Territory allows for the construction of large amounts of cheap defenses.
    • Orbital Refrain gives the nation a non-military megastructure at gamestart, providing powerful economic benefits.
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Cost: 10+10 Morale
Firepower: 5
Defense: 2
Speed: 3
Electronics: 0
Morale: 5
Discipline: 5
Religious Devotion: 5
Augmented Physique: 5
Ace Pilot: 15

Seems about right.

Going to crank out a quick update about 'nested' units, for carriers, or special pilots, etc.
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God, it's so hard to choose.

I can drop down to the Knight and grab either VA 2 (For hilarious soft scifi bullshit) or MS 4 and Orbital Refrain (MIMAS is now a fake VE and some sort of giant warp station and I get 600 points that will be spent entirely on bizarre hero units) or something else entirely.

Dammit @Exhack why must you make this so difficult. :(
The category level points are simply placeholder values to help me keep track of the specializations. The actual value Is always 0 if specialization are present. <EDIT: This should be clearer now.>
I have added additional quirks so as to have spare quirks to customize the Imperator if some don't work.

Reformists have 3 primary ideologies. They are listed in order of prevalence among the general population. The leadership is split between Isolationist and Expansionist(Integration) with Expansionist(Subjugation) having almost no representation.
  1. Isolationist: We have Utopia, why bother with others?
  2. Expansionist(Integration): We must bring Utopia to the rest of mankind, for their own good of course.
  3. Expansionist(Subjugation): We are clearly superior to others, let us make mankind recognize us as the only true Utopia.

Nation Building:
  • Name: Imperial Reformists
  • Description: Originally a pacifistic faction of imperials, attempts at political reform made enemies among the roman leadership and lead to exile. Allowed to maintain a large amount of their wealth in return for continued tribute the Reformists were able to establish a powerful infrastructure.With their secret discovery of visitor technology the Reformists have been able to achieve Utopia. The Imperial Reformists wish to free themselves from their shackles and spread their utopia to their former brethren on Terra; however, few citizens are willing to forsake Utopia to serve in the military and their former imperial nature has alienated potential allies. The stations positioning on the border between the imperials and the barbarians has forced substantial military reforms to make best use of limited funding and manpower. Reformist agents have had much success during their exile, successfully building a small support base among the Imperials.
  • Location: The Belt
  • Population: Diaspora (+100 wealth and construction, -2 prosperity, 1200 Military) [+27 Points]
  • National Advantages: 2 (Human Plus and Orbital Refrain) [-2 Points] {25}
  • National Disadvantages: 2 (National Pariah and Client State) [+2 Points] {27}
  • Prosperity: 5 (+7 Prosperity, +2 Wealth Score) [-7 Points] {20}
  • Wealth: 2 (+70 Wealth) [0 Points] {20}
  • Infrastructure: 3 (+90 Construction) [-3 Points] {17}
  • Military Support: 0 (-50% Military Size)
  • Military Quality: 2 (+2 Military Quality) [-2 Points] {14}
  • Engine Size: 2 (+2 Engine Size) [-4 Points] {10}
  • Engine Complexity: 3 (+3 Engine Complexity) [-6 Points] {4}
  • Homeland Support: 2
  • Visitor Adaption: 1 (+1 Visitor Adaption) [-4 Points] {0}
  • Totals:
    • 5 Prosperity: Utopia (No Unhappiness)
    • 170 Wealth
    • 190 Construction + 95 Orbital = 285 Total Construction
    • Military Size: 600
    • Military Quality: 2 (+15 Morale Points)
    • Engine Size: 2 (Leviathan)
    • Engine Complexity: 3 (Apex Complexity)
    • Homeland Support: 2 (Decent ties to several populations living in the Inner System)
    • Visitor Adaption: 1 (Low Level Visitor Tech Integrated)

The reformers aren't defectors from decadence, they're still lazy and arrogant, they're just a bit less lazy, a lot more concerned with efficiency, better intentioned, and way worse at diplomacy. Also they have a tendency not to think things through, e.g. they never consider that moving 25% of their populace to an engine might make it hard to keep the engine secret and don't really understand why a planet killing antimatter cannon might make people nervous.

