Vows of vengeance: a fantasy civ quest

The first grand meeting
The debate on how the tribe should be governed took most of the winter before they agreed that the tribe would unite at Oslo and that four time each year, at the shortest day, the longest day and both equinox's the tribe shall meet and debate what to do in the following months. As part of this plan the Lion was send to Visby to move all that lived there to Oslo.

Oslo saw a year with great fishing and decent hunting and farming results and a new field was cleared to increase next years harvest.

The warriors went into the forest to clear out the wolves living near Oslo. Lead by hunters wanting revenge for those killed by the wolves two years before, they killed or drove off all wolves living within a week Traveling of Oslo. And the decision was made to train more woodworkers to make use of the newly secured woods where they cleared two new hunting trails.
During the fall the warriors made one more trip, this time across the river to the swamp to provide an escort as the blacksmith who found bog iron in there.

In the fall the Bear and Lion returned from Visby carrying all that lived there, the villages vising boats and 10 wood.

Based on the current number of the tribe(5 groups of tribesmen, two of woodworkers, one of sailors, one of warriors and a blacksmith hero) you have 3 action available. All rolls are with a D100.
The tribe takes two actions based on the faction system:
Faction Current power Power gained per turn Action they will take
Warriors 1 +1 Craft longbows
Farmers 2 +2 Build a barn for the sheep
hunters 5 +5 Craft longbows
Fishers 6 +6 Build Pier
Sailors 1 +1 Repair a damaged ship
Woodworkers 2 +2 Study woodworking
Tribe 5 +5 Increase food production and happiness
The group with the highest power takes an action and its power is reduced by 50%.

The tribe has 2 food and with average rolls and no food producing actions taken will start the next one with 0 food.
Actions can be taken more then once and results of the earlier ones can be used in the later ones.

[] Go fishing
provides 4 + roll /25 food(fish)

[] Farming
provides 3 + roll /20 food(grain)

[] Hunting
provides 4 + roll /25 food(meat, game)

[] clear out trials for hunting
Each hunting trail increases the amount of food from hunting by 1. You can use as many hunting trails equal to the number of hunters.

[] Log trees
Provides 15 wood.

[] Build a new ship
cost 2 actions, 15 wood and 1 barrel of iron.

[] Repair a damaged ship
costs 5 wood.

[] Salvage a damaged ship
provides 5 wood and 1 barrel of iron, the cut wood allows a free building action

[] Build noble housing
costs 5 wood, houses a single group of nobles.

[] Build fishing boats.
costs 5 wood, Builds a pair of fishing boats, that improve the amount of food produced by a group of fisherman by 1.

[] Build Pier
costs 5 wood, build a pier for the fishing vessels max 1 per 3 groups of fisherman +1 food.

[] Build houses.
costs 5 wood, Improves the moral of the tribe, each build action provides houses for 5 groups.

[] Build a root cellar.
costs 5 wood, Stores up to 12 food(grain or vegetables) and reduces spoilage to 1/3 of the amount stored.

[] Build a barn for the sheep
costs 5 wood, Unlocks options to expand the number of sheep.

[] Build a shrine
costs 10 wood, Increases happiness and allows the training of priests.

[] Craft longbows
cost 5 wood, crafts 10 longbows

[] Dig a ditch and build a earthen wall around the village
Takes 2 actions and provides extra defenses against attacks.

[] Clear fields
Allows additional farmers to work and prevents attackers from hiding in the woods.
Each cleared field increases the amount of food from farming by 1. Each farmer can benefit from 2 cleared fields.

[] send out scouts - [target]
Sends out a group of scouts targets are:
north, up the river
the swamp, at the other side of the river.
south, the coastline
west, deeper into the woods.

[] Send out the Lion on a sailing expedition [target]
Send the lion out on a sailing trip targets are:
[Copenhagen] , the nearest elvish city you can try to trade here.
[The northern coast] , other ships might have ended up here and you can try to find them
[Visby], write in who you are moving you can move 3 groups per sailing mission
[Write in destination] , subject to approval specify where and why you want to sail somewhere.

[] Launch a Raid [target]
For each time the raid action is taken a single ship with 4 groups aboard joins.
[Swedish goblin band] you spotted 50 to 100 goblins here we should wipe them out before they grow in numbers
[Scottish highlands] It is believed that in Scottish highlands goblin are limited to number of small villages with most having less then 200 goblins living in them.
[English coast] if we stay away form the cities we can try raiding the herds of sheep and cows in the countryside.
[write in targets]

[] Train warriors.
Trains a group of tribesmen into warriors.

