Indeed it is.

That being said, I think you'll all be really surprised by how this arc ends. And when Melissa gets involved, all bets are off.

Also, I'm going to post at least two chapters tomorrow, maybe more, assuming I don't get side tracked.
111. Taking Things Slowly
Slowly, things came together - my freighters teacher their markets, my starbases finished csontruction, and, eventually, people began to visit my territories. The Drengin were finally starting to take me seriously and had deployed a fleet to try and oppose me, which had ultimately been unsuccessful in completing their mission. Okay, not so much unsuccessful as totally wiped out. Really, being a commander made some things too easy at times.

The Korx were starting to notice my presence in the market, but so far, they weren't doing anything about it - probably didn't see me as a threat to their interests. At least, they didn't see me as one yet. In another month, that might change. I made a mental note that I should probably spend some of that time helping the Iridium gain more market influence so that, once the Korx were dealt with, the market wouldn't collapse once I left for the next universe. I'd at least have to show them how to make their products more efficiently, so that the prices could be lowered without an real decrease in profit. Then I could expand on my assistance from there.

My attempts at tourism were going surprisingly well. People were traveling to several of my systems, and they liked what they saw. I guess playing Tropico was paying off. Though, having a race who is naturally friendly and good at being hosts also helps. Even the Yor were interested in visiting my systems, and they seemed to be ok with the fact many had organic inhabitants. Surprisingly, whenever Iconians and Yor tourists met on my colonies, the worst that happened was name calling and maybe one or two punches being thrown. Out of confusion, I scanned each race's records and discovered that, apparently, there was an unofficial truce between the two peoples when they were acting as tourists. Apparently this was the only time they ever had truces with each other, which was surprising, to say the least. Hopefully, that wouldn't change.

Oh, and my kids had apparently started to explore the rest of the systems I'd conquered, and were busy taking in the sights. I think Bianca was drawing pictures of it. I wonder if she drew any pictures for me....nope, none for me.

Not yet, anyway.

The Dread Lords were starting to show their faces and attack me, but so far, they weren't getting any victories. Of course, that was to be expected when your opponent was a Brutally Efficient Self Replicating Mechanism of War. Wins were the exception, not the rule. And while I would eventually become familiar with those exceptions, the rule was still dominant in this universe.

I'll admit there was one thing that surprised me about the Dread Lords: their appearance. In-game, they looked surprisingly human, probably because one of their creators was human. Here, while they still did look human, they also had some squid-like traits. Mostly tentacles, but also suckers and color changing. They also had pointy teeth, but not razor-sharp ones. I wondered if the Arbor were any different.

Turning my attention back to my kids, I quickly checked my internal calendar to see when their birthdays were. I had a feeling that things would be slow going for a while, so it would probably be best if I started preparing for other important occasions before they snuck up on me - wait, a new alert?

........Apparently a new power had shown up in some far off systems and was making a name for itself by taking planets from the Drengin. They appeared to use engineered animals to assist their foot soldiers with their conquests.

....This counted as an alert?

Aliens I knew nothing about had been popping out of the woodwork to battle the Drengin, now that theu saw an opportunity to get back at those cruel wastes of flesh and space. Some used organic technology. These new ones were no different.



Back to planning for birthdays. It looked like Bianka's would be the one that would approach the fastest.

So, what should I get for her?



This is Flameal15k, signing off!
........Apparently a new power had shown up in some far off systems and was making a name for itself by taking planets from the Drengin. They appeared to use engineered animals to assist their foot soldiers with their conquests.

....This counted as an alert?

Aliens I knew nothing about had been popping out of the woodwork to battle the Drengin, now that theu saw an opportunity to get back at those cruel wastes of flesh and space. Some used organic technology. These new ones were no different.