  • Special(Orbital Refrain):
    • Name: Visitor Integration Shipyard "Behemoth"
    • Description: A massive integrated shipyard with an adjoining research complex. It was used to construction the Reformist's Engine from large numbers of mineral rich asteroids (Those two missing moons? Definitely the Eurabian's fault. We most certainly didn't use them to provide addition density to the Imperator, and we definitely didn't have it consume any other planetoids after its completion. Definitely not.), with the Visitor tech R&D necessary occurring in the onsite labs. The Imperator was literally built around the shipyard and it now provides much of the Engine's shipbuilding capability.
    • Infrastructure: 1900 (+95 Construction){1000 points}
    • Research: 100 (+10 to Research [Since research is done through the Wealth rating I figured a research only bonus would have a better rate than Wealth bonuses.) {100 points}
  • Ground:
    • Cannon Fodder: 1 Points
      • Description: Cannon Fodder drones.
      • Numbers: 100,000
      • Firepower: 1 (Light Laser Cannon)
      • Defense: 0 (Basic Environmental Armor)
      • Speed: 0 (Antigrav)
      • Morale: 10 {25 Free}
        • Discipline: 10
        • Enhanced Aiming: 5
    • Light Infantry Drone Division: 3 Points
      • Description: Infantry drones intended for scouting and flanking action, equipped with light laser cannons and high quality Antigravs.
      • Numbers: 10,000
      • Firepower: 1 (Light Laser Cannon)
      • Defense: 0 (Basic Environmental Armor)
      • Speed: 2 (Antigrav)
      • Morale: 10 {25 Free}
        • Discipline: 10
        • Enhanced Maneuvering: 5
    • Heavy Infantry Drone Division: 6 Points
      • Description: Infantry Drones equipped with light armor and larger lasers.
      • Numbers: 10,000
      • Firepower: 3 (Laser Cannon)
      • Defense: 2 (Light Armor)
      • Speed: 1 (Antigrav)
      • Morale: 10 {25 Free}
        • Discipline: 10
        • Enhanced Targeting: 5
    • Anti-Tank Infantry Drone Division: 7 Points
      • Description: Infantry Drones equipped with light armor and anti-tank plasma launchers.
      • Numbers: 10,000
      • Firepower: 5 (Specialty: Anti-Tank Plasma Launcher)
      • Defense: 2 (Light Armor)
      • Speed: 0 (Antigrav)
      • Morale: 10 {25 Free}
        • Discipline: 10
        • Enhanced Targeting: 5
    • Interceptor Drone Division: 10 Points
      • Description: Interceptor Drones to intercept enemy bombers.
      • Numbers: 1000
      • Firepower: 4 (Specialty: Light Anti-Bomber Laser Cannons)
      • Defense: 1 (SuperLight Armor)
      • Speed: 5 (Interceptor Type Antigrav)
      • Morale: 10 {25 Free}
        • Discipline: 10
        • Enhanced Dodging: 5
    • Fighter Drone Division: 10 Points
      • Description: Fighter Drones to secure the skys.
      • Numbers: 1000
      • Firepower: 4 (Specialty: Anti-Aircraft Laser Cannons)
      • Defense: 2 (Light Armor)
      • Speed: 3 (Fighter Type Antigrav)
      • Morale: 10 {25 Free}
        • Discipline: 10
        • Enhanced Air Combat: 5
    • Multi-Purpose Bomber Drone Division: 10 Points
      • Description: Bomber Drones to attack enemy positions and infrastructure.
      • Numbers: 1000
      • Firepower: 6 (Specialty: Heavy Plasma Bombs)
      • Defense: 2 (Light Armor)
      • Speed: 2 (Bomber Type Antigrav)
      • Morale: 10 {25 Free}
        • Discipline: 10
        • Enhanced Air to Ground Warfare: 5
    • CAS Drone Division: 10 Points
      • Description: CAS Drones to support ground forces in battle.
      • Numbers: 1000
      • Firepower: 5 (Specialty: Light Plasma Cannons)
      • Defense: 2 (Light Armor)
      • Speed: 3 (CAS Type Antigrav)
      • Morale: 10 {25 Free}
        • Discipline: 10
        • Enhanced Air Strike: 5
    • Strategic Bomber Drone Division: 10 Points
      • Description: Bomber Drones to attack enemy population and industry.
      • Numbers: 1000
      • Firepower: 7 (High Altitude Plasma Bombs)
      • Defense: 2 (Light Armor)
      • Speed: 1 (Heavy Bomber Type Antigrav)
      • Morale: 10 {25 Free}
        • Discipline: 10
        • Enhanced Air Raid: 5
    • Kamikaze Drone Division: 10 Points
      • Description: Kamikaze Drones to attack high-value enemies.
      • Numbers: 1000
      • Firepower: 10 (Onboard Fusion Reactor) [+5 Kamikaze]
      • Defense: -1 (No Armor)
      • Speed: 6 (Kamikaze Type Antigrav) [+1 No Armor]
      • Morale: 10 {25 Free}
        • Discipline: 10
        • Enhanced Kamikaze: 5
    • Space Marine Division: 10 Points + 5 Points Morale
      • Description: These soldier use high end genetic and cybernetic augmentation in tandem with low-end visitor tech. Weapons vary but power armor is a constant.
      • Numbers: 1000
      • Firepower: 0 {6}
        • Squad: 3 (Inertialess Anti-Material Gun)
        • Heavy: 2 (Plasma Cannons and Missile Launchers)
        • Light: 1 (EM and Laser Rifles)
      • Defense: 2 (Heavy Power Armor)
      • Speed: 2 (Genetics, Cybernetics, and Heavy Power Armor)
      • Morale: 10 {25 Free + 5 Points}
        • Discipline: 10
        • Enhanced Physique: 10
    • Traitor Legion: 30 Points + 30 Points Morale
      • Description: A former legion of Rome, their advocacy for military and administrative reform led to their banishment.
      • Numbers: 1000
      • Firepower: 0 {13}
        • Squad: 8 (Rotary Disintegrator Cannon, Inertialess AutoGun)
        • Heavy: 5 (Plasma Cannons, EM Heavy Machine Guns, and Light Inertialess Guns)
      • Defense: 10 (SuperHeavy Power Armor: Armor Integrated Particle Shield)
      • Speed: 3 (Genetics, Cybernetics, and SuperHeavy Power Armor: Antigrav) {7 points invested, -4 penalty}
      • Morale: 15 {25 Free + 30 Points}
        • Discipline: 15
        • Enhanced Physique: 15
        • Telepathic Implants: 10
        • Human-Plus Accuracy: 10
    • Combat Transport Division: 10 Points
      • Description: Combination tank transport.
      • Numbers: 100
      • Firepower: 0 {5}
        • Main: 4 (Inertialess Tank Gun)
        • Secondary: 1 (Light PD Lasers [Can also be used as antipersonnel])
      • Defense: 2 (Light Vehicle Armor)
      • Speed: 3 (Antigrav)
      • Special: Can carry 1 Space Marine Division
      • Morale: 10 {25 Free}
        • Discipline: 5
        • Improved Communications: 5
        • Improved Initiative: 5
      Hovertank Division: 30 Points
      • Description: Division of flying tanks.
      • Numbers: 100
      • Firepower: 0 {14}
        • Main: 10 (Inertialess Tank Gun)
        • Main: 4 (AutoLasers)
      • Defense: 8 (Vehicle Armor)
      • Speed: 4 (Antigrav) {8 Points invested, -4 Penalty}
      • Morale: 10 {25 Free}
        • Discipline: 5
        • Improved Communications: 5
        • Improved Initiative: 5
    • Superheavy Artillery: 60 Points + 40 Points Morale
      • Description: REALLY big gun. Designed to turn enemy defense into paste from extreme range. Is about as sturdy as wet cardboard and will behave as such if fired upon.
      • Firepower: 0 {50}
        • Main: 50 (Heavy Inertialess Artillery) [Range: 100km]
      • Defense: 0 (Basic Environmental Armor)
      • Speed: -10 (Towed by Antigrav Transport)
      • Electronics: 10 (Specialized FTL Linked Sensor & ECM Suite) [Range 150km]
      • Morale: 10 {25 Free}
        • Discipline: 5
        • Improved Communications: 5
        • Improved Aiming: 45
    • Mobile Shield Generator: 90 Points + 10 Points Morale
      • Description: Large shield generator capable of protecting an entire army, or city, from attack as long as the shields last. Includes a C&C module to coordinate the troops it guards.
      • Firepower: 0
      • Defense: 75 (Bastion-Type Particle Shield)
      • Speed: -16 (Towed by Antigrav Transport)
      • Electronics: 15 (FTL Linked C&C)
      • Morale: 10 {25 Free + 10 Points}
        • Discipline: 5
        • Improved Communications: 5
        • FTL Linked C&C: 5
        • Improved Self-Repair: 10
  • Space:
    • Destroyer Squadron: 10
      • Description: Squadron of 10 Destroyers, used to patrol and escort duties.
      • Firepower: 0 {4 Points}
        • Light: 3 (Laser Cannons)
        • PD: 1 (PD Lasers)
      • Speed: 3 (Inertialess Drive)
      • Defense: 2 (Light Armor)