[] Train nobles.
Trains a group of tribesmen into warriors.
requires noble housing or 10x longbows.
Each group that does not have both gives -1 happiness.

[] Train fishers
Trains a group of tribesmen into fishers.

[] Train hunters
Trains a group of tribesmen into hunters.

[] Train woodworkers
Trains a group of tribesmen into woodworkers.

[] Study woodworking
Study woodworking unlocks new buildings, the production items made of wood and upgrades for woodworkers.

[] conquer more land [target]
Drives out the wildlife and allows the tribe to use the area.
north, up the river
south, to the coast
east, the swamp across the river, contains bog iron.
west, deeper into the woods.

[] Make iron arrowheads.
Costs 1 barrel of iron and provides enough iron arrowhead to equip 15 bowmen
Equipping 5 bowman with iron arrowheads will give the group +2 to combat and hunting rolls.

[] Make iron spearheads.
Costs 1 barrel of iron and provides 10 iron spearheads.
Equipping 5 spearmen with iron spearheads will give the group +5 to combat and hunting rolls.

[] Make iron swords.
Costs 2 barrels of iron and provides 5 swords
Equipping 5 warriors with swords gives +10 to combat.

After this turn the tribe produces three less food then it eats on average rolls, replacing faction actions with food producing ones
A 96 on the roll to move from Visby to Oslo lead to a group of tribesmen becoming sailors(+10 to all actions with ships, +5 to fishing actions)
The logging action now produces 15 wood.
A building action can be done by 2 groups of woodworkers, this allowed a third action this turn.
The new Raid action sends a ship loaded with 4 groups to its target, i recommend to use multiple raid actions if you do not want to fight outnumbered.
The ship named Bear has moved to Oslo
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[X] Clear out trials for hunting
[X] Build a barn for the sheep
[X] Clear fields

Okay, this gets us 2 of the 3 food we need to feed ourselves completely passively, the Fishermen should build a pier gaining another 1, and then next turn we can actually get the second sheep if we want to actually have a tiny surplus food production.

@sunrise I take it the new government type means we no longer get a free action from the blacksmith to produce stuff or give a single-turn buff?

Note that next turn, I do want to conquer the swamp and get that bog iron, but better to take the food production options this turn to hopefully get us over the -1 Happiness we get for not having a 100% passive food production/consumption ratio.

Also, I do hope to deal with that goblin pack soon... even if it's only we sail to Copenhagen and tell the elves there about the goblins nearby... and we need to sail north again sometime soon...
@sunrise I take it the new government type means we no longer get a free action from the blacksmith to produce stuff or give a single-turn buff?
With the government reform he got moved to the groups doing actions:
The blacksmith Hero, can only do build (+5),ore mining(+10) and blacksmith(+10) actions.

I am closing the vote and the winning vote is:
[X] Clear out trials for hunting
[X] Build a barn for the sheep
[X] Clear fields

The tribe will build a pier and spend its second action logging.
The year of the sheep
The tribe decided to spend a year on securing their food supply and started the year with building a new pier. As the year went on they also cleared field and hunting trail. It took the hunters a while to get know the woods they started hunting in this year but a late start of the winter lead to the tribe having more food then expected.
Once the harvest was in the tribe spend a month logging trees for the building projects in the years to come.

The farmers completed a project they had wanted to do for a while now by building a barn for the flock of sheep. With a place for them to live in the winter the farmers are planning to increase the number of sheep the tribe has in the years to come.

Based on the current number of the tribe(5 groups of tribesmen, two of woodworkers, one of sailors, one of warriors and a blacksmith hero) you have 3 action available. All rolls are with a D100.
The tribe takes two actions.
Faction Current power Power gained per turn Action they will take
Warriors 2 +1 Craft longbows
Farmers 4 +2 raise sheep
hunters 10 +5 Craft longbows
Fishers 9 +6 build houses
Sailors 2 +1 Repair a damaged ship
Woodworkers 4 +2 Study woodworking
Tribe 8 +5 Increase food production and happiness

The tribe has 2 food and with average rolls and no food producing actions taken will start the next one with 1 food.
Actions can be taken more then once and results of the earlier ones can be used in the later ones.