If I were present and aware of this, I'd have been asking Commander Flame to turn in anything resembling a Genre Savyness card at this point. This is a Commander story with an active ROB, that the MC is aware of. Never, ever assume that any such alerts aren't something worth investigating.
If I were present and aware of this, I'd have been asking Commander Flame to turn in anything resembling a Genre Savyness card at this point. This is a Commander story with an active ROB, that the MC is aware of. Never, ever assume that any such alerts aren't something worth investigating.
True, but keep in mind he still has some restrictions in his programming, and his previous attempt to remove them forced a reboot.
True, but keep in mind he still has some restrictions in his programming, and his previous attempt to remove them forced a reboot.
Fair enough. Of course, if I was a Commander who had subordinate AIs, I'm pretty sure I'd have at least one of them monitoring these sorts of alerts as well, just to make sure that something like this didn't get missed.
Fair enough. Of course, if I was a Commander who had subordinate AIs, I'm pretty sure I'd have at least one of them monitoring these sorts of alerts as well, just to make sure that something like this didn't get missed.
He doesn't have any as of yet (and his programming is deliberately restricting him from creating more, for reasons that will be revealed later).
Next chapter delayed until tomorrow, cause I am really tired (I've been up for about 16 hours and have been running for most of it on caffeine).
He doesn't have any as of yet (and his programming is deliberately restricting him from creating more, for reasons that will be revealed later).
... Didn't he literally create a 2IC AI, along with a literal pair of AIs intended to be the Superego and Id to his Ego? Why do none of them have access to the alert system?
... Didn't he literally create a 2IC AI, along with a literal pair of AIs intended to be the Superego and Id to his Ego? Why do none of them have access to the alert system?
Whose to say they aren't also running on restrictions that Flame doesn't know about?

Also, what do you mean by IC? In character?
112. Preparations for a Birthday
Being a commander is relatively easy.

Being a parent? That is hard.

Especially when you have over a dozen kids, with separate birthdays, separate interests, and, rather obviously, separate genders. Planning for each individual one was, well, not easy, and that was an understatement. I wish I was still back home. Then, at least, I could ask my parents for advice on how to do this.

.....I really wasn't ever goin to see them again before I died, was I?

.........................................Alright, no moping around, I have a birthday to plan. I can reserve feeling sorry for myself to other times, but this is not one of them!

Back to the task at hand - planning Bianka's birthday. Well, I'd already arranged for a cake (strawberry flavored - that was her favorite flavor), as well as most of the other amenities, but so one thing still eluded me - a good gift for her. It couldn't be too grandiose, because while something that would normally cost a fortune would likely be trivial for me to create, well, I'm not sure it would have the same value as if it was one that was actually purchased. I guess it had to do with the investment of time - I felt that making something grandiose for Bianka wouldn't make a good gift because it would take me a trivial amount of time to do so, which was about as much time as I would spend searching for a birthday card for, well, anyone.

So, something smaller would have to do. What would that be?

Well, I'd seen her drawing pictures of some of the locales I'd conquered. Maybe I could examine them for inspiration?

I pulled up all known instances where she had been recorded drawing a picture of the scenery by my drones. Then, I decided to see what they had in common.

The first instance recorded was of her making an artwork of a grove of Arborous Arboretums - giant trees that put redwoods to shame. Perhaps she liked nature?

The next instance was of her watching a herd of camel-esque creatures march across a desert, heading toward an oasis, while vulture analogues circled over something in the distance, likely a carcass. Another point to nature.

The third instance was.....her making a depiction of one of my factories? Well, that was unexpected. Perhaps she also liked machinery and the city?

The fourth instance of her drawing appeared to be directed of my orbital fabbers? Okay, now I had no idea what to work with.

Everything else after that was, well, without any reason. I saw her trying to draw a night sky, the skeleton of some dead monster, and even the skyline of a city. No theme behind it all, just a series of pictures that I couldn't even look at with any accuracy. What did they even look like - I'm getting an alert?

...Bianka just left something outside my room. Maybe this is my chance to figure out what she would like the most.

To my surprise, the items she left outside my door were just a few pieces of paper, and one painting canvas. Maybe these would tell me what she would like. After all, that would take up a sort of constant among her art, as whatever theme was depicted most often. Happy with myself, I turned over one of the pictures to look at it

I...I.....well, I was dumbstruck. Not by what the picture depicted, but by how it was made. It was good. Really really good. I mean, it wasn't a masterpiece, but it was still spectacular. Looking at the rest of the pictures, plus the painting, I was met with similar feelings of awe. These paintings were, quite simply, amazing.

Who knew I had adopted an artist?

.....I thought I knew what I was going to get her for her birthday.

First off, though, check alerts to be sure that nothing else was happening that could ruin the day..



....Yep, everything is fine, and nothing inexpected is happening. Not even in regards to the new aliens with organic technology - apparently, they were just using reverse engineered arnornarmor, which was rather fleshy. Why the pictures seemed a little fuzzy was currently eluding me, but everything seemed alright.

Good. I can make my adoptive daighter's present in peace.

Now, let me see what I need: wood, synthetic fibers, paint, graphite, and nails.