      • Electronics: 1 (ECM)
      • Morale: 10 {25 Free}
        • Discipline: 5
        • Improved Communications: 5
        • Improved Initiative: 5
    • Escort Carrier Squadron: 10
      • Description: Squadron of 3 Escort Carriers, used to escort larger ships.
      • Firepower: 0 {1 Points}
        • PD: 1 (PD Lasers)
      • Speed: 2 (Inertialess Drive)
      • Defense: 1 (Light Armor)
      • Electronics: 1 (ECM)
      • Fighter Complement: 3
      • Bomber Complement: 2
      • Morale: 10{25 Free}
        • Discipline: 5
        • Improved Communications: 5
        • Improved Strikecraft Command: 5
    • PD Destroyer Squadron: 10
      • Description: Squadron of 15 PD Destroyers, used to provide additional protection from missiles and strikecraft.
      • Firepower: 0 {4 Points}
        • PD: {4} (PD Lasers)
      • Speed: 2 (Inertialess Drive)
      • Defense: 1 (Light Armor)
      • Electronics: 2 (ECM)
      • Morale: 10 {25 Free}
        • Discipline: 5
        • Improved Communications: 5
        • Improved ECM: 5
    • Cruiser Squadron: 10
      • Description: Squadron of 4 Cruisers.
      • Firepower: 0 {5 Points}
        • Heavy: 2 (Plasma Cannons)
        • Light: 2 (EM Cannons)
        • PD: 1 (PD Lasers)
      • Speed: 2 (Inertialess Drive)
      • Defense: 3 (Medium Armor)
      • Morale: 10 {25 Free}
        • Discipline: 5
        • Improved Communications: 5
        • Improved Fire Control: 5
    • Modular Fighter Base: 50
      • Description: Fighter base for use with Engine.
      • Fighter Complement: 50
      • Morale: 10 {25 Free}
        • Discipline: 5
        • Improved Communications: 5
        • Improved Strikecraft Command: 5
    • Modular Bomber Base: 50
      • Description: Bomber base for use with Engine.
      • Bomber Complement: 50
      • Morale: 10 {25 Free}
        • Discipline: 5
        • Improved Communications: 5
        • Improved Strikecraft Command: 5
    • Space Fortress: 300
      • Description: Massive space fortress to secure the Reformist's hold over new territories.
      • Firepower: 0 {150 Points}
        • Heavy: 75 (Inertialess Cannon Emplacements)
        • Light: 50 (Heavy Plasma Cannon Batteries)
        • PD: 25 (PD Laser Network)
      • Speed: -58 {Cost 0} (Inertialess Drive)
      • Defense: 0 {100 Points}
        • Armor: 50 (Monomolecular Armor)
        • Shields: 50 (Gravitic Shielding Array)
      • Electronics: 50 (FTL Linked ECM/C&C)
      • Morale: 10 {25 Free}
        • Discipline: 5
        • Improved Communications: 5
        • Improved Fire Control: 5
    • KillSat: 30
      • Description: Orbital Defense Platform. Capable of protecting both planetary and spaceborn targets. Cannot move but can rotate rapidly to aim its spinal cannon.
      • Firepower: 0 {15 Points}
        • Spinal: 10 (Inertialess Cannon)
        • PD: 5 (PD Lasers)
      • Speed: -4 {Cost 0} (Gyroscopic Inertialess Drive)
      • Defense: 0 {10 Points}
        • Armor: 5 (Monomolecular Armor)
        • Shields: 5 (Gravitic Shielding Array)
      • Electronics: 5 (FTL Linked ECM)
      • Morale: 10 {25 Free}
        • Discipline: 5
        • Improved Communications: 5
        • Improved Fire Control: 5
    • Stealth Ship: 20
      • Description: Stealthy ship not intended for normal military action.
      • Firepower: 0 {4 Points}
        • Spinal: 3 (Light Inertialess Cannon)
        • PD: 1 (PD Lasers)
      • Speed: 3 {Cost +2} (Inertialess Drive)
      • Defense:
        • Armor: 1
        • Stealth: 7
      • Electronics: 3 (ECM)
      • Morale: 10 {25 Free}
        • Discipline: 5
        • Improved Communications: 5
        • Improved Stealth Procedures: 5
    • Battlecruiser: 30
      • Description: Battlecruiser, engages conventional military targets too strong for cruisers but too weak for Battleships.
      • Firepower: 0 {10 Points}
        • Heavy: 5 (Plasma Cannons)
        • Light: 4 (EM Cannons)
        • PD: 1 (PD Lasers)
      • Speed: 5 {Cost +4} (Inertialess Drive)
      • Defense: 8 (Medium Armor)
      • Electronics: 3 (ECM)
      • Morale: 10 {25 Free}
        • Discipline: 5
        • Improved Communications: 5
        • Improved Fire Control: 5
    • Missile Cruiser: 30
      • Description: Heavy Cruiser armed with Missiles.
      • Firepower: 0 {15 Points}
        • Missile: 12 (LRM Launchers)
        • Light: 3 (EM Cannons)
        • PD: 1 (PD Lasers)
      • Speed: 3 {Cost +4} (Inertialess Drive)
      • Defense: 5 (Medium Armor)
      • Electronics: 3 (ECM)
      • Morale: 10 {25 Free}
        • Discipline: 5
        • Improved Communications: 5
        • Improved Missile Guidance: 5
    • Battleship: 60
      • Description: Battleship, engages conventional military targets too strong for battlecruisers but too weak for Engines.
      • Firepower: 0 {25 Points}
        • Spinal: 10 (Inertialess Cannon)
        • Heavy: 7 (Plasma Cannons)
        • Light: 5 (EM Cannons)
        • PD: 3 (PD Lasers)
      • Speed: 5 {Cost +10} (Inertialess Drive)
      • Defense: 0 {16 Points}
        • Armor: 6 (Monomolecular Armor)
        • Shields: 10 (Gravitic Shielding Array)
      • Electronics: 4 (FTL Linked ECM)
      • Morale: 10 {25 Free}
        • Discipline: 5
        • Improved Communications: 5
        • Improved Fire Control: 5
    • Missile Battleship: 60
      • Description: Battleship outfitted with MIRVs.
      • Firepower: 0 {30 Points}
        • Missile: 25 (Long Range MIRV Launchers)
        • Light: 3 (EM Cannons)
        • PD: 2 (PD Lasers)
      • Speed: 5 {Cost +10} (Inertialess Drive)
      • Defense: 10 (Medium Armor + Sheilds)
      • Electronics: 5 (ECM & ECCM)
      • Morale: 10 {25 Free}
        • Discipline: 5
        • Improved Communications: 5
        • Improved Missile Guidance: 5
    • Troopship: 90
      • Description: Troopship, can carry up to 400 points of ground Military. Shields are large enough to partially protect troops as they disembark.
      • Special: 20 (Can carry up to 400 points of ground military)
      • Firepower: 0 {20 Points}
        • Heavy: 15 (Rotary Inertialess AutoCannons)
        • PD: 5 (PD Lasers [Can also function as antipersonnel])
      • Speed: 10 {Cost +16} (Inertialess Drive)
      • Defense: 0 {17 Points}
        • Armor: 5 (Monomolecular Armor)
        • Shields: 12 (Large Gravitic Shielding Array)
      • Electronics: 7 (FTL Linked ECM)
      • Morale: 10 {25 Free}
        • Discipline: 5
        • Improved Communications: 5
        • Improved Fire Control: 5
    • Assault Carrier: 90
      • Description: Specialized carrier designed to carry atmospheric craft.
      • Special: 25 (Can carry up to 500 points of aircraft)
      • Firepower: 0 {15 Points}
        • Light: 10 (Laser AutoCannons)
        • PD: 5 (PD Lasers [Can also function as antipersonnel])
      • Speed: 5 {Cost +16} (Inertialess Drive)
      • Defense: 0 {19 Points}
        • Armor: 5 (Monomolecular Armor)
        • Shields: 14 (Large Gravitic Shielding Array)
      • Electronics: 10 (FTL Linked ECM)
      • Morale: 10 {25 Free}
        • Discipline: 5
        • Improved Communications: 5
        • Improved Fire Control: 5
    • Siegeship: 60
      • Description: A massive ship designed to lay siege to entire planets. Cannot move in battle but can move on strategic scale to enter orbit of hostile planets. Includes a small C&C center to coordinate invasions.
      • Firepower: 0 {30 Points}
        • Heavy: 15 (Orbital Bombardment Cannons)
        • Light: 10 (Plasma Cannons)
        • PD: 5 (PD Lasers)
      • Speed: -10 {Cost +10} (Inertialess Drive)
      • Defense: 0 {20 Points}
        • Armor: 10 (Monomolecular Armor)
        • Shields: 10 (Gravitic Shielding Array)
      • Electronics: 10 (FTL Linked C&C)
      • Morale: 10 {25 Free}
        • Discipline: 5
        • Improved Communications: 5
        • FTL Linked C&C: 5
  • Initial Composition of Military: 300 (600 Cap)
    • 1 Battleship: 60 {240 Left}
    • 4 Escort Carrier Squadrons: 40 {200 Left}
    • 3 Cruiser Squadrons: 30 {170 Left}
    • 5 Destroyer Squadrons: 50 {120 Left}
    • 2 Space Marine Divisions: 30 {90 Left}
    • 2 Combat Transport Divisions: 20 {70 Left}
    • 1 Traitor Legion: 60 {10 Left}
    • 10 Cannon Fodder: 10 {0 Left}