[] Go fishing
provides 4 + roll /25 food(fish)

[] Farming
provides 3 + roll /20 food(grain)

[] Hunting
provides 4 + roll /25 food(meat, game)

[] clear out trials for hunting
Each hunting trail increases the amount of food from hunting by 1. You can use as many hunting trails equal to the number of hunters.

[] Log trees
Provides 15 wood.

[] Build a new ship
cost 2 actions, 15 wood and 1 barrel of iron.

[] Repair a damaged ship
costs 5 wood.

[] Salvage a damaged ship
provides 5 wood and 1 barrel of iron, the cut wood allows a free building action

[] Build noble housing
costs 5 wood, houses a single group of nobles.

[] Build fishing boats.
costs 5 wood, Builds a pair of fishing boats, that improve the amount of food produced by a group of fisherman by 1.

[] Build houses.
costs 5 wood, Improves the moral of the tribe, each build action provides houses for 5 groups.

[] Build a root cellar.
costs 5 wood, Stores up to 12 food(grain or vegetables) and reduces spoilage to 1/3 of the amount stored.

[] Raise sheep
increases the amount of sheep the tribe has
each group eats 2 grain and provides 3 food.

[] Build a shrine
costs 10 wood, Increases happiness and allows the training of priests.

[] Craft longbows
cost 5 wood, crafts 10 longbows

[] Dig a ditch and build a earthen wall around the village
Takes 2 actions and provides extra defenses against attacks.

[] Clear fields
Allows additional farmers to work and prevents attackers from hiding in the woods.
Each cleared field increases the amount of food from farming by 1. Each farmer can benefit from 2 cleared fields.

[] send out scouts - [target]
Sends out a group of scouts targets are:
north, up the river
the swamp, at the other side of the river.
south, the coastline
west, deeper into the woods.

[] Send out the Lion on a sailing expedition [target]
Send the lion out on a sailing trip targets are:
[Copenhagen] , the nearest elvish city you can try to trade here.
[The northern coast] , other ships might have ended up here and you can try to find them
[Visby], write in who you are moving you can move 3 groups per sailing mission
[Write in destination] , subject to approval specify where and why you want to sail somewhere.

[] Launch a Raid [target]
For each time the raid action is taken a single ship with 4 groups aboard joins.
[swedish goblin band] you spotted 50 to 100 goblins here we should wipe them out before they grow in numbers
[scottish highlands] It is believed that in scottish highlands goblin are limited to number of small villages with most having less then 200 goblins living in them.
[english coast] if we stay away form the cities we can try raiding the herds of sheep and cows in the countryside.
[write in targets]

[] Train warriors.
Trains a group of tribesmen into warriors.

[] Train nobles.
Trains a group of tribesmen into warriors.
requires noble housing or 10x longbows.
Each group that does not have both gives -1 happyness.

[] Train fishers
Trains a group of tribesmen into fishers.

[] Train hunters
Trains a group of tribesmen into hunters.

[] Train woodworkers
Trains a group of tribesmen into woodworkers.

[] Study woodworking
Study woodworking unlocks new buildings, the production items made of wood and upgrades for woodworkers.

[] conquer more land [target]
Drives out the wildlife and allows the tribe to use the area.
north, up the river
south, to the coast
east, the swamp across the river.
west, deeper into the woods.

[] Make iron arrowheads.
Costs 1 barrel of iron and provides enough iron arrowhead to equip 15 bowmen
Equipping 5 bowman with iron arrowheads will give the group +2 to combat and hunting rolls.

[] Make iron spearheads.
Costs 1 barrel of iron and provides 10 iron spearheads.
Equipping 5 spearmen with iron spearheads will give the group +5 to combat and hunting rolls.

[] Make iron swords.
Costs 2 barrels of iron and provides 5 swords
Equipping 5 warriors with swords gives +10 to combat.
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One new action this turn that allows you to get even more food:

[] Raise sheep
increases the amount of sheep the tribe has
each group eats 2 grain and provides 3 food.

The tribe will make longbows for the hunters and build more houses.
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The happy Tribe
Oslo saw another good year of fishing and it seamed that the fishermen where getting better each year as once more they provided most of the tribes food. The hunters spend part of the year training to use there new longbows and had another slow year. The farmers argued that the small harvest was caused by the lack of fertilizer and that we should increase the number of sheep to increase the grain harvest.