Yeah, I could do this.


AN: Bianka and Rory will be the only ones among Flame's kids whose birthdays I will go into detail about, because I think that will get boring really fast, even if it is heartwarming.

Also, next chapter will be an interlude dealing with Bianka's birthday. It will be up tomorrow.

Read and Review! This is Flameal15k, signing off!
That's too big. She's need help to just make one good painting on that canvas.
Instead he's making a canvas that automatically prints out the painting in a way that it will be preserved for her when she's done, then refreshes itself back to being a blank canvas. It's also waterproof, fireproof, only can be stained by paint, and has an integrated deployable easel and paint holder, the latter of which automatically refills when the canvas is refreshed. It can also be detached while painting to make it more convenient to use while painting.
Interlude: A Birthday and an Incursion
Taking in a deep breath, Bianka blew out the eleven candles on her cake, amid the cheering of her adoptive siblings and adoptive father.

It had been a relatively uneventful day, barring the party, of course. She had expected something grandiose from her adoptive father for this occasion, seeing what he could build, but it seemed that he was uninterested in grand gestures today. Perhaps he simply wanted simplicity for today? Either way, it was still a nice birthday. Mr. Flame may not have gone for the spectacular, but he had still made a point of decorating things quite well for her special day - humble banners and streamers hung along the walls, party hats had been lain out on each seat for each of her siblings, and he had even taken the time to get her a strawberry flavored cake - made by someone else, she assumed. Her new guardian was, by his own admission, only an acceptable cook.

With the candles on her cake now blown out, it was time for the best part of her birthday - opening the presents. The first one she unwrapped was from Konrad, and was a wooly coat, albeit one with a beautiful pattern on it. While it would be unnecessary at the moment, as the weather where she was now living was currently very mild, she had seen all the worlds her guardian had added to his domain, and knew that some had climates that would necessitate some form of warmth.

Her next gift, from May, was a set of rulers, protractors, and the like - things that would help her amply with her artistic hobbies. She smiled at the sight - all the new worlds she had laid eyes upon had provided stunning new visuals for her to capture, ones no one else likely even knew about. It was a shame that she was restricted to portraying those sights only with pencils. She hardly had any good painting tools to work with, and the paints she'd acquired were made out of fruit juice, hardly something you wanted to use for good pictures. Still, she could make do with what she had.

The rest of the gifts were a blur after that - mostly new clothes, a few new drawing pencils, and more paper. Soon, it came down to her final present, which had been made for her by her adoptive father. She knew this wasn't something hi-tech, for she had seen him working with hand tools in his room on what she assumed was her gift. The fact that he had regularly had to treat his hands and feet for small cuts an sores also gave credit to the idea that his gift was a hand-made one. She wasn't sure what he had made for her, nor what he could possibly have made for her, only that it involved wood. Whatever it was, though, it was rather big, and appeared to be stored in multiple boxes. Carefully, she opened the largest one to see what her new possession would be.

The minute she laid eyes on her gift, the world seemed to stop.

Before her was an easel, the one that great artists used to realize their visions. Packed right next to it were at lest ten canvases for her to work on, each unmarked by even the tiniest smudge of paint. An examination of the other containers revealed them to contain brushes and paints, and even the funny little wooden wheel-thing that people put paint on. All in all, a perfect set for her to start her artistic career with.

As she began to take in just what had been given to her, Bianka turned her attention back to her father, who merely smiled sheepishly. HE was forced to take a step back when she practically charged into him, embracing him in a hug.

This was perfect. It was just what she had wanted. And it was hand-made. It wasn't something he had just put a moment's thought into and forgotten, oh no. This was something he'd put blood, sweat, and tears into making, and it was fantastic.

It was good to have a dad like this. Even if he wasn't her birth father.


Across the desert plains, Mythuras stared out. Sensing movement, he dove into the sand.

A moment later, a Drengin soldier passed over him, followed by another, then another. Soon, an entire squad had passed over him, heading off deeper into the desert, oblivious to his presence.

One of the group was lagging behind, partly to make sure they weren't being tailed, partly due to being mildly delirious from the heat, partly because a small sandstorm was blowing through and had separated him from his comrades.


The minute the soldier passed over him, Mythuras worked himself out of the sand as swiftly as he could while still being quiet. Once he was free, he charged the straggler, grabbed his head and twisted. A loud snap filled the air before the Drengin fell over, lifeless.