The reformist military is focused around the use of a few highly powerful or specialized ships and large numbers of smaller, less powerful, ships to take up the escort and patrol roles. The neglecting of the conventional military in the wake of the Imperator's construction the Reformists have been forced to rely on their weaker, less specialized, ships. Most of the pre-Visitor navy has been lost to attrition in the border conflicts the Empire forced the Reformists into. I have some ideas for specialist ships to expand the navy but don't have the military points for more than the basics.

An Engine, or multiple Engines, would handle the majority of Earth's spaceborn defenses. Meanwhile a mid-sized fleet of conventional starships would escort troopships and assault carrier to the planet in order to establish a beachhead. The only really irreplaceable parts of the landing force are the shield generators and the artillery, anything else could be replaced by almost any other unit of remotely similar purpose.
  • 2 Battleships: 120
  • 1 Missile Battleship: 60
  • 8 Battlecruisers: 240
  • 4 Missile Cruisers: 120
  • 10 Cruiser Squadrons: 100 [40 Cruisers Total]
  • 10 Destroyer Squadrons: 100 [100 Destroyers Total]
  • 10 PD Destroyer Squadrons: 100 [150 PD Destroyers Total]
  • 10 Escort Carrier Squadrons: 100 [30 Escort Carriers Total]
  • 2 Siege Ships: 180
  • 6 Troopships: 270 {2400 Ground Unit Capacity}
  • 2 Assault Carriers: 180 {1000 Air Unit Capacity} [355 Space Units Total] (10 Ships for the actual assault and 345 as escorts to protect against any elements of the Imperial fleet not occupied by your main space force.)
  • 6 Superheavy Artillery: 600 {1800 Ground Unit Capacity}
  • 2 Mobile Shield Generators: 200 {1600 Ground Unit Capacity}
  • 16 Space Marine Divisions: 240 {1360 Ground Unit Capacity} [16,000 Space Marines Total]
  • 16 Combat Transport Divisions: 160 {1200 Ground Unit Capacity} [1,600 Combat Transports Total]
  • 5 Traitor Legions: 300 {900 Ground Unit Capacity} [5,000 Traitor Legionaries Total]
  • 20 Hovertank Divisions: 300 {600 Ground Unit Capacity} [2,000 Hovertanks Total]
  • 100 Light Infantry Drone Divisions: 300 {300 Ground Unit Capacity} [1,000,000 Light Infantry Drones Total]
  • 50 Heavy Infantry Drone Divisions: 300 {0 Ground Unit Capacity Remaining} [500,000 Heavy Infantry Drones Total]
  • 30 Interceptor Drone Divisions: 300 {700 Air Unit Capacity Remaining} [30,000 Interceptor Drones Total] (No Troopship Space, Carrier Space Used)
  • 50 Fighter Drone Divisions: 500 {200 Air Unit Capacity Remaining} [50,000 Fighter Drones Total] (No Troopship Space, Carrier Space Used)
  • 20 CAS Drone Divisions: 200 {0 Air Unit Capacity Remaining} [20,000 CAS Drones Total] (No Troopship Space, Carrier Space Used)
Total Points: 4,970
Would most likely require an combined fleet from multiple nations to assemble an equivalent force. One nation could probably achieve the required numbers if they focused on the conventional military but they would probably be vulnerable to interception by more Engine focused nations and, depending on Engine power and enemy fleet strength, might have trouble with the Imperial Fleet (I'm assuming the Imperial Home Fleet [Or whatever its called] is 10,000 points or above with a minimum of 2,000 points of Imperial ground units on Earth itself). Long term it would probably be much more viable, especially for nations with high military support, but a serious attempt at occupying Earth will probably require an alliance. (Unless we can expand our population and military limits through conquest, in which case it would be possible for a single nation to grow enough to take on the Imperials)
Engine: 1,750 Points + 500 Points + 130 Morale(Bigger is ALWAYS Better){1.1 Visitor Adaption Bonus * ( 350 Points Base + 50% Wealth/Construction )=385+142.5n} %n is quarters used to take on debt + quirks%