The tribe woodworkers constructed a shrine this year making many of the more religious members of the tribe happy. they also increased the amount of houses at Oslo and now more then halve the tribe lives in houses instead of the crude shelters made when Oslo was founded. Running out of wood they decided that logging would be done not just when needed for new projects but all the time.

Worries about the report of goblins in Sweden lead to the decision to train a second group into warriors and the making of plans to improve the fighting abilities of the tribe.


Faction Current power Power gained per turn Action they will take
Warriors 4 +2 Craft longbows
Farmers 6 +2 raise sheep
hunters 10 +5 Craft longbows
Fishers 11 +6 Study woodworking
Sailors 3 +1 Repair a damaged ship
Woodworkers 6 +2 Study woodworking
Tribe 13 +5 raise sheep
The tribe has 3 food and with average rolls and no food producing actions taken will start the next one with 1 food.
Actions can be taken more then once and results of the earlier ones can be used in the later ones.

Based on the current number of the tribe(5 groups of tribesmen, two of woodworkers, one of sailors, one of warriors and a blacksmith hero) you have 3 action available. All rolls are with a D100.
The tribe takes three actions.

[] Go fishing
provides 4 + roll /25 food(fish)

[] Farming
provides 3 + roll /20 food(grain)

[] Hunting
provides 4 + roll /25 food(meat, game)

[] clear out trials for hunting
Each hunting trail increases the amount of food from hunting by 1. You can use as many hunting trails equal to the number of hunters.

[] Log trees
Provides 15 wood.

[] Build a new ship
cost 2 actions, 15 wood and 1 barrel of iron.

[] Repair a damaged ship
costs 5 wood.

[] Salvage a damaged ship
provides 5 wood and 1 barrel of iron, the cut wood allows a free building action

[] Build noble housing
costs 5 wood, houses a single group of nobles.

[] Build fishing boats.
costs 5 wood, Builds a pair of fishing boats, that improve the amount of food produced by a group of fisherman by 1.

[] Build houses.
costs 5 wood, Improves the moral of the tribe, each build action provides houses for 5 groups.

[] Build a root cellar.
costs 5 wood, Stores up to 12 food(grain or vegetables) and reduces spoilage to 1/3 of the amount stored.

[] Raise sheep
increases the amount of sheep the tribe has
each group eats 2 grain and provides 3 food.

[] Craft longbows
cost 5 wood, crafts 10 longbows

[] Dig a ditch and build a earthen wall around the village
Takes 2 actions and provides extra defenses against attacks.

[] Clear fields
Allows additional farmers to work and prevents attackers from hiding in the woods.
Each cleared field increases the amount of food from farming by 1. Each farmer can benefit from 2 cleared fields.

[] send out scouts - [target]
Sends out a group of scouts targets are:
north, up the river
the swamp, at the other side of the river.
south, the coastline
west, deeper into the woods.

[] Send out the Lion on a sailing expedition [target]
Send the lion out on a sailing trip targets are:
[Copenhagen] , the nearest elvish city you can try to trade here.
[The northern coast] , other ships might have ended up here and you can try to find them
[Write in destination] , subject to approval specify where and why you want to sail somewhere.

[] Launch a Raid [target]
For each time the raid action is taken a single ship with 4 groups aboard joins.
[Swedish goblin band] you spotted 50 to 100 goblins here we should wipe them out before they grow in numbers
[Scottish highlands] It is believed that in Scottish highlands goblin are limited to number of small villages with most having less then 200 goblins living in them.
[English coast] if we stay away form the cities we can try raiding the herds of sheep and cows in the countryside.
[write in targets]

[] Train warriors.
Trains a group of tribesmen into warriors.

[] Study Warfare
Unlocks innovations and actions that increase the tribes fighting ability.

[] Train nobles.
Trains a group of tribesmen into warriors.
requires noble housing or 10x longbows.
Each group that does not have both gives -1 happiness.

[] Train fishers
Trains a group of tribesmen into fishers.

[] Train hunters
Trains a group of tribesmen into hunters.

[] Train woodworkers
Trains a group of tribesmen into woodworkers.

[] Study woodworking
Study woodworking unlocks new buildings, the production items made of wood and upgrades for woodworkers.

[] Train priests
Trains a group of priests, increases the happiness of the tribe by one(max one group per settlement).

