Villainous Ideals EP 3

Lost Star said:
I haven't defined your end game requirements yet.
*Notices the lack of answers for the second question*

Also here's another totally not mine idea. Too short term IMO to be worth an A ranker but it's funny to me

"I want the heroes. I want them all. To make them mine, to make them obedient, to have them all bend knee to me. To know down to their very souls that Raven Firebrand owns them, and here is the best part: they know it and revel in it. That they do so willingly and enjoy bending knee to me. I want Red here to be the first of my collection. Then Beatrix, once I manage to track her down. And even Eternal will be mine, before the end. In fact they already are mine. They just don't know it yet."
Lost Star said:
Ah, sorry, missed that. It works, but would require you reinventing yourself a bit.
Any specifics on reinventing. As far as it intended it's meant to portray the fact that Revan so far did just about anything that suits our mood* regardless of alot of things.

*If nothing else are there any version of it(the goals) that doesn't involve reinventing our selves. I don't personally think so.
evillevi said:
*Notices the lack of answers for the second question*

Also here's another totally not mine idea. Too short term IMO to be worth an A ranker but it's funny to me

"I want the heroes. I want them all. To make them mine, to make them obedient, to have them all bend knee to me. To know down to their very souls that Raven Firebrand owns them, and here is the best part: they know it and revel in it. That they do so willingly and enjoy bending knee to me. I want Red here to be the first of my collection. Then Beatrix, once I manage to track her down. And even Eternal will be mine, before the end. In fact they already are mine. They just don't know it yet."
No. Just no. This is not a direction i support. At all.
Lost Star said:
Will clarify that this is Revan re-evaluating his priorities and such. This is what we call a character defining moment so to speak. He can decide that he doesn't like what he's been doing and change it in the future.
Oh.... So is this why some villains and heroes he contacted turned crazy?
evillevi said:
  • Freedom: Revan wants to decide his own fate and not be restrained by the rules of the world.

[X] I want to be free. I want... to be able to do anything I wish, to prank policemen or draw my name on the moon. That is my goal. To beat the system so that I am free to chase after my fleeting wishes and wants.
I really like this one. I was about to suggest

[y] Miracles. I want to show the world miracles. That there is nothing I can't do, that nothing is impossible for me. No dream in the sky is beyond my reach. I want to show the world miracles.

but I think I like this better.

Plan Evillevi

[X] Chuckle
-[X] Invite Mr.E to work for us.
--[X] "So why don't you work for me Mr.E?" / "You said it your self the same type of Player's makes the game far more boring than it has to be"
---[X] When he inevitably denies us. Move on to answering his questions. If he accepts, then on to chaos.
-[X] Motion Anti and Brilliance and Minsuh to the fore. Also show Mr. E the blueprints that we made for our three new Minions
--[X] I will win, because I have quantity over quality. Even if they aren't the best, they are still dangerous, because these aren't merely grunts. Because what people will have to faced are villians and eventually heroes that will work under one banner. My banner.
-[X] I want to be free. I want... to be able to do anything I wish, pranking policemen or drawing my name on the moon. That is my goal. To beat the system so that I am free to chase after my fleeting dreams and ephemeral wishes.
Lost Star said:
Robot -Autumns Glory: Unique Android. Has equivalent to Biology 1 and Mechanical Creation 2 (Though he can't build, only repair)
Could we improve that?
Lost Star said:
At this point I really want to get to the actual game and use my PLAN: Fastest way to get the Large Base or Plan Personal Replacement or even teh 12 days of chaos.

You know, the non-plot stuff.

That said Carry On our grand overlord GM. As long as you don't screw us over with illogical stuff than everything is all right
You will get some downtime after this. Basically your defeat of Captain Red didn't quite go the way I had planned so things escalated immediately.
evillevi said:
At this point I really want to get to the actual game and use my PLAN: Fastest way to get the Large Base or Plan Personal Replacement or even teh 12 days of chaos.

You know, the non-plot stuff.

That said Carry On our grand overlord GM. As long as you don't screw us over with illogical stuff than everything is all right
We also need to spend ten days getting instruction from a doctor so we can build our doctorbot to save Red's life.

It might be a good idea to also kidnap some doctors to assist considering said DoctorBot is a bird.
Lost Star said:
You will get some downtime after this. Basically your defeat of Captain Red didn't quite go the way I had planned so things escalated immediately.
Escalation. That wonderful feeling when you near confirm that we will do something fun like the 12 days of chaos and than BAM! Escalation.
luckybreak91 said:
We also need to spend ten days getting instruction from a doctor so we can build our doctorbot to save Red's life.

It might be a good idea to also kidnap some doctors to assist considering said DoctorBot is a bird.
Charm + Minsuh + bribery and or Maestro.
kestrel404 said:
This sounds totally not what I want to develop Revan for. That said you can make a [Y] Plan Kestrel.

Personally I want to give Revan the freedom to enact our Fun! chaos Plans. I want to maintain some semblance of our old I do anything I want self because I like seeing how people respond to our various schemes.

Also quite frankly we would still have an end game requirement to Rule the world regardless of our choices so having a 'serious' goal and Icon is not the end of the line.

PS: I'm going to sleep. Modifications if any will be done when I wake up
Right I mostly agree with the direction this is going. So I'm just going to make a amusing prediction, Psychology and Charisma bot is going to be named Spring something, he'll complete our set.

Also Lost, now that we have Endless Hallways, would you still let us have Dimensional Phasing as a general upgrade to our army?
Malcolmo said:
Also, am I the only one somewhat surprised by the fact Minsuh was one of Lady Ka'lin's main enchantresses? We really ought to ask her about that.
I'm not, Minsuh's age is measured in several centuries and she's more than alluded to having worked for others in the past before. Sure she's a lot weaker these days, but that's part of her ruling, since everytime she dies she revives much weaker.
Lost Star said:
You will get some downtime after this. Basically your defeat of Captain Red didn't quite go the way I had planned so things escalated immediately.
Could we, realisticly, use Endless Hallway to create a base in Alpha Centauri or in deep space beyond the solar system?
Deadly snark said:
Hmm, do you know about other general upgrades to our army?
We got four already.

Tactical Upgrade, Elemental Guns, Flash Bang launchers, and Ritualism bot with her wards.

More than that we have Car's, Drop ship, Horses, etc that will give them transportation as well as allow them to be on the field for longer periods of time.

Lastly we have enough potential production capacity to give our Bruiser Bots HYPER METAL chasis. Thats when the Bruisers can hit at super human strength
Malcolmo said:
Also, am I the only one somewhat surprised by the fact Minsuh was one of Lady Ka'lin's main enchantresses? We really ought to ask her about that.
Nope. She(lost) outright implied that in the Parents visiting and a couple of interludes.
evillevi said:
More than that we have Car's, Drop ship, Horses, etc that will give them transportation as well as allow them to be on the field for longer periods of time.

Lastly we have enough potential production capacity to give our Bruiser Bots HYPER METAL chasis. Thats when the Bruisers can hit at super human strength
I don't really see much use in other transportation when we have Endless Hallways.
Deadly snark said:
I don't really see much use in other transportation when we have Endless Hallways.
Endless Hallways is the *BOOM SMITE OF THUNDER TO TELL EVERYONE ELSE I"M HERE*, transportation is when subtlety is needed.