  • Debt: 1 quarter of debt in Construction gives 142.5 Points.
  • Name: Imperator
  • Description: A massive ship the size of a small moon, the Imperator contains the nation's entire population, not mention its industry and research complexes. The initial plan was to take the Imperator into orbit around Earth, destroy the Imperial fleet, and land an invasion. However, the sheer size of the Imperator was underestimated. While the construction was successful the finished Engine had numerous quirks. Unfortunately, one of these defects prevented the Imperator from safely achieving orbit, forcing the Reformist's to rethink their plan.
  • Firepower: 100 [550 Points] {1,300 Remaining Points + 400 Remaining Points}
    • Spinal "Annihilator Cannon": 150 (Superheavy Inertialess Cannon loaded with Antimatter Annihilation Shells. 1% Defense Penetration, increasing proportionally with the antimatter boost.) [Tied to Matter-Energy Equivalence] {Does a massive amount of damage per shot but isn't turreted and cannot track, rendering it almost useless against agile targets.}
    • Exotic "Distortion Field": 100 (Utilizes manipulation of space-time to convert the structure, and crew, of enemy ships within 1km of the Imperator's surface to energy to fuel and repair the Engine) [Tied to Space-Time Warping and Matter-Energy Equivalence] {Gives DoT to nearby enemies. Heals and expands Imperator. Doesn't do as much damage per shot as the Death Ray but deals damage constantly to all targets. Best against close combat craft. Almost useless against craft with medium to long range weapons. Can cause premature detonation of enemy explosive projectiles.}
    • Heavy "Death Rays": 100 (Multiple batteries of Spacial-Temporal Shear Cannons. Basically a powered down version of the distortion field focused in a beam instead of a field for increased located effect. Distortion is more severe but is also more localized and the cannons cannot maintain the beam indefinitely as with the field. [Do not point at others]) [Tied to Space-Time Warping] {More power per shot but has less coverage and doesn't fire as fast. Unsuitable for fending off large numbers of small craft but is devastating against larger craft.}
    • Light: 50 (Numerous batteries of Plasma, Particle Beam, and EM Cannons) {Lower power per shot but more shots spread over a greater area, best against small to mid-sized craft.}
    • PD "Hadrian's Wall": 50 (Huge networked system of fast tracking PD Lasers. Lasers warp space-time and can insta-kill strikecraft as well as munitions. [Do not point at face]) [Tied to Space-Time Warping] {Lowest power per shot but can fire rapidly and change targets with extreme speed. Has full overlapping coverage of entire engine. Does major bonus damage against munitions and strikecraft. Only really good for destroying fighters, bombers, and missiles, but is extremely good at what it does.}
  • Defenses: 0 [450 Points] {1,000 Remaining Points + 250 Remaining Points}
    • Shields "The Twilight Zone": 150 (The space around the Engine rejects the laws of reality as space and time are bent beyond their breaking point. Those who enter this zone without aid from the Imperator will find an indescribable realm of madness capable of driving men to madness with its geometry alone. Forces SAN check for enemy pilots approaching the Engine and changes both the time and place of their reappearance. A missile might shoot out of the field and obliterate an enemy ship seconds before its firing and an enemy engine might find themselves exiting a week after the battle on the other side of the solar system.) [Tied to Space-Time Warping and Matter-Energy Equivalence] {Think Lovecraftian "Alien physics drive you mad" type of stuff}
    • Shields "Pax Romana": 300 (Creates an impenetrable barrier that will last as long the Engine's matter reserves hold out. Is impenetrable to all forms of light and radiation, making the Imperator appear to be a "hole" in reality. While enemies can still detect the Imperator by looking for strange blind spots they will be unable to obtain a lock, reducing their accuracy and coordination.) [Tied to Space-Time Warping and Matter-Energy Equivalence]
  • Speed: 0 [620 with a penalty of 420+100=520.] (100 without antimatter, 200 with) {470 Remaining Points + 150 Remaining Points}
    • Inertialess FTL Engines "Roads of Rome": 620 (Moves through both space and time with the power generated by mass-energy conversion. Allows FTL movement outside of battle, making all strategic level movement instantaneous. Is capable of sub-light tactical movement at speeds approaching 0.01c.) [Tied to Space-Time Warping and Matter-Energy Equivalence]
  • Ship Complement "Legions of Rome": Can hold 3000 points of conventional military. Ships larger than strikecraft cannot enter or exit during battle. [Tied to Space-Time Warping]
  • Construction "Mare Nostrum": Can convert mass consumed by the Distortion Field to construction points. (Uses matter-energy-matter conversion to construction stuff) [Tied to Space-Time Warping and Matter-Energy Equivalence]
  • Electronics: 50 [150 Points] {320 Remaining Points}
    • EM Warfare "Ministry of Truth": 100 (Allows FTL communication and sensors, adding "Glory of Rome" bonus to fleet Enhanced Communications morale bonus. Disables/Controls all enemy missile guidance. Can interfere with enemy communications and computers. Can extend interference to full control of enemy electronics.) [Tied to Space-Time Warping]
  • Alteration: 100 [330 Points] {0 Remaining Points}
    • Area Control: 50
    • Flux: 90
    • Utility: 90
  • Permutations:
    • Matter-Energy Equivalence: Allows control and conversion of matter and energy. Allows generation of exotic matter. Increase a single stat by 100% for the duration of 1 battle. Has one use a turn. Is twice as effusive on the Annihilator Cannon and the Pax Romana. Uses can be saved for later turns.
    • Temporal Warping: Can warp time.
    • Spacial Warping: Can manipulate space.
    • Space-Time Warping: Not an additional permutation but rather the shorthand for Temporal and Spacial Warping used in tandem.
  • Morale: 45{25 {free} + 60 Points + 70 Points}
    • Discipline: 25
    • Enhanced Communication: 10
    • Augmented Crew: 25
    • Enhanced C&C "SPQR": 50 (Uses FTL communication/sensors coordinate fleet) [Tied to Space-Time Warping]
  • Quirks: (+1,282.5 Points for building from 9 quirk-levels and 570 from another 4. {Quirk-levels refers to quirks' ability to give multiple bonuses at higher penalty levels} [All but 13? quirks will be removed for final build, extras have been added to ensure that enough valid quirks exist.])
    • New Home: The ship holds the Imperial Reformist's entire population. This will make it impossible to keep the Engine a secret from the Imperials for more than a turn and force a war to escape their dominion. Damage that penetrates the armor reduces population.
    • Industrial Moonship: All of the Reformist's industry is onboard the engine. Damage that penetrates the armor reduces industrial score.
    • Economic Moonship: The entire Reformist economy is onboard the engine. Damage that penetrates the armor reduces wealth score.
    • Oversized Crew: Most of your naval personnel are tied up staffing the Imperator, expanding the conventional military will require increased automation. +100% to cost of conventional military.
    • Overconfident Citizens: Your civilians have absolute confidence in the Imperator's ability to defend the Utopia at its core. If the Imperator's shields fall they will immediately panic and attempt to surrender.
    • Military Hubris: Your military leadership is convinced of the Imperator's impunity against conventional military. Cannot use heavy or primary weapons (or exotic matter boost if its allowed) unless fighting another engine with more than 50 points in any one category.
    • Fragile Core: The Imperator's core contains research complexes, habitats, and shipyards. This weakens the structural integrity of the hull, once the shields fail damage to the hull is doubled.
    • Hyper-Dense Armor: The Imperator utilizes its armored shell as an additional shell of hyper-dense matter to fuel its battles. Unfortunately, this makes repairs both expensive and time consuming, doubling both the cost and the time needed to repair.
    • High-Density Matter Reactor: The Imperator fuels itself by converting the vast quantities of hyper-dense matter that make up its form to energy. This provides great power but at a cost; If the great reactors should ever fail the vast amounts of ultra-compressed matter, no longer stabilized by the Engine's control over space-time, will implode, forming a singularity. Kills entire population, destroys all infrastructure, destroys all wealth, destroys nation, and forms a Hazard (The Black Hole) on destruction or disablement. This black hole is relatively small and is only a danger to ships within 10km. {Personally I think this should be worth at least three quirk-levels given that it opens up a massive point of failure.}

The core of the reformist strategy, the Imperator is designed to be able to defeat any fleet, conventional or Visitor. The Annihilator Cannon is intended as a direct countermeasure to enemy Leviathans, (hopefully) capable of destroying a moon sized chunk of Visitor Tech in a single shot, albeit at the cost of disabling the Cannon for an hour. The EM Warfare suite is intended to weaken the enemy fleet while strengthening the Imperator's fleet. The antimatter generation gives tactical flexibility and helps to overcome the speed penalty (If the bonus applied to pre-penalty speed the Imperator would be insane.) The PD and Light weaponry handle missiles, strikecraft, and the smaller naval threats. The Heavy weaponry handles larger naval threats and assists the Annihilator Cannon against the most powerful threats. The exotic weaponry is designed to counter agile enemies with focus on close combat. The Imperator is basically a smallish moon with a number of hollow areas on the inside to accommodate the Reformist's industry and population, as well as a large fleet.
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Ay dunno if it's still open for posting or not, but here we go...

Good ol' Earth isn't what it used to be anymore. Anyone who takes a walk through the verdant crop fields of Scandinavia could tell you that....
And the PPERI- Greenfly Initiative for short- Feels somewhat directly responsible for that.
Their story is a long chequered one. The initiative started as a handful of NGO in the late 21th century, composed of the handfuls of ecoengineers that did not move to rockier but far more financially rewarding pastures like Mars or the Moon and a lot of hired help. Their main focus back then was somewhat scattershot: Mapping the DNA of several soon-to-be-extinct animal species, trying to grow coral reefs inside artificial environs, finding a way to modify native species to survive the rapidly changing climate...

Those were not happy years for the soon-to-be-Greenfly Initiative. Hampered by territorial disputes and competing initiatives, constantly prowling for funds, always losing personnel to the constant exodus to the stars, the various NGOs had to merge together and pool their resources- They had to learn how to improvise and how to play upwhat little political influence they could muster...All in the name of their original mission statement of "fixing" the Earth. They hadn't done enough, they thought. They should have not hesitated to sacrifice more, to go further...

WHen the NUN came a-knocking on their doors, the few handfuls of remaining Initiative members were faced with a simple binary choice: Either work for the NUN, or hand over all of their research to them.
Surprisngly enough, the Initiative chose the latter. After dumping their entire datacache in the soon-to-be-Roman Empire's hands, the members all looked each other in the eyes, nodded, and walked away, scattering to the four winds...

.........Only to meet up several months later in a run-down farming ship in Jupiter's orbit, read to lay down the foundations of the PPERI. Reborn as a non-profit, research-oriented space-faring NGO, the Initiative set out to make a difference in the outer system. Ever so slowly, the organization grew both in numbers and size, eventually managing to create a stable orbital: Gargantia Station, a wondrous testbed for many state-of-the-art ecoengineering technologies- A place that houses and gives work to thousand...