[] conquer more land [target]
Drives out the wildlife and allows the tribe to use the area.
north, up the river
south, to the coast
east, the swamp across the river.
west, deeper into the woods.

[] Make iron arrowheads.
Costs 1 barrel of iron and provides enough iron arrowhead to equip 15 bowmen
Equipping 5 bowman with iron arrowheads will give the group +2 to combat and hunting rolls.

[] Make iron spearheads.
Costs 1 barrel of iron and provides 10 iron spearheads.
Equipping 5 spearmen with iron spearheads will give the group +5 to combat and hunting rolls.

[] Make iron swords.
Costs 2 barrels of iron and provides 5 swords
Equipping 5 warriors with swords gives +10 to combat.
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New actions:

[] Study Warfare
Unlocks innovations and actions that increase the tribes fighting ability.
Having a second group of warriors unlocked this option to try to improve them.

[] Train priests
Trains a group of priests, increases the happiness of the tribe by one(max one group per settlement).
Construction of a shrine allows the training of priests, but they only provide +1 happiness and do not work on actions.

This year the happiness of the tribe is high enough that the tribe will take 3 actions.
The study woodworking gave the continuous logging innovation: you get 1 wood per group of woodworkers each year.
There are not a lot of ways for the factions to increase food production until a new group of farmers/hunters or fishers are trained.
To grow the tribe they need to end a turn with 10+ food.
[X] Hunting
[X] Go fishing
[X] Train hunters

Hopefully we get the +10 food needed to grow by another group of Tribesmen to offset the one we train as Hunters... And if another group of sheep are indeed raised, then we're finally (about goddamn time) food neutral passively...
[X] Hunting
[X] Go fishing
[X] Train hunters

Hopefully we get the +10 food needed to grow by another group of Tribesmen to offset the one we train as Hunters... And if another group of sheep are indeed raised, then we're finally (about goddamn time) food neutral passively...
The tribe produces 3 more food then it consumes, and 3/4 of that spoils leaving it with 1 food as the next turn starts. So the odds are real good of ending up with 10+ food with your plan.
The great hunting expedition
A year of Fishing and Hunting saw the tribe collecting more food then any year before and the size of the tribe grew with the new members forming a new hunting party.
The newest hunting trial was in a part of the forest with multiple small streams and the hunters spotted large herds of deer at those streams.
The tribe also talked about sending the hunters along on raids to provided additional bows to the fighting strength of the tribe.

The fishers and woodworkers spend a week talking about how the fishing at Oslo could be improved and decided that the best way to do it was to construct fishing ships. Back at Oslo the breeding program for sheep resulted in the birth of a second flock of sheep.


Faction Current power Power gained per turn Action they will take
Warriors 6 +2 Craft longbows
Farmers 7 +2 raise sheep
hunters 10 +5 Craft longbows
Fishers 11 +6 build houses
Sailors 4 +1 Repair a damaged ship
Woodworkers 8 +2 Study woodworking
Tribe 12 +5 logging
The tribe has 4 food and with average rolls and no food producing actions taken will produce 6 more food then is eaten.
Actions can be taken more then once and results of the earlier ones can be used in the later ones.

Based on the current number of the tribe(4 groups of tribesmen, two of woodworkers, one of sailors, two of warriors and a blacksmith hero) you have at least 3 action available. All rolls are with a D100.
The tribe takes three actions.

[] Go fishing
provides 4 + roll /25 food(fish)

[] Farming
provides 3 + roll /20 food(grain)

[] Hunting
provides 4 + roll /25 food(meat, game)

[] clear out trials for hunting
Each hunting trail increases the amount of food from hunting by 1. You can use as many hunting trails equal to the number of hunters.

[] Log trees
Provides 15 wood.

[] Build a new ship
cost 2 actions, 15 wood and 1 barrel of iron.

[] Repair a damaged ship
costs 5 wood.

[] Salvage a damaged ship
provides 5 wood and 1 barrel of iron, the cut wood allows a free building action

[] Build noble housing
costs 5 wood, houses a single group of nobles.

[] Build fishing boats.
costs 5 wood, Builds a pair of fishing boats, that improve the amount of food produced by a group of fisherman by 1.

[] Build a fishing ship
cost 2 actions, 15 wood and 1 barrel of iron.
Gives a group of fishers +2 food.

[] Build houses.
costs 5 wood, Improves the moral of the tribe, each build action provides houses for 5 groups.