His comrades couldn't even hear the sound of his neck break over the roar of the wind.


Carefully, Mythuras chased after them and picked the squad off one by one. Some he broke the necks of, others he slit the throats of. Soon, the only one left was the leader of the squad. Unfortunately, he had realized this and turned his gun to Mythuras.

No matter, it would not save him.

Abandoning stealth, Mythuras lunged at his opponent, knocking him the ground, sending his helmet flying away. Mythuras took a moment to savor his foes shock, before opening his mouth very wide. A moment later, and the sound of tearing flesh and broken bones filled the air.

Cleaning the metallic fluid off his lips, Mythuras advanced in the direction the patrol had been heading before their untimely demise. His travels lead him to a camp, albeit one eerily devoid of life. Well, Drengin life, any way - he could smell his scout-pack in the camp, which they had been ordered to claim as their own. A suddenly glint from a nearby tower caused him to dive into the sand, and not a moment too soon - a sniper bullet soon followed, missing him by inches. He responded by taking out his rifle symbiote and firing. A moment later, the sniper fell to the ground, a plasma hole burned straight through their heart.

After checking to be sure there were no more snipers, Mythuras joined his pack in the camp. Some of the lesser ones were busy burning the bodies of their slain foes, others were trying to regain communication with home base. Mythuras, sensing that he was not needed at the moment, went to go and fill his thirst, before his acute hearing alerted him to a faint whimpering nearby. He had a good idea what the source of it was. He took a moment to fill his canteen, before approaching the source of the wimpering. There, just as he suspected, was a group of various aliens, all adorned with collars and chains - slaves.

Mythruas stared at them for a moment, before offering them his canteen. For a moment, the aliens were unsure what to do, before one of them - a Drath if he remembered right - took a sip, then passed it on to another. Good - they were sharing.

Once the slaves had each had a drink from the canteen, Mythruas gestured for them to leave their hiding place, which they reluctantly complied with. A transport would soon arrive to pick the pack up, and then they could send the slaves back to their people.

As Mythruas headed toward the command post to search for intelligence, though, he noticed a peculiar sight - one of the pack's engineers was busy working on some kind of machine. It didn't look like one of theirs, or one of the Drengin's. It took him a moment to realize that it was a Progenitor tech derived machine - a scout, based on the amount of sensors it had. It appeared his pack-mate was attempting to doctor the scout's memory.

Good. Very good.

There was only one being in this galaxy who had access to Progenitor technology, and they did not want to meet him.

Not yet. That would only happen when there mistress commanded it.


AN: Read and Review! This is Flameal15k, signing off!
113. The Next Artifact
Bianka's birthday was a nice day, but all good things must come to an end, and once it was over, I was back to work dealing with the problems of the Gal Civ universe.

So far, that was proving to be less difficult then imagined - I was having great success with dealing with the Drengin, my markets were finally starting to give the Korx noticeable competition, and I'd managed to take a world from the Dread Lords. Resistance was dealt with, harshly, but those who surrendered were treated well. On any worlds that I took from the Drengin, I made a point of releasing the slaves, as well as recommending psychiatric help for them and offering schooling. If I freed them but provided them with no aid in finding decent employment and breaking them out of the slave mindset, they were very likely to go back to be salves, or worse. George R. R. Martin taught me that well enough in his books.

Eventually, though, I turned my attention back to my recurring sense of annoyance/interest on my journey - the artifacts. I had little doubt that their would be at least one in this universe, if not more. If I wished to learn more about the artifacts and the weird biological/biomechanical/robotic enemies they depicted, then it would be prudent to find as many as them as possible. It would be preferable to find all of them before I actually met whatever they were depicting, though ultimately, that didn't happen.

I sent out my scouts to search for more signals resembling the ones I had already encountered. I made a point of avoiding the systems where the aliens with Arnor biotech were, though - while the reports that I got back still reported that they were nothing out of the ordinary in this universe, part of me wasn't so sure about that anymore. The fact that all of the images showing those aliens was always a little fuzzy was starting to set off warning bells in my mind. Hopefully, it turned out to be nothing to worry about (it didn't). Just in case, though, I started preparing bigger ships for future confrontations, so that if I had to fight these aliens, I wouldn't be caught with my pants down.

But enough about the aliens, back to artifact hunting.