Of course, there are many who are envious of the Initiative's newfound success, and....Rumors have started to circulate around the Greenfly Initiative's true purpose. Some say that their higher-ups are just waiting for a chance to strike back at the Roman Empire- That they are secretly building some sort of army to take back Earth and that they are conducting weird, unethical experiments in the name of "purifying" the planet....
And those are only the less fantastic rumors.

A few crackpots even go as far as to say that the Initiative has somehow managed to build some sort of Vulgar Engine, and that it's just waiting- No, itching for a chance to deploy it....Some say that it is a massive thing that is half insect, half-lizard ad half-machine, with components partially fished out of Jupiter- And point out how its suppsoed construction coincided with the sudden disappearence from public life of Myriam Kolostos, one of PPERI's most brilliant biotechnicians.

Of course, this is just baseless speculation. After all, PPERI is only working for a better future for Earth and her inhabitants....

Whether they like it or not.

Location: Jupiter/ Orbit.

Population: Minor Orbital (0/32 points.)
Gargantia Station is PPERI's main and most important holding: A massive collection of various farming domes and assorted biolabs vaguely shaped like a sphere- Surrounded by four multi-kilometer rings filled with verdant jungle. The vast majority of the Initiative's population and resources are concentrated here, and security is at its highest here.
National Advantage: 4 (6 points.)

-Human Plus:
The Greenfly Initiative is more than happy to give access to a wide variety of quality-of-life-enhancing treatments to its employees and members- Ranging from experimental biotech procedures to cybernetic limbs and the occasional life-extension. Please pay no heed about the tabloid-worthy stories s about "beastmen" and "organic combiguns" and "Void Spiders."
-Orbital Refrain:
PPERI believes in self-sutainability and in-house production. As a result, most if not all of its infrastructure is directly linked and built in Gargantia- Be it ships, biotechnology, tools or entertainement. Even the Initiative's own security corps all use in-house technology!

-Superior Biotechnology:
The Greenfly Initiative is at the forefront of many scientific fields, but biotech remains their speciality. From medicines to artifical limbs, among such things as living clothes, self-healing pod-houses, ad hoc genetically engineered pets..All for a modest price. After all, research does not pay itself...Most times.
-Load-Bearing State. [Provides Biotech for Jupiter.]:
Please ignore the rumors about the Initiative enforcing strict market rules to drive away competitors and forcing their standards of living on neutral colonies because "It is better for you." It is just baseless speculation.
National Disadvantages: 2 (+2 points.)

-A House Divided:

The various sectors and aspects of your nation- Such as wealth, infrastructure, military and such- Are controlled by different, often opposed political factions with their own agenda and guidelines. Failing to meet them during every quarter will be met with a loss of efficiency in a specific sector.

-Sole Activator. [The Kolostos Family.]

Prosperity: 3 (3 points.)
While not exactly the most rich corporation, PPERI does treat its members well- Gargantia offers beautiful recreations of Earth's old environs to live in, and employees have access to modern if not state-of-the-art recreation facilities, not to mention things like fresh produce and actual, living plants. The Initiative's doors are open to anyone who wants to give mankind a better future, and it sponsors seminars and awareness events in various colonies as well, aiming to make people understand just how much was lost, and what can be done to recover it.

Wealth: 3 (3 points. (120)
PPERI finances itself through selling things like ad-hoc foodstuffs, treatments for diseases, terraformers and the like to whoever needs them. Almost all of the revenue goes into eithr expanding Gargantia itself by adding new modules or undertaking research projects, with the remaining funds being funneled into the Initiative's security, PR and HR deparments.

Infrastructure: 4 (3 points.) (140)
The hodgepodge exterior of Gargantia hides a complex, vast system of production modules, fabbers and laboratories that produces any tool or machinery that the Initiative may need, all according to PPERI's in-house-philosophy. The station itself is built with multiple redundant sets of any utility system conceivable, and the Initiative even runs a fleet of harvester ships, which- Coupled with the research in renewable energy forms- Allows PPERI to be mostly self-sufficient.
Military Support: 1 (1 point)
The Initiative's Security Corps have been voted Most Ecologically Conscious NGO Security Of The Outer System for ten years straight, and they are considered a sad necessity by most of the Initiative due to the tumultous nature of the Outer System. Despite what some crackpots may want you to belive, there is no stouch thing as a shadow army, and PPERI is almost certainly not developing a fleet of stealthed attack vessels to strike back at the Romans.
Military Quality: 2 (3 points.)
The Security Corps' duites run the gamut from station security to escorting survey ships to overseeing seminaries and helping flegling colonies. As a result, members undergo a rigorous training regimen that is coupled with augmentations of various kinds. Of course, some like to believe that the Corps are merely a decoy for training an army of posthuman entities- And that the Initiative is breeding hybrids and absurdly advanced biotech weapons...

Engine Size: 1 (2 points.)
Engine Complexity: 3 (6 points.)
Homeland Support: 0

Visitor Integration: 1 (4 point.)



Research Laboratories: 700
Fabrication Array: 500
Old Earth Biome Reconstructions: 200
Point Defense System: 200.

Dragon. (Dragon of the East.)
Points: (00/480)
(200 base points+ 56 points from 40% infrastructure pooling +14 points from Rank 1 Visitor adaptation (10% of production bonus.) 140 points from the two quirks. 70 points from 1 Quarter Industry debt.)
Permutation: Electromagnetism Manipulation/ Matter Manipulation/ Inertia Manipulation.
Firepower: 70
(Twin-Linked Matter Distortion Lances// /Melee/ Harp Of Endings )

Defenses: 30 (Self-Repair Nanohives/Quickmatter Carapace// Extremophile Fluff)
Stealth: 80 (Holoprojector// Multi-Light Camouflage)
Speed: 85 (Plasma Thorax// Solar Sail Wings.)
Electronics: 30 [Quantum Entanglement Uplink/IRIS Pod]

Alteration: 50
The Moonlight Song [30] [Keyed To Matter Manipulation]
The Engine opens her mouth and begins to sing a song that resonates with the surrounding matter on a quantum level- Accelerating isotopic decay in metals while accelerating organic growth. Plants and flesh bloom as ships and armour turn to rust, heralding a new age.
-Mycetic Nanoshroud [30] [Keyed To Matter Manipulation]
The Harbinger releases a thick cloud of nanospores that cling to nearby units and acts as ablative armor- Enhancing their armour and hampering enemy by slowing them down.

Area Control: 30
Flux: 25
Utility: 30

Morale: 15
-Superior Navigation: 5
-Orbital Combat: 5


-The Harbinger is accompanied in battle by two squads of Coryphei-Class Amplifier Drones that enhance her manipulation capabilities. Despite their speed and cloaking capabilities the drones are unarmed, with a non-existent amount of armour. Taking a squad of them down will reduce the Engine's Metric Alteration stats by 25%, to a max of 50%.

-The Engine crosses large distances thanks to a beautiful pair of solar wings...That are also quite frail when unfolded. Destroying them will prevent the Harbinger from escaping the battlefield.

Cost: 10

"Eh, the boys aren't exactly what I'd call a top-notch band of soldiers. Sure, the augs give them that little extra oomph that let us break bar brawls faster, but I'd never send them to bother an Eurabian drone, not even with air support.."
-Head Of Security J. Le Roi.

Firepower: 2 (Glazer SMGs/Electrified Stun Batoons)
Defense: 1 (AraSteel SpiderSilk Suits (TM))
Speed: 2 (Enhanced HB-Type Senses//Boosted Leg Musculature.)
Stealth: 3 (ChamoCamo Mesh (TM))
Sensor: 2 (IRIS Feedback System.)

