After we returned from our fishing trip, with plenty of fish and several good works of art for our hard work, I returned my attention to running my burgeoning empire. First, I checked up on my subordinate AIs. In hindsight, I was beginning to wonder why I had made them, since I barely ever asked them for advice. I really needed to fix that.
As for what they were doing at the moment, the first one I focused on was Kathikon, who was busy looking up various legal procedures - for five different legal systems (Terran, Altarian, Thala, Iconian, and Drengin), presumably in case they came in handy later. Synais, meanwhile, having finally found a universe where there were plenty of comforts to enjoy, had taken a small fortune from my treasury (roughly a billion credits, which was less then a billionth of the wealth I had on hand, not that anyone else knew that), ordered up a ton of food, fine wines, and fancy clothes, and was busy streaming a marathon of action movies while stuffing himself. As for Fide, she had......gone into sleep mode? Really?
.....yes, really. She was currently in sleep mode, with her body resting on a makeshift bed in my tower. Why the hell was she sleeping right now.
Sighing, I nudged her awake, accidentally knocking her off her bed. Oops.
"Waaa-MASTER! I'm ready to serve!"
....well, that was a quick reaction.
"At ease. How are you doing?"
"Fine. A little groggy, but fine."
Considering she was dressed solely in the same set of clothes I had given her after she had been created, I found that unlikely. Also, and I know that this is rude to say about a girl, but I am saying it anyway, she smelled bad. Like, really, really bad. And that wasn't even getting into how her skin and hair looked. Also, why was she so thin?
"Okaaay, but before I go on, when was the last time you changed clothes? Or bathed?"
"...... One point five months......"
"... Why...exactly.....,have you not bathed for that long."
"I have been asleep for 1.5 months. I do not need to bathe while I am sleeping."
"But why did you sleep for that long?"
"Because you had no orders for me, and if I have no orders from you, then I have no reason to be awake."
"Because if I am awake and not following your orders, I am wasting time."
"....You were awake when I didn't give you orders in the civilization universe."
"You had based you needed managed. With your choice to be more active in handling your resources in this universe, I was no longer needed."
"..........And you didn't think about using any of this time to rest and relax?"
"You never gave or directly implied I had permission to relax."
......good god, she was literal minded. Perhaps making her extremely loyal to me was a mistake.
"Alright, new orders for you then."
"I humbly await them."
"Well, here they are: if you are not following any other orders from me at any given time, then you are to enjoy yourself. Is that clear?"
"......yes sir!"
I was probably going to have to do some debugging for that later, but for now, that seemed a suitable way to get her to actually live for herself and not just be my slave. She deserved an actual life, and not a facsimile of one.
Now, back to work managing my forces.
First off, check my spy drone reports. Let's see: Korx are struggling to maintain their economic dominance in the wake of my market invasion, the Torians just start a campaign to recolonize some world's they lost, the Alliance has made another push into Dread Lord territory and......wait, is that Mortarax?
....Yes, it is. And he's on the Drath's adoptive homeworld of Drathis. Fun fact: the Drath were originally from Altaria and evolved side by side with the Altarians, who ultimately drove them off the planet. Ever since, they had been working hard to get their home back via manipulation. Out of sympathy for their past, I had decided not to act against them, since they were the ones who gave the Korx access to FTL. Why Mortarax would be contacting them was not something I could fathom.
Well, time to investigate.
Mortarax tilted his head upwards. Before him, seated in a slightly elevated chair, was Embryes Draken, current leader of the Drath Legion. Nearby, guards stood at attention, weapons ready in case things went south.
Ultimately, though, they would be unnecessary.
"So," began Embryes, "why do you, a commander of the forces of the Empyrean Illuminate, wish to meet with me?"
"We have interest in your skill with Espionage and would like to ask your assistance."
"How so?"
"My master wants to use those spys against the Drengin. You see, she is friendly at the moment with the head of the Infernum Federation. During the Battle of Iakesh V, they discovered the Drengin to be in possession of a weapon that disabled much of their weaponry. We would like to ask your assistance in determining if they have anymore of this type of weapon."
"You wish for us to locate this weapon for you?"
"Not without compensation. If you are able to locate the weapon, or even if you do not, my master will assist you in returning to Altaria."
"Your kind were cruelly kicked off your home world, for relatively childish reasons. My master believes that you deserve to return to what is rightfully yours."
".....And you are sure that she will provide this support?"
"As sure as a sunrise on a cloudless day."
".....what reason do I have to trust you?"
"You don't."
".........well, I do not see the harm in helping you defeat a common foe. Know that if you betray us, though, there will be a reckoning."
"Then is there anything else you wish to discuss?"
"No. I shall take my leave. Farewell."
.....Okay, why was Melissa sending her most brutish looking subordintate to do diplomacy? And why was she asking for knowledge her powers could have easily provided her with?
Did you ever consider that her master might be keeping her from using those powers?
WAAAH! Who was that?! That sounded like Celm!
It is me. Or, rather, my psychic voice. My subordinate is not the only one watching you. As for why I refuse to let her use her powers to locate the information she desires, well, I think she needs to learn to stop depending on her so called omnipotence to solve verything. Besides, she has proven herself crafty enough to adapt. As for using Mortarax as a diplomat, I am surprised you still judge things by their skins. You who has always enjoyed characters whose appearances are deceiving should know better than to judge one based on physical appearances.
....fair enough.
I thought so. Now I must leave, but I would encourage you to learn all you can about my subordinate. I would prefer you not come to blows, but if that ultimately proves to be inevitable, then you had better take every chance you can to get a leg up on her, or you will suffer the consequences.
With that, Celm left my thoughts.
As the last echoes of his voice faded away, I began prepping up scout ships and sent some Hermès toward Empyrean territory. Though I wondered why Celm would be willing to sabotage his own subordinate, he was, ultimately, correct. If I didn't take every opportunity I had to learn about Melissa before I confronted her (and I still felt that this had a very high chance of happening), then I would need to learn everything I could to tip the odds in my favor.
AN: Read and Review! This is Flameal15k, signing off!