It took a while, but eventually, my scouts located a signal similar to the ones the previous artifacts had emitted. The good news was that the system was not formally owned by any empire, meaning that I could claim it as my own. The bad news was that, unofficially, the Drengin had a research station in the area, and apparently, that was where the artifact signal was coming from. Great, I might have to deal with another incident like I did in the Civilization Universe. I really did not want Melissa bailing me out again like last time (for the record, she didn't). Guess I'd need to work on more organic warriors.

Cautiously, I loaded up a transport, modified it with optical and sensor impairing camouflage, and set a course for the research station. Trying to destroy it outright could destroy the artifact, so best to try and take the station. First, though, I hacked its network with my ludicrously long range sensors and disabled all self-destruct features, ensuring that the Drengin couldn't scuttle it to deny me a victory. Unfortunately, this seemed to provoke a response in the facility, and in the artifact. The minute I hacked into the facility, the alarms automatically went off, and as soon as I shut down the self-destruct mechanisms, my ship lost its camouflage. Oh, and the Drengin immediately launched a transport of their own to evacuate the scientists, which quickly jumped out of system. Oh well.

It seemed that the artifact brome through any forms of stealth I could derive and could detect signals from Progenitor derived technology. Could it do anything else?

The answer, as it turned out, was no, it couldn't. All it did was get rid of my stealth and alert the Drengin to my hacking attempt. During the battle between my fighter drones and the Drengin's fighters, and the subsequent boarding action that followed, it did nothing else to impair my forces. Aside from being unable to do the artifact recovery successfully, the missin was a complete success with no unexpected setbacks.

Great, this was gonna backfire on me in the future, wasn't it?


Once the artifact was safely behind my borders, I scanned it with my Spore scanner, bracing myself for another vision. That vision never came. What I did get, though, was a schematic of some sort, which included this artifact, as well as two other, similar ones. I assumed these three needed to be used to assemble the device I had been shown in order for the vision to occur.

Well, one down, two to go.



This is Flameal15k, signing off!
114. A Rival Emerges
While I continued my search for the artifacts, I was eventually forced to turn my attention back to the bio-tech aliens. At first, I had decided to just ignore them, but they were expanding at such a rate that they were rapidly enclosing on my territories, and somehow, they wlthey had a large enough number of civilians to quickly colonize every world they took. These facts alone were enough to start worrying me, but I was still willing to give them some distance, if only because I did not want to come into conflict with them.

Needless to say, that failed.

Approximately two weeks after I obtained my first Artifact from this universe, one of the new aliens' ships showed up in one of the systems I'd marked for colonizing. Already, I'd deployed fabbers in orbit and on the world's surface to begin setting up shop. I was just startibeg to move my forces in to drive them off when the ship promptly opened fire on my fabbers and managed, much to my surprise, to destroy them with ease. It then deployed squid like drones to the planet's surface, which promptly began destroying my planetary fabbers. Once they had completed their mission, they self destructed into a mess of body parts and body fluids, while the ship promptly bailed out of the system.

Seriously? What the hell was that? What had I done to them? what was their - why am I getting a new alert?


I lost control of six systems because of these unknown aliens, and to add insult to injury, by the time. I'd pulled in new fabbers to replace the ones that had been destroyed, those aliens had set up colonies on the very planets they'd taken from me. They also made a point of regularly harassing my patrols, but strangely, whenever they came upon one of the system's my creation's had settled, they just left.

Alright, time for payback.

I quickly made a few fleets, loaded them up with Tripp's, then sent them toward systems the aliens had just conquered and waited for them to reach their destinations. Once they arrived, I scanned those systems for life signs matching those of the aliens, trying to see if there were any civilians in this system. They had the courtesy to avoid attacking any inhabited systems that belonged to me, so I would show them that same courtesy.

On the ones that weren't inhabited, I sent my forces out to begin evicting my neighbors from the premises. Construction units were obliterated, as were strange organic factories that built them. I even took direct control of a Dragoon Hovertabk just so that I could personally smoke some of the beasts. Idly, I noted that these forces seemed to have a similar composition to my own, albeit organic rather than biological. Fabbers for land, sea, air, infantry (equivalent to robot), and orbital were all present, as were factories. There were even organic variations of extractors and power generators.

.....Oh hell, did Melissa send in another Commander to mess with me? One that had some kind of organic techbase?

Well, there was only one way to find out.


Careful examination of the galactic news networks confirmed that these aliens did have a name for their civilization: the Empyrean Illuminate. Supposedly, they were a coalition of species that evolved on a single world, who had ultimately united to expand beyond their homeworld. Supposedly, their advanced biotechnology was the result of reverse engineering Armor artifacts on their homeworld. A load of crap, if you asked me.