Morale: 5
-Urban Combat: 5
Cost: 10

"Oh, those guys. Yeah, when it comes to busting down doors and shooting up sycophants, rebels, drug dealers, terrorists and the like there's no one else I'd pick. Sure, they are a bit on the loony side, what with all the weird dog motives and the fixation on the honor of the pack....Which is bullshit. I mean they work for the corp with the highest density of biologists for square meter and no one ever bothered to tell them that it's wolves who do the pack thng?"
-J. Le Roi.

Known as Corehounds due to the dog-head-like shape of their helmets and their ample usage of the ARGOS K9 biomorph, those mercenaries are yet another company secretly owned by the Initiative. The Corehounds are used in peacekeeping actions, drug busts, patrolling and a variety of other activities the actual PPERI security corps wouldn't be caught dead doing, and they often throw themselves in with gusto, resulting in...Less than savory rumors about them on various media channels. They are indeed frigtheningly efficient, using wolfpack tactics and an array of sensors to flush out their enemies.

Firepower: 2 (Variable Ammo Rail-Carabines// Back-Mounted Variable Ammo Emplacements)
Speed: 2 (Jump-Packs//Myomer Exoskeletons// Myomer Canine Muscles)
Defense: 2 (Modular Carapace Armor)
Electronics: 1 (CATSeye Tracking System//Enhanced Senses)
-Networking: 1 (AR Overlay)
Survey Equipment: 2 (Muller Scanners)
Jamming: 0

Morale: 8
Pack Tactics: 5
Stalking: 5
Ferocity: 2
Urban Warfare: 5
"The irony of an Initiative bent on saving the environment making mechs based on woodcutting equipment is lost on exactly no one.Yes, it is awful. Yes, using them to raze buidlings and level colonies even more so. Now I could make a long spiel about rebirth from destruction and yadda yadda whatever, but I have to go, as those freaks of nature do not code their own genome by themselves........
-Dr. G. Hansley.

Compact, fast and easy to repair and maintain, the Cicada is first and foremost a good reconaissance and construction mech- And secondly, after some muscle retooling and a few crates of 20mmm ammo that fell out of the cargo bay of a Roman freighter, frighteningly efficient harassers. The fact that the modfications can be done in a garage with a box of scraps (And a railgun) and that they can be easily remote- piloted by anyone with even the most basic knowldege of how mechs work have made them a favorite for quick deployment together with Corehounds and non-spec ops forces.

The Cicadas' main attack patterns tend to involve hopping from place to place, using their jumpjets and long legs to maneuver around as they pelt enemy forces with rounds and sometimes pieces of rubble. It is also not uncommon for pilots to just flat-out land on targets- And it's not rare for the engineers modifying the frame to leave in all the various cutting tools, sharp bits and other unpleasant implements, which often leads to a lot of Cicadas having to be hosed down after the battle's over...

Cost: 6

Firepower: 2 (20mmm railgun // Endosteel Cutting Implements.)
Defenses: 1 (Endosteel Plating.)
Speed: 3 (Ungulate-derived myomer-fiber/Jumpjets)
Electronics: 0 (Standard Template Piloting Seat)
Morale: 10
Urban Combat: 5
Jungle Combat: 5
Guerrilla: 5
Cost: 8
"Those things are near damn ubiquitous. They stick them into cruiers, dropships, carriers, APCs, habs, toilets, wardrobes, festival floats..And yet, there's even a surplus, as the Board just...Doesn't even order them anymore. They let the AIs fab the ladybugs in accordance to the projection algorythms, and the buggers always like to err on the side of caution.....
...Which is more or less why we ended up with the "Free Ladybug Sunday" thing."
-Dr. G. Hansley.

If you were to ask the researchers who programmed the ladybugs about their nature, they'd say that the machines run on complex algorythms derived from years of behavioral studies on ants and bees in order to maximize workflow and task distribution- That their chasis is the result of dozen of studies focused on how to make every single part as least ecologically damaging as possible and as cheap as they came, with the drone being designed for a hundred diferent tasks.

If you asked anyone else instead, they'd say that the ladybugs' exact nature is a toss-up between a flying tool box and one of those cheap plastic toys you'd find in meals in some fast food chains. Both answers are equally right, as the ladybugs have been designed to be easy to mass produce, easy to customize and easy to deploy in large quantities in any battlefield- All of this while being cute and spreading brand awareness.There is little that a horde of networked ladybugs can not accomplish, be it ECW jamming or repairing structures and vehicles on the fly..

Of course, "Little" is also the amount of damage a ladybug can take before falling apart like the cheap plastic toys it aesthetically, and the amount of damage they can dish out is similarly nonexistant.

Firepower: 0
Defenses: 0
Speed: 1 (Magnetic Wheels// Hoverjets)
Electronics: 2 (Decentralized IRIS uplink// )
Jamming: 2 (Buzzer (TM) ECW/Monitoring System)
Repair: 3 (Myomer Repair Nanopaste/QuickFoam)

Morale: 10
Urban Combat: 5
Zero-G Maneuvers: 10

Cost: 41

Codename RED was the crown jewel of Project Primordia, the Initiative's attempt to tap into the long-gone biospheres of Earth through genetic engineering in order to create morphs as smart as humans and as strong and durable as the animals used for their base. The teams working on it were carefully handpicked from the smartest, most dedicated and faithful scientists PPERI had on its payroll, and they were given access to state-of-the-art equipment and the most advanced laboratories Gargantia housed, for the task was nothing short of Herculean: Dozens of biologists and DNA specialists had to sift through hundreds of different genetic codes and iron out every single imperfection as behavioralists and AI researchers designed interfaces and enhancements that would further bootstrap the specimen's intelligence. Eventually, the first batch of specimen was decanted, andf...

Not a single speciman could be forced to do anything but feed and sleep after being decanted. They were supposedly flawless both biologically and mentally, but yet they were utterly feral- Unwilling or incapable of communicating. The whole batch snapped and growled at each other when in the same enclosure, interacting only when there was something to eat. . Injections of dozens of terabytes of information through their augmentation were met with blank stares, and any and all attempt to instruct them resulted in them rolling over to nap. MRIs and direct neural links revealed what appeared to be blank states, devoid of any sort of personality.

The scientists were ready to pull the plug when one of them suggested a fairly straightforward solution: Go over to the enclosure and try to interact with them. This was followed by mockery- And stunned silence as the man proceeded to suit up in a light mech and head out to the pen. He took a hesitant step into the jungle-like environ, turned to the nearest specimen and-

He was promptly jumped over by the six other specimen, who proceeded to dismantle the mech's tools and use them to force the door open.

Three hours, sixty titanium-tipped tranquillizer darts and billions in damage later, the members of Codename RED realized that they had in fact succeeded beyond any expectation. The specimen were in fact intelligent enough to understand such concepts as "Playing dumb" and far, far more technologically apt than the scientists ever imagined- To the point of being able to understand how to best us and replicate the camouflage system they had been implanted with, how to open door despite the fact that they were nearly three meters at the time of their hatching, and how to operate computers and AIs. In fact, they were just bored with their enclosure. The Initiative's board was thoroughly pleased with them, and offered them a place in PPERI's army.

Renamed to SCARLET CLAWs, the specimen are equipped with state-of-the-art railguns packing smart projectiles, molecular acid canisters, high-frequency blade and a technorganic power armour reverse-engineered from the Harbinger's own carapace, together with an inertia-dampering jetpack mixed with Cicada-derived jumpunits. They are tenacious and smart combatants, capable of adapting on the fly to any battlefield situation- Called in to deal with only the most dangerous foes, their tactical capabilities are said to incite fear in even the most hardened veteran.