[] Build a root cellar.
costs 5 wood, Stores up to 12 food(grain or vegetables) and reduces spoilage to 1/3 of the amount stored.

[] Raise sheep
increases the amount of sheep the tribe has
each group eats 2 grain and provides 3 food.

[] Craft longbows
cost 5 wood, crafts 10 longbows

[] Dig a ditch and build a earthen wall around the village
Takes 2 actions and provides extra defenses against attacks.

[] Clear fields
Allows additional farmers to work and prevents attackers from hiding in the woods.
Each cleared field increases the amount of food from farming by 1. Each farmer can benefit from 2 cleared fields.

[] send out scouts - [target]
Sends out a group of scouts targets are:
north, up the river
the swamp, at the other side of the river.
south, the coastline
west, deeper into the woods.

[] Send out the Lion on a sailing expedition [target]
Send the lion out on a sailing trip targets are:
[Copenhagen] , the nearest elvish city you can try to trade here.
[The northern coast] , other ships might have ended up here and you can try to find them
[Write in destination] , subject to approval specify where and why you want to sail somewhere.

[] Launch a Raid [target]
For each time the raid action is taken a single ship with 4 groups aboard joins.
[Swedish goblin band] you spotted 50 to 100 goblins here we should wipe them out before they grow in numbers
[Scottish highlands] It is believed that in Scottish highlands goblin are limited to number of small villages with most having less then 200 goblins living in them.
[English coast] if we stay away form the cities we can try raiding the herds of sheep and cows in the countryside.
[write in targets]

[] Send hunters on raid
Sends a ship with 4 groups of hunters on a raid.
This does not cost an action but reduces the tribes food production by 8.

[] Train warriors.
Trains a group of tribesmen into warriors.

[] Study Warfare
Unlocks innovations and actions that increase the tribes fighting ability.

[] Train nobles.
Trains a group of tribesmen into warriors.
requires noble housing or 10x longbows.
Each group that does not have both gives -1 happyness.

[] Train fishers
Trains a group of tribesmen into fishers.

[] Train hunters
Trains a group of tribesmen into hunters.

[] Train woodworkers
Trains a group of tribesmen into woodworkers.

[] Study woodworking
Study woodworking unlocks new buildings, the production items made of wood and upgrades for woodworkers.

[] Train priests
Trains a group of priests, increases the happiness of the tribe by one(max one group per settlement).

[] conquer more land [target]
Drives out the wildlife and allows the tribe to use the area.
north, up the river
south, to the coast
east, the swamp across the river.
west, deeper into the woods.

[] Make iron arrowheads.
Costs 1 barrel of iron and provides enough iron arrowhead to equip 15 bowmen
Equipping 5 bowman with iron arrowheads will give the group +2 to combat and hunting rolls.

[] Make iron spearheads.
Costs 1 barrel of iron and provides 10 iron spearheads.
Equipping 5 spearmen with iron spearheads will give the group +5 to combat and hunting rolls.

[] Make iron swords.
Costs 2 barrels of iron and provides 5 swords
Equipping 5 warriors with swords gives +10 to combat.
2 new actions this turn:
[] Build a fishing ship
cost 2 actions, 15 wood and 1 barrel of iron.
Gives a group of fishers +2 food.
A expensive way to get more food per turn unlocked by the study woodworking

There was not enough wood to make longbows so the hunters cleared a hunting trial and rolled a 95 on that followed by a 85 to see how high the bonus gained is.
This resulted in 2 hunting trails being cleared(the second is not used unless the tribe takes a hunting action or trains more hunters).
And a new action:

[] Send hunters on raid
Sends a ship with 4 groups of hunters on a raid.
This does not cost an action but reduces the tribes food production by 8.

This will send 4 groups of hunters on a raid, does not cost a action but instead reduces the food produced because they spend less time hunting. Depending on the number of votes ill might close the vote and write an update tonight(in about 10 hours)
[X] Send out the Lion on a sailing expedition [Northern Coast]
[X] Build a root cellar.
[X] conquer more land [East]

Okay, doing this because for 3 reasons. 1, it decreases our food decay rate a bit, so it's easier to gain a new group of tribesmen. 2. East is where the bog iron is, meaning we'll at least have a source of some iron. 3. Because we took a Northern Sailing Expedition the first turn and got a +10 to the next Northern Coast sailing expedition which we haven't used yet... So let's use it up, and see if we can find anything up there. Also, we're secure right now, so there's nothing stopping us from doing so.
[X] Send out the Lion on a sailing expedition [Northern Coast]
[X] Build a root cellar.
[X] conquer more land [East]
[X] Send out the Lion on a sailingexpedition [Northern Coast]
[X] Build a root cellar.
[X] conquer more land [East]
Sailing north
The tribe had another good year with plenty to eat as they continued the work on improving Oslo. This year saw large scale logging to provide the lumber needed to build a root cellar, housing and more longbows for the hunters. The woodworkers propose to build a sawmill to provided the wood Oslo needs to grow in the future.