For all there advanced tech, though, these aliens still had one weakness - their cyber security wasn't too much better than the standard for this universe, so it wasn't too hard to hack into their computing network. Now I was doubting they were a type of commander - didn't we all have advanced cyber warfare suites? Anyway, once I was in their network, I spent some time sitting through their huge internet equivalent (which wasn't really that different from the one at home. Ugh, no water what species they were, peole still had dirty minds) for juicy bits of information. Names of important officials, weapons tech, the like - wait, is that email address equivalent of their leader? Apparently said leader was called the high sovereign, which was the only thing known about them - not even their gender was public knowledge.

Perhaps I could use this to settle things peacefully? And give them an epic verbal dressing down.

I quickly sent a message to the High Sovereign, asking them if I could arrange a meeting with them to talk about their recent transgressions with my forces. Once the initial surprise of me contacting them wore off, they agreed to speak with me, thoug they requested it be done at a system unaffiliated with either of us. I acquiesced with those terms, though I did inform them that I would be calling in a fleet of my own as security for the meeting. I was unsurprised that they demanded they also wanted a fleet of their own on standby in case things went wrong. I'd have been surprised if they didn't ask for a fleet in order to protect their leader.

I was about to leave them to be when I realized that ourbplanned meeting wasn't exactly going to be a secret. We were moving in entire fleets to keep us safe at our negotiations, and people would notice that. Inevitably, people were going to ask questions about what was going on, and that could be problematic in the future. So, after asking the Sovereign if they'd be okay with it, I contacted the heads of state of the Terrans and their allies and informed them of exactly what we were planning to do at that planet, and pleaded them to limit the amount of news coverage for the event. I honestly didn't expect them to stop all news coverage of the event (and frankly I didn't want that anyway), I just didn't want reporters to muck things up for the two of us.

With that settled, I readied for the coming meeting. It would happen one week from today, and hopefully, it would go peacefully.


As all of you can probably guess, it didn't go peacefully. How it actually proceeded, though, really wasn't something I expected.


AN: Read and Review! This is Flameal15k, signing off!
115. Oppoisition Revealed
So came the day for the meeting between myself and the Sovereign of the Empyrean Illuminate. The Chosen was Iakesh 5, fifth planet in the Iakesh system, for those who cared to know. I arrived in my newly christened Flagship, the Extinction. This was the largest ship I had yet built, and was loaded to the gills with weapons and armor so that, when push came to shove, all who stood in my way would fall. I'd loaded up a small army of machines onto the ship, and several crap-tons of fabbers, just in case the peace summit went south. Of course, nobody needed to know how much firepower I was packing - best to let them assume the fleet I brought with me was all I was using, lest the grow terrified of ne and attempt to take drastic measures to stop me.

As soon as I was in the system, I secretly used exited my vessel aboard a stealthed shuttled and descended toward the planet's surface. I did not want to deal with the crowds just yet. Once I was planet-side, I simply found the building that we had chosen to be our meeting point and waited.

And waited.

And waited.

Okay, maybe it was a mistake arriving five hours early.

Oh well, might as well sight see.


Supposedly, Iakesh V was famous for it's beautiful architecture, and it did not disappoint at all in that regard. It's skyline was punctuated with the peaks of tall skyscrapers, with a constant influx of air-cars, flying bikes, and hover buses passing through the area. Beyond that was a beautiful purple skyline, devoid of pollution, which lead to the clouds being colored varying shades of red, yellow, pink and green. Strange flying creatures occasionally passed through the city, deftly maneuvering through it as if it was there home. On the streets below the spectacular horizon, people went about their daily lives, working, buying, selling, and living. Kids played games new and only, as well as various different sports. I briefly found myself roped into a game of basketball, which I managed to not fail at. Eventually, with an hour left before the meeting was to commence, I sat down on a bench at a park not too far from the meeting building, and took a moment to, quite literally, sit back and smell the roses.

"Enjoying the view?"

Opening my eyes and tilting my head to the right, I found myself staring at a figure in white, who had walked up to the bench and taken a seat next to me. Their attire, simple robes with a hood, prevented me from seeing any part of their body. That was an odd, and somewhat unnerving, choice of dress. Best be careful with what I say next.

"Indeed I am. Why do you ask?"

"No particular reason," was their response. "Though, I must admit, it is a good view. Nice one to look at when you want to relax."