Others think that it might be due to the fact that they look like and act like antropomorphic T-Rexes with a dash of raptor, dolphin and crocodile DNA throw in.

Firepower: 4 (Twin-Linked Anti-Tank Railguns// Molecular Acid Spitters// Anti-Ship HF Blade]
-Artillery: 3 (Apex Tactical Twin-Linked Plasma Mortars)
Defence: 5 (Regenerating Smartmatter Carapace// Caduceus Self-Repairing Nanohive)
Speed: 3 (Buzzard Personal Inertialess Jetpack// Myomer FIber Musculature)
Electronics: 5 (IRIS Uplink// CATSeye Sensor Array.)
Jamming: 2
Stealth: 8 (Smartmatter Armor Coating/Light Distortion Holoprojector)

Morale : 5
Ferocity: 10
Awe-Inspiring-Appearance: 10
Cost: 9

One can say that the PPERI lab-rats underwent a really big quality jump when they were uplifted, going fromn mere lab anomals to frontline infantry and demoliton experts. Thanks to their natural agility, resistance to a lot of poisons and in-built paraonia they are the perfect choice for urban combat and less-than-savory demolition efforts.

Firepower: 1 (Assault Railguns)
Demolition: 2 (Molecular Acid Grenades/Metallic Arachea-Type DemoCharges)
Speed: 3 (Lorentz Forces Limb Micropads// Enhanced Musculature))
Defense: 1 (Silkweave Defensive Wetsuit. )
Electronics: 0 (CATSeye Tracking System//Decentralized IRIS Uplink// Really Big Ears)

Morale: 10
Fighting For Survival: 5
Guerrilla: 5
Tunnel Rats: 5
Cost: 8
"I do not know what freaks me out the most. Maybe it is the way those huge ears of theirs flop around. Maybe it's the red eyes with visible cybernetics.....Or maybe it's just how damn happy they seem to be at the prospect of shooting people up.
I mean, have you seen one of them smile? There is a reason God did not give rabbits facial muscles.."
-Dr. I Morrell.

Sister brigade to the Nezumi-type Light Combat brigades, the Mochis are made up exclusively of one of PPERI's most ingenous and ethically grey creations, the wonderful Lepus+ Biomorphs- Or, as the other brigades often call them, "Gunbunnies."

Firepower: 1 (Silenced Black Widow Anti-Material Rifle//Sub-Sonic Ammunition.)
Speed: 3 (Cybernetically-Enhanced Leporine/Kangaroo Hybrid Musculature.)
Defense: 0 (Lots Of Pouches/Tactical Webbing/ )
Electronics: 3 (CATSeye Tracking System//Decentralized IRIS Uplink// Really Big Ears)
Jamming: 1 (ECW Suite)

Morale: 7
Fighitng Retreat: 3
Tenacity: 5
Guerrilla: 5
Long-distance fighting: 5
Cost: 8

"One more bull joke, and I am quitting this project."
-Dr. I. Morrell.

Firepower: 2 (Variable Ammo Railgun/ Labyrnthia HF Axe)
-Air Defenses: 2 (ICarus AA Missile System)
Defenses: 2 (Minoan Combat Carapace)
Speed: 1 (Stabilizing Platforms)
Electronics: 1 (Decentralized IRIS Uplink)

Morale: 10
Charging In: 5
Urban Deployments. 5
Close Quarters: 5
"Well, on one hand we have solved the energy problem. On the other, I am not sure how kosher the whole "Gigantic humanoid mecha eating people and things" aspect is, and I am not sure what the Board's reaction will be."
-Dr. I. Morrell.

"We need ten of those, and we needed them yesterday."
Boards Of Internal Scientific Review.

Cost: 10

Firepower: 4 (Shoulder-mounted Railgun//Jackhammer Fists)
Defenses: 3 (Reactive Thermal Plating/ Really Big Muscles)
Speed: 2 (Really, /Really/ BigMyomer Muscles)
Electronics: 1 (Back-Up Cyberized Simian Brain)

Morale: 10
Ferocity: 5
Ripping People Apart: 5
Close Quarters: 5
Cost: 8
"Yeah, they are sort of insane. Yeah, using thermal lances against people is warcrimey, and kicking them to deah even more so- Or is it the inverse? Anyhow, yeah, Fireflies do have a pretty bad rep for a pretty good reason. It still doesn't change the fact that they are utterly useful."
-J. Le Roi.

Firepower: 2 (Thermal Lances/Thermite Termite Charges)
Defenses: 2 (EVA/Reentry-Rated Carapace Armor)
Speed: 3 (Jetpacks//Ungulate-Based Landing Exolegs)
Electronics: 1 (EC Spectrum Visor )

Morale: 10
On-Ship-Combat: 5
Zero-G Maneuvers: 5
Bad Tempers: 5

Cost: 11

Firepower: 3 (Narwhal Anti-Ship Railgun// Point Defense Ventral/dorsal Laser Batteries)
-Torpedo: 2 (Barracude Cold-Launched Drone Torpedo)
Defense: 2 (Argentium (TM) Combat Plating)
Speed: 1 (Inertia Dampers)
Electronics: 2 (Centralized IRIS uplink// CATSeye Aiming Array)
Survery Equipment: 1 (Solo Scanning Rig)

Morale: 10
Picket: 10
Orbital Maneuvers: 5
Cost: 13

Firepower: 1 (Point-Defense Dorsal/Ventral Lasers)
Drone Compartment: 2 (Cold-Launched Limpet Suicide Drones.)
Defense: 0
Speed: 1 (Inertia Dampers)
Electronics: 3 (Centralized IRIS uplink//
Jamming: 3 (ECW Suite)
Stealth: 3 (Reflective Coating)

Morale: 15
Boarding Ops: 5
Silent Running: 5
Cost: 14

Firepower: 0
Drone Fighter Compartment: 3 (Remora-Class Airspace Fighter Drones)
Torpedo: 2 (Lamprey-Class Parasite Torpedo, cold-launched)
On Board Detachement: 2 (Firefly Squads)
Defense: 3 ( Argentum (TM) Carapace)
Speed: 1 (Inertia Dampers)
Electronics: 3 (Centralized IRIS uplink//

Morale: 10
Orbital Engangements: 10
Habitat Engagements: 5

Cost: 29

Firepower: 5 (H.A.R.P. Direct Laser Defenses//Tsunami Plasma Accelerator)
Defense: 5 (Kalua Defensive Scale Plating// Regenerating Superstructure.)
Speed: 3
Electronics: 9 (IRIS Command Pod.)
Survey Equipment: 4 (IRIS Scanner)

Morale: 10
Fleet Command: 10
Orbital Maneuvers: 5

Internal Affairs Security Division X 1 (10)
Corehound Division X 5 (50 pts.)
Ladybug Support X 3 (24)
Cicada Light Mech X 4 (24)
Porpoise-Type Frigate Group X 2 (22)
Manta Drone Carriers X 1 (14)
Oceanus Command Ship X 1 (28)

Orca Light Cruiser X 2 (26)
Manta Drone Carrier X 1 (14)
Nezumi X 2 (18)
Mochi X 2 (16)
Oceanus Command Ship X 1 (28)
Codename SCARLET CLAWS X1 (41)
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I realize this is something of an imposition, but could someone please list the nations posted for me with the players? I'm a little sidelined with training videos for work right now but want to get the reviews done this week.

My goal would be starting the game sometime on Friday.