The warriors crossed the river into the swamp looking for high ground to serve as a camp for the ore mining parties. Although the warriors end up getting stuck in the mud on more then one occasion and they need to borrow one of the fishing boats to explore the deeper parts of the swamp eventual they they find a small island in the center of the swamp that can be reached by one of the fishing boats that has deposits of bog iron nearby.

The sailing expedition sets out in the direction of Bergen and after three weeks of good sailing arrive at the fjord where Bergen was a place that can only be recognized by the grain growing around the site of the abandoned village. The next day the Lion continues north along the coast to explore the part of the coast that the first expedition did not reach.
Two weeks later they spot a village surrounded by an earthen wall and ditch along the coast. As they approach the crew of the Lion estimates that around 50 men are atop the earthen wall and on the beach lays a single ship.
The crew of the Lions spend the next two weeks at the village the locals named Trondheim and talking to the Vidar a mighty warrior that lead the village. The village only has a few fishers and gets most of its food from the hunting trails surrounding it. Morale in the Trondheim is low, a raid on the English coast to secure livestock failed, one of the newly build fishing boats sank on its first trip and there was a long but failed debate on how the plans for the next raid.

Instead of the normal actions you get to respond to the finding of Trondheim and use both the normal and tribe actions for it(6 in total). any actions not used wil be used by the factions
any action chose in more then 1/2 the votes is carried out, choosing more actions increases the odds of all actions succeeding.

[] Offer to relocate all to Oslo
Moves all groups at Trondheim to Oslo, takes 2 sailing mission actions.
[] Provide the warriors of Trondheim with longbows
The warriors lead the town and would like to get better bows,takes 1 craft longbow action.
[] Propose a joint raid against the goblins in sweden
There is no better bond way to bond with warriors then fighting together, Takes 2 raid actions
Results in a battle with 8 groups from Oslo and 4 from Trondheim
[] Promise greater privileges for the warriors.
Promotes a single group of the Trondheim warriors to nobles.
[] Stay distant allies
Free, Trondheim will send a ship along on all raids launched from Oslo but will stay otherwise independent.
If you decided to convince Trondheim to join you but not move them to Oslo the current state of the tribe post will be used for both villages and buildings and there effects will be calculated per village but the food, faction and actions will calculated for all villages at once. The nobles will not form a new faction but lead the warrior faction.
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[x] Stay distant allies
Free, Trondheim will send a ship along on all raids launched from Oslo but will stay otherwise independent.
[x] Propose a joint raid against the goblins in sweden
There is no better bond way to bond with warriors then fighting together, Takes 2 raid actions
[X] Offer to relocate all to Oslo
Moves all groups at Trondheim to Oslo, takes 2 sailing mission actions.
[X] Provide the warriors of Trondheim with longbows
The warriors lead the town and would like to get better bows,takes 1 craft longbow action.
[X] Propose a joint raid against the goblins in sweden
There is no better bond way to bond with warriors then fighting together, Takes 2 raid actions
Results in a battle with 8 groups from Oslo and 4 from Trondheim
[X] Promise greater privileges for the warriors.
Promotes a single group of the Trondheim warriors to nobles.

Greater population density should still be a goal for us. Plus with them we will have a credible raiding force. It's a shame they wasted so much time on the berm but in the long term this is the most efficient move. Upgrading their bows will be done eventually anyway and I imagine nobles are a first step to true elite warriors.
[X] Provide the warriors of Trondheim with longbows
The warriors lead the town and would like to get better bows,takes 1 craft longbow action.
[X] Propose a joint raid against the goblins in sweden
There is no better bond way to bond with warriors then fighting together, Takes 2 raid actions
[X] Stay distant allies
Free, Trondheim will send a ship along on all raids launched from Oslo but will stay otherwise independent.