"True. Very true."

We sat in silence for a few minutes. A ball rolled up to us, lost by some kids while they were playing a game of volleyball. The figure in white picked it up and threw it back to the approaching kids, who quickly resumed their game.

"So," my companion finally said, "do you like this place?"

"This world? Well, I suppose it is nice-"

"Not this world, you small minded man. I mean this universe."


"Do you find your efforts to help the natives against their enemies to be worthwhile? Are your actions here fulfilling?"

"I'm not sure what you are talking about-"

That was as far as I got before the being sighed, stood up, and lifted their hood off their head.

The minute I saw their face, I froze.

Standing before me was Melissa, who was giving me a Cheshire cat grin. I suppose I looked like an idiot at that moment, so it wasn't surprising that she was staring at me like that.

"Hello, my amusing pawn. How have you been?"


"Are you wondering why I am here?"

Too stunned for words, I just shook my head.

Her response was to make a face indicating mock exasperation. "Why, I am offended. You invited me here, and now you have the gall to look surprised?"

What? I invited her? "What do you mean by that?"

Her response was to take out some medallion and hand it too me. "Examine this medallion, then check the internet equivalent of the Emyprean Illuminate for information regarding it. I think that will answer your question."

Though I was still somewhat wary of my ROB, she hadn't been deceitful to me in the past, so I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. Doing as she said, I examined the medallion, then accessed every database the Illuminate had and searched for something similar. Eventually, I got a match.

Said match was not one I had been expecting.

Apparently, the medallion was a symbol of office for the Sovereign of the Illuminate. Which meant that.....

"So, do you want to begin the meeting now?"

"....Don't you want to have it in a more formal setting?"

"We're just going to talk, we can do that anywhere. It's not like we'd be doing something indecent."

".....fair enough. Though, in all honesty, if you are the leader of the Illuminate, I don't think I have any need for negotiation."

"And why's that?"

"The most likely reason the Illuminate attacked my forces was because you ordered them to do so, and you proabsbly did that for your own amusement."

"Right on the money."

"As expected. As for why I don't believe in negotiating with you, trying to negotiate with you is pointless. You'll do whatever you want to me, whether or not I approve of it. I have no reason to assume you have an ill intent toward me, but my point still stands."

"Gee, how long did it take you to figure that out, genius?"

"Snarky, aren't we?"

"Guilty as charged. My earlier question still stands, though."

"I know, and to answer, well......yes, I guess I am enjoying it."

"What specifically, do you enjoy the most? Crushing your enemies, outsmarting them, letting them watch everything they've built go up in smoke?"

"No, actually. While those are things that make me feel good, those aren't the things I've enjoyed the most in this universe."

"Then what, pray tell, are those things?"

"Well, the first one would be getting to actually lead my creations as an actual leader, and not someone who just gives orders."

"...well, that is a first. Continue."

"The second thing I've enjoyed about this universe is taking the chance to try and help people beyond just fighting off their foes and advancing their tech. I've opened up markets for goods that I can sell, offered humanitarian aid free of charge to those in need, and worked to erode one of the more malevolent amraces in this setting with as little bloodshed as possible. So far, it is working out."

"Interesting. Anything else?"

"Yeah, one last thing."

"And that is?"

"Well, I got to celebrate Bianka's birthday."

Melissa actually went a little stiff when I said that, though she soon recovered. "Oh, and what did you make for her? I pair of diamond earring? Perhaps you got her a pet?"

"Actually, she's interested in pairing, so I made her an easel, some brushes and some canvas, and acquired some paint for her."

"Did you just use your bio-tech to grow the brushes and easel out of wood while minimizing the waste?"

"No. I carved all of it by hand."

That statement almost made her fall over in shock. "'re serious? You have some of the most advanced technology in existence, including instant fabrication, and you made a gift for your adoptive hand?"

"Well, of course. I want it to be meaningful. And something that you made by ordering a machine to build it isn't the same as something you put your blood, sweat, and tears into and made by it?"

", I suppose you're right."

Melissa seemed to be unhappy to admit that. Maybe she thought differently? Or was there some other reason? Perhaps she didn't have good birthdays? Either of those weren't things I felt appropriate asking right now.

"So," I began, "to change the subject, may I ask why you've been taking territory for the Drengin? I'd have thought you'd help them, since they are one of my principle enemies in this universe."

"I was thinking about that, but ultimately, I decided against it, for two reasons."

"And those would be?"

"One: nobody likes them, so it would be easy to take territory from them without attracting suspicion."


"And two:......I abhor slavery."


"You, who have called me, and I quote, 'my slave', oppose slavery?"

"Yes. And before you use what I've said against me, you are more like a pet cat to me - I own you, but otherwise I have no control over you. You do what you want and all I can do is watch."

"....You're not watching right now."

"Fair enough, but still, you can belittle me without consequence. A slave cannot do either."

"....alright, you do have a point."

"I do enjoy hearing you say that."

She looked like she was about to say something else, but my stomach chose that moment to rumble loudly, provoking a blush from me and an amused smile from my ROB.

"How cute. Are you hungry? Would you like a sandwich?"

"Eh, sure."

Still smiling, Melissa got up and walked toward a nearby stand selling sandwiches. As she approached, though, she noticed someone sitting on a nearby picnic table, all ragged and dirty. He also seemed to be quite thin, from what little amount of his skin I could see.

Melissa stared in for a moment, before continuing on her way and ordering something from the stand, presumably two sandwiches - one for me and one for her. Much to my surprise, though, after she payed for the food, the salesman gave her three sandwiches, one of which she offered to the man on the picnic table, who quickly thanked her before digging in.

Returning to her seat, Melissa handed me my sandwich, which contained the meat of a local bird, a funny smelling cheese, and lettuce. It tasted delicious. Next to me, I watched my ROB tear into her sandwich, and noted, amused, that apparently, she was a messy eater when she wasn't acting formal.

"So," she said, finishing her meal, "have you found anymore artifacts in this universe?"

"One so far, and what data I received from scanning it implied I have two more left to locate."

"I see. So, how are you dealing with the Dread Lords?"

"I'm doing well against them. They are tough, but they will, inevitably, fall."

"Good to hear. You are so interesting when you are doing well."

I was about to reply when I received a notice from one of my ships that a Drengin vessel had just entered the system and was approaching Iakesh V. More appeared to be on the way.

"Um, Earth to Flame, you just spaced out."

"Sorry, but it appears trouble is coming. A Drengin vessel was just spotted heading toward this planet. I think they might want payback against me."

"They could just as easily be after me," was her response. "I have caused them a fair amount of trouble, after all."

"Maybe they want to take two birds down with one stone?"

"Perhaps. So, are you going to fight?"

"I've already got forces landing on planet and setting up forward bases. Time to smoke these fools."

"Do you mind if I intervene as well? I have no love for them, and I would like to watch them fear me."

"Does this make us allies of convenience, then?"

"Only for this one battle. No more, no less."

"I see."

I received a notification that my first landing group had arrived and was setting up shop just as warning alarms began to sound throughout the city. With the enemy on the way, I teleported in my robotic guards and prepared to seek shelter. Preferably somewhere the Drengin weren't interested in blowing up.

"Show off," remarked Melissa, who promptly proved herself a hypocrite by teleporting her own guards to her side. "And besides, couldn't you just teleport yourself off planet?"

Just as she said this, I received an alert that a Drengin transport ship had just arrived at Iakesh and was sending troops down to the surface.

"Fair enough."

I quickly activated the teleporter aboard my ship and

"Error," remarked the female voice of the AI that assisted commanders in the Planetary Annihilation, "Teleporter deactivated."


"Commander net is now down. Rebooting......error: Commander net. Hard reboot error - Commander net operating at minimal efficiency. Command radius limited to sphere of 10 kilometer radius."

......THE FUCK?! But how could they....

Quickly, I had the only scanning systems in range search for a signal like the one I'd detected from the artifacts. Sure enough, I found one.

One that happened to be coming right from the Drengin troop transport.

Oh hell.

"Um, weren't you going to leave?"

"I can't - one of the artifacts just showed up. And the Drengin have it."

".....seriously. Why do they have to have it NOW of all times?"

"I have no clue, but I've lost control of most of my units."

"Then for your own safety, keep your head down and follow me."

"Just like last time?"

"So it seems. I hope this doesn't become a habit."


AN: Read and Review! This is Flameal15k, signing off!
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Hmm yup. Still don't like your ROB.
And your particular corner of the multiverse, lots of meddling ROBs.

Also, where's the damn time travelling humans? Where's that race that the time-shenanigans-humans made to stop themselves in the past? Shouldn't they be targeting you 'cause you know, time-travel and they should know your threat-level by now.